RACCOONSTRIPE x NIGHTBIRD ; thunderclan shpr litter

Jun 6, 2022

RACCOONSTRIPE was born Raccoon to a recently widowed Howling Wind in the marshes. Born to the youngest litter to a sprawling family, Raccoon grew up with an alliance to first Hare Whiskers, and then Briar, and when the time came to clash with the pine colony at Fourtrees, he fought with gusto. Raccoon took the life of an apprentice-aged pine colonist, and then killed the cat's mother; his violent war crimes haunt his dreams even now. Once Emberstar claimed the forest for ThunderClan, Raccoon and his family joined her in the oak forest, and he was given the name Raccoonstripe. Raccoonstripe spent his days womanizing and dreaming of the day he'd take over ThunderClan, until he ascended to lead warrior rank alongside his cool-natured friend, Nightbird.

NIGHTBIRD was born Night, to two loners named Stone and Hawk. Night suffered at the paws of jealous and vengeful older siblings, and after an injury to her leg, she fled her family and wound up in Emberstar's ThunderClan forest. After healing, she was renamed Nightbird for her swiftness and agility. Nightbird proved herself to be an efficient, logical-minded warrior, and before long, she was promoted by Howlingstar to lead warrior of ThunderClan alongside her somewhat sleazy friend, Raccoonstripe. After the forest became plagued with yellowcough, Nightbird volunteered herself to go on the Great Journey to the mountains to seek the cure. She returned, and Raccoonstripe asked her to become his mate.

  • These applications are not first-come, first-serve. These kits will be chosen on 07.05.2024; they will be born on 07.08.2024, then bumped to 2 moons.
  • Disabilities and birth defects are permitted, but must be thoroughly researched and played realistically. No genetic mutations will be permitted.
  • There is no posting quota for this litter; however, we do expect at least a handful of posts per month. Raccoonstripe and Nightbird are both active shp characters. We reserve the right to rehome your slot after one month of inactivity.
  • Kits must stay in ThunderClan until adulthood, after which they may leave if a plot calls for it.
  • Please stick to the names or themes on the naming list!
  • Please adhere to the genetics, provided by Blitz Krieg.
  • Number of slots is subject to change, but will likely remain at two.
  • There is no set form; please include all the basics.
  • Please include alternative names in case names are taken by other applicants. Please try not to use prefixes taken by current, actively played characters!
  • These kits will be raised by Raccoonstripe and Nightbird, who will love them... in their own ways. :] Feel free to peruse these characters' profiles (linked above) to get ideas for how these kits might turn out.

Sire: LH black tabby w/ low white (carrying dilute, solid)
Dam: LH black smoke w/ low white (carrying non-silver)
Kits can be black, black tabby, black smoke, or silver tabby

- kits will be longhaired
- kits can have no white, low white, or high white
- kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- tabbies will carry solid; silver/smoke kits will carry non-silver; kits may or may not carry dilute

Raccoonstripe is gen 2 | Nightbird is gen 1 | Kits will be gen 3
Kits will be added to Howlingfam's Family Tree

APPEARANCE: black-kit, dark-kit, silverkit, brindlekit, etc

DARK FUR: rook-kit, slatekit, spiderkit, crowkit, shadekit, smokekit

SILVER FUR: crescentkit, birchkit, ashkit, rainkit, featherkit, stonekit, webkit

FUR TEXTURE: thornkit, bristlekit, jaggedkit, needlekit, quillkit, thistlekit, briarkit, sleek-kit, plumekit

THUNDERCLAN NAMES: bramblekit, alderkit, hollowkit, owlkit, thrushkit, brackenkit, tigerkit, adderkit, stormkit, fernkit, lightningkit, talonkit, waspkit
Bark-kit, Barkingkit, Bayingkit, Shriek-kit, Shriekingkit, Silverkit, Stormkit, Galekit, Stripekit, Stripedkit, Twilightkit, Eveningkit, Birdkit, Featherkit, Plumekit, Talonkit, Beak-kit, Berrykit, Fruitkit, Acornkit, Seedkit, Saplingkit, Juniperkit, Smallkit, Tinykit, Rook-kit, Jackdawkit — legacy names

Tigerkit, Leopardkit — ancestral names

Lightningkit, Whirlwindkit, Gustkit, Tempestkit, Oak-kit, Shrewkit, Squirrelkit, Bramblekit, Brackenkit, Thornkit, Maplekit, Volekit, Robinkit, Finchkit — after ThunderClan

Foxkit, Badgerkit, Houndkit, Lynxkit, Cougarkit — fierce names

No-no names: Lake, Blaze, Wind, Sky, Shadow, River, Sun/Sunny, Cinder
APPEARANCE: black-kit, dark-kit, silverkit, brindlekit, etc

DARK FUR: rook-kit, slatekit, spiderkit, crowkit, shadekit, smokekit

SILVER FUR: crescentkit, birchkit, ashkit, rainkit, featherkit, stonekit, webkit

FUR TEXTURE: thornkit, bristlekit, jaggedkit, needlekit, quillkit, thistlekit, briarkit, sleek-kit, plumekit

THUNDERCLAN NAMES: bramblekit, alderkit, hollowkit, owlkit, thrushkit, brackenkit, tigerkit, adderkit, stormkit, fernkit, lightningkit, talonkit, waspkit
Bark-kit, Barkingkit, Bayingkit, Shriek-kit, Shriekingkit, Silverkit, Stormkit, Galekit, Stripekit, Stripedkit, Twilightkit, Eveningkit, Birdkit, Featherkit, Plumekit, Talonkit, Beak-kit, Berrykit, Fruitkit, Acornkit, Seedkit, Saplingkit, Juniperkit, Smallkit, Tinykit, Rook-kit, Jackdawkit — legacy names

Tigerkit, Leopardkit — ancestral names

Lightningkit, Whirlwindkit, Gustkit, Tempestkit, Oak-kit, Shrewkit, Squirrelkit, Bramblekit, Brackenkit, Thornkit, Maplekit, Volekit, Robinkit, Finchkit — after ThunderClan

Foxkit, Badgerkit, Houndkit, Lynxkit, Cougarkit — fierce names

No-no names: Lake, Blaze, Wind, Sky, Shadow, River, Sun/Sunny, Cinder
slot one​

slot two​
  • Love
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TRACKING.... Berry, Bark, any legacy name...


if one is remembered by a friend,
Berrykit . Berrypaw . Berrywolf, -howl?, sentimental or family suffixes; other names: Bark-kit, Graykit, any legacy name

↳ after Berryheart
— Kit of ThunderClan
— AMAB Male, he/him, homosexual, monogamous
Racconstripe x Nightbird, littermate to ???

