HERE COMES THE RUNTS | council gossip

The sky had turned dark, but even in the hour of the wolf, ShadowClan's camp seldom knew quiet. Eyes of all colours and varying degrees of awakeness glinted in what little light remained scattered throughout their home, some awake anticipating Mirestar's return, others simply preparing for their night patrols. Similarly, the cinnamon tabby found herself practically buzzing like a summer bee, maneuvering around camp as if StarClan had somehow discovered coffee. As soon as Mirepurr came back, she would become a warrior. So many potential names ran through her head, the same ones she'd collected as a child playing 'Blood-and-SingeClan', but would Mirepurr pick any of them? Would she become Bloodfang, scourge of the toads? Or how about Bloodclaw, the fierce bear-killer?

Or... how about Bloodmoon, Lead Warrior of ShadowClan?

It was a title grossly unearned by the tabby: Lead Warrior - in the eyes of the clan, she wasn't even an adult yet? But there was something appealing about the idea, as if it would be a barrel of laughs getting to help run a clan. Then, as she rounded a corner in camp, another thought crossed her mind. With the Deputy gone, three cats were in charge of the marsh. Three cats... in charge of more dozens than she could count. It didn't sound very sustainable... did it? What if it took Mirepurr more than one night to get their new name? Travel to WindClan wouldn't exactly be easy, what with the moorland warriors being half-rabid.

There was a twinge of sadness to her halt, as if competing with the understanding that she would not even be thinking of ShadowClan's future if Smogstar was still around. She could just focus on her name and her warrior position and all would feel right in the world - she shook out her fur as if expecting it to be frayed by such a revelation. A pair of night-eyes found her and she flashed a grin towards them as if all was right in her world. "So... this Moonstone business has got me thinking...." She stepped towards the first cat to pay attention to her, almost desperate for a conversation with them. "Smogstar, bless his heart, must've been so lonely with a bare bones council. Mirepurr'll feel it too, I reckon. I think we should play a game and put forwards our pick for the council. Then, we'll see who has the most votes and I'll deliver the choices to leader when they return!"

She shuffled back onto her haunches. "I'll go first. I vote for... Lividsmoke... he's tough and cool. And... I think... Hawkstride as well? He's got a wicked name, the type you'd want to follow into certain death, y'know?" She angled her head curiously to see who, if anyone, her partner would vote for.

  • Dead

[ ༻ 𐃉 ༺ ] With Smogstar gone, the king who ascended the throne only for the thorny crown to be ripped away so quickly as it was granted and given to Mirepurr leaving the council smaller than ever. A council his mother was a part of and a council his sister (begrudgingly still) was a part of. His tail swished side to side as he looked over towards the older apprentice, narrowing his green eyes as she asked them who they would think Mirepurr would choose while rolling his shoulder and taking a deep breath. Lividsmoke self-isolated a lot and seemed to only care for himself (despite him hardly ever interacting with the tom), and Hawkstride was a relative who seemed to also not show up around all that much unless he needed to be.

He shook his head at Bloodpaw's suggestions before making his own comments "Scalejaw and Vulturesong" he gave no reason to his answer but just a simple response to what the molly had asked. Perhaps one day when he is warrior he too would join in the ranks of lead warrior alongside his mother, or perhaps she would be the deputy that Mirepurr will choose to lead the clan next. His mother... deputy, was a pleasant thought to think about, after all he would have more leeway on the other apprentices and could boast even more if his mother, his mentor was the next big huncho.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Sycamorepaw 𐃉 He,She, They, Shadowclan apprentice, 8 moons.
    LH Rosetted Cinnamon Tabby with low white and green eyes, has an extra set of toes
    Lilacfur x Siltcloud
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

It is remarkable how rapidly Flintwish feels that she has aged out of these sorts of apprentice games. Bloodpaw's energy is so boundless, an unending fount. She doesn't understand how the not-quite-warrior can find these high spirits, especially in such dire times. Smogstar is gone, and... well, the wheels must keep turning, mustn't they? The Clan needs a new leader in order to function, don't they? And it's the entire job of a deputy to step up when their leader is... out of commission.

Still, it is easy to feel offended by the garrulous ponderings on a new ShadowClan council. Flintwish's ears twitch from where she lies outside the warriors' den, unable to sleep, but unable to do a whole lot else, either. And, as much as his chest leaps in protest against it, he cannot help but begin to entertain Bloodpaw's suggestion. Who would be on Mirestar's council?

