border GRINNING TEETH | windclan patrol

There was a sense of satisfaction at being chosen to join one of WindClan's many patrol. The shadows had often been the tom's only choice of thing to assess, be it because of Sunstride's ignorance or his mother's attention shifting elsewhere, being given such a responsibility felt like a sign of things to come. When he moved towards the bridge, his gait could not be different from that in the tunnels, the only hint of pride about his new predicament being a curling smile upon his alabaster muzzle. It was not difficult for Sootspot to recognise how silly it would've been for him to act as if he particularly wanted to be knocked down a peg or so, especially as the smell of hostile territory began to reach his sensitive nostrils. RiverClan would posture more than he ever could, their strength under a new leader had not been tested, and the eight-lived tom had a lot to prove if he was to be as respected as his nine-life brethren. Sootspot's tail coiled in anticipation of the words they would say, the aggression felt even when no RiverClanners graced his vision. His paws didn't touch the wood, it was just as alien when it was on the ground as it was when it shot towards the sky.

Sootspot took a shallow breath, hitched; perhaps, responsibility was not always glorious when it meant having to deal with the neighbours. He bumped his head against the reeds that grasped onto the corner of the bridges like fingers, sinking his whole body into them to mark them, not as WindClan territory, but as a warning to RiverClan not to cross it. Yellow-green eyes watched the river as he did his duty, narrowing at any ripple out of place. "This is not typical, you know. We would not be told to patrol RiverClan's border unless there was good reason for it." His attention briefly flickered to Downypaw as he spoke, then, to the other two patrolmates. Harbingermoon was a Tunneler too, WindClan's secret, their movements often independent from the rest of the clan, their goals beyond the understanding of any who lived with the sun on their backs. Two thoughts entered his head: the first was that their smaller statures would make them more passive, they wouldn't provoke a proverbial bear into battle; the second was that, because of their statures, Sootstar chose them specifically to be bait to provoke RiverClan into testing their odds.

He lingered on the second thought longer, chewing the side of his muzzle as he marked a wooden mast. Then, he let out a bark of laughter, as if to dislodge his conspiracies, turning to the others as if he'd come to a much droller realisation. "Should our fusty friends show up, we remind them that they have nothing to be angry at us about - we were not the ones who trespassed." This time.




Perhaps Pikesplash wouldn't have wanted Nettlepaw so close to the WindClan border, but Nettlepaw had pushed. Demanded, more-like, before stalking off on his own as if knowing his mentor would follow. He was an apprentice of RiverClan. He wanted to help keep his home safe and secure, and his blindness would not be enough to stop him. Always headstrong and determined in the face of hardship, not even the frigid winter's air could stop the youth as he marched stubbornly on alongside the border patrol. Nearby, he can hear the sound of the river, a lone crow calling from a distance, and the biting wind as it swept past. Nettlepaw shivers.

Eventually, the groups makes it to the border, near the twoleg bridge. Sightless eyes stare vacantly as other senses kick into overdrive, scent, sound, touch, Nettlepaw can already tell that there are WindClanners present nearby, just across the water. He emerges from the dying reeds to stare them down, though his eyes see only the blur of light and shadow. He's not really looking at them, it seems, merely in their general direction. "Ew." The apprentice huffs, "I smell a bunch of rats." His voice drips with venom, and is clearly an insult directed at the other cats across the border. Truthfully, he hadn't really thought there'd be a WindClan patrol present at the same time, but Nettlepaw isn't about to look weak or scared in front of them. Boldly, he steps out toward the bridge, and begins to mark RiverClan's border.

((mentor tag - @PIKESPLASH ))
Foxtail felt quite uneasy when it comes to WindClan. The young warrior was raised to respect the other clans, but it was a difficult task to go through after what WindClan tried to do to Smokestar. They attacked Smokestar on his way to the moonstone— apparently under the belief that they "own" the highstones. How could they claim such sacred land? Every clan visits the moonstone— it's essential that the highstones are neutral territory. Cats shouldn't have to worry about being attacked by WindClan if they want to contact StarClan, for whatever reason. But it seems like WindClan only cares for itself, sadly.

He can't stop his fur from bristling at the sight of the WindClan patrol at the other side of the river. Their awful scent invades his nostrils, his ears flattening to his cranium. He knew the patrol he got assigned to was going to go to the WindClan border, but the young warrior had been hoping they wouldn't come across a WindClan patrol. "They better not cause more trouble," He says to the warrior beside him, with a nervous tone in his voice. His eyes widen at Nettlepaw's spitting words, quickly looking over at the apprentice. He wants to tell the apprentice to hush, but his friend already beat him to it. With a shaky sigh, the nervous tom continues to mark RiverClan's border.