LH BLACK SMOKE W/ LOW WHITE. Taking after his father in build but his mother in appearance, Berry is tall and broad-shouldered with a black smoke pelt. His eyes, like Nightbird's, are a silvery blue with a blind look, although Berry is not blind. Though not notably handsome, there is a maturity that develops with Berry that can be attractive to those looking for a down-to-earth partner.
↳ carrying non-silver, dilute


Outside of the knight persona that he creates for himself, at his barest Berry is a very kind, sociable tom with a hidden talent for caring for kits. He carries with him the unwavering belief that there is good in everyone, holding onto that mantra to a fault. He puts his family before anything else, wanting to see them succeed right alongside him - were that to come in conflict with "there is good in everyone", Berry would choose his family over any possible good that there might be in someone who wronged them.

As a kit starting out, Berry is your average kitten, full of endless energy and a lack of shame that allows him to ask any question that comes to mind. He enjoys taking charge in nursery games. Occasionally Berry will have to be scolded for being too rough with the other kittens, and he takes these scoldings as a lesson and improves himself based on them.

During his apprenticeship is when Berry's real "knight" persona will break through and become dominant - he wants to be a hero on equivalent footing as those in his family have been, and he wants to prove to everyone that he's worthy of being part of the family that he was born into. While he acts like what he's pieced together of what a knight is, he takes on a generally heroic attitude and acts justly with little sense of self. This could annoy any mentor who wants to get to know their apprentice's true self.

As a warrior when he overcomes and breaks out of the knight persona, Berry begins to show more of his own personality, which he is quick to find fault in; to him, he's too average and boring. Really, Berry does his best to improve himself every day by exploring kindness. He doesn't see himself as the hero that he tried so hard to be, and although he knows he's helping his Clan in the ways that he can, he still feels as though he's lacking in something.

Berry learns from his father, but adjusts what he learns and applies it in different ways - some might say he's an excellent blend of Raccoonstripe and Nightbird with how he learns to fight well but show mercy. Overall, Berry becomes something of a valiant knight of ThunderClan, one that is perhaps unexpected after taking after his father so much.
mannerisms: "knight" persona [Berry suffers from delusions stemming from psychosis]
— will not start fights | will end fights | will not flee | will show mercy
— (will) excel at combat


— If named after a late family member, this kit will become obsessed with "becoming" that family member, down to how they died due to his delusions.
— I think it would be interesting to see or plan for someone close to the kit (romantic or familial) to help him set aside this persona that he's created as it grows more consuming over the moons.


Bonus Information:
— Voice claim would be Griffith from Berserk
— Human AU name would be the same who whomever he's named after
— Similar characters to Berry are the concepts of legacy heroes and knights

one is never truly gone.
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  • twilightkit, crescentkit, lostkit, other
    ✶ afab bigender, she/he, okay with gendered terms
    ✶ 0 moons, 7.8.24, ages on the eighth of every month

    " a three legged silver tabby with gilded eyes "
    the child looks at you, and you feel a chill down your spine. her eyes are of the sun, trickling from the very rays that warm the sky, and yet his gaze makes you feel so cold. he's judging you, but you know not what for. her mouth opens, pearly white teeth glinting with the filtered light, and then she purses her lips again. you feel uncomfortable, and yet she doesn't move and his gaze does not waver. you, instead, opt to leave, rather to live in uncertainty than to know what he has deemed wrong about you.
  • [ ✶ ] lh silver tabby w/ low white.

    she models herself after nightbird in almost every way - her grooming habits, her narrowed eyes, each are gained from watching her mother's careful, purposeful movements. while mimicking his father may come just as naturally, he is far more apt to mirror that of his present and residing parent. while he acts no different with his missing limb, the child subconsciously makes up for it by trying to appear more in some ways. though she is not brutish in build or demeanor, she does brandish rippling muscles and near-silent pawsteps, claws curved to parse the undergrowth with in-born skill.

    he does not look clearly like either of his parents in coloration. perhaps it is another means to set him apart from his siblings, or perhaps it serves only to exemplify her differences. her tabby striping is as stark and striking as raccoonstripe's appear to be, although against a silvery coat rather than a muddy brown one. white, too, finds its way into her pale features, but only delicately - a blaze on her forehead, a splash on her missing forearm, a dip for her ears and tail. he looks as if he was crafted to be perfect elsewhere, but not here.
  • [ ✶ ] strict, punctual, obedient, precise, picky, follower

    a child born of nightbird and raccoonstripe should serve as a clear testament to both - of wit and cleverness, of thinly veiled brutality and simmering annoyance. and where she does not exhibit them in image she makes up for in tone. even as a child he is picky with his company, prideful to a fault and provides only scrutiny to those who do not afford him any positive. should his parents deem a peer alright, then his walls are nudged aside and he accepts another into his world. but should either of her parents decide that someone is unworthy... well, a follower is she, and obedient to boot - he has no issue putting distance between himself and another.

    roleplay will always have a means of shaping characters' natures, and so not much is concrete. that said effort will be put forth to ensure that he actively makes attempts at mirroring his parents - even going as far as to mimic their words and phrases, as well as body language. she wants to be a source of pride to them, in the end. and who, then, to marvel at if not a spitting image of one's self?
  • raccoonstripe x nightbird, howlingfam

    littermates with x
    close friends with x
    mentored by x

    the means of creating friendships will not come hard to him; while not as suave as raccoonstripe can claim to be, his daughter will display similar attributes when she wants to (or when given the motive to.) relationships among her peers will be crucial to her, as a social circle means that she is not as inept as some may perceive her to be.

    similarly he will not turn down the chance to have rivals, playful or otherwise. competition is not beyond her and she will come to enjoy even a quick spar or hunting match. relationships out of the clan are a non-starter. nightbird and raccoonstripe will raise him to be a thunderclan purist (in a sense) and while he will exhibit levels of respect, she will always put her clan first and will have no issue cutting off friendships in favor of thunderclan's survival.
  • [ ✶ ] born with a missing leg, he will not have any issue with balance or difficult quality of life changes regarding it. however there will be instances where she is confused. other kittens have each of their legs, and though her disability doesn't bother him in reality, what it represents somehow does. in his teen years, as an apprentice, he will combat these emotions more fully - perhaps with a few border brawls with apprentices across the way, just to prove that she is capable.
    [ ✶ ] perhaps by virtue of genetics, he is born more sleek than bulky. she will have an easier time slinking through the undergrowth despite her missing leg, however she will not be able to overpower her opponents as easily as her peers may.
    [ ✶ ] [ if 'lostkit' is chosen as a name ] perhaps the only instance he would feel bothered by his name and image. should she be perceived as a child who 'lost' her leg, he will be all described above and more. he will actively attempt to overdo much of everything, becoming a dedicated workaholic and struggling to break routine for respite or self care. it will take too-long for her to break from this habit, likely contracting heat strokes, migraines, and more in the interim. one particularly bad illness will likely break the streak some time into warriorhood, however if she is not renamed by then, she will approach the current leader and request it.