His family already makes up a large portion of them. He is, after all, descended from ShadowClan's very foundation — but his family has also been a force that rips ShadowClan apart in a very literal sense. Smogstar's parting words to him had been encouragement, a call to ambition, an instruction to drive Flintwish forward in search of an actionable goal.

For a moment, she considers herself among Mirestar's council, and then the thought recoils as if it has been stung by a horde of wasps. No. She almost says it aloud. There is no way I could ever be a council member. And she believes it fully; after all, who would want a son of Granitepelt among their Clan's trusted council? It is already too much to ask ShadowClan to tolerate him — especially when Ghostmask terrorizes them still, having attacked Poppyglow as she had. No. Misfortune curdles whatever ambition Flintwish has retained. When she finally adds her own voice to Bloodpaw's game, she does not volunteer herself.

An ear flicks as she registers who has already been thrust into the metaphorical spotlight. Scalejaw she agrees with; everyone else, well... there are points being made, she supposes. "What about, um, Shalestorm? She's so... nice." It is higher praise than it seems. Not all of ShadowClan's warriors are blessed with such a virtue — Flintwish herself has struggled with niceness for much of her life. "And maybe... Lizardthroat. It has a, um, really unique way of looking at things."

  • ooc.
  • FLINTWISH —— warrior of shadowclan, mentoring branchpaw . granitepelt x starlingheart . littermate to nettlepaw, ghostmask . mates with ashenfall ✦ penned by meghan

    a small, slate-blue tom with mismatched blue and green eyes. hard to approach and harder to enjoy, but beneath his spines he seems to have a good heart, and cares for his clanmates
    unlabeled gender / he, she, they pronouns / 16 moons & ages every 12th
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— will start fights / may flee / may show mercy. tends to fight dirty on account of granitepelt's teachings. will fight tooth and nail to win, as this is one of the few ways flintwish can prove his worth to himself

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are in character
    full biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
The concept of lead warriors meant very little to Sneezepaw. It crossed his mind much less that Mirepurr would struggle when they return from the Moonstone, or that perhaps such little support had something to do with Smogstar's disappearance. He never felt the pride that should come with his mentor being part of the leader's council. Similarly, he never felt the drive to become a lead warrior himself one day. What were they, besides warriors that just survived very long and knew how to boss cats around?

Anyways, he doesn't know why he entertains the conversation about a topic he has very little interest about. The questioned wasn't aimed towards him anyhow; Sneezepaw just happened to be within ear-reach. A subtle roll of his eyes betrays the accusation that does not reach his lip; such topics are trivial compared to the matter at hand, and Bloodpaw is speaking too quickly of their future. As if she'd gotten over Smogstar already.

Just like Chilledstar, ShadowClan was too ready to move on, and Sneezepaw was still lagging behind, still hanging onto the former leader's death while a whole new set of nine lives had moved past them.

"Shriketalon's been around for a while, I guess," the boy mutters halfheartedly. If he casts his vote now, Bloodpaw won't bother him for it later.

Gossip and speculation are the life blood of the clans, perhaps more so than the sense of community and the code. Gossip brings cats together... and it tears cats apart. So, of course, Shalestorm is allll over it. Todays topic of conversation: the Lead Warriors!! Or... well, the lack of lead warriors and who might be good to join their ranks. It's a good question!! And Shale has to think about it for a moment, gaze moving to the sky as she hums in thought, listening idly to the cats others bring up. There's some good choices being brought up, her own name among them.

"Haha, me? No way!" The pale warrior laughs, attempting to bump shoulders with Flintwish playfully. It's nice to be considered, but there's no way Mirepurr would want her on their council - despite the honor that would be.

"I second Scalejaw!!" She declares, sure that Scalejaw would be a great choice. "What about Salamandersnap, too? She's feisty!! A real picture perfect ShadowClan cat!" Shalestorm grins, looking around the group, wanting to hear any other opinions.

  • #e36f90

  • (img) Shalestorm * she/her* 25 moons
    blue point/blue chimera w/ low white; blue eyes
    Peaceful & healing powerplay allowed || underline for attack
    penned by Neptune. || Neptune on disc, dm me for plots
  • Like
Reactions: halimede

Lilacfur did not often look across the number of warriors in their camp and assess their place beside her and the rest of the council, but maybe that simply came with the fashion of already staking her claim. Perhaps she shouldn't be entirely surprised that with the sudden succession of another leader, there would be murmurs of what to expect next.

There are a few names that stick out to her, primarily from Flintwish and Bloodpaw that make her maw twitch in amusement.

