camp LEVIATHAN 𓆝 water monster

Jan 28, 2024
ꕀꕀ The presence of twolegs has shifted closer and closer to their camp. Of course, with his injuries and the ongoing infection that he’s still fighting off, Sandpaw is stuck in camp. Lounging about uselessly doesn’t suit him, he thinks. He should be out there, tracking the twolegs’ movements just as carefully as the rest of his clanmates. But instead, the tortoiseshell tom sits at the river’s edge, his single pale eye trained on the rippling of the water before him. It feels as though he’s floating somewhere above his own body, seeing without truly seeing, caught up in bitter thoughts and self-pity. His injury is his own fault, and so is its prolonged healing time, but… he feels terribly lost. It’s horrible—he can’t stand to look at his own reflection, and he can’t stand to be as useless as he is.

Perhaps he isn’t completely useless, though. Even with just one eye, he can spot the massive danger that’s coming around the bend of the river—on his sighted side, thankfully. Hackles rise and claws unsheathe as the great shape grows closer, though he knows that he has no hope of fending it off. He couldn’t even fight off a simple fox, and the great shiny thing is moving ever closer. There seems to be a twoleg riding upon its back, and the bare-limbed creature looks to be holding a long stick, with strange fins on each end of it. "Hey," he calls out, turning to look around the camp for any nearby clanmates. Panicked, he stumbles as he whirls around, but he manages to catch himself before he trips over his own paws. "Hey, there’s a monster in the river!"

// bingo slot: gar !!!

-ˋˏ ༻ ❆༺ ˎˊ- Between two-legs, fish hooks, and otters, Pinekit thinks she’s had enough of monsters and oddities. Content to never prod at the navy depths of the river ever again, too many creatures and weapons lay under its surface.
There’s a monster in the river!
And she is up, leisurely soaking in the sun tossed away in order to dash over to where Sandpaw stood, eyes bulging with shock. “Where?” Pinekit demands to know from her place on the land, head swiveling to-and-fro as she scanned the river, head stooping low. When she finally see’s it- the great, silvery thing beginning to bop around the rivers corner, the tortoiseshell is quick to snap back, daffodil hues finding Sandpaw again, her brows raised almost comically high. Thank goodness this wasn’t her problem, Pinekit was just a baby, after all.
“Good luck with that.” The tortie child finally quips unhelpfully, taking a small pawstep back from the river.
With all the things that had been emerging from it as of late, Pinekit wouldn’t be surprised if it spat out a flying fish from this new, large monster.

  • PINEKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, 2 moons.
    plush-furred tortoiseshell she-kit with white dipped forepaws, tail tip, and muzzle and round, honey hued optics.
    daughter of Iciclefang && Stormywing ࿏ sister to Cragkit && Crabkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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The encroaching presence of twolegs is hard to ignore. Even Shimmerkit's mother, who didn't seem to worry much, seemed to whisper about it in recent days. Shimmerkit did her best to ignore it but it seemed that was all the clan seemed to talk about - that and Smokestar's continued disappearance.

Shimmerkit is lounging nearby, eyes partially closed in a half-sleep like state, when Sandpaw's sudden cry jolts her awake. Hey, there's a monster in the river! A monster in the river? Well, that wasn't right...monsters didn't go in the river. Or that was what her parents told her at least. She's not far behind Pinekit, staring out across the river with curious blue eyes moving with the shiny object. "It's weird looking," Shimmerkit declares, scrunching her face up as she spoke. "Do monsters look like that normally?"
The delivery of a growing presence of twolegs hadn't been taken well by the nursery inhabitants. Expectedly the queens were all concerned for the safety of their young first and foremost, and not all of them could even walk yet! If something were to occur, something that jeopardized their safety in camp, they would be the most vulnerable out of them all.

The security their little island once held had become shaky once already when Kindling had slithered her way into the nursery. Of course she was foolish to come alone, she and Iciclefang had rid the camp of her presence in no time at all. But claws and teeth were nothing to a twoleg.

Sandpaw's exclamation did lure her forward in curiosity, and as she met his gaze to see the river she stilled. "What?" This wasn't a typical monster, the kind that barreled down the Thunderpath without pause. But it made similar guttural sounds that no other animal could. "How is that possible?"

She peered down as Shimmerkit and flicked her tail, ready to stop the little she-kit from going too far if necessary. "They don't... this is the first I've seen of it. They're normally much bigger, and only stay on land, and rest outside twoleg nests." This did not fit any of that criteria at all. What could that mean for the fish below?


  • 73582445_EEfwz37mLUqnNP7.png
    —⊰⋅ Queen of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH blue smoke with green eyes.

