The last that Sunstride had thought of storms, the snow had swept nearly to his ears. He knew them for their cold, for the impenetrable veil of white that they would paint before one's very eyes. He did not know them for their rains. It had rained, of course– and he had known what it felt like, to be horrifically soaked. But more often than not, it had been by foolish choice. He had dared himself alongside his dear friend, to see how long they could remain without icy waters turning their lungs to blocks of ice. What pelts upon him is nearly hot. The thick mane around his neck has been slicked to his spine, from ears to tail-tip he is wet and weary. It had pelted down upon them rapidly and without hesitation, yet without the intensity it would take to force them into shelter. Not that there was much to be found within this territory regardless. They suffered beneath the stars, as they did everything else.

His paws are cracked beneath the softened skin. They are uncomfortable in their squish against equally drenched ground. He had hoped that it would not take so long for them to find their way home, yet there is still some distance to go as Sunstride, the great lead warrior that he is, sinks beneath the first layer of mud. It had been too well hidden within the moorland grass, and he pulls his leg from it with a grimace and a wet, slimy sound. He shakes the paw with ears turned back. It is not intentional, though perhaps grandly amusing, that the splotch of mud he flings from his own fur would be directed all too wholly towards @Adderpaw.

  • ooc: surprise apprentice mud bath tag!
  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, he - him. thirty-six moons old. lead warrior of windclan and former rogue.
    —— gay, but somewhat closeted. will not be open about his interests. single, will be so.
    —— seems comparatively stranger than who he was some moons ago, serious and cool.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red at its base and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
  • "speech"
  • Love
The storm had broken upon the border patrol without mercy, drenching every cat with lukewarm gusto. Weaselclaw's teeth are bared from the moment the first raindrop hits the velvet exterior of his ears. The earth turns to slick mud underpaw, and every step exudes water. "Bad luck," he growls. "We might find a badger set if it doesn't let up soon."

Sunstride is leading this particular border patrol. Weaselclaw is at his heels, not far from Adderpaw, when the spotted warrior sinks into a particularly deep pit of slime. The tabby grimaces with sympathy, but just deftly manages to avoid the flying ball of mud that seeks its target beside him. It hits his son -- his very serious son -- instead, and Weaselclaw can't help but snicker mercilessly. "Blends in," he wheezes good-naturedly. "You can hardly tell."

──⇌•〘 INFO Wolfsong may have a fondness for snow, but mud is another matter entirely. Following in Sunstride's steps would do little to help him when the ground turns to a dense, sticky sludge that sucks at each paw and later solidifies into a stubborn crust, difficult to properly scrape off. He certainly isn't keen on following him now, and he squints at his sun-streaked pelt between peals of chuckles beside Weaselclaw.

"Are we due a lesson in camouflage?" He asks once he's tamed his laughter, glancing at Adderpaw with a warm, crooked grin out of place among the rain-drenched misery.
  • Love
Cottonpaw almost wishes she hadn't asked to join this patrol. With many of the tunneling patrols being limited to necessity and in-camp training becoming the only option, she had hopped at the chance to leave camp, even if only for a border patrol. The skies opened up however and the poofy she-cat isn't as such for much longer. While she can handle loose dirt and gravel lost in her fur, having it slick to her skin like a RiverClanner might just be wear she draws the line. The mud underpaw is not much better, either.

Still, they have a job to do. She nods eagerly regardless when Weaselclaw suggests shelter whilst the rain tapers out. It's not long after where the mud flies and hits Adderpaw - and like their father says, it nearly blends in. Cottonpaw lets out a giggle matching that of both Wolfsong and Weaselclaw, tail twitching, "Y'look better than ever, Adderpaw!" she cheers, grin unyielding.​


Sunflowerpaw trots after their mentor, distant enough from Sunstride to avoid catastrophe. Their wild fur has finally met its match in the rain that drenches it. It reveals the cat underneath, typically hidden in a thick mottled coat, a skinny body with long strands of fur clinging close to it. Water drips from their whiskers, mud cakes their paws. It is incredibly uncomfortable. They definitely prefer the sunshine.

They do not envy Sunstride one bit as he slips deep into a mud puddle. They do not laugh at the lead warrior's plight, but... Admittedly, it is a little funny when the same fate befalls his apprentice. Weaselclaw's right, it's hardly distinuishable from the rest of Adderpaw's fur. The laughter and teasing of the rest of the patrol is contagious; Sunflowerpaw finds a fit of small and breathy giggles overtaking them, a subtle smile drawing upon their face.


  • //
  • SUNFLOWERPAW named by their half-brother vulturemask after his friend and mentor.
    — they/them, 5 moons.
    — windclan apprentice, mentored by wolfsong.
    — reserved yet loyal, distrusts most.
    — mild limp.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled140_20230420002906.png
Life doesn't discriminate
Adderpaw stalks wordless behind his mentor, soaked to the bone as lukewarm liquid drips in repetitive fashion of the edge of his chin. Burning eyes lay beneath hooded lids, wearing a grimace the further they trekked through windclan's mud laden territory. The weather and state of the earth under his paws made this particular patrol rather detestable with the way it squelched between his pads. Sunstride unfortunately waded far deeper into the muck than intended, leaving the boy to halt his lumbering and watch his mentor's misfortune with silent reservation. This is until a thick oozing clump of mud splattered against his face, maring the lighter streaks set beneath his eyes.

An explosive hiss parts from formally clenched jaws, head shaking frantically to dislodge sodden earth from his face. A single paw lifts to swipe the remaining mud off, brows furrowed and ears flattened at the sound of laughter. He holds his tongue against the warriors present, just barely containing his respect. But to his sister and Sunflowerpaw he shoots them an acidic glare. "It's not funny." He rasps, voice burning with subtle notes of mounting anger as his tail lashes from one side to the other.
Between the sinners and the saints