sensitive topics my reflection wraps ࿐࿔ sunningrocks

⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ her teeth grit as the silver fur of her underbelly is battered, a nuisance of a move that would undoubtedly leave bruises on her softened skin. she was not quick enough to get out of the vulnerable position before they were administered, but the rust that seemed to have settled between her bones dissipates just swiftly enough to avoid teeth enveloping her throat.

nightbird feels the burn of teeth scraping her neck, catching in her fur, and uses the leverage on the ground to jerk herself free. with her weight already settled backwards, she focuses it back down, aiming a clawless blow down across iciclefang's muzzle. it was meant only to stun her opponent long enough to escape without much retaliation, but regardless she would push off of her hind legs to escape any further attacks to a vulnerable area. the warrior doesn't go far, dipping back into the battle with parted jaws aimed at the she-cat's shoulder to hold and deliver a slash attempting to score her flank.
  • ooc ↛ fighting @iciclefang
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 38 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a white paw and pale silver eyes. currently a queen residing in the nursery.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / currently mentoring none.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
❝ it's gonna hurt for a bit of time ❞

Lightflower felt nothing but the ground beneath her paws as she raced toward sunningrocks. Squirrelpaw's abrupt call into the warriors den had her reeling. Sure, Roeflame had told her about how she had fought for sunningrocks seasons ago, but the idea of following in her footsteps was daunting at best. She was never the strongest fighter, more of a skilled hunter than anything else. Bursting onto the scene to see Flamestar and Lichenstar nose to nose atop the stones sent chills down her spine. Why now? We're all struggling! she wondered briefly. She hadn't much time to dwell as Lichenstar called to strike. Many more warriors came onto the scene, flooding from the river like they had merely materialized.

Squirrelpaw threw herself headfirst into battle with another, leaving her side. Twinkleflight was around her age. They should be fine. They should be fine. Her paws felt rooted, they were out numbered. Her stomach lurched at the realization. Do something! her mind screamed. So she did.

Her gaze found the nearest RiverClan warrior. Maybe not a fair match, probably not a fair match. Bad idea. Bad idea. She lunged forward, attempting to slam into their side to throw them off balance. Her heart was nearly pounding out of her chest. What was she thinking?


The warrior was in disbelief. Attacked from two fronts? They had to have planned this! Her body ran as fast as they could, lungs and throat burning in the heaving as she breathed in the cold air, her brown and white coat a blur of colours, before sliding into the scene.

A skidding hault, her lungs gasping for air, sage eyes frantically looking at the scene before her. Blood smeared and pooled and spilled, warriors who'd gotten before her battling relentlessly. She stayed from the water, eyes calculating and watching the ripples to see more forms peel free from its frozen grip.

This was a nightmare. They were all struggling! But they were attacking, nonetheless, and they couldn't lose! Barleysight looked left, right, before barreling in, aiming to give a quick flurry of blows to a nearby Riverclan warrior, aiming for whatever purchase her claws could get.

"this is THUNDERCLANS," the painted warrior would yowl to the trespassers, peeling away in hopes to dodge whatever attack would come from her flurry...

Attacking @Blackwater please don't interfere ! //
A gasp followed by a hiss echo from his throat as claws sink into his shoulder by a RiverClan assailant. Roaringsun's eyes blaze with fury as he meets Turtledove's own, teeth snapping loudly in an attempt at intimidation. Did none of them know how to be fair at fighting? "'course you all had to be hiding in the river. Why don't you stick to it and leave the land to us, fish-breath!" He taunts, although the sheer number of them sends a shiver down his spine; from the corner of his eye he sees more cats appearing, but would that be enough?

As the she-cat tries to drag him to the river, the warrior swipes wildly with his claws in an attempt to break himself free from her grasp. If successful, he will then kick a pawful of sand, aiming at her face to disorient her and then leap onto her back.


  • ooc. @TURTLEDOVE
  • ROARINGSUN —— warrior of thunderclan , mentor to none . npc x npc . littermate to npcs ✦ penned by nocthymia
    male / he/him / 13 moons & ages every 14ᵗʰ
    single / orientation & poly or mono / open/closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— combat details here / battle notes

    "speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    tags — msg on discord (hypmic) for plots — toyhouse
  • reference image here
    a longhaired flame sepia with low white and amber-brown eyes.
Stormywing's muscles tense as she surges over the familiar terrain toward Sunningrocks, following closely behind Raccoonstripe. The battle cries of ThunderClan and RiverClan warriors clash in a cacophony that makes her fur bristle. As soon as she arrives, she stops for a moment, golden eyes scanning the chaos to take it in as her nose wrinkles at the metallic tang of blood in the air.

