if love's the gain ♡ double tc cross-clan litter [CLOSED]

May 1, 2023

Two halves of a whole, drawn apart and then back together like moon lulls the tide. Sunshinespot and Doepath have been friends from day one, sharing in a slowly blooming comradery enforced and strengthened by hardship. A kinship shared of mutual pains, they've found comfort in the soft spots of each other but struggled to identify their feelings. Avoidant of such titles as 'mates', both found the attention they denied each other in arms across borders... and now that they've realized they've been dodging the truth of their relationship, it's too late to take back nights spent feeding their hunger for affection.
Doepath finds out first... daunted by the reality impressed upon her by Gentlestorm in private conversation. Fear for what shards of her mother might be buried underneath the surface, many days are spent quietly dreading before a hushed confession is imparted to her new mate. Sunshinespot is not long to follow before he realizes he too has stumbled into the same pitfall. Now there's nothing left to do but rely on one another to keep their secrets... and raise two litters of kits.​
This is a DOUBLE CROSS-CLAN litter!

thunderclan x skyclan
Sire: LH red tabby *
Dam: LH fawn sepia w/ low white

Toms can be chocolate, chocolate tabby, cinnamon, cinnamon tabby, lilac, lilac tabby, fawn, fawn tabby, chocolate mink, chocolate lynx mink, cinnamon mink, cinnamon lynx mink, lilac mink, lilac lynx mink, fawn mink, or fawn lynx mink

Mollies can be chocolate tortie, chocolate torbie, cinnamon tortie, cinnamon torbie, lilac tortie, lilac torbie, fawn tortie, fawn torbie, chocolate tortie mink, chocolate torbie mink, cinnamon tortie mink, cinnamon torbie mink, lilac tortie mink, lilac torbie mink, fawn tortie mink, fawn or fawn torbie mink

Kits will be longhaired
Kits can have low white or no white

Non-mink kits without white may have any realistic eye color barring blue; non-mink kits with white may have any realistic eye color; mink kits with white may have blue or aqua eyes; mink kits with no white will have aqua eyes
Chocolate-based kits may or may not carry cinnamon; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; tabby kits will carry solid; non-pointed kits will carry point OR sepia

thunderclan x shadowclan
Sire: SH charcoal tabby w/ low white *
Dam: LH blue tortoiseshell w/ low white, vitiligo

Toms can be charcoal tabby or red tabby

She-cats can be charcoal tabby or charcoal torbie

Kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
Kits can have no white, low white, or high white

Kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color

Kits may or may not develop vitiligo in adulthood
Red-based kits will mask black charcoal tabby
Shorthaired kits will carry longhair; kits will carry solid; kits will carry dilute; kits may or may not carry chocolate


- these litters are worm litters, aging in real time from birth!
- there is no strict activity requirement, just try to keep them censused!
- do not kill or 'disappear' before the age of 12 moons without notifying parents!
- slots are undetermined amount for each litter, totaling to five between the two
- doe is due december ????!!?!. sunshine is due december ?!!??!!. the choosing date will be november 28th, thanksgiving!
- see a name you like on one list but genetics you like on the other? good news! either parent will be able to name either litter's kits so you can mix and match!

tuffykit [antii]

calfkit [cherry]

honk-kit [emily]

daffodilkit [foxlore]

sneezekit [muddly]

➺ completely unbothered by who names the kits... suggestions from friends and clan-mates are welcome though she'll insist sunjr helps her to pick

for family ➺ velvet, root, yowl [antler] curl, nettle, split [fallow] sap, branch, rain, dewy [thunderclan]
safety ➺ soft, scruffy, oath, tufted [gentle] brindle, ☆joy, tender [brave]
a warm nest ➺ sunlit, sunrise, warm, ☆purr/purring, sweet, dream, milky
broader horizons ➺ amber, berry, daffodil, burr
haunted memory ➺ flash, bloom, ☆dizzy
'plot' names ➺ ☆hailkit

⛔ sky, cloud, dog-related names

➺ has no issues with who names the kits! a passerby could say "wow that kitten sneezed" and sunjr would be like oh my god ur so right. sneezekit!!!!!

cute sounds ➺ honk, sneeze, ☆sniffle, moo, oink, purr, rattle, whisper, chirp, etc
fuzzy feelings ➺ butterfly, ☆flutter, flit, giggle, flower, blossom, soft, wool, (moss?)
light names (to stray away from a train of sun names) ➺ glimmer, ☆shimmer, ray, light, glitter > would allow flare/fire/etc sort of names in this branch
farm animal + prey names ➺ (mouse?), hare, sparrow, finch, ☆calf, piglet, chick, ☆gosling

➺ would err away from juniors purely to not straddle kitten shoulders with fear and responsibilities
⛔ names of his dead family is in a weird middle ground (view moss & mouse) bc of the above, but with convincing he wouldnt be against it

[hypokit PURRING] | [hypokit VELVET] | [hypokit NETTLE]
mostly legal, bottom needs at least one aqua eye!

feel free to ask eden for genetics!
credits to eden and andy for the designs!

all confirmed legal

feel free to ask raenya for genetics!
credits to tully for the designs!
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finishedy lol

"PURRINGKIT" alternatively,, im cool with any name u want to give!
little kitten of thunderclan
???gender // uses he/she pronouns.
0 moons // ages on the second of each month.

  • a slight, longhaired fawn mink with large, clear aqua eyes ⋆⁺₊✧
    ⋆⁺₊ a kitten that seems to have sprung from doepath's own reflection, if such a thing were possible. he wears his mother's warm fawn coat and petite build, along with her widened gaze. his fur is long and maintained well by doting family members, but will lose its carefully-groomed shine when eventually he is left to his own devices, settling for a "good enough" outward manifestation rather than spend more than a moment at a time worrying about which hairs are out of which place. her sire is scarcely spotted even by those who have an image of him in their minds, whispers of blazingheart seen in her feathered ear-tips, or the bottlebrush tail that will grow in alongside her maturing.

    his eyes are a distinctly clear aquamarine, large and round like his mothers, but sharp and peering in a way that suggests that he's observing you, in a ... (judgemental) curious way. the kitten will soon be noted for his watchful gaze and pricked upright ears, and soon one will gather that what is said and done in front of these little eyes and ears will be remembered.

    born into a particularly harsh leafbare, she will by instinct collect her limbs into herself, and keep her tail close as well. his posture will likely remain somewhat poor as he grows up, highly aware of her physical self and the amount of space it takes up.

    ( LH FAWN LYNX MINK ) carrying solid, chocolate.​

    a quiet voice that is thin and prone to trailing off
    smells of milkscent and moss

    ⋆⁺₊ purringkit, in his days learning to exist amongst the safety of the nursery, quickly makes himself known as the "why?" kitten. born curious, with wide eyes and swiveling ears, she takes in the world around her with the fascination of a otherworldly scientist. questions come, mostly, to those he's closest to, a side effect of shyness in his earliest days and later as an exercise of trust in an individual's judgement, the rest otherwise given the detached treatment of being an "observed subject matter". she will soon learn to hate being treated with "kitten gloves" and insist on calling out fancified half-truths and legends that "don't make any sense", and quickly molds into something of a staunch realist.

    emotions are difficult. this is the case for any child but especially this particular one, who spends much of his time wrapped up in his internal world of rationality, and he is prone to intellectualizing his emotions rather than actually feel them. positioning herself mentally as an outside observer, she often feels awkward when attention is turned upon her, especially in matters of feelings and in socializing with her peers. he tends to dislike individuals he finds arrogant or self-aggrandizing, and on instinct is wary of stories involving "heros and villains". her commitment to impartiality to an inconvenient degree leads to a perhaps semi-justified perception as being judgmental or unsympathetic, but it remains her way of seeking a full understanding of the cats around her.

    his dwelling upon his own internal world molds quickly into a pervasive self-consciousness, the observers eye turned inward and casting judgement on his own thoughts and actions. truly connecting with others may prove to be a challenge with his habit of curling inward when faced with the terrifying prospect of being known.

    zooming out into a meta-perspective real quick, purringkit is a character that quickly becomes aware of the fact that he's a cat, a small predator living in a world much bigger than he is. he is uncomfortably aware of his own mortality, and when faced with his first instance of real danger, may become jaded to the fanciful parts of warriorhood and become fixated primarily on survival.

    intj ' the logistician ' // true neutral
    the hedgehog's dilemma

    ⋆⁺₊extended relationship info // littermates, kits, cousins, etc.

    too young for romance
    mentored by who
    ⋆⁺₊ mentoring who // formerly mentored who.

    notable friendships // to be determined
    notable enemies // to be determined

    ⋆⁺₊ difficulty in battle, some insight on fighting style and/or strengths and weaknesses.

    excels at //
    poor at //

    ⋆⁺₊ interaction notes here, how easy they trust, general attitude towards interaction, etc.


