ONLY PLACE I CALL HOME ✧ pre-gathering chatter

The undergrowth rustles as a patrol of cats make their way to Fourtrees. Shadows with moonlit eyes crest the hill and pause. A scarred dark tabby leads the procession, his expression solemn. He had always wanted to lead ThunderClan to the Gathering, to be front and center, a star at its helm, but the cost is too heavy this time. A weight tugs at his paws even as he forces them forward. Stars, but we have lost so much.Remember, we are strong in spite of everything that’s happened,” he murmurs to his Clanmates, his tail pluming behind him. He searches for Nightbird, attempts to draw strength from the silver glaze of her eyes, and leads the cats down the hill. “They don’t need to know our every weakness.” It’s a gentle enough reminder—he trusts those present not to reveal too much.

The scent of other Clans begins to infect the clearing. He searches for the warriors he knows, dark eyes skimming over the influx of cats. Raccoonstripe will steadily meet the gaze of any cat who would question him as ThunderClan’s acting leader, his chin tilted proudly skyward. Despite the hardship they had faced this moon, he will make his Clan proud as their representative. He will exhibit all the power and dignity that Howlingstar would have, had she been well enough to attend.

  • ooc: mentioning @nightbird but open for interactions!! let's get this party started!!
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  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 37 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring none ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.


It wasn't fear that shook him a much, tonight... just the normal jittering. To the cats of the other clans who didn't know him very well, though- Twitchbolt was very aware that his shaking made him look like a pathetic coward. Less overwhelming as his duties are this moon, he still stepped into the moonlit clearing with some amount of trepidation, the glimmer of uncertainty in his eye. Pumpkinpaw at his heels, wide green eyes drifted over to where the deputies were seated- he looked to his apprentice, and then to its sister who trotted beside Orangestar. "You can stick together," he said, acting out his words as he said them- a trembling paw pointed to Springpaw, motioning between her and Pumpkinpaw. "Or, you can come with me," he murmured, flicking his tail. The choice was Pumpkinpaw's... and he trusted they would be safe, whichever they picked.

Padding over to where the deputies stood, Twitchbolt searched specifically for a flicker of ginger, but found only blue instead, ThunderClan scent clinging to him. Flycatcher... and as he looked to the leaders, though the cat helming ThunderClan resembled Howlingstar, he decidedly wasn't her. "No... no Howlingstar or Flamewhisker?" his voice was a coarse croak, and spasms of stress already began to skim his pelt. Something awful had happened, hadn't it? Some other slaughter, or... or untimely demise... he'd a bad feeling for a reason!

All of a sudden it felt like there were ants beneath his pelt, and Twitchbolt jerked violently. "Everything's- is everything alright?" He wasn't trying to be nosy, but it probably sounded like it, didn't it? Like he was prying for ThunderClan's weakness, plotting some attack- oh, it'd sound awful, and he'd land SkyClan in trouble for it, and- he'd prove immediately he was not worthy of his honour. Swallowing, Twitchbolt became doggedly desperate for another deputy to chip in, soon. Another, as if he should be one at all...

\ briefly interacting with @PUMPKINPAW and @Springpaw ; is now speaking to @Flycatcher but still open to interacts B)
penned by pin ✧

The scent of several intermingled clans began to bathe the cream spotted tom as he stepped into the crowded clearing. Mint green eyes trail over thunderclan cresting over the hill with a scrutinizing gaze. Both Howlingstar and her deputy were missing. While it was certainly odd he was sure that perhaps all would be revealed once announcements officially began. Besides, Twitchbolt wasted no time making his way over to where Flycatcher stood, undoubtedly gathering information on the matter. Turning his attention away for now he focused on the apprentice at his side. His son. A gentle smile tugs at cream lips as he flicks his tail toward the crowd. "Go on and enjoy yourself, I won't be far." This was Blazingpaw's first gathering and he hoped the young tom would enjoy it. He could vividly remember the excitement he felt when Thistleback brought him to his first. Slowly he lowered himself into a seated position and gave his son an encouraging nod. Although if he decided to stick close by him Coyotecrest certainly wouldn't mind it.
(talking to @BLAZINGPAW but open to interactions)
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   skyclan warrior / twentyone moons old / he/him  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  

sun - touched ginger and black part the ferns bristling the outskirts of fourtrees — never quite shadowlike, too large to slip anywhere unnoticed, too doused in forest scent to avoid drawing eyes. it’s the first gathering that freckleflame finds herself looking away from the warriors already gathered, avoids catching any wandering eyes. a dull, absent nod to raccoonstripe is all she can offer, managing not even the strength to even pretend to try. loss radiates from him, from her, from all of them — they’d sacrificed too much, yet life continues on regardless of how much she wanted to sit, to kick her feet and refuse to move until something changed. she parts the chocolate tabby’s side still thinking of her father, of howlingstar, of duskbird, who she suddenly can’t stop picturing as the mottled kit she’d once known him as.

the tortoiseshell finds herself a place near the front, looking deflated and miserable as she felt.