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Bristlekit will heavily take after her mother's appearance. Her dark, smokey pelt is nearly identical to Nightbird's, except for a white diamond on her forehead, a heavier white dipped back left paw, and light blue eyes. She will not inherit much physically from her father, besides his long pelt.

Bristlekit will be born with notably long fur, sparking the idea for her name. After she is licked clean, her fur will stick out and look like she is bristling. She will be born slightly smaller than average size. It will seem like she will be small like her mother, but after a couple moons she will hit a growth spurt, catching her up with the rest of the kits her age.

By this time, Bristlepaw will be beginning to grow into her own fur. Her tail is starting to turn into a plume, and the smoke hues are becoming more obvious. As a young apprentice, she will be involved in a dispute (either border, or predator related) that will ultimately give her a scar across her eye. She will not have any sight damage from the wound, but she will cherish it as her first real scar.

Bristle??? will be slightly taller than her mother, but still shorter than her father. Her frame will be somewhere between both her parents...still light enough to be quick and agile, but with a little more bulk than her mother. Her coat will be long and thick, and her tail with fall with beautiful feathering.

(positive ) adventurous, challenging, confident, loyal, protective, respectful
( neutral ) determined, dreamy, proud, sarcastic
( negative ) blunt, fiery, impatient, impulsive, strong-willed

AS A KIT..."the dreamer", "daddy's little girl"
As a young kit, Bristlekit will be easily fueled by tales of battle and adventure. She will be eager to reenact the stories she is told, and this will result in her mother probably needing to get onto her. Naturally, she will not see Raccoonstripe as often as Nightbird, so when he visits she is obsessed with him. The son of a leader, a long time lead warrior, and the perfect warrior in her eyes. She will look up to him, and believe every word he says. Often, she will ask Nightbird when he will visit.

AS AN APPRENTICE...the ambitious
Determined to live up to her family's legacy, Bristlepaw pours all of her heart into her training. She will be want to be a lethal hunter like her mother, and a ferocious fighter like her father. It will take her longer than normal to catch her first prey, and she will struggle with the art of stealth. Fighting will come more naturally to her. Her late start at hunting will bring up the opportunity for other apprentices to pick on her, which will begin her sharp tongue. She will reach out to her mother for help hunting, and with Nightbird's help she will begin to get better. After this, she will begin to push herself, trying to prove that she is better than the other apprentices because of who her parents are.

AS A WARRIOR...the weapon
A fully trained Bristle??? will be lethal on the battle field. She will be a confident warrior, always trying to do what she believes is best for the clan. She will not be afraid to break the Warrior Code if she thinks it is in the Clan's best interest. Bristle??? will inherit her parent's sarcastic and blunt tongues.

  • As a kit, will have a short-lived fascination with blue butterflies
  • Her favorite prey will be birds
  • Bristlekit, Bristlepaw, Bristlefrost? - bird, -tail. Alt names: Featherkit, Crowkit, Owlkit
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thank you for reading this far! if accepted and by the time the litter is born, bayingkit will be my thunderclan main and second main character across the site! for a while, shellpaw in riverclan has been my only focus, and i'm ready to expand hehe. my intention with this character would be to be shaped primarily by her surroundings ; to start off shy and easily influenced, following any way she's led while still being a blunt, awkward and disagreeable creature, rough and jagged at the edges unlike most of her family. the black sheep.

& . MOTIVATIONS / her family stretches vine like through thunderclan's forest, history and legacy embedded deep into the foundation of her clan. if she fails her clan, she fails her family — her ancestors, those guiding them into better days. she substitutes duty for affection, for friendship, for anything not achieved with tooth and claw. her motivation is pleasing her parents, her mentor, her clan, her star - spoken relatives to an unbearable degree. she will be too eager to please. it will haunt her every decision. depending on how her development does icly, her morals based on this essential need to be liked can vary wildly.

& . HOWLING FOR YOU / bayingkit will rely on 'normal' kitten sounds for the beginning of her life. growls, snaps, soundless hissing.. earning her frequent whacks over the ears from her parents and elders. not an immediate fighter, though, she will tuck her tail and retreat.

& . I DONT KNOW WHY I BITE / bayingkit does not acclimate well to socialization as a kit, and as an apprentice she is thrust into the world of training nose first. while often heartfelt and capable of having friends, she does not do well with any sort of prodding or annoyance. snappy, strict, hard - eyed.. if anyone forces past these barriers, baying will be known to burn a bridge on impulse alone.

& . LIKE A DOG WITH A BIRD AT YOUR DOOR / to add onto the last two, guilt wrecks havoc on her from her earliest memories. as a result of her upbringing, though, she doesn't know how to apologize — instead opting to drag herself at their feet, offering gifts and simpering her way back into their life. she never talks about the bad times, or anything she does wrong. the guilt never goes away. she locks herself in a routine of growl, snap, whimper, repeat, running back with her ears pinned to nose her way into that state of adoration again. to keep happy. her eagerness to please keeps her coming back to less than ideal situations.

& . A STRUCK HOUND / bay is not particularly talented as a kit. it is clear in nursery games that she holds no uniqueness from the get go aside from holding a haunting image of her grandmother. she is shy, even. reserved aside from a kindling of selfishness she'd been born with. does this bode well with her parents? what would they be willing to do to thrust her into a 'better' life? i'd love for her to be pushed as her apprenticeship will come with a decent "personality change" ( she learns to mask. ) and upon training it will be already established that she does best when pushed ( because she won't do a thing without direction ).

& . YARD TIE / training encompasses her life, paints her every moment. she becomes a trained animal, impressionable and willing to be pointed, let go in any direction they choose. her mentor will be vital to her development. she will not bode well with pushovers! unless her mentor is harsh, strict and steam - pressed, bayingkit will make it a habit to leave unattended, painting an embarrassing picture for her parents that i encourage them to correct ( whether this is by demanding a different mentor, bonus points if they're formerly kittypet or kittypet blooded, or giving her a pointed slap in the middle of camp. ) correction will be important to her. she will step all over any who simply let her go.


— intended to grow into her looks slowly, stuck in the too - long uglies since late apprenticeship.
— shortly after filling out, i intend for her jaw to be broken and set incorrectly, leading to forever jutting bottom teeth and a notable drooling habit.
general tw for canon - realistic gore, inferiority complexes and subsequent trauma, family struggles. all other triggers will be tagged if applicable.


i knew the names of stones at river mouth, crossed giving thanks to their uneasy spirits. i heard killings in the shadows, knew when to turn keen and quick — TO TRAVEL IN THE PRESENCE OF THUNDER.
the summer i lived as a wolf, PIPPA LITTLE .
fallacy of starwoven bloodline ; a wild tangle of animalism, out of place amongst the nobility of her lineage. defined by her brutish and self - doubting nature, a being cursed to love like a hound. harshly, bent eared — rough and whale - eyed, like something not loving back.

