camp PRAYER OF THE REFUGEE — rogue invasion

i'm no good man, you won't forget—————————————————
Goldenstrike never really had nightmares, bad dreams? Yes. But, never any that would wake him from a dream with a racing heart. Though tonight that's what happened, his dreams were filled with cries and shouts about rogues and an attack, he shot awake, paws shaking, or at least he thought he had awoken. The problem was that they shouts persisted, and now there was the smell too, putrid and dirty, and then a call to battle. It stood that Goldenstrike didn't have nightmares.

He was out in the middle of the clan in seconds, looking for where help may be needed most. His golden eyes flicking from shadowy figure to shadowy figure, he saw the shapes of kits already being herded and other cats seemed to be holding their own for now, that is until he sees the figure of Fogbound slammed to the ground, pinned by a rogue. He heard the gasps for air and quickly threw himself into the rogue that held onto Fogbound just before the rogue could take the possibly fatal shot, Goldenstrike rolled over with the rogue, coming face to face with him. Goldenstrike didn't waste a second, lunging forward, claws unsheathed and mouth open. Small targets weren't his specialty, but other cats? Other cats he could deal with. He grabs onto the rogue's neck with his jaw, swinging the rest of his body into the opponent, the rogue was thrown to the dirt with Goldenstrike clinging to their pelt, on the ground the two snarled and hissed as they rolled around, taking shots at each other when they could, it's not quite clear but for at least a little bit, Goldenstrike is beating the rogue, despite the trading of blows, and the blood that now poured down the tear he had received on his ear.

// helping @FOGBOUND currently holding his own

rude words i said, i'm still a mess————————penned by WriteAboutRadish
She's mad, and her clanmates know as such. Well, those who weren't kits and haven't joined recently. Her name was Rabbitclaw for a reason after all. The rogues invading their camp only made her grin, fangs and all towards them. The order to kill by Sootstar, excites her bones. It's always fun to go all out without worrying about the consequences. That's why as soon as she's given the order, she darts towards one rogue on the sidelines. Let's see if you can even react fast enough. She was small alright and skinny, so the rogue in question probably thought of her as nothing more than a wee sparrow in their way. How wrong they would be when she cackled manically and slid with her speed across the dirt, lowering her body. She would unsheathe her claws and strike the rogues hindleg as hard as she could. What? She couldn't have a little fun? Her attack would greatly hinder the rogue, they would find themselves uncomfortable for awhile.

Before she could land another blow on the wounded tom, another would interrupt and rake their filthy claws against her neck. Blue eyes would meet amber, she would greet him with a smirk, fangs peeking past her lips. "Such a greedy little rogue, playing dirty won't make me fall for you." The surprise on his face makes her chuckle, by no means is she serious. Love on the battlefield? Yeah, right. She wanted guts! Guts! And she'll say it again! Guts on the battlefield! Two against one was thrilling, despite the wound she received from being a bit too cocky. Wicked grin remaining on her face, blue hues watch as both rogues decide to circle around her. Cute. They think I would panic like a mouse.

Rabbitclaw waits for one to strike and when he does, she easily evades him and swipes his neck. A hiss escapes him, while the other who is limping slightly decides to help their friend. Despite how much she wanted to have her fun, she knows another will join, overpowering her. For that reason she purposely withstands a blow against her flank to strike the rogues leg as hard as she could. The rogue ends up crumpling. You can't fight, if two of your legs are badly hurt. Although... She lets out a low hiss, the burning sensation to her flank along with the ache from how hard she was hit is annoying. Damn I forgot, I'm not in prime shape. what a pain. Her ears tilt at a battle cry aimed towards her, she moves slightly away from the swipe of the amber eyed rogue's paw. Oh, how she can see the hatred directed towards her within those eyes. It's not much different from the other clans when they look at her or her clanmates. A smirk and huff of laughter leaves her lips, "What? You're not gonna cry are ya?" Before the tom can even answer her, he is barreled away by another clanmate.