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Sneezekit is born thin and sickly. Her coat is wispy and her eyes full of snot and gunk. This leads to her frame as an adult being shorter stature and still very thin. Her coat grows out of its wispiness, but remains baby soft and long. If she were a kinder cat, clanmates would find comfort in burying their nose in her long, soft fur. Sneezekit will have meticulously groomed white portions of her fur. Not out of vain, but out of displeasure in looking anymore sick than she is. Her coat, a charcoal torbie with mingling colors, is mostly covered in this white fur. Her eyes are a piercing light blue, often wide and searching for conflict or someone to yell at. She has a very light gait and careful pawsteps. Every move is calculated for precision. Her tail is long and billowy, and it is often seen lashing.

Personality. Despite her sickly body, her mind is strong and sharp. Sneezekit is not afraid to fight against something she is displeased with, and it will be a loud fight. She is outgoing and outspoken, confidence exudes from her. Her fury and outbursts, common to those who know her, are not wide-swinging. They are precise attacks focused on those she knows needs to hear them. Her family is not immune from this and will often be the first to receive her blows, but this is truly out of love. She would kill for her siblings... literally. Sneezekit is often seen standing up to other cats she think slighted her siblings in anyway, eve if its a small passive aggressive comment.
  • Will be born with a sinus deformity, giving her a stuffy voice as a kit and apprentice. Eventually, she will grow out of it, but the stuffy voice will rear its head when she's emotional as an adult.
  • Sneezekit will spend a majority of her childhood in the medicine den taking herbs for her runny nose. Nothing will cure it, but will definitely releave the malady. She will NOT be happy about her stay in the medicine. Sneezekit will constantly sneak out and backtalk the medicine cat(s).
  • Will not excel at combat, but longs for a High Position to give other clans a piece of her mind
  • If things line up right, I think she would make a great med cat (willing to shove herbs down people's throat if they refuse), but also she would make a fun warrior who would brutally critique her apprentices to be PERFECT warriors
  • Voice Claim: Stuffy Voice will be Ylfa Snorgelsson from Dimension 20, played by Emily Axeford who will be her adult voice
  • Riot Grrl will be her preferred music genre. Human AU wears a leather jacket and has a mohawk hehe.
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afab female, feminine pronouns / unknown sexuality, closed to relationships
00 moons old, ages every 02 of the month
thunderclan & kitten / mentored by none / mentoring none

mentality. summary
reference. summary
relationships. DOEPATH XX BLAZINGHEART, tba siblings, tba children, tba mate
loves tba
likes tba
dislikes tba
loathes tba
    • note: additional/alternate prefixes i'm stuck between include: hail / purr(ing) / chirp / gosling / calf / dizzy /
    • will also add plot points soon to slide 03!!
    • using either purringkit or velvetkit hypokit depending on genetics!!
  • current tbd
    (add previous/future if needed)
  • ˚ ✦ . . ˚ . . ✦ ˚ . ★⋆. ࿐࿔
    ⋆ note
    ⋆ note
    ⋆ note
  • penned by halimede, dm on discord @user for plots
    design credit goes to artist on toyhouse/deviantart/etc
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(your choice; inferno used for easy writing)
((name choices: inferno-, sear-, char-, burn-, glitter-, dizzy-, fire-))



masking n/a, carrying solid, dilute, chocolate; has vitiligo

infernokit is an angular charcoal tabby with a bold and commanding appearance. its base coat is a deep and dark shade, overlaid with subtle tabby markings that ripple faintly along its lean, muscular frame. these markings are dark enough to blend into the overall blackness of its fur, only noticeable when the light hits it at the right angle. its fur is short and smooth, lying close to its body, though it has a slightly fluffier texture around its chest and tail, adding a soft contrast to its otherwise sharp silhouette. its dark markings pass over its eyes in a mask, as well as forming a cloak that drapes down its back.

the most eye-catching feature of infernokit is the flame-like pattern on its hind legs. the fur on its paws starts as a vibrant white, then turns to a glowing orange that fades upwards into a deep ember-like red before blending back into black halfway up its legs. these markings give the distinct impression of fire licking up its limbs, making it look as though it has walked through flames. the brightness of the orange on its paws contrasts starkly with the darker tones of its body, drawing immediate attention to its unique appearance. its front paws are slightly smaller and more delicate than its hind paws, but all are perfectly proportioned, suggesting both grace and strength in its movement. its tail is long and tapered, with a distinct white tip at the end. this splash of white stands out sharply against its otherwise dark body. the fur on its tail is slightly longer than the rest of its coat, giving it a soft, feathery appearance that sways lightly as it moves.

infernokit's face is angular and striking, with high cheekbones and a defined jawline that hint at its strong and purposeful demeanor. a thin, clean star of white sits right above the bridge of its nose. this marking accentuates its most prominent feature—its eyes. infernokit's eyes are a vivid, molten orange, bright and intense, standing out against its dark fur like embers glowing in the night. they are almond-shaped and slightly angled, giving it an alert and piercing gaze that seems to look right through whatever it focuses on. its ears are tall and triangular, with sharp tips that add to its commanding appearance. there are small nicks along the edges of its ears, subtle imperfections that hint at a rough-and-tumble nature, perhaps from playful sparring or misadventures in the nursery. the insides of its ears are a pale grey, contrasting faintly with the black fur around them.

the overall build of infernokit is lean and athletic, with a body that appears well-proportioned for agility and strength. its posture is upright and confident, and its movements are deliberate, almost calculated, as though it is always aware of its surroundings and the impression it gives. it carries itself with a natural bravado that makes it appear older or more mature than its age might suggest, further enhancing the sense of responsibility and honor it exudes. every aspect of its appearance, from its unique markings to its strong frame, conveys the image of a cat destined for respect.

  • infernokit is a striking black tabby with fiery orange flame-like markings on its paws, creating a vivid contrast against its dark charcoal coat. its angular face and piercing orange eyes exude a fierce and determined presence, while its white chest blaze and tail tip add crisp highlights to its otherwise intense appearance. with a lean, muscular build and a posture that radiates confidence, infernokit carries itself with the bravado of a cat destined for greatness. its movements are deliberate, and its sharp gaze reflects both intelligence and a strong moral code, suggesting a young cat with a deep sense of responsibility, loyalty, and an unwavering determination to live by its principles.

