f2u codes LUCKY ONES ⸺ storage/f2u

Oct 27, 2022
storage for my blank codes, free to use on site :3

tabs post
thread stor
battle info (add when finished)
mentor info
litter app

ignore these they are now a lie \/
baby doll
doctor glitch
pr viking

book antiqua
courier new
times new roman
trebuchet ms
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- when changing tab symbols and fonts the spacers can get messed up, easy 2 fix just add or delete blank spaces as needed.
- do not delete the blank spaces if you want tabs to stay centered. ALSO you must copy & paste to add spacers just pressing space bar does not work.
- not super mobile friendly, everything is readable but the spacers make the tabs section throw a fit

Ccccccccccccaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttttttssssssssssssssss jump up to edge of bath, fall in then scramble in a mad panic to get out in the middle of the night i crawl onto your chest and purr gently to help you sleep, and pushes butt to face kitty ipsum dolor sit amet, shed everywhere shed everywhere stretching attack your ankles chase the red dot, hairball run catnip eat the grass sniff decide to want nothing to do with my owner today.

I want to go outside let me go outside nevermind inside is better. Unwrap toilet paper pee in the shoe and fight own tail for chill on the couch table sleep over your phone and make cute snoring noises ask to go outside and ask to come inside and ask to go outside and ask to come inside. Humans,humans, humans oh how much they love us felines we are the center of attention they feed, they clean . Snob you for another person meow all night brown cats with pink ears yet slap kitten brother with paw for loved it, hated it, loved it, hated it.

  • NAME pronouns, rank of blankclan, zero moons
    physical appearance. short history blurb, short opinion on clan/clan specific traits. 1-2 sentences bout personality stuff and any other important details.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by you@you on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

[slide=‎‎ ‎  ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎  ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎  ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎  ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎  ‎ ‎  ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎   ‎‎  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎┌── ooc ] 

[color=SPEECH COLOR][b] [/b][/color][b][/b]
[slide= info  ──┐‎  ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎  ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎  ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎  ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎  ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎    ‎  ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎   ‎‎  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎][size=5][url=BIO][color=COLOR][b][font=book antiqua]NAME[/font][/b][/color][/url] [color=COLOR][i]✩[/i][/color][/size][color=COLOR][i] pronouns, rank of blankclan, zero moons[/i][/color]
[color=COLOR]⭃[/color] physical appearance. short history blurb, short opinion on clan/clan specific traits. 1-2 sentences bout personality stuff and any other important details.
[color=COLOR]⭃[/color] peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / [u]underline[/u] and tag when attacking ↛  [url=link][color=COLOR]see battle info here[/color][/url]
[color=COLOR]⭃[/color] penned by [url=you][color=COLOR]you[/color][/url] ↛  [color=COLOR]@you[/color] on discord, feel free to dm for plots. 
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- all tabs scroll (delete maxheight's if you don't want them to)


[slide=✩][maxheight=200px][justify]background info/pre clan history/big history overview whatever makes your heart happy.[/justify][/maxheight]
[slide=rank ↛ ][maxheight=200px][justify][color=COLOR]⭃[/color] [url=link][color=COLOR][glow=COLOR]xx.xx.xxxx. THREAD TITLE ✧[/glow][/color][/url] short thread description.

[slide=rank ↛][maxheight=200px][justify][color=COLOR]⭃[/color] [url=link][color=COLOR][glow=COLOR]xx.xx.xxxx. THREAD TITLE ✧[/glow][/color][/url] short thread description.

[slide=rank][maxheight=200px][justify][color=COLOR]⭃[/color] [url=link][color=COLOR][glow=COLOR]xx.xx.xxxx. THREAD TITLE ✧[/glow][/color][/url] short thread description.
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- no scrollies, add maxheight if u want


    former apprentices @LIGHTSTRIKE .