A glimmer of recognition catches her attention as she spots Iciclefang, Cragpaw, Pinepaw, and Crabpaw spread out across the battlefield. No…This is what she'd been most afraid of. Worry stirs in her chest, but she forces herself to keep moving. But she won't hurt them. There's no time for hesitation now, She reminds herself as she bounds over the slick stones, the cold spray from the river biting against her thin fur.

Just ahead, Softsight is cornered, her ivory pelt bristling with defiance as Foxtail and an apprentice both lunge toward her with a snarl. The RiverClan lead warrior's bravado is as unsteady as his voice, but his claws are real enough. The tabby snarls, propelling herself forward and landing beside Softsight just as Foxtail's claws slice through the air. "Back off!" She spits, trying to parry his swipes in turn. She pushes forward, attempting to force him to take a step back.

"Softsight, stay with me!" She calls to the young warrior over the roar of the fray. The chaos around them is unrelenting, and Stormywing's ears flicked as she catches sight of Iciclefang grappling with Nightbird nearby. Gritting her teeth, she forces herself to focus, pushing the pang of concern down. This is for Sunningrocks, for her clan. Past feelings don't - can't - matter here.

"Hold your ground!" Stormywing growls to her clanmate as she squares off once more, claws at the ready, eyes locked on the RiverClanners.

// giving backup to @Softsight against @FOXTAIL and @SUNPAW.

She had known this was a battle coming, Twinkleflight had been eager for it truth be told. It's a serious occurrence and yet she can't help but let the glaring tragedies that may occur from this fade from her mind. Romanticism is a fatal flow of theirs, one that they don't mind controlling their mentality. There is no doubt in her mind that this is the only correct choice of action, she lays in wait under the cover of water from the river until Lichenstar and Flamestar's exchange reaches what feels like an apex. A call is given, she hears the others leap from the water and she takes this opportunity to join them in this action.

Water rips from the flow the current naturally gives as they leap, gliding from the depths with the grace that is common for any riverclanner. They were going to win this outcome, no matter what and they were going to do their part to help. This was a chance for her after all, an opportunity to show that they deserve their warrior name despite the young age it had been given. She's Twinkleflight for her initiative, for her drive, she takes risks and big swings and that had caught the attention of her mother. An ideal warrior, an example that's what they'd try to be.

Squirrelpaw is met with an equal ferocity, bodies clash and it's not just two apprentices. Youth carries their appearance but desperation is sown into their spirit. A desire to help family, a hunger to whittle down their opponent as if that would assist either of the battling leaders in their own match. Claws sink into her shoulder and they are dragged down, hissing in a mixture of pain and anger. They don't understand the importance of Squirrelpaw here, not knowing the extent of which her sisters friendship lies with the ThunderClan apprentice. Rightfully, in her mind they only see a threat and an obstacle in their way to helping RiverClan achieve what they sought to do here today.

In retaliation she sinks her claws beyond plush fur and buried within the flesh of the apprentice. Raking them up across Squirrelpaw's chest. She refuses to retract them, using all her weight that she could in an attempt to worsen the pain. Hoping to use a moment of potentially instinctual weakness to nurse their wounds as an opportunity to manipulate the apprentice to expose her sides to them.

  • attacking @SQUIRRELPAW
  • 51fSsM0.png
    They/she, RiverClan apprentice, 10 moons

    A sleek yet tufted short haired blue point with blue eyes
    Littermates w/ Eveningpaw, Horizonpaw and Snowflakekit †
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    Speech (#C9BAF3), thoughts
    penned by Juice | ouijeejuice on discord

A smaller cat than him collides with his side, throwing him off balance. He catches himself just barely, annoyance spikes through his chest as he turns to level her with a stare as cold as the river he'd hidden in. Well, there goes his big fish. Culling the weak it is, he sighs inwardly, disappointed. At least this will be over with soon, then he can get to the real fights.

"Out of my way, you overgrown mouse," he snarls. "I don't have time to clear out the fodder." Bracing his paws more securely under him, he attempts to shove his somewhat greater weight back against her, trying to knock her to the ground. Regardless of his success, he lunges for her scruff, trying to catch her and drag her back to the river to watch her drown.