"Wishing for me to work with any of Skunktail's children should be a crime." She joked lightly as she sat beside her younger kin. "I think Hawkstride has great potential to see himself on the council one day, Pipitclaw too. They're both quick-thinkers and..." Her mind wandered to the likes of her fellow lead warriors. "Would provide a different perspective, I think. Lizardthroat, too, Skunktail has found himself quite a capable bunch." If only they didn't make themselves so small in comparison to their other Clanmates.

One thing was for certain, they needed more optimism and genuine morale. Smogstar had garnered hope, but Mirepurr would see that it glowed far brighter than the glimpse his predecessor showed.

"Do you have any aspirations for this, Flintwish? I think you would like it." Lilacfur had envisioned her brother once sitting beside her beneath Chilledstar, but he had found himself happy and content with the love and company of Frostbite. Still, it would be nice to see her kin rise with her.


Leaning into the conversation on the shoulder of her aunt, Gigglepaw can't help the reactionary wrinkle of her nose when Shalestorm suggests Salamandersnap to Bloodpaw's discussion question as to who would be a good fit for the Council that Mirepurr will surround themselves with now that they're on their way to becoming leader of ShadowClan. Gigglepaw would be quick to suggest both of her mothers, but knows that Ferndance has already been there and done that.

"I think Scalejaw would be good!" She pipes up, picking up the name from a few other mouths that have dropped it- "And Flintwish, too! I think Aunt Starlingheart would be super proud of you if you became a Lead Warrior, Flintwish." She practically oozes with delight at the suggestion that her cousin be put in such a place of honor - really, she thought any of her family would be a good choice, but as a kit she could remember there being hesitation over so much of her family being in high places. She'd never much understood why, but she didn't want to make anyone upset.

*+:。.。 Although Singepaw was undeniably an ambitious kid, his goals reached solely for the the title of greatest fighter of all time. Everything else fell to the wayside in comparison to such a mighty destination. For that reason, Singepaw paid little to no attention to who currently was or could be a lead warrior as the rank, in his opinion, felt as useless as being named as an apprentice while still grounded in camp.
Still, Singepaw enjoyed putting a hierarchy on his favorite cats, so when he overheard Bloodpaw's conversation starter, he eagerly joined in.

"Tsk, I wouldn't vote for Lividsmoke, the guy's practically a walking bush of stinging nettles" he comments with a huff, recalling the older's treatment of his own brother and the weird way he's managed to sink his teeth into Swallowpaw's heart. Gross. Speaking of siblings...Singepaw steps up to beside beside Sneezepaw, immediately wrapping his arm around his brother and leaning heavily enough against him that Sneezepaw will have to catch himself, hopefully, the physical teasing will ease the strain in his brother's form. Where grief has made Singepaw more hot-headed, it seemed to have taken the fire out of Sneezepaw. "Imagine mom as a lead warrior" he says to his brother with a snicker, "she'd probably order all of shadowclan to mass groom themselves to her liking - Starclan, we'll all die of starvation before a single patrol is "pretty" enough to be sent out!" he laughed.

"I'm putting my vote on Haretooth, at least they'd make the clan interesting" Singepaw would suggest with a snicker. Haretooth and Sharpshadow would make for an interesting duo as leads, especially as potential future deputies-to-be! Hmph, perhaps he'll see both on the throne in his lifetime with how quickly the crowns shatter one after another...

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    11 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x Duckshimmer (brother to Swallowpaw, Sneezepaw)
    Shadowclan — apprentice
    Apprenticed to Smogstar

    Physically medium | mentally somewhat easy
    Attack inbold #b8312f
    injuries: none


The conversation in the middle of camp reached her ears as she returned back to camp after an outing with her mentor, immediately drawing her attention. "I agree with what most of you said. Scalejaw, Shalestorm, maybe even Loonface too! There's lots of capable warriors who would serve Mirestar well. Although I think I have to disagree with the vote for Salamandersnap..." Joining the crowd, Ivypaw rattles off several names of cats who she thinks would make good additions to the council. Many of the gathered cats made good arguments and suggestions, although she found herself in disagreement with Shalestorm. Although Salamandersnap was the poster advertisement of what the other clans viewed Shadowclan as, she didn't know that her personality and attitude would make for a good leadership figure.

