sensitive topics my reflection wraps ࿐࿔ sunningrocks

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 Keeping hidden in the water isn't an easy feat for Crabpaw. Cicadaflight, of course, has the advantage of being dappled in black and white, blending in with the shifting of shadow and sun glittering off the water's surface. But Crabpaw? Bright orange and cream does little to conceal Crabpaw. He keeps as close to the water's surface as he can, sinking low to stay out of sight. As he hears the voices of Lichenstar and Flamestar, his paws twitch; two leaders stand to fight over Sunningrocks, and Iciclefang speaks up in support of RiverClan as well. He's heard of the first fight for Sunningrocks from his mama, but this... this is different. This isn't anything like hearing a story, or imagining a battle. Cries and shouts fill his ears as Flamestar orders her warriors to attack, and RiverClanners around him move to do the same. For a heartbeat the tom shrinks back, dipping his head beneath the water once again to calm himself. This is for the good of RiverClan, and if he does something cool then maybe he'll be able to tell his kits about his bravery someday. Or... or maybe he'll fail so spectacularly that Iciclefang will drag him back to camp by his ear, then scold him for good measure.

He can't fail.

Crabpaw leaps from the river, sending droplets of water spraying across already-damp rocks. He doesn't bother to shake off what runs in rivulets down his fur, and instead focuses in on a cat who looks to be about his age or younger. Perhaps a friend, in another situation, but for now, she's an enemy. He doesn't recognize her. And for once, he doesn't say anything—he doesn't know what to say. Lunging forward, he aims to grab the other apprentice by the scruff and drag her backward with him. In the water, he'll have the advantage. If he's lucky, he can sweep her downriver, or spill her blood while they're both underwater. He won't have to taste it, or see it. His paws will be clean, and Sunningrocks will be RiverClan's. His hind paws reach the water's edge, and Crabpaw attempts to give another firm tug at the other apprentice, his green eyes cold as he looks past the ThunderClanner's shoulder. He doesn't know her, and he doesn't need to know her. He needs to win this, for himself and for his clan.

  • ooc: attacking @Glowingpaw. and attempting to drag her into the water
  • 80686756_Bos6IC9xCplEpAA.png
  • CRABPAW 𓆝 he/him, apprentice of riverclan
    𓆟 ginger and cream tabby with rippling white spotting and mossy green eyes. highly emotional and difficult to keep focused on one subject.
    𓆟 mentored by cicadaflight
    𓆟 son of iciclefang ; brother to cragpaw & pinepaw
    𓆟 peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    𓆟 penned by foxlore
ThunderClan, more of them, rushed through the underbrush. Turtledove's pelt stood against her skin at the thrill of them all wild-eyed and furious at their incursion. A snort left her as she pictured their camp, scrambling to send healthy warriors to defend a portion of their territory that was rightfully her clan's. She waited like Lichenstar asked until she finds what she's looking for: a worthy partner.

The river cuts around her pelt as she rushes against the current toward a bright furred tom. This warrior, who she vaguely remembers from the last gathering. It was her first gathering as a warrior and she had raked her eyes over every pelt, wanting to remember who had been there for that occasion. This warrior was close to her age and seemed evenly matched. Primed by moons of training, but with too much peace to do anything about it. She felt frantic to dig her claws into his fur and feel muscle rend.

Turtledove was a contradiction to her peaceful name. Dove's were known to flee from pursuit. They were the perfect prey animal. Designed to flutter away at the first sign of danger. She was grateful to Lichenstar, her guiding light, for giving her such a beautiful name, but it did not fit her right now. Right now she felt like a cat named Clawstrike or Lionbite. Tomorrow as she played with the kits in her clan, she would be Turtledove. She would be the gentle giant her clan saw her as. Gentle as the dove.

Turtledove flew from the water and reached out with white, glinting claws. She aimed to sink them into his shoulder meat and drag him to the water. She wanted this ThunderClan tree hugger to feel the sting of her river in the wounds she was about to give him. She hears words thrown between other opponents, but she was not ready to even try and offer this tom a way out of her grasp. Turtledove wanted to make an example for Lichenstar to gaze upon. The world blurred before her and the spotted she-cat let out a roar in anticipation of the fight to come.

  • ooc: it's go time baby @roaringsun
    edit: oopsies…. pretend i posted this after lichenstar announced it hehe
  • large stocky silver charcoal tabby she-cat with short tail and green eyes
    13 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual(?) ; currently not looking
    child of Pondstep and Shadoweye
    riverclan ; loyal to lichenstar
    easy to befriend ; trusts easily with a kind word
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed and encouraged!
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✦˚.✦˚✦˚✦˚ ✧ ˚✧˚✦˚✦.˚✧
  • How completely predictable...

