HALF-MOON RIVER | human au fall festival

The wind carries the soft, pink scent of apples and the cool nip of autumn on its back. It would be an understatement to say that Siobhan is utterly delighted by this. Each year, the seasons turn the trees until they are the same flaming red as her bouncing curls; each year, she holds fast through hay fever and spends all her time outside anyway, too in love with fall to cloister herself in her room. She'll attend Moorwind's fall festival even while congested. Field trips are, after all, a big deal.

Clad in a thick wool sweater and baggy overalls, Siobhan mills about with a basket on her arm, keeping her youngest cousins in view as much as she can. She'd hate to lose sight of them in this crowd, but she has to remind herself they aren't toddlers anymore. They're in fifth grade, almost middle schoolers. They aren't invulnerable, but they have some autonomy. She tries not to forget that fact as she weaves through regal trunks, only a few paces behind Saburo the whole way.

"I almost set up my own booth," she tells him, trying to distract herself from her hawkishness. "I thought the kids would like to hold the chickens, and Hestia would be patient." She pauses, mildly mismatched eyes lifting to the round garnet jewel above her. Siobhan plucks the fruit with ease and deposits it into its wicker bed. "But then I found out they had a petting zoo, anyway." She flashes Saburo a wry smile. Her chicken pen would have had nothing on the fair's official barnyard delight — their petting zoo had sheep, cows, and alpacas, and those were far more interesting (and considerably less cagey) animals than her own hens.

She whisks a stray lock behind her ear, grazing the gnarled scar over her nose in the process. "It must be new. I do not remember it from our own childhood." Childhood being relative. Siobhan is hardly past 20 herself.

  • ooc. the setting: moorwind's schools all have a field trip to the local apple orchard for a fall festival, complete with fall-themed fair food, carnival games, costumes, and a hay ride! my thought was kits & apprentices would likely be students while warriors can be chaperones, teachers, vendors, or just other guests :- ) but dont feel beholden to that! just have fun do whatever u want <3

    mentioning @SEDGEPOUNCE but no need to wait! & scorch is open to other interacts too!
  • SCORCHSTORM —— warrior of windclan, mentored by sunstar & badgermoon . scorchstreak x badgermoon . littermate to rumblerain, frostwind, and luckypaw ✦ penned by meghan

    a broad-shouldered tortoiseshell with low white and dual-toned amber eyes. extremely loyal to sunstar and her family, and enjoys a deep connection to the moorlands
    demigirl / she they pronouns / lesbian / 17 moons & ages every 1st
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— will start fights / will not flee / may show mercy. fights honorably and with great ferocity. can tank a few hits, but is not the sturdiest cat in windclan. starts fights with the intention of finishing them permanently, but will not aim to maim or kill obviously young cats

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are in character
    full biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
There was a cool, crisp feeling in the air. It felt like home, all cozy and stuff He looks up at the trees, the leaves were a kaleidoscope of colors. Heavy leaf fall rustles and crunches underfoot, announcing each step he takes as he trails passes each individual apple tree. Autumn has came to the town in full swing.

The change in the weather is a pleasant experience. It's the kind of weather that calls for cozy clothing, a cheery campfire and a warm, sweet drink to be satisfied.

A dark blue scarf wrapped around the teenager's neck. Sebastian had his fingers wrapped securely around a jar, half full with a nice mix of salty and sweet snacks. His Papa had bought it for him (even though he wanted to pay for it himself). He is quite pleased with his little snack he now held in his hands. Him and his parents parted ways, Sebastian promising his Mama and Papa that he'll be safe. Plus, he has Bea with him!

Chin lengthed, dyed white and black hair bounced as she walks trailing blue eyes around at the several stalls lining to the sides. "Sooo.. What should we do first Bea?" She looks over her shoulder at one of her most bestest friend that had been following her. She perks up with a smile as she whips her head around, halting suddenly as she lifts her hand to point at the different things that caught her eye. "There's games! Petting zoos, food stalls, aaaand awesome hay rides... We got ourselves our own oyster! Or something like that." He stretches his arms out in front of him, a smile upon his face. He realllly wants to see everything!

  • ooc. talking and interacting with @Brackenpaw
    sheep is also open to other interactions!
  • no ref yet </3
  • ( HEY! WHATCHA GOT? ) ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ SHEEPPAW. ╱ windclan apprentice.
    amab ; HE / SHE ; not opposed to gendered terms
    undecided / not actively looking / open to puppy-crushes
    a lanky, longhaired black smoke with high white and blue eyes
    thoughts ; "Speech, B9D6F2" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like night air & windblown heather
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone

There haven't been many grand events in the short time that Comgall's been alive, but he would certainly count today as one of them. His mother had gone with him and his siblings on the Moorwind's schools field trip, and currently she was watching over them dutifully as the five of them waited patiently - or, not so patiently - for their turn to go into the petting zoo. Comgall, despite his mother's best efforts, was a bit dirty as he toddled forward, peering between the slats of the fence.