  • attacking @Lightflower
  • HEMLOCKSHINE he/him, warrior of riverclan, twenty-two moons
    a tall, lithe black smoke tom with blue eyes and low white. he is cold, composed, and willing to resort to manipulation to get what he wants. he is incredibly vain, to the point that anyone who mars his pretty face is in for a world of pain. please note that hemlockshine will be prone to saying and doing awful things that i, as his roleplayer, do not condone. all of his opinions are ic only.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by solaire@funeralscythe on discord, feel free to ping for plots.

❝ it's gonna hurt for a bit of time ❞

I knew that was a bad idea, she thought as he turned his gaze to her. An overwhelming wave of terror made her legs quake beneath her. Every word from his maw felt like an additional claw mark. His shove tossed her to the ground unceremoniously, though not without her claws striking out, aiming to catch his chest. She nearly had the wind knocked out of her, but managed to brace for impact.

This was nothing like the battle against Skyclaw and his followers. There was no lingering love or sympathy. There was no shared experience, no memories. This was war. She was fighting in a war and not doing well. His teeth in her scruff sent panic through her once again. The ground scraped her side as she was dragged. She twisted and writhed in his grasp, claws flying wildly for purchase, anywhere. A shriek escaped her. The river. He was trying to drown her in the river.

"Help!" Maybe it was pathetic to cry for help like a kit. To be dragged like crow-food. StarClan, what was she thinking? What would Squirrelpaw think? Her mentor, being beaten so easily. So uselessly. Roeflame? Would she scoff in disappointment? Then she thought of Lovelight, Badgerstripe and her kits, Palefire. The water rushing behind them was getting louder. "No!"

// @HEMLOCKSHINE struggling and attacking (kind of)
// fighting @Pinepaw ⭒ and closed to other interactions

Scarletpaw's heart thunders in her chest as the sound of battle roars around her. She barely has time to take in the chaos - cats wrestling, claws glinting, fur flying - before she spots Pinepaw surging from the water, her gold eyes alight with battle fever. Brown and ginger fur bristles as memories of their last skirmish flash through her mind. Time for a rematch.

The RiverClanner's taunting voice cuts through the din, sharp and biting. 'Hey, tree-hugger!' The other apprentice barrels toward her, water droplets scattering like sparks off her wet fur. Scarletpaw shifts her stance instinctively, claws digging into the cold, rocky ground as Pinepaw stops just short of colliding, their noses almost touching. Her split-colored eyes narrow, her tail lashing as she forces herself to stand firm against the tortoiseshell's challenge. The scent of river water smacks into her nose, a disgusting stench, and she bares her teeth in response. "If you're so eager to lose again, I'll be happy to remind you who really owns Sunningrocks, fish-breath," She snaps, refusing to let Pinepaw see even a hint of hesitation.

Her words drip with defiance, but the pounding of her heart reminds her of the stakes. This isn't just another border skirmish; this is a battle to defend ThunderClan's territory. For a split second, she catches sight of Raccoonstripe fighting a RiverClan warrior nearby, and the thought of disappointing her mentor only fuels her resolve. With a sharp intake of breath, Scarletpaw springs forward, aiming a swipe at Pinepaw's exposed shoulder, her claws ready to bite into fur and skin.

Cragpaw's heart pounds like a drum in his chest as he emerges from beneath the dark, churning water at Lichenstar's signal. The cold bite of the river remains even as droplets cascade from his pelt, glistening like tiny stars under the pale light of the moon. He sucks in a sharp breath, nostrils flaring as he takes in the chaos unfolding on the stones of Sunningrocks. The battle roars around him, hisses and yowls weaving a tense, discordant symphony that makes his ears hurt.

Finally, he is participating in a real battle! The thrill of it all surges through him, shoving down the knot of apprehension in his stomach. This is not training, or even a small border skirmish. Mistakes can't be laughed off or corrected here. In this battle, a wrong move could mean injury, or worse.

The spotted tom scans the battleground for his mentor as his paws tingle, impulsively wanting to find him and charge in to help. But he's out of sight, and Cragpaw is alone to fight his own battle.

