I WOULD GIVE YOU THE MOON [ riverclan semi-hp litter, closed ]


willowroot stumbled upon poppysplash on a happenstance walk, back when she was 'caraway' and poppysplash was merely 'poppy'. something sparked between them that day, and they found themselves drawn toward each other, meeting up periodically throughout the next moon. when caraway joined riverclan, fearful for her adopted child's survival and the survival of her family's legacy in the river territory, the two only grew closer. after many trials and tribulations, both riverclan and the two femmes have settled down. caraway, now willowroot is a lead warrior, and poppy, now poppysplash has begun to slowly heal from her familial trauma. feelings have been confessed, and now they live happily in their river home, content.

poppysplash is an amab trans woman. the children will refer to her with feminine parental names. poppysplash's tags
willowroot is afab genderfluid. the children will refer to them with feminine or non gender conforming parental names. willowroot's tags
kits will have an adopted aunt in buckgait, an adopted aunt/uncle role in raccoonpaw, and an adopted half sibling in boarpaw.

sire: lh blue tabby (carrying solid)
dam: lh black smoke (carrying dilute, non-silver)
kits can be black, blue, black tabby, blue tabby, black smoke, blue smoke, silver tabby, or blue silver tabby
- kits will be longhaired
- kits will have no white
- kits can have any realistic eye color besides blue
- tabbies will carry solid; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; smoke/silver kits will carry non-silver

1 --
2 --
3 --
4 --

naming theme is optional but appreciated - poppysplash name choices - river dwelling trees (similar to willow), plants, flowers
willowroot name choices - antlerkit, stagkit (after buckgait), smoke/ykit, ashkit, hazekit (after smokethroat), buzzkit/buzzingkit (after beesong/cicadastar), seedkit, poppykit, petalkit, tidekit, reedkit, creekkit, streamkit, wavekit, other watery names

kits will be chosen tbd, probably late november! this is not first come first serve. form is ffa as long as you include the basics. willow and poppy will love their kits no matter what, so there will be no cruel names or backstories. try to keep your kit in riverclan until apprenticeship. if moving your kit, speak to lavs or scar first.

we have a preset plot where, because the kits are born in leafbare (early december), prey will be rare and willowroot will develop whitecough during her stay in the nursery. consequently, the kits may develop it as well and might grow up a bit weaker than normal.

contact lavs on discord lavendes#5628 or dm @lavs
contact scar on discord whore#8292 or dm @scar

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Kitten of Riverclan
— 00 months ;; ages every 30th
— AMAB Enby Non-conforming (they/them)
— Demisexual Aromantic Polyam​

A brown tabby cat with light green eyes.
— Buck is a rather tall cat, standing at about 10 inches tall with a rounded head and ears. Their muzzle is narrow and thing with a small nose and white whiskers. Buck has a long, sweeping coat that is usually kept groom at all times with a long, feathery tail with dark strips up along it. Their coat is a deep, cool brown with black tabby stripes across it in a rather formiable pattern. Buck also has these pretty light green eyes that look like algae on the pond.
No other physical notes;; Reference

Griffindor, Dauntless, Lawful good
( + ) Adaptable, Clever, Balanced, Compassionate
( / ) Cute, Maternal, Naive, Obedient
( - ) Cowardly, Absent-minded, Compulsive, Gullible
— other extra personality quirks​
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i still keep my baby teeth
antlerkit . antlerpaw . tbd

↳ "antler" "ant" ; named in reference to buckgait
— kit of riverclan
— nonbinary amab; they/he; will discover sexuality
willowroot x poppysplash, sibling to ???

a lean and tall black smoke with amber eyes expand
↳ carrying dilute and non-silver


( + ) loyal, ambitious, compassionate, quick-witted ( / ) inquisitive, often distracted, talkative, low empathy ( - ) stubborn, overbearing
special interest haver. will talk your ear off about the differences between different bugs
maybe gets more reserved w age but is still like this with familiar ppl
mannerisms: looks and moves around while talking, rarely ever stays still for long
— will start fights | will end fights | will not flee | will show mercy
— will excel at combat strategizing