    CON ●●●●●●●○○○
    DEX ●●●●●●○○○○
    INT ●●●●●●●○○○
    WIS ●●●●●●●●○○
    CHA ●●●●○○○○○○

    infernokit is a cat of unwavering principles, a creature who walks with the weight of its own strict moral compass. from the moment it begins to understand the world, it sets itself apart with an intense sense of justice and fairness, holding itself to lofty standards. every action it takes is deliberate, driven by an internal code it refuses to break. even as a young kit, infernokit's sense of right and wrong is both its greatest strength and its most significant challenge. it is deeply protective of those around it, often stepping in to shield others from harm—whether the danger is real or imagined. infernokit's protective nature doesn't stem from arrogance or a desire for attention but from a genuine need to ensure no one suffers unnecessarily. if it perceives a sibling being teased or bullied, it will immediately position itself as their defender, standing firm regardless of whether the situation warrants its intervention. though it sometimes overestimates threats or underestimates the emotional nuance of situations, its heart is always in the right place.

    infernokit values discipline and structure, thriving when it has a clear sense of purpose. it seeks out rules and boundaries, not to blindly follow them but to understand how they contribute to the greater good. if a rule feels unjust or serves no meaningful purpose, infernokit is not afraid to question it, even if doing so invites conflict. however, it approaches such challenges with respect, aiming to present its reasoning calmly and logically rather than through rebellion or defiance. it believes that integrity lies in doing what is right, even when it is difficult or unpopular. despite its rigid sense of morality, infernokit is not unkind. it strives to treat everyone it meets with respect and fairness, regardless of their rank, age, or status. it firmly believes that actions define a cat's worth, not their birth or standing within the clan. this belief occasionally puts it at odds with those who favor tradition or hierarchy, but infernokit refuses to compromise its ideals for the sake of convenience.

    infernokit's sense of loyalty is absolute, both to its clan and to the few individuals it allows into its inner circle. once its trust is earned, it is fiercely loyal, willing to sacrifice its own comfort or well-being to protect those it cares about. however, this loyalty is not given lightly. infernokit observes others carefully, evaluating their actions to determine whether they live up to its exacting standards. those who betray its trust or act dishonorably are quickly held at a distance, though infernokit is not vengeful—it simply refuses to associate with those who do not align with its values. as it grows, infernokit's perfectionism becomes both a strength and a flaw. it is relentless in its pursuit of self-improvement, constantly striving to be the best version of itself. whether it is practicing hunting crouches or learning how to interact with its clanmates, it approaches every task with an intense focus that is rare for one so young. however, this drive can also lead to frustration when it inevitably falls short of its own expectations. infernokit has little patience for failure, especially its own, and often internalizes its mistakes, seeing them as personal flaws rather than learning opportunities.

    though it struggles with self-forgiveness, infernokit possesses a quiet resilience that helps it push through challenges. it believes that every setback is an opportunity to grow stronger, even if it takes time for it to recognize the lesson. its determination is unshakable, and it faces adversity with a calm, collected demeanor that belies its age. infernokit's bravery is not the reckless kind—it does not charge into danger without thought—but a steady, deliberate courage born from the belief that doing what is right often requires sacrifice. infernokit is not without softer qualities, though it keeps them hidden beneath its stoic exterior. it has a deep appreciation for the beauty of the natural world, often pausing to admire the sunrise or the sound of the wind through the trees. it enjoys moments of quiet reflection, using them to center itself and reaffirm its purpose. while it rarely shows outward affection, it has a gentle side that emerges in subtle ways—a quiet word of encouragement, a steadying touch when someone stumbles, or a rare moment of vulnerability shared with a trusted friend.

    infernokit is a cat who walks a path defined by its own unwavering principles, striving to bring fairness and justice to the world around it. though it is far from perfect and has much to learn, its determination, loyalty, and deep sense of purpose set it apart as a unique and driven individual. it carries the weight of its ideals with pride, refusing to waver even in the face of doubt or adversity. for infernokit, the only path worth walking is the one paved with integrity, and it will stop at nothing to uphold the standards it holds dear.

  • PLOT:idea

    PLOT: idea

    PLOT: idea

  • redecorate - twenty one pilots




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> Carries solid, dilute, and chocolate
Born mostly darker in color, the large orange spot upon TBDkit's back brings imagery of the light of the sun. Small and softly at birth, the texture of her fur remains as such. Her golden eyes are soft and gentle, and it's rare to see anger or cruelness in them. They gleam with hope and happiness, love and compassion, and TBDkit loves to see such emotions reflected in those around her.

Personality: Warm and soft, TBDkit is a gentle girl, smiling and cuddly. This never changes as she grows up, always seeking to bring joy to others around her. Compassionate and optimistic, and a bit naïve, her main goal in life is to spread happiness and safety. She loves her family, and is very affectionate with those she is close to. She often fails to recognize sarcasm and insults, and will continue to be nice to everyone, until they explicitly tell her that they don't like her or hurt her. When she has lows, they're very low, and she is incredibly emotional and sensitive when she realizes she's being antagonized.
  • I want to play both a worm and an ICly named baby :D - I really think sun, light, or fire names would work best for this hypokit design - especially for the irony of her being half-ShadowClan. I'd also add Vivid or Vibrant if those are also close enough to light adjacent, but those are probably names I'm going to store away. I also like Dream and Joy as prefixes. My favorites are Sunlit, Sunrise, Glitter, and Dream.
  • Theme color is Sunset Orange #FE4C40
  • Would have mixed feelings about her half-clan heritage should she learn about it, but would remain loyal to ThunderClan. However, would start to doubt herself should others show her disdain.
  • Potential sibling fight where she tries to be there for them during a tough time but is a bit overbearing, and learns to be less so.
  • Doesn't want to hurt anyone, but is eventually forced to in self defense and suffers over the guilt of it for a while.
  • Potential suffixes: -dream, -sun, -light, -fire, -blaze, -flame, -shine, -song, -shimmer, -gleam, -glow, -feather, -spark, -flower, -heart, -light, -petal, -ray, -beam, -skip, -splash, -wish, -field, -meadow, -blossom (legality check on a few but i've got a year to do so LMAO)
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withdrawing <3
if i were to apply bc of the brainworms could u blame me. notes below.

➺ doepath x blazingheart
➺ lilac lynx mink
➺ AMAB nb, they/them
➺ poised, dutiful, inquisitive, kind
➺ aloof, blunt, rigid, fragile
➺ seeks information no matter the cost. distant and watching
➺ soft yet strong. their parents' gentleness hardened by leafbare cold
➺ loyal knight. acts of service type mf

█ #6e8183 █ #8baeb0 █ #c7ddd9 █ #ddd0c5 █ #BAA899 █ #95816F




VELVETNOSE for the taupe color of their fur, resembling a stag's towering antlers.
OATHCALL for gentlestorm, a name that imparts a strange sense of duty.
CALFSIGHT for the downiness of their fur, reflecting an innocence they feel uncomfortably distant from.​


  • 91170456_DZRPlSGxJaPGr4e.png

    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

    It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

    It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

    It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

    . . .
    . . .

    + x ──────── x -

    + x ──────── x -

    + x ──────── x -

    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

    It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

    . . .
    . . .

    . . .
    . . .

    . . .
    . . .

    . . .
    . . .

    Explain here.
    Three rows.
    Explain here.
    Three rows.

    You can put anything here and format it however you want! Free space.
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might not ever finish this but here is the start of my little concept

(Snifflekit, Honkkit)



  • zrzwfs.png

    "In the dawn, beauty reigns, and the way is clearer."

    — Lathander, the Morninglord​
  • q0249u.jpeg
    LH cinnamon lynx mink with low white (carrying dilute, solid)

    NOTE: fever coat baby ??

    At first glance, the impression most cats get of Daffodilkit is a tiny ball of fluff. Warm brown fur coats his small body, growing darker at his extremities and striped with darker bolts of cinnamon. His pelt is messy, kitten down making it impossible for him to appear well-groomed. His eyes are both a bright, sparkling blue—there is only a slight difference in shade between them, noticeable when the sunlight shines just so across his face. As it is, though, his eyes are hardly ever visible beneath the mop of thick cinnamon fur that hangs down over his eyes. His muzzle, chest, belly, and paws are all capped in warm white fur, as though he's been dipped in the wintertime snow. Beneath his full coat hides a rounded form, chubby despite the winter's chill. It is clear, even as the clan struggles for food, that the boy's frame is destined to be stocky and solid as he ages. His upper canines poke out over his lower lip, and Daffodilkit is often found with the tip of his tongue poking out between his misaligned teeth. His speech is slightly garbled when he speaks, making him even more difficult to understand when combined with his butterfly-soft voice.

