The sky had turned dark, but even in the hour of the wolf, ShadowClan's camp seldom knew quiet. Eyes of all colours and varying degrees of awakeness glinted in what little light remained scattered throughout their home, some awake anticipating Mirestar's return, others simply preparing for their night patrols. Similarly, the cinnamon tabby found herself practically buzzing like a summer bee, maneuvering around camp as if StarClan had somehow discovered coffee. As soon as Mirepurr came back, she would become a warrior. So many potential names ran through her head, the same ones she'd collected as a child playing 'Blood-and-SingeClan', but would Mirepurr pick any of them? Would she become Bloodfang, scourge of the toads? Or how about Bloodclaw, the fierce bear-killer?
Or... how about Bloodmoon, Lead Warrior of ShadowClan?
It was a title grossly unearned by the tabby: Lead Warrior - in the eyes of the clan, she wasn't even an adult yet? But there was something appealing about the idea, as if it would be a barrel of laughs getting to help run a clan. Then, as she rounded a corner in camp, another thought crossed her mind. With the Deputy gone, three cats were in charge of the marsh. Three cats... in charge of more dozens than she could count. It didn't sound very sustainable... did it? What if it took Mirepurr more than one night to get their new name? Travel to WindClan wouldn't exactly be easy, what with the moorland warriors being half-rabid.
There was a twinge of sadness to her halt, as if competing with the understanding that she would not even be thinking of ShadowClan's future if Smogstar was still around. She could just focus on her name and her warrior position and all would feel right in the world - she shook out her fur as if expecting it to be frayed by such a revelation. A pair of night-eyes found her and she flashed a grin towards them as if all was right in her world. "So... this Moonstone business has got me thinking...." She stepped towards the first cat to pay attention to her, almost desperate for a conversation with them. "Smogstar, bless his heart, must've been so lonely with a bare bones council. Mirepurr'll feel it too, I reckon. I think we should play a game and put forwards our pick for the council. Then, we'll see who has the most votes and I'll deliver the choices to leader when they return!"
She shuffled back onto her haunches. "I'll go first. I vote for... Lividsmoke... he's tough and cool. And... I think... Hawkstride as well? He's got a wicked name, the type you'd want to follow into certain death, y'know?" She angled her head curiously to see who, if anyone, her partner would vote for.