I won't apologize for being who I am
The silent panic Coyotepaw endured by watching the battle was swiftly interrupted by a sudden force clamping down upon his scruff and shoving his head down into the deep snow. The faint scent of riverclan intermingled with frosty wind as he emits a harsh grunt. A spark of broiling anger simmered, enveloping and canceling out the solemn panic that weighed him down so heavily before. Now he was fuming, donning a temper so fierce it could rival that of his father. The hiss that exploded from his maw was garbled, but clearly full of ire all the same. His intention was to stay to the side, to remain hidden amongst the fray. But if this riverclanner wished to fight then he'd happily take his building frustrations out on the tom.

Gathering his legs underneath himself and with a powerful thrust of his limbs, Coyotepaw propelled himself sideways hoping to topple or unbalance the rival apprentice above him. In the midst of that, if successful the cream spotted tabby would continue his alligator roll. Tossing up snow powdered snow to possibly distort the riverclanner's vision while his front and hind claws swiped menacingly, aiming to cleave and rend whatever flesh it could. @leechpaw.
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you
What to think? What to believe with that warning. Windclan is after him, after them. Nothing more than heretics, flea-bitten sinners. What do they seek, but the blood of the injured and ill. What would they possibly gain, but more blood on their conscious mind. A part of him thinks that’s all it would take to satisfy them. That the arcane thrill of spilling guts is enough to satisfy them. What else could there be? What else, indeed?

And his mind drifts to Firefly… the little one, incapacitated by his illness. Guaranteed recovery now, he’s thankful. In no less part to the… Oh, the…

The little medicine cat, so denied, he whined to the maggots he called friends. Led them here, now, to take what they wrongfully believe is there. Clicking, incessant. Dawnglare grits his teeth. Drumming of his paws as camp roars to life, burning blood. Mud-splotched face, freckled dove… Dandelionpaw. Always and forever a leech, doomed from the start. Oh, he would make him bleed. The sky would not part for his wretched soul, but the earth would swallow him whole.

There’s a moment of reassurance with the sight of that face. Spotted doe surging forward. Unnecessary, unnecessary, really... His eyes narrow into slits. She’ll kill them, she swears by her soul, and Dawnglare offers her a fluttering blink. Unnecessary… appreciated, maybe. She’s off in another moment, and on cue, there’s scrabbling in the den. Whiplash, he flits around, teeth bared, half expecting to spot an invisible enemy. A slimy Windclanner creeping through his things. No– it’s only the prisoner. What do we do, frantic hiss, whipped whisper. "I–" His jaw hangs open, lost. Such a question–

The chance to think– It’s barely there, cut off when the fawn falls from his vision and a weight against his own body soon follows. Gasping hiss, the wind is knocked from his lungs. Nothing more than a blur of brown and white and the warning rings in his ears, too late. And– another blur. Oh, they wanted his things. Far from fair, unbearably so. Blasphemous, treachery. Dawnglare's hiss rattles in his throat. Burning hatred, his hind legs aim to batter at the warrior's belly, and there’s an opportunity– Howlpaw, vicious, she lunges, and Sheepcurl springs back along with her.

No longer the subject of attention, he wiggles free. His breaths heave heavy in the cold, saddled with frost. He can hear a Skyclan warrior sing reassurances, and foolishly, he breathes relief for just a moment. But so quickly, the rats pile onto him, and oh, the sinner, slinking from his den. His mind sits torn, then. The safety of the little ones sits front and center, but didn’t he deserve to take back what was his? Did he not deserve retribution? Whispers in his mind. Gnawing, Yes, of course. Oh, he stumbles to his paws, and the very thing he seeks comes crashing down to earth. Angled face, a nose that slopes, dip of the shoulders that crash into the very heretic he sought to destroy.

Riverclan, he realizes, and his eyes light up like the heavens. Bringer of punishment in the midst of it all. Judgment day in its finest form. Swooning soul; Yes, this challenger would do.

Quickly, he retreats then. The mouth of his den yawns nearby, violated by the paws that had set foot inside. His heart is held in his throat. Lingering on the edge of it all, he strains, tries to yell through a warbling voice. "Fuh-fig?" Sidestep as the Riverclanner hurtles into the fray. Just barely, he can make out the yowl of an old fool, chanting criticisms. The same one who had bowled into him before now lies at the mercy of his claws. He lurches– and then there's blooming blood. Something he could not see, but his face lifts in alarm.