  • i. please interact with her she’s so sad and vulnerable

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    she / her, eldest daughter of rabbitnose and the late sunfreckle. big, fluffy cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. larger than life! each and every part of her is broad ; wide in everything from her face to shoulders to her feathered tail, something reminiscent of her father’s kittypet heritage in the square of her chin and hulk of her figure. she appears illusionarily fluff - ridden at first, thickly pelted in shades of fire and soot, long & tangled, knotted with undergrowth — seeming soft and pudgy, and she is.. that figure curving into hard, hidden bulk along heavyset flanks and well - muscled limbs. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers.
    grieving. all opinions are solely in - character and during these times, often untrue or said only in anger.


Robinheart may have mentally noted this gathering as a momentous occasion had her mind not been filled with busy thoughts and subtle anxieties. Her first gathering as a warrior (her injuries from the rogue ambush kept her from attending last month's gathering) and the first gathering she has attended in... months. The tortoiseshell feels like she could recall attending one as a newly named apprentice but the memory is hazy at best - clouded by the mistakes she made after and the penitence she paid to get to where she was today. Robinheart keeps pace with her fellow Riverclanners as they filter in, some branching off to speak with acquaintances and others finding seats to wait for announcements.

She isn't quite sure what to do in such a crowd. Robinheart wishes Brookstorm had been able to come - she wishes to brush against the stony blue molly's side and find comfort in her presence. But such was not possible right now. So she stands awkwardly off to the side, plumy tail swaying ever so gently behind her as citrine eyes scan the area for a friendly face to interact with. Might as well get to know some of the other attendees considering chances to do so were few and far between. Perhaps a nice conversation would quell the anxiety quivering in her chest and stomach.

//open for interaction
( penned by kerms )

✧˖*°࿐ The Gathering is normally a time to spend time among the cats of other clans, to catch up and share kind words when they normally did not have the opportunity. But with all that ThunderClan had suffered lately, it's hard to be in the mood to reach out to others, or even part far from his clanmates, knowing what they had suffered together. The copper tom's face is set in a somber way, keeping relatively close to the group of cats that he'd arrived with. Copperfang dips his head briefly at Raccoonstripe's words, though regardless of whether the subject came up, he doubted that their grief would go unnoticed.

As a mottle of pelt colors and scents began to influx into the clearing, he inwardly began to tense as if being around cats that he didn't know very well was suddenly much more uncomfortable than it ever had been, despite his usual warmth and friendliness. The reality of loss was that everything felt stranger and emptier, and that the only true safety was those who had been through the same. Still, as the clearing begins to fill he takes a deep breath to settle himself (or steel himself, more so), sitting with his tail neatly curled around his paws.

// open for interactions! :)

Mere moons ago, Thistlepaw would have fought for the chance to be where he is now. It was every kitten's dream, wasn't it? To go to the gathering, to win a fight, to be a warrior. But the warriors around him kept dying, and Thistlepaw finds no joy in whatever this moment is. He greets Fourtrees with caution, amber eyes scanning the tree line. Every glint of entering eyes is a wolf, each smile the open maw before fangs come snapping down. He holds himself closely to Raccoonstripe's hip, though he shies away from true touch. Seeking comfort wasn't what warriors did. It wasn't what Raccoonstripe did, standing here with this burden on his shoulders but standing tall regardless.

He rolls his shoulders and straightens up. His oh-so-impressive height barely crests his mentor's shoulder. It hurts to stand like this for long. All he does is stand there for a moment, cautious gaze on the crowd, but his head slowly turns towards the dark tabby as he takes another step forward. "What do I do?" he asks quietly.

  • 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐏𝐀𝐖. HE - HIM. YOUNG APPRENTICE OF THUNDERCLAN. ————— the son of an ex-kittypet has spent most of his life confined to the medicine den. bad circumstances and worse healing left him in a limbo between life and death which he only just escaped. there's still recovering to do before his clanmates see him as anything more than a weak, sick kittypet.   PENNED BY REVELATIONS

    a prickly-furred chocolate and slate cat with amber eyes. though with a blocky, nearly bulky frame, thistlepaw has been softened, rounded, and stretched thin by his uncertain life. without work or play to thicken the pads of his paws or add strength to his limbs, his skin plays like canvas stretched taut over its frame, his fur a hazy cloak to cover the sickness. he seems soft and unwell in equal measure. certainly not an apprentice to be. . .

( ) a soft yawn stretches the jaws of the ginger tabby as he pads alongside his clan, filing into the clearing. he hasn't found himself at a gathering in some time, not that he particularly minds, but it's a welcome change of scene after the past few moons. he can't say he's well versed in other clans' members, but he recognizes raccoonstripe from patrols - howlingstar's son - and spots coyotecrest settling in as well. dual hued eyes flick down to where his apprentice trots next to him, and coyotecreek will nudge the boy. "you know smokestar was debatin' lettin ya come tonight," he murmurs, although his whiskers twitch in amusement. "yer hardly the most trusted apprentice. i expect you to be on your best behavior and at least let riverclan leave with our dignity intact, m'kay otterpaw?"

the boy and his mentor have grown closer over the moons, although coyo is certain there's some hidden resentment at the fact that otterpaw still hasn't graduated. still, he cares for his apprentice, not in the least because he is growing closer with the boy's father as well. speaking of, he glances around for pikesplash, wondering if he'll see the man or if he's off chattering already.

"go mingle, kid, just be nice, please, for my sake." with a flick of his tail against otterpaw's flank, he gives permission for the boy to wander, knowing there is a full chance that riverclan may leave early due to his actions. stars, please guide his decisions tonight. as his apprentice pads away, coyotecreek will glance around again, honey and sky eyes landing upon pale brown fur. we share a similar name, might as well get to know him, the man reasons, and approaches coyotecrest with a small dip of his head.

"greetings," he addresses the skyclanner, nodding too to the smaller tomcat nearby, the man's apprentice, presumably. "i dunno if we've ever properly talked, but i'm coyotecreek, riverclan." whiskers twitch in a hopefully shared amusement. "and yer coyotecrest, yes? how fairs skyclan this new-leaf?"

  • // interacting with @otterpaw looking for @PIKESPLASH , then talking to @Coyotecrest " speak "

  • coyotefull.png

    an orange tabby tom with white patches, and one gold eye, one blue eye. short silky fur reminisces flame and rye, darker ginger tabby stripes slicing through the lighter tone. splashes of white are strewn across his face and body, a snowbank covering the flaming base of his coat. his eyes are odd- one crystal blue, the other sunshine golden, peering with a slightly lopsided look.


Neutral, Silversmoke observed the dour faces of ThunderClanners, the absences of any respectful authority notable. The air felt thick was loss and the Lead Warrior could only be grateful that it wasn't SkyClan that had seemingly tragic news to share this time. Silversmoke situated himself in his favourite corner, eyes falling onto Crowpaw. "This is to be your last gathering as an apprentice, with any luck," he reminded the black smoke as he reclined back on his haunches. "Enjoy yourself, you may not go to as many in the future." 'Lucky Crowpaw,' he thought drolly, ears twitching. Duty often dragged the spotted tabby to gatherings moreso than a desire to socialise - he was there to protect the clan from any dissension, listen to leaders argue, then, return home. Still, wandering eyes frequently drifted to the leader's spots, particularly where Howlingstar often sat, casting the occasional leer to the familiar black tabby in her place. He'd say nothing of value to SkyClan was lost, but... it had been Howlingstar that had kept the peace. He could only hope that her (and Flamewhisker's) absences were something mundane, but they rarely ever were where gatherings were concerned. An indignant huff escaped him - this was going to be a long night.

[ sending @CROWPAW! off, open to interactions! ]
⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆
RiverClan is blessed with another easy transition into spring, with no one lost to the clutches of starvation. But even new-leaf is not without its losses... and tonight, Silverpelt shines brighter than it had last time. There is a chocolate-colored tom sitting there, watching the Gathering from up on high. How abysmal... that Smokestar would in tandem be put to announcing his death and the birth of his first grandchildren in the same breath.

Treading on paws that did not feel as weightless as they had when she'd first clambered to join the deputies, it seems SkyClan's representative has already taken to nervous conversation with Flycatcher. No Howlingstar..? The blue molly hadn't really noticed.. but now, as she glances around in a tired, sweeping gaze, that does seem to be the case. "Hm.."