  • high expectations with little encouragement, nightbird is not necessarily a remarkable teacher, especially for those who aren't incredibly self-motivated. despite a colder approach, she is very invested in the success of her apprentice and does not respond well to apathy regarding training.

    she has a tendency to treat them more like adults and tries to build a more respect based relationship as long as hard work and dedication are shown. because of this, nightbird rarely has her apprentice stuck with chores all day unless it is a punishment. she believes that their time is much better spent practicing than pulling ticks.

    very straight-forward and more often than not harsh, she will not likely be a good match for meeker apprentices. she gives honesty, and expects the same in return. she likes a good amount of independence in a trainee and fosters that by allowing them to get out of their own messes as long as they are not in direct danger. nightbird may test them in unorthodox ways in order to be fully confident they are ready to be a worthy warrior.
  • nightbird is a well rounded warrior and that reflects in her training as well. however, her primary focus is on fighting and spends most training sessions on it. her apprentices will generally be highly skilled combatants by the time they graduate with average to strong hunting skills. *

    her skill will hopefully reflect onto any apprentice she has. she trains this hard, ultimately believing that it will be the most beneficial for survival as a thunderclanner. nightbird will teach multiple styles, how to play both offense and defense, as well as how to play to her apprentice's specific strengths and their enemies weaknesses. a good amount of knowledge on the other clans will be taught to help this, they should have a good grasp on each one's specific strength and how to counter it.

    nightbird also really pushes for learning the ins and outs of the mental side of a fight. by graduation she will expect calmness in battle and the ability to make level decisions in the heat of the moment. she is a big advocate for awareness, both of your environmental surroundings and others around you. she will teach how to get into an opponents head to make them angry and reckless, whether or not this is picked up and put to use will depend on the apprentice.

    nightbird will start with the basics, hunter's crouch, navigating the undergrowth, best locations depending on season, following a scent, wind direction, etc. she believes that proficiency in hunting comes from practice and just general luck. after the first few moons, nearly all hunting practice will be done through patrols rather than training sessions dedicated to it.

    she will expect additional practice to be done during down time, whether or not this is fulfilled will depend on the apprentice resulting in the variance of skillset upon graduation. if there are questions or struggles in a certain area she will help and revisit training but is overall unlikely to spend a long time solely on hunting.

    she is skilled in the area, yet nowhere near that of a skyclanner. any apprentice of hers will know how to safely get up and back down a tree at the least. she does not necessarily look for mastery of this upon graduation, it is mostly just an extra skill that may help keep them safe when there is danger on the ground. she does not train hunting in the trees, and would likely warn against it as the risk often outweighs the reward.
    stealth nightbird's light weight and dark pelt allow her to be extremely stealthy through the undergrowth. while she will try and teach lessons on mastering the skill, it came very easy to her so she has a harder time doing so. more observant apprentices may have an easier time picking this skill up for this reason.
    tracking this is another skill that came easy to nightbird due to her analytical and observant nature. she will teach basics best she can, but like stealth only apprentices who are able to learn by watching will prosper.
  • nightbird has previously and will continue to allow her apprentices to fight in battles. it gives her a good gauge of where they are at within a real situation. however, she will not send them in untrained. if they can fight or not wholly depends on where they are at in training and if she believes they would be able to handle themselves.

    outside training is not permitted under normal circumstances or unless permission is explicitly given. she does not step in on anyone else's training and expects the same respect given towards her. group trainings are an exception and will be permitted.

    training sessions are generally held every day and are not weather dependent. time will depend on if they are sent on a dawn or dusk patrol and may vary day to day. she tries to avoid super early sessions because she is not a huge morning cat, but will do them if she has to.

    very much "you get what you give". apprentices are expected to take an active role in their training. if nightbird teaches something, she expects it to be practiced to perfection on the apprentice's own time so that they are able to move on in the next session. she will not pour effort into someone uninterested in learning and if that is an ongoing issue she may push for a reassignment.

