camp PINK VENOM ♥ leaf camouflage (prompt)

Sunshine filtered through the auburn trees surrounding Thunderclan's camp, the ground littered with their discarded foliage. Squirrelpaw stood in it's center, surrounded by a variety of orange and yellow leaves, holding one up to her face on an outstretched claw as she examined it with a look of confusion. A frown tugged at the corners of her mouth as she gingerly lifted the leaf above her head and placed it between her ears, balancing it there for a moment before the wind unceremoniously blew it away. The blue torbie huffed frustratedly, her tail lashing as she stomped over to where Sunshinespot was still explaining how this all worked to Fallowbite and Basilpaw. "I don't get it," she whined, sticking out her bottom lip poutily at the older warrior. "How the heck are you supposed to use these things for camouflage when they won't stick to your fur?" Maybe she was doing it wrong...

The dual-toned apprentice wandered away from the group (where Sunshinespot was patiently showing off his idea for leaf-fall subterfuge) and managed to locate another small pile of mismatched leaflets strewn upon the dirt. Her brow furrowed as she set her face with a look of pure determination, crouching down to stare at the leaves like they were the ones disobeying her. "Now, listen up..." she hissed quietly to her crunchy foes. "You guys are going to let me wear you, m'kay? Otherwise i'm going to crush you into tiny little itty bitty pieces!" She paused a moment, as if waiting for them to argue, and gave a satisfied nod. Now that she knew they were listening... The fluffy molly plucked another leaf off the ground and oh-so-delicately, she stuck it to the messy fur of her shoulder. Holding her breath, green eyes wide with anticipation, Squirrelpaw waitied for one heartbeat, then two, and when the leaf stayed in place a smile slowly lit up her face... Until another gust of wind rustled through the camp and happily stole the leaf away. "Ugggghhh!"

  • [ @sunshinespot @FALLOWBITE @BASILPAW! no need to wait! ]
  • SQUIRRELPAW she / her, apprentice of thunderclan, 9 moons
    lh blue torbie with high white and green eyes // slender but fluffy // excellent climber
    single, crushing on no one // flamestar x flycatcher // mentored by lightflower
    sister to bugpaw, ravenpaw, sunpaw, falconheart and stormfeather
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted // underline and tag when attacking
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, feel free to dm for plots
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Where many of her Clanmates were adept at using the foliage for cover, it had never been as easy for Softsight as it was for them - amidst the menagerie of colors that Leaf-fall presented the Clans with, Softsight's white pelt stood out starkly, limiting and making more difficult her usage of the sneaky skill. That wasn't to say that she wasn't trained in it - Honeydapple had done well with her training, and being able to be so quickly spotted simply meant that Softsight had to be quicker when it came to her approaches.

She watches Squirrelpaw and her small group as they train among the fallen leaves, ears turned away from the loud crunching of leaves that had always been one of her greatest enemies. It would seem as though Squireelpaw was having trouble getting camouflage down, and Softsight couldn't help but smile as she rose to her paws and approached the younger she-cat. She knew it wasn't her place to train the girl, and she wouldn't wish to step in Lightflower's way, but it took a village, didn't it?

"Here, watch." Softsight offered as she crouched beside Squirrelpaw, helping her draw more laves into a small pile that had accumulated at their paws. "You don't so much as wear the leaves as you do lay with them, understand?"

〕Honeykit sits quietly as they watch Squirrelpaw attempt to do... something with leaves. Wear them? Is that what she was trying to do and failing? The kit couldn't help the snort that escaped them as a breeze sent the orange leaf flying away, leaving a dejected Squirrelpaw behind.

The golden-furred kitten approaches curiously, wanting to prove they could do what the apprentice couldn't; a burning desire to prove they are better than the pure-blooded thunderclanners. Making a leaf-pile of their own, Honeykit attempts to 'dig' their way into it, using their tail to sweep a few onto their back to better hide them. Their size makes it a bit difficult to achieve such feat, but as long as they remain immobile...

