˖ ׄ ׅ ⠀⠀ millhaven⠀⠀ ୨୧ they are trodding through the pine forest, skyclan reek all about them — hints of twoleg and something chemical twists her pink nose but upon her russet - splashed face there is nothing but a small smile and furrowed, concentrated brows. phantom memories of pre - clan bloodshed flits crimson before her eyes and her paws itch, much better at placing small, ginger paws in the spaces where sunstride had woven, silent as a mouse. should she catch his eye, she would snicker silently at juniperfrost, ears ticking down further along her bicolored skull. teasing, if it could be called that — ever competitive, ever watching. he was getting frustrated, jaw set and the woman made sure to make it clear she seen. big, clumsy oaf. her tail flicks over her back, moving her gaze from her brothers hulking blue figure and towards where skyclan camp slowly comes into view.

for windclan! go!

she is off like a hare in the wind. the woman is small, weaselly, and uses it to her advantage the moment paws breech their gorge entrance. her head ducks and she rushes in, aims to keep mostly hidden amongst the fray to scope her surroundings. windclanners were already beginning to creep towards and particular den and she supposes that is where the herbs lie, crouching and making to slink towards it amidst her clanmates — until a hulking tom bellows out, moves before the den to guard its maw and she conceals a hiss, tries to use stealth to her advantage before aiming to leap onto @BEARHEART ‘s back, sinking all four paws of needle - like claw into his back to latch on and rake her hind legs down his spine. she would get him to move, use her short frame but powerful limbs to force him off balance — whether from pain or sudden off - balance one, “ aww, didnt your mothers ever teach you to share? “ comes her exertion-warbling, sing song voice, angry in the tom’s ear.

if anything, perhaps he would stumble out of the way. big idiot!

  • APPLEBITE ———————— princess of the moors
    f. she / her : a small - framed, fuzzy red ticked tabby with high white & honeydew eyes. she is prim, delicate - featured with round, fluffy cheeks and long, curled whiskers. a peppy, athletic warrior of windclan who presents herself delicately, well groomed and sleek when not traversing the pathways underground.

    — voiced by amy addams. smells like honey and sun - warmed fur.
    — closeted lesbian, 40 moons ; open for a tunneler apprentice.
    penned by antlers​

  • 51F59E19-0623-4A15-8E18-7FEB28251B4E.png


Emerald eyes slam open at the sudden sound of shouts. For a moment, Soil wonders if he’s having another harrowing bout of sleep before the hulking form of Morningbird blitzes past and the elder realizes he is very much awake. Now freshly freed from sleep’s effects after a good rubdown, the stubborn tom can see the combat accompanied by caterwauling that was spread out before him.

Instinctively, the elder goes to step outside and assist his friends in fighting off these fiends when a graying nose picks up another scent in the elders’ den with him. Soil turns, and is simultaneously relieved and annoyed. It seemed that Morningbird has thrust Mushroomkit upon him before joining the fray, and now the former loner was stuck being a babysitter. He growls, moons of experience letting him know the severity of the situation while also knowing what was most important to protect.

Soil studied the kit before him before turning back towards the entrance. “Y’know something?” he starts, trying hard to maintain a relaxed demeanor. “If you an’ I join that fight out there, It’ll be over real fast. Problem is, all our clanmates would be mighty embarrassed about gettin’ shown up by a kit and a cat with one paw in the grave. So we’re gonna stay here and let ‘em keep their pride, okay?” With that said, Soil would take a page from Bearheart and position himself in front of the elders’ den, oaken fur spiked and claws unsheathed.

//blocking the elders’ den, open to attack​

Something is happening. Something is going on but he doesn't understand, he can smell Skyclan. But suddenly there is a wave of another scent he doesn't understand. It's weird and confuses him as he steps out of the nursery with wide pale green eyes. His head moves back and forth trying to discern what is even going on. There are shouts, yowling about the medicine cat den. Yowls and then hissing and spitting.
His little paw lifts and he waves it in the air as if that will help him figure out what is going on. "Mama! What's going on?!" He calls out as he tries to maintain a big boy air. Whatever is happening he can't be scared. He can't be. He is an apprentice right? A big boy. Yet as soon as the smell of blood hits him the small black speck feels fear. His ears pull back and he wanders back.