[slide=✩][justify][center][color=COLOR][b][size=15px]CURRENTLY MENTORING @[/size][/b][/color]
[size=13px][i]former apprentices[/i] @ [/size][/center]
[slide=I. teaching style][justify]elaborate
[slide=II. skills/focus][justify]small general blurb here
⭃[/color] elaborate

⭃[/color] elaborate

[color=COLOR][b]BONUS SKILLS[/b]
⭃ [i]skill[/i][/color] elaborate
[color=COLOR]⭃ [i]skill[/i][/color] elaborate
[color=COLOR]⭃ [i]skill[/i][/color] elaborate
[slide=III. additional information][justify][color=COLOR]⭃[/color] rules/expectations/any other additional info



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- adjustable borders to fit lyrics

A PAWN AND A KING ⸺⸺ basic information, link to tags, whatever!

[font=georgia][size=17px][color=COLOR1]❝[/color] [b][color=COLOR2]TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT [/color][/b][color=COLOR1]❞[/color] [/size][/font]
[font=georgia][size=15px][color=COLOR2]TEXT TEXT TEXT [i]TEXT[/i][/font][/size][color=COLOR11] ⸺⸺[/color] [url=tags][size=10px][i][color=COLOR2]basic information, link to tags, whatever![/i][/color][/url][/size]
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Reactions: Driftwood
- line length will have to be changed depending on lyrics if you want it to line up
- if that doesn't work mess with the size on the bottom text

let's get out of this town
⸺⸺⸺⸺ ⋆ꨄ︎⋆ BABY WE'RE ON FIRE

[COLOR=COLOR]⸺⸺⸺⸺[/color] [url=LINK][color=COLOR][GLOW=COLOR]⋆ꨄ︎⋆[/glow][/color][/url] [font=book antiqua][size=11px][COLOR=COLOR]lyrics[/color][/size][/font]
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Reactions: eezy and starsheep
- adjustable to fit lyrics

and bigger men have died ⸺⸺⸺ *:・゚✦
[center][size=20px][font=book antiqua][b][color=COLOR][glow=COLOR]LYRICS LYRICS LYRICS LYRICS [i]LYRICS[/i][/glow][/color][/b][/font][/size]
[size=12px][glow=COLOR][color=COLOR]❝[/color] [color=COLOR][font=adelia]LYRICS LYRICS LYRICS [i]LYRICS[/i][/font]  [color=COLOR]❞[/color][/glow][/color][/size][color=COLOR][glow=COLOR] ⸺⸺⸺[/glow][/color] [url=LINK][color=COLOR]*:・゚✦[/color][/url]
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- basically the same as the other one, just a bit fancier. all notes from that post apply here as well.
- if you're using an image in the last tab, it'll have to be adjusted to fit unless it's super itty bitty. image can be deleted by removing the [fleft*] and [bimg*] tags. may have to fix some minor formatting changes within the tab after removing it.

⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ Ccccccccccccaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttttttssssssssssssssss jump up to edge of bath, fall in then scramble in a mad panic to get out in the middle of the night i crawl onto your chest and purr gently to help you sleep, and pushes butt to face kitty ipsum dolor sit amet, shed everywhere shed everywhere stretching attack your ankles chase the red dot, hairball run catnip eat the grass sniff decide to want nothing to do with my owner today.

"I want to go outside let me go outside nevermind inside is better." Unwrap toilet paper pee in the shoe and fight own tail for chill on the couch table sleep over your phone and make cute snoring noises ask to go outside and ask to come inside and ask to go outside and ask to come inside. Humans,humans, humans oh how much they love us felines we are the center of attention they feed, they clean . Snob you for another person meow all night brown cats with pink ears yet slap kitten brother with paw for loved it, hated it, loved it, hated it.