    She'd known well enough that ThunderClan would try to lord their favor over her head like it were some grand act of selflessness rather than a bargaining chip. The truth had always been that these squirrel-brained warriors were scared of the threat of RiverClan's rise. Why else would Howlingstar position the rocks like a hostage? A negotiation piece. Lichenstar had been honorable... even after Howlingstar's sudden death she had waited. If Flamestar hopes for her to grow frustrated by the mere mention of Moonbeam (a cat plenty intelligent to have found other teachings elsewhere), the lynx point does not satisfy that itch.

    Her ear twitches, as if bored by this narrative. StarClan did not abhor her decision in the dark hours before the sun rose... The reclaiming of their territory mattered little in relevance to the medicine cats and really... hadn't it been Gentlestorm's will, rather than the whole of ThunderClan? They would not fool her into believing they'd all collectively embraced the idea when not even her own clan had and it had benefitted them.

    Mention of bloodshed and imminent battle only draws a wicked grin further, chest proudly displayed as an open target. Do it then. Because Flamestar did not understand how unmatched she was. Confirm the death of your clan-mates. It was inevitable... an unforeseen consequence. Perhaps her haughtiness encourages recklessness, her surety finding her paws clumsy to dodge the lunge so openly made at her. She fumbles to protect herself, grappled between sharp claws and hungry teeth; a frustrated gasp bubbles in her throat, the hot stickiness of blood already drawn under the shrill moonlight.

    It's of little consequence- though she's certain Brookstorm roars with disappointment that she has found herself so soon in such a position- "Enjoy it," she growls, lifting her paws to try and shove Flamestar away. "What I lose... will pale... in comparison... to your losses..." A savage gleam reflecting crimson-stained ice foretells the death of what chance ThunderClan had at escaping this peacefully.

    "RiverClan," she calls, gravelly voice crackling under the pressure of such volume- and like sea serpents would the truth of their number slither from the shallows. "Strike!" The crescendo of splashing of flesh-seeking claws announces the appearance of those who'd remained hidden in the river- "Surprise."

    Claws glint in the light as she tries to sink them into Flamestar's shoulders.

  • about
    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5

    ooc notes ✦ time for the surprise!!! all the riverclan cats hiding in the river can move to ambush now! this thread is open to thunderclan (but keep in mind that participation here means you cannot participate in the shadowclan invasion with the same character!)
    tagging ✶
    penned by tieirlys
  • ˚ ★⋆. ࿐࿔ ✦ . . ˚ . . ✦ ˚ .

    . ˚ * ✦ . . ✦ ˚ ˚ .˚ ✦ . . ˚ . ✦ . . ˚ ੈ✧˳·˖✶ ✦ ˚ ✦ . . ˚ ★⋆. ࿐࿔

    . ˚ * ✦ . . ✦ ˚ ˚ .˚ ✦ . . ˚ . ✦

warblerpaw & 07 moons & demi-boy & he/they & riverclan apprentice
Paws carry pathwork frame shakingly across the stepping stones, shivering even with ears pressed flat at the raging river underpaw. In truth, Warblerpaw would rather be anywhere but here - he doesnt want to fight, doesnt want to kill, doesnt want to cross the river he's certain will swallow him whole at any moment. But there is little choice in the matter. For all his faults and flaws, Warblerpaw has always been loyal - timid, sure, but a riverclanner through and through. And so with sharp teeth worrying holes into his cheeks, he stands behind his leader as she speaks, thick coat fluffed up in half-hearted intimidation, mind carefully assuing itself that they are only here for what already belongs to them. Flamestar is unwilling to bend - of course, and so for a moment mismatched eyes can only flick shut in silent prayer and qhat is inevitable. And then battle starts, and he is launching himself forwards - diving with a terrified look towards @THRASHPAW with his claws outstretched , as though a deer in the headlights, uncertain its fate.

  • Actions && " Speech, " && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: preplanned interaction, closed to intervention. mobile ♡
    tw/cw: —
  • ♩​♬♪♫​ Warblerpaw suffers from multiple speech impediments, including selective mutism. He is more often then not non-verbal, and will react in visual ways such as body language or gestures to compensate for this. Situations which induce anxiety are more likely to cause a shut-down for him, and even when verbal he deals with a stutter and aphasia.