His small body hunkers down and he scampers his way in an attempt to find Sheepcurl. Where was Mama? He hisses periodically as he hears things get closer to him. His breathing is speeding up and he suddenly stops moving, pale eyes wide as he looks.

-- open to baby confrontation maybe??
) It was only a matter of time before he was caught up in a fight, though he had been looking the wrong way when a she-cat snuck up on him and pounced. The next thing he knew there was a piercing pain coming from his back. A yowl of agony broke from him and no matter how badly he tried he couldn't get his head craned round to bite at Applebite. "Damn this fat of mine! Calm yourself, think things through..."

The rotund tom mustered up a grin as he battled through the pain, a joke now balanced on the tip of his tongue. "H-hey, did ya hear about the WindClanner who crossed the border? They went to see their flat mate!" He reared up with all his might before aiming to come crashing down on top of the she-cat with his full weight, intending to squash her flat against the ground whilst continuing to make them both part of the blockade to the medicine den.

//Attempting to crush @applebite

It happens in seconds, an apprentice not terribly older than her barrels into the den panting. Clinging to their pelt was the undeniable smell of WindClanner, the scent she loathed so terribly, the scent she's been taught to fear. Figpaw doesn't think, her body moves to fight- to defend not only her own life but to defend SkyClan.

For the first time ever she unsheathes her claws against feline flesh, lunging forward claws hope to rake across Icepaw's skin. A scream rips from the apprentice's maw before she moves to then barrel into her opponent, but her movement is off balance, still not use to moving let alone fighting with a measly three legs.

//currently off balance, nearly any type of rough force will sit her back on her rear to give Icepaw plenty of time to grab herbs and go ^^ @icepaw


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 8 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan, doesn't fully understand

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes. Deformed right hind leg.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, daft, naive
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ Pansexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ poor fighter . okay hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

Chaos erupts immediately, by the time they reach the den the alert is sounded and he shoots a glance backwards to Coyotepaw to get an idea of the boys temperament before honing his focus forward once more; he didn't have time to dwell on his personal concerns there were much more pressing matters to attend to. Snowspark is being drowned in cats but he's distracted, the red she-cat on his side is small but she got her teeth in before he could move and he shakes like a great dog ridding itself of water to try and dislodge her-when she's tossed off him it is with his blood on her teeth and he turns to her hackles raised and his own canines glinting white in the low light of the camp; she'd pay for that. Juniperfrost lunges forward as she tries to stand again and finds a mouthfull of crimson and spotted fur between his teeth; clamps down on the somali's scruff and with a step back he's rising on his hindlegs to hoist her upward and then slam back down with a twist to fling the SkyClanner hard to the ground and out of his way.

Icepaw has managed to get into the medicine cat den before its blocked by some hulking oath of a kittypet and though Snowspark is still battering cats that clamor around him a brief cold glance tells him it's some elderly fool and an apprentice, velvet red of their medicine cat; if he couldn't handle some weak willed cats like that then he was going to have a time when they eventually fought more powerful clans. Making a mental note to go back and give him an assist, the blue ticked tabby rushed headlong toward Bearheart alongside Applebite with the intent to stick his claws and teeth into whatever purchase he could find to get the lump of a cat out of his path and allow the wiry apprentice within to escape with her stolen goods; SkyClan had responded faster than he expected and he only hoped the tunneler apprentice was managing on her own inside with what sounded like feeble cats and youthful ones at that.

-Facing @BEARHEART alongside @applebite | Just yeeted @Amanita
First one to come straight for her is a cream and white cat, she doesn’t know his name and she doesn’t want to. Paws reach outright to grapple him to the ground but before she even touches him she lets out a yelp of pain, yanking herself back in pain as his head collides straight in to her muzzle. Dirty! But Sheep wasn’t surprised and she probably would have done the same thing. "Nothing but a foxheart! R-Run back to your forsaken camp before I shred you!" she nearly screeches in fury and she lets the anger guide her forth, briefly noticing Howlpaw join in to the fray. She attempts to spring forth once more, trying to latch her jaws around anything she could. Each fighting move she had been taught it out the window and it is a life or death situation.

Breathe, in and out. Steady yourself.

Vultures cry breaks her heart and leaves her open as she tears herself away, even if the attack does not succeed, frantically searching for the boy in the sea of writhing bodies. "Vulturepaw, STAY PUT, wherever you are!" she cannot afford to leave the battle to fetch him but her heart pounds in her chest. He’s not her son, no, but she loves him and she was tasked with looking after him. With the blizzard waging war as well, she could not spot him.

// @snowspark.

She was weakened by hunger. Not as strong as she usually is. She got one good hit in, at least. Right in the throat.

He gripped her scruff and she growled, clawing at him as she was lifted into the air and then brutally slammed into the ground. She cried out, the blow knocking the wind out of her and stunning her.

She tried to get up, but couldn't. She was vulnerable, open to attack. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't will her body to get up.

Her head hurt. Her body aches. And yet, her wrath had not subsided. If anything, it grew.

He spotted a small figure out of the corner of his good eye rushing towards Sunstride, his limbs tensing in anticipation for a fraction of a second before he recognised it as his clanmate. 'He's going to get himself killed!' The only thought that entered the tabby's mind at that moment was one of hypocrisy, he preferred to fight like he had the entirety of StarClan rallying at his flank, but the blind confidence did not always yield results, especially against opponents like Sunstride. He feels a hard muscle jab into the base of his throat, stomach contracting as he tried to catch a lost breath. For a second, his hold broke, the ferocious tabby feeling the consequences immediately as pain seared through his leg. The blood hits the snow at an angle, the tabby smashing his paw deep onto the scarlet sleet to regain his balance. He didn't dare look at how deep the claws had sunk, until the WindClanners were gone from his home, it didn't matter what injuries he sustained. SIlversmoke catches another glimpse of Twitchpaw as he spins, watching the apprentice go after Sunstride's tail and feeling his fur puff out in irritation. 'Did a kittypet teach you that? Go for the eyes you stupid-'

Silversmoke didn't finish that thought. Hoping Twitchpaw would give him the distraction he needed, he used his powerful hindlegs to jump forwards, aiming swift strikes with his paws toward Sunstride's face. He could've done more, should've done more, but with someone helping him, the tabby was cautious. He did not know what would happen if he submitted to cruelty and tried to leave lasting damage on the former rogue, not when someone so vulnerable was around - there was no telling if the WindClanner would seek his revenge on Twitchpaw right then.

[ attacking @SUNSTRIDE ; fighting alongside @TWITCHPAW ]

TAGS The apprentice's frantic gaze finally locks onto the herb storage after what feels like an eternity (though it's surely only been a few seconds) — and then a flash of yellow suddenly floods her vision. A searing pain rips through her chest only a moment later, yanking a pained cry from Icepaw's lips. No! Her objective suddenly vanishes from her thoughts; her mind blanks out completely as she scrambles back, blue eyes stretched wide with fear, but the sound of skirmishing cats right behind her quickly snaps her out of it. Breathing heavily through parted jaws, she tosses a quick glance over her shoulder before reorienting herself, redirecting her gaze forward.

It's a young cat, they realize with a pang of relief; not much bigger than Icepaw. But that doesn't mean much when she's currently launching herself at them again! There's no time to think. They couldn't if they tried, with the molly's screeching flooding their senses and drowning everything out. By some miracle, they don't freeze again — they move. It's entirely unlike the usually timid Icepaw to meet confrontation head on, but it's all they have room to do right now from within the den's entryway. So they rush forward with a burst of well-honed speed, ducking low and attempting to headbutt Figpaw in the chest, coming at it from a low angle with the hope of pushing her up and sending her falling backward. They're far from the strongest cat but they put all of the force they can muster into their charge and, unwilling to lose this momentum, let it propel them back into the heart of the den and toward the precious herbs.

They clumsily skid to a halt, nearly falling over in the process, panting as they stare at the collection. Okay, she knows what catmint looks like; she's seen it before. A... handful of moons ago. Oh, but all of these leaves look so similar...! It has a distinct smell, she recalls, dark nose twitching desperately. A good one. Icepaw shoves their head forward, thoughtlessly knocking herbs this way and that and nearly pressing her snout up against everything until a mouthwatering scent finally greets her nostrils. There's no time to deliberate if this is really it, though, as much as she wishes she could; she hastily grabs onto as much as she can amid the mess she's made (which isn't too much, dammit!) but it's the best she can do in her dizzying panic. She has to get out of here as fast as possible, lest a SkyClanner manages to snatch them away. Tail lashing like a whip, they spin around and scurry past the apprentice they'd fought off — is she missing a leg? Thank StarClan, that explains why they had such an easy time getting past her — and once again speedily ducks past the warring felines just outside the medicine den.