Can't a she-cat have some privacy?! Annoyed she is by the interruption, but she supposes her clanmate did her a favor. She loathes boredom. The amber eyed rogue was boring. To be honest, he was a waste of time just like his little friend. Speaking of which. She sharply turns her head towards the collapsed rogue. Akin to a snake she pads over to them, all the bravado they once bore is replaced with fear. Rabbitclaw allows them to rise to their paws. their hissing is met with a roll of her eyes. Another battle cry she is faced with as the rogue limps? Runs? towards her and tries to swipe at her eye. With her speed she ducks and swiftly drags her claws across the rogue's throat. A singular battle is won, she simply looks around finding her beloved Fogbound requiring help. Goldenstrike aids her oaf, Come on Foggie. You can't die like that.

She decides to join her worst enemy, not missing a beat to tease him "What was that loser?" Of course she is referring to the almost fatal attack he would have received had Goldenstrike not come to his aid. Although, they were in a battlefield. To add insult to injury another rogue bites and pulls at the remains of her tail. She hisses and snaps at the rogue, quickly moving back to narrowly avoid a swipe to the throat. "Not a word sleezebag. Come on, let's show em' what we can do. Unless, you wanna run along while me and Goldy take care of things."

/ interacting with @FOGBOUND, sustained injuries to the flank and neck


As battle rages the screams of rogues and WindClan alike pierce the air. Her heart pummels against her chest, tufted ears ring with blood.

Swift and merciless she weaves and dodges blows as she makes her way through the crowd. The viper's eyes flash across the blur of pelts in search of a vulnerable target. Sootstar had no qualms killing at her borders, she'd certainly have no mercy against camp invaders.

Her eye does not find much for vulnerable rogues- instead they find weak and bloodied WindClanner's. Bramblebelly among them who stared up at her hulking opponent, their bloody fangs bared and preparing to lunge for the brown and white cat's neck. She makes her move; blue paws fly across the clearing until she is close enough to launch herself atop the rogue with a blood-curdling screech. Dirt coated claws grapple into their boney shoulders and they let out a hellish growl.

Sootstar feels them threatening to tip over and scrambles from her opponents back. The rogue whips around far faster than she could've imagined and runs his claws down her face, just scarcely missing the fragile lens of her eye.
  • >> HELP i wrote this post while completely missing the whole second page of replies. i really cant be assed to edit it as heavily as it needs to be and nor do I want to delete it cause I actually was happy with it. So shes helping bramblebelly instead im so good at battles
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Last edited:
Violetheart did his best not to think about how foolhardy Sootstar's order to fight was. She had to know as well as any other WindClanner that this wasn't a fight that could be won, but Violetheart still had his orders from his leader, and he wasn't going to abandon his loyalty to WindClan and flee. Even if it wasn't something that Sootstar would have approved of, Violetheart said a silent prayer to StarClan for his Clan's continued safety, before turning his mind into more of a battle mindset.
He could see that Fogbound was not far away dealing with a rogue problem of his own that he wasn't winning, and Violetheart glanced behind him at where Bunnypounce was still standing. As much as he didn't want to leave her to her own devices, he knew that he needed to help his Clanmate just as much.
"Stay back or stay with me," Violetheart suggested as he caught the nervous she-cat's gaze. If she needed to, Bunnypounce could find refuge with Wolfsong and his small group of invalids and kits; but Violetheart didn't have the time to spell that out for Bunnypounce right now. Or, he wouldn't have, if just as he was getting ready to charge in to help Fogbound, Goldenstrike beat him to it - not a bad problem to have.
He wasn't out of the woods just yet. As he turned to speak again to Bunnypounce, he caught a rogue charging at him in his peripheral, and he jumped out of the way in the nick of time, though not without sustaining a battering of claws to the shoulder; definitely better than what it could have been. Grimacing, Violetheart stood strong in front of his Clanmate, batting back at the rogue as it attempted to close in with its own smattering of attacks to catch Violetheart off-guard.

[Protecting @BUNNYPOUNCE. if she needs it!]
The call to battle is issued as Sootstar emerges, and Morningsong looks behind him at Bluepaw. He doesn't know if she'll listen to him, but he hopes she does.

"Bluepaw, please take the kits to Brightshine- K-keep them safe." He says, looking to Finchkit and Pinkkit as if it could be the last time he sees them. It very well could be, with all these rogues.