Hiding in the river is almost painful, especially as the ThunderClan leader's foolish, arrogant tones ring out across the cold water. RiverClan's council swiftly puts her in her place, meeting the patrol with claws outstretched and teeth bared, and finally, Lichenstar gives the order to attack. His heart thrumming with adrenaline, Hemlockshine bursts from the river alongside his Clanmates. It's time. He's only heard tales of how this land was stolen from his Clan, and here he is, about to reclaim it. If Reedfang made it to StarClan, he's surely weeping with regret for his actions; Hemlockshine has never been more RiverClan than he is now. This feels like one of his kithood fantasies come to life.

Eerie blue eyes scan critically over his enemies. Does he start by culling the weak so the real warriors can get to work, or does he want to risk a bigger prize? His attention skims over Raccoonstripe; I'll never hear the end of it if I get in Beefang's way, will I? he grumbles to himself. His envy of her clouds his judgement; he wants a big fish, and he wants to dig his claws into it until it screams.

Maybe then his Clanmates will stop getting in his way.

  • ! PLANNED INTERACTION WITH @Lightflower , no other interacts allowed for now
  • HEMLOCKSHINE he/him, warrior of riverclan, twenty-two moons
    a tall, lithe black smoke tom with blue eyes and low white. he is cold, composed, and willing to resort to manipulation to get what he wants. he is incredibly vain, to the point that anyone who mars his pretty face is in for a world of pain. please note that hemlockshine will be prone to saying and doing awful things that i, as his roleplayer, do not condone. all of his opinions are ic only.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by solaire@funeralscythe on discord, feel free to ping for plots.

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⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ by the time she arrives, riverclanner's slither from the shallows like adders through the grass. their wretched paws scrape against sunningrocks, dragging their bodies over the surface with a sense of ownership that sends a wave of anger down her spine. of all the times for this, they chose the precipice of a leafbare that promised suffering. they used gentlestorm's kindness to train a medicine cat that would heal them after they were through here. nightbird hoped the infidelity nestled deep inside their wounds to fester before moonbeam's paws could catch it, that it caused them all to rot.

she does not have time to search the battlefield for her mate, her gaze instead narrowing in on a mottled pelt. she knew iciclefang briefly from the journey, despite it the lead warrior holds no love for the other. it was clear now that last years teamwork was a fluke- some miscalculation by starclan's paws.

nightbird darts towards the she-cat harboring the same swift intensity she had left thunderclan camp with, taking a leap forward with extended forepaws in attempt to grapple iciclefang to the ground. if successful, she is quick to move her legs and ensure they are not trapped beneath her opponent, rearing back an unsheathed claw to slash at any scrap of fur she could hit.
  • ooc ↛ attacking @iciclefang
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 38 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a white paw and pale silver eyes. currently a queen residing in the nursery.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / currently mentoring none.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

The river is freezing, he reflects.

Lichenstar and some of their forces stand tall on Sunningrocks, even in the depth of what has become night. Horizonpaw does what he can to avoid chattering teeth, but with the cold snap and his short fur, the water was cold. He's someone close to his mentor, floating and paddling near her, claws occasionally anchoring onto shorerock to keep from floating away. He cannot wait to get out of this water, he thinks, above all else. Horizonpaw does his best to shove the recent events out of his head.

Eyes shift gently along the line of trees as Thunderclan arrives, and Lichenstar starts fighting. Not yet. He thinks. Lichenstar's call comes not too much longer, when Thunderclan's reinforcements arrive. He is a flurry of movement then, alongside the rest of them. Like monsters from a river, they emerge soaking wet with glinted eyes and claws unsheathed. His heart thunders in his chest, and his ears are shoved forward, an intense and serious look on his normally softened features. He's ready, he thinks.
  • "speech"
    // open to interactions!!
    // @salmonshade mentor tag!
  • HORIZONPAW he/him, apprentice of riverclan, nine moons.
    SH blue tabby with low white and deep green eyes. he is gangly, with long limbs and a longer tail that give him the illusion of being tall despite being average height otherwise. looks on with slightly anxious but normally happy expressions
    mentored by salmonshade / / mentoring no one
    padding after no one / / littermate to twinklepaw, eveningpaw, and snowflakekit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Iciclefang sits behind Lichenstar, perfectly still, until Flamestar's temper gets the best of her. The ginger she-cat lunges for their leader, and the tortoiseshell lets out a low growl of warning. Lichenstar calls for the cats in the water to move forward, and the sound of splashing and wet paws thudding onto the earth is enough to send her blood rushing. She lashes her tail as her Clanmates slip, sleek and wet with river, into ThunderClan's measly reinforcements.