  • ooc. — ​
    ↪ ivypaw / cisgender female (she/her)
    ↪ 08 moons / ages realistically on the 2nd
    ↪ shadowclan apprentice
    ↪ lh blue tortoiseshell smoke
    ↪ "speech" / thoughts
    ↪ peaceful/healing actions may be powerplayed / attack in underline & @/account
    ↪ note: all thoughts/actions are based off ic opinions only !!
    ↪ penned by halimede
“I heard Gigglepaw was on Smogstar’s shortlist for deputy, actually…” Ashenfall pads slowly to approach the group, tired yet unable to sleep, like the rest of them. He blinks at the striped apprentice with an imploring gaze, “It wouldn’t surprise me if Mirepurr had you in mind, too. How do you feel about lead-warriorship, to dip your toes in the water…?” A greenhorn apprentice on the council was certainly one way to ensure a fresh perspective for the clan.

He plops down next to Flintwish, as expected, collecting himself in a loaf and curling his tail to rest against them. He’s inclined to agree with their aunt, of course they would do well as a Lead Warrior. He turns his head to meet their eye sidelong, “Hm, yes, I think it’d suit you… You’d get to boss everyone around a bit. Fun.” It’d be nice if his mate was acknowledged for their skill and integrity, and he assumed his early mentorship assignment was evidence that they were trusted by Smogstar, though he had no clue what Mirepurr’s perspective was. On Flintwish or anyone, or anything.

A zap of anxiety twitches at his ears, and the good humor he was chasing flutters a little out of reach. Something akin to guilt sinks in at his own casualness, at how easy it was to forget for a second that everything was going to be like this for the foreseeable.. Forever. Or whatever. He sniffs, rubs a paw to his nose, and feels weird again. In that familiar way. “Uh… Needledrift. Maybe. She went on the journey and.. Yup, she’s nice.” Her and Mirepurr both had that round, cloudishness to them that made the surface part of his brain associate them together as ‘probably getting along well on a team.’ Perfect reasoning. He should be in charge of choosing all the lead warriors himself.

  • OOC:
  • 29y3n1.png
  • ashenkit . ashenpaw . ashenfall
    — he/him. 17mo warrior of shadowclan. formerly mentored by smogstar. mated with flintwish.
    — smogstar x halfshade. littermate to applejaw, swansong & garlicheart. older brother of halfsun and laurelgrin
    — a stout, longhaired blue torbie w/ pale blue and amber eyes
    — sarcastic, sharp-eyed, sulky, nostalgic, faithful, impulsive, candid, provocative, remorseful
    — "speech", thoughts

    — penned by eezy
Last edited:

There was no way in hell he would consider himself a lead warrior. Though ... He would feel finally maybe feel apart of the clan... No, no that didn't matter. He was here, he was happy where he was. And he didn't want to even think about how unhappy others would be. "I have faith in Scalejaw residing in the council as well .. " he said, the tabbys head turning his Icey gaze away from the group, before settling down to lick at his chest due.

"There's so many options, it would be a hard decision. But I trust Mirepurr to choose well. No offense... Nice is good, it is. But..." His voice fell flat, frowning a bit. "well I guess I don't see why you couldn't be a lead warrior, shalestorm. You just can't be nice to everyone," he finally decided. Oh shoot, he quickly offered her a smile, trying to pass along that he was merely teasing the warrior.

He knew not much of being a lead warrior, or having more responsibilities then what was given to him. But he never asked for more. He never asked, and it made him duck his head a bit. They seemed to have so much on their shoulders ... But he just chose to simply do as instructed and not waste their time. It was better that way right?


✧ . It’s another conversation he’s stuck listening to in the middle of his meal, but he supposes it’s better than having to listen to his clanmates’ owl-forged tales. Talk of future lead warriors is definitely better.

His pick has already been among the now twice-inherited council for some time now — his very own mother. A good warrior, a good hunter. It made sense for Forestshade to be a lead warrior, to continue to be on Mirepurr's council. Anyone past that, he has to think on for a moment.

His ears twitch at the names he hears. All okay choices, maybe — but a few names are left out. Briarthorn, his mind fills in, at the mention of Flintwish. His sister is just as good of a warrior as their mother, but he can’t admit that out loud. His near-mirror would never let him live that down!

How about me? ” he asks instead with a crooked grin and a spark in his eyes, “ I think I’d do a pretty good job, you know. " Briefly, with a shock as cold as their name, Chilledstar’s words come to mind, but he would never be made a lead warrior over anyone else — would he?​
  • 74597074_cdZpRJwV0JQAuyC.png
    SCREECHSTORM AMAB. He / Him. Warrior of ShadowClan.
    ✧ . A black/red tabby chimera tom with mismatched green eyes.
    ✧ . Forestshade x Vulturemask
    ✧ . Mentored by Chilledstar
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack