A PACK OF HOUNDS | pre-gathering chatter

Travelling behind that of her leader and now newly named deputy, Cindershade falls into line with a familiar silence that she was known for. Her paws travel over the usual paths under the silver adorning light of the moon. The clearing breaks into her line of vision, peering from the woven bracken she finds the silhouette of cats mingling about. Ahead of her, a familiar voice grumbles—mind yourselves tonight. Of course they would, lest one of the other clans begins something first. The last Gathering was a relatively peaceful one despite that blazing warrior from ThunderClan, casting smug grimaces in Snakeblink's direction and oh just couldn't help herself. Quickly that was met with a fierce ire from herself, a rumbling and low growl of no threat—but a warning to leave them be.
Paws move silently as ever, rosetted patterns shining within the luminescent light that swathes her as they pour into the clearing. Ever sharp eyes don't miss the light hesitation of Smokethroat, that smoldering amber eye watching his reserved seat amongst that of the other deputies. This was his first gathering not as a lead warrior, but a second in command—an heir to a throne adorned in river stones and skeletal remains of the fish they feasted upon. She was sure it had to be daunting, and as much as she wants to poke at him about perpetual cold paws, she remains quiet on the matter. If it had been any other time, perhaps she would have—but RiverClan has lost so much already. From Gloompaw to Ashpaw, from Willowroot on their concil to Beesong's death and Hyacinthbreath's excile. That same spark of fieriocity has now dulled within glowing irises in the dark, exhaustion plagues her broadened features and her expression is unreadable. Her tail flicks to Sablepaw, a silent dismissal for her to go mingle. She doesn't need to repeat her words, Sablepaw was growing old enough to know what's expected from her.
The lead warrior finds a spot amongst the crowd, closer to the front and she recognizes a hulking silver tom under Blazestar's perch, a heterochromatic gaze undeniable. Silversmoke. She remembers him, a loyal warrior he was—had he been promoted or merely just filling in? Orangeblossom must still be weaning her kits, she thinks absent-mindedly, but usually a different hulking frame would take such a place. Where was Thistleback? Her neck stretches in attempt to find the lumbering man adorned in black barbs, a familiar metallic gaze or guttural cackle from him. She does not see him and her brows pinch in light frustration. Thistleback was one of the only cats aside from RiverClan that she looked forward to seeing, but it seems she wouldn't get that chance this time.
So the lead warrior lowers her helm now, velvet ears flicking about as chatter buzzes around her. She sits alone, poised as usual though a certain slouch is noticeable in her shoulders. An ashen figure sweeps over her peripheral and she turns to see Sootstar mingling with the deputies, for what, she can not hear. All she can do is glare towards the mad Moorland Queen, her tail lashing behind her.

Apprentice tag @Sablepaw

// Open for Interaction!

Last edited:
Moving through the tumultuous tide felt like a right of passage for those attending the Gathering from RiverClan's camp [the nest of displaced young birds had been mended, it had cooed at them to return to comfort and certainty and no fish-loving fool would've ignored that call]. It proved to be more taxing than the last several times the ash-pointed cat had journeyed this far and though every movement held the weight of new responsibility, there was a lightness unlike the moon prior. Turning and bowing her head low to speak in a hushed tone, Lichentail hoped her unruly apprentice might be willing to go easy on her this one time, "Please be mindful of WindClan tonight... I'd recommend you go find some nice SkyClan apprentices to talk to if you're interested in saying hello."

Brookpaw's first Gathering... It was daunting to bring one that looked so small so far... and the river had not been kind to one whose practice for swimming had been constrained to the little splashpad that ran through their home. A nervousness fluttered like a caged bird in her heart, yearning to be free, demanding she turn tail now before risking a stare into pale, unnerving eyes. Would that white-furred phantom be here to torment her too?

Drawing out a shaky breath, she found solace in the numbers of her clan-mates at the very least... Ravenpaw had been willing to relent her this one pleasure [who knew that boy could speak with such a scolding tongue?] but only with a promise for calm. The last thing she wanted was to offer that dark-furred youth more trouble to handle... not now.