But he won't go down without a fight. As soon as a rogue steps toward him, his head snaps to look in their direction and bolts to engage them in battle. They are a flurry of claws and teeth, Morningsong using his speed to keep on the move and dash around the rogue and dodge their attacks. Once behind them, Morningsong swipes at their back legs before they can turn. He's met with a furious yowl as claws just barely miss his face, and he prances back, light as a feather.

But his luck is short lived. While he can run circles around this rogue and rip them apart that way, Another one much heftier than he is joins the fight. As Morningsong dodges an attack from his current opponent, jaws clamp down on his scruff and hold him in place. He hears the smug chuckling from both of them, and before he can consider his next course of action, claws rake down his face and across his eye. With a furious screech, he swipes back, connecting with the rogue, but he can't tell what he's hit with blood blocking half his vision now. He feels blood on his claws, though.

He is shoved to the ground and no matter how he writhes and kicks and claws at his captor, he can't seem to get them off. But he refuses to die here, even as claws and teeth dig into him.

He pulls his legs close and rolls onto his back to aim them at the rogue's belly and with all his might he kicks out, nailing them in the gut and forcing them to let go. Finally free, he rushes to his feet just in time to meet his other opponent. He hates to admit that these rogues are stronger than him and he is wrestled to the ground again even as he fights with all his might. The larger rogue grips and shakes him by the scruff, slamming him down on the ground again and he feels claws drag down his ear. He feels it rip.

But Morningsong refuses to give up. He can't, it isn't an option.... There has to be something he can do to win.

((Telling @BLUEPAW to protec @FINCHKIT and @PINK-KIT and get them to @BRIGHTSHINE! and subsequently getting beat up and shoved in a locker))​
Azaleafrost glares out from the medicine den with pure, unfiltered hatred and wrath, her teeth are bared in a vicious snarl as she steps halfway out of the den, but the sting of her previous wounds remind her of her condition. She can't fight like this. She looks to Wolfsongs kits and her voice leaves her as if stolen as she watches Rivekit challenge the rogues. The worst possible scenario plays in her mind, and she is relieved when Wolfsong herds the kits back to the den.

Watching the fight break out before her as Sootstar emerges, she takes stock of the situation. They are heavily outnumbered and even she can see that this is a losing battle for Windclan. She doesn't want to admit it, but if they want to live... They may have to run. She does not care for Icebreath, but she does crouch beside Wolfsong's kits, prepared to rip apart any rogue who thinks they can come near.

She doesn't have much of a relationship with these kits through her own fault. She doesn't really know how to talk to kits. But she will die for them, Wolfsong's little treasures. She owes him that much and more.

"I'll keep you all safe. If we have to run, I'll be right with you." She says to them, her eyes never leaving the swarming rogues.​
  • interacting with @redpaw
  • 01_10_rumblepaw.png

    rumblepaw | tags
    — they/them ; moor-runner apprentice of windclan. mentored by brindlecloud.
    — lanky black-and-white point with blue eyes. butterfly accessory.
    "speech" ; thoughts
    — art by mercibun
    — penned by mercibun. @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots.
"Redpaw!" Rumblepaw hisses as pandemonium breaks out around them, though their inflection is far different to the last time they'd done so. Blue eyes are wide as they look down at him, fear dripping from their trembling pelt like rain. Memory flashes behind their eyes, the outcome of Sootstar's orders, the jeers and the attempt to snag one rabbit from their horrible claws. The slip of their paws, the hot embarrassment under their pelt from messing up something as simple as stalking through the grass.

In a small voice, still stood partially in front of him, they continue: "Red, you need to stay back. You're too little, they'll hurt you."

It is utter chaos right now. War breaks out in the camp the second the rogues pour in. Already she sees cats run to kits, grab them and usher them to safety. Sunstride is barking orders and cats are fighting tooth and nail to try and fend off their attackers but stars, there were so many of them. Her Clanmates engage in their own desperate battles and everywhere she looks she sees red. As much as she wants to believe that WindClan can beat the odds, that they can overcome this and win, the simple fact of the matter is they can't. The rogues are too many and too well-fed off of their prey.