It's another obstacle course back the way she came, she realizes as she stares out at all the entangled fighters. But she's come this far. Sending a quick prayer to StarClan for safety, Icepaw bolts off again toward the camp's entrance. Perhaps it would be smart to send some kind of signal to her clanmates — cry out that she's secured herbs. But that would just draw more attention to herself, and she can't risk that.

OOC: Anyone is free to attack her, but she will do everything in her power to avoid them and get out of the camp!
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"H-hey! Get back here!" Muffin gives chase after @icepaw , mittened paws slipping here and there among the frosty grounds of camp. They don't want to attack the skinny apprentice, but the mouthful of herbs the point has sets their fur on edge - and they'd already bumped bodily into Figpaw on the way into Dawnglare's den, knocking the older apprentice off-kilter. Muffin doesn't want to suffer that same fate, but alas they're slow in comparison to the long-legged WindClanner and she is acutely aware of the distance growing between them as the intruder streaks her way through the battle. "Someone catch her! She's got herbs!" They yowl over the caterwauling, hoping to attract the attention of a more experienced SkyClanner.​

GUTTA CAVAT LAPIDEM : they’ve arrived.

truthfully, he'd never been through skyclan territory before now, his disdain for the kibble - eaters formerly keeping him a decent distance from their borders despite the proximity. but now, the man was following his nose, following the faint scent of moor beneath fresh, ever - falling snow. there is the faintest track, a near single line of paw - sized indentions quickly smoothing over with frost. @RATTLING WASP. pelts along him and @leechpaw. and he is thankful for it, despite the chimera having no choice but to trail after him. the territory is nothing but a blur of white and brown, barren pine jutting out against the frost - coated brambles that catch on his curls, knotting his coat with leaves. tangles of gorse and bare fern comes suddenly into view, their camp well hidden amidst the trees and layer of solid white and he ducks his head, forces his paws faster, faster

cicadastar bursts through the gorse, his warriors following into the hollow, moving like the rivers — fast and fluid. he’s nearly sliding down the steep slope heading towards dens now bustling with action, the sound of yowls and pained screeches already erupting about the pines. the tom skids to a halt along the bottom of the hollow, icicle eyes wild and slitted with fury, " riverclan — drive out these moorland rats! " like thunder. snow builds along his curled form from the moment he stands still and it seems heavier now, gusting winds pulling at his coat. the medicine den — greenpaw’s words echo in his mind and its then that a small apprentice darts from the den, carrying in her mouth a bundle of herbs that a fellow child yells after. she’s got herbs! icicle eyes fixate on the girl, rabbit - fast and the leader uses his proximity — or lack thereof — to his advantage. being so close to the entrance to skyclan camp, still smelling of frost and fern, cicadastar darts forward, aims to ram a shoulder harshly into @icepaw, hopefully sending her flying to land heavily on her side tail-lengths away — or at the very least, knock her off balance enough to stop the dead bolt towards freedom.

it was an unfair fight, towering and dark as he was, curls bristling and back arched to seem even bigger, but in leafbare, little mattered. he’d rather those herbs stay in skyclan, aid an ailing friend than potentially healing a foe. young or not, icepaw would he nothing but another causality amongst the death - stricken moors. another windclanner gone.

attempting to throw / knock over @icepaw but will not engage her in combat, open for an opponent!

@hyacinthbreath @LIGHTNINGSTONE @Smokethroat @iciclepaw

  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−−−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, courting smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 40 moons, ages on the eighth.
    penned by antlers

  • unknown.png
  • none.

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He spends most his frantic trek smoldering internally, furious at the call to return he had heard and subsequently ignored; that his leader thought him feeble or still too weakened by his injuries to put up a good fight was an insult. He was spitting mad as he tored across the snow, single orange eye narrowed as he broiled in silence. He felt fine, free of infection and managing well enough with the new impairment on his sight, though he had not had much time to train himself in compensating for it he felt confident in his natural abilities to carry him onward until it became second nature.

