- Jun 7, 2022
- 327
- 130
- 43

judas. spiritpaw
↳ SPIRIT for her unbreakable spirit, PAW symbolizing her rank![]()
— apprentice of riverclan; previously from the barn
— cisgender female, she/her; bisexual [ future love-plot with aspenpaw ]
— 5 moons, ages every 12th
— ANASTASIA x ASTER, sibling to three unnamed she-cats
— mentored by hyacinthbreath
fluffy cream cameo with white and big blue eyes conventionally beautiful, spirit was targeted by her mother as she was deemed her highest success child. fur of light cream, of well-groomed fluff, she currently stands at around four inches tall, with a plumed tail that seems just a bit bigger than her body. her muzzle and paw-tips are covered in splashes of white, as well as having some white fur weaved in to her tail. she has large ears and upon her face sits two widened blue eyes, always sparkling with mischievousness or curiosity.
( + ) friendly, resourceful ( / ) stubborn, overworker ( - ) people-pleaser, slightly reactive
— spirit is a very open and friendly person on the surface. shes a hard-working gal who just wants people to like her, and has a very large aversion to anyone who raises their voice. she likes to think shes friends with a lot of people, but often has mixed views on outsiders. however, when shes stuck on something, she doesn't quite back down from her views and thinks they're completely right, a trauma response she has learned trying to defend herself from her mother.
— mannerisms: paw shuffler, squints when someone says something she doesn't like
— will start fights | will probably end fights | will not flee | will show mercy - fights dirty
— excels at nothing rn LMAO?!
— voiceclaim - wendy, south park
— hex code: #EF798A
— toyhouse, on site tags
phantom. spectermask
↳ SPECTER after his silent demeanor, MASK symbolizing their white spot on their face![]()
— warrior of shadowclan; previously a loner
— trans male, he/they; pansexual
— 23 months, ages every 11th
— WILLOW x TORY, only child
— mentoring eeriepaw
tortie/blue tortie chimera with large ears and two different blue eyes specter stands at around fourteen inches tall from their shoulders, with a fluffy velvet coat and a plumed tail; his fur is a stark black, void colored that slightly reflects brown when in direct sunlight. alabaster ivory lays across his face almost like a mask, along with stark white paws that are almost always covered in marsh mud. theres a set of narrowed green eyes that sit high above on a wedged face, with large ears to go along with it. his build is stocky and lithe, the defining feature of an oriental cat.
( + ) hard-working, adaptable, tidy ( / ) quiet, stoic, irreligious ( - ) obsessive, repressed, vague
— on the surface, spectermask seems like your stereotypical shadowclanner, strong, quiet, reserved and hardworking. while being all of this, specter also struggles with connecting with his peers, often feeling as if they've reached an impasse due to how vastly different they are; specter often has trouble expressing themselves or expressing how they feel, so they bury themselves in to working for the clan rather than interacting with them. he's quite the adaptable creature, always taking what he is given and never complaining, able to work through the largest of problems while keeping everything nice and neat. on the deeper end of things, specter keeps their emotions locked up from others, only talking to those he deems can be trusted to hold the information, and is often scared of being called weak. he becomes obsessive over every single little detail to the point of stressing himself out, spending time worrying about if hes truly worthy of his vessel or if his parents were right.
— mannerisms: blank stares & silence
— will start fights | will probably end fights | will not flee | will show mercy under certain circumstances
— excels at stealth, hunting & fighting
— voiceclaim - omar apollo
— hex code: #767474
— toyhouse, on site tags
katya. mothmeadow
↳ MOTH for her wispy fur, MEADOW symbolizing her cheerful demeanor![]()
— warrior of windclan; previously from the marsh group
— cisgender female, she/her; bisexual [ future polycule w ghoststrike & nutsprout ]
— 25 months, ages every 11th
— KIMBRA x WIDOW, only child
— mentoring N/A
tall black-ticked tabby [ somali ] with various nicks and scars standing about twelve inches, moth is both stocky in build and tall in height. as a variation of a somali, shes extremely fluffy which helps in covering some scars and her muscles, often leading those shes against to underestimate her. her coat is always slightly windblown, a deep russet in color with black accents. her tails nubbed but despite this, wispy fur falls off and makes it appear larger than it would be, causing a feather-like fall. her ears are curled backwards, slightly nicked from her time as a rogue, with tufts that dangle off much like earrings. her eyes are emerald green.
( + ) chipper, loyal ( / ) deceptive, prideful ( - ) loud, fanatical
— wip
— mannerisms: tends to emotionally shut down if talking about her past, tends to wag her tail like a dog
— will start fights | will end fights | will not flee | will show mercy under certain circumstances, most likely not [ will kill ]
— excels at fighting & stealth
— voiceclaim - junker queen
— hex code: #E05263
— toyhouse, on site tags
cove. covecatcher
↳ COVE for her sandy pelt, CATCHER symbolizing her affinity for hunting![]()
— cisgender female, she/her; oblivious bisexual
— 22 months, ages every 15th
— NPC x NPC, younger sister to Burningspirit
— mentoring sweetpaw
fluffy cream ticked tabby with white and wide blue eyes cove is small standing next to her brother/rest of her family, only standing at about seven and a half inches tall. shes very fluffy with constant well-groomed fur, soft to the touch and often reminds those she lays with that she is a furnace. cove has ocean blue eyes and sandy colored fur, being a cream ticked tabby. she has two tropical flowers placed gently upon her ears, which somehow stay up despite her erratic movement, flowers that had been preserved in sand by a twoleg. she has quite a bit of white colored stripes on her tail and legs which could remind someone of a wave with how they are shaped.
( + ) optimistic, cheerful ( / ) absentminded, breezy ( - ) ditzy, oblivious
— cove is an amalgamation of excitement and odd wisdom, full of love for both her clan, family and her friends. cove is often described as air-headed but very well-meaning, just forgetful as her mind is constantly going three different ways at once. cove is a great multi-tasker, often shining in her hunts as shes able to think about many things without getting distracted- however, give her a shine out of the peripherals of her eyes and she has immediately lost focus.
— mannerisms: loves to collect shells, tends to directly avoid prodding about problems
— will not start fights | wont end fights | will flee | will show mercy
— excels at hunting, swimming
— voiceclaim - fluttershy
— hex code: #698de2
— toyhouse, on site tags
2014 subaru crosstrek . subarupaw
↳ SUBARU as a shortened twoleg given name, PAW symbolizing his rank![]()
— daylight apprentice of skyclan
— cisgender male, he/him; undetermined sexuality
— 4 months, ages every 8th
— PINA COLADA x DAIQUIRI, two unnamed siblings, taken early
— mentored by mountainheart
short black / blue smoke chimera with pale blue eyes subaru is a short boy who stands at about a current four inches tall with a base of pure black fur. he has grayish-blue eyes that are typically widened in excitement and a large blue collar around his neck that just does not ever seem to have a snug fit. as a chimera he has blue smoke fur blended in with his black with white accents along his hind leg.
( + ) playful, considerate ( / ) boyish, determined ( - ) abrupt, rowdy
— wip
— mannerisms: tends to shake his pelt out every time he feels a strong emotion, fiddles with his collar
— will not start fights | will probably end fights | will flee | will show mercy
— excels at climbing
— voiceclaim - koda
— hex code: #CBC5EA
— toyhouse, on site tags