  • mobile!!
  • 74203346_wyqQOkxcDfS3IQ1.png

    credit to raphaelion for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    positive trait
    negative trait
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to nopeita for the pixel <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate tabby chimera with high white
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    14 moons

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Border patrols always made her insides drop and squirm, feeling as though everything in her belly had turned to minnows and tadpoles. Knowing Foxtail was apart of her patrol helped some, as though the wriggling creatures had been sedated, but Feathergaze still fought to keep her breath even. When she realized WindClan happened to be around as they made their way toward the bridge, flesh and blood rather than scented air, the silver molly's eyes widened. Oh, fish bones, StarClan what're you playing at? Why should we meet now? Her heart began tiptoeing an awkward patter, quick and quiet as though it wished her to disappear.
"It's just a border patrol Foxtail, look," she meowed beside her friend. "I'm s-sure- ahem, I'm sure nobody is here to cause trouble." It's okay, it's fine.

As she made to follow her friend, her eyes were pulled to a smaller feline trotting purposefully toward the bridge. Chocolate ears, a white and cream body. I didn't think Nettlepaw had been assigned to our patrol. Oh dear, we didn't leave him behind, did we? Feathergaze glanced around, searching for Pikesplash. She didn't recall hearing that name when the patrol was assigned either. Apparently she hadn't been paying attention at all when the determined young tom had decided he was coming, assignment or not. The large warrior was quickly ripped out of her thoughts when Nettlepaw started hissing snidely.
"Nettlepaw! Why would you- That's not-" Her pale gaze darted from the offending apprentice toward the prickly cats across the border. Yes, her heart's fluttering message was definitely clear; Run, before it's too late. Feathergaze swallowed, tail lashing as she forced her legs to carry her on toward Foxtail, and now Nettlepaw. It wasn't her place to chastise the tom, she wasn't his mentor. But please, keep your thoughts to yourself, Nettlepaw, she begged silently as she hovered, letting the markers get on with it while she watched over the scene.​

FIGHT SO DIRTY BUT YOU LOVE SO SWEET — Beepaw followed along with the rest of the patrol both ears pricked forward and focused on where she was going, she's listening closely to what her mentor says to her before noticing movement from the corner of her eye realizing that Nettlepaw was stalking towards the twoleg bridge. Her pupils narrow realizing that he had stomped over there himself probably having left Pikesplash behind, she swallows down a low growl knowing that he'd get scolded about it later or never considering how spineless his mentor tended to be. A part of her feels bad for Pikesplash but its pushed aside when she hears both Foxtail and Feathergaze speaking, a large ear flicking to the side as she frowns and the smoke molly bites down on her tongue refraining from speaking sharply to the warrior when she had been taught by her father to be respectful. The older apprentice simply chooses to remain by her father's side not wanting to escalate anything, at least, not at the very moment as her feathery tail brushes over a few blades of grass. Beepaw keeps her guard up and wary noting those on the Windclan patrol, if anything broke out then she could likely take on that other apprentice, sharp eyes locking onto Downypaw for a heartbeat then silently brushes herself against a few reeds.

mentor tag @SMOKESTAR

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ 5 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ sexuality unknown/too young
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ currently being mentored by smokestar
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ peaceful powerplay allowed
It's an odd feeling, spending the day outside of the tunnels. Downypaw resists the urge to crouch, and they find the fact they have this urge at all strange, for the absence of fox-lengths of dirt pressing down between their ears is unmistakable. With the gentle wind tangling their fur comes a faint mote of gratitude. WindClan territory is a wonderful place, all the more so when she is able to see it.

They follow Sootspot's lead, but instead of a clump of reeds, they choose to drag their cheek against one of the odd tree-like rocks that jutted out from WindClan's side of the bridge. A scrape against it reveals that it's far hollower than stone, yet far smoother than bark. Twolegs made this? Her drifting thoughts are snared by her mentor's voice.

Things between them seemed to have mostly settled since the incident with Pinkpaw, and Downypaw chooses to believe their mentor has truly forgiven them. "Hmm," she murmurs as acknowledgement. They take his remark as an invitation to think about their presence and the significance of it. Downypaw doesn't think she's particularly significant, but what matters here is that she is one more in the multitudes that form WindClan's defense, each face a stone inlaid in its great wall.