Beefang beside her is taken to the ground by Raccoonstripe; Lakemoon goes for a shaggy-pelted tabby; Crabpaw, bless his heart, grapples with an apprentice about his size. Iciclefang's blue eyes sear the chaos and settle on a slim, smoke-colored shape maneuvering through the fight.

Nightbird. She knows the lead warrior, had journeyed with her and many of her Clanmates to save the forest from yellowcough. None of that matters now. Iciclefang unsheathes her claws just as Nightbird leaps for her. The two of them crash into the earth; Iciclefang's back smacks! against stony ground. A battering forepaw claws at her chest.

Iciclefang will attempt to batter Nightbird's belly with her back legs with swift, well-timed rabbit kicks. She also will attempt to lean upward and bite at the ThunderClan warrior's exposed throat.

  • ooc: fighting @nightbird
  • DEuJTnr.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — 29 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Pinepaw ; previously mentored Cicadaflight
    — riverclan lead warrior. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.

His claws make a direct hit. Blood droplets spatter the ground, splice the air, and he's successful in driving Beefang to her back. She seems unconcerned, grinning up at him through her reddened mouth. "Such big talk... oh, ouch, my feelings." Raccoonstripe smiles back at her, though it's far from the charming smile he usually throws around. His teeth are exposed to their roots. "It'll be more than your feelings soon, RiverClan scum." Her hindlegs reach up to batter his belly, still sore from where Silversmoke had rabbit-kicked him on the SkyClan border. He feels the flesh begin to rend there, feels her claws against his cheek. There's wetness against their bladed edge.

Beefang doesn't remain on the ground for long. She's a capable fighter, despite her youth; he can tell that much, and her technique is dangerously close to his own. She gets into the thick of it, her claws slashing furiously, snagging against his thick pelt and piercing his skin. He does not try to defend himself, just as she doesn't — for every blow Beefang lands, Raccoonstripe flings out a retaliation with thorn-sharp claws, aiming hits at her throat, her chest, and her shoulders.

At some point she lunges for his neck, and he can feel the piercing pain of her teeth in his scruff, but he remains standing. "You could've given in," she growls through flesh and fur. "Now, you'll die." Raccoonstripe snarls in response, "Big talk, bottom feeder. We'll see who's dying today." He aims an uppercut blow to her chin, hoping to daze her with the power of a frontal attack.

  • ooc: fighting @BEEFANG
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — 47 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring Scarletpaw ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.

Lovelight skids to a halt at the river's edge, panting heavily as he takes in the chaos. His paws sink slightly into the wet ground, and he feels the earth squelch beneath him. The scent of RiverClan hangs thick in the air, mingling with the sharp tang of ThunderClan warriors. He can see the flash of claws and teeth along the rocks, a frantic mess of fur and fury. Sunlight dances off the river, glinting on water that's now churned and splashing from the brawl. The sound of hissing and snarling rings out, raw and unforgiving. He had barely waited for the call before dashing from camp when the plea for help arrived. Now, as he surveys the scene, he feels a strange twinge of uncertainty. The warriors seem to have paired off in their battles, each cat fighting with fierce determination. There's no clear opening for him, but Lovelight isn't here to watch from the sidelines. He's here to help, to make a difference.

[ interaction is preplanned with @splashdance , please don't attack him :3 ]​
࿐ ࿔*:・゚ — A crooked grin forms on her maw as Raccoonstripe calls her Riverclan scum and a dark chuckle slips from her maw seeing the fool smile down at her. "Oh c'mon... You can be more creative than that." Not that any of his words would matter in the end, the lead warrior more focused on the goal of conquering Sunningrocks for Riverclan so that they'd thrive throughout leaf-bare and the current kittens in the clan would graduate into apprentices only to know the feeling of warmed stones within newleaf. That's her ideal Riverclan and she will do anything if it meant that the rocks Thunderclan had stolen from them would be hers once again, she's doing this for her clanmates, her council, and most importantly... Her fathers that watch from the Silverpelt, she would take back what's rightfully theirs. Her ears pressed against her skull as a growl rumbles from her throat as the two of them are tangled together with teeth and claws being used against one another.

She can feel his claws tear at the flesh near her chest and shoulders only to maneuver her throat away from piercing claws that could easily kill her if she isn't careful around this seasoned warrior. The beads of crimson dropping on the cool stone that they fight on even if it's the both of their blood that spills from their wounds that they've inflicted upon each other. Beefang in turn lifts one of her bloodied paws as she attempts to slash the flesh above Raccoonstripe's eyes in hopes of either briefly blinding him with his own ichor or potentially ruining one of his ears. It's a move that she had learned from the very same rogue that had torn out her eye from its socket and the memory of him in his final moments causes enthusiasm to ripple through her body.