The unfamiliar territory causes him to hesitate briefly in his pathfinding, but fortunately Cicadastar had a better sense of the area than he did and he slowed for the spotted tom to take the lead, a coy smile crossing his maw. Telling him to stop. Trying to restrain him. It was almost funny if it had not been annoying, if his leader expected him to sit idly behind and not leap at the chance to rend WindClan to pieces then he did not know the dark tom as well as he seemingly wished to. His legs burned, adrenaline rising, the pine scented forward masked in a brisk scent of wintergreen and his only warning they were close was the sound of cats crying out, the spitting yowls of combat. Smokethroat burst through the camp's border just after the lanky river phantom, pausing only for a second to take in the scene before he was breaking away toward a sun-kissed bengal with WindClan scent being kept at bay by a SkyClanner and a spiky-furred apprentice. The speed of his own momentum from the run pushed him every forward and without pause to see which direction @iciclepaw broke to he attempted to barrel into the other as he rushed by the the strong scent of herbs. Two cats were currently trying to pry a rotund SkyClan warrior from the entrance with their claws, the tom didn't look particular skilled in combat but he was making due with what he had and it was admirable in its own way. Smokethroat's claws swung up as he lunged forward onto the red patterned she-cat with the curled fur.

-Attempting to knock over @SUNSTRIDE on his path to @applebite to aid @BEARHEART
Chaos, that's what this was. Vision blocked by swarming Skyclanners, he could barely make out the bodies of his own clanmates racing for the hazel bush as well. Before he could do much else to try clearing their oncoming path, little teeth found purchase in the meat of his hindleg. Hissing through his teeth, the moor-runner wrenched his leg out of the apprentice's mouth, reflexively kicking backward in the hopes of harshly knocking Howlpaw in the face. Blood already dripped down from the small pinprick punctures Howlpaw managed while he wasn't looking ― Sheepcurl's jaws would do more damage to his flanks, biting down and pinching the skin.

Her bite was worsened as he jerked away, the pain igniting a new kind of anger in his icy glare. Snowspark whipped around, claws outstretched to carve an upward groove right in her neck, right above that silly little bowtie and under her chin. From the corner of his eye, he could see the pale fur of Icepaw slip past, darting as fast as her legs could carry her. When did she even get in? It didn't matter. He could only hope she snagged the right leaves.

retaliating against @Howlpaw and @sheepcurl

For the first time her claws taste blood, her opponent lets out a noise of pain. Despite the successful hit Figpaw lacks confidence in every move she makes, she feels weighted down, clumsy, despite being in her own home all odds were against her. All it takes was Icepaw finding her weakness, acknowledging it, and using it against her.

Knocked in her chest the air escapes Figpaw’s lungs, she is forced up into the air only for gravity to strike her right back down into the earth, back into her nest. Tears swell up in her eyes as she tastes anger, all she can do is watch her opponent take hold of herbs and run off with them as the red tabby does all she can to catch her breath.

By the time she recovers it was over, she looks at her forepaw that was now splashed with a minor red.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 8 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan, doesn't fully understand

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes. Deformed right hind leg.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, daft, naive
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ Pansexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ poor fighter . okay hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
) The large tom had only just gotten back on his paws when another came to attack. Bearheart braced himself with a grunt of pain as claws and teeth sank into his shoulder, drawing more of his blood. But he refused to give, he wouldn't fail his mission of keeping the WindClanners out! One moorland brat was enough and he could only hope that his clanmates inside were able to deal with the intruder. "Nrgh...! I will not fall! YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" Desperately he attempted to shove back against Juniperfrost, now determined to keep the warriors back.

Frustratingly the rascal apprentice from WindClan escapes the medicine den with something in their mouth, but Bearheart can do nothing to stop them. No, he still had his job and he intended to see it through to the bitter end even if it killed him. Fortunately help was coming, much to his relief. Though it came in a most unexpected form; RiverClan! He couldn't help but grin through the pain as he attempted to look his attackers in the eye. "Looks like your time is up. I suggest you start running."

