
meant for more
Mar 14, 2025
Carminekit sits at the edge of camp, his back turned to the heart of the clearing where his denmates tumble over each other in an endless flurry of energy. Their laughter and excited mews fill the air, but he does not turn to watch. Instead, his amber eyes are fixed on a single curled leaf, brittle and brown, that twitches in the faint breeze. It scuttles forward, then back, as if uncertain whether to keep going or surrender to stillness. He lifts a paw and presses it down on the leaf, feeling the dry veins crumple beneath his pads. It is fragile, weaker than he expected. When he pulls his paw away, the leaf is bent, one side broken off entirely. He stares at the torn edges, something unreadable flickering behind his gaze.

The wind picks up again, and the half-leaf shifts, dragging itself toward the camp entrance. Carminekit follows its movement, his tail curling around his paws. He could chase it. If he wanted, he could bat it back toward himself, keep it from vanishing into the unknown beyond the bramble barrier. But he stays still. It isn't worth it. A shadow stretches beside him, and he tenses for just a moment before recognizing it as nothing more than a passing cloud overhead. He lets out a slow breath and shifts his weight, claws flexing against the dirt. It isn't that he dislikes company, not entirely—but he finds it exhausting. The constant noise, the unspoken expectations, the need to respond in ways that feel unnatural to him. Out here, at the edge of camp, he can simply exist.

His ears flick at the sound of approaching pawsteps. He does not look up, but his shoulders tighten. He knows what comes next. A casual greeting, an invitation to play, or worse—a question about why he is sitting alone. He braces himself for the interruption, already preparing a clipped response. But the pawsteps pause. Whoever it is hesitates, as if reconsidering, before turning away. The sound of retreating steps is almost a relief. Carminekit exhales, eyes lowering back to the leaf—now long gone, carried away by the wind.​

"Carminekit, don't wander outside. Your parents would definitely worry." Celandinepaw mewed as she trotted up to the scarlet-coated kitten after another curious set of paws had come to investigate. Fictitious eyebrows furrowed as her eyes settled along the child's tensed body, and she wondered why he had foregone playing with his nursery-mates in favor of sitting alone. Perhaps his siblings and friends had been too loud today, and she could sympathize with breaking away for the heavily-sought peace and quiet. The springtide winds whipped along the ends of flanks and tips of whiskers, though it was not as violent as a wintry snowstorm, as though it merely had the strength to roll along a fern's frond. The breeze almost reminded her of autumnal breath, though perhaps this was moreso a relic of winter's wrath upon more stringent threads. She had seen the striped kitten bat at a fragile leaf, though the wind (as bullish as it could be) knocked it away from his reach. He did not follow it outside of the camp, only watching it from his earthbound perch. The medicine cat apprentice understood the croon of adventure's call, and staying within the confines of gorse-twist and heather-bloom could erode one's spirit, as though the weather embrittling the statue carved of steady stone. However, she also understood the many dangers that faced one when travelling from the safety of their peers, for misfortune always struck when there was little guard - the cowardly predator that it was. She simply sat next to the other, offering him some company.


    — MEDICINAL EXPERTISE: Celandinepaw is the current medicine cat apprentice of Windclan. Although she is quite new to her position, she also has much expertise with treatment regarding infectious diseases and basic remedies. As for anything more complex... you're better off asking a more experienced medicine cat.

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    —— Medicine Cat Apprentice of Windclan / Mentored by Cottonsprig
    —— A shorthaired, wheat-yellow spotted tabby with yellowish-green eyes. Somewhat pudgy, though lean and able to hold her ground in the wild. Broad-shouldered and tall compared to her smaller clanmates, she stands out through a Windclan crowd.
    —— Outgoing and terribly saccharine, she is a friendly and affable face in Windclan. Though ditzy and cowardly, she tries her best to help her clan as one of their healers. She is prone to outbursts when spurned or stressed. She also tends to follow her own personal code and will often go for a safe, painless option.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.

𓆝 . ° ✦ "Hey, Cel' could I get some honey? The pollen is..." Grasspaw's question trailed off when he realized she wasn't alone. Carminekit, someone he didn't really know. It's not like he had much reason to spend time near the nursery, except maybe to talk to Antkit. "uh, hey, sorry to interrupt," he snipped his question awkwardly. He wasn't sure if he should leave or if he should stay and chat. The vibe was leaning to leave but he hesitated, chartreuse gaze flicking between the two.
° . . °
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    Small fawn tabby with pale green eyes.
    "speak" thoughts action
    — peaceful, healing, and minor injury powerplay allowed
Doekit's expression is one of gentle curiosity, wide green eyes following Carminekit's form from a distance — He seemed caught up in his own thoughts, too busy to play with the rest of the nursery kits, yet she still felt she should extend a greeting towards him at the very least. As the brown tabby she-kit begins to pad her way over to him, she stops as the two older cats beat her to the punch. Celandinepaw warns of worried parents, and Grasspaw is asking the medicine cat apprentice for honey. Her ears twitch thoughtfully at the idea of lapping up honey, having heard murmurs about the sticky substance that came from bees. How did they even get honey? No matter though, she puffed out her chest and narrowed the distance between her and her den mate, looking at Carminekit with a tilt of her head, "What are you doing by yourself?"