// completely open for interaction!
༄.𖥔 ݁ ˖ — Merlinpaw had burst into camp crying out about Riverclan attacking them and it's enough to make his eyes grow wide at the thought of it. He knew that training Moonbeam had been what made the river dwelling clan to remain at bay and not attempt to take back Sunningrocks yet he didn't think they'd strike so soon after he finished their medicine cat's training. Gentlestorm feels betrayed in a way by Moonbeam knowing that there isn't any way that the molly didn't know about this attack but he finds himself foolish too, he knows that the pale cat wouldn't expose her own clan to him even if she had briefly been brought to camp by him and vice versa. It makes him want to laugh dryly but the tom simply bites down on his tongue knowing that he couldn't linger on it for long and with his apprentice in tow, he does his best to make a few bundles of herbs so if they needed to draw someone out of battle then they would... whether they are dead or not.

Gentlestorm glances to his apprentice as he frowns to her before speaking "Be ready... For injured clanmates... or even dead... and stay hidden... I can't risk you getting hurt... Understood?" He doesn't wish to leave her here at all and a part of him regrets bringing her but he must remind himself silently that she's the help that he's been needing for the last few moons. The silver tom leans his large helm forward to touch his nose against her forehead then parts away from the foliage ignoring the way that it pulls at his fur as if begging him not to leave the safety that the frost covered plants provided.

His eyes dart across the several bodies that are fighting one another and his hackles rise, it had been a while since he had engaged in a fight. His mind wanders to the lifeless eyes of Darkthistle and a low growl emits from his throat as his claws slip out only to dig into the earth. Gentlestorm will search for those injured but he doubts that the Riverclanners wouldn't attempt to attack him and he'd be prepared, he may be a healer now but in his heart, he will always be a warrior ready to brandish his claws for battle.


  • ooc — open to interactions :] & briefly talking to @HOPEPAW
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ INFECTIONS
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧ ACHES & PAINS
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ ILLNESS
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧ BREATHING ISSUES
    ✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ TRAVELING HERBS
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ BROKEN BONES
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ KITTING
    ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ POISONS
  • fglpSzG.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and copper eyes, several scars cover his body from previous fights that he somehow survived
    gentlestorm is rarely ever a warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he proceeds with more caution and he's less likely to trust any strangers that come from outside of thunderclan. he tends to be jumpy if suddenly approached or flinches away from swift movement with his claws unsheathed when it occurs, he apologizes for it. his kindness reserved only for those closest to him otherwise anyone else can expect the cold shoulder from the old tom
    60 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf ; currently interested in no one
    semi-difficult to befriend/interact with ; quick to strike/attack first if he feels threatened ; peaceful powerplay allowed but proceed with caution
    "speech", thoughts, attacking


✦˚.✦˚✦˚✦˚ ✧ ˚✧˚✦˚✦.˚✧
  • She can't dodge as well as she'd like to... maybe it's a lack of battle practice or a staunch unavoidable string of fate that demands a level of suffering in the name of victory. Flamestar draws up crimson welts where her claws strike... as if leaving a trail of bloody embers on everything she touches. She tears away, satisfied at least that their exchange is balanced. Her eyes focus on nothing but the glimmering shades of red, dusted by starlight- it wouldn't be balanced for long.. not so long as RiverClan continued to creep from the shallows and not if ShadowClan's timing had been right. It would be impossible to win a war on two fronts...

    Claws glance across her shoulder, digging at old wounds and resurfacing roseate stains. Cowards...? A barkish laugh escapes her, even in the heat of battle- how completely absurd. "You know what... was cowardly," she retorts, happen to banter between each physical blow. "Stealing Sunningrocks... while WindClan ravaged.... our temporary camp... while we suffered... the aftermath of... a great flood." Hypocrits- another coin in the jar.

    Her head ducks to escape a quick-pawed swipe towards her throat, catching the tender skin of her ear instead before surging forward to tackle Flamestar, hopefully sending both of them rolling in a tangle of paws and hissing down the stones. She'd have to give up eventually... unless she wanted to see her whole clan murdered for her arrogance. Her teeth snap towards the other molly's muzzle but falls short as a rock jabs against her spine uncomfortably.

    "You're losing," she spits, a knowing taunt, "You've run out... of back up..."
  • about

    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5

    ooc notes ✦ closed to interaction, fighting @Flamestar
    tagging ✶
    penned by tieirlys
  • ˚ ★⋆. ࿐࿔ ✦ . . ˚ . . ✦ ˚ .

