camp PRAYER OF THE REFUGEE — rogue invasion

your entire existence gives me a headache, go stand over there .
He expected teeth, not Goldenstrike's body rolling with the very rogue that would have ended his existence. He realized then he didn't want to die, grinning bitterly, until a chalky laugh escaped his maw, breathing ragged, sounding off-putting to smokey tufted ears.

His pride was wounded, swallowing down the ripening anger that festered beneath a bloodied pelt at Goldenstrike holding his own. His ear flickered, annoyance bubbling to the surface at Rabbitclaw's voice grating on his ears. He hummed, grinning devilishly, lips curled in tandem with the elegant crinkle of his muzzle. "You must be seeing things, my dear." He hummed, ignoring the way his skin prickled. He nearly died. Again. He admitted sourly. If he had been at his strongest then, Fogbound licked the inside of his teeth, expression hauntingly murderous. How the tides have turned. He hummed. It would have been a shame to see him go, but he would have abandoned his family and that didn't settle well. Of course, the smokey Maine Coon paid little mind, keeping an air of indifference, uncaring he had almost met a gruesome fate.

Gathered himself onto shaky paws, expression carefully neutral, watching the tunneler swipe at a particular parasite, brow raised. "It's terrible I never listen." He reported, grinning mischievously. "Perhaps Wolfsong will need to check those pretty eyes of yours." He added, tone pooling like fresh honey.

He tsked, shooting the other a half-hearted stare. "And leave you to have all the fun? I wouldn't dare." He called over his shoulder, letting ruby eyes sweep through the camp in search of another poor soul, until a particular tabby-furred demon stole his attention, creeping up on them. Truly the worst of our kind. He wondered how someone with so much idiocy survived this long in the wild paws of nature.

A snarl tore from his throat without a seconds delay, meeting the rogue in a battle of claws and teeth. They landed unceremoniously on the ground in a heap of well-built muscle and a barely-fed moor runner. "Not very gentlemanly of you to sneak up on a lady like that." He hissed through clenched teeth, ignoring the accumulating pain until freshly stained claws tore into his side, not nearly enough to kill him, but enough to draw a pain-tinged grunt from the Maine Coon.

He fell limp beneath the rogue's paws, mind blanketed in fiery agony screaming up and down his side. He breathed through his parted maw, hearing the sounds of retreat within a muddled ear. He had stopped breathing at some point, taking stock of his situation, no longer trapped beneath claws, but open air. It had lessened the pain, but surely made him look like a corpse until he breathed, flank rising again.

Fogbound huffed. He wondered if these primitive cats even thought to check if their opponent was dead. Truly. A shame. "Rather dull creatures, aren't they?" He grunted, pulling himself up, tone edged with pain. His mind was clouded, but his tongue was sharp, grinning devilishly despite the ichor beading down his side.

/ interacting with @RABBITCLAW
thought speech

His dreams end with a gradual fade, the world coming into view as he blinked both eyes open. Upsetting. He had been enjoying that leisurely stroll through the tall golden grass surrounding the territory; a cheerful and sunlit exploration he one day hoped to have as an apprentice.
"Wha's happen'n?" His voice rises blearily, distressed and tired from the nest; unlike his siblings he had slept through the majority of the beginning of the chaos and only now roused once he had been nudged awake. Bearkit's blue eyes shine dim in the den light, gaze drifting listlessly from his siblings to ðir before he is rising to his paws sleepily. The rosette spotted kitten was more bothered his rest was disturbed than whatever was happening, sleeping was a hobby he found quite pleasant and he often laid about with eyes closed lucid dreaming but vaguely aware of the world; a comforting doze with a touch of awareness.
Cottonpaw isn't quite sure how she's gotten here, cornered by rogues in her very own home. She's not selfish enough to ignore the fact that they've all been swarmed - like Bluepool says, they're outnumbered, three rogues per one WindClanner. Yet as dingy, mucky claws swing towards her and yellowed teeth shine under the moonlight, she can't help but think about herself. Is this the curse? If it is, it has a weird way of manifesting and affecting everyone.

Regardless, the usually soft she-cat growls and slashes her claws at one of the rogues, blood rushing in her ears. She is a product of her parents and she will be damned to let anyone forget that, even if only shown through measly swipes and hisses. A predominantly white furred cat leaps in between her and the rogues, splitting the attention between the two of them. Cottonpaw has a second to feel saddened, a bit upset that Snakehiss isn't the one to come save her - yet all the same, she is saved, and Foxglare seems content enough to be her knight in the moment.