She hadn't really had the chance to talk to the new SkyClan deputy since she also... had taken an unexpected break from the previous Gathering- it was easy enough to assume the same reasoning applied to the ThunderClan leader. At least she had extra lives to spare and would probably not be announced dead tonight. If they were still stubbornly clinging to Sunningrocks, things in the forest couldn't be going that badly.

Though... she didn't seem to remember their patrols along the RiverClan border being very big lately either. "Hopefully she isn't... sickly again," they offer to the awkward conversation. That had been her reasoning last time.. but yellowcough had long since come and gone and it'd be kind of embarrassing to catch greencough immediately after that, in their opinion.

Unbeknownst to her, Snakeblink had a knack for making any temporarily missing leadership sound as if they'd died. And subsequently make their return the next moon all the more surprising.

// interacting with @TWITCHBOLT and @Flycatcher but open to further interaction :)


"Hmm, it seems as though Howlingstar is not here tonight," Howlfire mumbles, as she walks with Hawkpaw into the clearing. This was to be her kits' first gathering and she had hoped to potentially formally introduce them to their great-grandmother if they had gotten the chance, but alas, it seemed those plans were dashed. She is surprised to see Raccoonstripe sat with the leaders and not Flamewhisker as the deputies usually would do in place of a missing leader. More interestingly, Flycatcher seems to be sitting back with the deputies, chatting with Twitchbolt and Lichentail. Strange, hadn't he stepped down to become a lead warrior?

Howlfire can see Coyotecrest encouraging their son to mingle and she decides to do the same with Hawkpaw. "Why don't you go and meet some of the other apprentices?" Howlfire suggested. "Don't worry, I won't be far if you need me. And Coyotecrest is just over there too." The chocolate torbie would wait as her daughter left, before sitting comfortably by herself, eyes watching to see who else was present.

/ speaking with @Hawkpaw + open to interactions!
𓆝 . ° ✦ Back again! Circe - No, Sorrelsong- holds her tail high, a proud smile radianting nothing but joy from her as she joins the other clan clans and pulls away from the other sky clanners. She had never been a chatty cat before, but Circe felt like a diffrent molly from Sorrelsong, didn't she? At least... she wanted her to be.
Blue eyes bright, the gathering of cats blurred and danced before her as a familar ringing muffled her hearing. It's just the nerves. It's okay. You're okay.
Working the dirt between her paws into a fine powder, the chocolate molly glanced between cats greeting, encouraging and introducing each other. Silver pelts and wide smiles. Surely the other cats can't be all that scary.
Her ear twitched, Twitchbolt's familar yet worried voice cutting through the soft rumble. Brow furrowing, the molly began to make her way to her fellow anxious cat. What was wrong? Twitchbolt could get worked up over small things, as could she, but both could easily handle themselves. Something had to be off, something big. Paw after small paw, Sorrelsong began to find her warrior training a bit more useful here then while hunting as she weaved between cats, picking her path over to the ginger and black tom. She glimpsed at the cat Twitchbolt had been talking to, he looked... well he looked like how Duskpool did when they talked about their family. That same sad resposibility hung in the air around him. Who was he? Was eveything okay? Were the rogues back? Fear shot through her as her heart skipped a beat, Not again! Please not again!
She dodged between two cats, looping around the back of the group to find a path to her clan mate when she paused and had to look back.
A large ribboned tortoiseshell was sat near where Sorrelsong stood. She was broad, and a fair bit away from the other clans - or really as far away from the other clans as you could get at a gathering. Sorrelsong should know, she had sat at that exact place a few times.
She was pretty - very very pretty - and that came a recovered looks-obsessed show cat, but she seemed... She seemed so sad. Sorrelsong glanced at Twitchbolt, spotting a few cats by his side, a few that could help him probably better then she. But this cat, she didn't have anyone.
"Hello," She mewed, What's wrong? She wanted to ask, instead she just simply smiled. "How are you this gathering? Thunder clan, right?" She hesitated on 'Thunder', careful to distinguish between the clan's diffrent scents.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc: — Interacting with @FRECKLEFLAME
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    Once a rather pretty brown smoked molly, Circe is unnaturally lithe and is missing large chunks of her fur. She has an oddly muscular and feminie build and small paws. — physically easy && mentally easy — Attempting to learn Sky Clan's ways — NPC x NPC : Sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang
Another gathering that Drizzlepelt is attending… sometimes it feels like he goes every moon. Not that he minds, as it makes him happy to know that he’s a respected warrior. Though he really only talks to Mosspool when he comes, this time might actually be different. This is Beetleback’s first gathering, and he offered to accompany him to teach him like Fireflypaw did for him all those moons ago. He’s still a bit weary of his fellow blue tabby, but after the flirting, it wasn’t that hard for him to discern that he’s just kind of an oddball, and not actually someone who’s spiteful.