Still, their thoughts begin to lead them down the same path as Sootspot's. Sootstar had clearly meowed, "Let them know if they decide they wish to retaliate we're ready." Sootspot is not so obviously hostile though, and the mostly-tunneler patrol would not be much of a fearsome sight. They have their moments of fearing Sootspot, yes, but the difference in stature whenever he stood next to their moor-runner clanmates was laughable. Maybe Sootstar displayed her weakest to her enemies because she saw their strength, with the goal of saying, "If this is my weakest, how terrifying are my strongest?"

Or maybe she just didn't care.

Their neck fur leaps as the patrol leader's laugh suddenly crackles into the air. Oceanic eyes send him a questioning glance, which he answers promptly. Right, Highstones. Unease worms its way through their bowels once more, only fed by the remark of RiverClan apprentice, whose sienna-tinged fur they hadn't even noticed until now.

"How does it feel to be hated?" If someone had asked them while they were in the nursery, they would've giggled and said no one likes to be hated. The gloating of the warriors after their attempt on Smokestar had taught them otherwise. WindClanners like Harbingermoon seem to relish the glares sent their way, dancing gleefully in the flames of their own making. But if they so wished to be liked by the other clans, it would earn them the ire of their own clanmates.

They choose to stay quiet, carefully neutral, in the face of RiverClan coming. Chance locks their eyes with another apprentice, deepest river-blues struck through with sun. Unlike Beepaw, their first thought does not immediately leap to violence. All she sees is another young girl, standing stiffly across the bridge like a mirror propped up against one of its masts. She would've been a moor-runner if she lived in WindClan. Would Downypaw know how to swim by now if they lived in RiverClan? Suddenly, she's desperate to ask.​
bounceheart ✧ she/her ✧ riverclan warrior (=˃ᆺ˂=)

Somewhere between the camp and the border, she had gotten distracted by a lone black beetle. 'Ooh, look!' she had called to whoever was closest. 'Do you think we could eat it?' Before they could tell Bounceheart not to eat it, she tried - spitting out its guts and shell as soon as she crunched on it. "Oh, yuck." Trying to rid her tongue of the foul texture, they drragged their tongue across their chest. She hadn't expected it to be so crunchy and yet so goopy.
"Don't- don't talk about it." With a flick of her tail, she would dismiss it and nod towards the direction the patrol had come to a halt. "Someone's over there," she notes aloud. It was clear that it must be WindClan - their border was right there. Upon nearing the rest of their group, she began to count the cats across the border. Only four. 'Wreckless,' she calls them silently. Tensions were still high between the two.

Taking a note from Beepaw, she would squint at the WindClanners and brush across the plants on the border. She turned her head, facing away from the border so they could not see her face. "Are they testing us?"
⋆ ✧ · ⋆ ✧ · ✧ ⋆ · ✧ ⋆

If her muzzle were not already bespeckled with a white blaze, it could easily be mistaken for gray furs- individual remarks of stress and frustration like how they spread across Smokestar in dappled declarations of his life's struggles. Going to WindClan border was more important than ever, to be sure that the Highstones weren't the only new territory they decided to overstep into. As much as this place held memory after bitter, awful memory... she had responsibilities (and, perhaps fortunately, had been assigned here many moons anyways). Dipperpaw, at the very least, was quite competent in battle and had given Lichentail fewer and fewer reasons to fear for her should the blood-thirsty cotton-brains try something stupid but when she peers across the bridge, sees the narrow looking frames of WindClan's smaller members- It feels odd. Brookpaw was not helpless by any means but in the face of these twig-like vermin, she was practically a battlemaster.

Sootstar was surely made aware by her poison-tongued deputy that the entire forest were in outrage of her newfound laws on trespassing to a religious monument... why would she send a bunch that looked particularly pathetic? Sootspot was nothing if not a weaker, slimier version of his mother so she was eager to pointedly ignore his obnoxious laughter where it echoed across the gorge. Nettlepaw seems equally unimpressed (though he cannot see what foolery stands before him) and marches confidently towards the bridge to rub it in their enemy's faces just how close he is... just how out of reach he is by only hairs in length.

"Don't be foolish- they are only ever here to cause trouble," the RiverClan deputy seethes to her naive clan-mates. She stalks after the pointed apprentice, walks around him cautiously to stand on the tree-like texture of the bridge's slats and stretches. She stretches agonizingly slow, reaching out her claws across the wood and bending her back in a display to mock them. They were well-fed, not tunnel-bound moles, and they were in far greater, stronger number. What would they do, tempted with the deputy standing guard narrowly out of reach?