The increased activity of towlegs out in RiverClan territory is beginning to be a little too close for comfort. Twolegs frequent their territory once it begins to warm up, but it feels like their activity has skyrocketed compared to last Newleaf. The clan doesn't have a good history with twolegs— they have harmed, stolen, and killed RiverClanners. He feels uneasy; he wishes they could traverse through their territory without wondering if they'll run across a weird twoleg contraption; or fear they'll see twolegs out and about. Thankfully, his battle session with Pebblepaw was uneventful.... they were mostly undisturbed at the beech copse. They pad into camp, and he can feel his belly rumbling for a meal.

Foxtail was about to speak to his apprentice, and tell Pebblepaw to grab food as they've had a long morning, but the words don't leave his maw. Instead, his ears prick up at Sandpaw's voice, and he watches as the injured apprentice stumbles in a panic. "Hey, there’s a monster in the river!" He blinks in confusion... and he has to process what Sandpaw just exclaimed. ....Monsters on the river?

He looks over to it, and his fur nearly bristles at the sight. ....Foxtail has seen those at the edge of the river before. As well as them collecting dust in the yard of a twoleg nest. ....But much like Hazecloud expressed, the young warrior hasn't seen one before in action. This one isn't like the others he's seen in twoleg yards, that's for sure. It appears to be a lot smaller, and a lot quieter. "It doesn't growl like the m-monsters on the thunderpath..." He mews to Hazecloud, the twolegs seem to be in control of this small sea monster. He watches the twolegs that sit in the sea monster, and his ears pin back to his skull. "...I-I don't like this," He comments with a nervous swish of his tail, what if the twolegs spot their camp? They would all be in great danger!

  • apprentice tag @PEBBLEPAW
  • 76983326_NimpdpqQcHTVZW3.png

    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to kabliahk via insta for the chibi <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    19 moons


The infamous Thunderpath is quick to reach the ears of kittens, either from the worried mouths of their mothers, or from listening to the grown-ups talk about something that really shouldn't be the youngsters' business just yet. Eveningkit thinks it's best to learn early so that she can be prepared for everything that life will throw at her once she becomes a 'paw.

It is... considerably harder to learn anything when even the adults stare in dismay at something they've never seen before.

She has to climb a bigger rock to gain a full view of this discovery; little but determined claws scratch at the surface, hauling herself up and up until she finds enough balance to stand. From here, she can stretch her neck and see over the reeds, eyes drawing to the strange Twoleg with its monster. Every day, her disgust towards the creatures strengthen — it's not fair that they get to cause RiverClan this much discomfort, threatening to suffocate them in their own home —, but an even more odd realization finds Eveningkit then...

"It looks kind of fun."
Theres a monster in the river.

The call out if loud and it has them looking up with a furrowed brow, what? That- that sounded as ridiculous as anything else. Monsters couldnt swim- could they? They were always subjected to the thunder path and never really came off of it from what they understood. So what was Sandpaw on about? They got up to pad closer along with a few others like Foxtail and Hazecloud, some kits too, and tilted their head to the side.

The chocolate and black chimera tilted their head to the other side as they peered over towards where Sandpaw had come from. The monster was barren but the twolegs rode on its back like nothing. Making the same horrific gurgling noises that the monsters on the thunder path made. Magpiepaw wrinkled their nose a bit and huffed slightly in distaste. More of these issues? Surely it was never ending.

Magpiepaw opened their mouth to chide Eveningkit as they spoke about it looking fun, “As fun as losing a limb if you ask me” They twitched their tail back and forth and then backed up from the view. They didnt want to look at it further and it was rather frustrated with the matter. Twolegs and their damned things they do, “I agree- this isn’t good” Whats to stop them from finding camp now? ​


Of A Monster

Are twolegs brave, or stupid? Looking at them atop their tame monster, Snakeblink cannot tell which is true. To keep such destructive creatures at their beck and call… More concerns arise as he watches the loud, foul-smelling pack move upon the river: he thought monsters bound to their Thunderpath and the Twolegs nests connected to it, a rare few straying from the path and meeting slow decay in the wild; their seeming adaptation to waterways worries him. Many cats have died under their lightning-quick paws while hazarding upon the smooth black stone of their blighted territory; how much more dangerous will the forest become with their kind roaming through it? He has to agree with the other cats around; this is bad news.

