GOOD MAN GRACE ✘ Meeting [12/1]

"Let all cats old enough to swim, join beneath the river rock for a clan meeting." His voice is more subdued today, though he speaks with far more confidence than his previous calls for attention, it was getting easier and he wasn't sure how to feel about it. It was not something he'd ever wanted to get used to or even have, but it was a fate accepted by now. He'd get over it.

"Leafbare has arrived, the river may begin to freeze over so we should take advantage of it while we can. Last time we were flooded by it due to the ice choking it into our camp, we were forced to move to the Beech Copse as a result. I hope this does not happen again but patrols along the river keep your eyes opened for any indication it might. We will make the move before we are flooded, a patrol will go out to work on making the copse livable and repairing the old makeshift dens there just in case."
He dreaded the idea of it, wished desperately the water would be merciful and remain in its nest this year, but the river was an unruly thing you could not control. They did not force the river into obedience, they merely adapted around it - such was their way.
"That being said...we…will not be retaliating against WindClan for the time being. There is much to be done already." The clan was surely going to protest and he understood why and even agreed, but at the end of the day Ravensong's remark that their blood spilled would be on his paws lingered like an open wound. He would not risk them so close to leafbare, he would not let the moors take more than what they already had. Let them have the one life of his he'd lost, let them savor it for it would be their only victory over RiverClan going forward; like a mongrel chewing a bone, he hoped they choked on it.
"I want their border watched, I want any paw that steps out of line torn off. WindClanners are to be given no leniency, no mercy. They will not be forgiven, we will defend our territory vehemently - we will put them in their place."
He'd not even chided Nightfish or Rookfang for the incident at the gathering, he didn't care to - it was an act he would simply pretend he'd not seen. His approval was a quiet quiver of whiskers and glance to the side.

"Our remaining kits are being apprenticed…" Until Hazecloud had her litter they would see no more and even then he finds the worry that plagued him when Willowroot had her kits in leafbare rise back up like an itch in his throat - if they survived they would be the first apprentices of greenleaf. If they survived. "...but before that, Ravensong has news for us."
A sign from the stars themselves, a warm reminder they were not forgotten nor rejected as the moorland cats were quite clearly; an assurance they were still following the guidance of their ancestors and they approved. "Give him your ears."
A black tail twitches, flicks into a curl toward the medicine cat to allow him his moment to speak.

  • — Please try not to double post before Ravensong is able to!

    Activity Shoutouts for NOVEMBER:
    @lichentail & @RAVENSONG & @Moonpaw & @Petalnose & @Snakeblink & @bitekit - - & @bubblepaw & @Bumblepaw & @BEEPAW. & @CICADAPAW & @carawaypaw & @Nettlepaw- & @FERNGILL & @Mosspool & @hazecloud & @willowroot & @PIKESPLASH & @ROOKFANG

    Thank you for the continued amazing activity ya'll <3 We are so close to hitting 10k it's a little scary lmao, but here's hoping this winter will be the push to get us there! The HP team will be dropping a prompt event shortly that we hope ya'll will enjoy too and remember that I'm still always on the lookout for new leads and the criteria is consistent IC (our quota is 15 posts a month) & OOC activity (a friendly and active discord presence is a must!) as well as the cat making some degree of in-character sense!

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.


The last time the cold had come, Dipperpaw had been young. Too young to remember much about the way the river froze over, the way it had driven them from their camp and into a temporary one. Would RiverClan ever be able to spend a full turn of the season without being displaced? Her claws curl into the ground beneath them, discomforted by the thought that the river, which her clan coveted so highly, could turn on them in an instant if it wished to. But hadn't she always known this? It is what she has been taught from a young age. The river was a wild thing, unpredictable, a force of nature. It was not her friend and it must be treated for what it is. It must be treated with respect and caution. Still, such a thing brings her little comfort.