    A deeply sensitive kit who struggles to regulate his emotions, Daffodilkit is often seen as a crybaby by his clanmates. He fears anything new to him, and cowers away in the nursery more often than not—or hides behind one of his parents when forced to leave the nursery. Despite his nervous nature, Daffodilkit shows great care and respect for his clanmates; when outside the nursery, he can frequently be found badgering those he's comfortable around—namely Gentlestorm—for stories.

    He is often sickly, and as such he rarely has the energy to engage in play with his littermates. Lethargy can be confused for laziness, so he is regarded as a dull, boring kit with little activity. When he does play with his littermates, his paws do not aim to harm—he keeps his blows soft, and his fluffy fur absorbs the most harmful of his littermates' attacks.
  • SNIFF... SNIFF...: A sickly kit, Daffodilkit's survival through the winter will not seem a certainty. For his first few months of life he will battle respiratory illness and kittencough. He will suffer from long-term effects for the remainder of his life, a permanent sniffle following him around, paired with a weakened immune system. A living, breathing, suffering reminder of what happens when you have a litter in the middle of winter.

    CROSS-CLAN MOMENT: If his other parent is ever revealed, Daffy will be... surprisingly okay with it. He'll want to meet his other parent no matter what, and will be visibly upset if turned down / if rejected by his other parent.

    ANOTHER CROSS-CLAN MOMENT: In his youth, Daffy will be intrigued by the other clans, maybe even going so far as to befriend younger cats in neighboring clans. Is he doomed to repeat his parents' code breaking, or will he find himself a solid place within ThunderClan, with no need to seek outside relationships?
  • NAME: Considering his illness, Snifflekit and Daffodilkit are tied for my favorite name choice. I've always wanted a Daffodil- but I also think Sniffle- is ADORABLE and very fitting for this character.

    APPEARANCE: If someone else uses the hypokit design I've chosen, I'm fine with switching to a different design that fits the Doe x Blazing litter. I definitely want to keep the fluffy appearance, misaligned jaw, and bangs over the eyes, but the rest can be changed. However, I'm not really vibing with any design for the Sunshine x Jitter genetics rip.

    SKILLS: Solidly a pacifist, but will prove to be a good defender and tank once he gets over his aversion to battle. He is slow-moving, but powerful muscles make him an outstanding hunter if his prey is slow or surprised. He will pick up many hobbies such as weaving and material-gathering, which help him to aid his clan in non-combat ways.

    INFLUENCES: Doepath and Sunshinespot themselves will have a huge effect on Daff's development and plotlines! If they coddle him then he'll likely turn out more introverted and nervous, but if they try to push him too hard when he's young it could lead to a subconscious distrust in their care and a strained relationship with his parents.

    AESTHETIC: Butterfly wings. Warm sunrises. Blue skies. Ripples in water. Lathander, the Morninglord. Medieval unicorns. Pinterest
    █ #6bacba
    █ #a5c5c5
    █ #f6a441
    █ #bf9c6c
    █ #996c60
    █ #a2ceb5

    ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good. Daffodil is against killing and thinks it shouldn't be used as a way to end battles. He has a strong code of ethics, though it can be bent to allow for his kin to slip through the gators in good judgment. He is good-aligned, but passively so; he will not typically speak out against laws, even those he believes to be injust, but if someone else has spoken up first then he will add his voice to their concerns.

    DND CLASS: Oath of the Ancients Paladin. Normally calm and kind, Daffodil is sweet but he is not one to be pushed around. He is a brutal force of nature when it comes to defending his clanmates. He seems to bring light into the world and be a force for good, even against all logic that tells him he should not be.
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EDIT : Finished!! <3 Sorry for the long read!

(alt names: honestly prefer the parents pick! I just ask that it's not a commonly used name like Wolf- or Silver- for example

Longhaired chocolate torbie / lilac torbie chimera with bright yellow eyes

TBDkit, henceforth referred to as "Tuffy", will appear as a unique combination of her biological parents yet still a wholly individual new cat. An artistic chimera of chocolate and lilac torbie combined into one, Tuffy looks about as chaotic on the outside as she often presents within. With sunflower-golden eyes and feathered ankles, it'll be obvious immediately that she's her mother's daughter. From there, however, the ties to her Skyclan father become painfully clear: although expectedly born chubby and round-faced, she'll come into the world bigger than most kittens her age, her ragdoll genes shining through - Unfortunately for Doepath, she may not be the easiest to bring into the world because of such traits. Hiding her heritage from the rest of the clan will be just as difficult as, like her biological father, Tuffy will have feathered ears and the same unique diamond-shaped mark on her forehead.

Feathered ankles, sunflower colored eyes

spiky fluffy ears, a little diamond on her forehead, bulky ragdoll build, she'll grow to be quite the giant if fed well

  • She is her parent's daughter born of kicked fall leaves and reflecting dawn light from purposefully splashed puddles! She's an eruption; a forest undefeated by wildfires, determined to strengthen a fallen woodland tenfold by sheer force of will and newfound heights! Tuffy will quickly become Doepath's and Sunshinespot's greatest cheerleader and most adamant protector, as much as she's expected to be their greatest headache and cause of most of their heart attacks!


    While I do plan on most of her personality forming through her interactions as a worm, Tuffy's base nature will be as follows:

    A passionate gremlin of chaos, one thing is for certain: Tuffy is not a cat you can tie down. From the second she manages to hold weight beneath her stubby little paws, the young girl will be off! Running from den to den, climbing whatever her little paws can take handholds of, stealing nests, ripping out clumps of fur, pulling tails, snapping at ears, feasting on ankles and blowing the most colorful of raspberries whenever one dares to attempt to stop her - she will ensure Sunshinespot and Doepath never have a relaxing morning against!

    Born without any sense of fear or responsibility, the sky is the limit for Tuffy and she vows to break through it anyway! From the moment her eyes open, she'll want to explore the world and starve for every second she's kept from shoving her face into strange holes or digging her paws into who-knows-what-infested crevices. She cares so little for consequence, that she often finds herself scrapped, bruised and not a little bit concussed almost on the daily - and still, she'll toothily laugh in the face of regret!

    Like her mother, Tuffy will be a devoted little lady. While adhering to rules and authority will never quite be her strong suit, Tuffy still cares dearly for the wellbeing of her family, and if implored to sincerely enough, she may even let go of whatever victim she's gotten her little claws and teeth stuck on to skip into her parent's relieved arms. Till the end of her days, family will always be Tuffy's biggest priority as keeping Doepath and Sunshinespot, as well as her siblings, happy is a surefire way to ensure her own.

    Like her father, Sunshinespot, Tuffy will be a friendly gal. She adores making new friends and often finds it difficult to accept the boundaries laid down by seasons-old laws. She's a companion to all, usually babbling about the last adventure - and the subsequent injury she'd gotten from it - to any cats with ears available to listen. As energetic as she may often be, Tuffy still manages to appreciate the quiet moments the day sometimes provides, finding comfort in her pop's soft blue dappled pelt and gentle nature.

    She takes the most after her sire, Blazingheart, at the end of the day though. All curious and naive nature that strives for the next best thrill, no matter the recklessness she's often led astray by. There's a fiery ambition in her soul that will forever remain determined to keep her family, and her clan by proxy, safe, even if this passionate feeling threatens to put her in danger should she deem her sacrifice necessary to keep her family safe.

    Tuffy is a good kid, but like all kids, she's prone to a bite of selfishness here and there. She finds it very difficult to pay attention to things and people she doesn't immediately find interesting, and she often wanders off in the middle of conversations or training sessions if not kept securely in place by the promise of the right reward.

    I want her to start a kitten gang right off the bat! Whether with her siblings or whatever kits still reside in the nursery. I want her to hold onto these friendships throughout their kittenhood. She'll reign the crowning lead of many kitten shenanigans including - pranking the leader! Sneaking out of camp! Daring one another to climb the Great Sycamore or sleep beneath the dreaded Owl Tree!

    At one point, her leadership will come into question when she gets one of her friends hurt, perhaps severely denting her confidence if not the trust her friends have in her.