[ wiggled away from snowspark; briefly gawked at Cicadastar </3 trying to avoid applebite, bearheart, juniperfrost and smokethroat, briefly calls out for @FIGPAW & gawking at @MORNINGBIRD; open to interaction but nothing major he is planned to smack someone <3 ]​
it starts with a scream.

skyclan! a clanmate of hers cries, and then the camp explodes into frenetic activity. screeches of those who lock themselves in battle with... with..? violetpaw's head reels from the sudden cacophony, her teeth gritting. in the spur of the moment, she is back at the thunderclan border. the taunts of that young thunderclan tom in her ears, the yowls of her clan fill her head. she's pinned, face pressed into the biting cold of the snow. and her brother, he's yelling, too...

the smell of blood is too strong.

but this isn't the border, and this isn't thunderclan. she realizes it with a gasp, head shooting up as if she's breaking the surface of icy waters. this is-! the moors, wind-swept heather, governed by the dictator, sootstar. they are in skyclan's camp, and they're attacking- why?! why have windclan broken into the sanctity of skyclan's home, to spill their blood in the very place they are supposed to be protected?! the elders, the queens, the kits- they're all endangered by windclan's cruelty.

move! do something! violetpaw's mind screams at her paralyzed body. but she couldn't- she's a liability in battle, isn't she? she couldn't fight! her stubborn refusal of that fact had been what had killed morningpaw- if she'd stayed out of the skirmish, if she had given up like that thunderclan apprentice had warned her to... snowpaw would've never tried to help her, and morningpaw would've never taken the blow. her brother would've never had to shoulder the blame for taking his own denmate's life.

she couldn't fight, but violetpaw did not want to cower. she has to do something, to help protect her clan, like the warrior she's training to become.

the nursery-! her frantic thoughts supply in a rush, and the apprentice stumbles around the outskirts of the camp, whiskers brushing the bramble wall- the path memorized, to the holly bush she'd spent her kithood in. she couldn't fight, but she would die defending her clan. that is what it means to be a warrior, isn't it? that is starclan's design, for every cat who takes the oath.

violetpaw stations herself outside of the holly bush, hackles raised and lips curled. that's right- she would die before she lets windclan scum harm the queens and kits. screams echo in her flattened ears- they're going after the medicine den! her heart threatens to hammer right out of her chest, the she-cat sucking in a breath through gritted teeth. dawnglare's den...?! but, why?! her sister is in there-! figpaw couldn't fight any more than violetpaw could, not with her leg!

her paws want to run to the medicine den, to try and protect her sister... but she's already vowed to guard the nursery. and she knows, if the medicine cat's den is windclan's goal, like her clanmate had said, she would only get in the way of those inevitably going after the invaders... right?! all that she could do...

"leave us alone, you maggot-ridden bastards!" violetpaw screeches into the tempest of noise. hadn't windclan tortured them enough? when would sootstar's thirst for skyclan blood be quenched?!

at some point, she could swear that she smells the hint of fish beneath that of blood-soaked moors. riverclan...? could it be that riverclan's come to skyclan's aid? cicadastar certainly did not seem to like sootstar at past gatherings violetpaw'd attended. a spark of hope ignites in her tight chest. that's right! help us drive off these monsters!

[ she is guarding the nursery but open to being attacked! if a windclanner engages her, please @ this account <3 ]
( ) there is a thrill of fury, icy along her spine as she races alongside her clanmates. her legs ache with disuse, but she relishes in the pain, chilled air buffeting her fur, green eyes wide and wary. as the tidal swept clan leaps into the frey, the femme charges with, weaving through bundles of shredded fur, yowls and screams splitting the windless winter air. the medicine den is where she's headed, taking stock of everything going on as she travels. the nursery is well defended, most warriors luring their attackers away from those precious lives who sit inside. the healer's den is left open, vulnerable, except for its bristling inhabitant. dawnglare, one she's never spoken to, yet he is respected by her nonetheless. the medicine cat ripples with anger, his voice stuttering out incomprehensibly, and willowroot chooses at that moment to join him.

claws like fierce daggers slide from their sheaths, pearly white fangs revealed as lips lift in a snarl, daring any moorland hare to approach the sacred den. just as she settles back to swat eager paws away, an apprentice streaks towards the exit, precious cargo in her jaws, and fury rises again. the smoke feline nods once to dawnglare and takes off after the young one. cicadastar is faster- he lunges and pummels the apprentice into the ground before streaking off again. the lead warrior dashes to the site, joining hailstone in the race to retrieve the herbs. should she get the chance, the femme will attempt to pin @icepaw where she lays, paw on her chest and legs locked. "hand over the herbs," she'll hiss. there's no way she's hurting this child more than she has to, but fear is everything, and the goddess looks every bit feral.

// attempting to pin @icepaw and get the herbs back after cicadastar knocked her over, open to attacks from windclanners

♚ When poor Greenpaw made his way into their camp, alerting Cicadastar and the others that WindClan had invaded SkyClan's camp, Hyacinthbreath was appalled. Her WindClan, which she so lovingly was apart of a moon ago? Which she helped create, alongside the Queen she so loved? She shakes her head as she races after Cicadastar, hot on his heels. Snow parts beneath her paws, and down Hyacinth goes into the white flurries. Small body pushing until it aches, until she forces her way out and looks around the clearing. Not safe, not safe.

"What the hell are you doing?!" She shouts at the cats once her family, enraged by their desperation. All of this, for herbs? Herbs that Dandelionwish would have to use on them anyways, because of their new wounds? Who put them up to this, this time? Her eyes search wildly, but blood cakes the snow all around, and she's reminded of how much she hates this. Cicada calls for them to join the fight, and Hyacinthbreath can't find it in her to show mercy. As much as she couldn't stand being in the same presence as Blazestar, he didn't deserve to be raided by WindClan.

You all don't deserve to suffer, but this isn't the way.

Her head swings. "Yessir!" Her reply is yowled back, affirmative; Cicada orders, and the soldier dashes into the battle after the other River-dwellers. She spots the blue tabby, remembers the flicker of his parting words to her. Weak-minded, He'd called her. "JUNIPERFROST!" Shrieks the accented tune, a song of war- of bubbling hatred. Wisteriapaw was gone, and her family was suffering because of this winter. Tunnel-vision kicks into overdrive, and her breath grows heated from fury. Quick like lightning, Hyacinthbreath darts across camp and aims to launch herself onto the blue tabby's back, claws scrabbling to find purchase and dig wildly into the tom's shoulders. Her teeth attempt to find purchase at the back of his neck, attempting to distract him from Bearheart. "You- Stupid. FOOL!" She growls, pupils narrowed into furious slits.

// Attempting to jump onto @Juniperfrost 's back from behind! Injuries done to her face (ears are allowed) and chest are not permitted, but anything else that isn't fatal is a go!​

❝ there are wounds inside me, gaping holes of disconnect.
can you drown inside your own body? can you suffocate within this mind? ❞

The unfamiliar tang of blood swarms her tongue. She is unsure how to feel for a moment and her grip loosens, if only for a moment. This whole battle is chaotic and confusing, but at least Howlpaw has done something! And even though she's not sure how to feel about wounding someone, it fills her with an odd sense of pride to have dealt some damage.

Or at least it does for a fleeting moment until Snowspark reflexively kicks out, and one of his paws catches her in the face. She yelps in surprise and stumbles back, already beginning to feel a throbbing pain across her nose. A small red bead of blood drips down from the fresh cut on her nose and down her chin. Realising she's been hit, she stares wide-eyed at the WindClan warrior for a moment, before her brow creases in a quiet fury. "YOU-" She shrieks. The torbie apprentice is about to pounce on him again, rejoining Sheepcurl, when the WindClan warrior is dragged away by the uncharacteristically enraged Morningbird. The older tom has the WindClan attacker pinned and at his mercy. Howlpaw does not see him get attacked, but she cheers her support for her SkyClan comrade. "Go Morningbird!" She cheers. "Show that mangy, hare-munching cat why they shouldn't mess with SkyClan!"

// responding to @snowspark. and reacting to the intervention from @MORNINGBIRD
Nightmareface is quivering with excitement as they draw nearer to the camp. The adrenaline running through her system is evident in the excess moisture coming from her jaws. It dribbles down her chin, through exposed teeth as she grins wildly. Her mismatched eyes are narrowed devilishly as she halts outside the camp walls, waiting for the signal....There! There it is! Bursting into laughter, the tiny molly barrels through the camp entrance along with her clanmates, skinny tail lashing wildly behind her. Immediately, the clearing is thrown into chaos. Fellow WindClanners engage in battle on their way to the medicine den - that hazel bush standing alone. As she runs, she collides with an NPC SkyClanner, spending several moments tussling and hissing. Fur flies, and finally she kicks the warrior away.

Wide grin still present, the senior warrior looks around once more and her eyes land on her apprentice, pinned beneath a RiverClanner? She doesn't have time to be confused; she wastes no time in attempting to bowl the she-cat off of Icepaw. Whether successful or not, she continues towards her goal: the medicine cat's den. The woman slips inside and clumsily locates the herbs. After taking a mouthful of the sweet-smelling catmint in drooling jaws, she's whirling around, expecting to have a clear path out.

// Attacking @willowroot to defend @icepaw ; please let @DAWNGLARE attack first!
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Dead-eyed stare. No, he can't quite watch the elder with the same enthusiasm Howlpaw did. An unsteady gaze rakes upon the scene. Rooted in place, the way he is now. Still, aside from the quiver of his tail. Noisy, noisy, it never quite dies away. Retribution crashes from above, but oh, it only expands the cacophony of nonsense. Crescendoing into something defining, crashing sound. Through it all, the only thing that breaks him free is the wormy slide into his den. Despite the chaos, the smallest of shadows seems to split by, and, oh, so foolish, her dull eyes don't expect the resistance she's earned. Wasn't that it?

The peep of a white face from his den's gaping maw, laden with herbs, is all he needs to see. Inching across his face. Gnawing at the back of his head, Not a second, not a moment of manners. Spit-soaked herbs now, the gall to claim what is not her. There's a half-bitten hiss of a threat, words he could not quite place. Eyes blazing, he surges forward without any further thought. She just wanted her gone, wanted her dead wanted her greedy maw away from his things His mind burns with a thousand words and a thousand curses, prayers, calls to the stars that this one would die in a pool of her own blood, and slip wordlessly into the earth along with her excuse for a medicine cat.

It's without rhyme or reason, simply the desire to punish and to reclaim. But oh, he has surprise. He has his teeth and his claws outstretched. The upper hand he has, size remain an advantage. If the stars smile upon him, he'd manage to bowl her over.

[ slapping @NIGHTMAREFACE IRL!! ]

// this can be safely ignored! this takes place just out of camp and is uninvolved in the fighting. tdlr- hes a coward.

It was dreadfully cold. Winterwink’s face had grown aslant with shock as snow sunk the view from his window. Moons past, he may have grown satisfied at the sight but his recent exertions had fostered a quaint worry for his forest ‘friends’. The more he languished upon his silken throws, the more the curiosity, concern even, had flourished.

And so he drafted a plan, to shadow his keepers and watch whatever imagery they did. That way he could valiantly arrive at camp and regale them with tales of enormous lizards and rose-frilled twolegs- fresh stories imprinted within him, painted in the stripes of his pelt. It would be his best work. Entertainment, to tide their hardy, warrior selves over until this blizzard passed. A selfless act… Sighs, dreamy, punctuated much of the process.

Now the tom trekked through the pine forest, falling prey several times to rather annoying snowbanks. The frost that burnt beneath his collar, a particularly flamboyant viridian piece adorned with a delicate cape, could not quell the fever within him. Winterwink would save these cats from their boredom.

Yowls cracked the veneer of his plan however. Cries of shock- of pain. A pewter paw rose to take another step, only to waver. The panic poured down the rise, directly from the very camp he sought. Perhaps he should assist, perhaps…

Winterwink turned tail. The snow was less fanciful now, a dousing of ash along his ice-crust spine. Ah well, there goes his muse. He didn’t mind, he knew those feral cats were a risk-ridden inspiration.

Cape crooked and ears low, the tom made his slow, slow return to his nest. It would be much warmer there. Dimly, he acknowledged the tightness in his throat. It was just the cold.

  • Crying
Reactions: Floppie
The tide of war turns quickly, and it begins to sweep those of WindClan off their feet. SkyClan had called for aid. As the fight rages, he can taste new scents on the air. Salty and wet– RiverClan? They should have brought more warriors; he should have had Wolfsong at his side. A selfish desire, and not one that would have made all the difference, but he knows his own strength grows in the companionship between them. Instead he is surrounded, kept from his duty at the strength of a warrior and the persistence of an apprentice, latched onto his tail. But as he turns from Silversmoke, opening himself to the warrior's attacks to try and latch onto Twitchpaw's scruff to throw him off, he is met by yet another. The force of Smokethroat, unexpected as it was, was enough to send him rolling, the sky and branching tree limbs far above his head before he finds his paws to right himself again.

There are too many here. His warriors are trapped in a battle that there is no winning, and the few herbs that they have grabbed are in more danger than they can risk. More than that, it is Icepaw held beneath an unfamiliar shape's bulk. He cannot allow that. "WindClan! Enough! We leave, now!" Had Twitchpaw somehow managed to hold on to his tail through the roll, Sunstride will once more begin the process of removing the apprentice– otherwise, he cares only for the safety of his clanmates as they turn towards the hole in the wall they had come through.

  • ooc: knocked over by smokethroat and calling a retreat, trying to remove @TWITCHPAW and still technically fighting @SILVERSMOKE
  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, uses he - him. thirty-four moons old. warrior of windclan and former rogue.
    —— cautious of clan life, but an apt learner. encourages close bonds between clanmates.
    —— loyalty uncertain, cares for those surrounding him. undoubtedly closest to wolfsong.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red at its base and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
  • "speech"
It was time for Leechpaw to face the realization that he... was not that heavy. A season of borderline starving did not bore well for him ans his ability to keep an angry cat down. And so the consequences ensued. Unbalanced? Yes. Toppled. Not entirely. Squished into the snow by the sudden rolling? More accurate.

The dark-furred apprentice finally snarled with agitation, flailing claws catching the skin of his matted chest and front legs where fur was thin. Blood appeared in the grooves left behind, soon to be dripping down and staining the snow like the rest of the wounded. Yet it wasn’t the pain that upset him. He was embarrassed, humiliated by this scum-of-the-earth Windclanner. His back was flat against the snow, body half-buried along with Coyotepaw in the furious tussle. He shoved himself upward, jaws lurching forward at the same time to attach around his opponent's neck. There was some miscalculation, however. If he bit down at all, he would bite down on the other boy's cheek and pulled hard. And true to his namesake, he wouldn't let go until enough blood had been spilled, shaking his head like a dog. It didn't matter, as long as he got to taste blood by the end of this. His claws sought to dig into Coyotepaw's chest, further anchoring himself to inflict as much damage as he could. A Windclan retreat had been called, though he cared little for it.

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She felt something dripping from her head..... Blood? Of course. She did hit the ground pretty hard. Her vision was blurring as she tried to stand, to get back up and fight. She was stronger than this! Better than this!

What happened to the cat that could take two cats at once, could leap and prance like a deer around her enemies?

She wanted to cry.

Trying to focus her vision, she recognized a familiar golden pelt.... Coyotepaw?

Yes. That's who that was. With the Windclan scum. She gave him a sorrowful look as she felt her conscious fading.

"Your mother is weeping in her grave....." She said, mostly to herself, but could easily be heard by others.

Finally she collapsed into the snow, unconscious.
His wounds were starting to catch up to him, slowing him down. Maybe that's why he didn't notice the jaws about to clamp down on his tail, too focused on the current threats surrounding him. And then something popped ― a horribly, grisly crack that sent electrifying pain up his entire spine from a single crooked vertebra. Snowspark didn't have the time to gasp, flung away from his present battle and right into a new one. For the second time that night, he found himself stunned and scrambling to get up in the snow, legs pointed toward the cloud-concealed sky. This time, he wasn't allowed to.

A weighty paw stepped onto his throat, practically stomping down on his windpipe. Through the haze of adrenaline, a face full of hatred and anger loomed above him, responsible for his sharp lack of air. Snowspark gasped, unable to inhale as the bruising pressure increased more and more. The elder's seething words reached his ears, distantly, but his mind was far more preoccupied with the newfound ache in his lungs. blossoming just like the crimson bites and scratches inflicted upon his flanks and leaking into the snow. Snowspark thrashed, flailed, anything to get Morningbird to release his neck. Even as his eyes bulged, pupils threatening to roll back into his skull, he couldn't loosen the elder's grip. Desperate claws lashed out, snagging on the skin and slicing his strangler's collarbone enough for the resulting blood to spatter his front.

A grainy darkness started to encroach on the edges of his vision, his pounding heart roaring in his ears. He didn't want to die, not like this. He hadn't even lived that much yet! He didn't... it wasn't supposed to end this way. Not in an unfamiliar camp, not over stupid plants. Snowspark choked, expression contorting as his mouth stretched wide, a last resort to breathe that still failed. His lungs were burning now, uselessly contracting with no oxygen to filter. His hindlegs jerked into action, all his remaining strength focusing into the first upward kick to the elder's stomach. And he kept kicking and kicking and kicking...

The weight on his throat lifted. Snowspark sucked in a deep breath, the air too crisp and cold and sharp to be truly satisfying. The oxygen raked across his lungs, stinging his nose, his mouth, and his nearly-crushed airway. With watery eyes, he rolled away and onto his side, sprawling despite the war still raging around him. He could hear the snow shifting behind him ― in some sense, he could recognize that he was covered in blood, not entirely his own, staining the stark-white pelt he was named for. He panted like he just ran a marathon lap across all five clans, yet he couldn't just lay there. The moor-runner forced himself to drag himself up from the snow to stand on liquified legs, his steps trembling as he limped away from the scene. Leave, he was supposed to leave now. Did they get the catmint? Snowspark wheezed, staring foggily at the stretch of land between the camp and his safety. Drumming up the remnants of his energy, he started to run yet again, only intent on the exit. There was nothing like the adrenaline of a near-death experience to motivate a cat through the pain. Although his pace was far more haggard than when he first intruded on the camp, he still retained some of his original speed. If only the entrance wasn't blocked.

trying to leave after escaping @MORNINGBIRD, feel free for one final attack on him

It felt like the world had begun to ignore time. One second she was talking with the elders about her worries, curled up in Morningbird's fur, and then the next she was shoved into Soil's care. He murmurs assurances, but as she begins to hear the battle raging on she cannot trust them.

"I love you, I'll see you soon, I promise."

When did she last tell her grandpa she loved him? When was it that she laid the fact they both knew so plainly before him. When? Her nose fills with the scent of blood and its nauseating. Its too rich, far more than would ever be spilled by any prey. Its not as overwhelming as it had been when Morningpaw died, but it makes the molly stagger when she gets to her paws.

"I am going to love you until the stars fall and the sky becomes empty, please, please do not follow me."

She can hear her grandfather yelling, scorning the intruders, can hear Howlpaw cheering him on as new voices join the fray. Things look hopeful and the apprentice's hope is contageous, its naively uplifting. It makes her bound forward and slip under Soil's blockade to even just get a glimpse of what true victory must look like. 'Yeah! We'll send those Windclan ruffians packing!! I bet they didn't know what hit them, being bested by elders and apprentices and-'

"Don't cry... Dawnglare. Tell them. No....crying."

Cardinal feathers are falling, becoming wet from the snow, from the blood, and her face falls with them. White powder sprays out as she watches her grandpa collpase into the snow, warmth blooming from him in a way she should've never seen. Mushroomkit can do nothing but watch for a moment, eyes filled with terror. "The wind can howl all it wants, but the mountain cannot bow to it." She remembers a line from a story, and it is being proven wrong. Here is a mountain bowing, collapsing in the face of the wind and there's cotton in her ears. Someone is screaming, her face feels hot and her throat hurts.

She is screaming, she is crying, and the shrill grief of a child pierces the silence of the blizzard as she, tears running down her cheeks, shoves through the snow to her grandfather's side. "No no no no grandpa please!" What did they do when they brought Morningpaw in, what had-

Nothing. They had done nothing. She was too far gone when she came in, they did nothing because there was nothing to be done.

"I-I don't- Help...please." Her voice is a raspy whisper, white paws staining red as she presses her paws to try and keep the blood inside. "Please help."

//gramps is gonna be just fine guys! Mushroomkit's pov is an unreliable narrator due to her age and previous trauma, he'll pull through this due to the wounds not being greivously deep, just moderately.
FINAL WOUND COUNT: Collarbone scratch and several long scratches to his stomach


Icepaw is being bombarded by cats, Snowspark is practically buried in teeth and claws, he is faintly aware that Coyotepaw is finally fighting and a rare burst of pride rises in his chest before there are claws on his back. A black shape collides with his sister, a silver with him, over the chaos he had not heard the molly's furious scream of his name but if he had he might have been better prepared for the fury now battering down on his spine. Juniperfrost dropped his legs down and rolled to force her off, dislodge her somehow they were standing face to face and he snarled at the obvious RiverClan scent on her pelt.
"How quickly you turned traitorous, but then again you always were you bleedingheart little wretch."
The blue tom hears Sunstride's voice, a rising sun, a chorus; they are to leave now but his ice blue eyes dart from Hyacinthbreath to his clanmates still entangled in combat. Snowspark seems to have managed to free himself, retreating bloodied from an orange body; Icepaw is still running with Nightmareface not far behind after the rogue mongrel finally managed her way into the den to grab something. The ticked tom ponders if he has the time to dart in himself, but with RiverClan now here he can barely get in a good solid strike on silver lynx before he too is forced to turn to follow.
His claws outstretch and he swings merciless at her flanks as he darts by, his back burning and his teeth set in a snarl. Were it not for the order to leave he'd have torn her to shreds but he can leave her a gift at least.

"These herbs might have saved your son, but with such weak genetics I doubt much could have been done."
Juniperfrost turns from her, moving to attempt to barrel into @leechpaw. to give Coyotepaw a moment to get free and join the retreat.
TAGS [ tldr: knocked to the ground by cicadastar, got up and kept running for the exit until she was stopped by hailstone's attack. dodged it and turned to flee in the opposite direction, but tripped and fell; subsequently pinned down by willowroot. escaped thanks to nightmareface's interruption; currently running around with snowspark and waiting for an opportunity to flee the camp. ]

It's not long at all before someone notices her — just her luck. Her stomach flips when she hears the shout, upon which she looks over her shoulder to see another apprentice giving chase. Breathing heavily through her nose, she puts on an extra burst of speed, kicking up snow in her wake. They're young — easy to outpace. But then they alert everyone, sending a ripple of fear through her small frame. Just keep moving. She redirects her pale gaze forward — and is suddenly slammed by something solid and strong. The force shoves her roughly away, throwing her legs out from under her and sending her sprawling on the ground. Karma, she thinks vaguely. The impact knocks the wind out of her, and the herbs out of her mouth.

