- May 2, 2023
- 693
- 214
- 43
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They had greater numbers this time... there would be no more mistakes. Her eyes cast a wide arc over her patrol, counting their heads as if they would disappear if she looked away. That they might fall to pieces with gashes in their throat, unfinished dying wails on their lips. Brookstorm didn't need to be here... didn't need to witness another death.
Bitterly, she wishes she'd been there. What could she have possibly done that Lightningstone couldn't have? The answer doesn't matter but the fact she's been left to pick up the pieces twice now... makes her stomach twist. She cannot fathom the hollowness that comes with losing your litter-mates... and Lichentail only had the one. Would she be a crueler individual with the loss of the blue point..? It prompted the question if maybe Iciclefang's fate would've changed if Steepsnout had lived; would that wily molly have kept her sister more light-of-heart?
"The scent here moves towards the sun but it's fainter..." A hesitant breath... then a command, "Robinheart... come with me. We're going to scout a little further ahead while the others check this area for clues." She'd rather keep all the apprentices and mentors together, in a large group where they'd be able to circle up quickly and protect each other. She'd remember this time, for Robinheart.
Do not move.
Pressing through the crinkling reeds to follow where the scent all but becomes non-existent, she offers a murmured encouragement though it's hard to say who it's for. "We'll find something..." If for no other reason than to honor Oxbowpaw's memory. To see her killers tortured for every drop of her blood that they'd spilled.
@CRASHINGTIDE @Asphodelpaw @PERCHBERRY @Silverbreath @claypaw @robinheart