    Sunshinespot and Doepath will have their hands full with a girl full to bursting with chaotic energy. Tuffy will become quite used to, if not rather fond of, running around and forcing her parents to chase her for all manner of situations - whether to groom her fur, ensure she eats, stops harassing clanmates or keep her safe from whatever destructive adventure she's decided to partake in.
    One day, I want her antics to reach a breaking point with either both or one of her parents. One day, exhausted beyond explanation, she either drives her parents to finally snap at her...or she causes one of them to collapse in exhaustion. In either case, Tuffy will be dismayed by her actions, and fo a very long time she'll cling to her parents like a Koala cub, absolutely terrified of hurting them again. Through this event, Tuffy learns to balance play and responsibility, and hopefully strengthen her bond with her parents through healthy communication.

    In her very first patrol by the Thunderclan border, I want Tuffy to get into a scuffle of some kind with either another Thunderclan apprentice or with a feisty squirrel. Either way, the result will be a permanent scar across the bridge of her nose, one that she will wear with pride...one that may make Doepath flinch with how similar the wound appears, especially beneath the diamond blade right above it...Hopefully Doepath will be the only one to compare the two.
    Basically I'm just determined from Tuffy to lose the game of Guess Who hehe

    Mid-way into her apprenticeship, I want Tuffy to break a leg or a tail. Perhaps I'll make it juicier by having the event transpire by the Skyclan border, bonus points if it's Blazingheart that finds her and helps keep her from falling into shock. A rare moment for the two to bond heehee <3

    When it comes to finding out about her lineage, that'll entirely depend on IC.

    She'll probably intensely deny it, maybe get angry at anyone who tries to push a relationship between her and cross-clan family members

    Or, if allowed by admins, perhaps - in a fit of teenage emo angst + a hunger for adventure, she'll attempt to join her other family's clan. Either
    a) she'll get rejected and come home dejected and embarrassed, maybe take out this anger on her folks until she comes to her senses that she's being stupid [Good end!]
    b) she'll be accepted and get cold feet instantly but not know what to do, see where life goes from there! [Uncertain end]
    c) or her efforts lead her to get booted from both clans! AHHH! [Bad end!!]

    I prefer A tbh but!! Worm litters mean we see where life takes us!

    Either way, I want her to struggle with her trust in her parents for the lies they kept from her and her siblings. I prefer for the angst to not be TOO drawn out, though, so maybe by talking to other half-clan kits or seeing the way Doepath and Sunshinespot are treated if the secret comes out and being fiercely protective of both she'll come to her senses and realize that, no matter where her bloodline may extend to, her love and loyalty will always preside with her parents.

  • - text


taps my little fingers together as I gather some notes, aheem aheem

edit: notes got away from me, I apologize for how messy it all became

TBDkit because pleeeeeeeeeeeease I love all these names don't make me choose

Where her parents are soft and sweet, TBDkit (for now ill give her the nickname Toughie) is anything but.
A rabble rouser since birth, you'll never know peace of mind with Toughie around! She'll nibble your ankles, she'll pull your tail, she'll curse at you before she even knows what words are! She's a creature of chaos and hellfire and she is certainly going to make sure the world knows that!
That being said, it's a rare day if any of her actions can be considered "malicious". Toughie is full to bursting with energy, and unfortunately, she knows little outlet beside wrestling and chasing - so that she will do as is her right as a child!

As a worm, I want IC interactions to dictate where her personality goes, but a heavy lean will be into an overconfident, overprotective thrill seeker. On one hand, growing up with parents marred by frightening scars has left Toughie admiring them a bit tooooo much, believing that there's no injury in this world that can stop her!

If we want to go down an angst route, perhaps in her early apprenticeship she'll permanently damage one of her legs. Will that stop her? Heavens no! In fact, she'll find ways to make her other legs even TOUGHER!

I want her to grow exceptionally large! Her goals and priorities will lie heavily in seeking out the next coolest thrill - perhaps making cross-clan friends to teach her how to climb and jump off of trees, or survive quick-sand like swampy terrain!

Will she start a band of hooligans who dare each other to cross the Thunderpath? You betcha!
Will she sneak off with a daylight apprentice one day to see what life inside a twoleg den is like? Oh my god probably!
Is she fated to give her parents some of the worst heart attacks they'll ever receive? Darn tootin'!
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finished!! <3

    honk-kit is the son to doepath x blazingheart, and adopted by sunshinespot. he is the twin to nettlekit, & has monophobia —— .✦
    ˚ ⋆ . + . ✵
    · . · ˚ * ✧
    + . . ✫
    . . * * · * . ˚
    ✦ · ·
    honk-kit: for his first sound
    purringkit: for his happy purrs
    chripkit: for his constant noises
    warmkit: for his long, warm coat
    scruffykit: to match with nettlekit
  • LH CHOCOLATE TABBY W/ LOW WHITE an almost spitting image of blazingheart, honk-kit is a bulky tom with scruffy, long fur and olive-colored eyes. average in his height, he is not the giant he wishes to be and tries to compensate by standing on his tippy-toes if no one is looking at his paws. redish-chocolate stripes adorn his pelt, a white star prevalent on his forehead as well as a splotch on two of his toes on his front right paw, and at the tip of his tail. he prides himself on his fluffy coat -- though often dirty he tries to maintain it whenever the thought pops into his mind. he is often seen with a canine or two poking out from under his lip, sometimes catching itself unbeknownst to honk-kit. he has large paws compared to his build and height, and overtime will grow even more bulky as he enters into his apprenticeship. wishes he looked more like his mother and wonders why he looks so different.
  • energetic, joyful, clingy
    from the moment he's born, honk-kit will be well aware of the power he holds in his vocals. he soon noticed that if he ever caused too much of a fuss, his parents would always come to his aid to give him that love and tender care he was demanding. so, he often took advantage of that in his young, weak state -- mewling pitifully in order to get the doting care of his loving family. and when he speaks his first words, it will be no different. the boy will develop a strong sense of dependence on his family (especially his twin, nettlekit) or any friends he may make, possibly pushing them away with his constant blabbering and desire to be with them at all given times.

    honk-kit will develop a fear of loneliness, also known as monophobia, and if alone may wallow and breakdown, have difficulty breathing, nausea, or extreme anxiety. even if in a crowd he may still feel alone and believes as though he requires special care and attention (at least in his eyes, he deserves such a thing). often not seen without another by his side because of this, trying to stick in groups in order to feel as included as possible. this may or may not dwindle as he moves into warriorhood, though it will last throughout most of his apprenticeship.

    the good cop to nettlekit's bad cop, honk-kit is often the one to get her out of the trouble they caused together with an innocent bat of his eyes and lots (and lots) of convincing. he loves to scheme over jokes, pranks, and the like with nettlekit; seeing it as a way for him to bond closer with his twin by doing something they both love. often glued to her side, the boy tries to not stray away from his sister in fear that she may get herself into trouble or worse. very protective of his family and will do anything for them.

    honk-kit will struggle with the idea of right and wrong, believing that he is always right in every situation. if told otherwise, he will go into denial and often cry at such an accusation. sometimes, however, he will create issues to put himself in the wrong just for attention, accusing others of stealing his prey, or his mossball, etc. this makes him a big tattletale, often pointing paws at those who did not commit the twins' pranks in order to get the heat off of their back. he has a sense of a invincibility, not so much in health or battle but in mind and actions. the boy is also a crybaby, being the type to 'cry over spilt milk'. will cry over any inconvenience no matter how big or small it may be.

    infatuated with the idea of love. when he sees the way that doepath and sunshinespot cuddle together in the camp clearing, their exchanging of soft words and nuzzles will make him want the same type of love his parents have for each other. will be a hopeless romantic and develop crushes easily, feeling as though he has to act on those feelings right away. he will confess his affection for another even if he is unsure, as he does not want to miss out on the opportunity to be with the person he believes he has feelings for. if rejected, honk-kit will not take it well and will go into hiding to cry his feelings away. may become slightly bitter towards that person, and will eventually need to be taught about feelings/relationships to better understand how they work.