Careening their head up as a display of whatever pride and courage they wished they felt right now, they moved with sore limbs into the throes of muttering felids, casting wide, sweeping glances to scout out the area for somewhere or someone safe. Clayfur had already found himself a new victim for this silver-toned night and with a small smile, she was glad to see him happier for once.

He had earned that..

An ear twitched towards the sound of hissing and spitting, finding it unsurprising that Sootstar was among the stabbing words [and how embarrassing to have your small child defend you in the face of all those clan officials? Lichentail's tail curled in amusement at the thought] but made no move to join them. It simply wasn't a risk worth taking... and she had no reason to waste her breath on that mole-brained lunatic anyways.

Wandering towards Cindershade who sat as if idly resting, she sat down beside her, content to share in the comfort of their mutual silence. It seemed neither of them were the socialites their clan-mates were.... and that was just fine.​

[[ apprentice ping for @brook-kit ! .. sitting with @Cindershade .. open to interaction ]]​
Badgerstrike strode in as she always did. Head held high as she followed her clanmates into the clearing bathed in starlight. She scans the cats present, taking note of each face. Especially Riverclan. Shadowclan held her ire, but Riverclan held it heavier. She wanted to see the river cats drown. She hopes they do not take the truce for granted, because if not for the stars above them, then she would go straight for the throat of the first one she sees. Clayfur being that cat at the moment, the one who tried to drown her brother. Look at him over there....About to crack some stupid joke...Totally unaware that she is imagining herself squishing him like a little bug.

Alas, she is forced to remain civil, claws tucked in their sheaths. She sits and turns her gaze from Clayfur, tall and proud like the beast she is, that she considers herself to be. Perhaps she'll engage in conversation. Or perhaps someone will engage her in conversation. She will see, she figures.

Open for interactions! Briefly looking at @CLAYFUR !))​

Petalnose bounded into the gathering and slowed to a calmer trot. Social interaction. It wasn't something the molly found interest in unless it was a clanmate of hers. It was common for her to stray from talking to any other clans, even allies. Far from shyness, it was merely to save a stranger a judgemental glance and maybe a passive aggressive statement. We didn't want it to get tense in a passive environment, yes? Even being newly promoted to a lead warrior, she did not particularly want to introduce herself to a stranger.

So, her dark colored eyes blinked around for a familiar face as she settled in the shadows. Barbed tongue drew through her silky fur as she darted her eyes around in passive search. She saw Smokethroat.. Cindershade.. Iciclefang.. Ravenpaw.. and Lichentail. They seemed busy chatting already so she did not bud in, leaving her clanmates to their gossip and discussions.

She briefly looked up and down at a handful of Thunderclanners in her search, remembering back to when she fought within the patrol. She hoped someday.. they would have their victories. Atleast, they had won against Windclan again. Her attention turned to another handful of enemies from the other clan. Petalnose was healing from her injuries by the time the patrol left for battle. Despite Riverclan's victory, she still hoped they suffered in their injuries.. she hoped their medicine stock was low.

//Looking for @Aspenhaze but anyone is free to interact. <3

anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
The large obsidian-hued brute grunted, gaze watching Silversmoke vanish into the sea of cats, chatter present amongst them all, caging them in. His ear twitched, molten copper hues narrowing in distaste. He'd never been one to enjoy these things. Too many damn cats. For his liking that is, but he'd never let Drizzle miss out on … interacting with the other clans. That being said, Dusk can suck it up for one night.

Head swerving to stare at his apprentice. "Keep your eyes peeled." He grunted. "Tonight's air is … odd." He paused, glancing critically at the gathering cats. What else was he supposed to say? Don't get into trouble? No biting people's tails? Don't go sticking your nose into other people's business, knowing damn well there could be a fight? He snorted.