She leans into the white-and-ginger tom for a second, a wordless thanks, before trying to focus on the cats surrounding them. Cottonpaw holds her own, however she is not exempt from unnecessary wounds nonetheless. The medicine cat apprentice can hardly hear any discussions within the chaos, however shock and confusion lights up her face when Sootstar calls for a retreat. It's the smart option, though not painless.

"Oh - Foxglare, the kittens," she nudges him again, unwilling to leave empty pawed. Parts of her wish she could take the herb stores too - she'll have to check in with the rest about that later. Regardless of if her friend follows her, the grey she-cat twists away from the fray and towards the nursery as quickly as she can. She makes a point to tap Snakehiss with her tail along the way - there are too many kittens to leave to run on their own. The queens need help.

She spots one clutching the ground, a spitting image of her father if he were small and weak. Heavy Snow is fighting valiantly for his Clan, and Cottonpaw can only hope that she can repay him by helping his young survive. "Heathkit -! Oh," the apprentice breathes, nearly forgetting that the child cannot hear. She swallows thickly as she comes to a stop, thrumming her paws beside the deaf kitten to garner her attention. She tries a smile, though with many of the rogues still biting ankles, she has no time to try and silently explain... well, anything. Instead, she hopes Heathkit won't fight her as she lifts the other off the ground and turns towards the exit in the gorse, dutifully following her Clanmates.

[ interacting with @FOXGLARE and briefly @SNAKEHISS , picking up @HEATHKIT and running to leave! ]​
Had this been a normal day where they insulted each other she would've dropped what she was doing to respond with biting words. She merely met his retort with a grunt of displeasure. This was quite possibly the worst time and she would rather not meet her untimely end by a rogue of all things. Would it kill you to get up and fight? Geez, making me do all the fucking work. Her eyes remain trained on her opponent, yet she lets out a huff "Tell me about it." She is semi-aware that her comment is a little too weak given the circumstances, her concentration is mostly taken up by the vermin in front of her who struggles to keep up with her. What she lacks in strength she makes up for in speed. A grin spreads across her face at his next set of words. Oooo, I can go with this. "Why have Wolfsong check them, if you're doing that already? If you wanted to go on a date you know how to make a lady swoon. Just how I like it, on the battlefield."

The rogue swipes at her which she causes her to lean back and move to the side. Without breaking her concentration, she calls out "Winning my heart, aren't you Fogbound? Of course it wouldn't be fun, I love when claws are involved!" Get a room you two, at this point their weird words were most likely freaking out the rogues they were facing. Give me an opening. It's then that she hears Fogbound again, but this time he mentions her as a lady and seems to be addressing a rogue that tried to get the jump on her. She trusts in Fogbound and pays no heed. He's more than capable than taking down a rogue. A grin remains plastered on her maw, and she begins to answer him.

"Thank you honey, I'll be sure to th-," her voice is cut short when she turns back and sees Fogbound's body limp. H-hey! Get the fuck up you stupid li-, a yowl escapes her as she feels claws scrape against her throat. Normally this is where someone's life flashes before their eyes, yet all she can think about is stupid Fogbound crumpled to the ground. Fogbound who she knew for most of her life. Fogbound who never held punches back and how they absolutely loathed each other the moment their eyes met. She can hear his annoying voice tease her about how much she cared about him.

Yes, there was no denying it. To be honest it was a given considering all the things they've been through. Even if he drove her mad, she didn't know what to do if he died all of a sudden. Just like that, the one cat who always bickered with her would be gone. No would or could replace him. Their daily bickering was something she treasured. Rabbitclaw didn't know much about the future. She'd given up so many wishes and futures she wanted for herself, but if she knew... Or she knew one thing. She will always have a future with Fogbound in it. With his arrogant self meeting her biting comments with a sharp tongue.

Anger boils, and she decides this. She's going to make sure these rogues pay. She chuckles, "Sooo two against one. I'll kill every last one of you." Blood splatters against her pelt and her pelt darkens with red as she fights recklessly. There is a moment where she is pinned to the ground by one of the rogues. Rabbitclaw rakes her claws against the belly of the rogue who has her pinned down. The rogue yowls in pain, and she takes this moment to push up and sinks her teeth into their throat. She's able to bite deeply, however the rogue that Fogbound saved her from decides like a coward to take advantage of this opportunity. They sink their claws into her back and rake down.

She lets out a shriek, teeth unlatching. Exhaustion and perhaps a mix of blood loss is getting to her. Shit. Labored breaths escape her lips, ears flick at a familiar voice. Instantly relief hits her in knowing he of all cats didn't die easily. Said relief is replaced with pain when she just barely evades an attack. She joins Fogbound's side. Maybe to him she looked absolutely terrifying. Or maybe he was in awe of her will, that she refused to die with the wounds she received. "Y-yeah... Fohhg. I dohn..." I can't pass out here. "Let's mahke this quick." I won't last much longer. Do we really want to kill this one and then retreat? Blue distant eyes stare into Fogbound's own for direction.

// interacting with @FOGBOUND , is badly wounded (looking to retreat but refuses to say so or retreat herself unless fogbound or others force her to do so)
ˏˋ°•*⁀ It all happened so quickly, Windclan fighting rogues after the moor queen had commanded them to do such and he feels his insides twist before lunging for a rogue that was heading in his general direction. His claws finding purchase as he heard the cat shriek in pain before attacking him back with just as much ferocity. His eyes widening when he saw its limbs going above his head and then coming down with claws streaking across his face, pain rippling from the pain and he used his legs to kick away the rogue as he stumbled away hearing the sound of his own heart hammering in his chest within his ears.

His face stings similar to the first time but this time it feels significantly worse, his one eye blinded from the blood that dripped from his face and painted the ground that he tread upon. The sound of Sootstar calling for all the Windclanners causing him to blink back surprise. Maybe she was being sensible this once? No. He doesn't wait though, he wobbles where he stands. "Thank Starclan..." He breathes out and looks around for his apprentice and motions for him to follow "L-let's go." His paws are a little shaky at first but he shakes himself off real quick before lifting his head slowly following behind the rest of his clanmates away from the rogues.

/talking to @redpaw
  • venbeast.png
    ⁀➷ 44 moons old
    ⁀➷ windclan moor runner
    ⁀➷ bisexual homoromantic; single; padding after rattleheart
    ⁀➷ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ⁀➷ med difficultly in combat; relies on brute strength and his ability to quickly strike
    ⁀➷ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ⁀➷ penned by bosstaurus

XXXXXBluepaw feels Brightshine’s kits keeping close to her, their eyes blinking with fear and muddled confusion at the rogues tearing through their home. Her gaze is trained on Sootstar, who fights valiantly, but every rogue cut down or sent fleeing is seemingly replaced by five more. She reflects that they are not trained in the art of combat as a true warrior, but their numbers make them impossible to face in this state. She fears Sootstar will never relinquish their home and they will all be forced to perish—but at last, Bluepool convinces her mother to leave, to survive, and the call for a retreat is sounded.

XXXXXHeavy Snow had tasked her with keeping an eye on the kits, and when Heathkit darts away, Bluepaw gives a mangled hiss of frustration. “What’s wrong with—” Her hiss sputters out as Cottonpaw and Foxglare guide her away, and she turns back to the remaining scraps of fur with narrow green eyes. “Do as I say. We will find your parents, but we must leave camp now. Do not stray from me until you see Brightshine or Heavy Snow. Understood?

XXXXXWith her tail, she nudges the kits into line, her chin lifted despite the crippling loss of their camp and territory. And then—then she thinks of the cats in the Abandoned Badger Set, one of whom is her sister, another her mother’s littermate. Bluepaw’s confidence begins to wither. How will they escape with all of their Clanmates in tact?

A shadow passes over her and Heathkit looks up. The image of her heavyset father now is ingrained in her mind and she looks at him with a strange sense of wonder—as if she were trying to commit the memory to heart. It would be a good thing if that was the last thing she saw before her eyes closed forever. Although her siblings were comforting, Heathkit had never felt a sense of protection until her father appeared. She made a soft, sighing sound when she felt his nose press to her head. Heathkit leaned in for a moment and then, just like that, he was gone.

Despair began to fill her chest again and she suddenly started to twitch and lash out. Invisible, silent enemies fell down among her and she did not stop until she felt Downykit's tiny teeth dig themselves into her scruff. Heathkit whined and struggled as she felt herself be dragged backwards by a cat she could recognize the scent, but had no way of knowing who exactly.

Her brain threatens to cave in on itself like a tunnel and tears prick at her eyes as she makes a soft wail that staggers to a stop when she feels the purposeful vibrations of the medicine cat apprentice.

The smile the gray she-cat wears is frozen in Heathkit's mind and she stares wide-eyed and allows herself to be picked up with out any fuss. Her heart patters like a rabbit's foot as she dangles in the air, paws splayed and outstretched helplessly.