    mischievous and brash, honk-kit is as judgmental as they get, being more of a bully than a friend. he will poke fun at others repeatedly, usually in hopes that anyone surrounding them will laugh and find him hilarious. he doesn't really think about the weight of his words, extremely oblivious to the social cues of others, especially when it comes to hurt and sadness. lacks a bit of empathy, though he will try his best to understand the circumstances of others. will point out the flaws of others especially when he enters his apprenticeship, becoming a nuisance in the nursery and later into training.

    honk-kit's personality will adapt to the ic situations that occur around him.
  • notes: chatterbox, hotheaded, believes the world revolves around him, loves to listen to stories, despises chores (will throw a fit if he has to clean the elder's den 1 more time!), strong/strong-willed, doesn't know how to put on a face for others/wears his heart on his sleeve, loves to pull pranks/tell jokes, warm, generous, reliable, believes everything he does is right and will get upset if someone tells him something he was doing was wrong or what he believed was on the wrong moral side, very judgmental, mama's boy, 100% a tattletale who runs and cries to mommy bc he is a big baby, hopeless romantic
    i would love for his name to be picked icly (from the names i have chosen :D!) because i love alllll of these names, but honk-kit & warmkit are my go-to favs !! if wanting to do matching names for nettlekit being his twin, i also love scruffykit!
    will be a big fighter, gaining many scars over the moons and wearing them as proud badges
    often ignores the warrior code and thinks it's a bunch of hooey
    SECRETS REVEALED if honk-kit and his siblings were to find out about being half shadowclan or skyclan, honk will not know how to feel about it and may avoid his parents for a while in order to get his feelings together. he will become more quiet and detached, believing he will only be seen as a result of a broken code. will eventually get over it with a little bit of time, possibly being one of the first to forgive sunshinespot and doepath.
    HIGH AMBITIONS since attention and the desire to be seen so highly by his peers are some of his biggest drivers, honk-kit will focus too much on his apprenticeship over family and friends, trying his best to get at the top in order to make his parents and flamestar proud of how far he was going so early into his apprenticeship. will try his best to graduate into a warrior as best as he can, if at all possible. he may get into a fight with nettlekit or another apprentice that gives him a few noticeable scars that may snap him out of his daze. this is a mostly set in stone plot, but since i am developing him more icly i want to see if this is what path he goes down!
    SEPARATE WAYS a potential plot idea between nettlekit and honk-kit, depending on ic situations, especially if i do the 'high ambitions' plot. the twins may go on their separate ways into warriorhood from either opposing opinions or a developed annoyance for each other, or other unforeseen circumstances that occur in the future. honk-kit will lose his sense of self if this happens, not depending on if he was the one to cut ties or not. he will struggle to find his own identity since so much of it was rooted in his relationship with his sister, the two having never left each other's side through the first year of their lives. he will grow bitter, and may resent nettlekit if she is the one to separate herself from him.
    DADDY'S BOY honk-kit may end up getting closer with his father after tailing after doepath for so long in his late apprenticeship, wanting to make sunshinespot proud of him. he believes that since he spent so much time with his mother that he did not give the love that he needed to give to his father, though attention may be the more underlying cause for this.
    CROSSCLAN ROMANCE honk-kit may follow in his parents paw-steps in the future if he meets what he believes to be his love across the border. he doesn't quite understand the code or its consequences, especially if this happens during his apprenticeship or early warriorhood. this may still happen even if he finds out about his parents' breaking the code with having him and his siblings.
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withdrawn, sorry!

NAME IDEAS ;; Flare-, Sunlit-, Whisper-,
Note - I'm okay with other names, just let me know!

LH RED TABBY W/ LOW WHITE // reference (click) // will develop vitiligo, carrying solid, dilute, chocolate, masking black charcoal tabby
From a young age, TBNkit stands taller then his siblings- but he is more lithe and fragile then the rest. This is because of having a compromised immune system from early on- see 'PLOTS'- and he will grow out of this eventually. However, despite how 'thin' he may be, his fluffy-natured body covers up what his weak body looks up, making him look plush outwardly.

Despite his impressive height, he is slender, growing into what will be paws best at hunting materials or prey, not battle. Agility and wit over brute strength and fighting instinct. His pelt is bright red stripes over yellow-orange to white, lightening about his belly, paws, tail, and muzzle.

On his face, the traditional red-tabby striping is present, but there are caracal or lynx like markings dropping from the inside corner of his eyes towards his muzzle. White spots dot underneath his eyes between stripes, punctuating his face. The red tabby marking pulls down the middle of his muzzle. Yellow-golden eyes are set within his face, often soft or curious in thought. Very little white is elsewhere on his body to start. A couple of toes, a dusting on his belly and tail, perhaps a rear paw... but as he grows older, and grows out of his sickness, he too will develop white dusting across his body. (It's undetermined where yet, as it won't start until mid-to-late apprenticeship.)

KIT - SICKLY, INQUISITIVE, SOFTER. From a young age, TBNkit is more interested in politics and herbs then he is playfighting and make-pretend. He is, however, always hopeful that someone will invite him to play with them, that someone will take notice of him. He takes his time thinking upon things, and is more conscious of the prey he puts in his mouth then some litter or denmates may be. That is to say, however, he won't deny eating prey, or playing with denmates- he wants to be included, but finds he is awkward in social interactions.

APPRENTICE - SLIGHTLY SICKLY, INQUISITIVE, CURIOUS, LEARNER, FOLLOWER. TBNkit is not a leader at this age- no, far from it. He prefers someone else takes the helm and leads, while he stands in the background. He learns, absorbing information in his apprenticeship like a sponge, despite falling a bit behind due to his slightly-sickly nature. He memorizes how scents smell, who their enemies and who their friends are. He asks questions, and tries to keep up. Towards the end of his apprenticeship, he begins to break free from the limitations of his sickness, and will end up average in most areas of training.

WARRIOR - INQUISITIVE, LEARNER, MORALLY GRAY, WISE. The longer he lives, the more wise he becomes. He feels he has lived a lifetime of challenges and he knows that he has information that he can give to his clan or apprentice to strengthen their convictions, their path forward.

NOTE // I may change pronouns personality up while I roleplay. I tend to find grooves for characters, and find it more enjoyable to roleplay them in a certain manner. This is loose, but I will be following it to a point.