At least this way, they would not get the chance to lunge across the chasm to drag Nettlepaw across it.

"It's a miracle you even managed to remove your heads from dirt- is your hearing okay? I imagine your ears clogged from the muck you dig around in all day." If all Smokestar would permit would be to make petty jabs then she'd more than happy to add some fire to Nettlepaw's barrage (and offer them a stronger target to pick at should it really rile them up). "I hope Cottonpaw misses us- we're more than happy to play with one of your other apprentices in her absence though."

Her eyes gleam as they narrow in on Downypaw, licking her lips like someone that had spotted a tasty meal as she stood from her languid stretching. She sits instead then, raising a paw to pretend at grooming her face, "How's Harbingermoon?" It is a question only meant to get under their skin after the way he was humiliated by RiverClan at the Gathering.

apprentice tags @brookpaw @DIPPERPAW

Redpath doesn't look for fights on purpose, nooo.... It's not like she was here to look for the chance to beat the shit out of someone for what they did to Smokestar, no she wouldn't be so... So mischeivous and ill behaved!! Not Redpath......

But thats why she's here.

She strides behind Lichentail with her tail high and a bounce in her step to meet the Windclanners at the border. Every time she stands at this specific strip of land she gets the ungodly urge to just.... Bite and chew and shake one of those little cats on the moors like a dog. Maybe push them in the gorge. She no longer cares about being nice or cordial to Windclan, not that she ever did but the thought is no longer yelling at her from the back of her mind.

"Oh! Look out, there's rogues!" She exclaims, and looks shocked for a moment, before smiling. "Oh, nevermind... It's just Windclan. Hard to tell the difference when they act the same, you know?" She says to her clanmates with a chuckle.

"Surprised they didn't just invite the rogues to stay." She adds. Little does she know Windclan has already done that, though if you told her she wouldn't be surprised. She stares down the cats across the border, looking down her nose at them. She hopes they get struck by lightning. Right now. Instantaneously obliterated by Starclan's wrath.​
Feathergaze was aware of all the trouble WindClan had caused for RiverClan, for the clans in general. She'd been horrified to hear what they'd done to Smokestar. Despite it all, the open hostility from her clan mates set her fur on end. Why in StarClan's name are we provoking them? What on earth could we gain from treating them this way? Yes, certainly Sootstar herself was a problem, along with all her starry-eyed followers. But treating every WindClanner they saw like dirt under their paws? That seemed like begging for trouble to Feathergaze. Maybe some of them are.

Pale eyes wide and blood running cold, the silver warrior shifted back and forth on her toes. Her gaze darted from Nettlepaw, to Foxtail, to Lichentail. Her ears flicked back as Redpath drawled on, and it took every ounce of focus she had not to cringe. Under her deputy's gaze however, Feathergaze dared not twitch a whisker out of line. If Lichentail wanted to play things aggressively, then… the young molly focused on her breathing, staying in a space of limbo between Foxtail and Nettlepaw. Silently she sent her thoughts into the ether. I'm sorry. I hate that all there is to feel between us is hate. Please, let this day not end in bloodshed.
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As he stared across the border, Sootspot found himself confused, confused at the aggressive apprentice scent-marking like his life depended on it, confused that the first RiverClanners to arrive were not righteous, but nervous. "We won't scurry to your side of the bridge, if that is what you're worried about," he mewed drolly to Nettlepaw. "We have standards and fish, well, it's an acquired taste." For a moment, there was peace, it came with arched spines and bristled furs, but it was there... until it simply wasn't. Others caught up to the patrol with their words like an adder's venom, spitting and daring, hoping their poison would seep into his bones without putting the effort in to bite. It was that which made the tom realise they were being just as defensive as WindClan was, that they were just as scared of confrontation as he was. Then, his eyes narrowed, whiskers twitching. 'I am nothing like them, I am better, smarter, quicker.' Taking in the weight of their words was difficult when all he could think about was how inferior RiverClan's Deputy was to him.