”Magpiepaw is right,” he tells Eveningkit, ”Please do not try to play with this. Monsters are extremely dangerous.” Then, with a sigh, to his apprentice: ”There will be no fish left after such a racket. I suppose we shall train instead while we wait for them to leave. If they ever do…”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • apprentice tag @turtlepaw
  • 2h3Dnip.png

    Snakeblink • he / him. 51 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

Sandpaw's cry leaves Hawkcloud's heart sinking quickly — with the uncomfortable sensation of it dropping to her stomach, the hollow in her chest left behind seems to fill with fear. The ever-lighthearted warrior isn't used to such visceral, unpleasant emotions, tries to tuck them away where they can't be seen and leaves them behind, forgotten. But the more the Twolegs have encroached on RiverClan's territory lately, the more that fear makes its presence known to Hawkcloud, buzzing around her head like flies until it can't be ignored. It's frustrating, because Hawkcloud doesn't know what to do with it.

When she bounds her way over to the group of Clanmates watching beside the river, the worst of her immediate panic is subdued by the fact that the Twoleg riding upon the monster doesn't seem to have spotted the cats. In fact, the hateful creature appears perfectly relaxed and unaware as it sails along the stream, tearing away the serenity of the river in its wake. Still, Hawkcloud moves to stand protectively beside Eveningkit, who stands on a rock and risks being spotted between the reeds by the Twoleg. The she-cat swallows. "Maybe we should hide," Hawkcloud suggests, and the fearful words sound foreign on the usually-carefree warrior's tongue.​
come along with me

These things were stupid! The more and more Turtlepaw saw twolegs fumbling through her territory on their loud monsters or slobbering dogs, the more and more she wanted to kick them out herself. How long were they going to be here? Forever? Would she die an elder having to constantly be on the lookout for twoleg shenanigans?

The apprentice stomped her paw into the soft riverbank. Her stubby tail twitched back and forth in annoyance. "Ugh! Can we train on how to take down a twoleg?" Turtlepaw ignored the rest of her clanmates figuring what to do with the rumbling thing on their shore and stomped to the river edge.

With her chest puffed out and green eyes sparking with confidence, Turtlepaw yowls over the din of the monster, "Go away! Go home!"

  • speech color
  • TURTLEPAW she/her/hers, apprentice of riverclan, 7 moons (ages every 1st)
    stocky silver charcoal tabby. tail is a stub. energetic, naive, dim
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / roughhousing and wrestling encouraged / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by muddly@/muddly on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

There’s a monster in the river.

The chimera blinks, as he looks at the Twolegs atop their tamed monster. Are twolegs brave or just downright stupid? Fogshore cannot tell, as he glances down at the kittens of the clan climbing a rock to see said monster.

Monsters couldn’t swim, could they? He scrunches his nose up at the foul-smelling monster and its pack move across the water. He twitched his tail tip, as he thought about how cats died under their quick paws. It worries him slightly, about how dangerous will the forest become with their kind roaming noisily around it.

More of the neverending issues. He lets a small frown grace his features, as he spoke in agreement with both Magpiepaw and Snakeblink. Fogshore wrinkled his nose, as he gazed at the view before him. "I agree with both Magpiepaw and Snakeblink. Monsters. Are very much dangerous." The fish below the glimmering water, probably swam away from the noisy thing. He swivels an ear towards Turtlepaw’s, he lets out a small snort in amusement at the apprentice. Taking down a Twoleg? "I wish it was that easy. Taking down a Twoleg seems hilarious." He blinks as silver-charcoal tabby yowl out at the monster, from the river edge.

  • no ref yet </3
  • ( night swimming.. hm ) ࿐ ࿔*:・゚ FOGSHORE.riverclan warrior.
    𓇼 non-binary ; HE / HIM, accepts gendered terms ; 34 MOONS & AGES EVERY 16TH.
    𓇼 bisexual / sort of looking / open to crushes & romance
    𓇼 a LH blue smoke & SH white chimera with amber sectoral eyes and yellow sectoral heterochromia
    𓇼 battle notesthoughts ; "Speech" ; attacks only
    𓇼 may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    𓇼 smells like freshly baked cinnamon buns & distant rain
    notes: has light-sensitive eyes, tilts head towards the ground. tends to squint in the sunlight, sticks to shaded areas.
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone
frecklepaw & 08 moons & trans. fem & she/they/it & riverclan apprentice
Theres a monster in the river. At first, Frecklepaw doesn't know what to think - surely, Sandpaw is lying, or imagining things. There are no monsters in the river. But sure enough there is a - a thing, swimming along their river, twolegs sitting astride it. She bristles at the sight as she presses herself against Magpiepaw. " It wont... come here will it? Find us, " she asks quietly, eyes wide as she shivers - if the monsters on the thunderpaths were strong enough to take all of a leaders lives, surely this river-monster is just as fierce... or close to it. In the end, she pushes such thoughts from her mind best she can, nodding at both Snakeblink and Fogshore as they speak. Training sounds like a good idea - and even if no amount of training could ever defeat a twoleg, surely it would help keep them safe from everything else.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
I L O S E M Y C O O L , W H E N I G E T E M O T I O N A L