  • FEAR // DEATH/NEVER GROWING OLD - Being sickly from a young age, TBNkit has always struggled with his health. He's afraid that someday, Starclan will come take him away from his friends, his family, his clanmates. He fears leaving them behind, but knows he couldn't stop it if he tried.
  • FEAR // SHADOWCLAN + RIVERCLAN - Around the time he's being born, clanmates he didn't even know had their lives taken by these clans. Clanmates he know bear the scars lain by their clans. Clanmates tell the story of these cats. He'll remember this.
  • INSPRIATION // THUNDERCLAN'S MIGHT - Knowing he lives in a clan that fights off their enemies well will give him strength, something to work towards, a goal.
  • INSPRIATION // BEATING HIS SICKNESS - Originally, it'll settle like a cape on his shoulders, a weight he can't shrug off- but as he gets older, as he feels better, he'll become an inspiration to himself, knowing that he can do more now.
  • INSPRIATION // CLOSE FRIENDS - Whichever friends he makes, be it through his littermates or clanmates, he finds their successes inspiring. Instead of beating himself up that he cannot do the same, he'll strive to do his best to match them.
  • HEADLOCK - IMOGEN HEAP // Distant flickerings, greener scenery / This weather's bringing it all back again / Great adventures, faces and condensation / I'm going outside to take it all in | Heart in a headlock
  • ALL I WANTED - PARAMORE // Think of me when you're out, when you're out there / The general vibes of this song, desperation for love, etc...
  • VIKTOR - ARCANE // I pulled character traits / some storyline from how Viktor develops in Arcane. However, what happens in S2 (I'm writing this before act 3 is revealed) is mostly off the table. TBNkit is his own person, but personality wise, a lot was pulled from Viktor.
  • RELATIONSHIP WOES // I think he'll end up third wheeling a lot. Either that, or he is stuck watching someone he loves get with someone else. Perhaps a call back to how his parents had kits with other cats, in a funny way.
  • POTENTIAL END // I don't know when exactly yet, but in my head... the sickness returns, and he doesn't make it to elder-age. A fitting end to someone who successfully trains a handful of apprentices, but never got to experience rest himself.
  • COMPROMISED IMMUNE SYSTEM // Being born in leaf-bare has it's cons, beyond just extra mouths to feed during the coldest months ; TBNkit will have a compromised immune system. He'll be nearly immediately afflicted with respiratory infections, an early health scare, but these will haunt him through his apprenticeship.
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  • vSfWVtc.png
    Scruffykit / Scruffypaw / Scruffy-?
    Cis male (AMAB), he/him
    Kit of ThunderClan
    ...... Loves the forest he's growing up in & enjoys being a ThunderClanner
    0 moons / Ages realistically every 2nd (Born 12/2/2024)
    Last updated 11/26/2024
    Penned by Hijinks
  • 9eqlC6U.jpeg
    ☾ LH chocolate lynx mink/chocolate tabby chimera / Reference
    With big paws to grow into, it's clear that Scruffykit will one day loom over some of his more shorter clanmates, drawing from his unknown heritage. As he grows older, so too will he grow into a bulky frame, well-muscled and stout, striking an imposing figure even in spite of not caring to act the part as well. A thick coat does him well in leafbare, helping to block out some of the chill he's always seemed to know, and his earthy pelt is never quite spotless or anything but in disarray. Cloaked in shades of brown, Scruffykit's creamier base is swallowed up in swatches of more darkly-striped fur, including his face, ears, chest, legs, across his back and flanks, and tail, tempered only by the sparse patches of white breaking up the chocolate patches. Striking blazes of white adorn his face - emblazoned across his forehead, a pointed star, and gentle stripes of white beneath his eyes - as well as his front toes and the tip of his tail, though they're often stained a color closer to the rest of his earthen shades. Always holding some sort of glint, his eyes don't quite match up with one another, one forest-shaded and the other aqua-blessed, and he carries a slight overbite, with fangs gently protruding over his lips most of the time.

    Very tactile, even from a young age - bumps his shoulder against others, leans up against friends, drags his nest as close as possible to anyone willing
    Carrying cinnamon, dilute, solid, sepia (breeds as chocolate tabby)
    Stalwart, warm, inquisitive, mischievous, stubborn, adventurous
    Steady and unyielding, Scruffykit is not one to be easily rattled by friends or enemies alike, and most everything is met with his signature grin lazily plastered upon his face. One might consider him reserved with how softspoken he tends to be, but in truth Scruffykit embodies that of an adventurous spirit, always willing to try things and to ascend to new heights. With a deep-set determination to learn more about the world around him, Scruffykit is a force to be reckoned with when he's made up his mind, and certainly isn't above a little rule-breaking to get what he wants. Prone to wandering, whatever catches his attention seems to catch it in full, and he may even find himself walking away if a conversation no longer interests him so much as what he could be doing elsewhere. Scruffykit will come to be something akin to a gentle giant, navigating his friendships with great warmth and affection, of which he's never known to shy away from, offering plenty of tactile reassurances to those he deems on good terms.

    I'm definitely interested in drawing parts of his personality/development from IC events, especially as he develops from a worm, so this is more of an outline than a final draft of his personality! There's definitely a number of ways he could turn out depending on what happens around him
    ...... Perhaps his softness will be fostered, turning him into a gentle protector, or perhaps it will be distorted by his stubborn drive, leaning into the role of a hulking brute for the sake of his loved ones
    ...... He may grow wise, with time and experience, leaning from his mistakes, or instead he may come to repeat them, forever remaining foolhardy
    Doepath x Blazingheart, adopted by Sunshinespot / Generation 5

    Littermate to TBD, sibling to TBD
    Nephew to Fallowbite, Antlerbreeze, Yippingpaw, Thrashpaw, & Howlpaw
    Grandson to Baying Hound

    Adoptive Relations (through Sunshinespot):
    Nephew to Emberface, Rainbowpaw, Pidgeonpaw, Softkit, Sweetkit, Freckleflame, Mousenose, Sparkwing, Dovekit, & Mossypaw
    Grandson to Sunfreckle & Rabbitnose

    Unknown Relations (through Blazingheart):
    Nephew to Hawkspine & Wolfpaw
    Grandson to Howlfire & Coyotecrest
    Great nephew to Fireflyglow, Burnstorm, Morningpaw, Moonwhisper, Duskbird, Skyclaw, Juniperpaw, Hollypaw, Scorpionpaw, & Littlepaw
    Great grand nephew to Hollow Tree, Cobwebtail, Lily Pad, Graystorm, Raccoonstripe, Jackdawflight, Berryheart, Lynxtooth, Applebite
    Great grandson to Blazestar, Little Wolf, Leopardcloud, Juniperfrost


    LOVES: Kin
    LIKES: N/A
    Single, too young to be looking / Undetermined sexuality
    Pleasant-dispositioned & hard to ruffle - gets along well even in the face of dislike
    Quick to make friends, though trust is not so easily given

    Kitten - no battle experience
    May start fights, will (begrudgingly) run from fights, may show mercy
    Will be a bulky, heavy-hitter once full-grown
  • SKILLS —
    Hunting: [0 / 20]
    Worm momence
    Tracking: [0 / 20]
    Worm momence
    Combat: [0 / 20]
    Worm momence
    Agility: [0 / 20]
    Worm momence​

    Strength: [0 / 20]
    Worm momence
    Climbing: [0 / 20]
    Worm momence
    Swimming: [0 / 20]
    Worm momence
    Stealth: [0 / 20]
    Worm momence​

    Development ideas:
    — WHEN SILENCE FALLS, TO YOU IT SINGS: As his siblings begin to utter their first words, stringing them along into half-formed sounds and sentences, Scruffykit will inevitably fall behind, far more comfortable speaking in purrs and hums and, more tactilely, nudges and gentle touches. It may come to a point where it's believed that he won't speak at all, perhaps something more than just a late-bloomer, but eventually he will begin to speak on his own terms, babbling along with his siblings, though it sometimes feels like he never really got the hang of it like others do. Scruffykit will never be as talkative as the rest of his clanmates, finding solace in watching, learning, and doing more than in the art of a fine conversation, and he'll never quite give up his habit of noises and gentle touches.
    — STEP OUTSIDE: I'd like to explore his gender as he ages, especially considering this is a worm litter, and see where IC takes him. I like the idea of him being able to try out pronouns until something feels right, and I'd really love for some of that to come from interactions with friends and clanmates.

    World Insured - Elijah Croft
    Aria Math - C418
    A Gallant Gentleman - We Lost The Sea
    Murmurations / Reading the Augury - The Oh Hellos

    Pinterest link, other trivia, etc
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NETTLEKIT named after doepath's sister, fallowbite.
ALTERNATIVELY HAILKIT, after thunderclan's medicine cat, gentlestorm.

okay, i am just a box with the light of thunder in me
gratitude sit under the hubris that's on my sleeve

a long-haired lilac torbie mink with low white spotting and vibrant aqua eyes. with an appearance that reflects neither of her biological parents, she seems to be a cuckoo egg that was never discovered. in contrast to her parents, nettlekit has a diluted tortoiseshell coat that resembles sunshinespot's, leading one to believe that she was actually his daughter. the only similarity to her biological parents is her hereditary mink pattern, which is a reflection of the coat patterns of her mother and her father's grandfather. nettlekit is among her litter's smallest at birth, but as she gets older, she fills out.

nettlekit looks unkempt at first glance, with hair tufts stuck all over her coat. her parents try to keep her clean, but their efforts soon fall apart because her long coat needs a lot of upkeep to combat the scuff. the young girl sparkles with cuteness on the few occasions when sunshinespot and doepath prevail in the battle of untidy waves that cascade across her lanky frame. with its length, delicate feet, and long bottlebrush tail with waves among the tangle of hair, her coat embodies that of her mother. she has a coat with a velvet and silk texture that mimics the sensation of a childhood stuffed animal that you will cherish for years to come. as she ages, her fur becomes more worn and natural.

the leafless season into which she was brought is well embodied by her coat. her coat's subdued tortoiseshell hues capture the frozen stiffness of winter storms. the two hues of cream and delicate lilac blend together to create the ideal ice cream swirl on her body. with her fur's predominant lilac hue interspersed with cream and tabby stripes, it creates the ideal depiction of a frozen winter environment. her father's light white spotting is spotted sparingly on her forehead, rump, tail tip, and front paw.

concentrating on nettle's features, we can notice that her wiry body provides her a more angular face. she has hooded eyes that imitate those of a hunter (or siren), making it effortless to frighten or escape themselves in if one wants to feel a burning sensation. she always has a disgruntled look on her face, and her pointy, sharp ears flick or pin back in frustration.
mama said i'm mhm, special, i was mhm
blow shit up at home back in chromakopia, mhm

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nettle, as her name suggests, will be spiky and stiff by nature. she has a slight irritable demeanor and is often seen frowning, scowling, or displaying some other unhappy facial expression. despite having a large heart for her family and everyone who can warm her up, her interior is frigid. when another tries to mock someone close to her, she readily defends them since she doesn't tolerate it. she prefers to go aggressive before attempting to reason with others, thus she usually doesn't think before getting into physical altercations. more often than not, teeth and claws speak louder than words.

as she gets older, nettle will require a lot of punishment, whether it takes the form of a reprimand, a pop, or more. she would be a rotten fruit in the basket of good if she were not managed. nevertheless, as she gets older, her personality will broaden beyond her clichés and grumpiness through situations, parenting approaches, and other factors. nettle is a difficult child who exhibits early behavioral issues including biting, kicking, hissing, and other territorially aggressive language. nettle is probably the most mischievous or boisterous of their children. she dislikes sharing her friends and family, and because she struggles to communicate herself, she frequently lashes out by saying hurtful things before acting as an apologies.

her gremlin behavior will keep sunshinespot and doepath busy, but she is a devoted guardian of her family and those near her. family members, strangers, and others will have a significant impact on her growth. nettle's personality will develop either for the worse or better as she is roleplayed, making connections with other characters. it'll give her more of a growing feel instead of base line set personality and make it more interesting for those involved around her.

Good Angel, Bad Angel nettle frequently battles between right and wrong, which results in numerous reprimands from her parents. imagine a tiny nettle on her shoulder that informs her what is nice and positive to do; that's how her brain is wired to do what she thinks is correct, almost cartoonishly. however, there is another nettle on the other shoulder that contradicts her and instructs her to act negatively. why shouldn't she reprimand her roommate for disparaging her brother? as the other whispers that they deserved it, one will remark, "it's not nice to hit others."

Action Duo nettlekit and her twin frequently find themselves in predicaments where they are stuck together. although they both lean bad, she is the bad policeman to her twin's good cop. her clever achilles heel keeps her from getting into too much trouble, keeps them out of trouble, and more, making her the reckless companion in action films. the girl's personality is a shining contrast from her brother's, as she uses her claws for words while he uses his words instead.

The Troublemaker nettlekit frequently finds herself in trouble because she never considers the repercussions of her actions before taking them. given her twin's influence and the fact that he frequently rescues her from difficult situations, it will take her some time to realize that her actions have repercussions. this will last until later in her apprenticeship, when she will be able to observe and learn from individuals around her how their actions cause harm or good.

Brains Evil, Brawn Good like the explanation above, nettlekit has trouble understanding a lot of things. she would prefer to resolve problems then and consider the outcomes later. she has her sidekick to think for her because she is a reckless girl who will take the initiative in anything. nettle has already solved the problem if it can be resolved with strength and without thought.

Half-Identical Twins nettlekit is a twin to (emily's kit). these two are inextricably linked; their genders and looks are the only things separating them. her twin's innocent tongue gets them out on a light note, but these two are never seen apart and are frequently discovered getting into mischief. expect the other to be close by if you see one or the other.

Tsundere this sour lady has a dual personality, especially when it comes to her special friends, family, and crushes. when she is overstimulated, she frequently comes across as sarcastic, angry, and cruel due to her chilly interior and sharp tongue. Nettle will harass or get physical with those she likes because she isn't accustomed to such contradictory emotions. She will do something sweet after realizing that she didn't mean to be /that/ nasty and that she wasn't communicating well. She embodies the iconic sour patch kid—first sour, then sweet.

Tomboy With A Girly Streak as she gets older, it becomes more and more clear that nettle doesn't conform to many feminine norms. she disregards many things, including her beauty, and wants to get rough and dirty. but as she gets older (which she won't acknowledge), their early adolescent daughter will learn to appreciate the beauty of nature's simplicity. she takes after her harsh aunt, so even if they're cute, they would be ruined on someone as rough as her.

Berserk Button sunshinespot and doepath's sour daughter is prone to losing her cool over minimal matters. when she hears something that upsets her, she won't think twice about getting into a heated dispute. as she gets older, her parents will need to break this tendency. hearing someone disparage her family or others who are close to her? don't be shocked if you're reprimanded for offending her flock.










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Named by one of the parents, Dreamkit is the name I am most partial to.
━ No previous names
━ Demigirl / she/they / expand upon if necessary
━ 0 moons / real time / expand if necessary
Dec 2nd / created 11/18/2024 / etc...
━ ThunderClan / Kit / past ranks
thoughts, feelings, whatever idc
━ PENNED BY @dazai / Mountain Standard or Daylight time
discord tag tristitia1412 / available to dms
    ━ COMBAT

    ━ This kitten is born white like many points are. As she grows older, she will have noticeably heather blue eyes. Her paws, face, and tail have the creams and browns of a chcolate tortie, though the colors mesh well together, as well as the tabby markings. She is slightly short in stature, though looks incredibly fluffy due to the long fur. Her tabby markings will be visible, though only slightly, almost akin to ghost tabby markings.

    ━ When nervous, often raises a paw and flicks her ear.
    ━ Fur is soft to the touch. She takes good care of it.
    ━ Tries to make sure her fur isn't so long she trips over it.
  • (+) trait
    ━ Altruistic
    ━ Sociable
    ━ Adaptable
    ━ Disciplined
    (/) trait
    ━ Analytical
    ━ Calm
    ━ Eccentric
    ━ Emotional
    (-) trait
    ━ Cowardly
    ━ Competitive
    ━ Envious
    ━ Impulsive

    ━ Dreamkit is someone who wants to talk everybody's ear off, all day, and every day. She's got questions to ask to anyone who will listen. She is kind enough, always willing to make friends and please those around her. However, she often feels a sense of being "othered" or not the first choice as she feels like she is often the one to initiate the friendship. Due to this, social cues don't necessarily come easy to her, and she feels incredibly jealous of those who make connections with others much easier. As part of being giving at least a partially sheltered life, she also has a tendency to run away from her problems rather than face them head on.

    ━ gets nervous very easily
    ━ prone to feeling left out
    ━ Incredible people pleaser

    extended family
    ━ MENTOR / APPRENTICE / anything else
    past mentors / past apprentices / anything else
    ━ trusts parents and siblings
    anything else you can think of

    ━ seeing anyone? who? / is it like super serious? or nah??
    are they looking for a relationship? / are they easy to woo?
    ━ past things romantic encounters whatever
    ━ KIDDOS? got any rugrats?

    physical strength [000%] / mental strength [000%]
    ━ fights very defensively
    more fighting stuff idk i'm eepy
  • ━ Celestial / Ed Sheeran
    ━ Achilles Come Down / Gang of Youths
    ━ The Corner Dwellers / Vocal Few
    ━ Beneath the Mask / Lyn
    ━ Face my Fears / Hikaru Utada
    ━ song / artist
  • ━ and last but not least put extra crap here that didn't fit anywhere else
    ━ more stuff
    ━ extra stuff
    ━ misc stuff
    ━ stuff​
a thousand colors in a brighter shade
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