    . ˚ * ✦ . . ✦ ˚ ˚ .˚ ✦ . . ˚ . ✦ . . ˚ ੈ✧˳·˖✶ ✦ ˚ ✦ . . ˚ ★⋆. ࿐࿔

    . ˚ * ✦ . . ✦ ˚ ˚ .˚ ✦ . . ˚ . ✦
In the heat of battle, her attention should be firmly locked on the young warrior she had her claws in. But a venomous voice suddenly shouted nearby, the sound oddly grating on her ears. She caught the clash of two bodies from the corner of her eye, one unknown to her and the other annoyingly familiar. Scarletpaw. Of course; if anyone were to find old grudges here, it would be her. The other apprentice was stuck in a fierce battle with a tortoiseshell Riverclanner.

Squirrelpaw lost focus long enough for her enemy's blow to land hard, shrieking in agony as claws ripped through her chest. Crimson bloomed where her skin burned like lightning, and the sight of it sent her reeling backwards with Twinkleflight still on top of her. The blue-pointed figure before her blurred as hot tears stung her eyes. And yet, for some reason, her fevered gaze tripped back to where Scarletpaw seemed to be losing the upper hand.

Something clicked into place at that moment, an instinctual need to protect what was hers. Her denmate, her rival, not Pinepaw's to hurt. The blue torbie squirmed beneath Twinkleflight's paws, no longer trying to win this fight. Now, she was only focused on getting away. "GET OFF!" She cried desperately, though obviously her opponent did not oblige. Her unsheathed talons swiped wildly at whatever she could reach. She felt claws prick her sides as she continued writhing against the ground until finally, blissfully, she managed to wriggle free.

She quickly her footing on the damp grass, and somehow the adrenaline of the moment made her forget her pain. Whatever Scarletpaw had done to provoke her in the past fell away as she sprinted for the pair of struggling apprentices. Her lip curled in an uncharacteristically brutal snarl as she lunged for Pinepaw, trying to sink her claws into the Riverclanner's back and drag her off Scarletpaw. If she successfully wrestled the other girl away, Squirrelpaw would end up on the ground, crushed beneath Pinepaw's tumbling body.

  • [ escaping from @Twinkleflight and attacking @Pinepaw ⭒ // please do not interfere ]
  • ADzwRhe.png
    SQUIRRELPAW she/her, apprentice of thunderclan, 10 moons
    lh blue torbie with low white and green eyes // slender but fluffy
    single, bisexual, crushing on no one // flamestar x flycatcher
    sister to bugpaw, ravenpaw, sunpaw, falconheart and stormfeather
    mentored by lightflower // adoptive sister to sparrowpaw
    peaceful powerplay permitted // underline and tag when attacking
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, dm for plots
〕Glimmering pelts, illuminated by the moonlight continued to fill the battle field as more and more Riverclanners slithered out of the river. One would have to be blind to not realize just how outnumbered they were here. She risked a glance away from the other leader, and her stomach wrenched in horror at how red the stones were. All around her cats were locked in battle, fighting like their lives depended on it. But they did, didn't they? Her clan couldn't lose this hunting ground, this was where they could usually find prey, even in the coldest of days. With the sun warming the rocks, the prey that inhabited the cracks and crevices were nearly always tempted out during the afternoon. Ever since the sudden frost, their prey trails had gone stale, and each hunting patrol either returned empty pawed or battle scarred by hungry predators.

As the swiped at Lichenstar, the leader retorted mere excuses, trying to turn Thunderclan into the enemy. "Sunningrocks is on our side of the river. It is ours. You don't even hunt land prey, you grow fat on fish all year." she hissed as she slashed. Her throat swipe missed, instead catching the soft skin of the leader's ear. Before she could strike again, Lichenstar lunged forward and sent them both rolling down the stones, a tumbleweed of claws and blood. We can't lose. I won't let my clan starve!

As they come to a stop, her shoulder burns in pain...on top of the crimson coated wounds that hide underneath thick fur, somewhere in their tumble she had bashed it against one of the stones, aggravating a wound from long ago. Regardless, she manages to pin down the Riverclan leader. She digs her claws into her shoulders, sinking the in deeper and deeper as she imagines each wound that was being inflicted to her clanmates. "GET OFF" Her daughter's voice echoes off the rocks, and she makes a mistake, her gaze leaving her opponent long enough to find Squirrelpaw's figure wiggling free from her opponent. Flamestar whips her head back around, and finds teeth just mere whisker lengths away from her muzzle. The air in the clearing was thick and heavy with blood, most of it being Thunderclan. They were weakened by hunger, this was an unfair fight. She could feel the weakness in her joints as the pain in her shoulder made it difficult to stand. "You're losing. You've run out...of back up..." She was right....

