- Aug 9, 2022
- 689
- 327
- 63
"Let all cats old enough to swim, join beneath the river rock for a clan meeting." His voice is more subdued today, though he speaks with far more confidence than his previous calls for attention, it was getting easier and he wasn't sure how to feel about it. It was not something he'd ever wanted to get used to or even have, but it was a fate accepted by now. He'd get over it.
"Leafbare has arrived, the river may begin to freeze over so we should take advantage of it while we can. Last time we were flooded by it due to the ice choking it into our camp, we were forced to move to the Beech Copse as a result. I hope this does not happen again but patrols along the river keep your eyes opened for any indication it might. We will make the move before we are flooded, a patrol will go out to work on making the copse livable and repairing the old makeshift dens there just in case."
He dreaded the idea of it, wished desperately the water would be merciful and remain in its nest this year, but the river was an unruly thing you could not control. They did not force the river into obedience, they merely adapted around it - such was their way.
"That being said...we…will not be retaliating against WindClan for the time being. There is much to be done already." The clan was surely going to protest and he understood why and even agreed, but at the end of the day Ravensong's remark that their blood spilled would be on his paws lingered like an open wound. He would not risk them so close to leafbare, he would not let the moors take more than what they already had. Let them have the one life of his he'd lost, let them savor it for it would be their only victory over RiverClan going forward; like a mongrel chewing a bone, he hoped they choked on it.
"I want their border watched, I want any paw that steps out of line torn off. WindClanners are to be given no leniency, no mercy. They will not be forgiven, we will defend our territory vehemently - we will put them in their place."
He'd not even chided Nightfish or Rookfang for the incident at the gathering, he didn't care to - it was an act he would simply pretend he'd not seen. His approval was a quiet quiver of whiskers and glance to the side.
"Our remaining kits are being apprenticed…" Until Hazecloud had her litter they would see no more and even then he finds the worry that plagued him when Willowroot had her kits in leafbare rise back up like an itch in his throat - if they survived they would be the first apprentices of greenleaf. If they survived. "...but before that, Ravensong has news for us."
A sign from the stars themselves, a warm reminder they were not forgotten nor rejected as the moorland cats were quite clearly; an assurance they were still following the guidance of their ancestors and they approved. "Give him your ears."
A black tail twitches, flicks into a curl toward the medicine cat to allow him his moment to speak.
"Let all cats old enough to swim, join beneath the river rock for a clan meeting." His voice is more subdued today, though he speaks with far more confidence than his previous calls for attention, it was getting easier and he wasn't sure how to feel about it. It was not something he'd ever wanted to get used to or even have, but it was a fate accepted by now. He'd get over it.
"Leafbare has arrived, the river may begin to freeze over so we should take advantage of it while we can. Last time we were flooded by it due to the ice choking it into our camp, we were forced to move to the Beech Copse as a result. I hope this does not happen again but patrols along the river keep your eyes opened for any indication it might. We will make the move before we are flooded, a patrol will go out to work on making the copse livable and repairing the old makeshift dens there just in case."
He dreaded the idea of it, wished desperately the water would be merciful and remain in its nest this year, but the river was an unruly thing you could not control. They did not force the river into obedience, they merely adapted around it - such was their way.
"That being said...we…will not be retaliating against WindClan for the time being. There is much to be done already." The clan was surely going to protest and he understood why and even agreed, but at the end of the day Ravensong's remark that their blood spilled would be on his paws lingered like an open wound. He would not risk them so close to leafbare, he would not let the moors take more than what they already had. Let them have the one life of his he'd lost, let them savor it for it would be their only victory over RiverClan going forward; like a mongrel chewing a bone, he hoped they choked on it.
"I want their border watched, I want any paw that steps out of line torn off. WindClanners are to be given no leniency, no mercy. They will not be forgiven, we will defend our territory vehemently - we will put them in their place."
He'd not even chided Nightfish or Rookfang for the incident at the gathering, he didn't care to - it was an act he would simply pretend he'd not seen. His approval was a quiet quiver of whiskers and glance to the side.
"Our remaining kits are being apprenticed…" Until Hazecloud had her litter they would see no more and even then he finds the worry that plagued him when Willowroot had her kits in leafbare rise back up like an itch in his throat - if they survived they would be the first apprentices of greenleaf. If they survived. "...but before that, Ravensong has news for us."
A sign from the stars themselves, a warm reminder they were not forgotten nor rejected as the moorland cats were quite clearly; an assurance they were still following the guidance of their ancestors and they approved. "Give him your ears."
A black tail twitches, flicks into a curl toward the medicine cat to allow him his moment to speak.
— Please try not to double post before Ravensong is able to!
Activity Shoutouts for NOVEMBER:
@lichentail & @RAVENSONG & @Moonpaw & @Petalnose & @Snakeblink & @bitekit - - & @bubblepaw & @Bumblepaw & @BEEPAW. & @CICADAPAW & @carawaypaw & @Nettlepaw- & @FERNGILL & @Mosspool & @hazecloud & @willowroot & @PIKESPLASH & @ROOKFANG
Thank you for the continued amazing activity ya'll <3 We are so close to hitting 10k it's a little scary lmao, but here's hoping this winter will be the push to get us there! The HP team will be dropping a prompt event shortly that we hope ya'll will enjoy too and remember that I'm still always on the lookout for new leads and the criteria is consistent IC (our quota is 15 posts a month) & OOC activity (a friendly and active discord presence is a must!) as well as the cat making some degree of in-character sense!
—⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
—⊰⋅ He/Him
—⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.