Salmon is alongside a patrol today but her head is anything but in the game. Her stomach churns uncomfortably so and she swears shes going to hurl from how much her head whirls and whirls and doesn't stop.

Troutsnout. Almost Lichenstar. Turtlepaw. Moonbeam. Hazecloud. Riverpaw. She turns them over and over in her brain, repeated like a broken record. Troutsnout, almost Lichenstar, Turtlepaw... Moonbeam... Hazecloud, Stars- her chest feels tight, Riverpaw; she wants to bawl as she thinks of her own failures. She could have helped Riverpaw like she helped Lichenstar. And Hazecloud... She prays to whatever Stars that are left out there that have not abandoned her, that she is okay. She's close with the molly, a friend, someone she could come to and talk to at any time...

And her poor apprentice. She had promised herself she'd search until her paws bled... And it's a promise she needs to keep. She can't be in her head anymore today.

She zones back in to her lifelessly dragging herself along her clanmates. A deep breath to steady herself reveals that something is on the wind... And it cant be good. "Watch out, something is coming up, i'm going to investigate." she murmurs to the patrol, caution causing her pelt to prickle. Hope guides her pawsteps because maybe... Just maybe twolegs are releasing her friends up ahead. She needs to go further upwind to investigate whether they're coming across a trap or a twoleg and as she goes, something catches her eyes. A dog is running straight for the patrol and its fast. Her hope is broken. Of course it had been just wishful thinking. "RUN!" her voice peaks to a yell, but shes the closest to it and unfortunately... She's not fast enough to start running backwards, claws scrabbling at the earth below as she begins to stumble over her legs.

It's enough for the bolting dog to catch up. She's knocked off balance at the sudden weight knocking in to her, hitting the ground hard and slightly rolling across the grass. She's not quick enough to rise to her paws either because theres suddenly a hot breath over her, shadow casted and she shuts her eyes, heart racing wildly. This is where she dies. Here is where she'll take her final breaths, a coward, a nobody, someone who could have done more...

It was only a few heartbeats, but it felt like hours, until the dog makes its move. It lunges forwards and Salmon raises a paw to defend herself until... A slimy tongue is licked across her face, slobber dripping from her cheek fur as she opens her eyes in bewilderment. "Ew! Ew- Get off, get off!" her voice is somewhat shrill as she tries to wiggle out from under the playful puppy but to no avail. One of her clanmates is going to have to distract it and she prays they eventually come back so shes not stuck under a dog that wants nothing more than to dirty her fur with horrid smelling breath and slime.

  • bingo slot for: burbot | the dog is friendly & won't attack unless provoked :)
  • 81452832_bOcoySRKc8PW5Ka.png
    salmon ,, salmonshade
    cis female ,, she/her ,, 39 months
    warrior of riverclan ,, mentoring riverpaw
    fluffy & dainty chocolate tortie smoke with white, blue eyes
    "speech, fd9367" ,, thoughts
    lesbian ,, single
    smells like warm flowers & freshly cut grass
    chibi by pin ,, penned by chuff

.·:*¨༺ ☾ ༻¨*:·. The air around the patrol is heavy today- thick with anticipation. Lakemoon could understand why. Moonbeams disappearance had been jarring, the kidnappings that followed true wake-up call to the danger that would be lurking on their territory for at least the next moon. Had last year been so dire? The long-limbed tabby couldn’t recall. Once glance in Salmonshade’s direction, and it is clear that the recent events have added a particularly heavy weight to her clanmates shoulders. Lakemoon held her tongue, not daring to break the silence.
Until a new scent is blown in their direction, one that is hauntingly familiar and all too common as of late, dog. Before Lakemoon could say anything, Salmonshade declares that she is going to investigate, and while it wouldn’t be the route the tabby would suggest, who was she to stop her?
The warrior watches her patrol mate slip away, and opens her maw to say something, to brace herself for-
There it is. Lakemoon is quick to take action and assume a safe hiding place within the reed stalks- dogs were usually too stupid to look at anything beyond their own nose. Salmonshade was at the helm of the attack, left out in the open, Lakemoon slips from her hiding place. Even if the warriors approach had been fish-brained, she wasn’t going to let a clanmate die.
The dog lunges, and Lakemoon fears that her arrival would be a split second too late- yet, the beast doesn’t go for the throat, there doesn’t seem to be a lick of malice in its move at all. Salmonshade cry’s to get it off of her, and Lakemoon makes a half-circle around the scene, eyes glimmering with genuine shock. Beady eyes turn to her, and with a sigh, she’d make herself its next target to spare Salmonshade from drowning in its slobber.
Clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth, the warrior can see she has caught its tentative interest, she springs backwards. “Here, doggy doggy.” That does it, in a blink the thing is charging at her, and Lakemoon is sent running. Not far however, in fact- she wonders if she might be able to lure it into a state of dizziness by simply running in circles, and hoping it’s that desperate for something to play with.