It's shortlived when he uppercuts her and it stuns her for a few heartbeats, her lone eye narrowing as she thinks over how he had executed the attack but her teeth had latched onto his flesh tightly would surely rip away at it during the hefty blow. Whatever is in her mouth is spat to the side to get the taste of Thunderclan fur and blood out of her mouth, Beefang takes a step back to recover only to glare at the seasoned warrior "Not bad... not bad at all, old timer." The black smoke sneers once more only to briefly glance over her shoulder to see the river down below then glances back towards Raccoonstripe, an idea forms in her mind, and it's enough for her lips to twitch upwards.

Without another moment of hesitation, Beefang darts forward once more and makes it seem like she's going to slam her body into the black tabby but at the last second, the bicolored lead warrior dives down and rolls so that she's slipped underneath the tom once more only to rake her claws over his belly several times. The sudden boost of adrenaline roars in her ears as she attempts to ruthlessly kick and claw at his belly with her back legs not daring to stop nor caring if she's in range of any blows that he may deal.


  • ooc — attacking @RACCOONSTRIPE
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ HUNTING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ TRACKING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧ COMBAT
    ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ STEALTH
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ STRATEGY
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ SWIMMING
    ✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ CLIMBING
  • dOcsURU.png
    a shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and a singular amber eye
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. distrusting of outsiders and will snap at you if y/c walks up to her on her blind side. all her opinions are IC only.
    16 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    asexual homoromantic; mated to moonbeam
    currently mentoring... roepaw ; formerly mentored by smokestar
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadaflight and loveburn
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
-ˋˏ ༻☾༺ ˎˊ-​

Taking to being Antlerbreeze's little shadow despite the great height he has reached already she is naturally one to follow her towards that call for reinforcements. It doesn't care for ThunderClan, it doesn't understand the importance of a pile of dumb rocks but it cares about looking good. About being trusted and reliable, someone who these cats may not target next when the next Skyclaw comes along. If that means having to heed that call to arms then they will, albeit reluctantly. There is a level of care for Flamestar as well, if they had to wrench that word from deep within themself that's what they'd describe it as. As such it only makes the choice to follow their mentor easier, bushy tail flicking beside them as they stray to the right in an attempt to get a better look at the riverclanners.

Battle starts easily, and as the young Warblerpaw approaches it finds itself frozen. They had barely had time to understand the basics of combat before this. Not uncommon for this upcoming generation of apprentices though, he has experienced his fair share of witnessing blood shed. As those claws find purchase against skin she thinks back to her ferocious beast of a mother. Baying Hound wouldn't just stand here and be slaughtered, even when she was at her weakest there was a snarl in her.

Jumping at the contact they find they are quick to retaliate, focusing solely on what the screaming dogs in her head desire. An ache in her fangs, a sanguine taste. Letting those claws remain purchased into her pelt she takes the opportunity to crane her head and sink her still growing teeth into Warblerpaw's shoulder. It is clear by the feral growl that is torn from her throat that there is a desire to try and dig and rip as much flesh as she can render between ivory razors.

  • attacking @Warblerpaw. | mentor tag @antlerbreeze (this is posted on mobile so if it looks funky that's why <33)

    any pronouns, 6 moons
    A black smoke with abnormally bright amber eyes and a habit of crouching while they walk.
    Bayinghound x Duke | Littermates with Howlpaw & Yippingkit
    Mentored by Antlerbreeze
    "speech" | thoughts | attacking
    All opinions are IC only!
There were no thoughts in her mind as she raced through the forest behind Raccoonstripe and the rest of her clanmates, surging forward to provide reinforcements for the ambushed patrol. She was actively trying not to think of all the horrible things that could have happened in the time it took them to arrive; worrying would do her no good, and it wouldn't help her loved ones. All she needed to focus on now was pushing her muscles to carry her onward as quickly as she could physically manage, the biting cold of the night air spurring her to move faster.

Her heart pounding in her chest matched the beat of her paws thrumming against the hardened earth. She was sure that Lightflower had caught up to her by now, silently grateful for her mentor's presence by her side. As resolute as she was to try and help her mom, Squirrelpaw couldn't shake the wash of fear that threatened to drown her. This had always been her problem; she had always been too afraid to act when she was needed most. She had let her family down during the mutiny, and her brother had died. She was determined not to let the same tragedy befall them here tonight, regardless of whatever that meant for her own safety.

