DOVEKIT [ ♂ ] - Kit - small black tom with high-white, leaving his ears and parts of his muzzle black and freckles sprinkled along his cheeks with blue almond-shaped eyes - @DOVEKIT
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Biweekly cleaning is done! All characters with no posts in over a month were removed. If they become active again, they can be added back! Reminder that I clean the census twice a month to keep it up-to-date with currently active characters!
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FIGURED since i was adding spotflare back on the census id also update patchpaw and cherrypaw :) SO HERE YOU GO

Patchpaw - a small shorthair torbie she-cat with orange eyes, a white chest, white paws, and claw scars over her face @Patchpaw
Cherrypaw - a spindly shorthair ginger tabby tom with hazel eyes and a white throat and paws @Cherrypaw
Spotflare - a lean shorthair ginger tabby tom with dark honey eyes, a white mane and paws, and a limp @Spotflare
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