Redpaw felt his heart pounding as the commotion around escalated. Fear and determination warred within him, and he locked eyes with Rumblepaw, who had been brave enough to stand next to him. That is until the other cut off his path with frightened eyes.

Confusion and hurt registered across Redpaw's muzzle. "I-I know these facts about myself but I'm still an apprentice! Just like yo-" When they exchanged a few words, a massive rogue abruptly tackled him to the ground. The young apprentice yelped as he was unceremoniously thrown to the dirt. He had barely a moment to process the pain and chaos before adrenaline took over.

Blood thick and sticky ran down the youths feathery coat. Soaking it where the gray tom's claws had made purchase with his skin

Scrambling to all four paws, Redpaw raced away from the larger rogue, desperate to avoid a confrontation he couldn't win. The long haired tom's back roared in pain but he dared not stop for a break. Redpaw was fleet-footed, a moor runner, and used said agility to put distance between himself and the pursuer.

Circling the camp twice he lost site of his pursuer and dashed into the warriors den. Panting aloud he could still hear the screams, yowls, and agonizing sounds of battle echoing. Heart-wrenching chaos continued to play out in the background, and his first instinct was to hide and cower.

Yet, he knew that option was out of the question. Redpaw had trained hard to be a clan cat, and this was the moment to prove his worth. To show he wasn't some sniveling crybaby or disruptive know-it-all. Taking a deep breath, the Somali mix rallied what little bravery was left and raced back into the fray. Squeezing past the tussling cats and avoiding the most dangerous conflicts, he gradually came up beside Rumblepaw.

- - -

Not long after his return, the earlier attacker took notice and ferociously pushed through the crowd. Unlike their first confrontation it seemed the larger cat had taken on some damage. Sides marred with scratches and half their face drenched in blood due to the loss of an ear. Their gasping frame still rippled with power and icy blue gaze bore holes through Redpaw's chest.

Knowing his denmate was beside him gave the burgundy apprentice a renewed surge of courage. Arching forward he hissed and tried to appear as intimidating as possible. However, his spiky posture was betrayed by quivering whiskers.

With a gnarled grin the rogue lunged, but Rumblepaw had already bounded and leaped onto the enemy's face, clawing and biting to defend them both.

Awe and gratitude filled his bright green eyes as he watched the older apprentice's raw display bravery. Soon the brute was left howling and wailing as his mug was ruthlessly scored by claws over and over. With one firm shake the gray tom managed to shake the apprentice loose and stumble away in agony.

Just as Redpaw gathered the words to express his gratitude, Sootstar's cry pierced the air, calling to retreat. For a brief moment, the rogues seemed to ease their assault, and Redpaw seized the opportunity to escape. Hurriedly, he nudged against the other encouraging his friend to leave. Earlier words easily forgiven by the display of selflessness by the fellow paw'.

"I'll have to thank you later, but we've gotta go!" He mewed urgently, voice strained from earlier tears and the ongoing turmoil. The bloodied tom hoped Rumblepaw would understand the unspoken gratefulness and follow.

- - -

Venomstrike's motion was caught by the apprentice and eagerly he heeded it.

Not waiting for a reply Redpaw raced after the retreating form of his Mentor. Heart and tattered back aching with the notion that they may never see these moors again.

OOC; Given permission to power play @RUMBLEPAW protecting Redpaw. Leaving alongside @VENOMSTRIKE and Rumblepaw.


// i'm playing catchup in this post! im sorry </3

A few things happened at once. Violetheart was nice enough to tell her to keep back, in which, Rivekit was relieved. She didn't want to have to fight. She would, if she had to- but the bigger cats were here. The adults, the apprentices. She blew a huff of air, starting to retreat when Bluepaw yanked her awry. A shout left the kit, turning to snarl at Bluepaw. Only then did she relax, realizing it was a clanmate. Her harsh words made Rivekit's eyes narrow, and she stuck out her tongue at Bluepaw. The weight of the situation did not yet reach Rivekit, truly.

She did not understand death, or murder. Well, she had seen death, but not murder or fighting. She had been told stories, of course, but it's nothing compared to seeing it up close and personal. So Featherkit's words grazed over her skin like tiny needle-claws, and her tail lashed, ears flattening. In the moment she opened her mouth to snap back at Featherkit- Bluepaw had already done enough to wound her kitten-pride- Sunstride was pushing past them. Blue eyes shifted towards their father, watching him go to work.

