[ this thread takes place concurrently with the border skirmish! please choose only one for your character to be a part of. the windclan patrol will be using rolls to determine what is taken, and is currently trying to force their way inside skyclan's camp. ]

They have left only a trail of dirtied snow and the scent of moorland heather behind them. Coyotepaw has guided them well, as far as he may know. "Keep low," he had told them, "and keep your tongue as well." That is the only advice he could offer. Though this quiet approach was not so unfamiliar to him, Sunstride often found his methods so far different from what was asked. He would sneak, yes, but with the intention of an explosion to violence– here, they want only a mouthful of greenery and a swift retreat. It is unlike him, but important that they succeed. How many are there, quarantined? How many must touch the beginning of death now? They would succeed. There is no other choice.

As the walls of SkyClan's camp (he assumes in any case) loom ever closer, he turns to beckon the patrol and urge them in. "Take what you can get, and let none stop you. Our clanmates rely on our success." Though his voice nears a whisper, it is spoken with violent urgency and a gleam in his eyes. "For WindClan! Go!"

  • ooc: @Juniperfrost @Coyotepaw @NIGHTMAREFACE @icepaw @snowspark.
  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, uses he - him. thirty-four moons old. warrior of windclan and former rogue.
    —— cautious of clan life, but an apt learner. encourages close bonds between clanmates.
    —— loyalty uncertain, cares for those surrounding him. undoubtedly closest to wolfsong.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red at its base and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
  • "speech"

Stealth is not his forte but he mimics Sunstride's more lightfooted approached and attempts to trace the steps before him with a careful gait of his own; Juniperfrost's teeth are clenched tight out of frustration at his own cumbersome abilities than anything else. There was no way they would walk out of this without a fight to some degree, his eyes are more focused on keeping track of the SkyClanners that might be nearby, his claws are already unsheathed. Blood would be spilled if necessary to accomplish their goal and he casts Coyotepaw a careful glance first before proceeding forward. Finding the medicine cat's den specifically was on his son's direction and he prayed he made swift work of his instructions before they were piled on upon by these kittypet weaklings; if he had to shred this entire camp apart to uncover it he would not hesitate to do so and he hoped that was clear with his his eyes set into frozen jewels. Icepaw was their smallest member and he kept a careful stance near her, if any cat could move down into whatever burrow these fools had hidden then it was her-if the SkyClan healer was anything like Dandelionwish then wherever he could keep his stores where the weather would not reach them was their best bet; it would be humorous to find them in a hole with a name so lofty as theirs.
"Onward you lot, make haste!"

Amanita had been distant ever since Leopardcloud had died. It had devastated her, and she wanted nothing more than to mourn alone.

She had been coming back to camp more often now, as she was finally beginning to heal. She sat in the middle of camp quietly, knowing that it was going to be a long night if Blazestar had left to deal with Windclan at the border.

What she didn't expect was to find them here, at camp. She had heard him in the silence. A voice unfamiliar, but one that called for Windclan.

She was startled at first, but the vixen colored molly rose to her paws.

She bore her teeth towards the entrance of camp and spoke to whoever was nearby.

"Did you hear that? We have unwanted company." She didn't bother being quiet. Her blood was boiling. That they were so close only made her bloodlust rose quicker.
  • Love
Reactions: DogTeeth
I won't apologize for being who I am
Anxiety washes over the young tom in unrelenting waves the deeper he led the stealth patrol into skyclan's territory. He did the best he could taking minor detours here and there without making it obvious. Praying to the stars above that if they truly existed that he would have stalled somewhat long enough and show mercy upon skyclan. Eventually they reach the brambles marking the entrance to camp and Coyote feels the beginnings of nausea flipping around in his gut. Though his paws were tied he felt disgusting. Despite not wanting to he was still actively taking part in this raid becoming a traitor for helping with such a heinous act. He walks forth on trembling paws, but his shaking is not from the cold or fear of his own safety, but dread of being an accomplice to theft and destruction. "Thistleback...everyone, I'm sorry." The boy apologizes mentally.

Juniperfrost shoots him a glance and Coyote breaks his gaze with his father, wrestling to regulate the heaving breaths coming from him. As Sunstride urges them on he pauses behind them briefly, He couldn't do this, he just couldn't. He would not step foot into skyclan's camp again, not like this. He couldn't bare to see the betrayal in their eyes. "I'll stay here to look out for anyone coming into camp and warn you if someone comes." He murmurs, making up an excuse to stay outside. His ears pin in two fold against the wind and emotional turmoil. "Dawnglare's den...the medicine is underneath a hazel bush. You can't miss it..." He adds just before the patrol streams in to pillage Dawnglare's reserves.
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you
Braving the sheer cold was the second worst challenge he'd be facing tonight. Shivering in his pelt like a leaf in the wind wasn't his greatest look, but he followed the smaller patrol nonetheless, determination plastered across his face. The wooded land he crept across was unfamiliar, too cramped. Cream-tipped paws trotted after Sunstripe, white flanks allowing him to disappear admist the snow like a frozen apparition.

Squinted eyes traced his cohorts' outlines in the dim lighting, starting to hate the treetops above for hampering his eyesight. On the moors, he at least had the moon to illuminate the hills and trails. Even if he couldn't quite see as well, he definitely could hear. A voice, distant but louder than their whispering, managed to announce their presence. Great, they knew they were here already. His lips curl back into a frustrated snarl; he stormed into the camp after Juniperfrost, a slender shadow of the hardened warrior. Hazel bush, hazel bush... scanning the camp, he picked out what appeared to be the medicine den. It certainly smelled as such, enough to confirm in what little time they all had. His leg muscles bunched, then the moor-runner broke into a mad dash, sprinting towards the medicine den regardless of who he passed.

feel free to interrupt him >:)

We have unwanted company.

His ears perked up, his chest tightening at the mention of intruders. For longer than he should have been, Silversmoke was motionless, trying to confirm Amanita's suspicions with his own strong senses. He'd stayed away from the borders for fear of this, feeling unconfident in the kittypets' ability to protect the elders and kittens in times of strife. He heard the wind, vicious as it was in the middle of a blizzard. He heard his clanmates behind him, tense in their voices and movements. Then, he heard an unfamiliar voice past the camp's borders, and his eyes were set ablaze with fury at the realisation that Amanita had been right. Rapidly, the male searched for answers for such audacity, letting out a frustrated snarl when his mind drew a blank. He could find no reason for WindClan to be at the heart of their home, other than to take what mattered most to the SkyClanners that didn't bend to their beck and call; it was still uncertain to him whether that was loved ones, kittens, herbs or prey. Silversmoke pushed forwards, his unsheathed claws digging into the snow. He pictured the earth as pelts as he sunk in, which only motivated him to delve further into the fray.

"SKYCLAN!" He roared, hoping to alert anyone huddled in their dens that something was amiss. He had no authority, but as far as he was aware, all of SkyClan's most important members had gone to deal with the WindClan issue. There was a hope that being loud would deter the intruders from pressing any further, that if the SkyClanners knew of their presence, they would turn tail and flee. Then, there was another thought, one that screamed and teared at the fabrics of good sense and told him that he didn't want them to flee, that he could make dozens of orphans right there and then if they just tested their luck. He wasn't that powerful, a simple rogue had beaten him once, but the intrusive thought grew and grew and grew until he entered a full-on sprint toward the camp's exit. Silver was not sure whose eyes he locked onto, he was not even sure if the creature was a WindClanner, but he wasted no time thinking. The nature of the trespassers could be decided later, for now, they simply needed to leave.

Leaping towards @SUNSTRIDE, claws outstretched, Silversmoke aimed to throw his entire body weight into the autumn-coloured feline. If he made contact, his claws and teeth would hope to snap blindly at any flesh they could find, the tabby fighting more like a rabid beast than a conditioned warrior - old habits died hard for the former rogue.

[ attempting to fight sunstride! open to interception or other opponents <3 ]

Fireflypaw's head feels full of bees, though it lifts unsteadily despite the illness addling his brain. There's a yowling outside of the den, though it is too snow-furied outside to see whom was calling. Sensitive little eyes crack open to peer further, but his vision remains darkened- the shadows of the wall of the medicine den moving by the second.

"Daw~nglare-" A warning groan, the pointed apprentice turning his head to look for the high priest. He worries for Mushroomkit, terrified that he might lose her in whatever was going on. Too weak, far too weak to stand- his fur fluffs up as nerves eat at him, shakily rising to his paws. His sister, oh.. His precious baby sister. Fighting shouldn't be something she should see; but where was their father? "Butterflypaw.." Always eager to avoid a fight, but what if she was forced to? Would she survive, as he hoped?

A stirring outside, Fireflypaw wedges his paw underneath himself to heave himself onto his haunches- throat feeling tight. I can't even fight.. It's a pitiful thought, but rings true. His eyes flutter with exhaustion, legs giving out and body sliding back down into his nest. "Papa.." A soft croak, a moment of comfort- I want my dad.
The snow weighs upon them still. Steadily thickening, a blanket of fury. Though his coat is heavy, the frost still bites, and he finds he would much rather hide than give it a chance. The inherent cowardice didn't exist in regard to Her Fairness. Nature was to be feared. He felt no shame in that admittance.

Instead, he dedicates himself, hunched over the forms of those he's moved to care for. The herbs have been given, hushed words spared said and done, but still, oh, he's... worried. His heart beats unsteady. A cold-slowed thump that speeds to a frantic patter with the slightest of stutters. It comes and goes with every cough, every wheeze, every halt of breath– before it inevitably resumes again. Inevitably, he says, and he tells himself, because it's true. The catmint worked its wonders. Mother needn't another's bones in her earth. Not now, not yet. It's what he says... despite the strangeness that floats on the wind.

For once, the fresh air does not help. A step outside the shade of his den only brings troubles to light. Yowl by the mouth of a Skyclanner. Unwelcome company by the scent of Windclan. His eyes narrow upon the familiar face...

Only with the thought of the wounded inside, does he decide to turn back. Never before, has he turned back so quickly. And– if he hadn't others to worry for, he surely would have thrown himself at them instead. Bristling spine, lashing tail. Fireflypaw croaks a warning, but he's already heard. "Yes, s-something's happening," he says, stepping close. There's a stutter– the strain of his frustration rather than anything else. There's a sick cruelty with Windclan's scent. Sometimes, comfort, and at all others, something to sink his teeth into. And Firefly, the little fool that he is, strains for further answer and stumbles on his weary paws. "Sit," he hisses to him. "Rest," further still. An order for Fireflypaw, mere suggestion for his prisoner.

Unwanted company indeed.

With Silversmoke's roar, Morningbird, in all his hulking glory, thunders out of the elder's den after shoving Mushroomkit into the paws of a much more ill-prepped denmate. He watches again as monsters invade his home, seek to topple his world once more, crumble a budding hope into ashes and the old tom seethes. The fur on his back prickles, eyes sharpening to slits and lips curling back into a snarl. It is a face he didn't dare make even when playing the villains of his tales, but now, he looks scarier than any bedtime story.

He will not sit by and watch, he will not be told to run. He will defend his home, his world, his family with his own claws, the way he should've when the badgers came.

Pale fur streaks across camp before his eyes, and he follows its trail. "PROTECT THE SICK, THEY'RE GOING AFTER THE MEDICINE DEN!" Under different circumstances, he would've talked. Under different circumstances he would've attempted to make peace, but Windclan came into his home, they had stolen Coyotepaw not long ago...the list went further back than the old tom's time in the clan did. The time for talking was over, Windclan had burned the bridge of diplomacy with a torch they crafted all on their own.

Windclan would burn with that bridge, Skyclan would not burn with them.

Ancient bones slam into spry muscles with all the force of the lions of days long past, shoving Snowspark into his namesake. This one would not reach their ailing, their afflicted. He aims to snap his jaws onto the other's tail, only to clack his teeth around empty air. "Dawnglare! Dawnglare LOOK OUT!"

// permission to powerplay given by tricky
open for one other opponent, no one who is visibly a child [under 12 moons], dm cherie on discord for injury discussions

header by lleafeons on DA, fancy via chérie​

Despite the shift in weather, the day felt normal.

Sure, it was colder and snowing harder than Greenpaw had ever seen, but, it seemed like business as usual. Training, patrolling, hunting. Normal.

But it all breaks into chaos so quickly - so sudden - as moor-scent fills the apprentice's nose and shouts arise. Bright eyes widen in concern, the tom frantically looks for the source. And, there, he sees it - the break in their defenses, WindClanners within camp. Heading towards the medicine den. Heading towards Figpaw, towards Fireflypaw.

"H-Hey!" he shouts, snowy paws stepping forward, "Wh-What are you doing? Stop!"

His pleas aren't heard as Silversmoke launches towards the invaders, as the warrior calls for help. Heart pounding, he stumbles backwards, realizing what's happening. SkyClan is under attack.

And, where is everybody? Where is Blazestar? Orangeblossom? His mother? Where are those who are meant to lead?

His stomach sinks as he remembers - the patrol. WindClan likes to show its strength. They wouldn't only send a few to attack. No, there... There has to be more. Somewhere, there is more. Somewhere, his mother could be getting attacked too. His brother could be hurt.

SkyClan could be destroyed, and yet, Greenpaw stands there cowering away from the scene.

Help. SkyClan needed help. He could get it. He'd prove himself more useful finding it, than staying to fight, he thinks. With a clan in mind to run to, the tom backs away before turning and racing out of camp.

// out!​
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Sheep stirs in her nest. Exhaustion drags at her bones and shes not sure why, all she knows is that her heads pounding and shes already at a disadvantage. She staggers to her paws, blinks groggily as she steps outside due to Silversmoke's call and... Her heart stops. Why? Why? Who let them past the border, who let them come in to camp? Her skin prickles uncomfortably and Stars, when had she ever been afraid in the heart of Skyclan camp? The newly named lead warrior does not feel fit for her title with the way her paws are frozen to the snow covered ground in shock, the way her veins course with the same ice that cover the trees.

Who... Who led them here? Sheep was sure none of the other clans knew of their camp besides the ones from the pine group- her teeth grit in frustration. Thats probably where they had gotten it. "I'm on it!" she calls over the caterwauling, towards Morningbird as she trudges through the snow. At this rate all of them would die from it, surely. She shivers, remembers the last fight she had been in, how she had been so convinced she'd die. Where are the others? Why is camp this empty?

And then out of the corner of her eye goes Greenpaw, hes bolting and shes not sure why but shes rooting for him. "Run, hijo, don't let them catch you!" she calls once more, dread in her stomach as she forces herself to tear her gaze away and she meets up outside the medicine den. "Fight with all you have, Skyclan!" because surely they will not spare us, Windclan, the lot of them are brutes. She had no doubt they will kill over this, whatever they wanted.

Deep breath in, deep breath out and ears flatten as she stations herself outside, hackles raised. The doubts from the previous fight were no longer, no, she'd lay down her life if it meant those inside could live another day. "Tell me if someone gets in i'll- i'll kill them, I swear, I will." she calls over her shoulder, in to the mouth of the den and towards Dawnglare. Oh, shes nervous, shes terrified at the prospect but fear for her clanmates drive her more than her own. There are cats hurtling towards the medicine den, she can see it through the snow- "Oh, Stars-" they were screwed, she couldn't fight them all off.
// feel free to attack her LMAO
  • Crying
Reactions: GREENEYES

All of the sudden the kit games she had played as a child came true. Vicious and evil cats of WindClan invading SkyClan had been a mere fantasy when she was a babe, yet now she hears their bloodthirsty battle cries and the shrieks of terror from clan-mates. Lopsidedly she stands on her three legs, all the fur on her body bristling- she wishes to say she felt anger and devotion to protect her clan, but she doesn't. She just feels scared.

"Tallulahwing?!" The girl yowls for her mentor, "Mom? Greenpaw....?" The voices of all her litter-mates spill from her maw from where she stands, peering out of the medicine cats den. She doesn't see them, she can't find any of them anywhere.

They're going after the medicine cats den!

Her heart plummets, a numbing sensation overwhelms her body. The girl stumbles back into her nest, jaw agape and tears pooling in her eyes. Dawnglare and Fireflypaw are naturally in the den too, she looks to the medicine cat for guidance. "Wh-What do we DO?!? THEY'RE COMING!" She hisses in urgency, orange eyes keep darting to the entrance of the den fully expecting each time to be met with claws. Was this it?! Were they going to be slaughtered?!