  • ooc.
  • HONEYKIT —— kit of thunderclan , mentoring/mentored by name . waspchaser x sorrelmist . littermate to none. ✦ penned by nocthymia
    they/them / 5 moons & ages every 7ᵗʰ
    single / too young
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— combat details here / battle notes

    "speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • reference image here
    a longhaired red tabby with low white, vitiligo and dichroic eyes.
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ "maybe they just don't take kindly to threats," nightbird muses, watching as flamestar's daughter tries and fails to keep leaves attached to her mottled pelt. with a pelt as dark as hers, the queen never had much luck blending into the fallen foliage. even if she could, they were a hinderance to hunting more than anything. how was one supposed to sneak up on prey when each step was an alarm going off? she'd choose the snow over a carpet of leaves any day.

still, she does not correct softsight. if the pale molly had luck with that, then nightbird wouldn't knock it. she didn't so much care for the methods of how her clanmates hunted so long as there was prey to fill their bellies at the end of the day.

she sees honeykit - what's left of them at least - from the corner of her eye. their golden fur was much better suited for such a tactic, nightbird finds herself humming quietly in approval. "looks like honeykit's giving you a run for it." she comments, shifting back on her haunches to sit and watch. more would undoubtedly come to make fools of themselves, struggling to bury their bodies like snakes in the grass. nightbird could do with some entertainment.
  • ooc ↛
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 37 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a white paw and pale silver eyes. currently a queen residing in the nursery.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / currently mentoring none.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
Leaf-fall was in her glory days, it would seem. Leaf litter task groups were becoming more and more frequent, but at least it wasn't snow the warriors had to push out of the way.

Roeflame was acclimating to her new role with more ease than she had been expecting, though the deputy would never voice that thought aloud- cats would think her head was getting too big. There was only one worry that crossed her mind with her promotion, and luckily his brown tabby pelt was nowhere to be seen. Roeflame would approach him soon enough, but something in the way she could feel amber eyes glued to the back of her head made the deputy's stomach twist.

Ugggghhh! The frustrated howl brought Roeflame's attention to Squirrelpaw, sat in the middle of a heap of leaves. With an amused glimmer in her celadon eyes, the tabby makes her way over with a hardly concealed smile. It was hard not to see a younger Freckleflame, trying to burrow her way through a pile of dead foliage in order to keep warm.

Roeflame watches contently as Softsight lends a helping paw, but Nightbirds musings from near-by catch the molly slightly off-guard. When she looks to the queen, her gaze lingers a heartbeat too long as regret begins to tighten a line at her lips. She was being foolish to be fretting over the likes of an ambitiously loyal warrior such as Raccoonstripe, and she was sure the smoked queen would happily knock Roeflame upside the head for thinking sourly of her mate.

Turning away towards the now three cats that wiggled widely in the grass, Roeflame lets her smile return. "If you can get them on I'll take you out hunting later with them, yeah?" The deputy offers with a promising grin. Whether or not they would stay throughout the hunt is questionable, but surely Squirrelpaw would want to put them to use after all her hard work.
  • ROEFLAME she/her, Deputy of Thunderclan, twenty-seven moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Dovepaw & Dwindlingpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Softsight's gentle instruction to the crouched Squirrelpaw brought a light smile to Thundergleam's face ... ah, it soothed her to know that kindness gilded the hearts of all.. Hope for ThunderClan's great prosperity thrived within her heart, perpetual like the rising and descent of sun and moon. Was this not the Truth? That this Clan was meant to prosper, to be free of pain ... for acts of kindness to flit upon every tongue, to glimmer in the eye of all onlookers. Honeykit's small movements, and Nightbird's comment, brought a twinkling laugh free from Thundergleam's throat.

Still, crouching - it brought a ponderous light to her eyes, and Roeflame's offer fell on death ears as Thundergleam's head lulled more and more to the side. One from being might think she was falling asleep... but an idle paw reached forward, prodding at the leaf-litter. A smear of something - rot, mud, stirred from the forest ground- was left in a gashing line upon her paw, and her nose wrinkled slightly with surprise. Oh, the state of her, truly! A mark from this earth so easily placed, when she was so careful regularly, fleet feet refusing to dwell in muck.