  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-seven moons.
    a small black smoke molly with a single white paw and pale silver eyes.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / mentor to duskpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

[justify][font=tahoma][size=3][subquote=COLOR][color=COLOR]-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-[/color] TEXT[/subquote][TABS][slide=‎‎ ‎  ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎  ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎  ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎┌── LYRICS LYRICS LYRICS] 

[color=SPEECHCOLOR][b] [/b][/color]
[slide= LYRICS LYRICS LYRICS  ──┐‎][fleft][bimg]IMG[/bimg][/fleft][size=5][url=TAGSLINK][color=black][b][font=book antiqua]NAMEHERE[/font][/b][/color][/url] [color=black][i]✩[/i][/color][/size][color=black][i] pro/nouns, rank of blankclan, zero moons.[/i][/color]
[color=black]⭃[/color] physical and/or quick character description. any other important information can go here as well.
[color=black]⭃[/color] important relationships on this line / / family, mate, apprentice, kids, whateva!
[color=black]⭃[/color] peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / [u]underline[/u] and tag when attacking
 ↛  [url=battleinfo][color=COLOR]see battle info here[/color][/url]
[color=black]⭃[/color] penned by [url=YOURLINK][color=COLOR]you[/color][/url] ↛  [color=COLOR]@you[/color] on discord, feel free to dm for plots. 
- lowkey a wip. still tweaking things as i go but any information i missed can easily be added with more bullets.
- code section can be swapped for history/misc info if needed, info can also be added to last tab if u want!

half-clan apprentice of thunderclan // former kit.
cis female // usess feminine pronouns and titles.
ten moons // ages on the first of each month.
played by @vayle // ADOPTION THREAD, PINTEREST

    ⋆⁺₊ strong, solid frame with muscular legs. sharp and angular features, fur spikes jaggedly around her. solid black with a white neck, underbelly, and tail. white markings under narrowed yellow eyes and on her muzzle. large white paws with hooked claws. wears a stoic expression, often cracked by sly grins and smirks. carries herself in accordance to the situation, generally appears prideful and distant. ( genetics ) black lh with low white.

    no notable scars.
    low and husky voice, tends to speak slowly with a purposeful lack of inflection, leaving it up to the listener to decide if her words were ill intending or not.
    smells of smoke and roses.

    ⋆⁺₊ elaborate

    estp-a ' the entroproneur ' // neutral evil.
    tropes list.

    ⋆⁺₊half thunderclan, half rogue // no littermates // no kits.

    mate to none // crushing on none.
    mentored by @/SAFFRONPOUNCE.
    ⋆⁺₊ mentoring none // formerly mentored none.

    notable friendships //
    notable enemies //

    ⋆⁺₊ difficult in battle. a heavy hitter that aims to kill. if given the choice, she will go for weaker opponents who appear easier to take out. she is well planned and doesn't lose her head when fighting.

    excels at // combat, manipulation
    poor at // climbing

    ⋆⁺₊ easy to converse with, she is always willing to talk in hopes of finding things to exploit along the line. due to her self interested and two faced behavior, forging true relationships with her is not an easy task. generally, she's not interested in friendships unless they are beneficial to her. she is prone to spreading gossip and lies, please note that the things she says are always ic opinions and may not be entirely truthful or just plain inflammatory in nature.

  • Code:
    [justify][font=GEORGIA][subquote=#221b27][color=#A6A3A8]☆⋅⋆ ──[/color] TEXT
    [/subquote][TABS][slide=‎‎ ‎  ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎  ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎  ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎┌── PRAISE ME FOR MARTYR ][color=#A6A3A8][b]OOC ⋆ ─[/b][/color]
    [color=#A6A3A8][b] [/b][/color]
    [slide=⋅☆⋅][quote][center][img height='400px']https://i.imgur.com/QhhzAbz.png[/img][/center][/quote][/slide]
    [slide=PRAISE ME FOR SIN  ──┐‎][size=5][url=https://tabbytales.net/threads/world-eater-%E2%8B%86-%E2%94%80-briarpaw.13290/][color=#A6A3A8][b][font=book antiqua]BRIARPAW[/font][/b][/color][/url] [color=#221b27][i]✩ [/i][/color][/size][color=#A6A3A8][i]  she/her, apprentice of thunderclan, ten moons.[/i][/color]
    [color=#221b27]⭃[/color] a well built solid black longhair with white markings narrowed yellow eyes. 
    [color=#221b27]⭃[/color] NPC x NPC / / apprentice to saffronpounce
    [color=#221b27]⭃[/color] peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / [u]underline[/u] and tag when attacking ↛  [url=battleinfo][color=#A6A3A8]battle info[/color][/url]
    [color=#221b27]⭃[/color] penned by [url=YOURLINK][color=#A6A3A8]vayle[/color][/url] ↛  [color=#A6A3A8]@vayl3[/color] on discord, feel free to dm for plots. 