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bigkit - bigpaw - bighoof
a large long-haired black tabby she-cat with yellow-green eyes
despite her slender mothers' lithe frames, bigkit came out a bit larger than anyone would ever expect. she resembles a very loud, very fluffy caterpillar in the first few weeks of life - always squeaking, always wriggling, though her general body type is 'fuzzy cotton-ball.' bigkit will never quite grow into her fur. instead, the fluff will encompass her completely and totally - under her hefty coat is a sturdy, muscled athlete, but the sheer volume of fur lends her appearance to be more moose-like than feline (beard included!)

bigkit came out of the womb with a voice and will always have one, though with age comes temperance. in her childhood stages, bighoof is bold, brash, and knows that with her size comes an advantage over others. she is big and strong and she caters to nobody! as she transitions from adolescent to adult, bighoof's braggadocio cools into quiet confidence, though she is not above a little showing off every now-and-then.

bigkit has nothing but love for her two mamas and though she is not a particularly cuddly cat, she tries her best to show that she loves them in her own way: look mama, i peeled off some willow bark for you to put in your nest, do you like it? she's competitive with her siblings but fiercely protective of them and is perfectly willing to throw her weight around if anybody else chooses to pick on them - that's her turf so back off!

easy to form friendships with, she's extremely extroverted and will talk to anyone
moderately difficult to form romantic relationships with. she just doesn't understand all the hullabaloo about finding a mate and settling down. sure, she'll flirt, but there's a million other things she'd rather do than fall in love.

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oops my finger slipped

poolkit . poolpaw . poolsomething

↳ named after the river
— kit of riverclan; thinks other clans are stupid and incompetent, yet curious about their ways
— amab genderfluid, uses all pronouns; undecided sexuality
willowroot x poppysplash, sibling to ???

a longhaired blue silver tabby feline with amber eyes. poolkit is a slender young feline, long-legged with lithe muscle made for gliding seamlessly through the water. they have a long, wavy silver coat which gleams in the sunlight, meticulously groomed to perfection. pale blue-gray marbles their pelt in whorls of tabby stripes. their facial structure is soft, yet they possess strikingly sharp amber eyes.
↳ carrying non-silver, solid


( + ) steadfast, independent, resourceful, practical, analytical ( / ) idiosyncratic, hyper-vigilant, attention-seeking, moody, sensitive, private, blunt ( - ) complaintive, unsociable, hypocritical, pessimistic, impatient expand.
mannerisms: scthuff
— will not start fights | will end fights | will not flee | may show mercy
— (will) excel at fishing, swimming


— gender crisis as a young apprentice; struggling with being seen as a male and having some nice bonding with their parents over discussing their gender identity?
— hopeless romantic but struggles with commitment; constantly getting together and breaking up with others as they mature

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Shell- : the discarded remains of a mollusk found near water, yet still admired for beauty. named for his stripes resembling the striated pattern on shells.
-Shine : the brightness of reflecting light. will be named in the future for his optimistic outlook and emotionally-intuitive nature.
— Cis Male ()
↳ He, him
↳ Unknown preferences
Kit in Riverclan
↳ His opinion of other clans will reflect his environment as he grows up, though is unlikely to be negative.
00 Months

A longhair black tabby tom with light green eyes. His glossy fur is primarily a warm charcoal black, fading into a dusty grey along his underside. Wavering tabby stripes decorate his flanks and legs in thick patterns, most prominently a spiral on both sides. While only kitten fuzz now, his fur will grow into a long, wavy texture, though much shaggier in appearance than any of his siblings, with a feathery plume of a tail. A smudge of reddish-brown is present on the top of his nose bridge. He has light yellow-green eyes, comparable to the skin of a pear in their color. His expression is often imbued with either concern or naivety, though he seems to manage a smile at even the worst of times. His whiskers will be longer than average, twitching this way and that with alertness.

