hello! ♡


☄. *. ⋆
Mar 17, 2025
hi everyone, my name is denna! i'm a 28 year old woman living in the pacific northwest. i love writing (and roleplaying) & i love warrior cats. i also read a lot of other books; i like a lot of anthropomorphic fiction other than wc, contemporary thrillers, and horror! i just finished my graduate degree in creative writing & am currently working on writing a prehistoric fantasy trilogy.

i also have a little black cat named matilda and drink way too much coffee.

excited to get to know everyone! i'm not quite sure on where i want my first character to be so i'll likely be lurking for a little before i start rping, so if anyone has any tips/advice for me let me know!
Hey there!!! Welcome to our community, we're so happy to have you here and glad you found us!

First off, I highly recommend you check out our Getting Started guide if you haven't already, also feel free to join the Discord if you'd like to show off pics of your kitty and chat with us! C:
The links to our discords can be found in the getting started guide!

I'm looking forward to seeing you around and plotting with you!! ♡
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HELLO!!! Welcome to TT :D!! we are so cheesed to meet you omg you can join our resident english / creative writing major gang 🔥🔥🔥 (i am NOT in that gang i am tupid ❤️) I'm pretty much everywhere besides RiverClan so I'm sure I'll see you eventually! Soooo excited to see what you end up cooking up <33!!
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Welcome welcome denna!!! We are so excited to have you here (also omg hi fellow black cat mom)! You'll see me in every clan so no matter what we'll get to rp together! If you have any questions or need any help getting started, let us know!! Can't wait to write with you <3
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Welcome to Tabby Tales! We're super excited you have you here :D

Congratulations on your degree and on starting to write your new trilogy, the genre sounds super interesting. You should definitely share the titles with us when it's completed, I'm sure lots of the community would love to give it a read.

I'm primarily in SkyClan, but I have a casual character or two sprinkled in some of the other Clans, so we're bound to bump into each other in roleplay inevitably. All of the Clans are super fun and led by passionate HP teams, so you'll have a good time just about anywhere you go.

My only recommendation would be to join the discord server of any Clan you're in (an invite can be found in their guides or in the previously linked 'Getting Started' thread). Plotting and convos can certainly happen onsite, but you'll get the best plotting and chatting experience through our discords as it's typically more accessible for people throughout the day

If you have any questions, as the others have mentioned, just give us a shout! Our community is always eager to assist :) Super excited to roleplay with you! 🧡
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