// This takes place immediately after the battle.

His sides heave, the scent of blood fills his nostrils and his golden eyes linger for a moment too long on the body of his brother. His brother. Despite everything, it still hurts. None of his siblings remained alive in ThunderClan. Moonwhisper, Duskbird, all that remained of his mothers legacy here was him, his SkyClan family estranged to him by no one's choice but his own. Pain twists in his chest as he remembers the love in Little Wolf's eyes as she had looked down upon her new-born litter and uttered the name Skykit. A fool, he had thought back then. Now though, now that he has known love himself, he understands. Skykit for the love she and his father had shared. How was she supposed to know her sons name would carry with it such a dark cloud, when she had named him for all the love and light in her world?

He tears his gaze away from that patched pelt, marred with blood, desperately scanning the crowd for his family. His kits, he had to find his kits and make sure they were safe. But Roeflame... For a while, in exile, he had been so afraid. Afraid that in their time apart something would happen that would keep him from her until they reunited in the stars. That fear had kept him up for endless nights, had him pacing until his feet felt too heavy to continue.

When he finally spots a flash of gray brown and white, it's like the airs been sucked out of his chest. He stumbles forward, catching himself as he lets out a pained cry "Roeflame!" he calls out, voice hoarse from the battle. When her eyes alight on him he moves faster, his paws unable to take him to her side quick enough. When he reaches her there's no force in the world that can stop him from embracing her, from pressing his nose to the top of her head, tears of relief leaking from his closed eyes.

She is here, here and whole and that is all that matters.

"You're okay," he breathes into her fur "You're okay, you're safe Im-" happy was not the right word, not now when so many other things weigh heavily at his shoulder, but to see her, to be back in her presence and to know she was okay, it was enough.

// @ROEFLAME . but @beetlepaw @LITTLEPAW @Dovepaw @COALPAW @HOPEPAW no pressure to post but you guys can if you'd like!

  • 80082522_aYO5vxC2NxrsdlE.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably
    Mentoring Beetlepaw and Coalpaw

His ear still burns from where a claw had snagged it during the battle. But it's over- it's over, as clear as when Flamewhisker strikes the final blow. He creeps from the nursery, where he had taken Spiderkit, where he had bravely defended with what battle skills he knew. Beetlepaw's teeth are grit- the blood still sung in the air, still hung heavy around them. Death, the scent of death, would come next. How many Thunderclanners did they lose to the battle? How many weren't coming back?

A long breath left him as he spots black fur, rusted by blood and sun, dampened by the storm that had raged while the battle happened. His eyes, fixed to that of a corpse- one that had his ears flattening and body shrinking back a step. Skyclaw's body. He knew it happened, of course he did, but it was... a shock. His uncle. Beetlepaw bit down on his tongue to keep from making a noise but he still crept free, weaving around other cats to make it to Burnstorm.

Roeflame! Shock, worry, shoots through him. Was she okay? His paws keep moving, stumbling over the ravine's ground, and he catches sight of his parents colliding together in embrace. He can't hold the small noise that leaves him then, bounding closer now. "Dad! Momma!" He called, ears shoving forward and body itching- itching for the need to be near them, to know they're okay, that they can't be like Skyclaw.

They get a few moments to themselves before Beetlepaw is colliding into their legs and shoulders, head leaned down and hidden as tears finally prickle in his eyes. Relief, mixed with tears that were residual of fear. He didn't say anything more, just pressed as close as he could to them.
  • "speech"
  • BEETLEPAW he/him, apprentice of thunderclan, six moons.
    LH black smoke with bright green eyes. growing into a very broad and built tom-cat, mirroring his father's build. of average height, with a shit-eating grin more often then not.
    being mentored by burnstorm / / mentoring no one
    no romantic interests / / BURNSTORM X ROEFLAME - sibling to dovepaw and littlepaw, adoptive sibling to hopepaw and coalpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

  • Love
Reactions: Jay

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
The weight on her tongue is heavy and metallic, still dribbling from her maw as Roeflame kicked the body at her paws away from her. The battle was won, and her mind was dizzy. Bruises not yet felt still cause a stagger in the Lead Warriors step, where were they?

Celadon hues make a point to steer clear from the body of Skyclaw, she had gotten her glimpse- the tom who carried a forest worth of monstrosity was now nothing more than a crumpled bundle of fur on the ground. Roeflame!

The voice is splintered and far, the buzzing in the rosetted warriors ear making it sound as though it was bouncing off of the camp's torn walls. The recognition is instant, putting a new glimmer of desperation in Roeflame’s eye. She twists on her heel, and everything turns dark as her beloved's fur wraps the proud warrior up in a feathered blanket of onyx sanctuary. “Burnstorm!” Roeflame pushes herself into the sensation of safety, her mates name expelling from her maw in a sob the brassy warrior hadn’t known she was holding in. The light in her life was here, Roeflame could breathe again, as choked as her breaths were with emotion.

For a sweet, painful moment Roeflame simply stays there, feeling the heat of Burnstorms breath seep the sunshine back into her fur, dampening his chest fur with the tears that trickled through the grime on her cheeks.

Beetlepaw’s cries snap a new life back into the battle-bruised she-cat, and she is more than ready to meet her son when he comes colliding into them, taking the opportunity of his dipped head to press her nose against his temple. Littlepaw comes at them from the other side, and Roeflame is only half-aware of her daughters absent tremble. “My little warriors, thank the stars!” The mother gasps, though her gaze does not miss the bleeding nick in Beetlepaws ear.

“You’ve all gotten so much bigger, how is that even possible?” The sentiment is bittersweet when she needs to look up to meet Littlepaw’s gaze, Beetlepaw even moreso. Roeflame would hold her family tighter if she could. “Hopepaw and Coalpaw will be so happy to see you.” The silvery warriors purr is raspy, but genuine. Her world was being brought back together.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Dovepaw had discovered too young that they did not like battle like they thought they would, did not like the hot stench of blood within the air from the fight, even if they were on the winning side it was not something they wanted to go through again. The feeling of helplessness and fear was not something they liked, the betrayal of clanmates turning on each other and the need to protect what they could with little skill taught to them. That fear of the unknown of what would wait for the family when they got back is what fueled them, the need to make sure that kin - both blood and adopted - were okay is what made it so instead of running the young cat stood in defense of the nursery alongside brother, so focused in their task that they didn't know Beetlepaw had been hit. When it was all said and done and the dust began to settle they let out a breath that they didn't know they were holding before the call of their mother's name cut through the air and finally emotions other than that fear began to flood through them.

She's okay.

Their mother was okay, she was there and not lying on the floor bleeding out or dead and quickly Dovepaw followed their brother to collide into her, hot tears streaking down their face. "They're both okay too? Everyone's okay?" The words were kit-like, searching for confirmation to make sure that family was fine and that no one else had died, that the dreams of all of them growing up together to become the best warriors in ThunderClan would happen. Dovepaw would make sure they would happen, that the small family would overcome all of this, because they had to.

  • --
    -- afab ;; they/them ;; thunderclan apprentice
    -- sibling to littlepaw && beetlepaw
    -- lh chocolate silver lynx point
    -- stubborn && questions everything
    -- speaks in bolded #96b6a6