Though small and bumbling as a kitten, he will eventually begin to grow into himself, taking on a lanky and lithe frame. While he will always keep his softer features, he will grow into an athletic build designed for swimming. For the majority of his youth, however, he will be awkwardly gangly with big paws and ears he has yet to grow into.
— Undiagnosed epilepsy, though this will only become prevalent as he ages.
full reference







(+) empathetic, sensitive, optimistic (/) patient, soft-spoken, easygoing (-) lazy, air-headed, weak-willed. While his personality will develop as he does, his traits remain largely simple for the moment. He is as innocent as any other kit, with wide eyes curious about the nature around him. Although polite to others, he doesn't care much about socializing. Instead, he prefers to be alone, often wandering away for silence, no matter how brief it may be. He rarely speaks up for himself, and if he attempts, his thoughts are voiced in a mumble at most. He allows himself to be easily pushed around, fearing confrontation. If he has a breaking point, it would not be reached for a long time. He is shockingly empathetic, able to sense emotional tension with ease, oftentimes trying to assuage it too. Albeit not the best at comforting now for his age, he will grow into a reliable shoulder to cry on, a familiar face to laugh with, and a listening ear to speak with. He tries to see the silver lining in every bad situation, becoming an idealistic dreamer. He can be described as inattentive, often lost in his thoughts and letting his imagination run wild. This leads to the assumption of his overall laziness, though he does try to be helpful when it comes down to it. He is extremely loyal to his family, especially his parents, both of which he is practically attached at the ankles to. In any case of dissension among others, he is the first to act as a peacekeeper, as well as the one to push aside his own feelings in favor of comforting others.

Extra Notes
— some various development ideas: getting that angsty taste of reality, trying to figure out how to not be a people-pleaser all the time, I'll think of more eventually
— full of emotional wisdom. still eats sand


Kitten of Riverclan
— Named after Smokethroat and for their thoughtful, absent demeanor
— AFAB nonbinary, they/she
— Asexual biromantic​

A blue silver classic tabby with copper eyes
— Haze is a puffball of a kitten who will grow up into a small but lithe and graceful cat, with a round face and small ears. Their coat pattern may call to mind volutes of smoke, or the heavy layer of fog over the river in the morning.
— Will always keep a soft, almost kittenish air​

ISFP / The Adventurer, True neutral, Everything Flows
( + ) Adventurous, curious, philosophical, observant, patient
( / ) Wistful, odd, sensitive, restless, contemplative
( - ) Vindictive, reckless, dissatisfied, distracted, self-centered
— Often described as an 'old soul', Haze is a quiet, nearly non-verbal cat with a rich inner life. She seems entirely focused on her own thoughts and dreams, but they are kept from being wholly self-centered by their strong drive to explore and discover the world. She is fascinated by everything outside the clan, from the life of prey to twolegs, other clans, rogues and loners and kittypets.
— They believe wholeheartedly in Starclan, fate, destiny, and a universal balance. This faith allows her to accept both good and bad things happening in their life with a philosophical "this too shall pass". It also gives them a strong sense of justice as well as retribution : in their sense, every bad action will be punished eventually, and every good deed rewarded. She holds a grudge but never forgets a promise or a favor.​
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reedkit - reedpaw - reedstone
reed as part of a compromise between his parents' naming themes and the dark stripes on his pelt.
stone for his stoic nature. suffix may change due to development.

amab, he/him
↳ may come out as somehow genderqueer during adolescence! undecided at this point

lh blue tabby with amber eyes
↳ fur is on the shorter "medium" side
↳ a very dark grey mackerel tabby. quite striking.
↳ very much has a mix of his mothers' features. anyone who knows poppy or willow will be able to tell that reed is their son at a glance.

tactful, reserved, distrustful, cautious, analytical
↳ it's unclear exactly why reedkit has taken to this sort of persona so early in life, easily the most reserved out of his siblings where they may otherwise be caught up in the joys of early days. his logic rules over his emotions from early on, though that may very well be misplaced many a time.

plot thoughts
↳ during their short kithood, reedkit is among the ill in their litter - he has a hard time shaking the whitecough, and it ends up lingering until close to the end of leafbare. might pick up the nickname sneezykit from some of the less politely inclined members of the clan.
↳ in apprenticeship, reedpaw has an incident with a berry bush which stains his pelt stubbornly for a few days! absolutely mortifying, but it will lead to an appreciation of those staining properties down the track.​
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totally didn't forget to do this when i got home

hello everyone!!!! thank you all for the amazing applications! twas a bit of a tough decision but we have gone with the following choices:

@tuna with antlerkit
@nico with poolkit
@Kangoo with hazekit
@mercibun with reedkit

once again, thank you all for applying and your interest in our litter!! the date of birth for the kits will be December 16th. we will give you all details as we hash a bit more of them out!!! thank you all!!!