She sees her sister from the corner of one of her eyes, gray smoke fur clashing against tattered black and she thinks to herself 'this is the most alive I have seen her since WeaselClaw's death' With a fierce yowl, she launches herself to her side, claws outstretched. They sink into the rogues side and she uses them to draw herself closer. The cat screams but he is no match for two of them and he knows it. He wrenches himself away and, nearly slipping on his own blood, desperately scurries away. No doubt to find a weaker opponent.

The second he is gone, Bluepool whirls to face her sister, desperation in her eyes and dripping from her words "Sootstar, my dear sister please" please listen to reason she thinks "We have to retreat. We'll all die if we keep fighting like this, we have to go to ThunderClan, they can help us. I know... I know it's not ideal but please. It's our only choice right now." she does not want to see her clan, her family extinguished like a flame in the wind. In this, she just hopes Sootstar can set aside her pride and call WindClan to run.

  • ooc :@SOOTSTAR

  • she / her
    WindClan lead warrior & moor runner

    - - a small, silver tabby she cat with short fur a cropped tail and yellow eyes
    toyhouse [ ]

    - - Reckless. Impulsive. Spontaneous. These are all the words that may come to mind if asked to describe Bluepool. She is an incredibly loyal cat who loves her family, her friends, and her clan fiercely. She is well known for her outspoken behavior, often just speaking whatever is on her mind or diving into things without really stopping to consider the consequences of her actions first. Once she has set her mind on something it is difficult to get her to change it.
    ESTP-A 'the entrepreneur'

    skilled fighter ; decent hunter
    SOOT CLAW X PEBBLE BREEZE; sister to sootstar and mintshade

  • Like
Reactions: SOOTSTAR

He was a boulder in the tunnels, chartreuse eyes concealed by the shadows. Curses echoed about the Moorland camp and the chimera remained flat against the cool soil; it would be a massacre, one that part of him felt privy to watch, one that the other part of him refused to as he noticed it was his family first who had decided to take up arms against the rogues. Claws dug into the dirt, he was no fighter, and to have his little form exposed in the moon's light would be a death sentence. Sootspot's eyes settled onto Mothmoon and the tom who had her pinned, the way his neck was exposed to anyone who had half a mind to notice it. Each swallow and soft breath felt like ash passing through his throat, but it was that interaction he settled on the most. Was it because he had a chance to save a loyalist? Or because he saw a chance to look as if he'd done something legendary? Regardless of the Tunneler's reasoning. a hunter's opportunity was found in his hungry gaze, and with no time to think of the consequences, Sootspot barreled forward.

He jumped upon the black tom's back, teeth sinking down into his neck as if trying to land the killing blow on a piece of prey. Jaws locked tightly onto the stranger, but his efforts were not met with the crunch of bone or the choke of one who suffocated, instead, he only found skin, loose and flabby; Sootspot recognised his mistake the moment the other's attention had shifted onto him. His claws unsheathed, sinking into the tom's flank, eliciting a hiss from the creature beneath him. He felt the creature rear up and then throw the Tunneler forward like a bucking horse, following up with a claw strike that narrowly missed the little tom as he scrambled to his paws. But, with any luck, he had at least succeeded in drawing at least one of the rogue's attention away from his clanmate. Bright eyes shot between the tunnels and the rogues, bile rising in his throat as he considered quite how many cats he would have to run past should he choose to flee this fight now. "I've seen mice with more guts than you!" He taunted with a sneer, confident that, if this was to be his end, he wouldn't go down pleading.

// rescuing @mothmoon !



Crimson stains her vision, to her relief Bluepool launches in and chases her opponent off with intense ferocity. The words ‘thank you’ almost found their way onto their tongue, until the tabby makes a ludicrous suggestion. Sootstar looks at her like she’s got dung on her face.

”Are you hare-brained, Bluepool?!” She scolds, the fur along her neck bristling with rage already set in from the battle. ”You ask me leave my own camp? Surrender it to these rogues for even a split second?! This must be your cowardance speaking!” She seethes, ducking just in time to avoid an enemy who had flung themselves at her.