He stepped closer to Downypaw, any instincts to shield them overshadowed by the hope that his apprentice was able to take it all in. This was the forest they were dealing with, ripe with threats toward kittens, honour a lie produced by the Warrior Code to make foxdung feel better about themselves. He had to thank RiverClan, truly: if they'd all cowered, then he doubted that Downypaw would've taken his warnings seriously. The Tunnelers whiskers twitched, a weasel's smile upon his maw as he rose to his full height. He laughed at the comments, but the humour did not reach his eyes. "It truly is a relief to know that RiverClan prefers beating up little kittens, here I was feeling nervous that I might be in danger." What a world it was, where StarClan allowed such barbaric behaviour, but would smite the clan that was only trying to defend its home (it was more than that, he knew it was more than that and StarClan knew it was more than that, but objectively, what had they done wrong?) The flawed beast reared its ugly head once more by refusing to fill the Deputy's throat with maggots and leeches, but he'd known since he was a kitten that justice was earned by the mortal, not by the dead.

"I do have to wonder how different your circumstances would be if your leaders had tried fighting warriors instead of apprentices - I doubt you'd have ever felt the need to trespass if Cicadastar hadn't been as weak as a flea-bitten mouse." He did not share the same respect of a foreign leader as his mother had done, the RiverClanner had been a faceless enemy and died like a rat, there was nothing to mourn and nothing to admire. He bumped his head against the corner of the bridge once more, solidifying WindClan's possession of what lay beyond it, a non-verbal warning that kindness would not come to those who crossed it. Vengeance would not come from his claws, but strength was an illusion, and if he could convince the river rats that WindClan was strong, then he'd done his duty as Sootstar's son. "The sun crawls ever higher to its peak, you should move along before it does. WindClan had nothing more to say to you."

It was a thrill for the melodramatic tuxedo to have been selected for this particular patrol. A strange sight to behold was his elated galavant throughout the territory. His head swirling with multitudes of curses and smarmy ideas. Ah, time to visit the clan of fish and morons. Never far from trouble, the rounded inky pelt of the fellow Tunneler lingered near. Massive paws with added digits thumping along as he walked. Watching the stoic frame of Sootspot and his apprentice navigate towards the two-leg bridge. Inside him, the anticipation bubbled excitedly and twisted his insides anxiously.

The earlier altercation would forever mar his reputation, but knowing he had the support of the loyalists soothed their burned ego. At first, he ignored the sneers and the pale youth dubbing of 'rats'. Coyly, he smiled and threw back a moody response to the deputy. "I'm doing wonders, Lichenstench." Humored by the ugly nickname, he feigned a sound of surprise. Daintily, he lifted a paw to his chest, playfully correcting himself. "Oops - I meant Lichentail." His grin coiled higher and an evident nastiness from its owner's intent. Harbingermoon's orange eyes blazed with hatred and disdain for the Riverclanner's. Still, he knew better than to cause another fuss, so he dutifully brushed his coat on the neighboring rocks.

Intently, he aimed to hold eye contact with the nearby patrol, unwavering in his silent message of; piss off. The Windclanner's bulbous tail swayed languidly and his maw held firm to the contorted smirk. He wound his lithe body in a circle about it before marching past to stand beside Sootspot and Downypaw. His black and white frame was a stark image beside the soft greys of his clanmates. Oddly, he didn't feel the usual desire to gnash and spout words of venom. His earlier confidence booster and rampant need to destress his claws into flesh had been a perfect energizer. For now, he would simply do what was tasked, seeing as the offspring of Sootstar always had a knack for speaking their mind eloquently.

Glancing from the corner of his vision, he looked at the other with reverence. Sootspot certainly held together more sensibly than their parent, but he could practically smell their matching creed for power. Something the ebony warrior could always find camaraderie in. Twiddling his ears, they instinctively followed suit of the younger tom and added their scent to the mix by lifting a leg. Satisfied, he audibly snickered under their breath, before melodically meowing after Sootspot. "Agreed." The added burn of the deceased leader thrilled him to no end. Hungry to hear the opposing crowd's response, he paused with visible interest. His leering expression clear as the sky on a sunny new-leaf morning.
More RiverClanners. One, two three...there had to be at least seven of them now, shadows spilling and intermingling across from where their measly patrol of four stands. They brush their sooty cheek against another facet of the bridge, trying to drown out the babble with their duty. The wide purview of sapphire eyes can't ignore the single cat strides across the bridge though. Towards them. She stretches without a care in the world, as though she found a puddle of sunshine in camp to have a nice session in instead of a fox-length away from her enemy. The blue-blushed molly almost seems like she'd flop over and begin grooming herself.