// open for interaction but she is to attack OR be attacked by @icepaw upon her reaching the den !


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 8 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan, doesn't fully understand

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes. Deformed right hind leg.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, daft, naive
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ Pansexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ poor fighter . okay hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
  • Crying
Reactions: GREENEYES
A hefty force slammed into his side, bruising and knocking the wind out of him. Thrown off course and into the snow he was kicking up moments ago, his nimble frame is almost completely swallowed up by the icy powder. He wheezed, almost worse than the infected cats stuck in his mind, as pain spread through his ribs like a spiderweb. He grimaced, forcing his spindly limbs back underneath him, to get back up, to just keep running. It's what he was trained to do, after all. He didn't take the time to hurl a growled profanity at the elder responsible, only charging further onward toward the hazel bush. He hoped the rest were behind him, as equally determined to clear a path as he was.

A white-spotted warrior was closer to the den than him, quicker than him. He could see the medicine cat at the entrance, just barely. Teeth gritted, Snowspark hastened his pace, head lowering for the impulsive impact ― he tried to collide into Sheepcurl with a headbutt to her muzzle, just as recklessly spinning around on his heel to tackle Dawnglare to the ground seconds after. A two-for-one combo using his built up momentum, even if he nearly split his skull in the process. Though entirely vulnerable now, it hopefully allowed a chance for the others to slip inside. Terrified faces could be seen in the dark, herb-riddled confines, though he only concerned himself with the two obstacles in their way.
pricklekit | 04 months | demi-girl | she/they | physically easy | mentally medium | attack in bold #4f7942
She awakes to the sound of absolute chaos. It is late, near darkness overshadowing the camp, and the endless cold and snow has left her feeling more lethargic than usual. Sleepy green gaze snaps open at the sounds of frantic shouts, nose twitching as an unfamiliar scent hits her. Despite knowing better than to actually leave the safety den given the shouts of 'unwelcome company' and 'attack', the girl can't help but to creep closer to the entrance. On near-silent paws, the figure of pale blue and cream clings tight to the nursery wall, letting the shadows obscure all but heavy lidded green gaze, which glow rather eerily in the light reflecting off the cold snow.

She watches in a morbid sort of curiosity, like that of watching a trainwreck or a particuarily gross horror move, as her clanmates clash with the strangers, the outsiders - her keen ears catch words such as 'windclan' and suddenly she knows these are the cats she's heard such interesting stories of. These are he cats that have stolen away her... brother, she supposes, for all that she has never met him, for all that he is not of her blood. He's like stagkit she thinks - this coyotepaw she's heard mentioned.

Panic rises in the shrill cries of her clanmates, and yet she can't help but wonder if windclan is really so 'evil' as to attack the sick, or if perhaps they're searching out something else. She doesn't know - but it certainly seemed like they were fixated on the medicine den for one reason or another. Lowering into a crouch and curling her tail about, the expressionless child tips her head to the side, gaze flicking back and forth as she tracks the movements of those around her - watching, learning. Someday, that'll be her defending the clan... it's best she observe what she can. You never know what she might learn.

// unless your wc oc is an absolute bastard just ignore the child, she's hiding in the nursery out of the way simply observing

Sunstrides watch the camp unfold before him with the precision gaze of one so practiced in these things. He has lived this life for many moons before coming to WindClan, breaking to the heart of all things and tearing it apart. Clan above all, that has been his mantra. It is only in recent moons that it has become WindClan at his heart. He would fight for them. He would kill for them, should such things come to be. Those that flee will find no quarrel with the burnished tom, but any that stand between them and what they so desperately need would find themselves quickly matched. It seems that there would be no time for progress before distraction comes to him. The creature that meets him is more storm than cat– Sunstride could match such ferocity, but with it comes cunning. Unlike this SkyClanner, he is both rogue and warrior, free and contained in equal measure.

Silversmoke collides with him for he allows it, seeks it out– a clash of teeth and fangs, each press of him met and returned. The claws sink deeply into his shoulders, beads of red falling to the paw-strewn snow. There is no reaction but an instinctive hiss of breath pulled through bared teeth. No pulling away, or lashing blindly in answer. It is only with his battle-taught thoughtfulness that Sunstride shoves the shoulder closest to Silversmoke, hoping to unbalance the former rogue and shake his hold. Only should it succeed does he press the attack, lashing his claws towards one of his legs. Though he does not dare call attention to those around him, pale blue eyes break away to glance across the battlefield, seeking out the smaller figures who have yet to join the fray. Perhaps it was for the best, that he had brought the group that he had.

  • ooc: fighting with @SILVERSMOKE !
  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, uses he - him. thirty-four moons old. warrior of windclan and former rogue.
    —— cautious of clan life, but an apt learner. encourages close bonds between clanmates.
    —— loyalty uncertain, cares for those surrounding him. undoubtedly closest to wolfsong.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red at its base and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
  • "speech"

Everything went to shit faster than a cat could take one and she felt rage boiling over and she was not having it.

"YOU FOXHEARTED BASTARDS!!!!" She yowled, springing forth to find an opponent when she saw him.


The one who hurt Leopardcloud. Caused her so much pain.

She veered for him immediately. With a shrill, hate filled shriek, she sprinted at him and with all the force she could muster, would attempt to ram into his neck and bite down on it as hard as she could.

TAGS Stars above, Icepaw is absolutely terrified. Her breathing is quick and shaky as she stalks through the forest alongside her clanmates, pale gaze warily darting this way and that. They don't think they've ever been nearly this stressed before (which is putting it lightly). It's all too easy to picture the border confrontation taking a turn for the worse; what if her friends are being slain right this second? She wants to have more faith in them, knows she should, but it's so hard to be optimistic under such grim circumstances. And the woods are so claustrophobic compared to the moorland. Granted, she is used to enclosed spaces thanks to her tunneling, but it's different when there's so much undergrowth constantly touching her, brushing up against her like prodding tendrils, taunting and further agitating her. And it's freezing cold out, to boot. At least it's dark.

She feels nauseous by the time they reach the camp's bramble walls. The little apprentice is all too eager to follow Coyotepaw's lead when he pauses, looking at him for further instructions; only he knows where the medicine cat's den is. What must be going through his head right now? Icepaw can barely even imagine. There's no time to ponder it, though — he gives his directions and the rest of the patrol is off, slipping through the camp's entrance with such purpose. Icepaw starts after them, only to falter after her first step with a pounding heart. I can do this, she tells herself forcefully... and yet her paws stay firmly rooted to the ground. Kill or be killed, Badgermoon's grim warning echoes in her whirling mind. She can hear the cacophony of battle beyond the wall. Their throat feels so tight. Even training makes her nervous. How on earth is she supposed to do this right now?

There's no choice — WindClan is depending on her. On all of them. She takes a step forward. Then another. It's not that she can do this, but that she must. If she ever wants to be a respectable warrior, one her clanmates can be proud of... if she wants to actually have a clan to serve, it has to be done. So many lives are at stake; so many sick cats are withering away at home. Now or never. She sticks her head through the gap in the bramble wall...

And then, anticlimactically, she freezes again. The battle rages on before her; cats viciously tear into one another, shouting and snarling and slicing. She can feel herself shaking again. Thank StarClan that most of SkyClan's warriors (a generous term for those pampered kittypets) are preoccupied on the border — the situation is overwhelming enough as it is. Come on, they urge themselves. Come on! She's so small and unassuming, and much of her pelt is snowy in hue; if she sticks quietly to the outskirts of the camp, maybe she can just wait for an opening and make a beeline for the medicine cat's den without getting into any fights. They inhale a slow, deep breath, and finally they step through the entrance.

They hug the wall for a while, crouching so low that their belly, pressed into the snow, quickly grows frigid. Their pale gaze constantly comes back to the lone hazel bush that Coyotepaw described — her target. A shout warns the medicine cat — Dawnglare? — about the patrol's objective... kind of. They don't know that they're here for herbs. Oh no... are there sick cats in there? Are they going to think Icepaw's coming after them? What if she gets attacked the second she gets in? If she even manages to get in — it looks like a warrior's guarding it! I have to try. She keeps looking for a safe opening. Hopefully a WindClanner will lure her away soon.