He doubted Drizzle would actively start anything or at least, he sure as hell hoped so. "Don't do anything stupid, ya hear?" He finally decided. "Go on. Mingle. Do … whatever it is you apprentices do." He grunted, tone deadpan as he sat on his haunches, not too keen on interacting with anyone else while monitoring his fellow band of idiots. "If you get into trouble … Come get me." He added as an afterthought.

footnote : open for interactions ! speaking with @Drizzlepaw
thought speech
Specter doesn't want to be here, not at all. But Chilledstar is getting ready to go on the great rock, or whatever these cats call it, and they're only here for them. No one else, not even to... Really represent their clan. Eeriepaw wasn't picked to go, and Specter finds themself worrying about it. Would their temporary camp be okay? Would Eerie be okay? It's enough to get himself lost in the crowd, and his jaw clenches in stress and frustration. Where was his clan?

Theres a voice as hes approached. Why don’t trees hunt? He blinks, bewildered that he was approached with a joke. But... Eyes flicker from Chilleds figure, to the brown tabby in front of him, and he lets out a small sigh. "Why's that?" he blinks, his tone flat, but gilded with intrigue. Maybe he could humor a conversation or two, and if this tabby was funny... Maybe Specter could fire back with some jokes of his own, and his brain is already churning with potential answers.

Perhaps the night would not be a disaster.

// interacting with @CLAYFUR (he wants to hear the joke fr)
Wolfwind streams into the clearing alongside her fellow ThunderClanners. Whitelion is doin' his duty as a mentor. Wolfwind's thankful for it too, considering how... freak - out prone Chikadeepaw seemed to be. She thinks the kid needs a sorta rock like that by her side. Her own apprentice is at camp right now, probably rolling whatever stone he rolls to decide if he should be loud, or suddenly mature. Or whatever his idea of 'mature' was anyways, she remarks with a snort. Wolfwind wonders if she'd see any of those same ShadowClan folk today.

Scanning the crowd for the aforementioned faces, the moment she lingers lets her pick out Whitelion's worry. Wolfwind would offer him an easygoing grin, even if she had plenty to frown about, right now. The gathering was no place for fightin' but they were all pretty banged up like he said. They'll survive. Always do. " Worst thing that will happen is Cicadastar goes on another tirade. Nothin' to worry about. " She'd offer him a friendly bump of the shoulder and grin to his apprentice, before weaving her way through the crowds, tryin' to see if she could pick out any faces. Seems like she really needed to brush up on her inter - clan relations.

On her way to find an interestin' face, she's stopped by an odd grey - brown face and bright pink collar. SkyClan. " Brambleheart. Not Ms. Mittens, or somethin'? " she asks, though there's no malice in her voice. She's genuinely sorta surprised. " S' a good name, " she eventually adds, and Wolfwind almost instantly asks a rude (but true) question. The least she can do is answer his own before she does that, though. She could act like this wasn't ridiculous if she pretended they were any other new - made apprentice, or something.

Wolfwind cranes her neck to look to the mentioned rock the leaders typically sat atop, though most of the weren't present just yet. " The leaders? Uh, kay, that tiny grumpy - lookin' lady over yonder? That's Sootstar, leader of WindClan. She could totally gut you before you blink, though, " She adds, both referring to the leader's viciousness and this kittypets... well... y'know. She might be a lil' hard to see, in the crowd. " The big, brown tabby near - ish is Howlingstar, my– uh, ThunderClan's leader, " she tells him with a hint of pride. Probably the least likely to be a part of the bickering bunch– Ah, besides... Chilledstar! They're the black and blue - eyed one up there, ShadowClan's leader. Not very entertainin'. I'm surprised they even show up to these things. " she comments with a sniff, though she supposed every group 'F crazy people needed a straight man.