Another thing that discomforts her is the feeling she gets right now. She should be standing up now. She should be waiting for her warrior name to be announced, for Smokestar to welcome her as a new and fresh warrior of her clan. But she was deemed not ready yet and oh she could lament for hours about the unfairness of it. She wants to cry, she wants to scream but she must accept her fate with gritted teeth, must wait until next moon when she can try again. The idea of it makes her feel so bitter, as does the idea that WindClan could commit such atrocious acts and StarClan still would not finish the job they had started and just strike them down. She prays that if lightning does ever split the sky again that it does not miss its mark.

Her attention turns then, at Smokestar's request, to Ravensong, curiosity drawing her gaze to the shadowed medicine cat. Rare was it for the healers of the clan to have something to announce, but she is almost positive she can guess what it is. RiverClan did not have a medicine cat apprentice, after all. .



He listens with sightless eyes distant, settled upon Smokestar as if to pierce through the flesh and into the soul. Ears pricked, tufts tickled by the wind, as the chill of the surrounding air creeps into the apprentice's thick coat of creamy fur. He hears of leaf-bare, of ice creeping across the rushing river, of flooding and temporary camps. A flicker of alarm crosses the boy's stoic face, before his expression returns to stone. He can only hope they didn't end up flooded out of their own home by frosty waters. Hasn't RiverClan been through enough?

Hearing about WindClan makes his blood boil despite the cold. There would be no retaliation, and while Nettlepaw understood why, he still couldn't help the sour taste that settles across his tongue. Sootstar probably thought she could get away with anything. WindClan would think RiverClan was weak. Border patrols would be increased around the gorge and the twoleg bridge, so at least if WindClan dared to try anything, they wouldn't get very far. Whiskers twitch in thought as the meeting carried on. There would be new apprentices in the den soon enough, and Nettlepaw wonders how crowded it will be. Before the kits are called forward, however, Smokestar makes clear that their medicine cat had something important to say. Oh? Curious, Nettlepaw awaits Ravensong's voice.
Robinpaw silently takes a seat and places her gentle gaze upon Smokestar as he speaks. Her ears flick in admiration at how his tone seems much more at ease this time around - she is glad that he is beginning to settle in as leader, even if his start had been quite tumultuous. Leafbare is upon them and he explains how the river could flood camp once more, as it had done the previous leafbare. Robinpaw had not experienced such, as she was no more than a speck in the vast universe this time last year. She does recall the Beech Copse though; it had been a temporary home to her and her siblings at the time of their birth and she hadn't known RiverClan's territory until kithood when the camp was finally cleared of the standing water. Hopefully the camp would not flood again this leafbare, but if it did, she was certain everyone would keep each other safe and sound.

Smokestar continues to speak, touching on the subject of WindClan. Robinpaw is grateful that they will not be retaliating at this time - truth be told the rogue invasion still sits heavy on her mind and she is certain RiverClan warriors and apprentices still feel the sting of wounds sustained when they took back camp. It would be advantageous to focus on the health and well-being of their own before striking against a selfish clan, especially if not everyone were at full strength. Plus it would give Willowroot more time to train Robinpaw and prepare her for a potential future battle against the moorlanders.

Then the attention of all is turned over to Ravensong, to which Robinpaw obediently seeks out the ebony medicine cat to see what he has to announce. She can guess what it will be, given his position as sole medicine cat, so excitement begins to well up in her chest at the prospect of witnessing a StarClan blessed member rising the ranks.

FIGHT SO DIRTY BUT YOU LOVE SO SWEET — She slips into the crowd before pressing into the familiar pelt of @Moonpaw offering the molly a small smile before diverting her attention to Smokestar and her ears pricked forward to listen attentively to what her father had to say. They wouldn't be retaliating against Windclan which is both a relief and disappointment to Beepaw but she can understand that they had to take advantage of the river not being completely frozen over to catch as much prey as they could so they'd ensure the survival of everyone within Riverclan. A part of her wishes that she could lure those mangy, rogue-like Windclanners to the frozen river so they could sink into their cold, murky graves but she pushes those sides aside listening carefully to how any trespassing moor rat would not be treated kindly. No mercy and putting them in their place this is enough to satisfy her and she blinks at the announcement that the last kittens lingering in the nursery would be apprenticed which was good considering that meant more paws to help around Riverclan. She couldn't imagine someone being mousebrained enough to bring kittens into leafbare which was the harshest, frigid, and most unforgiving season. It makes her glad that she had been born before then and she would step into leafbare as a six moon old apprentice soon, her whiskers twitch briefly.