”…We won’t lose.” There is even a sliver of disbelief in her own voice, ”We just need to keep fighting!”
  • ( @Bluepool )
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Bluepool should have known better. She had held onto the brief fleeting hope that her sister was alright but she sees the look in the gray mollies eyes and she knows that unless she is able to convince her she will let WindClan die right here, right now, on this battle field of all places. They will be squashed by a couple of bugs under a paw. "Am I hare-brained? Sootstar, look around, they’re going to turn us into buzzard food!" she cannot keep the incredulousness from seeping into her voice. "I am no coward, you of all cats should know that." she had to be blind to not see the state of things "They outnumber us three to one, if we keep fighting all of us will die!" there would be no one left to inhabit the camp that Sootstar was so dead set on protecting with her last breaths. "We have to retreat, we’ll come up with a plan to retake the camp later. Our sick too. I’ll lead a rescue mission myself if that is your wish, but we have to go if we have any hope of seeing that day" oh how badly she wants to knock some sense into the smoke furred she cat right now.

  • ooc :@SOOTSTAR

  • she / her
    WindClan lead warrior & moor runner

    - - a small, silver tabby she cat with short fur a cropped tail and yellow eyes
    toyhouse [ ]

    - - Reckless. Impulsive. Spontaneous. These are all the words that may come to mind if asked to describe Bluepool. She is an incredibly loyal cat who loves her family, her friends, and her clan fiercely. She is well known for her outspoken behavior, often just speaking whatever is on her mind or diving into things without really stopping to consider the consequences of her actions first. Once she has set her mind on something it is difficult to get her to change it.
    ESTP-A 'the entrepreneur'

    skilled fighter ; decent hunter
    SOOT CLAW X PEBBLE BREEZE; sister to sootstar and mintshade

Gooseberry suddenly feels very stifled from all the rogues invading their territory, as he's sure the rest of the clan does. And in his heart, he knows it is a losing battle. At this rate, they were going to be overpowered, and if they did not flee, they would surely die. He curses at StarClan for allowing them to get so weak, and he understands now why Sootstar fully believes they have abandoned WindClan. But right now, that is the last thing that should be on his mind. Sootstar gives her orders, and therefore he shall obey without question.

He joins in the chaos, aiming for the closest rogue he can find. It's a smaller cat, and he decides to use his size to his advantage. He tries to pin himself on top of his enemy, but they easily predict it and move out of the way in time. Gooseberry gives a low growl as he waits for an opening, and he slashes at their side. They hiss in pain, but ultimately shrug it off, going right back to overwhelming the white tom. He's toppled over as the rogue hovers over him, waiting for his next move. It doesn't come however, and he just mutters, "No..."

Featherkit was not dragged back quite as far as his sister was, and his sharp eyes stayed staunchly narrowed upon her. The fool, the fool- and Wolfing spat the word too. Foolish, foolish bravery. How could she have thought she could face them? The warriors were marred with blood at their paws, Featherkit could smell it.

If there were any set of cats Featherkit would unequivocally listen to, even when her head was screaming at her to scramble somewhere quiet, it was her parents. Freezerburn eyes stayed narrowed as he listened to his father's instruction, arrow-tipped tail twitching with a distaste he had never felt before. "I'm not foolish enough to d-die," Featherkit spat through gritted teeth. The images twisting in her head of Rivekit being thrown to the side by a ruthless, powerful paw- growing dead like Weaselclaw had, dead- of her other siblings, Singedkit, Bearkat, Sunlitkit crushed between the jaws of a bloodthirsty rogue, writhed within her like battling snakes. All he could feel to stop himself from doubling over and retching was rage, cold and creeping, freezing her blood and keeping the fury within her gaze in stasis.

He would do as he was told, he would run if he was told, and he'd shove his siblings ahead of him if they dared to argue. But he could not promise, he would not promise, not to look back for his fathers too.
✦ penned by pin
Though the tiny smoke-pelted she-cat who calls WindClan leader fights with righteous fury, her rage ends in futility. Every rogue who falls is seemingly, impossibly replaced with another body with a ragged pelt and hollow eyes. They are hungry, not only for the prey that races the moorland, but for the protected and well-built camp WindClan resides in. Claws flex, tufts of WindClan warriors’ fur wedged between many cats’ paws. Blood litters the ground—how much more will run before Sootstar calls to flee?