I have to end this now...

Gathering up what remained of her strength, Flamestar would lunge forward, drawing her forepaw back as claws glistened in the moonlight. She swung back, then forced all of her weight into her swing as she slashed along Lichenstar's throat, sending a spray of blood across her alabaster chest. Beneath her claws, she can feel Lichenstar's muscles loosening, and the roaring fire in her eyes is extinguished.


  • ooc.
    please no interference
  • FLAMESTAR —— leader of thunderclan , mentoring merlinpaw . storm x lily . littermate to nala, smokey, and nemo ✦ penned by icey !
    afab / she/her / 38 moons & ages every 20ᵗʰ
    widowed / heterosexual / closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— difficult in battle, will start & finish fights

    "speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    tags — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 89001237_0hDtHJbdRu9KEv8.png

    a longhaired red tabby with low white and green eyes. flamewhisker's fur is a vibrant hue of red, riddled with thick classic tabby markings. her fur is medium in length, and she has a large, feathery tail. her chest, belly, tail tip, and her paws are dipped white. flamewhisker's eyes are a dark, deep shade of green. her shoulder has a large scar on it from a fight with a dog. she also has a shredded ear from a disagreement with a loner during her time alone before joining thunderclan. on particularly cold days, or sometimes before a major weather change, she will walk with a slight limp from her shoulder injury.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 He expects to meet resistance, but as he drags the other apprentice in Crabpaw realizes that he's picked an opponent a size larger than himself. His might isn't enough to pull her in, and she swipes out at him when she gets the chance. Claws rake across cream-patched fur, and the scent of blood stings at his nose. His chest stings, likely from a new injury—his first battle scar, he thinks proudly, and then guiltily—but it isn't enough to dissuade him. He's better in the water, he has to pull her in. Let me go, the other apprentice demands, but the force behind the words is lost between the hissing and yowling of cats around him, the rushing of the river, and his already impaired hearing. He can understand the gist of it, though. He just doesn't care—can't care, if they're going to win Sunningrocks back. "Let Sunningrocks go," he spits back just as stubbornly.

It's only when he tips his head up to glare at the cross-eyed girl that he spots a familiar figure behind her, in the midst of a fight. "Piney-" A murmur of his littermate's nickname leaves his mouth unbidden, worry overtaking him as he spots a second cat lunging for her dappled form. In his panic, he doesn't have time to dodge the slam of a heavy shoulder against his own. Orange-rippled paws lose their grip on the other cat—he feels his claws rip free, and with a splash he tumbles backward into the river.

By the time he re-emerges, head above water, the other apprentice has the time to retreat. But he can't let her go, he can't. With a renewed growl, Crabpaw shoves himself onto the shore, trying to close the distance between himself and the enemy again. If he catches her, he'll aim to claw at her face, her flank, her legs—whatever she leaves unprotected.

  • ooc: fighting @Glowingpaw.
  • 80686756_Bos6IC9xCplEpAA.png
  • CRABPAW 𓆝 he/him, apprentice of riverclan
    𓆟 ginger and cream tabby with rippling white spotting and mossy green eyes. highly emotional and difficult to keep focused on one subject.
    𓆟 mentored by cicadaflight
    𓆟 son of iciclefang ; brother to cragpaw & pinepaw
    𓆟 peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    𓆟 penned by foxlore
⊱⊰ The panicked voice of Merlinpaw still rings in her ears. RiverClan is attacking them—trying to claim Sunningrocks as their own, despite the fact that it's all the way across the river from them. Isn't the water cold? Does it ever freeze? Don't they know ThunderClan is weak, hungry, cold? Or do they… do they simply not care? Do they see ThunderClan's weakness as an opportunity for greed, to take more territory for their own gain? Would any RiverClanner feel guilty if all of ThunderClan went extinct? Did they ever say thank you to Gentlestorm, for training their medicine cat? So many questions flit through Hopepaw's mind as she follows after her mentor to the site of the battle.