An eyebrow raises when Smokestar says to lend their ears to Ravensong and Beepaw blinks her bicolored eyes as they turn in the direction of the coal colored tom knowing that it was likely an announcement about potentially taking an apprentice. It had been several moons that he had not taken an apprentice and she's glad that he'll finally have someone to lend him a paw, she remembers how ill he had been during the yellowcough outbreak and tries not to think about what would have become of Riverclan had they been left without a healer.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ 5 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ sexuality unknown/too young
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ currently being mentored by smokestar
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ peaceful powerplay allowed
A meeting is called. She does not think she will ever get used to seeing Smokestar standing where Cicadastar once stood, a stark contrast to their former mottled leader. Seeing Smokestar, though, standing proud, his voice much clearer, she does not hold any judgement for the new leader (not that she ever did, she thinks). He served as a strong deputy and she expects nothing less than a better reign from him. Much more level-headed, maybe... She dares not to think about this in fear that Cicadastars ghost still lingers, haunts the camp. His death certainly feels like it does...

He mentions leaf-bare and her stomach does flips, her heart twists and turns in its cage. She remembers the move to the beech copse, something she dreads doing once more. He calls for patrols to keep their eyes open, something that should make her feel a little safer... We won't be safe until leaf-bare is over, she concludes, eyes fluttering shut. He does not want retaliation against Windclan, either, which Salmonshade assumes is the safer choice... They cannot afford to lose good hunters in the face of a potential snowy, starving death. He does, however, practically give them the go ahead if Windclan makes the tiniest mistake of stepping over the border. Good news, vengeance for Smokestar, vengeance for their home.

She waits with bated breath for him to continue but he announces Ravensong himself has an announcement. She finds herself a bit curious to find what it would be. It is not a common practice for Ravensong to speak at meetings and even then she finds herself a little cautious. What would it be, this time? Like the others, the brief thought of an apprentice flashes through her thoughts but her mind delves to a darker place; another outbreak... No herbs, what could it be? She searches his face for any change of emotion.

  • salmonfunny.png
    -> salmon ,, salmonshade
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 32 months
    -> warrior of riverclan ,, former marsh grouper
    -> fluffy & dainty chocolate tortie smoke with white, blue eyes
    -> "speech, ff91a4" ,, thoughts
    -> lesbian ,, single
    -> smells like warm flowers & freshly cut grass
    -> chibi by pin
At the call to gather Moonpaw found herself quickly doing so, eyes seeking out the familiar pelt of her friend before she was pressed into and a small smile jumped to her features as she looked towards Beepaw, a small friendly shove sent her way before attention was given to Smokestar. The news of leafbare arriving caused the girl's fur to prickle excitement mixed with awe and fear, they needed to use the rivers as much as possible before they froze over and she couldn't help but nod slightly when the charcoal-colored leader mentioned that there would be a patrol sent out to prepare the copse just in case. She didn't want things to go to that - she didn't enjoy sleeping anywhere but in camp to be honest - but she was glad that Smokestar was deciding to get ahead of it, a backup plan never hurt after all.

They would not be retaliating against WindClan at the moment and Moonpaw was not sure exactly how she felt about that. Something needed to happen with them trying to take a place that belonged to all the clans for themselves, but Moonpaw had never excelled at fighting and with leafbare here now there would be less to eat, less to find. So it was likely for the best that they not fight now, but what did it mean for the medicine cats or for new leaders if something were to happen to the leaders of the other clans? Thoughts melted away as the tom continued and she found herself looking towards Ravensong as Smokestar mentioned his name, that he had something to say. She couldn't remember a single time he had announced something at a meeting, so her interest was piqued.