A tiger-shaped tabby with laughing blue eyes calls, “We will pick you off until your bones mix with the rabbits’!” A peal of laughter tears through the cats. “This is our home now—and if you stay, we’ll kill every last cat here, from the stinking old fools to the milk-sucking kits!” There’s no way to tell if it’s an empty threat—the cats who pick up the statement do so in varying levels of malice.

There are too many cats to fight back against, and their greed has not been satiated.

StarClan truly has abandoned them. It's all she can think as she hears a sudden eruption from beyond the medicine den's tunnel; hissing and snarling and what she can easily imagine to be so much bloodshed. It's not even another clan that invades their camp, but filthy, brutish rogues. There is no honor, nothing even remotely justifiable, about this attack. WindClan is weak, close to crippled; their numbers are suffering, their strongest growing weaker with each fruitless day. And there's so many rogues, Gravelsnap had called out. What... what's going to happen? Can WindClan survive a battle? Their blood runs cold and their heart pounds painfully in their chest, and though their pain flares up as she tenses her muscles and anxiously sinks her claws into her bedding, her muscles itch to run.

And then guilt crashes down on them as she grows newly aware of Wolfsong's presence within the den. She hears the kits stirring, shuffling about. Kits. Coward. What kind of WindClanner is she? (A question they've always known the answer to.) Cats could actively be dying beyond the den. They could be swarmed at any moment.

She abruptly stands up with wide eyes and bristling fur --- and then snaps her gaze to Wolfsong as he addresses her, breaking her from her tunnel vision. 'You are in no position to fight.' The relief is almost dizzying. Immediately they crouch back down in their nest, too terrified to feel humiliated for such a pitiful display in front of the golden-furred tom --- and Azaleafrost, who she suddenly notices slip into the den and take a protective stance by the kits. Her added presence is a comforting promise of protection, in spite of the disdain Icebreath stubbornly clings to.
The scent of fear and the scent of blood—two things that were a rarity for the white she-cat. Heathkit presses herself to the ground of the nursery, feeling the earth rattle with the sound of several more paw steps than what she is used to. The tension is so thick she can feel it in her muscles. What evil threat lay beyond the borders of the camp? Had it finally come to them? Heathkit had barely even lived and now she would die to something she did not understand.

Lowly, Heathkit whimpered and moved closer to her siblings, keeping her paws pressed to the ground as she willed the terror to end.


When the fighting first starts his thoughts do not go to WindClan. Mismatched eyes immediately are on the nursery and white paws are swiftly carrying him in the direction of his family. He has to maneuver around tumbling bodies, cats locked in fierce combat with vicious strangers. The smell of blood and fear fills the air and all around him he sees glimpses of different scenes. Morningsong wrestling with a rogue is what stands out most in his mind but he cannot pause to help. He needs to ensure Brightshine, Pink-kit, Heathkit, Finchkit and Downykit are all okay.

He wonders why Sootstar has not called the retreat yet, was she so dead set in her ways that she was willing to risk all of their lives in such a way. If worse came to worse he would help his family escape. They could run far from here and start a new life somewhere else, somewhere away from all the war and the endless drama that was clan life.

He spots them now, Bluepaw is curled protectively around Pink-kit and he gives her a nod of respect before stopping in front of Heathkit. He leans down and presses his nose to the top of her head in a comforting gesture before his gaze finds his mate. "Is everyone alright?" he asks, his tone urgent, his voice concerned.

Before she can answer, however, a shadow passes over them and he sees a rogue headed straight for them. "Hare-dung" he mutters under his breath "Bluepaw, look after them please" he says, his voice pleading before he turns to meet the dark striped tom who is intent on taking his family from him.

Claws come down on him, dig into his fur and his back but Heavy Snow is prepared for such a blow. He winces but he rears onto his hind-legs and slams onto the ground with all his weight, attempting to crush the rogue underneath him. From there, they lock into viscious combat, each trading blows and trying to get the upper hand on one another.