BAYINGKIT, cisgender, she & her pronouns. riverclan.
⤷ named prefix baying- by raccoonstripe for the powerful wail she releases upon birth, with -kit indicating her rank.​
TO BE CHOSEN FROM : name can be chosen from anything hound / wolflike or sharp, rugged prefixes, though the former would be preferred.
NIGHTBIRD x RACCOONSTRIPE ; biological kin branches to skyclan and riverclan.
littermate to tbd, tbd ; grandaughter of the thunderclan leader, howlingstar and her late partner, gray wolf. niece and great niece to many. cousin to many.​
a lean, doglike woman of thistlethorn fur and dark marbled striping — firstborn offspring of two esteemed and long standing thunderclan leads bearing little of their pristine charm. she is a rugged, trembling hair - trigger creature ; more teeth than girl.

wiry, disheveled black tabby with forest toned eyes ⋆ ˚ 𓃦 ˖ smells like ivy and wet fur. hound-like ; not so much yet the furl of a puffed chest, the mighty strength hidden in the bulk of her kin's powerful bodies, moon drunk moniker presenting itself in long, wiry limbs and big, round paws instead. born no more than frizzed tufts of black and brown striping, she resembles her grandmother from the moment pink maw gapes life into powerful lungs. bayingkit is born the largest of her litter, born the bulky, forceful firstborn ; limbs lengthen proportionally upon weaning, body sleeking out in a way similar to her parents and it becomes clear that she will be lanky. grown early into teenage uglies and staying there until late apprenticeship, all lean muscle and tight, overtaut sinew paired with big paws on too - long limbs.

she is an uncomfortable sight for few, knobby and stretched thin at the ankles while bulk - ridden at the shoulders. a mismatch of awkward parts and a long, bony tail ; something dredged from the depths of the oak forest, a tangle of ivy and vine that mingle to create something shag pelted, wild. matted in absence of incessant reminder, a muss of leaf rot and old prey blood. she will her body as something to hone, warn - forged, a cutting board for pink - white etchings she earns in increasingly reckless sparring. an early - born mite injury keeps the left of tall, unflattering ear forever crooked, weighing even heavier upon cumbersomely long, slim features. wide, bulky paws seem particularly out of place on sharp, jutting ankles, mitted in a smattering of uneven ivory.

as she ages, cottonesque fur will thin into something long and glossy, forever mussed pantomime of her mother's featherlicked fur. her father spilled upon his mothers slim form, heavy furred and sharp eyed, hefty and sharp - featured all the same. a long, sloping muzzle site prominently along a slim, high - boned face painted beneath a billow of chocolate curl lashes and obsidian striping forming a neat diamond shape at the crest of her skyll. her coat rests in shades of familial chestnut, shadow of her grandmother where ornate striping spirals into loose marble curls at her flanks that never form correctly. she is marred only by flecks of white along the chest and socked forepaw, and a notable smudge along the left of her muzzle. she grows to be roughly the height and bulk of her father, though nightbird's willowy shaping will keep her lanky.

it will be a long while until she fits her body properly.

genetically longhaired black tabby chimera with low white & mismatched eyes. generation three ; carrying solid, silver and dilute. able to carry kits. breeds as a longhaired black tabby with green eyes.
design notes : messy fur, should not look elegant or put together. often sulking. right ear is crooked at the tip. will be particularly unattractive until adulthood.

PEOPLE PLEASER. ASOCIAL. RESERVED. BLUNT. ERRATIC. UNREFINED. INTELLIGENT. NEEDY. EMOTIONAL. ANIMALISTIC. ⋆ ˚ bayingkit is born longing. silk spun web of expectation and reverence, messy daughter of long - standing elder warriors with never a hair out of place. her birth is nothing qless than starwoven purity, of thunderclan blood run hot with devotion, product of excellence and expected excellence in return. she is a collection of should be's, of surely's, of meant to be. firstborn daughter to an undoubtable pairing, to bear offspring that will exceed them. the best of the very best, testament to an unlikely love. while not particularly wanted, they are waited upon with baited breath, nothing but a kindling of stardusted potential.

it is said that love blackens.

in her earliest days, she is a hunched, heavy - eyed kit of tumultuous nerves and blunt, bad manners. certainly so aside more tactful siblings ; she does not want to be groomed, to be corrected, to share. hounds teeth crown settles poorly between crooked ears, ensnared by presupposition like razor wire. she is born untempered, greedy, the first to latch and first to shove a wide paw at searching muzzles. she is a child of want, of hunger and impatience. a perfect child she is not, never spoiled and seemingly never satisfied. a culmination of the parts of her parents they live to conceal ; ugly, both inside and out.

mongrelish, messily furred and forestfire - eyed. she is a challenge — known to bite, known to rumble and howl and receive a cuff over the ear for it that only does enough good to last her until the next thornbristle spat between littermates. while not purposefully antagonistic, bayingkit prefers things her way and retains little vocal skill to help her voice just what she perceives to be wrong. she wears her lineage like a metaphorical muzzle, leashed only by the hard cut eyes of her parents and a skull sore with correcting swipes. taught to behave, and for all her rough, animalistic tendencies, she finds middleground in head - hung soundlessness.

quiet, silence follows her like a shroud and she will be a difficult girl to reach ; thrusted with the muzzle of tough love into life on all four paws. she is not coddled, not babied, she toughens by retreating into the shell of hard - eyed apathy. bayingkit will be known ( questionably with affection ) as a stick in the mud amongst her siblings, the grouch stapled at her mothers side while they tussle and play with a characteristic frown. into apprenticeship she is asocialstill, awkward, even, in face of those who humor her unpracticed bumbling. to the unprepared, she is little joy to be around, caught somewhere between a clenched teeth and flitting, suspicious eyes.

she bears all of her mothers standoffishness with little of her sire's charm ; dry, blunt and unrelenting in seemingly familial sarcasm despite a low simmering desperation for approval instilled in her from early kithood. from an outsider's perspective, she will have inherited nightbird's coolness. a steely face, though far less refined than she or raccoonstripe have ever been. perfection is a given for she and her littermates, and bayingkit never lives up. throughout her life, she will see the world through the eyes of a creature who cannot control herself, forever struggling with a brain like a wounded dog. forever ready to snap, forever trained to reel herself in, finding her place in pleasing others, even with her teeth bared.

she will crawl on her belly towards friendship barred by bone - deep discomfort at the prospect of being known, of letting close those she can only see herself untimately harming. desperate for attention and praise, tuck - tailed until angry, until uncomfortable, until, until.. she does not know why she bites.

she is a dog of a woman with age — all teeth, all unsheathed claw, string of wild drool at her maw. tethered to thunderclan by the tangle of her veins, heartbeat synced to the forests she'd been born to. she becomes subservient, leashed, pulled forward by an inherent need for others to need her.. and still somehow, she is easily overstimulated, ready to peel back lips and snap if pushed too far. obscene in her ways, totally unrefined, she is not elegant — never can be despite the way grace spills from both parents, from her predecessors.

MOTIFS : ❝ regret. to be a rough, unlovable woman confronted with her own need for connection. the feeling of deserving nothing but yearning for it regardless. im sorry i bit you please let me back in please let me back in. if i cannot be wanted, i will be needed. if i cannot be needed, let me be used until there is nothing left of me.
thank you for reading this far! if accepted and by the time the litter is born, bayingkit will be my thunderclan main and second main character across the site! for a while, shellpaw in riverclan has been my only focus, and i'm ready to expand hehe. my intention with this character would be to be shaped primarily by her surroundings ; to start off shy and easily influenced, following any way she's led while still being a blunt, awkward and disagreeable creature, rough and jagged at the edges unlike most of her family. the black sheep.

& . MOTIVATIONS / her family stretches vine like through thunderclan's forest, history and legacy embedded deep into the foundation of her clan. if she fails her clan, she fails her family — her ancestors, those guiding them into better days. she substitutes duty for affection, for friendship, for anything not achieved with tooth and claw. her motivation is pleasing her parents, her mentor, her clan, her star - spoken relatives to an unbearable degree. she will be too eager to please. it will haunt her every decision. depending on how her development does icly, her morals based on this essential need to be liked can vary wildly.

& . HOWLING FOR YOU / bayingkit will rely on 'normal' kitten sounds for the beginning of her life. growls, snaps, soundless hissing.. earning her frequent whacks over the ears from her parents and elders. not an immediate fighter, though, she will tuck her tail and retreat.

& . I DONT KNOW WHY I BITE / bayingkit does not acclimate well to socialization as a kit, and as an apprentice she is thrust into the world of training nose first. while often heartfelt and capable of having friends, she does not do well with any sort of prodding or annoyance. snappy, strict, hard - eyed.. if anyone forces past these barriers, baying will be known to burn a bridge on impulse alone.

& . LIKE A DOG WITH A BIRD AT YOUR DOOR / to add onto the last two, guilt wrecks havoc on her from her earliest memories. as a result of her upbringing, though, she doesn't know how to apologize — instead opting to drag herself at their feet, offering gifts and simpering her way back into their life. she never talks about the bad times, or anything she does wrong. the guilt never goes away. she locks herself in a routine of growl, snap, whimper, repeat, running back with her ears pinned to nose her way into that state of adoration again. to keep happy. her eagerness to please keeps her coming back to less than ideal situations.

& . A STRUCK HOUND / bay is not particularly talented as a kit. it is clear in nursery games that she holds no uniqueness from the get go aside from holding a haunting image of her grandmother. she is shy, even. reserved aside from a kindling of selfishness she'd been born with. does this bode well with her parents? what would they be willing to do to thrust her into a 'better' life? i'd love for her to be pushed as her apprenticeship will come with a decent "personality change" ( she learns to mask. ) and upon training it will be already established that she does best when pushed ( because she won't do a thing without direction ).

& . YARD TIE / training encompasses her life, paints her every moment. she becomes a trained animal, impressionable and willing to be pointed, let go in any direction they choose. her mentor will be vital to her development. she will not bode well with pushovers! unless her mentor is harsh, strict and steam - pressed, bayingkit will make it a habit to leave unattended, painting an embarrassing picture for her parents that i encourage them to correct ( whether this is by demanding a different mentor, bonus points if they're formerly kittypet or kittypet blooded, or giving her a pointed slap in the middle of camp. ) correction will be important to her. she will step all over any who simply let her go.


— intended to grow into her looks slowly, stuck in the too - long uglies since late apprenticeship.
— shortly after filling out, i intend for her jaw to be broken and set incorrectly, leading to forever jutting bottom teeth and a notable drooling habit.
general tw for canon - realistic gore, inferiority complexes and subsequent trauma, family struggles. all other triggers will be tagged if applicable.


i knew the names of stones at river mouth, crossed giving thanks to their uneasy spirits. i heard killings in the shadows, knew when to turn keen and quick — TO TRAVEL IN THE PRESENCE OF THUNDER.
the summer i lived as a wolf, PIPPA LITTLE .
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Ive clicked a lot more with Tigerkit than Tinykit, so he's my main tryout now!

alt names Bramblekit, Thornkit. . .


LH black tabby kitten with low white and heterochromatic amber-copper eyes.
A chubby "round" but muscular, long thick-furred dark brown tabby kitten with a paler chest, belly and tail tip. Tigerkit will grow to be on the bigger side, inheriting his father's broad shoulders while his frame is rather chubby, adding to his overall size. He has a heart-like shaped marking on his shoulder, and a lone four-pointed star (or diamond) on his forehead.
Tigerkit is born with odd-eyes, one a blazing gold and the other a sharp copper, a similar hue to that of Raccoonstripe's. If possible, I would also like for his top canines to stick out (vampire cat)!


KITHOOD - As the child of two lead warriors, Tigerkit proves to be rather unpleasant about it. Arrogant and ambitious from the get-go, he makes sure everyone knows who his parents are, who his grandmother is, and who he is: the future leader of ThunderClan: Tigerstar.
The young tom enjoys rough-housing with his littermate(s) and the other kits in the nursery beyond all else, wanting to prove himself as the strongest among their rankings. He is confident, mimicking his father's behaviors and way he presents himself. Competitive and power-driven, he is commanding and loves playing pretend (he's always the leader, of course, can't have anyone else taking what is his by birthright).

APPRENTICESHIP - Tigerpaw inherits his father's charisma and his mother's intelligence, a natural leader among the apprentices of ThunderClan who is driven to prove how worthy he is of his legacy, of what's expected of him by the entire forest. He is infuriating to deal with depending on who his mentor is (ex-kittypets taking the worst of it: he will openly go against their orders as he sees them beneath him). . . and even more annoying to his denmates, forced to hear about his accomplishments all night long before he's told to shut up and sleep.

He excels in combat and may unsheathe his claws during spars if he heavily dislikes his opponent, no reprimands are enough to stop this behavior. Tigerpaw learns to use his size to his advantage, fluffing out his fur to appear bigger and stronger than he truly is.

While ambitious and sure he will become Leader, he lets time take its course. He won't turn against his grandmother - or whoever is leading by the time he's a renowed warrior (lead warrior in his most confident dreams).

  • Notes. . .
  • Certified hater of all outsider cats, especially RiverClanners, SkyClanners and kittypets
  • Hard to befriend, doesn't trust easily
  • Will start fights / Will attack to maim and kill to defend ThunderClan, not for sport
  • Susceptible to manipulation during apphood by DF members / antagonists in ThunderClan
  • Died 2004 reborn 2024 welcome back tigerclawstar
  • Uses size to advantage in battle, strong and heavy attacks.
  • Facial markings are stylized to be tiger-like in art (hence his name), IC they look like regular tabby stripes.
  • Probably thinks Racc's flirtatiousness is a bit cringe ngl. Goes to his mother for advice most of the time.
  • Clan > Leader, but he is biased towards Howlingstar. Will do what he believes is beneficial for ThunderClan first.
  • Believes the star on his forehead is a sign from StarClan itself that he's special and destined for greater things.
  • If told about the Journey and how Little Wolf died, Tigerkit will then blame Cherryblossom for it instead of seeing it as an accident, fueling his hatred for SkyClan.
  • Very morally gray, I think.
  • Plot idea... tries to fight a fox kit during apprenticeship..heheheh...

tinykit is now the alt 2

alt names Crowkit, Rook-kit...


LH black smoke kitten with low white and silver eyes.
Smaller than the average cat, Tinykit is the runt of his litter (whether he's the youngest or not!). His build is svelte and elegant, lacking prominent muscles and appearing almost sickly through the early moons of his life - his parents even wonder if he will survive to apprenticeship.
He is a mirror image of Nightbird, long-furred and dark as night. Despite being the shortest, his paws are rather big for his age (he stumbles a lot due to this).


KITHOOD - Tinykit is wide-eyed and terrified of the world from the moment he is born. He is easily stressed out by the high energy in the nursery, always sticking close to his littermate(s) and parents, hiding behind/under them for protection. Tinykit struggles with maintaining eye-contact and small-talk, oftentimes replying with just yes and no; if he even speaks and doesn't nod or shake his head (or flees depending on the cat approaching him). He also has the habit of talking to himself (this will evolve in his apprentice moons), probably making most think there's something off about him, as he doesn't indulge in typical child-play like mossball, and would much rather just sit and watch his peers.

APPRENTICESHIP - Now Tinypaw, his self-chatting becomes rather odd when he creates a whole new persona for himself (not like DID/OSDD at all*), Tinyhawk, a confident and brave warrior who is worthy of being the child of Raccoonstripe and Nightbird, a descendant of Howlingstar. This is a brief moment of freedom for him, before he must fall into his self-dug hole once dawn comes. The apprentice finds that he is particularly talented in combat. I think a mentor who would help him come out of his shell and realize his full potential is ideal - but whether Tinypaw has a good relationship with them or not is a mystery! It highly depends on the cat chosen. Fighting is something that excites him for once, and he finds that he loves the rush of adrenaline and his blood roaring in his ears. The scratches and bruises littering his body make him appear almost unhinged, so different from the shy kitten of moons before.

His warrior years are of course left up in the air, as they rely on everything he goes through in kithood and apprenticeship. But Tiny will always be shy and awkward, preferring to keep to himself (and only ever open up to their littermate depending on their relationship).

  • Notes. . .
  • Terribly awkward and quiet, selective mute.
  • Relies on sibling a lot
  • Easily scared of everything and always seeks parents for protection, probably refuses to leave nursery when they're apprenticed.
  • Conflicted about parents, wishes they showed love more openly, but still wants to live up to family name.
  • * Think of it more like an actor playing a role in a theatre play!
  • Probably spends a lot of time in medics den as a kit, would love for him to bond with Gentlestorm during this time
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TIGERKIT - named for the clans of legend, the stories on which raccoonstripe was raised. // alternatives
— afab, currently cisfemale; she/her
— likely has a heavy lean towards interest in she-cats, but will be determined via rp!
— firstborn preferred
— may not be rehomed as a premade if i go inactive / have to rehome the character.

— "a dark tabby with one white paw and amber eyes."
— lh black tabby w/ low white (solid, dilute)
— longform descrip

— adventurous, brave, clever // stubborn, calculating, ambitious // cruel, proud
— tigerkit is born knowing that she is practically royalty among the clans. it assures her from the start, comforts her knowing she has a place in thunderclan. she is taught to keep her chin high through thick and thin, a pride that keeps her upright: perhaps too much so, for the more laidback members of the clan.

— being paired with a kittypet sympathiser is my goal for her apprenticeship to even her worldview out somewhat! however, if paired with someone who shows disdain towards outsiders, i am very curious about exploring a harsher side to tigerpaw's personality as she grows.
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" I need a whole personality, something inordinately sweet "
amab trans girl, she / her | kit of thunderclan | unborn

a scruffy brown tabby she - kit with white paws and mismatched eyes. All in all, Tigerkit views herself rather unremarkably. It's unfair, she thinks, that her mother and father's respective feathers did not make her into an interesting combination - but rather, a cat that is perfectly average. Just the right amount of whiskers, an unremarkable set of ears. Black tabby fur paints the picture of her father - but without the broad shoulders or anything else that makes him, him. It paints the picture of Howlingstar, but without her kind face and stout build. Perhaps the only thing setting her apart from the rest are her odd eyes, one of them a deep, rusted copper, and the other matching her mother's pallid gaze.
██⤷ genetically LH black tabby w/ low white; carrying solid, dilute




[ + ] adaptable, proactive
[ = ] alert, sensitive, persistent, bold, malleable
[ - ] Insecure, disingenuous, jealous, volatile, confused​
HABITUAL LIAR At a young age, Tigerkit will make a habit of lying to make her life seem more interesting. As she grows older, she'll eventually learn how to make these lies less obvious... or perhaps she won't. habitual lying may turn compulsive or pathological in life depending on ic.

CHAMELEON As she learns about her clanmates more and more, she'll begin shifting her personality to accommodate for whatever she thinks they would like better - which she will not always accurately assess - this could get to the point that her "true" personality becomes difficult to discern for others, and perhaps even for herself later on.

ATTENTION - SEEKER though she does mostly aim for positive interactions... any type of attention seems to fulfill her in some way, even if only temporarily. if she cannot get positive attention from someone, she would rather have negative attention than none at all

EMOTIONAL The simplest of things can become grand, sentimental gestures in her mind. If the stick she and her friend played with the day prior ended up accidentally stepped on, she would likely throw a fit. Similarly, is likely to put far too much weight on things such as the title of "best friend" and take issue with it being used loosely.

JUMPS TO CONCLUSIONS If she perceives that you looked at another cat longer than you looked at her... there is a decent chance she will instantly assume that you like them more, and may keep this to herself... or instantly cause a scene. Her swiftness to jump to conclusions will apply to all things. a whiff of otherclan scent anywhere it shouldn't be, and she may begin telling others that a full - scale invasion is coming.

CONFLICTING IDEALS Though she is mostly piloted by her insecurities, she will occasionally remember that she is the daughter of two prestigious cats, and will randomly gain an ego. Suddenly, she is the daughter of Raccoonstripe and Nightbird, and demands to have your mouse!