She gasps at the sight of her assailant towering over her with a fearsome expression, one that's difficult to lock onto when the world is spinning from the fall. Her dizziness doesn't make it easy to reorient herself, but after a few long moments she shoots out a forepaw to pull the scattered catmint back into her jaws, which she clenches tightly to secure the leaves between her teeth. The next challenge is getting back on her feet; eventually she manages to clumsily drag herself up to her full (unimpressive) height as quick as she can and then takes off again on unsteady paws, nearly tripping and falling over in the process. It would be insanely embarrassing if she didn't have literally everything else to worry about.

There's the exit! She's so close to freedom, she can almost taste it... until a dark-furred warrior suddenly passes her and turns to block her path through the bramble entryway. It takes all of her self-control not to part her jaws as she gasps again, spinning around and running away to avoid the tomcat's slashing claws. Even if she had the skill or confidence to fight him, it would be foolish to risk her precious cargo. With any luck, a WindClanner will lure him away at some point, but in the meantime all she can do is keep circling the camp and avoiding any attackers who try to stop her.

This is short-lived; between the snowy terrain, her panic, and her lingering instability from her prior fall, it's inevitable when she trips and tumbles unceremoniously to the ground again. This time she manages to cling onto the herbs, but not without her chin slamming against the earth. She grits her teeth as pain flashes through her muzzle and tries to stand, but paws slam her back down before she can get very far, pressing down on her chest with a force that makes it hard to breathe. It doesn't help that she's so out of breath already from all the movement and fear. The hissed demand is frightening, as is the furious look on the molly's face; if this weren't a life or death situation, with so many sick clanmates at home, there's a good chance she would've relented and handed over the catmint to save her skin — or at least considered it. But that's not an option, so she holds firm and attempts to scratch at @willowroot with a dainty, clawed forepaw.

She's starting to lose hope when suddenly another cat joins the fray, but this time the attack is directed toward Icepaw's assailant, thank StarClan. The relief she feels at the sight of her mentor's drooling face is unmatched; she could cry tears of happiness as she manages to wriggle away amid the diversion and make yet another run for it. It's not long after that Sunstride's voice roars over the battle's cacophony, commanding them to retreat. It's no wonder — it feels like the amount of cats on the battlefield has doubled since the WindClanners first arrived.

There's still the issue of the exit being blocked, but Icepaw has absolutely no intention of being the cat to clear the path; she's far from the strongest patrol member and she doesn't have it in her to intentionally try luring the warrior away. Instead she just goes back to aimlessly running about to avoid being stopped, ultimately catching up with Snowspark and trying to keep pace with him for extra protection — strength in numbers. He's pretty battered, though, and losing steam. Maybe not too much strength, then. But, if push comes to shove, she'll do what she can to help him.
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RiverClan! Even with the stench of iron on the air, the smell of their neighbours was overwhelming as they rushed past the fighting trio. Silversmoke didn't know their intentions at first until one such warrior charged past Sunstride and left him with another opening. Yet he didn't take it before the call for a retreat was sounded, and triumph filled the blue tabby's thoughts. He did not know what had happened behind him in the camp, caterwauls and cries were plentiful but he had to hope, in a moment when he could not turn around, the RiverClanners had done their jobs and protected both kit and kittypet alike. He lurched forwards one last time, aiming to sink his teeth firmly into the back of @SUNSTRIDE's leg for all but a moment before releasing the WindClanner if he was successful - a harsh attempt at a warning bite to all but confirm SkyClan's victory in defending their camp. His mismatched gaze first latched onto Twitchpaw, assessing the apprentice for injury and offering him a stiff nod now that his emotions were beginning to stabilise again. His breath was still ragged and uneven, condensing in the air before him as he turned his large head back towards the camp.

Furious eyes lock onto Icepaw, then, they find Mushroomkit, frantic in the snow as she tried to tend to the elder. She is distraught, and it shocks the blue tabby to his core - was the old cat... dead? Silversmoke's teeth grit in frustration, and letting out a frustrated hiss, he abandoned his post near the camp's entrance. Damn the herbs, WindClan could keep the wretched lot if they wouldn't help the wounded, he needed to make sure his clanmates were safe. He did not know what happened, why Morningbird was in the snow, or why Mushroomkit was by his side, the confusion was clear in his widened gaze and lopsided ears. The cold bit at fresh wounds on his thigh, still, he did not look at his own bloodied leg. It looked worse than it felt, perpetual pain had been a part of the feline's life since Slate cut open his face, he could put off dealing with new problems until the rest of SkyClan was fine. Skidding to a halt next to the pair, kicking up snow as he went, Silversmoke's pupils rapidly shifted from left to right as he assessed the fallen elder.