Her legs trembled as they burst onto the riverbank, chaos flooding over the Sunningrocks like a raging current as fierce yowling filled the air. Everywhere she looked, cats were locked in deadly battles, each fighting for the honor and survival of their clans. She needed to be ready to do the same. Her elders had already thrown themselves into the fray, while Squirrelpaw's forest green gaze frantically sought a familiar fiery pelt; it did not take long to spot her mother in the center of it all. struggling with Litchenstar. "Mom!" she tried to cry above the noise. In her heart, the apprentice truly did not care who owned Sunningrocks at the end of it all. She was not here to fight for a piece of land; she was here for her family. And she would do whatever she had to.

It would be impossible to reach Flamestar now, she realized. There were too many screeching bodies in her way, she'd never make it. But she could help to thin the throng of enemies that would be trying to weaken Thunderclan's leader. Her eyes fell to the nearest figure to her, one that looked about her own age and wouldn't be able to easily overpower her. At least, she hoped not. Squirrelpaw unsheathed her claws with a lack of confidence she wished she could feel, offering no warning before she threw herself at @Twinkleflight. The blue torbie attempted to hook her claws into her opponent's shoulder, trying to find leverage to batter the other molly's flank with her hind paws.

  • [ mentor tag @Lightflower // engaging with @Twinkleflight & closed to interactions! ]
  • ADzwRhe.png
    SQUIRRELPAW she/her, apprentice of thunderclan, 10 moons
    lh blue torbie with low white and green eyes // slender but fluffy
    single, bisexual, crushing on no one // flamestar x flycatcher
    sister to bugpaw, ravenpaw, sunpaw, falconheart and stormfeather
    mentored by lightflower // adoptive sister to sparrowpaw
    peaceful powerplay permitted // underline and tag when attacking
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, dm for plots
If there was ever a time to understand Foxtail, it was now. Her heart's pounding in her ears, and her paws feel like they're shaking. But she's in the river, her nose barely poking out of the surface, her breath forcibly slow and steady. The water is her safety; she returns to its currents and its playful, sometimes dangerous, sway. The heaviness of her pelt and the frigid temperature of the water makes it easier to pretend that the cold chill she feels in her chest is from the water, not from the fact she's about to launch herself into the fray.

Where's... Owlpaw? She had seen him briefly on their way over here, but the sight of her friend has disappeared in the moments after.

Funnily enough she doesn't actually know how she feels about this territory dispute. But she's trying to prove herself as a Clan cat when there's so many things that prove that she's not. Least of all the fact she's been in RiverClan for only so many moons. That she's soon to be a warrior, and has yet to prove that she has right to that title.

Her gaze shifts when she hears Foxtail's voice raise into the air. Something purposefully keeps her close to her mentor when they were beginning. In many ways she had expected him to be part of this secondary ambush, to hide in the river and to stay out of the fray but no. He was there, in the heart of it all with a determination she's not sure she's ever really understood before. Even with his signature stutter, the hesitancy and the dread he must feel about it - has she ever seen him snarl before? The last time she had really seen his face, it was when she had made him almost cry...

It was him who told her to take to the river. For once in her life, she didn't question him. Now, she's grateful for it.

Foxtail, and many others, would easily best her in a game of strength. But in speed, she wins. And she waits. Foxtail makes a strike - not yet. It's in the moment that Softsight starts to make her next move that she leaps herself out of the water, her strides longer at first to make up for the sudden weight of gravity against her body. Faster, faster she carries herself before launching herself at Softsight's hindquarters, to sink her fangs into her back leg just as if it were a fish. It's the only thing she knows, hunting. It's different for cats, right? If she's approaching from the side, all she has to do is split Softsight's attention. All she has to do is get one strike in, enough for Foxtail to do... do something! Whatever it is that Foxtail can do.

Because she doesn't know. And it's only now facing reality that she realizes that she doesn't.

//Helping @FOXTAIL attack @Softsight . mentioned @owlpaw.
open to injuries! She's not made for battles, she's made for speed[​

-ˋˏ ༻ ❆༺ ˎˊ- Pinepaw understood her mentors orders, and adhered to them. Waiting just out of sight, the frosty water felt like fire against the girls pelt. It wasn't long ago that she had gotten in her own spat when that haughty ThunderClan apprentice. That battle had been cut short, though.

Finally, finally Lichenstars voice buzz's from somewhere up above; RiverClan… strike! Surging from the water, Pinepaw leaps onto land, honeyed hues simmering with something almost hungry. Her mother takes on a smokey ThunderClanner, while Lichenstar interlocks with ThunderClans leader. Bodies are being thrown against bodies, snarls and cries are filling the air- and then, Pinepaw spots her.