Cicadastar nor Blazestar seemed to be on the rock just yet, but their hulking forms were easy to pick out in the crowd. " The freakishly tall one with the big ears? Cicadastar of RiverClan. He likes to talk, " Wolfwind says. Rolling her shoulders. " Deputies and Medicine Cats are usually nearby but... Well, there's a few moments before everything starts still. Any questions? I'm a fantastic teacher, I know. Wait– I got one. How the hell do you hunt with that thingy on? "

[ ooc: briefly interacting with @WHITELION & @chickadeepaw; talking to @BRAMBLEHEART ! shes LOUD so open to interactions still B)!! ]
This tradition, by the moon, has suddenly taken on new meaning. What was once a frantic scramble is now sunken in lethargy– slow strut across the hollow. The weight that sits upon his legs is carried with overwhelming apathy. Strange, was not having to peel his eyes for bright fur and warm smiles. Perhaps stranger still, was that he looked forward to leaving now, more than he wept for the time spent apart. Clanmates are spared little a glance from himself. Certainly not the traitor that walked amongst them. Though– why should he care, when that was just what he was in some eyes, so blue? His apprentice wonders without worry. For some reason, the thought threatens.

He busies his mind instead by drifting toward those unfamiliar, eyelids half - mast with a chin lifted– unwilling to draw to close to the untouchable. Paws treat carefully on this sacred ground; ghost - ridden, as it was. He finds himself near neighbors. Nothing purposeful.

And– keen; a creature of old habits, forever and always (for it was the right way, a trail he has blazed for the majority of his lived life). He needs no longer fret over the fragility of ideals. His mind would not be so easily shattered– not today. Tales of Wind are those of woe– ones deserving hatred, in its purest form, and as a form like muscle and blood, weaves its way through the crowd, an all - seeing eye turns to the word of them. The wind. Mindful of WindClan tonight. Nosy. Nosy, his willowy form curls decidedly toward them, river creatures with blue and black fur. " Oh? What puts them lowlier tonight than they are on any other? " he asks, eyes giving far too much credit to the attention he truly regarded them with.

[ ooc: interacting with @lichentail & @Cindershade ; open to interactions but he's a freak xoxo <3 ]
bunnypounce | 23 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally easy | attack in bold hotpink
Bunny usually has a keen sense of when others are talking about her - or at least, looking at her. The feeling of eyes upon her pale pelt has her head spinning 'round, her body uncannily still, like something out of a horror movie, but with the massive sea of bodies between them and her she can't find her watcher. Instead, wide pink gaze lands upon a different feline - and on wobbling leg she hops. "Hello~ who is you being?" she says, getting rather uncomfortably close to the tom and invading his space - unabashedly staring up at him at that. He smells of the forest - either skyclan or thnderclan, she thinks, uncertainty clouding her mind. The tunneler is not often on patrol, instead content to linger deep beneath the surface with the dirt and worms.

// interacting with @DUSKPOOL
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ThunderClan streams into the clearing with the plump tabby at the front, her head held high with dignity as she releases her clan into the throng of cats. She trusts they'll all remain friendly and respectful, so she doesn't need to say so. She only waits for Flycatcher with a small smile on her face so that they may approach the Great Rock together, after which she climbs to the top with a soft grunt. Once there, she finds Sootstar to be the first on the boulder, and she's making conversation with a cat she recognizes as one of SkyClan's lead warriors. Her ears prick. "Orangeblossom had her kits?" She interjects with interest, blinking down at the tom. "What wonderful news! Please send her ThunderClan's well wishes." Kits are always such a blessing!

// Talking with @SOOTSTAR and @SILVERSMOKE
Drizzlepaw sticks close to his mentor as they head on over to the gathering. This might not be his first, but he didn't do much talking the first time around. He's still a little anxious about fucking up somehow, but here's hoping he can shut his trap if applicable.

"Weird air...? Well, I'll keep my eyes peeled, no worries there." The apprentice is used to having one eye behind his back, even if it's something that developed from his trauma. "No worries about me getting into any trouble, either. If I do...it'll probably be on accident?" He chuckles awkwardly. He'll take up the opportunity to mingle either way, so he walks away from Duskpool to look around.

He only sees one apprentice that isn't currently occupied, sitting by herself for the most part. So, he scuttles over to her, body language as fidgety as his brain feels. Her smell communicates to him that she's a RiverClanner, which is a clan he doesn't have any qualms with, at least. "I...hope you don't mind me talking to you, it that's alright. I'm Drizzlepaw from SkyClan, how about you?"