  • MOONPAW formerly Ratpaw || NPC x NPC || brother to Rowanpaw || apprentice to Salmonshade.
    -- She/Her || 7 moons old, ages every 17th
    -- smaller than average, small rounded ears. SH white masking cinnamon torbie with orange eyes.
    -- soft-spoken, often found humming, tries to comfort others by smiling
Smokestar's call for a meeting brings the tom trotting over, eager to hear what the new leader has to say. He settles gingerly into a sitting position, careful on his sore hip, and tries to make a good show of listening carefully—eyes locked firmly on the leader, paws kneading at the ground gently. Of course the first announcement is about the changing of the seasons; last winter was horrible. It's a wonder the clan survived it, looking back.

The idea of not retaliating against WindClan frustrates him—it's just like the last time a WindClanner murdered one of their own and Cicadastar hesitated to strike back. It's tiring. They shouldn't have to live in fear of the rabbit-eaters and their mad queen picking them off one by one. They shouldn't have to worry that they could lose another of their own at any time. WindClan had proven to be nothing but a threat; why haven't the clans all banded together to drive them out yet?

Still, Clay remains silent as he listens to the rest of Smokestar's announcements. The tom is right; their moorland neighbors will be the least of their worries when their own territory eventually turns on them this year. The order to show no lenience to WindClan trespassers is a comfort, though. They will not walk all over RiverClan as they have before.

Clayfur shifts to look at Ravensong as the leader says that he has an announcement of his own, and hazel eyes light with excitement. Will Ravensong be taking an apprentice? It seems like only yesterday that Ravensong became RiverClan's healer, but he's growing up fast. The tom says nothing as he sits back and awaits the healer's words.
Ravensong had been on board with sheathing claws against WindClan transgressions, not quite from a pacifist direction, but certainly one that came from practicality and logic. Wintering was tough for all Clans. Cats would die, and he would not want them to die over the Moonstone. He kept his hidden thoughts to himself, and was not surprised to feel guilt writhe at his belly when Smokestar accepted his advice to leave the Moonstone alone. He wondered what the other medicine cats would think of it, especially those who were much more religious than he.

Then eyes and ears are on Ravensong and he lets a beat of silence pass. There is no anxiety over speaking to such a crowd, and he knows that his choice has been made for him. His eyes drift out across the sea of cats, spotting a familiar white pelt and he thinks back to his own apprenticeship, where he had conversed with Beesong prior before speaking to his mentor. He remembered the fuss that had spilled over his appointment, and he did not want the same to happen now. So, his words would be a shock to many, and Ravensong was a cat of few words anyway.

"Last night I walked to where the river meets our camp. I saw the moon reflected in the dark waves. It was brighter than I had ever seen before in a reflection so I looked closer. And all at once, it dissipated and dissolved into cobweb-like petals, spreading across the river that guards our home." Ravensong inhaled and exhaled slowly, his breath wheezing and rasping.

"I have interpreted it to be StarClan's message for me to take Moonpaw as my apprentice, should she accept." He glances at Salmonshade and he waits, a play of emotions already taking stage in his mind.

  • IMG_0250.png
    RAVENSONG of RIVERCLAN LH BLACK POLYDACTYL MALE (CARRYING CINNAMON, DILUTE) a tall, slender creature with pitch-black feathery fur, large ears, and a sharply angled skull held up in an aloof manner. smells of dried herb, speaks with a low and rumbly accent and walks with an elegant slinking gait.

    born in twolegplace and orphaned at a young age, he joined riverclan at its inception and began training as a drypaw warrior known for a bitter temperment until beesong made him his medicine cat apprentice. after his mentor's untimely death, he had been named ravensong at the moonstone, young heart revitalized with anger and guilt. he is a somber and thorough medicine cat that guards every word spoken in the confines of his den.

    secretly loves "the stars but not so much what inhabits them"
    openly suffers from chronic migraines
    single, but "it's complicated"
  • Crying
Reactions: salmonshade
⋆ ✧ · ⋆ ✧ · ✧ ⋆ · ✧ ⋆

It is irritating... to have to admit that the winter is what prevents them from teaching WindClan a lesson. She had voiced that hesitation herself, of course, but it didn't change that the reality was infuriating. They deserved to be raided in their camp in the dead of night, the same way RiverClan had been when ousted from their camp a year prior. Deserved to watch their loved ones bleed on the ground, to bury a friend away from home as they had with Clearsight. Her tight-lipped frown from where she sits underneath Smokestar is matched by the lead warriors...