  • LAKEMOON she/her, warrior of riverclan, 27 moons.
    lanky blue tabby with low white and navy blue eyes and a slightly twisted right hind leg. A large facial scar stretches from her right brow to her left cheek, and another crosses at her chest and stretches down the length of her stomach.
    daughter of Tempestmoon && Lilypad ࿏ sister to Wolfwind ࿏ mate to Lilybloom & mother to Snowkit, Graykit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

"FATE IS A SUNDRESS" ˚୭ .ೃ⁀➷ tags ── THEIR PATROL CARRIES on in a sort of solemnity. It's been uneventful - a good sign - and it allows Dizzypaw some time to think to herself. There's certainly no pressure to talk.

A sigh brings Dizzypaw's attention to Salmonshade, who pads ahead of her. She feels her expression shift to something more sympathetic; she feels horribly for poor Salmonshade. Disappearance after disappearance wrought by Twoleg hands stain RiverClan as of late. It paints a solemn picture of something fearful. Something tangible. Dizzypaw need not be close with Salmonshade to garner how hard Riverpaw's disappearance had been on her. Dizzypaw only wishes she could offer more than sympathies.

Dizzypaw watches Salmonshade slink ahead upwind to scent something on the air - she barely has a moment to think over where she should stand when the warrior's cry to run breaks through her thoughts. Dizzypaw finds that she's able to bound away a few tail-lengths before she turns to look over her shoulder to - oh, oh no - wait.... what?

It happens so rapidly that it makes her head spin - Dizzypaw is reminded of her namesake quickly. Salmonshade was up on her feet, until she wasn't - she was surely being eaten, until she wasn't. Is the dog... grooming her? Ugh, that's so disgusting. Dizzypaw can't say she knows much about dog habits, and she's not sure she wants to take this opportunity to learn. Hazel eyes dart for another clanmate - someone bigger than her? Someone needs to do something with the dog. "Hold- hold on!" she stammers - and then Lakemoon pulls the dog away from Salmonshade. Dizzypaw finds her chance and bounds towards the warrior, stance low.

"You're okay?" Dizzypaw assumes, instead of allowing herself to think something worse. But there isn't time for pleasantries. "Could we lead it back to its Twolegs?" It's the only thing she can think to offer in her naivety, so she does. She still feels like she can't catch her breath.

// ninja'd so this is rushed oopsies​
Fogshore glides on light paw steps after the patrol he was assigned to. It was quiet and uneventful, a little bit bland for his tastes. But, he doesn't mind the solemn atmosphere- gives him time to think about anything and everything his sleepy mind will conduct.

Flicking an ear towards Salmonshade's sigh, who pads ahead of their little patrol. He feels sad? No. Maybe more sympathetic for the molly whose apprentice- Riverpaw has been kidnapped from Riverclan by Twolegs.

The feathery tom's thoughts lightly whorl around how some of his clanmates have gone missing or almost taken. Poor Troutsnout, he quite liked the molly even if they didn't talk much. Almost the newly crowned Lichenstar. Turtlepaw. Moonbeam. Hazecloud and now Riverpaw.

He hopes wherever they are, they're safe and sound. Snapping out of his own thoughts, his paws halting at Salmonshades voice on 'something is coming up.' Danger is always lurking on the territory, he hopes it isn't anything life-threatening. A new scent blew in his direction, it was familiar... though common as of late. Dog. Did he just jinx himself? His heavy tail lashed behind him, at the rapidly upcoming scent. The warrior watched with a flinch at his patrol mate's cry of RUN! Fogshore is already turning around and running to hide in the reed stalks that Lakemoon has already claimed as a hiding spot.

He crouches down against the ground, the chimera observes as Salmonshade gets the full-on attack. After a moment, he raised a brow at the scene that is playing out in front of him. The dog is.... grooming his clanmate? He shudders at the way the dog drool, is now on Salmonshade.

He blinks once, then twice. Before slipping out fully from his hiding spot in shock, wide eyed surprisingly. He lets himself relax as he lets his eyes droop back in their bored state. Huh. This is an odd turn of events. "That was... unexpected." He murmurs, as he observes Lakemoon be the next target of the playful puppy's attention. He is a little clueless about dog habits, except for the playfulness they carry and the strange shaped toys they have. The tom really doesn't get dogs. Fogshore looks over at the drool drenched Salmonshade, he follows after Dizzypaw with a flick of an ear. "You okay there Salmonshade? Need any help?" He peers down at his fellow warrior, with a raised brow.

  • ooc. this was rushed ajdkje
  • no ref yet </3
  • ( night swimming.. hm ) ࿐ ࿔*:・゚ FOGSHORE.riverclan warrior.
    𓇼 non-binary ; HE / HIM, accepts gendered terms ; 34 MOONS & AGES EVERY 16TH.
    𓇼 bisexual / sort of looking / open to crushes & romance
    𓇼 a LH blue smoke & SH white chimera with amber sectoral eyes and yellow sectoral heterochromia
    𓇼 battle notesthoughts ; "Speech" ; attacks only
    𓇼 may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    𓇼 smells like freshly baked cinnamon buns & distant rain
    notes: has light-sensitive eyes, tilts head towards the ground. tends to squint in the sunlight, sticks to shaded areas.
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone