oh, you fill my head with pieces 》 FLORABREEZE


i think that your mind is gone
Jul 17, 2024
As soon as Kite heard the rustling of fronds and the indiscernible meows of Skyclan's finest in the near distance, Kite was on their paws at once. Kite purrs lightly, bounding their way through the throng of cats who pressed through the camp's entrance. They waited (impatiently) for the lovely face of Florabreeze. "Welcome back," Kite calls softly as they catch sight of their friend. The tabby's heart flutters erratically as moonlight casts an illuminating silver glow over Florabreeze's masked face, the effect of such a sight results in a tight-lipped smile and a less subtle, excited whisk of their tail.

"How was it... as a lead warrior?" Kite asks as they brush their head against the Maine Coon's shoulder, guiding her towards a quieter and less excitable part of camp. As they walk in sync, Kite nudges their nose into the crook of Florabreeze's neck, nostrils flaring as they inhale the muddied scent of Four Trees- the clearing they've only seen from afar but hopes to sit visit soon. Kite is glad Florabreeze does not mind the way in which they sit too close when they speak, their dulled expressions and the strange way they smell, taking in the world (and the way in which her friend experiences it) through their sensitive nose.

Earlier in the day, the two agreed to steal some time for themselves after the gathering and before Florabreeze went away, leaving for her other life without Kite. Kite sits down next to Florabreeze and lays down on their side, blinking up at their friend as they search for words. With an undertone of nervousness in Kite's voice, they murmur, "I'm really..." Proud? Enamored? Scared... Happy "...I was so... happy to hear Orangestar appoint you as lead warrior. I am... I think that is so... cool."

Cool!? Kite's ears shoot backwards as the word leaves their mouth and they shrink into their dark fur. They likely picked up the word from one of the younger members of the clan they speak with... never has this word been apart of their vocabulary until now. Instead of just continuing to stare at Florabreeze blankly, Kite lurches forward. In a quick movement, Kite throws their muscular forearms around Florabreeze's neck and tries to use their strength to gently pull the she-cat into the ground. Maybe the surprise will make Florabreeze forget her use of such an unfamiliar word.

  • @Florabreeze
  • — black tabby with a small stature and compact muscles ; TAGS
    — 39, ages every 21st
    — peaceful powerplay allowed

While Florabreeze had found the gathering interesting and enjoyable enough she found herself growing antsy in anticipation as it went on, anticipation for what? She wasn't really sure, all she could really think about with each new cat spoke with and with hearing new information that she was excited to tell Kite about it. So by the time she reached camp with the rest of those in attendance tonight she found that she had an extra pep in her step. The reasoning behind such a good mood came in the form of a black tabby with an unusually soft expression, despite their best efforts to hide it. An unusually soft expression... for her, at least she assumed so since she didn't normally see them look at anyone but her in that manner.

"I'm not keeping you up am I?" She purrs with a grin, nodding at the others as a form of goodbye before turning her attention completely to Kite. She only beams at them as they brush their head against her shoulder, following their lead as the pair part from the group. She takes the time to admire them under the gaze of the moon, she always had an appreciation to see her clanmates at night. This was something that she rarely got to see due to the constraints of being a daylighter, there was a certain beauty to the night, one she hadn't been able to admire for a while. It felt extra special with Kite, she kept noticing how seamlessly it would be for them to slip into the darker recesses of the night if they so wanted.

"It was, really no different then a normal gathering. I guess it felt different?" She shrugs, a trill of a purr filling the air around them as Kite nudges their nose against her neck. It had never really been something that Florabreeze minded, especially since she had slowly started to realise just where her heart laid with them. Beyond the precipice of friendship and into that murky unknown territory, the one that had caused her and her ex-mate to part ways.

"Well it was strange to be called a lead warrior in front of the other clans, apart from that it feels no different" her confession comes with a chuckle, with a flick of her tail she sprawls against her friend. She rests her tail across Kite's back, a make shift cover against the chill of the leaf-fall night. Their murmur causes her head to tilt curiously as she watches them speak with interest. "Ah- thank you, I... It means a lot to hear that you're happy" she completely misses the term of cool until a beat passes between them.

"Cool?" She's brought to a pause as the word registers, in that same moment she is gently pulled to the ground, wrestled by the much more muscular Kite. "Kite- hey!" She cries out in a fit of giggling as she tries to playfully bat her off. There's no real power behind her attempts, relenting to the whims of the black tabby.

Her tail curls around their hind leg as she eventually gives up on trying to push them away. "I uh- I have something I wanted to talk to you about, if it isn't too late" too late in the evening or too late in general? She wasn't too sure, but she asks regardless. "Do you... What do you think about love?" Florabreeze felt kittish to be asking about this, conversations like this were never her strong suit and she's only been worse with it since her most recent relationship ended.

  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her || Daylight Lead Warrior of SkyClan || 36 moons
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw & Sfogliatella
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}