storage FAST LANE | character hub

May 16, 2023
This storage is where I'll be showing off all the characters I'm currently playing. If you'd like to plot with any of them, feel free to dm me on discord (pikaihao) or drop into one of my character's channels on their clan servers!

Roleplay boundaries:
  • Peaceful, friendly, or healing powerplay is fine for all of my characters unless stated otherwise!
  • I'm fine with spontaneous violent actions towards my characters, but in battle threads I prefer to hash out the interaction over DMs or in the Discord server(s). I'm down for rolling for attacks/injuries, pre-planning outcomes, etc.
  • Definitely feel free to tag my characters where they're needed, e.g. mentor/apprentice tags. OOCly, and feel free to ping me in the clan Discord servers too!
  • I love being surprised with private or pafp threads, as long as they're not too plot heavy!
  • All of my character's actions and opinions are IC only, but like everyone I draw from my own experiences to write them better.
  • Please don't feel pressured to match me if I wrote a lot for a post!

My characters: (click on their names to go to their tags!)
  • Cherryblossom [♀] - SkyClan warrior ; longhaired calico with yellow eyes.
  • Downyfur [⚥] - WindClan tunneler ; a tiny, puffy seal point with deep blue eyes.
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Penned by Pikaihao | Heartchart | Pinterest | Last updated August 20th, 2024
Cisgender female (she/her)
18 moons, ages 1 moon every 28th
May 20th, 2023 at 2 moons old
  • Cherryblossom is a well-groomed, sleek, mostly-white tortoiseshell with pale yellow eyes.

    Cherryblossom is a SkyClan warrior that has served under Blazestar's and Orangestar's leaderships. Cherrykit was born to Orangeblossom and Ashenclaw alongside Eggkit, Orchidkit, Glimmerkit, and Owlkit. As an apprentice, Cherrypaw was mentored by Slate, and later she volunteered to go on a journey to find lungwort at the sun-drown place during the yellowcough plague. Shortly after becoming a warrior, Cherryblossom was named by Orangestar as her next deputy following Twitchbolt's resignation. She was demoted due to her inexperience, contributing to the seventh code of the warrior code.

    The disgraced princess of SkyClan, with a love life as tangled as brambles and a tongue as sharp as their thorns. Cherryblossom is stunningly confident; she fills up any space she enters and is unapologetic for it. She is notably fickle and vain, as well as a known gossip-monger among SkyClanners. Behind her radiant and powerful facade, she struggles to be vulnerable and kick her habit of sabotaging her own relationships with those she loves. Twice in her childhood, a cat has given their life to save hers: she never wants to be in that position again.

  • It is not her natural features that make Cherryblossom beautiful, but the work she puts into herself. Her patched coat is as polished as a kittypet's, if not a little coarser from her comparatively rugged life. You couldn't catch a claw in a thousand swipes through her pelt with how neatly-groomed she keeps it. Beneath her lovingly-maintained pelt lies the musculature of any clan cat, standing upon well-muscled legs that put her just above the height of the average domestic feline at about 10 inches (25 cm) at the shoulder.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in suscipit eros, a vulputate metus. Mauris et rhoncus magna. Aenean dapibus quis ipsum ac tristique. Aenean eget mi in urna interdum interdum. Phasellus tristique ornare porttitor. Nulla odio velit, laoreet vitae euismod vel, tempus vitae turpis. Aenean lectus neque, consectetur nec aliquam sed, interdum vel risus. Fusce feugiat est ut vestibulum convallis. Aliquam sagittis nulla at turpis vulputate tempus. Duis ornare vulputate nisi, id hendrerit purus efficitur id. Ut et dui at nisl porta interdum. Cras laoreet nulla non risus laoreet, vel gravida velit pharetra.