  • 71039507_1qbiFbu5q4cF0WU.png

    ➵ he / him

    ➵ windclan moor runner

    ➵ mates with brightshine

    ➵ pansexual

    ➵ a large white tom with long fur, one blue eye, and one yellow eye

    ➵ toyhouse [



The words her sister speak dismay her. To so easily turn and run, the battle was hot and full of flames- sure. Yet does she bear no pride? How can she even swallow giving up this land for even a sheer heartbeat? Sootstar seems deaf to the yowls and wails of agony that flood her ears.

’Then die we shall!’ She wants to bark back, thats what they’ve all vowed to do for this clan over and over. Yet of all cats, she cannot stand her own sister bickering with her. They weren’t little she-kits anymore. An anger surges through her and with teeth bares she hisses, ”If this becomes a mistake- it’s on you.” Green eyes ablaze with fury narrow with sternness.

She throws her head up into the air, ”WIndClan, retreat!” Her yowl is filled with hesitant defeat, it is cleared this is a choice she has not made lightly, if she had gotten her way she likely wouldn’t have made it at all.

With one last look to Bluepool that sneers ’this best work out’, she turns and flees her own camp. Any stragglers or cats struggling to move due to injury or age assisted by her if she comes across them.
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

An eternity passes between them. She meets her sisters furious green eyes with a calm golden gaze. This was what was right for WindClan, to fight here would be to die. She knows it as well as any of the other warriors who are struggling for their lives. Was this not the job of a lead warrior? Of a sister? To provide council for her leader. 'if this becomes a mistake its on you' Sootstar hisses and Bluepool almost cannot stand the malice in the gray she-cats voice. "Then so be it" she says softly, feeling as if she could deflate with relief. She would die a hundred times over for her clan but such a vow was worthless if there was no clan to die for.

Sootstar calls for the retreat and for a moment Bluepool only watches. Her sister turns, she sneers at her but she does not flinch or react, instead she turns and looks to see if there are any cats who are straggling behind. Stars forbid they lost anyone, if they had any hope of retaking their home they would need every able paw. They could not afford to leave anyone behind.

  • ooc : — ​

  • she / her
    WindClan lead warrior & moor runner

    - - a small, silver tabby she cat with short fur a cropped tail and yellow eyes
    toyhouse [ ]

    - - Reckless. Impulsive. Spontaneous. These are all the words that may come to mind if asked to describe Bluepool. She is an incredibly loyal cat who loves her family, her friends, and her clan fiercely. She is well known for her outspoken behavior, often just speaking whatever is on her mind or diving into things without really stopping to consider the consequences of her actions first. Once she has set her mind on something it is difficult to get her to change it.
    ESTP-A 'the entrepreneur'

    skilled fighter ; decent hunter
    SOOT CLAW X PEBBLE BREEZE; sister to sootstar and mintshade

In the back of their head, Downykit wonders where exactly the day had gone. It'd been so peaceful too. Sure, they were a little hungrier, a little crankier than usual, but they didn't like eating rabbits anyway. Their cold dead marble eyes always seemed to stare at them while they tried to rip muscle that rightfully belonged upon bone.

Just like the world seemed to be doing now: rend flesh from bone, blood from flesh. They huddle up besides Heathkit, blue gaze swinging towards their sister with fear darkening their depths. "Heathkit!" Their voice is frantic whisper; in the panic, the pale girl's lack of hearing is lost upon them. Quickly and fortunately does the knowledge return, along with it a renewed dosage of terror. Downykit didn't know what was happening, but Heathkit knew even less.

"Okay, um, um, Heathkit, c'mon," they hiss, attempting to drag @HEATHKIT backwards by her scruff towards Bluepaw. "Heavy Snow—" They falter at the name of their father, who wears an expression upon his face they've never seen before. Heat, familiar and prickling, wells in the bottom of their eyes. Somehow, it terrifies them even more than the strange bodies and stranger cries that pervade their home. Heavy Snow told Bluepaw to look after us. The blue-furred apprentice is hardly a friend, but a WindClanner is safer than what they only know to not be WindClanners.​