Cats are already in motion all across the rocks. It's chaos. Warriors and apprentices alike all clash in waves, leaving ripped flesh and spilled blood on the section of land. It's strange to think, now, that she had once dreamed of being a warrior and fighting against the other clans. She'd roughly play-fought against her siblings when she was younger, but somehow the girl had never expected true battle to be so… brutal. Gentlestorm turns to speak to her, imploring her to be prepared to help her injured (or dead, but she doesn't want to consider that possibility) clanmates and to stay out of danger. With a shaky nod Hopepaw responds, "Understood. But you stay safe too… okay?" She tips her head down, accepting his soft touch against her forehead before he departs.

Her uncle looks every bit a powerful warrior as he shoves his way into the fray—scars amidst soft fur, a snarl upon his muzzle—and copper eyes trail after him before she ducks away at last. She tucks herself as far into hiding as she dares, attempting to fade into the drying brown brush without making herself too invisible. Her clanmates still need to know where she is, after all—she doesn't want to worry any of her clanmates by seemingly disappearing. She doesn't want to worry Gentlestorm, most of all.

  • ooc:
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    HOPEPAW ❯❯ she/her, thunderclan medicine cat apprentice

    skinny, thick-furred lilac molly with deep copper eyes. soft-spoken and a bit of a grouch.
    daughter of batwing and leopardtongue ; adopted by roeflame
    mentored by gentlestorm
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ; does not typically like physical contact from anyone besides her family
    penned by foxlore

When Merlinpaw returned, the chaos had grown even more frayed. Sunningrocks roused itself in screeches and caterwauls of joy and pain alike, like pure pandemonium had birthed itself upon once-peaceful land, with sanguine and guts frazzled onto the sleek surfaces of the stones. Stench of iron-laced blood slashed at her nostrils, a rude awakening to what she had come back to. Briefly did she wish that she had simply stayed at Thunderclan's camp, waited until her clanmates returned with battered bodies and red-stained edges. Honor damned them all, including her, to a terrible fate. The dilute tortoiseshell stood paralyzed with her heart caught in gossamer throat, as though the selvage of her composure had come flying loose, and all of the nervousness laden upon her gut now spilled outwards. Oh, Starclan... I - I need to get out of here. Eyes wide with the most chaste of fear darted around for any escape, any break in the madness that would offer her solace. The large molly whipped around to face a stranger approaching from behind, with all the intent to sink his fangs and nails into her peach-flesh. The apprentice stepped back, until she realized that there was no way out of this except... She quickly lunged for Pebbletail, as though a beast bereft and berserk, with her little directive and discipline becoming a blunder more than a boon. Unsheathed claws glimmered in the light, a solemn sliver before it would be brought down upon paper-thin skin beneath the pelt.

( Closed to interactions and attacking @pebbletail )

For the very first time, Eveningpaw gets to experience what it's like to be a real warrior. All the tidbits and glimpses she had gotten were orthodox; she was not supposed to see the land outside of camp before her sixth moon, and she was not supposed to have her first battle with angry waves instead of flesh and blood of rival cats. Sometimes, she feels like she is doing everything backwards... and that belief is only solidified when she pictures her mothers' disappointed or concerned gazes.

This time, she is doing everything by the book. Eveningpaw had been eager to volunteer for this — just like the majority of RiverClan, she, too, had been endlessly frustrated by the ThunderClan cats sunning themselves on stolen land. Now that frost has set in too early, and now that Lichenstar has made some sort of secret deal with ShadowClan, they are ready to fight.

Eveningpaw has never been this ready her whole life.

She is barely visible above the water; only her ears, eyes and nose bob above the waves that will soon not be this languid. The cold does not even bother her... excitement warms her up from paw to tailtip, and Eveningpaw vaguely scratches at the smooth little rocks underneath, where no cat can see.

And when Lichenstar finally orders for RiverClan to attack, Eveningpaw is among the first ones to jump out of cover and surprise the nearest ThunderClanner. She vaguely notes the gray tabby that her unsheathed claws find, but the specifics don't matter. Only the victor does.

"You heard her!" Eveningpaw yowls in preemptive triumph, full of confidence and adrenaline. She looks to fasten her claws into her target's shoulders, eyes locked in a different sort of fight: intimidation. "Get off our territory!"

