Nov 28, 2022
THEIR STORY: It's funny, sometimes, how love sneaks up on you. Ashenclaw and Orangeblossom had been friends for a while, both stubbornly subverting their mothers' hopes that they individually settle down and start their own families - yet, all the while, they drift closer together, spending time and trust, until they eventually fall in love. Ashenclaw mentions his mate and kits to his sister in an attempt to get her to join ... before confessing to Orangeblossom, a misunderstanding which drives a wedge between the two would-be lovers. But they do come to a happier conclusion, hesitantly rekindling their feelings and actually confessing this time - and, along with that new understanding comes a new generation of their new family.

... Unfortunately, Orangeblossom discovers her pregnancy amid SkyClanners being taken from their home, Ashenclaw among them, and does not know if or when he will return.

— Not FCFS! Our choosing date is currently May 22nd, with the kits planned for the end of May. They may arrive slightly early.
— The kits will start at 2 moons, and age once monthly on the anniversary of their arrival!
— Wolf and I would love for the chosen kits to be active! We're not looking for HP levels of activity, but seeing these kits around a few times a month would be awesome.
— Please follow the genetics. The naming themes are a guide, not mandatory, though we won't choose kittens with names taken from the "no" list.
— Characters with disabilities and birth defects are welcome provided they are researched and played both accurately and respectfully.
— Feel free to guide their plots as you will, but these kits will be raised with love and SkyClan morals. Orangeblossom will have high expectations of them, and Ashenclaw will be much more laid back and doting.

RELATIONS: These kits will be gen 3! Their parents are Ashenclaw, warrior of SkyClan; and Orangeblossom, deputy of SkyClan. They will have an older adoptive sister in Sorrel, played by Noor, and two adoptive littermates / same age siblings in Doomkit and Abysskit, played by Marq and Rai.
via Ashenclaw: Piñataflurry x Cobalt (npc)
via Orangeblossom: Alice x Heavy Stone (npc)
via Orangeblossom: Citruspetal, Apricotflower, Blueberrybounce, Cloudberrythorn, Bananasplash.
via Ashenclaw: Squid, Spice, Moonveil
GENETICS: (thank you floppa!)
Sire: LH blue tabby w/ low white (carrying solid, chocolate; 50% maine coon)
Dam: LH red tabby w/ high white (masking chocolate; carrying dilute, point, cinnamon)
AMAB kits can be red tabby or cream tabby.
AFAB kits can be tortoiseshell, torbie, blue tortoiseshell, blue torbie, chocolate tortoiseshell, chocolate torbie, lilac tortoiseshell, or lilac torbie.
- kits will be longhaired.
- kits can have low white or high white.
- kits can have any realistic eye color.
- tabby kits will carry solid; black-based kits will carry chocolate or cinnamon; chocolate-based kits may or may not carry cinnamon; kits may or may not carry point.
- red cats will mask black, brown tabby, chocolate, or chocolate tabby; cream cats will mask blue, blue tabby, lilac, or lilac tabby.
- kits will be ¼ maine coon and may show breed traits.

— Plants: Peony, Fern, Pine, Holly, Hazel, Bramble, Apple, Cherry
— Memories: Falling, Song, Flurry, Blizzard, Blue
— In honour of: Patch (Alice), Stag (Buckgait), Sleet (Ashenclaw), Fire (Blazestar), Glowing (Fireflypaw), Flint (Slate)
— Creatures: Owl, Hoot, Egg, Swallow, Bird, Robin, Squirrel, Mouse, Stoat
— No-nos: WindClan connotations (eg. Moor, Field, Running, Rabbit), intentionally naming after others (any name in use by another character Ora is familiar with, eg. Blaze, Dawn or Daisy), Fox.

— Appearance: Rose, Pink, Yellow, White, Blue, Grey
— Feminine: Daffodil, Orchid, Willow, Snow, Fern, Fawn, Dove
— Masculine: Rock, Sleet, Storm, Nettle, Ash, Falcon, Hawk
— In honour of: Scorching, Blazing, Fire (Blazestar); Thorn, Spike, Sharp, Piercing (Thistleback), Moon, Flurry, Light, Veil (kittypet family names), Charcoal, Slate, Silt (Slate), Smoke, Silver, Smokey, Smoking (Silversmoke)
— Fruits: Blackberry, Peach, Apple, Cranberry, Juniper
— Others: Soft, Bubble, Sweet, Hiccup
— No-nos: WindClan connotations (eg. Moor, Running, Heather, Gorse), 'mean' connotations (eg. Odd, Strange, Shadow).