It didn't take long for him to realise that Morning was still alive, a large weight lifted off he marbled tabby's chest, but he was aware that the feline was not out of the woods yet. Crouching by Morningbird's side, his long fur hoping to press against him to keep the elder warm, the spotted tabby aimed to firmly press the bottom of his muzzle against the worst injury he could spot. "Wait for an opening. Then get Dawnglare." He ordered Mushroomkit, hoping the task would not endanger her any further. WindClan had called the retreat, he thought it would be fine but... a small bit of doubt still nagged him when he remembered that WindClan had the morality of a rabid badger. "I'll make sure nothing happens to him, I promise."


Jaws fastened, he made contact, even through a mouthful of fur. But still- if he wasn't in the heat of battle, he'd have been celebrating, because when it mattered- when it really mattered, he'd landed a hit. That triumph could not be felt, yet, though- for they had not won. WindClan still descended upon their camp, eclipse; he could not think about anything else except what he was doing. NO was Daisyflight alright, was Quillpaw alright. Only the complete clamp of his teeth, the concentration in an iron grip-

And then Smokethroat shoved, and down went the WindClan warrior. The snow cushioned his blow from the fall, but he went rolling too, snow sent spinning into plumes all around him. For a moment he felt as if he was underwater, sinking- unable to swim, unable to breathe- and like a whip he stood, shattering his stupor and letting his wild gaze settle upon... whatever might be waiting for him. Frantically, his attention skittered about, settling upon the Windclanner as he called for retreat, began his exit. And then to Silversmoke did he look, breath heaving, expression agape. His jaw hurt. His rib hurt- he... he nodded in return.

He smelled blood on the air- was inclined to follow Silversmoke, breath shuddering when he saw the blood spanning like cardinal wings from Morningbird's chest. His breath hitched a moment, but- but he had to help too, right? Even if he knew nothing about medicine. What he did know was battle, or some aspects of it anyway, and he could... do that. "M-me too," he affirmed, brisk nod of his head accompanying his words. A hope sparked in him that his adrenaline might last a few seconds longer.
penned by pin ✧
She freezes, crazed eyes glancing not at, but up at a mountainous figure. Fur bristling, she attempts to skitter backwards but she isn't fast enough. He bowls her over, knocking her to the ground and with the impact, the stems fly from her jaws. An angry yowl erupts from her as the warrior lashes out with unsheathed claws, batting wildly at the air above her and hopefully striking something with one of her many flailing paws. As soon as there's an opening, she takes it, snatching up several green and purple stems in slobbering jaws. "Move it, sap-breath!" She shrieks as she scrambles out from the tangy-smelling den.

She hears the call for retreat and immediately blue and yellow eyes find the exit amidst the chaos. Cackles break free from chattering teeth. The woman lurches forward, joining the swarm of WindClanners in their escape. Something powerful, a SkyClanner, slams into her side, sending her flying in her momentum. Nightmareface tumbles forward, somersaulting with a grunt. As soon as she rights herself, she pushes off towards the exit again, leaving behind a few stray stems in her wake.

// attacking @DAWNGLARE ; SkyClanner can be anyone! Stems of catmint dropped for someone planned in WindClan to snatch up; she still holds herbs in her mouth.
I won't apologize for being who I am
Coyotepaw's ears fall flat during the duration of their tussle. As he turns his head the boy analysis what his opponent would do next after being shoved apart. Seeing the lunge coming toward him his eyes widen as fangs draw near and he jerks his head to the side, feeling the graze of the older boy's maw brush his cheek. He could not however dodge Leechpaw's claws and he felt the pinprick grip dig ever deeper into the thick fur of his chest. No doubt blood welled up in beads beneath his cram colored fur as he extended his claws and aimed to swipe a heavy blow across the riverclanner's shoulder. He can hear Sunstride's call for retreat overtop the sound of battle but he could not find a break in the other boy's defenses to slip away. Eventually Juniperfrost arrives, aiming to knock Leechpaw off of him and Coyote doesn't waste time kicking away from his opponent.

Whether his father's attack landed of not, he is scrambling to his paws and putting distance between himself and the ashen apprentice. His sides are heaving, lungs gulping down air before his eyes land on Amanita. He words do not escape his ears and he finds himself recoiling at the statement, grimacing. Did she think him ignorant of the fact? He already knew Leopardcloud would've been upset to see him like this, he didn't want to be in this position. But he had no say against the likes of Sootstar, Badgermoon, and Juniperfrost. None whatsoever. He watches her collapse to the ground with a shuddering inhale and guilt washes over him anew. Mint green eyes flicker towards a weeping Mushroomkit and her seemingly lifeless grandfather along with any others favoring their wounds. This was his fault. If he'd rebelled one last time then perhaps this stealth patrol wouldn't be here, yet he was afraid of the consequences that would follow suit. "I'm sorry everyone...forgive me." After staggering backwards a few steps Coyotepaw finally turns and retreats.
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you