[quote][color=COLOR]✧[/color] [b]NAMEPAW[/b] [i]FORMERLY NAMEKIT.[/i]
[color=COLOR]✧[/color] rank of blankclan // former rank.
[color=COLOR]✧[/color] gender // uses blank pronouns.
[color=COLOR]✧[/color] [abbr=created date at 400 moons.]age[/abbr] // ages on the first of each month.
[color=COLOR]✧[/color] played by @you // [url=link]ADOPTION THREAD[/url], [url=link]PINTEREST[/url], any other important links.[/quote]

[slide= APPEARANCE] [color=COLOR][b]SHORT DESCRIPTION[/b] [url=ref][color=COLOR][abbr=click for ref]⋆⁺₊✧[/abbr][/color][/url][/COLOR]
[indent][i][color=COLOR]⋆⁺₊[/color] elaborate. [color=COLOR]( genetics )[/color] genetic info.[/i][/indent] 

[color=COLOR]✧[/color] notable scarring or accessories/any other important appearance aspects.
[color=COLOR]✧[/color] voice description.
[color=COLOR]✧[/color] scent.

[slide=MENTALITY][B]( + ) [color=COLOR]TRAIT, TRAIT, TRAIT.[/color] ( = ) [color=COLOR]TRAIT, TRAIT, TRAIT.[/color] (  -  ) [color=COLOR]TRAIT, TRAIT, TRAIT.[/color][/B] [color=COLOR]⋆⁺₊✧[/color]
[INDENT][i][color=COLOR]⋆⁺₊[/color] elaborate[/i][/INDENT]

[color=COLOR]✧[/color] mbti ' the ____ ' // alignment // etc.
[color=COLOR]✧[/color] tropes, references, notes, whatever!.

[slide=RELATIONSHIPS][color=COLOR][b]PARENT X PARENT[/b] [ABBR= gen _][color=COLOR]⋆⁺₊✧[/color][/abbr][/color]
[indent][color=COLOR]⋆⁺₊[/color][i]extended relationship info // littermates, kits, cousins, etc.[/i][/indent]

[color=COLOR]✧[/color] mate to who // crushing on who.
[color=COLOR]✧[/color] mentored by @name.
[indent][color=COLOR]⋆⁺₊[/color][i] mentoring who // formerly mentored who. [/i][/indent]

[color=COLOR]✧[/color] [i]notable friendships[/i] //
[color=COLOR]✧[/color] [i]notable enemies[/i] //

[slide=INTERACTION][color=COLOR][b]? START FIGHTS. ? END FIGHTS. ? FLEE. ? SHOW MERCY.[/b][/COLOR][color=COLOR]⋆⁺₊✧[/color]
[indent][color=COLOR]⋆⁺₊[/color][i] difficulty in battle, some insight on fighting style and/or strengths and weaknesses.[/i][/indent]

[color=COLOR]✧[/color] [i]excels at[/i] // 
[color=COLOR]✧[/color] [i]poor at[/i] //

[color=COLOR][b]SEXUALITY. ? TO BEFRIEND. ? TO ROMANCE.[/b][/COLOR][color=COLOR]⋆⁺₊✧[/color]
[indent][color=COLOR]⋆⁺₊[/color][i] interaction notes here, how easy they trust, general attitude towards interaction, etc.[/i][/indent]

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