It doesn’t help that his apprentice is almost exactly like Beetleback. Heck, Orchidpaw even flirted with him at one point! Is he really that attractive…? He doesn’t think more on that though as he barely notices that the three of them have now arrived, and he leads the three of them down to the growing crowd. “We all gather here, while the leaders of each clan deliver any news from up on that rock. It’s the only chance we, at least, get to talk with anyone from WindClan and ShadowClan, since they’re not bordering us.” He stops the explanation there for now, and nods to the two of them.

“Orchidpaw, you can go and talk with anyone you want, or stay here with us, if you’d prefer. Entirely up to you!” He hasn’t spotted Mosspool anywhere, so she most likely wouldn’t be here to converse tonight anyways. Maybe next time, he’ll hit someone up that isn’t from his own clan, or River. Beetleback is fine enough company, for now.

// OOC: With @Orchidpaw! and @BEETLEBACK

maggotfur 16 moons female she/her shadowclan warrior

Gatherings are always a strange occurence for the molly - filled with far to many tangled emotions and memories that she refuses to unravel. They are loud and messy - a jumbled mess of cats and voices and scents, easily overwhelming the senses. She's never been one to socialize, and now is hardly any different.

And yet - and yet, she had. Once. Golden and blue fur sat side by side in the shadows, enjoying the quiet, the silence - a peaceful companionship strange though it had been. But never again - trust she hadn't known she'd given shattered by halfpaw's kidnapping and subsequent return. Sunflowermask had said nothing.

Some part of maggotfur understands it's not their fault - really, would Maggotfur have done any different in their paws? - but she refuses to dwell on the real reason for the hurt. It was something that could never be anyways - she was a shadowclanner through and through. And so with head held high, she stalks into the gathering, eyes impassive and lips downturned into a scowl. " If you're going to be chattering away with apprentices all night, I suggest you find somewhere else to sit - but I will be over here, where it's quiet, " she says to @Ptarmiganpaw, voice lilting despite her cold tone.

Habits are a hard thing to break after all.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'


// open to interaction, but beware - she is not nice. please ping if interacting.
༄༄ WindClan’s gathering party is once again led not by a deputy, but by a gaggle of lead warriors—Scorchstreak included. Her pelt is for the first time not laden with dirt and mud, and instead is decorated in blooms of various colors. And also for the first time, the tunneler enters not on her own, but at the side of another she-cat. Her tricolored tail brushes against Bluepool’s as she steps into the clearing, golden eyes shining and uncharacteristically soft under the light of the full moon.

Upon looking out across the gathered cats, she does not see Howlingstar nor her deputy; at first she wonders whether ThunderClan has skipped out on this gathering entirely given their recent wolf problem, but then she spies the shadowed form of Nightbird, and the rest of the forest clan comes into view behind her. It makes sense that Flamewhisker would not be present; the deputy is too heavy with kits, certainly, if she has not already given birth to them. If she wasn’t killed by wolves. Scorchstreak discards her second line of thinking, because surely StarClan would not allow a pregnant queen to fall to wolves. Surely ThunderClan’s warriors would have done everything in their power to prevent such an outcome.

Approaching the nearest presumed ThunderClanner that she spots, the calico takes a seat before him, assuming a mirrored version of his own posture, tail tucking around her paws. She has never seen this tom before, but he carries with him the scent of the forest, and he sits nearby the rest of the clan, so she can safely assume that he is of ThunderClan. "Hello," she greets the other warrior with a polite dip of her flame-dappled head. "I am glad to hear that ThunderClan’s… wolf problem… is solved. I apologize for your losses, and I hope that there weren’t any other injuries." She knows of the cat who went over the gorge leading the charge of wolves, but Howlingstar had only spoken of three cats killed before her warriors led the pack across WindClan’s territory. Her condolences are certainly in order either way, but the true reason that she has approached this tom is her curiosity. "Is Flamewhisker well? I noticed that she hasn’t come tonight."