(number may fluctuate depending on interest!)
— Sneezekit, reserved for wolf

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i was surprised to find heaven in your eyes
name chosen icly, ideas below

↳ bubblekit, hootkit - named for the curious way she cries upon being born
↳ applekit, cranberrykit - named after fruit, matching much of her maternal family
— kitten of skyclan; has no inherent bias against other clans, however may gain some with time.
— afab she / her
orangeblossom x ashenclaw, sibling to tbd

lilac tortoiseshell with high white, yellow eyes
↳ carrying (??)


( + ) positive traits ( / ) neutral traits ( - ) negative traits expand.
mannerisms: scthuff
— will (not) start fights | will (not) end fights | will (not) flee | will (not)show mercy
— (will) excel at skill(s)



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super duper long long long line of lyrics lyrics lyrics here

eggkit | eggpaw | eggbounce
reasoning: 'egg' for; 'bounce' for
⇢ also responds to 'eggy'

male [amab]
uses masculine pronouns (he/him)

heteroromantic | demisexual | polyamorous

skyclan | kit

longhaired cream tabby with grey-blue eyes and high white | rough visual reference
a small, rather round shaped feline, eggkit was born with more fluff than brains and it's clear to see. with pelt as soft as a chicks down, he rather resembles a walking dandelion tuft. baby fat clings to rounded cheeks and tummy, large paws and eyes a telltale sign of the amount of growing they will have to do to fit these features. his undercoat is an eggshell toned cream, with an array of pale tangerine spots and stripes interspersed throughout. splashes of milky white frame his figure - legs and tail look as though they've been dipped in paint and a rippling wave of the same color cascades across half his face. a smattering of freckle peek through along his muzzle and cheeks, and a collar of white fur rings his neck like a bib. pale baby blue eyes darken into storm cloud grey as he gets older, and a pretty pink button nose completes this look.
despite their small and round orb shape during childhood, eggkit will grow to be quite the looker as an adult - with a graceful figure lines with muscles well adapted to hunting in the forest canopy. when he is older, his mainecoon heritage is much more prominent - giving him his larges size, tufts between his toes, and distinctive mane-like chest fluff.
accessories: will collect butterfly and moth wings with which to adorn his pelt
smells sharp like herbs and citrus

social butterfly | outgoing | upbeat | inquisitive
positive: well meaning, friendly, cheerful, hard working, tenacious
neutral: talkative, honest, silly, playful, empathetic
negative: naive, gullible, dense, foolish, clumsy

personality blurb; at least 5 sentences

forms platonic relationships extraordinarily easily
average to form romantic relationships with

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↳ named because the first sound he made was a hiccup
— skyclan kit
— AMAB male, he/him. does not mind other pronouns.
orangeblossom x ashenclaw, sibling to ???

LH red tabby with high white & orange eyes

Hiccupkit is a large cat, thick-furred and sturdily built, with wide paws and a mane-like ruff of fur adorning his neck. His maine coon ancestry shines through clearly, even down to the little tufts of fur sitting atop his ears. In terms of color, however, he takes after his mother. His pelt is mostly white, with splashes of red tabby, far more vibrant than Orangeblossom's, coating his chest and tail. The red wraps around his mane, pulls to the top of his head and creeps just barely down his back. It climbs up his tail, not quite making it to white-claimed tip. There is one other patch of white among the red, a small heart-shaped splotch on his chest. His face remains pure alabaster white, save for two spots on either side, rosy-red cheeks complementing orange-glow eyes.

↳ carrying solid, point; masking chocolate tabby


( + ) supportive, hopeful, determined, respectful, open-minded
( / ) silly, emotional, people-pleaser, outgoing, mischievous
( - ) naive, gullible, dependent, fickle, willfully ignorant

— Hiccupkit is a teddy bear of a cat, sweet and soft, caring for all those he meets. He always sees the best in other cats, bearing a naive hopefulness that puts him at odds with the lifestyle of a warrior. The child is a lover, not a fighter. He bounces through life with a smile that comes just as easily as his tears, feeling everything in extremes and wearing his heart on his sleeve. His mood can change quickly, a normally-cheery kit who can be brought to tears over even the simplest thing. The one emotion that seems absent from Hiccupkit is anger, the young tom taking everything in stride (or rather, holding his admittedly hard to earn anger away from the world, keeping it all inside).

— Hiccupkit is a cat who often earns laughs from other cats, whether intentional or not. He has a love for jokes, particularly bad ones. The dumber the joke, the more groan-inducing the pun, the bigger the smile it'll get out of Hiccupkit. He enjoys sharing his sense of humor with other cats, even if he can barely get a joke out through his giggles. He is also not the smartest of cats. He has a magical view of the world and will believe most anything, no matter how impossible. Occasionally, he will find himself set on some absurd idea and will repeat it with absolute confidence. He takes things far too literally, no awareness of the concept of a metaphor. With as much trust as he places in other cats, he sees no reason why anyone should lie to him.

— A big people-pleaser, Hiccupkit always tries to do his best by other cats. He will cry if he every disappoints or angers someone, holding within him a very sensitive heart. Because of this, he feels a lot of pressure to live up to his mom's expectations, despite his relative lack of skill. He is a hardworking cat, always polite and respectful, and always determined to do his best. He worries a lot about not being able to succeed, and is very bad at keeping these worries from showing. He hates to fight, but wants to be a good warrior nonetheless. He will become prone to pushing himself a bit too far, focusing on others' problems rather than his own.

mannerisms: hiccups both when he laughs and when he cries. sticks his tongue out when focusing. very physically affectionate. tends to thump his paws against the ground in excitement. bouncy walk, struts and hops and wobbles. uncoordinated, has poor balance and depth perception.
— will not start fights | will not end fights | will flee | will show mercy
— will excel at diplomacy & mediation

sounds squeaky-voiced and loud, tends to talk fast
smells like honey and citrus


— with orangeblossom: Hiccupkit has never quite understood why other cats find his mother intimidating. He sees her, instead, as a cat who cares deeply for her clan, for other cats, in large part due to the love that she shows him and his siblings. He looks up to Orangeblossom, admires her, wants to be strong and dignified like her.
— with ashenclaw: Hiccupkit's companionship with Ashenclaw is an easy one, accepting his father's doting easily and returning the affection openly. If he is born before Ashenclaw returns from the twolegs, he will be sure to keep an eye on his father to ensure he doesn't vanish to twoleg-land again.
— with sneezekit: Hiccupkit will follow his sibling around like a lost puppy, seeming to always get into trouble when Sneezekit is involved. Any situation that Sneezekit can't get out of with his questionable charms, Hiccupkit handles with big, teary puppy-dog eyes.
— relationship with other sibling tbd, but he will adore them regardless. baby boy loves his family


— Hiccupkit will initially have a very naive view of the world and will wonder why the Clans can't just get along. He may have a cross-clan friendship as an apprentice, either ending in tragedy or in Hiccupkit's loyalty being called into question. If it's the latter, he may become a bit sneakier and less unwaveringly honest in order to stay friends with this cat without his clan knowing. Could potentially develop into a romance.
— May have a minor accident during apprenticehood, with his poor balance causing him to fall from a tree. No lasting injury, likely only a minor sprain, but he will still feel guilty over this, causing him to work even harder to get things right.
— Will avoid fighting if he can. A pacifist at heart, he will shirk battle training and panic if he is needed in a real fight. This will cause some tension with his clanmates. May try to force himself to fight even though he hates it because he feels that he's expected to.
— I want the core of Hiccupkit's story to be facing hardship and choosing to remain optimistic despite it. As he grows, he will lose his childish naivety and develop a more balanced view of the world, now purposefully hopeful rather than blindly so.
— He is an IC reactive character though, so nothing is set in stone! While this is the general plan, he will develop as the rp takes him.


living island - pogo
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I'm just a little gal!
Applekit . Applepaw . Appleblossom? Applesong? Appleheart?