Downypaw averts her gaze and coaxes her spine back into a level position. That's just another RiverClanner, just a bolder one, they remind themself, but then she says something that pulls their full gaze back to her. The girl tries not to look too horrified; she doesn't know if she's doing a good job. Sootspot's words rise like smoke in their head: "Fairness is not a concept in your world, a RiverClan Warrior would kill you whether you were a mouse-length or the size of the dog."

Sootspot is right—he always is—but still they're desperate to prove him wrong. "I-I've never done anything to you!" The words are so quiet, they don't know if the RiverClanner would hear them or nor. Still, they have been spoken, blurted, and there was no taking them back. She can't her stare at the molly, blue eyes wide enough to swim laps in. Say something, they silently plead.

Instead, her mentor steps closer to her, defends her, all with a smile on his face. There will be no fighting today, his body says to them. The idea of that is laughable. The grey-furred apprentice turns away once more as Sootspot, then Harbingermoon as well, return the petty jibes they had tried so hard to ignore a minute ago. They decide to leave Sootspot's side, taking a step backwards into WindClan territory to mark the yellowing reeds that grew there.​
bounceheart ✧ she/her ✧ riverclan warrior (=˃ᆺ˂=)

A displeased frown etched itself onto her maw as the WindClanners began to poke fun at them. And their apprentices. The jabs about Cicadastar and Smokestar's trek across their territory - she rolled her eyes at them, cackling at their jokes with her teeth bared. "It's embarrassing Smokestar was able to make it so far into your territory," she scoffed. "Sootstar would've made it home as a couple of teeth and claws!" For dramatic flare, she snapped her jaws at the green-eyed warrior across the bridge. From what she knew, that was the leader's ill-mannered son. Bounceheart had always tried to be pleasant to cats from other groups, but WindClan was not exactly deserving of their kindness.​

FIGHT SO DIRTY BUT YOU LOVE SO SWEET — One of her ears twitch to show that she acknowledged what Bounceheart said about to answer until Lichentail joined them, she expected for the deputy to scold Nettlepaw but instead began to throw her own jabs at the Windclan patrol. There would be no formalities during this patrol it seems yet Beepaw tries to remain neutral through it until Sootspot, an unfortunately named creature really, opened his jaws beginning to speak though the first two things she doesn't even care about. Her bicolored gaze focusing onto Downypaw again if they didn't know how to hold their own in combat then that was their own mentors fault and lacking of the skill yet her attention to the other is shifted once more when Sootspot opens his maw again to speak mentioning Cicadastar and it's enough to make her hackles rise. "Such bold words for a small cat," She finally spat out as she takes a few steps forward until she's standing next to Lichentail as her eyes sweep over the group of Windclanners, Beepaw's pupils narrowing into dangerous crescents deciding to add on "I've drowned a cat bigger than you all. Rogues that were too confident." And it's true, if anyone had seen her during the fight back for her home they had bared witness to what she and Cicadapaw had done.

"And Sootstar's a dumb rat-bitten snake. I pray for the day that Starclan strikes her down since she's an incapable twit of a leader!" She remarks sharply with a lash of her feathery tail if Sootstar's pathetic son wanted to bark then she'd return it with bite but only if Lichentail gave the word otherwise she would stay by the deputy's side staring daggers at the four Windclanners on the other side of the bridge. She rolls her eyes at Harbingermoon's stupid insult towards her deputy and rolls her eyes before turning her gaze to Downypaw once more listening to their words, it's when Beepaw gets an idea. There didn't need to be any bloodshed but who said they needed to be pleasant to their neighbors when they had tried to take her only remaining parent from her. Her once raised hackles lowering as she feels a sudden push of adrenaline and basically brightens up, she moves into the river that's around the bridge only briefly wincing at how cold the water was beginning to get but it was perfect for what she had in mind.

She's being a little overzealous, yes, but she has been itching to get back at the Windclanners even if it wasn't in blood then she would make sure that their trip home would be an uncomfortable one. Beepaw dives into the water before lifting up and pushes a gracious wave or two in the direction of the Windclanners with the intent of splashing them with the cold water from the river. If successful or not, she would return to the other side where her clanmates remain only to shake herself off sending a spray of droplets everywhere soon turning to the moor rats with a shit eating grin on her maw "Oh sorry, I thought your pelts were dusty. I was just trying to help," The bicolored molly drawls out innocently her eyes piercing into Harbingermoon and Sootspot as she says this.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ 5 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ sexuality unknown/too young
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ currently being mentored by smokestar
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ peaceful powerplay allowed

WindClan cats are dreadful. Upon first greeting, Bubblepaw had already not initially thought very highly of them. Their appearances were more dreadful than not, with their muddied noses and claws, dusty pelts, and shocking appearance- a side-effect of spending all their time underground, no doubt. Bubblepaw is typically not the type to think worse of others based on appearance alone, but there had always been something about the moor cats that unnerved her. Their looks added to the negative air that surrounded them.