// OOC : Interacting with @Mosspaw !
Aspenhaze is keeping a watchful eye on their apprentice for the most part as those selected head towards Fourtrees, though they don't say much. Their thoughts are once again taken up by how interesting this meeting was building up to be. They won't be boasting unless approached, but they still hope WindClan is at their worst, or at least even lower than before.

They don't have any qualms about following Smokethroat's order to behave as they arrive, not wanting to instigate. They would much rather let someone else take the first hit so they don't look bad. They hope that Mosspaw agrees with that sentiment, but they don't think she'll do anything bad anyways.
"Enjoy yourself, as best you can. Just come to me if there's any issues, hmm? I'll be with Petalnose." With that, they seek her out, and join her side.

// OOC : Interacting with @Petalnose ! Open to other interactions alongside her as well.

entering the moonlit clearing, nightbird makes her way to the front of the crowd alongside some other thunderclanners. she listened idly to their chatter, licking a paw and dragging it over her ears. when all these scents mingled, the last thing she wanted was to return home smelling like some rotten riverclanner. each time they had met the fish-eaters in battle, it took far too long to rid her inky pelt of the rancid scent of fish.

as she groomed, she felt eyes boring into her. unconsciously her pelt prickled at the sensation, a quick shake was enough to rid the feeling of prying eyes. turning her head smoothly, her silver gaze fell upon a tabby splashed warrior, it glinted in recognition. although petalnose had already found a new group to glare down, she couldn't just sit there with her very important question unanswered. not sitting to far from her apparent admirer, she decided to inquire in a way that was totally innocent, totally not antagonizing. she fixed the riverclanner with a grin that didn't reach her stony eyes. "see something you like?" she asked nonchalantly, feathered tail flicking to cover her paws.

another came to join her side, something dark flashed across her gaze as she recognized them to be the one who had fought sunfreckle not long ago. the lead warrior held her tongue for now, but could not promise everlasting peace if the mottled feline decided to crack their ugly jaws. for now she returned her eyes to the first warrior, waiting for her answer or ignorance. it was always hard to tell whether a riverclanner was going to act like a pretentious fool or a raging loudmouth. nightbird had her own theory that whichever display would be dependent on the current weather, but of course she had to test this hypothesis.

//talking to @Petalnose , acknowledging @Aspenhaze . open for other interactions as well!
  • Angry
Reactions: Aspenhaze
A familiar voice causes his head to turn, a kind smile on his lips as he faces the direction of Ravenpaw's voice. Tired of them? He chuckles softly, eyes opening to reveal the milky blues that stare ghostly wide towards his fellow apprentice. His tail waves in greeting, settling around his paws. He doesn't take offense to the tom's words, but he does find it a moment to tease him instead.

"Why, d'ya miss me?" He chimes with a grin, "I'll be right over, Ravenpaw. Just.. Waitin' for someone. Would you like to sit with me until it's time to go to our places?" He hoped he'd get to interact with his siblings, even though he knew for a fact that they'd want nothing to do with him. His head held high, he keeps his ears perked to listen out for his siblings' voices.

// chatting with @RAVENPAW. ;; looking for his siblings!​

Another gathering, and- should Twitchbolt still be worried about them? The precariousness of peace, held only by the clarity of the moon... he hoped, he hoped, the respect for StarClan would always win out in the end. But that was all it was. Hope. No sense to it, really. Just a flimsy grasp on- on those words StarClan had said, that prophecy. Peace, for one night. It seemed impossible. Too impossible to settle him, but- but, he had to hold on to the one piece of proof in that nothing bad had happened yet. Except for that lightning strike. But he'd not seen that one, and...

Spiralling, spaced-out, Twitchbolt stayed relatively close to the cats he already knew and was only snapped out of his plummeting by a clamouring voice, a- loud one directed toward one of his Clanmates. Brambleheart- and before him, who was that...? He was sure he'd seen her before, but... she didn't seem angry at least, despite the volume of her voice. And to him she was illustrating the personalities, the general temperament, of each leader. Right- it was Brambleheart's first gathering, wasn't it?