He moves on to explain that there are ceremonies to preform but Ravensong has a piece to speak first. Her ears flick, glancing towards her leader with a silent question. Just what exactly is this announcement? He was not so petty as to have their medicine cat humiliate her by declaring loudly that she and Hazecloud were expecting a litter... Right? The anxious thought is shoved aside, stamped out quickly as the feather-furred prophet starts speaking.

He speaks of a sign... another from StarClan after their last had been life saving (even if the journey had taken too long to save some of them... even if Steepsnout and Cicadastar rested in territory that wasn't their own..) and she can't help but wonder if this is another message of impending doom. Instead... he names Moonpaw. And not just for fun, but to stake his claim as her to-be mentor.

Her heart aches for Salmonshade... pale eyes search for her in the crowd. She'd been so nervous about being perfect enough for Moonpaw... so protective from the very start. Even if this was a noble sacrifice, it didn't change how many days had been spent training her. Just to change her path so suddenly. Hopefully she would not take StarClan's fickle will to be a personal attack.

While Feathergaze was not happy with WindClan at all, she silently agreed with Smokestar. Now was not the time for a retaliation. Is there any time, the gentle molly pondered. They'd taken one of his lives, it only made sense to want payback. But since when has revenge ever done any good? She whisked her tail back and forth, scuffing her paws in a vane attempted to calm her skittering heartbeat. I hope leafbare treats us well. On the worst days the river would freeze up entirely. Though this was her second leafbare, Feathergaze had been too young to remember most of the first, too young to know her heart belonged to the water. What will I do without you?

When Ravensong stepped forward, the young warrior averted her gaze, ears flicking back and forth. The clan's medicine cat; what an honour he held. Feathergaze had dreamed of herbs and cobwebs ever since as a child she'd come to know that some cats went through life healing, not hurting. She'd longed for that life, to this day she longed for it. But it had never come to be. Now, as Ravensong declared his new chosen apprentice, she winced visibly. It could've been me. But there had been no visions, no signs. She'd followed through the path to warriorhood, and she was far too late to turn back. Inwardly she glared at herself, staring down the green streaks that wound around her heart. You're being awful. What's done is done. For all you know, had you been chosen, you would've ended up dead just like Beesong. A vision of her late grandmother, Icebloom, swam into view of her mind's eye. Would that really be so bad?

With a mental slap to her nose, Feathergaze shook her head. She let the muscles in her face drop, then forced them into a positive expression. She held that look until she felt a sapling of real warmth for Moonoaw's victory. She mentally pounced upon it, nurturing that joy and pride until it blossomed. A smile broke out on her face, as glowing and true as the dawn of each day.
"Congratulations, Moonpaw," she purred, though unsure if the youth could hear her, wherever she was. It did not cross her mind that perhaps Moonpaw would refuse the apprenticeship. Who in their right mind would after being called directly by StarClan? She deserves this, she thought. I'm really happy for you, Moonpaw.
Last edited:

A meeting summoned drew the rounding molly from the nursery. Hazecloud took the moment to stretch the aching sleep from her limbs, finding her body becoming more fatigued far easier than she originally expected. It made far more sense now just why queens were held in camp so long before their kittens would arrive. Beyond the fact that there was a possibility to delivery outside the safety of the nursery, but she couldn't fathom pulling a full patrol in this state.

Hazecloud made her place beside Feathergaze as Lichentail would have to now take Smokestar's former position underneath the leaders perch. She does not hide the tired sigh from her maw. The first time today she gets to see the molly and its so far away. She wished to close the space between them and drag her back into the crowd and brush their pelts together and listen, but those days were now gone. Short lived with her promotion following so quickly after her return.