The silver molly stands with her clanmates, a rare grimace finding its way onto her face. She might've once thought some WindClan cats could be good- those who had been on the journey recounted kind faces and camaraderie from WindClanners- but as time pushes onward Bubblepaw had begun to think less and less of their capacity for good. "I doubt Sootstar would have claimed highstones as her territory if she stopped eating dirt for once," Bubblepaw mutters lowly after Sootspot's comment about trespassing, voice hardly loud enough to be considered a taunt.

Bubblepaw's eyes are wide when Beepaw splashes into the water which divides WindClan and RiverClan, and which likely is keeping her clanmates safest from the tunnel-rats which occupy the other side. Though the absentminded apprentice often lacks foresight, even she can see that this isn't a very good idea. She does not try to call Beepaw back to the shore, but rather flits her eyes between her fellow apprentice and the haughty WindClan cats on the other bank. Should one of the opposing cats lose their cool, Bubblepaw will dive in to defend Beepaw.
✦ ★ ✦
Feathergaze mewls uncertain, fearfully, he ignores her chiding Nettlepaw and lets the apprentice make his jab - who among them haven't commented on the moorland cats being akin to rats before? The blind apprentice had at least informed him of their approach.

WindClan is here, pretentious and ridiculing to make up for their wounded pride in what would most likely be one of that clan's biggest failures: killing him. It was hilariously ironic that the clan with the largest ego would make bold assumptions and not ensure their enemy remained down but it was a gift to him that he was able to turn it aroud on them. No one knew he'd even died outside Ravensong, he had made sure that the wound was salted thoroughly. Smokestar trails along near the end of the group, pausing every so often to glance around and notice the shift in the territories noise - birds were already well and gone from the place with the coming cold and he heard so little insect sounds lately. He pays WindClan little mind, examining the border with careful scrutiny before a resounding splash rings out and he turns to join Bubblepaw near the edge of the water.

His daughter boldly leaps into the river to splash around and his teeth flash in a wry smile, amused at her enthusiasm - maybe any other time he would have told his patrol to stifle themselves, not feed into the nonsense spewing across the border their way, hold themselves with the decorum WindClan cats lacked. But today he decides to indulge, not in the idiotic back and forth jabs, but in a little fun that was so terribly missed in their clan as of late. The river would be taken from them soon, frozen and too cold to be safe for any cat to dive within and so he opts to enjoy it while he can. Long strides carry him forward and with a great leap he jumps into the air and plummets down, his heavier form sending more splashing tides outward than Beepaw had and a rare laugh trilling upward from his throat. Under the water the world was muffled, calm, and when a dark head burst back upward it was with a smile that did not usually fall upon the maw of a stoic cat such as himself - almost mischievous.
"Think you missed a spot, Beepaw!" He says through a grin of grit teeth and begins to slap his paws upon the water repeatedly to launch volleys of it outward at the moorland patrol - dousing them heavily and repeatedly. Let them get angry at being a little soaked and try to fight back, the second one of them stepped paw in the river they'd be dragged down by several skilled swimmers. All they could safely do would be to huff and take their leave and when they were gone he'd make a point to splash water on their scent markers too - let them have to put in the extra work.
Smokestar cackled, rising octave of a laugh that rumbled deep in his chest - this was hardly the retaliation he wanted but it was certainly entertaining nonetheless.

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.

Malice and venom, venom and malice. The barrage of insults from one side of the water to the other whip past her ears like thorns, tearing at her flesh, salivating for muscle and bone. Feathergaze is still as the words keep going and going, a statue before a never-ending squabble. What is the point? Your leader this, my leader that… we're spitting about cats who aren't even here! Dark wisps clashed behind the molly's gaze, hissing and snarling and careening against the walls of her skull. Her lungs quivered to the tune of her frantic heart, every beat matched by a breath far too short. Everything was cold, and hot, and her belly felt so full of fish bones she was surely being shredded from the inside out.

'I-I've never done anything to you!'