AVOIDANT Somewhat unconsciously, Tigerkit will sort of... ignore many aspects of warriorhood/apprenticeship. Prey is less of a thing she needs to catch and that the clan needs to survive, and kind of just a thing that is here now, and is something she brings to clanmates to get them to gossip with her. Patrols are just something she goes on and talks during. Training... does happen? Yeah, my assessment is soon. How about that weather, huh? If pressed upon, it becomes quite obvious that it is not her favorite subject
Tigerkit was born into a slew of circumstances she never asked for. A sprawling family tree, one heavy with Lead Warriors, and the weight of the leader herself. A face that bears unfortunate resemblance to her father. Expectation that would be dropped onto her shoulders regardless of either of these things... From a young age, Tigerkit shows signs of insecurity. It starts small — perhaps hidden in innocent, kittish remarks like wishing she had the whiskers of someone else, or feeling shunned in nursery games.

It isn't enough to simply live up to the status of her parents; to just be another Lead Warrior, or even another Medicine Cat. She needs to be something entirely new, and that'll be...

Well, it'll come to her naturally, once she figures out everything else first.

She has a lot of little tricks to figure it out. Little white lies - maybe that she caught a mouse in her sleep, but she can't show anyone because she ate it already, or that, perhaps, she is the leader of a secret sixth clan - will be the name of the game in kithood. It makes others like her – whether that is older cats laughing at her antics, or her own peers finding her impressive for these things... She'd like to be impressive. Her parents would look her to be too, wouldn't they? She'll stick to this then – even if it seems to go away at some point, it never will. Only the nature of what she says will be different.

( But, it's getting obvious, isn't it? At some point... someone will notice. But it's too late — too hard — she can't just say, It wasn't true... who would ever like her, then? )

She likes the attention, just a little bit. Even if she's scolded for it... Someone was noticing her, right? She has a sibling, a dozen cousins, a dozen other kin... Why would anyone notice her? Maybe negative attention is all she'll ever get, and maybe she's happy with that.

...That's a lie, too. She'd really really like everyone to like her. For anyone to like her! So much so, that she'll bend herself to what she thinks others will like. Some cats may know a sassy, backtalking kit. Others may know a sweet one that does everything she's told. She thinks that's okay, so long as it's getting her somewhere. Anywhere. And if she's rejected... well, she isn't sure that she can handle that... She thinks its okay to hold grudges. That's basically what they did to every other clan, right?

She doesn't worry about her warriorhood... She'll be a good warrior because that's what her parents say she will be. In fact, she believes it's so cut and dry... why talk about it at all? They should talk about more interesting things, like... well...​
HABITUAL LIAR At a young age, Tigerkit will make a habit of lying to make her life seem more interesting. As she grows older, she'll eventually learn how to make these lies less obvious... or perhaps she won't. habitual lying may turn compulsive or pathological in life depending on ic.

CHAMELEON As she learns about her clanmates more and more, she'll begin shifting her personality to accommodate for whatever she thinks they would like better - which she will not always accurately assess - this could get to the point that her "true" personality becomes difficult to discern for others, and perhaps even for herself later on.

ATTENTION - SEEKER though she does mostly aim for positive interactions... any type of attention seems to fulfill her in some way, even if only temporarily. if she cannot get positive attention from someone, she would rather have negative attention than none at all

EMOTIONAL The simplest of things can become grand, sentimental gestures in her mind. If the stick she and her friend played with the day prior ended up accidentally stepped on, she would likely throw a fit. Similarly, is likely to put far too much weight on things such as the title of "best friend" and take issue with it being used loosely.

JUMPS TO CONCLUSIONS If she perceives that you looked at another cat longer than you looked at her... there is a decent chance she will instantly assume that you like them more, and may keep this to herself... or instantly cause a scene. Her swiftness to jump to conclusions will apply to all things. a whiff of otherclan scent anywhere it shouldn't be, and she may begin telling others that a full - scale invasion is coming.

CONFLICTING IDEALS Though she is mostly piloted by her insecurities, she will occasionally remember that she is the daughter of two prestigious cats, and will randomly gain an ego. Suddenly, she is the daughter of Raccoonstripe and Nightbird, and demands to have your mouse!

AVOIDANT Somewhat unconsciously, Tigerkit will sort of... ignore many aspects of warriorhood/apprenticeship. Prey is less of a thing she needs to catch and that the clan needs to survive, and kind of just a thing that is here now, and is something she brings to clanmates to get them to gossip with her. Patrols are just something she goes on and talks during. Training... does happen? Yeah, my assessment is soon. How about that weather, huh? If pressed upon, it becomes quite obvious that it is not her favorite subject
Tigerkit was born into a slew of circumstances she never asked for. A sprawling family tree, one heavy with Lead Warriors, and the weight of the leader herself. A face that bears unfortunate resemblance to her father. Expectation that would be dropped onto her shoulders regardless of either of these things... From a young age, Tigerkit shows signs of insecurity. It starts small — perhaps hidden in innocent, kittish remarks like wishing she had the whiskers of someone else, or feeling shunned in nursery games.

It isn't enough to simply live up to the status of her parents; to just be another Lead Warrior, or even another Medicine Cat. She needs to be something entirely new, and that'll be...

Well, it'll come to her naturally, once she figures out everything else first.

She has a lot of little tricks to figure it out. Little white lies - maybe that she caught a mouse in her sleep, but she can't show anyone because she ate it already, or that, perhaps, she is the leader of a secret sixth clan - will be the name of the game in kithood. It makes others like her – whether that is older cats laughing at her antics, or her own peers finding her impressive for these things... She'd like to be impressive. Her parents would look her to be too, wouldn't they? She'll stick to this then – even if it seems to go away at some point, it never will. Only the nature of what she says will be different.

( But, it's getting obvious, isn't it? At some point... someone will notice. But it's too late — too hard — she can't just say, It wasn't true... who would ever like her, then? )

She likes the attention, just a little bit. Even if she's scolded for it... Someone was noticing her, right? She has a sibling, a dozen cousins, a dozen other kin... Why would anyone notice her? Maybe negative attention is all she'll ever get, and maybe she's happy with that.

...That's a lie, too. She'd really really like everyone to like her. For anyone to like her! So much so, that she'll bend herself to what she thinks others will like. Some cats may know a sassy, backtalking kit. Others may know a sweet one that does everything she's told. She thinks that's okay, so long as it's getting her somewhere. Anywhere. And if she's rejected... well, she isn't sure that she can handle that... She thinks its okay to hold grudges. That's basically what they did to every other clan, right?