War with WindClan would be put on hold with the leafbares approach. Herbs would be slim, well-fed warriors to fight even slimmer. It made sense though she worried the moorlanders would not think the same for themselves. They might be willing to take that risk on their own...

Kits were meant to be named, bringing an end to her time sharing a den with Bitekit, Valekit and Goldenkit. She had watched as their coats were cleaned and prepared for presentation before their Clan, knowing she would be doing the same in just a couple moons from now. But before all of that Ravensong had something to announce himself- a vision from the stars. An apprentice to prepare in his stead, and the stars had claimed Moonpaw to fulfill that place. If she would abide by their request, of course.
Ravensong speaks of an epiphany he had. Of moonlight on the river, of Starclans will. Of… Starclans will?!

I have interpreted it to be StarClan's message for me to take Moonpaw as my apprentice, should she accept.

Salmon is always calm and collected, a steeled gaze, a jaw clenched a little too tight; in these moments as he speaks this, she looks vulnerable and anything but normal, her eyes wide, her mouth parted in a gasp that never truly made any sound. Surely Ravensong, surely Starclan is not cruel enough to take her apprentice from her? There is no way, no, no way this could be happening. Her heart drops in to her stomach.

Take Moonpaw as my apprentice…

Her chest tightens and Stars she feels like shes been plunged into the river the way ice begins creeping in to her body. It locks up her legs and it crawls up in to her lungs and settles there. It feels too hard to breathe now and her chest isnt rising properly and everything is so loud. Thats her apprentice. Thats her apprentice, and Starclan can't take her from her! It's not fair, its not fair-

Should she accept…

Salmon turns her head away and hides the hurt in her gaze. Her stomach churns and her eyes sting with tears of frustration, of shame, of… She doesn't know. Everything feels so heavy, this must be because Starclan knew she was failing little Moonpaw. Somehow they must have known she was not good enough- she feels Ravensongs eyes on her and she avoids looking back. She finds Lichentail's gaze in the crowd and it is the only one she holds until she blinks and looks away before the shame can become obvious to the other. It takes everything not to crumble in the moment, fleeting thoughts of their conversation, of mentorship flit through her mind. She had been so afraid and it hurts to know that ultimately she had been right. Gone, gone… All gone.

Above all, despite the inner battle that wages within her, she would support her apprentice with any decision she made. I have taught you to do what is right. Shuddering breath in, shaky breath out. If it is truly Starclans will… She waits for Moonpaws response.

She cannot bear to look at the white coat of her apprentice, meet sunset colored eyes. Salmon is afraid if she does so, she will bawl- she looks everywhere but the crowd.

  • salmonfunny.png
    -> salmon ,, salmonshade
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 32 months
    -> warrior of riverclan ,, former marsh grouper
    -> fluffy & dainty chocolate tortie smoke with white, blue eyes
    -> "speech, ff91a4" ,, thoughts
    -> lesbian ,, single
    -> smells like warm flowers & freshly cut grass
    -> chibi by pin
At first, Moonpaw finds herself staring at Ravensong as he spoke, listening to the words that he shared. She'd never heard an omen from him before - she wasn't sure anyone had properly really - not a proper one anyway. The dreams of cats in mountains and horse-sized felines came to mind for a moment but they soon fizzled away as the night-pelted tom continued to speak before them and she couldn't help but wish she had been there to see that sight. Wish that she, too, had been able to see the water break and shift in the night.

It took her brain a moment to process the next words that came from Raven's maw.

Maw opened for just a moment as brain tried to catch up quickly snapping shut with an audible click those closest to her would be able to hear as teeth clacked against teeth. It felt like so many eyes were on her, waiting with baited breath for her response. Eyes sought out her mentor -former mentor? She wasn't sure how this worked- before small ears pinned to her head. She couldn't read the other's emotions, couldn't see that this was tearing her up. Her mentor had hid her fears well from Moonpaw, and she would remember her time as Salmon's apprentice fondly, as the white moggie wouldn't have chosen anyone else to be her mentor if she had been destined to walk the path of a warrior.