The cry stabs clean through Feathergaze's chaotic haze, adder fangs that find her heart and sink deep. Pale eyes that sting and gleam find the young WindClan apprentice, a girl whose trembling form acts as a mirror to the silver warrior's soul. She's so small. All apprentices were small, but WindClan's apprentices were especially so. Where is your mother? Your father? You shouldn't be caught up in this. Thoughts of kittens, kittens of her own, danced in the towering warrior's mind. The thought of them being threatened like this by any cat made her stomach burn with bile.

For all her empathy toward the frightened youth, a sudden splash sent another shock through her core. Feathergaze whipped her head toward the river, where Beepaw and suddenly thrown herself in. Her intent is clear, what with the wave of frigid water barreling toward the WindClanners. In an instant, Feathergaze's mind is utterly empty. Her heartbeat rages in her ears, while much around her fades until all she knows is Beepaw, the river, and the WindClanners. A known pacifist, the silver molly's state is locked on the scene before her, muscles tensed.[/I]

In mere seconds, the feeling of limbo is broken. A second great splash joins the first, and the world snaps back into focus so quickly for Feathergaze that she nearly staggers, lashing her tail to keep still. It's… StarClan, Smokestar! RiverClan's leader had bounded fourth making his way to his daughter and displaying for all exactly how he wanted this patrol dealt with. He was allowing this behaviour, encouraging it, and with his presence any thought of speaking up swiftly fled the silver molly's mind. She resumed what she had spent most of the interaction doing and stood silently, a gargoyle watching over her peers. As though your clumsy fighting skills could save them. But if things in the river went sour, she would try. StarClan knew, she would try.

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An ear flicks back toward Feathergaze, silent acknowledgment. The patrol was a crowd, it seemed, cats from both sides staring the others down, but RiverClan had the clear advantage. Good, the boy thinks, and he almost hopes WindClan tries something here. He realizes bitterly that he hates them, and though his eyes are blind and distant, they cut into the very soul of those across the river. In silence, he stares, as the deputy's paws grace the splintered wood of the old twoleg bridge, as insults are spat and challenges flung, as Beepaw launches suddenly into the river with a loud splash, followed by a rush of Smokestar's scent and vocals as he follows. Nettlepaw stills, simply standing in place, sightless eyes slicing the air with a clouded glimmer of frigid calculation as he works out the positioning of every cat he can, through smell and sound alone.

"Better watch your step." The boy finally speaks, voice just loud enough to be heard by both patrols. His tone is a mocking jeer, sharp as a blade and cold as winter's breath. "Would be a shame to slip and fall into the river." Nettlepaw remarks with ice that shines in his milky eyes. He recalls Beepaw's comment on how she had drowned larger cats than those across the river, and though the creamy apprentice can only imagine the size of the other warriors and apprentices, he can't help but find a grim satisfaction in the idea. No doubt any WindClanner unlucky enough to fall into the water would soon be bled as if devoured by a thousand leeches, and the river would run a gruesome red.
Fire raged up the Windclanner's back at the apprentice's insults and just as he turned to snap out a remark, water drowned his senses. Having been the closest to the bank made the inky feline an easy target. Beepaw's icy waves splashed over and soaked his left side thoroughly. Leaving the tuxedo void of sensible words as shock set in. Spatting surprised curses, he backpedaled fast and nearly tripped while doing so.

Managing to balance while he stumbled farther into the grasses. His face broiled with unbridled rage as the surprise of it wore off. I'll rip out their damned throats! Now the rather fluffy tom looked comical in the way his left side shrunk significantly while the right stayed perfectly plush. Exposing just how scrawny he truly was beneath all the soft wavelets of black and white.

A growl erupted from within as he glowered at the patrol in his half-mucked state. "I've no fear of your damned water! Just sheer amazement when it comes to the idiocy of your clan!" Unlike most of his clanmates, the older tom had experience swimming, but he was not comparable to a Riverclanner's expertise. With a sneer, he looked at the smug leader. You'll regret that. I'll kill you again just to watch that smile drain from your eyes. Smokestar's added waves had thankfully been a missed disaster, but the damage was already done.

Still, the urge to dive in and grapple with the two was nearly irresistible. Shaking his pelt with violent urgency to somewhat free himself of the drag on his coat. Rather than entertain it further, he whipped around and stormed past Downypaw. He bit his tongue hard enough to taste copper as he went. Uncaring of the consequences of abandoning his post, as in Harbingermoon's mind, the next step was physical. Something he had been given enough of an earful to avoid.


Please enjoy these illustrations made by me and Tikki!
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