Furiously, brief and unprecedented frenzy, she tried to scrub away the mark. "I think for the good of my pelt I should not participate," she hummed, face contorted. Pristine, only...
penned by pin ☾
"Aww but then we'd all have the excuse to help you groom your pretty fur, Thundergleam," the sepia purrs, trudging through the crunchy paths with a smile impressed upon her features. She couldn't say she was too interested in having to detangle them from her pelt either though, to be honest... the leaves of the dying brush already clung to her like she were a new bush to flee to rather than a cat. Blurry vision has no issues in finding the stark, white shape of the repulsed she-cat and as she turns to look after the others, Nightbird's commentary about Honeykit brings a stunning realization.

She... cannot see this tiny kit amongst the colorful array of leaves... She blinks.. once... twice... scouring the ground for the smaller feline with an amused huff. "I'll say... Where are they?" She thinks she can see a bulge amongst the fray that might indicate a hidden figure but... it's difficult to distinguish. "That's a shame.. I was going to ask them what kind of prey I should bring back for them..." A teasing twinkle glances towards Roeflame, playing into her proposed hunting.

    fourteen month old warrior of thunderclan
    she/her fawn sepia with low white and yellow eyes
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ˏˋ*⁀➷ Fallowbite finds this whole leaf camouflage thing pretty easy, honestly. She's always been good at lying in wait. It helps, she thinks as she looks at Softsight and Thundergleam, that her pelt is particularly well suited to it.

And yet, despite her aptitude, she is wholly uninterested in teaching. Squirrelpaw is far too loud and obnoxious, and it is quite content to leave her teaching to Sunshinespot. Instead, her eye locks onto a far smaller form hiding amidst the leaves, golden-pelted and with a determined look on their face. It creeps over, eyeing the kit warily. "Hey," it mumbles, "Honeykit, right?" One of the kittypet-blood kits. Guilt twists like a knife inside its chest - but it's trying to be better. It's trying to be kinder around these little furballs that spend so much time with its younger siblings.

An idea forms, and it lowers its crouch down to be eye level with the kit. "Y'got some pretty good camouflage here. Y'know what comes next once y'got that?" Its eye flickers over to its sister, whisper turning conspiratorial. "Ambush. See anyone y'wanna pounce on?" Maybe not the best thing to enable - but hey, it's a kind of practice too, right?

  • 84967151_9ydGxfWsqAPcif1.png
  • FALLOWBITE ⁀➷ she / it, warrior of thunderclan, fourteen moons.
    a scarred, pointed brown and white molly with shaggy fur and golden eyes.
    standoffish and solitary, always seems to have a dark cloud hanging over its head.
    baying hound xx npc, littermate to antlerbreeze & doepath.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
Sunshinespot would be the first to admit it - that his idea was purely so that he and his workmates could goof off instead of work. Camp seemed so cluttered nowadays with the leaf fall of... well, leaf-fall, he supposes, and it feels like every day there's a patrol's worth of cats just trying to sweep it all away. So why not make some fun out of the chore? He hardly notices as Squirrelpaw slips away, brandishing her not-so-sharp tongue at a particular pile of leaves. He doesn't notice the crowd, in fact, until the sun he's purposefully sat himself in is clouded over and a shiver is sent down his spine instead.

He opens his eyes, sees the crowd has moved, and dutifully follows it without much understanding as to why. He notices Doepath in the clutter of cats and instinctively slips towards her, green eyes flitting over the leaves and the many cats before them - some claiming to be horrid with the multicolored foliage, whilst others seem to fit right in. Others like... "Oh...!" his paw knocks into something solid beneath the leaves as he sits again. "There's someone in there, huh?" he murmurs with humor in his tone, clearly out of the loop with the rest of the conversation.​