// @Juniperfrost

His breathing is haggard, the camp a mess of bodies in no more than a few moments. The tom he was attempting to block ends up in a dogpile of Sheepcurl, Howlpaw and Dawnglare, and he's almost alright with letting them handle it and going to help Bearheart block the Windclanners.

And then Snowspark kicks at Howlpaw, kicks at a child and all the old tom can see is Red.

It doesn't matter if it hit, he can't see if it does, one moment he's in the middle of camp and the next he's grabbing Snowspark by the tail and ripping him from the pile, tossing him away from the den. This never should have happened, children should've never had to make the choice to fight so early on in their lives. He pins the scrawny Windclanner in the snow, one paw over his throat as he presses his weight down on it. He doesn't feel tiny aqua-green eyes watching him as he moves to deliver a rather heavy blow to the other's throat.

"Cowards! Fools! You lure our warriors outside our walls and decide raging war in the throwes of a blizzard against those guarding our young will help you any?!" A paw flings out and cuts him deeply at his collarbone, sending his blow closer to the younger tom's face. Morningbird snarls at the wound, jaws opening wide to crunch down on the warrior anywhere he can reach.....

And then he feels warmth bloom from his stomach.

//powerplay perms given again!! with how little time we had to play out battles in the camp thread due to irl stuff we had to make do.

header by lleafeons on DA, fancy via chérie​
I won't apologize for being who I am
As the blizzard grows in intensity Coyote squints against the battering snow laden winds, just barely able to make out the sprinting silhouette of Riverclan's leader. Frosty green eyes grow wider than they already where, pelt bristling ever sharper. Up until this point the boy was able to get away with not being involved. He refused to fight against anyone of skyclan and the sound of them fighting against windclan tore at him deeper than any physical wound could. Seeing Cicadastar here with his battalion was both a blessing and a curse. Skyclan would get the aid they need effectively driving windclan out, but at the same time he himself was labeled windclan and would be actively targeted.

It was a miracle Smokethroat nor his leader saw him standing near the entrance as they raced inside the camp, their minds possibly overrun with the desire to get inside rather than see who was standing around. Regardless, he pokes his head inside to witness the horrors of a battle shredded campsite, the sight of crimson splattered snow, and the sound of yowls and hisses. His limbs quake and quiver, breath quickening as his eyes dart from one familiar face to the other. Bearheart, Morningbird, Sheepcurl, Amanita and the others were all fighting so valiantly. Juniperfrost's frigid gaze lands on him, catching Coyote glued inside the bramble tunnel, watching rather than doing anything to aid them.

(Open to riverclan opponents, will not attack anyone from skyclan)
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you

[] At the call of Muffin, blue tabby fur streaked across the camp and away from the fight towards that of a small apprentice. @icepaw had herbs within her jaws and there was no way she was going to get away from them with that precious item. Hailstones' paws pounded after the blue lynx tabby in pursuit with Muffin but with his longer legs he was more apt to catching up to the apprentice, and aimed to cut her off at the camp entrance. Green eyes narrowing onto her and a large paw was lifted aiming to swipe at the cat with unsheathed claws. "Skyclan owe you nothing, Windclanner!" He yowled.

//trying to stop Icepaw. open for fighting!


Unlike his furious mentor charging into camp, he was far more observant.

His dark fur both a blemish against the snow yet camouflaged by shadow, Leechpaw caught sight of the Windclan apprentice lurking by the camp entrance. Pupils expanding as he tracked the other's hesitant movements, he couldn’t help but wonder why he wasn't in the fray with his clanmates. No matter. Coyotepaw would be his to fight. A chance to demonstrate his skills, as much as he preferred Cicadastar to be watching.

Seizing the opportunity of the other apprentice being distracted by the fight, Leechpaw approached silently from behind, face lacking any sort of snarl or rage ― his jaws still lashed out all the same, an attempt to scruff Coyotepaw and fling him facedown to the snow. From there, he would pin the burly apprentice with his body weight, claws on the back of his head and forcing his face deeper into the suffocating snow. He could end it quickly, with a bite to the spine like he had done to so much prey before. It wasn't that hard to find the vertebrae on a cat. But why not give himself the chance to witness a struggle unfold?