"I wanna... the sheep," he said fretfully as she turned to look at his mother. The alpaca had also looked quite interesting, and looked like it could be soft, but Comgall wasn't as familiar with that animal as she was with the barnyard sheep. It hadn't crossed his mind that he would get to interact with all the animals in sight, so he had thoughtfully chosen the safe option in the sheep. "Baaa..."

  • Love
Reactions: meghan
Buck had taken a lot of odd jobs throughout his life — a truck mechanic, a farm hand, a boot salesman, you name it. However, today, he found himself manning a horse ride station at the local orchard's fall fair. A few horses were tethered to their stables and nibbling on hay with saddles readied and strapped to their torsos. Another horse was calmly being led around a corral, a giddy child sat upon its back and giggling excitedly.

"Step right up, folks. Five dollars per rider. They don't bite, I promise." The square-jawed gentleman advertises to passersby, adjusting the dark brown and wide-brimmed cowboy hat that rested upon his noggin. He leans against one of the corral's wooden posts, stationed near the gate and ready to assist guests when needed. It wasn't the most thrilling gig Buck's ever done, but hey, he was getting paid for it. Plus, watching the kids ride a horse ( often for the first time ) and enjoy themselves was always an adorable sight that he could not resist smiling at.

  • 86417925_7c5WxVdny06oqof.png
    a new warrior of windclan, buckfire is thirty-one moons. he is a ruggedly handsome tom, sporting lean muscle and a slightly taller-than-average stature. there is a nick in his left ear as well as a small scratch on his right lip. he smells of cotton grass and gorse. 
  • Love
Reactions: meghan

"Aw, for real?" gawks Saburo, a lanky young man clad in too-big flannel. He's just snapped an apple from its branch, arm weaving back through yellow-green leaves as he shoots a curious glance to Siobhan. "That woulda been cool..."

The apple's skin is smooth and waxy. It was bright red when he'd spied it through the boughs, but as he turns it over in his hand, he finds the other side a burnt gold. Saburo sighs. "Maybe another time, then." Hestia's a pretty cool bird as far as chickens go, and even though the fair has a petting zoo this time, he's sure that there's no such thing as too many petable animals, as far as kids go.

The apple goes into the basket, borrowed and wicker. It balances in the crook of his arm, wobbly with the three solid fruits he's managed to grab so far. Content for a moment, he steps back and stretches.

Kids run too and fro, kicking up leaf litter and squealing happily, bundled up in fleeces and hats and scarves. Every season's beautiful in the countryside, but there is something particularly nice about this time in autumn—when there's still color and sunshine for people to enjoy. Saburo eyes Siobhan, who in turn eyes her cousins through the row of trees, and even though she's doing enough helicoptering on her own, he spies Yvonne with her brood of siblings just to make sure she's okay, anyway.

"Heh. Nah, you're definitely right," he assures. Moorwind hasn't always been the best place to grow up. But now...it's getting better. "S'nice, though. I'm glad we have this now."

Slowly they meander to the orchard's edge, closer to the festival's hub. The breezy quiet of the trees gives way to voices and peals of laughter. He spots a cowboy leaning on a fencepost at the corral and raises up a hand to wave. "Hey, Buck!" Saburo calls. "Can we feed the horses?"

  • Love
Reactions: meghan

Moorwind's fall festival was a usual haunt for Beatrix, she thought it was kinda cool despite the fact it really clashed with the goth fashion she carried like a second skin. She followed Sebastian like a shadow as he walked along the stall lined walkways with his parents, her own had been too busy to attend but truthfully she wouldn't have asked them to come with her anyways. The smell of hay was too much for them sometimes so they couldn't imagine their mother being tortured by it for very long without wanting to go home.

She'd wrinkle her nose if not in fear for smudging her make up, creasing foundation wouldn't be noticable if not for the fact that it's as white as a sheet of paper. Contrasting greatly against her tanned skin, they knew they didn't actually have to go all out for something like a fall festival but in her mind she had an image to uphold. At least Sebastian seemed to be having fun but they couldn't remember a time where it didn't look like she was having fun.

Gloved hands shove themself into her thick black coat, scrunching into fists and then uncurling, crowds like this were uncomfortable to her but she liked the festival so they tried to make it work. This was a lot more entertaining than studying so she tried to find the positives here and there truly was plenty. The joy from events like this was infectious and she did like seeing all the different animals wherever it be from the petting zoo or from stall holders just bringing their own.