↳ apple for her the fruit theme on her maternal side as well as her pelt resembling a halved apple
— skyclan kit; skyclanner through and through bb
— cisgender female, she/her; demisexual demiromantic (likely bisexual)
Orangeblossom x Ashenclaw, sibling to Sneezekit, ???


red tabby x chocolate tortoiseshell chimera with high white and green eyes A young chimera, Applekit is notably both a red tabby as well as a tortoiseshell, with pale cream tortie markings mottled and blocking out the notable flaming red of the rest of her fur. This is all complimented by white covering a portion of her face, allowing one to note an obvious heart-shaped outline around her freckled nose. She also has a full chest that goes down her belly and a portion of her front legs, with a large blotch of white on her hind quarters, blocking out even a portion of her tail. She inherits some mainecoon traits such as tuffed ears, and very fluffy fur that hides her body mass.
↳ breeds as a chocolate tortoiseshell, carrying cinnamon / masking / etc?


( + ) sweet, outgoing, cheerful, optimistic ( / ) quiet, unpredictable, silly, clumsy, clever ( - ) cowardly, gullible, ignorant, nosy Applekit is a very simple, but happy child. Admittedly, when first meeting her, it's very easy to see that she is immensely oblivious and, honestly, not really all that smart, at least how it seems. Things are prone to going over this happy-go-lucky girl's head, and you may need to reiterate some stern things a good few times for her to get it. As she grows though, she becomes a bit unpredictable, she's cowardly but still clever. She's incredibly observant and even a touch conniving, despite her apparent naivety. Her observant attitude develops in a way where she is noticeably incredibly nosy about things that don't involve her, even if she's completely clueless about the tension of the situation. Despite her childish and cheerful nature, she is still sensitive, and is easy to bring to tears should one try. She loves deeply and is immensely protective over those she considers family and friends, even if it isn't in the most convenient of ways.
mannerisms: bleps a lot, especially when in thought, giggles immensely often (different pitches to really get hint at her emotions),
— will not (intentionally) start fights | will not end fights | will flee | will (maybe )show mercy
— (will) excel at climbing


plots concepts:
— despite her heritage, Apple is notably lacking when it comes to physical fighting skills, however, her skills seem to flourish in seeming to unintentionally verbally destroy opponents. It probably starts off small, as her being silly and making a goofy rumor about someone that spreads like wildfire. While far from something like ruining a reputation, she is notably good at putting in a whisper that can spark some flames.
— Along with the above, Apple is considered rather cowardly when it comes to fighting, however, she is definitely better at hunting as well as spying from the trees.

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  • Flint/Dove/Shimmerkit
    • Flint: For the resemblance to flint stone in her pelt
    • Dove: For the mourning dove-like colors
    • Shimmer: For her almost glowing orange spots (also after Fireflypaw)
  • 2 moons (ages every ???)
  • AFAB
    • She/Her
    • Questioning sexuality; too young
  • Born into SkyClan


Sketchy concept:
  • LH lilac torbie w/ high white (masking chocolate)
  • Carries solid, cinnamon; does not carry point
  • 25% Maine Coon, has tipped ears
  • Hazel eyes; pink ears, nose and pawpads


  • Typically looks stoic, with a smile on her face whenever she can
  • Wants to live up to her mother's expectations so is always aiming to be the best
  • However, can get slightly moody when she feels she's being bossed around
  • Has some attachment issues and worries over people maybe a little too much
A cat who doesn't show her emotions often, it's easy to see her as someone who doesn't care, but it's quite the opposite. She has many feelings, but her biggest wish is to be the best cat she can be, so she tends to work first and feel later.

She's a mama's girl, and sees her mother Orangeblossom as the peak of what a cat can be. She cares about her opinion greatly, and strives to become just as important as her, or maybe even deputy herself some day. However, she can sometimes be a bit brash if she feels like she's being unfairly looked down upon, and prefers to do things her own way.

Despite her father Ashenclaw being back to the clan at the time of her birth, she still always fears that the people she cares about will suddenly be taken away, and if she's close enough to you, she might be a little clingy. However, when she does let her guard down, you know that you have a friend for life.

She's a cat on the bigger side due to the Maine Coon genes, and struggles with liking her body. She's constantly afraid that she'll get teased about it, and will appreciate someone who assures her that her that she won't be seen as lesser because of it.
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  • 38ekP6T.png
    previous name(s)?; Sneezekit
    Sneeze;; for sneezing at birth // kit;; for denoting rank
    — Kitten of Skyclan
    — AMAB Non-Binary Masculine, he/they/it; biromantic bisexual,monogamist
    — created 04.12.23 at 2 moons / ages every 12th
    ↳ penned by @wolf_
  • A lh cream tabby with high white and blue eyes / reference
    Sneezekit stands at about 12 inches tall fully grown and weighs in at 15lbs, he has broad shoulders and is large like his father, Ashenclaw. He has large front paws and a feathery, plum of a tail that has cream taby stripes along it. Sneezekit has a broad head with large, pointed ears with tufts at the tips of it. They are a long haired cat with cream mackerel tabby fur across most of their body with white in a mane around their neck, chest and under belly as well as all four paws. White also sits on the tip of his tail and a heart-shaped splotch on his back. Sneezekit also has almond-shaped pale blue eyes that are almost purple in color in certain lighting.
    ↳ carrys solid, point, masks lilac tabby, cinnamon​
  • Chaotic Good, Dauntless
    Intelligence ●●●●●○○○○○
    Confidence ●●●●●●●●●○
    Charisma ●●○○○○○○○○
    Creativity ●●●●●●●●●○
    Empathy ●●●●●○○○○○
    Humor ●●●●●●●●●○

    (+) Charming, Courageous, Fearless (/) Talkative, Tough, Proud (-) Blunt, Dependent, Greedy, Gullible. Sneezekit is known for being a fearless and rather reckless individual. Often daring others to do something in camp causing trouble or someone to get seriously hurt if bad enough. Though the young cat can charm their way out of most situations, or so he thinks, and he has a lot of courage for someone so young. They never shut up either and hate when there is silence in the air- often filling it with nonsense stories that would never be true even if he willed it to be.

    Sneezekit can be rather blunt with their words and opinions, and their pride doesn't allow them to feel guilt about hurting someones feelings. They also form relationships easily and cling onto these cats they make friends with even if their presence isn't welcomed. He also tends to be greedy with affection and attention, always wanting to be the center of it and also loves the most specific things in life as well. They're also a very gullible cat and never sees a reason why a cat would lie about anything. Lying is dumb after all.
    ↳ mannerisms elaborate.
  • ORANGEBLOSSOM X ASHENCLAW sibling to whoever | mentoring no one, mentored by no one
    Mate to whoever | Parent to whoever | Other kin Auburnflame, Blueberrypaw, Bananapaw, Cloudberrypaw
    — Admires Orangeblossom, Cloudberry
    — Close friends with
    — Friends with
    — Likes Ashenclaw, Auburnflame, Bananapaw, Blueberrypaw
    — Dislikes
    — Loathes
  • strength ●●●○○○○○○○
    stamina ●●●●●●●●○○
    agility ●●●●●●●●●○
    hunting ●●●●●○○○○○
    swimming ●○○○○○○○○○
    climbing ●●●●●●●●○○
    grace ●●●●●●●●○○
    single; bisexual biromantic, monogamous / crushing on no one, looking
    blah blah how easy do they trust or whatever
    — physical health: [ 100% ] | mental health: [ 100% ]
    — will not start fights / will not flee / will show mercy
    excels at hunting, climbing, wall enforcement
    poor fighting, tracking, focus
    sounds like fuckin uhh / voice claim if applicable
    smells like mint and linen
    — healing & peaceful powerplay allowed.
    — speech is #C19763
  • if you want >:)
  • Backstory / simplified history
    blah blah blah

    Important Threads
    ( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development
    Thread Name brief description.
    Thread Name brief description.
  • posting format
    posting format
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beepkit . beeppaw . beep??

↳ named beep for sounds made when fae was born
— kit of skyclan; currently no thoughts on other clans
— nonbinary, fae/faer; lesbian
ashenclaw x orangeblossom, sibling to ???

lilac tortie w/ green eyes expand.
↳ carrying cinnamon, point genes


( + ) positive ( / ) neutral ( - ) negative expand.
— will not start fights | will end fights | will flee | will show mercy
— will excel at skill



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WILLOWKIT: LH lilac torbie tom w/ amber eyes & tufted ears. Born extra fluffy, he will grow into his body and show lankiness in his form despite his large size.
Cismale ;; He/Him ;; Gendered terms okay