Finchkit's yowls made Rivekit feel a little bit better, but the shakes wouldn't set in yet. Adrenaline like no other had found the kit, and she turned her vision back towards Featherkit. "There are no bees in my brain!" She shouted, but she was still retreating away from the rest stood in front of them, between the medicine den and the rogues.

A familiar scent settled like a blanket, and even while her nerves were soothed, she was moved back interior to the medicine den. Her vision snapped towards their ðir in compaint, but the look on his face made her ears lower. And for the first time tonight, she grew quiet and still, eyes dropping towards her paws. Perhaps her siblings would rub it in later, perhaps Pink-kit would say something harsh, but she knew that Wolfsong would make good on his promises. "Yes, ðir. I understand." She said softly, eyes dropping back to her paws.

And she fell silent. Guilt did not take her, no, but calculated planning. The rogues would pay. Maybe not today. The same rage that crept in for Featherkit found her now, but it was frozen. Frozen, akin to the tundra her parents came from. Blowing in like a northward wind and just as strong, her eyes slowly lifted towards the opening of the den. Battle was happening, there, outside the safety of the only safe place she truly knew. Bearkit had said something, but it was barely a rotated ear towards him as she stared out. They would pay. Rivekit would make sure of it.

And when they left, so did Rivekit, leaving a last solid glance towards camp.

// slight future set up post! interacting with @FEATHERKIT @WOLFSONG @Bearkit , okay to be powerplayed out of camp!
✦ ★ ✦
( ) eyes of chipped amber blow wide as the molly struggles under her assailant. a last breath of air slips from her lungs, bringing with it the slow, long realization of the beginning of death as oxygen abandons her. mothmoon continues trying to fight, even as black spots dance in front of her gaze, flashing her claws out to rake at the underbelly of the huge tom. the next moments are a blur as a figure alights atop the dark rogue and distracts him enough for the lanky femme to wriggle out from beneath him. the rogue growls lowly as he focuses on his new prey, and mothmoon follows his gaze to find sootspot, spitting and sneering. raising her tail in thanks, the pretty moor-runner backs up, putting herself beside the smaller tomcat in a defiant stance. "ugly, starless cats," she'll add to her clanmate's taunt, tail lashing behind her. "you will never defeat windclan!"

the two felines face off against rogue counterparts- the hulking tomcat thundering forward to attack sootspot while the gray she-cat snakes towards mothmoon. as sootstar's words ring over camp, the call for retreat causing clanmates to give up fights and flee, mothmoon growls in frustration. she is inclined to listen to her leader, but anger and fear boil within her. the thought of loosing this sacred land, abandoning the open air where the stars watch so carefully, pains her. as the gray rogue yowls and flashes out claws, the mottled molly bowls into her, biting and clawing with abandon. she pins the rogue easily again, sinking her teeth in to her throat as blood gurgles in the she-cat's maw.

// if soot jr wants to convince moth to leave, feel free, otherwise i'll have her leave soon @SOOTSPOT
The call for battle reverberated deep within Harbingermoon's mind. Familiar sensations stirring up at the core of his being, bringing a level-headed smile to the patched tom's face. Many wars he had won and lost but this was something new. A plethora of foul-smelling cats snapping their jowls forth. Disrupting the unfriendly tunnelee's walk to the warriors den.

A rogue, roughly his height but outmatched in speed, charged at his side. Harbingermoon stood firm, allowing the adversary to attempt to bowl him over. The scrappy rogue managed to push him over but Harbingermoon's massive paw delivered a resounding smack to the brown rogue's unattractive snout. It sent the rogue tumbling to the side as the tunneler put his weight into the move.

With graceful agility, he landed hard on the rogue's back, feeling the satisfying expulsion of air from the cat beneath. Desperate scraping and thrashing filled the air, and Harbingermoon couldn't help but relish the sweet sounds.

It had been moons since the brute had the pleasure of a good tussle, even longer since he had the opportunity to test his final blows. The scrambling apprentice-aged cat beneath him was the perfect outlet for his desires.

Content with the mild torment he had inflicted, Harbingermoon flipped the cat onto their back and drove his black claws deep into their stomach. He squeezed and pressed with excess force, eliciting a yowl of agony in response.

Regrettably, Sootstar's call for a retreat put an end to the games. Glancing down at the trembling, battered cat, he slowly disengaged his paws, grinning at the scarlet markings they had left behind. "I guess you can live, for now - see ya." His smile faded like disrupted dust as the uniquely splotched warrior abandoned his stunned opponent.

He soon fell in line with the retreating WindClanners, restraining himself from swearing at the cowardice of the naysayers.

☾ ooc; ☽
// out!
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