  • ooc: interacting with @COPPERFANG.
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    SCORCHSTREAK ❯❯ she/they, lead warrior (tunneler) of windclan
    small, slim calico with fiery golden eyes. facial expression is always devoid of emotion unless otherwise stated.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
Birchbranch padded her way forward into the clearing, stopping as she neared The Great Rock. She held her stance, head and tail held high with her ears perked and eyes wide, alert. The SkyClanner sat down eventually and began to wash a paw as she waited for a cat to approach her.
➴➴ Entering the clearing is nothing like Gravelsnap remembers it being… before. They are at once relieved and tense, the claws of anxiety plucking at their every nerve. Their pelt is more sparsely covered with blooms than their clanmates’, having only been decorated by the floating petals that had landed and stuck in their bicolored fur. Normally they would choose to walk beside Periwinklebreeze, to exist in the other tom’s space for as long as possible—but tonight he assumes the other warrior would want to walk beside Nightingalecry, and so Gravelsnap enters at the rear of the group.

They feel less awful about what has happened, a bit less empty without Thriftfeather around. They grit their teeth at the thought of their apprentice, their inner turmoil plain on their face as they glance around the clearing. But they shove down the wave of emotion, choosing instead to seek out a quiet place to sit. They don’t stray far from the rest of their clan, always remaining somewhere within Peri’s orbit, but they make a point to take their seat a few tail-lengths away from any other cat, content to spend another night sitting in the clearing on their own.

  • ooc: open to interactions !
  • 65613626_8irAg3mXCGi2t77.png
    GRAVELSNAP ❯❯ they/he, moor runner of windclan
    average-sized black and white warrior who seems smaller than he is. speaks rarely and quietly.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
The seal point always makes a point to brush his tail agains this sister's cheek as he passes by, a gentle smile on his face as he leads himself through the growing throng of cats. He can idly hear Drizzlepelt in the background talking to someone, Silversmoke sending Crowpaw off to socialize, and many more talking about the missing Howlingstar and how his uncle Raccoon stood at the leader's rock. His tail twitches, though he doesn't feel in the best moods to socialize- he makes his way to the medicine cats where he sits patiently, waiting for the Gathering to begin.​

Scorchfrost didn't usually attend gatherings. He was far more preoccupied with keeping his clan fed and their border defended, especially when there were so many cats away from camp. He knew that the gathering was supposed to be a time of peace, it would be low to go against Shadowclan on such a night, but that didn't stop his lingering concerns about it. The clan never had enough food, warriors, or security, and there were always things that needed doing.
He'd recently been appointed an apprentice however, and it was important that she got to experience the gathering. If he did his duty as well as he hoped, she could be standing before everyone here in a few moons.

The warrior followed his clanmates into the clearing, making sure @ONYXPAW stayed close. It wouldn't bode well for him to immediately lose her in the sea of cats. The gathering was overwhelming if you hadn't been before, especially if you were from a smaller clan. Onyxpaw had seen her clanmates and, perhaps, a few loners or rogues, but nothing like the masses of cats that teemed around them.

Scorchfrost had friends scattered about the other clans, though they'd been growing fewer in number as the seasons passed by. He couldn't see them very often, contented himself with glimpses and brief conversations when their patrols mingled, but the gathering would work in his favour if any of them were here. He made a quick visual sweep of the crowd around him and came up short on cats he knew, but he did spot another mentor-apprentice duo. " Onyxpaw, we're going to get acquainted with some Thunderclanners. "

Scorchfrost made his way to the duo he'd spotted. " Hello. " He started, dipping his head in a slight, polite nod. " I'm Scorchfrost. This is my apprentice, Onyxpaw. Would you mind our company? "
@adderpaw @leafhusk

Quietly he watched Howlfire enter the clearing with their daughter by her side. A gentle smile spreads wider across his lips as his mate encouraged Hawkpaw to go mingle with other apprentices her age. Pride swells in his chest. It was nice to be able to partake in his children's first gathering. It was not until Honky slipped away that he noticed an orange tinted tom approaching him wearing riverclan's infamous scent. Green eyes flicker to the riverclanner in question, nodding his head politely. "Hey." His own whiskers twitch a bit in amusement upon hearing their shared prefix. "Another Coyote? Well, I suppose it is too good of a name to keep all to myself." He jests, flicking his tail languidly behind him. All jokes aside he continues on. "Skyclan's doing well. Hopefully the same can be said for riverclan?" The flaxen tom asked with a slight tip of his chin.
(talking to @coyotecreek)
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   skyclan warrior / twenty-one moons old / he/him  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