A familiar brindled pelt, the same split-hued optics that had been glaring at her not long ago. "Hey, tree-hugger!" Pinepaw yells, only giving Scarletpaw a blink to react before the RiverClan apprentice begins to charge for her, aiming to thrust a crinkled muzzle a whisker-length from the ThunderClanners, baring her teeth in a challenge. "Ready to eat dirt again so soon?" Daffodil pools glimmer with something sharp, as Pinepaw takes a step back, tail lashing. C'mon, I dare you.
  • challenging @Scarletpaw >:) closed to other interactions !
  • PINEPAW she/her, apprentice of riverclan, 6 moons.
    stocky, coarse-furred tortoiseshell she-cat with large, white dipped forepaws, a white tail tip and muzzle. Honey hued optics take the shape of almonds.
    apprenticed to Iciclefang.
    daughter of Iciclefang && Stormywing ࿏ sister to Cragpaw && Crabpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

〕Her outstretched claws do not meet flesh as she is shoved away. Her weight is pushed onto her right side as she braced herself to leap again, but she hesitates for a moment as a sinister gleam reflects in her opponent's eyes. "Surprise" She has seconds to look before Lichenstar strikes. The surface of the water begins to ripple as countless bodies begin to pour out of its depths. Panic flashes through her eyes, but she before she can do anything, Lichenstar's claws sink into her shoulders and she lets out a hiss of pain. Flamestar swings her right forepaw around, attempting to rake her claws at the river dweller's face, trying to get her to let go.

Once she was free, she took a step back. A familiar brown and black pelt rushed by her peripheral vision, followed by smoke? Nightbird was here?! There was no time to think about that, there were reinforcements here now...she just had to pray it was enough. She had hoped that Merlinpaw and Roeflame would have brought more to help. "You cowards." she spat, lunging towards the leader again, throwing a quick paw of claws towards her shoulder. "Too afraid to take us on head on?" Another set of claws aimed towards her throat. "You're wasting your time, Thunderclan will never give up Sunningrocks." Once the rest of their clan got here, they would chase these river rats away without any problem. She just needed Roeflame to hurry up with the rest of the reinforcements.

  • ooc.
    //attacking Lichenstar, not open to more interactions
  • FLAMESTAR —— leader of thunderclan , mentoring merlinpaw . storm x lily . littermate to nala, smokey, and nemo ✦ penned by icey !
    afab / she/her / 38 moons & ages every 20ᵗʰ
    widowed / heterosexual / closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— difficult in battle, will start & finish fights

    "speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    tags — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 89001237_0hDtHJbdRu9KEv8.png

    a longhaired red tabby with low white and green eyes. flamewhisker's fur is a vibrant hue of red, riddled with thick classic tabby markings. her fur is medium in length, and she has a large, feathery tail. her chest, belly, tail tip, and her paws are dipped white. flamewhisker's eyes are a dark, deep shade of green. her shoulder has a large scar on it from a fight with a dog. she also has a shredded ear from a disagreement with a loner during her time alone before joining thunderclan. on particularly cold days, or sometimes before a major weather change, she will walk with a slight limp from her shoulder injury.

The last thing that Softsight thinks about is whether or not this RiverClanner she's come face-to-face with is nervous - the only thing on her mind is the fight ahead of them, and the fact that she'd spoken so carelessly. She was bluffing with her words, still green when it came to fighting, and briefly she found herself wondering if the RiverClan kits she'd spent a season with so many moons ago were also fighting as warriors in this battle. Then her opponent spoke and she shook herself back into focus, but not fast enough to dodge the first attack.

Letting out a cry as the RiverClanner's claws made contact, drawing blood, Softsight jumped back, hardly registering the tom's words as she blinked droplets of blood out of her line of sight. She couldn't go down this early in the fight, and with red beginning to stain her white pelt, Softsight jumped to the tom's left, aiming to hit him at the shoulder with her claws. If she could get him off-balanced, then she would have the upper paw - so that was where she put her focus.

When she steps back, Softsight feels teeth sink into the meat of her leg and she yowls, tearing the limb away from the secondary attacker - a young she-cat, an apprentice, by the look of things. The last thing Softsight wants to do is harm an apprentice, but there is no time for sentimentality in this battle. Softsight aims to take the leg that had been bitten and kick it out at the apprentice, hoping to catch her with back claws.

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feel the rain on your skin

A part of him hoped as he sat perched in the cold river, that they would back down easily. That they could get this extra bit of territory back, that he'd never even stepped foot on, and that they could avoid the fight. But at the same time, a web of confidence bolstered through the tom as the cries to attack filled the air. He could prove himself now.