And then Snowspark does! Icepaw's heart skips a beat as she watches him valiantly throw himself at the curly-furred molly, and then at another figure she struggles to make out through the bush's branches and all the desperate movement. Now's the time. Now or never. Go, go, go! She bolts over, running as fast as her short yet swift legs can carry her through the snow, weaving in and out of the battling felines. She's always had mixed feelings about her diminutive size, but as she ducks past everyone, including those fighting in the medicine den's entryway, she finds herself intensely grateful.

She's gasping for breath as she finally barrels into the den, glancing around wildly for the herb storage and barely even aware of the cats within. It hardly feels like she's processing anything in her frantic desperation — including the catmint. Where is it? Where is it?!

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The sounds of her clanmates calling out to say they are under attack stirs her from her sleep. Howlpaw blinks in confusion and panic, unsure of what is going on. She can hear the sound of cats fighting outside and for a moment she's transported to a different time, back to the border where her sister had been killed. No not again...

She thinks of Fireflypaw healing in the medicine den and quickly rises to her feet. She needs to get to him! She needs to protect him! She won't lose another sibling! She won't! She won't!

Howlpaw slips out of the apprentices den quietly, using her smaller stature to move around largely unnoticed. As she moves, Howlpaw can see her clanmates bravely holding back the WindClan assailants. Why were they here? Where were the rest of the SkyClan warriors? As she draws near the medicine den, she can see Sheepcurl and Dawnglare dealing with a WindClan cat. The distraction allows a smaller WindClan cat to slip inside, and Howlpaw's eyes go wide with panic. Dawnglare or Sheepcurl need to stop them and protect the medicine den! But they can't with this WindClan cat bothering them. Howlpaw thinks for a few seconds before charging forward, knowing she has to help somehow. Her fighting skills are virtually non-existant but that doesn't mean she won't defend her clan and clanmates with everything she's got. Howlpaw attempts to catch Snowspark out, hoping to sneak up and bite one of his hind legs, hoping the attack will distract them or at the very least allow Sheepcurl or Dawnglare a window to attack. "LEAVE US ALONE!" Howlpaw hissed.

@snowspark. @sheepcurl @DAWNGLARE - also feel free for anyone else to intercept her!
) Never for a single second had Bearheart thought that his peaceful day spent lounging around inside the warriors den would be interrupted by a WindClan raid. He had intended to keep warm and away from the cold, but when he heard the cries outside he was up like a shot. It turns out for a fat cat he could be pretty speedy when he needed to be!

Once outside he took a few precious seconds to assess the situation. WindClan cats were in the camp! They were going for the medicine den?! "This isn't good!" Panic blended with feelings of rage and he made a charge towards the medicine den entrance. He wouldn't be able to fit inside comfortably, but he could ensure that no one else got in or out! "I don't know why you lot are here but you're gonna be sent packing once I'm done with ya!" He bellowed with a hiss of fury. "Stand strong, SkyClan! Work together! Drive these rabbit-munchers back! You can do this!"

//Attempting to use large form to block the entrance to the medicine den.
Attempting to boost morale among SkyClanners.
Open to attack, open to multiple opponents.

A cry shattered the sky into a thousand pieces- and Twitchpaw did not hide his yelp, whelping fray it was, tumbling from his mouth. How everything could just go wrong, so quickly. Daisyflight- she wasn't here, and what would he do without her? What use could he have without his mentor to guide him? But even with the torrent of doubt that threw his guts to and fro, the pit in his stomach more abyssal than a starless sky, he knew he couldn't just cower. He'd been called a coward before, but- but today he'd prove he wasn't. Caution was no use when the worst had already happened.

Frantic eyes found a wall of cats near the warrior's den, and... with his small stature, he'd be no use as part of a barricade. No, he could- run to the frontlines, to the one that had called action, and the sun-painted feline he was locked in battle with. To aid Silversmoke he would go, legs moving so fast he feared he might lose them- it might look to some initially that he was fleeing the terror that always shook his muscles finally getting the better of him. But then- but then he reached his destination. Claws leapt from their prisons, and he slid low to the ground. A mahogany maw split wide, and he would attempt to latch his jaws around Sunstride's tail, with no intention of letting go.

/ attacking @SUNSTRIDE , attempting to aid @SILVERSMOKE
penned by pin ✧