He drew up beside Brambleheart, fixing the ThunderClan warrior who was talking to him with a trembling smile, one meant as a silent greeting. "You- you- you couldn't get a better assessment of them, really," he murmured lowly, humour fraying his croaky tone the slightest amount. He could not refute the Thunderclanner's assurance that she was a good teacher. Gut you before you blink, though- hopefully she wouldn't. Had better sense than that... but her warriors were ruthless, weren't they? Suddenly he felt a little nauseous again.

\ interacting with @WOLFWIND and @BRAMBLEHEART
penned by pin ✧
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Bluepool makes her way through the throng of cats, making notes of faces that were here and faces that weren't. Like her sister, she sees Orangeblossom's lack of a presence as weakness. Of course the queen wanted to spend as much time in the nursery as possible, getting fat and lazy. Not like their queens. Sootstar had returned to her duties almost instantly, and Scorchstreak, despite having a brood of her own was here tonight and very eager to return to her duties. It gave her an extra appreciation for the diligence her clan had. They held themselves to a higher standard, unlike clans like SkyClan. Pathetic.

Suddenly, she catches a flash of chocolate through the crowd and her eyes immediately hone in on the familiar pelt, but especially the green cloth wrapped around the poor wretches neck. She wants to rip it off him and sink her teeth into his throat. She forces the hair on the back of her neck to lay flat though. It wouldn't do to break the sacred truce of the gathering. One measly, weak, pathetic, traitor was not worth incurring StarClan's wrath, not to her. Still, she can at least use words as sharply as her claws. "A traitor and a kittypet, who knew you could get so low Dandelionwish?" she says in a cool tone when she draws nearer, eyes leaving the disgusting thing tied around his neck to meet his eyes. "I was wondering where you had scurried off to. Was catching your own prey too difficult for you? You take a liking to being handed your food by another being? You always did rely so much on others..." Most medicine cats relied on others to feed them, too busy with their supposed duties to do it themselves most of the time. It only made sense in her mind that Dandelionwish would turn to an easy life. "That thing wont protect you, by the way" she adds, gesturing with a paw to the green fabric tied around his neck before she licks it and draws it over her ear casually, as if they are just chatting about the weather.

// interacting with @Dandelionwish



Sootstar’s eyes pivot momentarily to a dark pelt, Smokethroat. She resists the urge to growl as he settles himself at the base of the rock, so Cicadastar finally filled his deputy position? Of course he would pick this mange-face tom, Smokethroat would pair terribly well with RiverClan’s long snout leader.

SkyClan’s numbers hardly grow, Sootstar’s inner voice cannot help but seethe, just these past couple of moons they’ve done nothing but get picked off by Twolegs! Daisyflight and Sheepcurl had been reported dead and missing last gathering, to the blue smoke SkyClan has received nothing but blows… These kits did not make up for that.

Then from behind her, a hostile rumble. Whipping around she turns to face a ShadowClan warrior, surprised to find he is the Tom who had slain her on the thunderpath. Her claws unsheathe instinctively but they do not strike out for flesh. The audacity of this Tom leaves her shocked, giving enough time for Bluepaw to step in and scold him for his behavior. It’s enough to make her snort in his face, “It seems apprentices have more respect than ShadowClan warriors!” She sneers, a defiant smirk settling on her face. Sabletuft, ShadowClan lead. RiverClan and SkyClan… she doesn’t hear anymore of it. ”Can’t you see this is a conversation between leaders and deputies? You’ve strayed from your station, Sabletuft of WindClan.” A heavy flick of her paw is given to shoo the Tom-cat off.

Sootstar then finds her apprentice, Bluepaw has earned a thankful nod but she gently tilts her head in the direction of a nearby group of gathering apprentices. It was best she took off now too.