It seemed as though StarClan had different plans though, and who was Moonpaw to refuse their ancestor's will? "I-I will." Though it took her a moment to decide, no one could deny her that it was a tough decision. But she knew in her heart it was the right one.

  • mobile post!
  • MOONPAW formerly Ratpaw || NPC x NPC || brother to Rowanpaw || apprentice to Salmonshade.
    -- She/Her || 7 moons old, ages every 17th
    -- smaller than average, small rounded ears. SH white masking cinnamon torbie with orange eyes.
    -- soft-spoken, often found humming, tries to comfort others by smiling


He's not sure how he feels, honestly. Nettlepaw's relationship with StarClan was rather rocky, ever since his mother had died. He hadn't yet reconciled with his ancestors, and he's not completely sure that he wants to. So, perhaps wrongly, the first thought that creeps into his mind is how Moonpaw's apprenticeship had been stolen from her. Now, instead of becoming a proud warrior of RiverClan, she'd be stuck sorting herbs all day. Then, the boy has to correct himself, because deep down he knows it's not Ravensong's fault that so many had died of yellowcough. The medicine cats had done the best they could with limited resources, after all. But the idea that the sign had come from StarClan still left the boy feeling bitter.

There were so many conflicting feelings and opinions that swirled throughout his battleground of a mind, that Nettlepaw can only stare blindly in silence as Moonpaw accepted her new position within the clan. Regardless of Nettlepaw's personal troubles, he hopes she enjoys her new path in life. He'll save his congratulations for later, because he knows he would sound half-hearted now, and the boy doesn't want to hurt her feelings after such an important promotion.
bio ₊˚✧ ゚. Early in the morning his mother has had to get creative with getting him to stay still while she passes her tongue through his fur, caring for his already well groomed pelt. Prey has been the object of his attention during those moments. His pelt lies shiny, visible with every impatient twitch.

Fidgeting where he's supposed to be still and listening, Bitekit's sticking close to his mother, the tortoiseshell's tail occasionally brushing past him affectionately. On the hunt for Goldenkit and Valekit, he cranes his head to look for them, before a brush of his mother's tail draws his attention back to Smokestar.

WindClan. He hasn't heard good things even within the nursery where there's more than enough time to discuss clan affairs, so he wrinkles his nose at the mention. Medicine cat apprentice, he turns his head away from Moonpaw with a scowl, deciding he's not fond of her after her very brief reprimand. The kitten hears the warm congratulations next to him.

Another brush of the tail and something murmured to him has him paying vapid attention. It's time for what he's been waiting waiting for, he's prepared to be entirely free of that nasty pang in his chest at the sight of apprentices leaving the camp. He's ready to never feel that ever again. Certainly not towards the warriors next. It's what he's been waiting on way too young. Straightening up he fixates his green eyes unmovingly on Smokestar.
⸙͎。˚⋆ ⍋ ѧѦ ѧ⍋ ⸙͎。˚⋆

He is not happy. Sitting stubbornly away from the clutches of Hazecloud (who had insisted multiple times that his fur was a mess and she ought to take care of it), the chocolate and vanilla boy does not smile and beam the way his den-mates do. He knows what is coming and he is afraid... selfishly, he'd rather stay in the nursery with the witch rather than be shoved out into the cold and the snow to learn to hunt. To learn to fight. He was not a big kid yet... he didn't feel like he was. And distantly, he thinks of how angry Velvetpaw was that Rookfang had been hurt trying to save him.

The apprentice's den will not be a fun, enjoyable place. His clan-mates who are adults treat him with far more kindness... more gentleness. He misses it already, even if he is to be shoved into the embrace of a 'mentor'. It wasn't the same. He wanted sorely for Ferngill's suggestion that he be a warrior for his stealth to be true.. so he could skip the hard parts. Could he retire? Was that an option for someone his age? The elders seemed.... well.... elderly... maybe it wasn't possible then. He was doomed.

