- Apr 3, 2024
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⊱⊰ There's a new guy in camp. His name is Dawnglare, and he only came to ThunderClan not that long ago. He's apparently not even a ThunderClanner, but a SkyClanner instead. He's a medicine cat like Gentlestorm, but the little lilac tom doesn't know why he's here. He smells weird. He talks weird. He looks weird. Hopekit doesn't like him. The kit wants this Dawnglare guy to leave already, because he's taking up so much of Gentlestorm's attention, and he also doesn't belong here. He belongs somewhere else, where the weird cats with names like Dawnglare are supposed to be… like SkyClan. He should go back to SkyClan.
It's the middle of the day, and the sun is shining bright in the bright blue sky. Hopekit has nothing to do, just like every other day—some of the other kits were made into apprentices not too long ago, but he still doesn't get to be one. He's left sitting in the nursery and around camp, listening to stories and playing with the other kits. Today, though, he's tired of playing dumb kit games. He wants to visit his uncle, but there's a stranger in his way. A stranger who leaves Gentlestorm's den, like he lives there or something! Hopekit watches the tom with narrowed eyes, perhaps a bit more rudely than is warranted. But this strange tom, with his big ugly eyes and his terrible smell, is encouraging—no, encroaching,—upon Gentlestorm's den. And Hopekit doesn't like it.
It's the middle of the day, and the sun is shining bright in the bright blue sky. Hopekit has nothing to do, just like every other day—some of the other kits were made into apprentices not too long ago, but he still doesn't get to be one. He's left sitting in the nursery and around camp, listening to stories and playing with the other kits. Today, though, he's tired of playing dumb kit games. He wants to visit his uncle, but there's a stranger in his way. A stranger who leaves Gentlestorm's den, like he lives there or something! Hopekit watches the tom with narrowed eyes, perhaps a bit more rudely than is warranted. But this strange tom, with his big ugly eyes and his terrible smell, is encouraging—no, encroaching,—upon Gentlestorm's den. And Hopekit doesn't like it.
⊱ skinny, thick-furred lilac tom with deep copper eyes. soft-spoken and sleepy, but can be a bit of a grouch.
⊱ son ofbatwingandleopardtongue; brother to bravepaw, hazepaw, cardinalpaw, coalkit
⊱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
⊱ penned by foxlore