    Scars gained:
    • Long, straight scars on her flanks, three on the right and one on the left, usually hidden by long fur; from an eagle in the mountains Little Wolf died saving her from
    • Bite marks on her lower right foreleg; from a rogue in a border skirmish
    • Torn left ear; from Doompaw in a border skirmish
  • Mother: Orangestar
    Littermates: Glimmersun, Tawnyclaw, Eggbounce, Owlheart, Doompaw, Abysspaw
    Mentor: Slate
    Friends: Lupinesong, Spiderpaw†, Crowsight, Scorchstorm, Edenberry, Emberfall
    Father: Ashenclaw
    Siblings: TBA
    Mate: Edenberry
    Apprentice: Ricepaw
    Enemies: Doompaw, Plaguepaw, Falcongaze, Chrysaliswing
  • Kithood

    Cherrykit is the daughter of Orangeblossom and Ashenclaw, along with Glimmerkit, Eggkit, Orchidkit, and Owlkit. The nursery is extremely crowded, with at least ten kits and three queens in it. She quickly shows a natural aptitude for climbing, as well as a penchant for being bossy and aggressive. She befriends Bobbie's kits, Lupinekit and Crowkit, in the nursery, but has a misunderstanding with Drowsykit that carries into apprenticeship.

    She torments Doomkit and Plaguekit as much as they torment her. When Falcon and his siblings are brought into camp, Cherrykit mocks them for smelling of the sewers, which escalates into Cherrykit bullying Falconkit into early warriorhood.

    A strange wind picks up, and the weather grows increasingly stormy. Yukio ventures outside without an escort and returns to the nursery injured, exposing Cherrykit to injury for the first time. Later, she befriends Spiderpaw, who shows her how to accessorize. When the winds grow stronger, she shelters in camp with the rest of SkyClan. An entire tree falls onto the nursery, and Snowpaw gives his life to save Butterflytuft, Plaguekit, and Cherrykit from the impact.​

  • Trivia:
    • Cherryblossom's coat colors are colorpicked directly from her family. The white and the lightest shade of orange were colorpicked from Orangestar, the darkest shade of orange-red was colorpicked from Hiccup-paw (re-adopted), and the faded black was colorpicked from Ashenclaw's stripes.
    • Her name was originally Peachkit, but I was told the prefix was illegal after my litter application was accepted, so I changed her name to Cherrykit.
    • As Peachkit, she was originally a dilute tortoiseshell with high white and green eyes, and her original design also had a large marking near her nose and cheeks.
    • Her warrior name was always going to be Cherryblossom. If I couldn't use the -blossom suffix, I'd probably go with Cherrycrown or Cherryhawk.
    • She's naturally skilled at climbing because I rolled a nat 20 in the discord for a climbing competition when she was a kit!
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Penned by Pikaihao | Heartchart | Pinterest | Last updated October 8th, 2024
AFAB demigirl (they/she)
15 moons, ages 1 moon every 8th
August 20th, 2023 at 2 moons old
Warrior (tunneler)
WindClan, formerly the Horseplace
  • Downyfur is a tiny, puffy-furred, grey cat with dark points and deep blue eyes.

    Downyfur is a WindClan warrior that has served under Sootstar's and Sunstar's leaderships. Downy was born to Pollenfur and Hyacinthbreath alongside Rose, who died after birth. Downykit was raised by Brightshine and Heavy Snow alongside her half-sister Pink-kit. Initially, Downypaw was trained as a tunneler apprentice with Sootspot as their mentor, but after Sunstar usurped Sootstar in the civil war, Rattleheart was reassigned to be their new mentor. They earned their warrior name, Downyfur, for their actions in DuskClan's raid on WindClan camp.

    A nondescript WindClanner whose only noticeable feature is being small and cute. They easily make friends, not because they are naturally drawn to other cats, but because they fear being ostracized in any way. Innately discerning and clever, they're always studying other characters and the world around in hopes of gleaning more ways to integrate themself deeper into the new windclan society. Downyfur is a creature governed by fear, but nonetheless they try to hold onto their kithood compassion.
  • puffy little seal point with deep blue eyes health: 100%
    smells of chamomile flowers and cool earth

    references a soot-stained piece of dandelion fluff upon the moors, or a little lost raincloud trying to blend in with the hills: downyfur is, from anyone's first impression, just a cute cat. they're almost kit-like in their diminutive stature, with little legs sticking out from a puffy winter jacket. such an appearance leads them to not being taken seriously sometimes, and it frustrates them as often as it blesses them. (you're welcome for your character to ic'ly mistake them for a kit!)