"Uh we could look at the horse I guess" she mumbled with disinterest, horses were cool and all but they kind of scared her. There was something to them, they thought maybe it was the hooves? Buck seemed happy enough to provide a service with rides but she thought she was wayyy to old for horse rides anyways but if their friend wanted to they wouldn't deny him.

"I kinda want to look at the food stalls, if you don't mind?" Brown eyes flicker to the jar of sweet and salty treats that her friend cradled protectively. They hadn't eaten before this, a foolish mistake in hindsight but she figured that's what the food stalls were for.

  • ooc. Interacting with @SHEEPPAW but open to other interactions <33
  • Brackenpaw
    they/she, tunneler apprentice of Windclan, 11 moons (ages on the 22nd)
    a lithe and fragile looking calico that looks like they still need to grow into her ears
    Speech, thoughts, attacking
    NPC x NPC, mentored by Scorchstreak | Formally mentored by Bluefrost
    easy to befriend other kits, gradually harder to befriend every rank after that
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
    All opinions are IC!! Bracken is a little hater

Moorwind's fall festival was likely the biggest gathering of people that Celine Diana Shepard had ever seen in-person. To the farmgirl, this sort of unison was a spectacle to behold, as if she truly did not believe this many people could exist in one place. She had grown up accompanied by farm animals rather by people, learning their language of brays and bleats and screeches, dissonant strings of the agrarian hymn. Now, her ears graced not on the silence of swaying grass but the distant thunder of people, all together in one moment. She hated to admit how heartwarming she found the mere idea of a large festival, but it existed like a germinating sprout within the soils of her spirit.

Crisp autumn air rustled at the young woman's nape, as playful as frizzling taffeta upon one's skin, as it lie and blinked itself awake once more. She dressed in her usual attire - a plaid-patterned flannel shirt draped alongside her shoulders and long jeans to hug at her thighs. She had just bought new leather boots, too, so what better place to show them off than at the fall festival? Sweet aromas of freshly-basked rusk and steaming-hot apple cider fell upon her nostrils, and such a wondrous atmosphere did nothing to dissuade the enthusiasm that the Moorwind University freshman felt, as though her spirit had not been crimped by the absolute tonal change from her hometown to here. What should I do first? Maybe the petting zoo? Nah, if I wanted to pet chickens and goats, I'd just make my way to the farm again. Maybe that fella with the horses over there? No, that's also somethin' I'd do at home if I wanted. Dear lord, is this just the city folk's version of the farm life? She had come to Moorwind to escape from the rural life, not be reminded of it once more. Wandering along with the wax and wane of the crowd, Celine lingered around each stall with her hands in her jean-pockets.

Spotting Sebastian and Beatrix from afar, Celine wasted little time in closing the distance between her and the two, almost tripping upon her too-big boots as she speed-walked across the ground. Being with friends was much better than being alone, she supposed, especially in her first time at Moorwind's festivities. "Hey! Y'all are also here for the great food, right? I heard Moorwind has the best apple cider this side of the river." Celine's sunshot face lit up as she beamed, like the brisk brilliance had not skimped upon her round cheeks and broad grin, as chilly and shy as the sunrays seemed to be. "How's school been treatin' y'all? Not too stressful, I hope. Now's not the time t'be worryin' 'bout it, though. There's so much food to eat and games to play! If only my hometown were this exciting. Sometimes, we'd have fairs, but nothin' like this. 'Twas a glorified farmer's market, that one. All me and my family did was see which cows're gonna get us the most milk. Y'all think I could buy a cow here? Well, I certainly don't have the room for it in my room. But I'll call my siblin's with the truck and haul it right back to Sunflower Acres quicker than a chicken pecks up feed." Celine blabbered on without any repose (or any shame, really). She couldn't help it, not when she got so excited that words purled out of her like silly string.

  • OUT OF CHARACTER. Interacting with @SHEEPPAW and @Brackenpaw !

    — MEDICINAL EXPERTISE: Celandinepaw is the current medicine cat apprentice of Windclan. Although she is quite new to her position, she also has much expertise with treatment regarding infectious diseases and basic remedies. As for anything more complex... you're better off asking a more experienced medicine cat.

  • jap5D3a.png
    —— Medicine Cat Apprentice of Windclan / Mentored by Wolfsong & Cottonsprig
    —— A shorthaired, wheat-yellow spotted tabby with yellowish-green eyes. Somewhat pudgy, though lean and able to hold her ground in the wild.
    —— Extroverted and unafraid to speak her mind, she is a friendly and affable face in Windclan. Though ditzy and somewhat cowardly, she tries her best to help her clan. She is prone to outbursts when spurned or stressed.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.