//interacting primarily with @S A B L E T U F T and @BLUEPAW
Indirectly continuing to interact with Smokethroat, Silversmoke, and Howlingstar by proximity

A sound of paw steps were closing in on her, one of her closest ears focusing in first until she spun her head around to face a Thunderclanner. She remembered nightbird at the patrol she fought against, it was vague as she didn't tear her claws through the other she-cat. Her tail flicked in irritation, rising to sit up so she could properly greet her enemy. Her tall frame held confidence and irritation, eyes narrowing in suspicion. Keep your anger together, Petalnose."Ah yes, I'm just admiring my enemies." It was a passive aggressive tone with a cold touch to it. She looked over the others dark frame, seeing Aspenhaze make their way over and she greeted her friend with a warm trill. "Also, I was looking for my dear friend."

She would attempt to give Aspenhaze a soft touch to the shoulder in greeting. In addition, it was proof to the thunderclan warrior nosing into her business. Petalnose turned her attention back upon the tortiseshell point, simply acting as if Nightbird didn't exist. "How did Mosspaw take the trip? And you?" She asked, thinking back to when Aspenhaze requested them to join them at the gathering. They had also fought windclan, which was enough to peak some worry about how the two took the trip. Hopefully the two were handling well.

// Interacting with @nightbird and @Aspenhaze but still open to interactions! Tags
Clay can feel the gaze of enemy eyes upon him like a weight over his shoulders. It’s likely a WindClanner, he thinks, and wonders whether the cat he’d fought had managed to survive. But there also lingers the possibility of it being the glare of a ThunderClanner—he had sank his teeth into their leader’s throat and attempted to drown one of their warriors. But do their opinions matter? They struck first. Besides, this is a happy occasion! And thankfully, the cat who’s received the honor of being his victim tonight is a ShadowClanner—a step down from Rosemire, but not an outright enemy.

The other warrior plays along, asking why, and his smile only grows wider, brighter. "It’s ‘cause they don’t beleaf in violence," he quips, tail flicking in amusement. He expects a groan, disappointment at his joke, but no matter the reaction his expression won’t change. "I’m Clayfur, by the way," he adds after a moment, feeling as though he should at least introduce himself as a sort of apology. "You’re ShadowClan, right? How’s Rosemire doing? He’s usually the one I, like, trade jokes with. Do you have any good jokes?"

// @spectermask

For a brief moment he is frozen with horror at the sound of his name but thankfully his expression remains calm and thoughtful despite the panic churning beneath the surface. His head turns slowly to greet the cat approaching and he recognizes her immediately; Sootstar's sister Bluepool. Far from the most ruthless cats of his memories but just as cutting in other ways. Still, he feels his apprehension settle with the realization she was only speaking and not slinging her claws. It seemed even WindClan would honor the peace of the gathering. He was safe to continue sitting here and chatting and chat he would.
"Now ye done did got ahead of yerself, Bluepool, ah ain't no kittypet but know plenty of'em! Nicest cats ye'll ever meet, real kind an' carin' lot. ‘ppreciate the concern though but don’t ye worry yer little head over me, can take care o’myself jus’ fine! Claws still sharp, hunting ain’t rusty! Even trainin' my own apprentice, she's 'round here somewhere." He smiles wide, raises a paw to put over the bandanna on his chest, he does not bite back with the same animosity; knows a fight is what WindClan cats want more than anything in the world and so he opts instead to kill her with overwhelming good cheer and kindness.
"Yer mistaken though! Ain't no protection with this, jus' meant to look nice and I reckon greens a fetchin' color on me if I do say so myself."
Dandelionwish plays dumb, pretends he missed the threat, pretends he had no idea she had come over here simply to goad him. His head tilts to the side, ears flipping comically with the gesture.
"Ye look nice as ever, pelt glossy. Hopin' that means y'all doin alright. Ye know, if ye like it ah can get ye one too! Got a friend, Sweetybee, who has loads of'em! Thinkin' ye would look mighty nice with a bright yella number."
WindClan will have no more of him. He gives her nothing, no bait, no backsass, only genuine chipper prattling and a wide smile that remains unflinching across his maw.

Interacting with @Bluepool
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