─ 2 moons: ASHENCLAW xx ORANGEBLOSSOM; 3rd generation. sibling to sneezekit, ???
— via Ashenclaw: Piñataflurry x Cobalt (npc)
— via Orangeblossom: Alice x Heavy Stone (npc)
— via Orangeblossom: Citruspetal, Apricotflower, Blueberrypaw, Cloudberrypaw, Bananapaw
— via Ashenclaw: Squid, Spice, Moonveil

✦ Personality TBD
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✧ robinkit, named for the patch of orange fur splashed across her chest that resembles the red breast of a robin
✧ female, she/her
✧ 2 moons, ageing monthly
✧ skyclan, kitten

✧ ORANGEBLOSSOM x ASHENCLAW | littermate to sneezekit, tbd, tbd, adopted siblings sorrel, doomkit, and abysskit
✧ friends: tbd
✧ dislikes: tbd
✧ single or taken: no, she baby
✧ any offspring: see above
✧ sexuality? feelings on romance? ... tbd, she hypobaby rn

✧ robin comes into the world bearing a coat of many colors - inky black, fiery orange, and brilliant white. looking at her from the top down you would notice she is primarily black with scattered flecks of orange atop her head, shoulders, back, and tail. should she be sitting before you then you could see how she got her name; a large patch of orange covers the majority of her chest and neck. her plush belly, which is rarely exposed, is draped in soft white fur which extends into her inner legs before merging into the blacks and oranges of her lower limbs and paws. robin's eyes are a brilliant citrine hue - bright yellow with flecks of amber surrounding her irises. once full grown, robin will have inherited some maine coon traits such as a larger stature and sizeable paws.

( + ) thoughtful, ambitious, dependable
( / ) result driven, brutally honest
( - ) insensitive, abrasive
✧ robin has the heart of a leader and the passion of a warrior. she wants to be a blazing star streaking across the darkened night sky, commanding the attention of the masses and leaving them in awe. there is so much for her to live up to, her being the daughter of the deputy after all, but she also places high expectation upon her own sturdy shoulders. she approaches problems with tact and tries to think through every possible solution. she uses her head more than her heart, which may cause her to have conflict with her more gentlehearted clanmates. while she doesn't necessarily have a 'my way or the highway' mentality, she does believe herself to be right more often than wrong (even if that isn't always the case). at the end of the day she cares deeply for her family and clan, she just doesn't always show it in the way you might expect.
✧ hobbies: tbd
✧ loosely inspired by moro from princess mononoke

✧ she wants to be a strong and fierce fighter one day | will not run | will start a fight if it is warranted | will finish fights | will kill if absolutely necessary
✧ healing and peaceful powerplay allowed
✧ ❝ speech
✧ penned by kerms
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  • juniperkit juniperpaw→ junipermoon? juniperpatch? juniperleaf?
    ㅤ↪ juniper named for the silvery blue patches in her pelt kit for her rank in the clan
    female, she / her
    2 moons
    kit of skyclan
    best known for…being a sweetheart

  • LH blue torbie with milk brown eyes ref & ref
    ㅤ↪ named after the juniper berry because of her splotches of cove - blue fur, she matches the shade of the the little blue cones quite well. juniperkit looks a mesh of her parents, with differing patches of faded red, blue, and white making up her pelt. her underside and paws are a snowy white, breaking up the intermix of blue and faint red. her eyes are rounded and milky brown like her mother's.

    smells sweet and piney like pine sap

    ㅤ↪ cheerful, kind, bright, hardworking, loyal
    ㅤ↪ moral, responsible, sensitive, observant, shy
    ㅤ↪ stubborn, defensive, perfectionist, unambitious

    juniperkit's one to wake up in the morning and just enjoy her day for what it is. sweet-natured, juniperkit's cheerful disposition is easily observed as she usually walks with a spring in her step and a smile on her features. despite her outwardly lighthearted appearance, she's actually a bit shy and prone to taking things to heart.

    gen # 3
    siblings tbd, sneezekit

    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤplots here

this my third time changing it omg wip!
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sorry i am VERY new here so dont mind me struggling to figure out how this works LMAO

Tepidkit (Tepidpaw, Tepidpool)
spontaneous, even-tempered, inquisitive, rowdy
headcanons> constantly into things shes not supposed to; always asking questions; nosey; has a staring problem; way too competitive about mossball; sounds like shes been chainsmoking for 30 years but hes a baby

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