Pre-planned interaction, please do not intervene!
Blackwater hardly had the opportunity to survey his surroundings as his senses were flooded by a cacophony of sounds, scents, and visuals that washed over him like a frozen current. He had been one of the few who had decided against hiding beneath the still tides below, opting instead to stay positioned somewhere across the bank, lying in wait until given the initiative to cross and fight alongside the rest of his clanmates upon the very rocks they intended to go to war over. He would stand there now, claws unsheathed and muscles taut with the intention of running forward and sinking his bared fangs into whichever enemy decided to reveal themselves to him first. He was not a violent cat, not by nature, however his devotion to his clan was an unwavering thing- should Lichenstar instruct that they fight, maim, or kill for the betterment of their clan, he would surely obey like an obedient dog- his clan's wellbeing came before anything and anyone else...even himself.

His steady aquamarine optics shifted to lock with those of another, smaller figure racing towards him, announcing her presence with a determined yowl. "This is Thunderclan's!" Her warning strike would connect with his cheek as he moved away just enough so that the wound left behind was nothing more severe than a graze. With a shake of his ruffled pelt, the silver-splotched tom would allow his pelt to smooth and his posture would straighten as to allow him some extra height, though his claws remained visible and at the ready as he spoke with little emotion. "Perhaps it once was, though it never should have been. Thunderclan's claim to what has always been promised to Riverclan was earned through deceitful means, and we were gracious enough to allow you to hold onto it even still." His gruff voice was without malice, free of any underlying threat. If anything, it sounded more like a factual statement, words spoken as freely as if it were a normal and unassuming conversation. "Your use of Sunningrocks has extended far past what should have been welcome. They will remain in your clan's possession no longer."

As if to seal his statement, he would then dart forward and attempt to shove Barleysight backwards, accompanied by repetitive striking motions of his claws in an attempt to herd her towards the descending area of the rocks, his intentions being to herd her closer towards the river to use the water below to his advantage.
° . ☠︎︎ . °
  • ooc: engaging @barleysight, please dont interfere @Deidre
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    SH blue tabby/blue chimera with low white. born to riverclan and eternally devoted to their ranks, he often prioritizes the wellbeing of others over himself and is prone to doing much more than he is physically capable of as a means to prove not only to others that he is deserving of his position, but also to himself. although not something he displays externally, he is imbittered and melancholic regarding his physical ailments and incapability. despite this repressed mental unrest, he is quite laid-back and gentle towards those around him, often content to converse and connect to any who may desire it- although admittedly, he is not the most observant or quick-witted when it comes to recognizing social cues.
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-ˋˏ ༻ ❆༺ ˎˊ- Scarletpaws retort makes Pinepaw nearly smirk. we'll see about that. Before she can take the offense, Scarletpaw makes her move, tearing open thin shoulder flesh. Pinepaw bears her teeth as she rears back, a risky move given her exposed throat. in retaliation, Pinepaw would spring forward, using her uninjured shoulder to take the brunt of the collision in an attempt to barrel into Scarletpaw. If she could just get the ThunderClan apprentice close to the ledge… she'd be fish-food.

Any victory Pinepaw may have felt from her attack is quickly interrupted by the feeling of something tearing into her back. No longer is she facing Scarletpaw's face, but a blur of the scenery as she is dragged off of her opponent. The tortoiseshell screams out as claws are ripped from just under her flesh, but it's be worth it when Pinepaw would end up looking down upon her attacker.

Lips fully pulled back, there is no smugness in Pinepaw's expression, only golden-blazed ferocity. "Who do you think you are?!" Pinepaw snarled, the blood that dappled her shoulder blades felt like ice. Once, Iciclefang had asked her what she would do if she had been quick enough to pin her, what would be Pinepaw's next step in the heat of battle.

I'd make you my message. Without a blink, Pinepaw would aim to clamp down on the soft spot of the neck, just before the collarbone. Her jaws as merciless as her claws, Pinepaw wouldn't let go until a scream was ringing in her dappled ears.
  • briefly attacking @Scarletpaw
    fighting @SQUIRRELPAW
    please don't interfere !
  • PINEPAW she/her, apprentice of riverclan, 6 moons.
    stocky, coarse-furred tortoiseshell she-cat with large, white dipped forepaws, a white tail tip and muzzle. Honey hued optics take the shape of almonds.
    apprenticed to Iciclefang.
    daughter of Iciclefang && Stormywing ࿏ sister to Cragpaw && Crabpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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