Princes and heroes do not run away, he chides himself... but it does little to make him braver. Staring up at Smokestar with a small huff, the chimera awaits whatever silly ceremony marks the end of his comforts.​
He was already well-informed of Ravensong's vision and subsequent decision and felt it an excellent choice even if it did take from them an apprentice who would have made a fine warrior; the path of medicine was just as highly valued nonetheless and he knows that their dark healer is remembering being left to his own devices with Beesong's sudden passing - he knows it is a risk to be avoided. For a clan to not have a healer is a wound that will keep bleeding.
"Moonpaw will make a fine medicine cat apprentice..." Who would hopefully be sparred the fate of her predecessor: being lost or an early promotion due to unfortunate circumstances. "...but to follow this path she must leave behind that of the warriors and so we will be apprenticing several kits today to hopefully even things out. Valekit, Bitekit and Goldenkit, please step forward..." His tail flicks and he urges the younger cats to line up appropriately with a nod.

His gaze flits over to Salmonshade, he can see the effort she is making to remain composed at losing her apprentice without discussion - it reminds him of when Darterwing had been so furious to lose Ravensong (paw at the time) and he decides to make it right quickly.
"Bitekit, until the day you earn your warrior name - you will be named Bitepaw and Salmonshade will be your mentor. It is my hope she will pass onto you the care and patience she had taught Moonpaw previously..."
Smokestar turns, finding the next wriggling child waiting impatiently.
"Valekit, until the day you earn your warrior name - " Which might be further off if he did not stop with his pranks, " - you will be known as Valepaw. Redpath will be your mentor. May she pass down to you her energy and ferocity.",And finally...
"Goldenkit, though you come from the colony let this be your first step to becoming a RiverClanner proper, until the day you earn your warrior name you will be known as Goldenpaw and Silverbreath will mentor you. May he pass his swimming skills and calm demeanor down to you."

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Iciclefang can feel the quiet fury her Clanmates swallow around her, and her whiskers tremble sympathetically. She'd been loathe to agree with the rest of Smokestar's council, but the threat of the river icing over is too great. Prey is already beginning to thin out in the riverlands; soon, fishing would prove difficult as the water temperatures dropped and as the river began to solidify in the colder moons to come. She dips her head to her leader at his orders for extra patrols and to remain hostile if borders were threatened. She expects RiverClan will have the opportunity to taste WindClan blood, whether they liked it or not, before long.

Ravensong steps forward, reciting a vision he'd seen of moonlight in the river. He names Moonpaw as the next medicine cat of RiverClan, and she smiles. Moonpaw is a bright young she-cat with a gentle heart; the tortoiseshell thinks she'll be a worthy successor to Ravensong. She dips her head to both the healer and his new protégé and murmurs, "Congratulations. I'm sure you'll do fine, Moonpaw."

Next, the remaining kits in the nursery are called forward. Her lip trembles as Smokestar speaks Bitekit's name—secretly, she's glad she has her paws full with Cicadapaw. When Smokestar replaces Moonpaw with Bitepaw, she gives Salmonshade a blatant look of sympathy. That one won't be easy, she thinks to herself. Regardless, she lifts her voice for the youth of their Clan: "Bitepaw! Valepaw! Goldenpaw!"

, "
bounceheart ✧ she/her ✧ riverclan warrior (=˃ᆺ˂=)

Their leader's call relieved her from a worry-filled spiral. With eyes and head still a bit clouded, she would find a seat somewhere among her clanmates and give her attention to Smokestar. His command to avoid a battle with WindClan caused a knot in her throat, even if she had suspected it. There had to be a reason they had not already been called to battle - and here it was. They were tired from battles, and leafbare was exhausting enough. She nodded her head in silent acceptance; they had to protect their own. "Congratulations," she hums to Moonpaw's promotion.
Apprentice ceremonies followed. Something had stirred in her with them. Waiting to hear her name.. but nothing. All she was left with was conflict. While she was proud to see more kits made apprentices, and just in time for leaf-bare, they still felt a bit envious of the warriors and their trainees. "Bitepaw! Valepaw! Goldenpaw!" Bounceheart loved the traditions that came with the ceremonies. It felt nice to celebrate their clan-mates accomplishments, regardless of anything.