    downyfur's parentage lends her a few traits at odds with the rest of her windclan family. they have pollenfur's wispy coat, markedly different from heavy snow's thick pelt under scrutiny, and her square-shaped eyes. their petite figure, violet-tinged irises, and blue-gray fur are hyacinthbreath's. her purebred kittypet heritage lies in their facial structure, which very much resembles a singapura's: they have wide eyes and large, deeply cupped ears. like pollenfur, they have a resting melancholic expression. her whiskers are long, white, and slightly curved: perfect for sensing with in the tunnels.

    they have a mild pollen allergy. it manifests in increased itching on the body and face during newleaf, as well as some sneezing, but no runny nose or eye discharge. these effects are reduced due to the amount of time they spend underground along with regular grooming.

    two scratches underneath her right eye
  • esfp lawful neutral 4w3: the aristocrat choleric
    confident ⋆ brave dutiful driven ⋆ hardworking loyal ⋆ sociable forthright leaderly
    stubborn aggressive demanding ⋆ shallow ⋆ vain petty temperamental spiteful ⋆ self-centered

    UNAMBITIOUS | Downyfur is not made for leadership at all: her main concern to keep herself safe and whole, and she can't do that if she has many, many charges. They care about the wellbeing of their clanmates when convenient, but the burden of other lives is very heavy for tiny shoulders. They avoid confrontation on principle, and ordering cats around seems like an extension of that. In general, they believe power corrupts, and if it doesn't corrupt it ruins.

    While she has a need for control, it only extends as far as matters concerning herself; she has no desire to try and manipulate others or events for her own amusement.
  • pollenfur x hyacinthbreath raised by brightshine and heavy snow gen. 2 littermate to pinkshine
    pansexual single, monogamous crushing on no one

    mentored by sootspot and rattleheart currently mentoring no one previously mentored no one
    friends with bearflight†, celandinepaw
    enemies with no one
  • Mothers: Pollenfur, Hyacinthbreath
    Littermates: Rose, Pinkshine
    Mentors: Sootspot, Rattleheart
    Friends: Bearflight†, Celandinepaw
    Likes: Rivewhisper, Scorchstorm
    Adopted mother: Brightshine
    Adopted father: Heavy Snow
    Apprentice: N/A
    Enemies: Junco
    Dislikes: Sunstar
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placeholder (i need this character idea out of my head but i'm forcing myself to NOT do anything with it until i find a job)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque eu diam sed felis condimentum tempor a ut diam. Fusce luctus risus sed molestie pharetra. Curabitur erat odio, fermentum eu aliquam vel, luctus non diam. Vestibulum in sem elit. Aenean nibh est, accumsan in lorem et, euismod tristique magna. Duis quis orci venenatis, feugiat risus a, tristique urna. In aliquet ultricies neque. Pellentesque sit amet varius ipsum. Mauris venenatis lectus vestibulum arcu dapibus, id tempor orci vulputate. "Nulla pharetra blandit velit, sit amet aliquam turpis. Maecenas sollicitudin maximus libero, et tristique urna dapibus ac." Nullam sed velit ultricies, mollis lorem ut, gravida enim. Nulla est purus, semper id nisi id, egestas tristique odio. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce consequat mi et massa ullamcorper ullamcorper. Ut at turpis id augue facilisis vestibulum id nec nisi.

"Integer bibendum, nunc sed lacinia consectetur, ligula sapien semper nibh, id pharetra eros tellus sed mauris." Suspendisse luctus rutrum nisi nec porttitor. Donec gravida fringilla nisl, eget dictum lacus sodales vel. Pellentesque quis augue vulputate, volutpat felis vitae, mattis justo. Sed at enim vulputate felis ultrices consectetur ac vel turpis. Aenean semper, lacus auctor blandit faucibus, tellus nisl tristique eros, sit amet lacinia mauris dolor ut libero. Etiam in urna rutrum, consectetur lectus sed, venenatis tellus. Ut vel turpis sed sem aliquam lobortis. In sem risus, laoreet id eleifend et, consectetur non lectus. Duis ut lorem eros. Cras a nisi vel ante egestas cursus eget in justo. Nam in sapien libero.

- Golden retriever knight templar. Relentlessly cheerful, massive hypocrite, sees the world as black and white. Easily convinced to do very bad things, one of those people that jumps at the chance to get violent and uses retribution as an excuse, guillible and not in an endearing way. Easily angered
- probably going to be the only one of my characters that likes the rain lol
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