She doesn't worry about her warriorhood... She'll be a good warrior because that's what her parents say she will be. In fact, she believes it's so cut and dry... why talk about it at all? They should talk about more interesting things, like... well...​
  • I'd like her to have a ton of relationship drama if possible, tehe...
  • " DO YOU EVEN LOVE ME " gf
  • like. the crazy girl that's the subject of rap songs. do u understand.
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rainkit | rainpaw | rain???
name meaning: named for rain from her grey pelt, the color of the sky on a rainy day. rain also represents her cool, collected personality. a soothing rain whenever things get to hot.

female [afab] | she/her

homoromantic | homosexual | other

silver tabby with high white; carries | ref
with silver and dark grey mingling, rain's pelt is just like a swirling, stormy sky. the white on her pelt blots out the stormy pattern and promises cleared skies ahead. her body is lean with little fat or fur. the fur she does have is medium length, enough to provide heat when leafbare comes round. her one insecurity is her large ears. they stand tall on her head and are her most prominent feature. it's not uncommon to see them flattened against her head to hide them, often giving the impression that she's sour with whoever she's talking to.
scars planned: a nose bridge scar
smells of: petrichor and pine

calm | cold | serious | responsible | awkward
rain aims to please her parents and superiors. as a kit she tries her best to imitate her mother's cool demeanor, and carries it into adulthood. this cool, near cold, personality keeps her grounded in tight situations and keeps those around her calm as well. she speaks in a flat tone and doesn't speak unless spoken to. she prefers to keep to herself and does not really get a long with extroverted cats. it does lead to her being under-socialized and, when she does want to let loose steam and joke around, it can come off a little too harsh and cruel. she feels immediate regret in these situations and shrinks even more into herself.

raccoonstripe x nightbird | gen 03
character inspiration: azula from atla

web-, stone-, storm-, ash-, and siler-
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You're killing me marq…


  • lFHAGDE.jpeg

    BIRDKIT ; represents love and family to her
    Birdkit is a free spirit. She says and does what she wants when she wants to say or do it and damn the consequences of her actions! She does not like being told no by anybody nor does she particularly like the idea of being inadequate at something. If she is failing at any particular portion of her life, it is likely that she will work hard to try and excel at whatever that particular endeavor is. Failure is often met with frustration, and her impatience may one day prove to be her down fall.
    ⤷ named after her mother.
    AFAB; she / they
    kit of thunderclan
    created x.x.xxxx at x moons / ages every date
  • lFHAGDE.jpeg

    Even when she is young, Birdkit will stand below a good majority of her peers. She inherits her size from her mother but possesses the broad shoulders of her father, giving her a stout look. Covering a frame that, with time, will become muscular, is long black fur that, if she ever bothered to remember to keep it groomed, would be long and silky. This includes her tail, which is thick and tapered, banded with stripes as her pale underside extends to this appendage as well. On both of her front feet she has two white socks, and on her cheeks, white freckles like snow splashed across her face, it's a stark contrast to the rest of her dark fur. Most striking of all, however, are her eyes which are a brilliant yellow and shine brightly.

    ⤷ genetically : LH black w / low white : carrying dilute
  • lFHAGDE.jpeg

    Elaborate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut bibendum lobortis hendrerit. Donec lacinia fermentum maximus. Vestibulum at cursus libero. Praesent non enim rhoncus, egestas sem vel, tristique justo. Vestibulum nec pulvinar nisi, eu dictum erat. Proin mollis magna non nunc rutrum, quis vestibulum libero sollicitudin. Aliquam tellus augue, feugiat efficitur leo quis, congue semper ligula. Vivamus efficitur, elit et tempus tristique, nisi enim laoreet nulla, vitae scelerisque erat augue sit amet nibh.

    Etiam facilisis urna nec tristique facilisis. Proin tincidunt, elit sit amet pharetra eleifend, orci mi euismod eros, nec dictum justo sem ac risus. Ut condimentum metus enim, sed vehicula velit pulvinar sit amet. Proin efficitur dui sed lorem tincidunt efficitur. Phasellus finibus, eros eu congue tincidunt, nunc mauris commodo libero, et consequat erat sem nec nisl. Sed tincidunt bibendum tellus, id lobortis sem ultricies id. Curabitur non congue diam, tincidunt accumsan nunc.

    mannerisms blah blah blah
  • lFHAGDE.jpeg

    trusts easily, friendships are not difficult to make or maintain
    SOUNDS LIKE: description. voiceclaim if you have one
    SMELLS LIKE: description.
    speech is #HEXCODE

    NIGHTBIRD xx RACCOONSTRIPE sibling to tbd | mentoring none , mentored by nond
    Mate to none | Parent to none
  • lFHAGDE.jpeg

    ► SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist

  • lFHAGDE.jpeg

    ○○○○○○○○○○ HUNTING: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
    ○○○○○○○○○○ CLAN SKILL: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.

    ○○○○○○○○○○ TRACKING: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
    ○○○○○○○○○○ COMBAT: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
  • posting template
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STORMKIT; for dark, thundercloud fur
afab trans male ; he / him , undecided sexuality
─ RACCOONSTRIPE xx NIGHTBIRD; thunderclan kit

✦ lanky, scraggly longhaired black tom with sightless brown eyes
stormkit is not an objectively ugly tom, but he is odd looking. his mother's slender frame superimposed upon his father's height gives him an odd, spidery frame- spiny, strange and thin from kithood to adulthood. from whittled, twiggy limbs hangs scraggly clumps of ebony fur, tufted in unruly quills that never seem to lie neatly, even across his bony body. his tail is long and whip-thin, and tends to move very expressively, whacking into anyone who stands near. an ember against his monochrome body are eyes of umber, unmistakeably his father's- though set with a sheen that speaks of their sightlessness.

( + ) loyal, confident, intelligent, studious
( / ) ambitious, bold, pessimistic, curious, competitive
( - ) fickle, vengeful, shallow, impatient​
part of stormkit will always want to be a good thunderclan warrior, aware of his strong, star-touched heritage... however this part of him will be forever at war with his rampant fickleness. he gets irritated easily but does not hold grudges- he falls for cats quickly, but can get over them in the blink of an eye. this is poor for maintaining friendships a lot of the time- he tends to pick a favourite cat to rope into experiments one day, and will blow them off entirely the next. every cat in the clan exists at his whims, and he feels no particular closeness by any effort of his own.

internal pessimism leads stormkit to bear a bravado-exhibiting exterior, appearing confident and bold to his peers out of a want to make life a positive, useful and ultimately survivable thing. intelligent and curious, stormkit tends to experiment- usually about what sort of noise something will make. he is also a bit of a nagging know-it-all- stormkit often takes on a leadership role in games, insisting there is a 'best' way to do things and will often preach that peers should listen to him regarding decision-making capabilities.

stormkit, later in life, will prove to have inherited his father's flirtatious tendencies, and will leave a string of broken hearts in his wake especially as an apprentice after breaking up with a string of cats for objectively shallow reasons. he is capable of being studious and hardworking, but often personal and social endeavours steer him away from dedicating as much time as he should to training.
blind from birth, but does not let it hold him back, and is perhaps worryingly reckless sometimes. however, stormkit will become extremely frustrated with the fact he will likely never be as good of a fighter as some of his peers, and will get into fights at borders in an attempt to prove something.
a naturally talented hunter ... but also a little bit over indulgent with the more delicious food. maybe he gets that from one side of the family...
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