To Lichenstar, to Hemlockshine.. to them all. That he was capable. And maybe, maybe then, would the warriors look at him different then just some kid. And maybe, he could even achieve his warrior name- just as Twilightflight had!

Bodies flooded from the water, they were prepared. But Thunderclan? They were not. The leaders fought fiercely back and forth, others drew blood that stained the frosted ground. And as a chocolate silver fur emerged, he quickly locked onto a target. A snarl ripped from his muzzle, before immediately charging to a nearby apprentice. His body was soaked, cold, and he'd aim to spread that kindness by barrelling into the other, claws unsheathed and hoping to get a good hold. If their bodies would or even wouldnt connect, he'd aim to swipe hard at whatever purchase of the other he could get. It was always funny... He thought his first scars would be from a battle like this, instead of-

"You stink! Run away, Thunderclanner!" He shouted, a confident warning coming from his throat.

  • interacting with @Finchpaw

    Planned interaction, do not interrupt//

  • Screenshot-20241011-104907-2-removebg-preview-1.png

    Riverclan Apprentice | Mentored by: Hemlockshine
    Gender: amab, he/him
    Personality: Little Brother Vibes, Hides pain with humor, Competitive, Loyal, Confused easy, Not the smartest tool in the shed.
    Physical: Easy | Mentally: Medium
    May start a fight | will not flee | will show mercy
    Peaceful power play allowed!

    Penned by Deidre
  • WHAT
Reactions: Finchpaw

glowingpaw & 08 moons & female & she/her & thunderclan apprentice

By the time help arrives, the battle has already begun - wide eyes barely able to keep track of blurred shapes as they clash, the sound of shouts and the scent of blood already filling the air. For a moment, Glowingpaw feels hope - they can win this, right? And then Lichenstar calls out for her warriors, and suddenly there are more - emerging faster then her mind can process, and she can only flail as Crabpaw lunges for her.

Large paws slash out blindly - hoping to rake claws against the cat who's dragging her, but unable to see where she is aiming. Eyes strain to see against the darkness as claws and hind legs dig stubbornly against the shore - she can feel plwater lapping at her toes, and its enough to send a startled hiss from her lips. " L-let me 'o, " she spits, finding her voice at last, shoulder slamming towards the tom as head draws nearer the water

Fear encompasses her in that moment, but so does clarity- she can't die here. Not now, not to riverclan. She doesnt want to die.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

W E ' L L - A L W A Y S -B E -S O -P E R F E C T L Y- H A P P Y

//preplanned interaction with @CRABPAW
Mobile ♡

⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☀︎˚。⋆ Finchpaw wasted little time upon his arrival, his paws thumping against the ground hardened by the relentless chill of Leafbare alongside a surge of his clanmates bodies, reinforcements cascading into action like a multicolored wave. His legs were short, and it was easier for him to fall behind the others, however his brawn was his forte, and what he lacked in speed he made up for in muscle.

He would pause at the banks below Sunningrocks to take in his surroundings- it was like something out of a nightmare. Yowling split the air like the crackling of thunder, fur and whiskers dislodged by means of mutual force flittered to the ground below like falling snow, and the splattering of blood glittered thickly against rock and soil, the thin waters below unable to wash away what would not cease. Thunderclan fought with the ferocity of lions, but they were caught horribly unprepared, RIverclan having the clear advantage in their tactic of secrecy.

With a taut scowl and peeling lip to reveal rows of glittering ivory teeth yearning for the sensation of flesh tearing beneath its biting force, the pint-sized apprentice would whip around to face the onslaught of one around his age- though clearly from the opposing side, the stench of pungent fish and peaty water so potent it caused his eyes to weep.

"You stink! Run away, Thunderclanner!" The Riverclanner would shout as a flurry of slippery claws and dripping fur bore down on Finchpaw, who would use his small size to his advantage, pressing himself against the ground so that his opponent jumped straight overhead. The second attack would then land as the other whipped around to strike Finchpaw in the flank before he was able to right himself again.

"I stink? All that fish must have cost you your sense of smell, trespasser." Finchpaw retorted with indignance before throwing himself upwards from his position below in an attempt to collide with @Owlpaw's chest and unbalance him. Should he succeed, he would then strike out with unsheathed claws in hopes of tearing away at sensitive ears.
  • interacting with @Owlpaw, please do not interfere yet!
  • FINCHPAW 🕊 he/him, apprentice of thunderclan, 8 moons.
    chocolate/cinnamon chimera w/ high white.
    mentored by houndshade, mate to none, mentoring none
    peaceful, healing and minor combative powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by sloane@encarcerated on discord, feel free to dm for plots.