RiverClan Deputy Interest Check [Nov '23]


Jul 14, 2022

The rogues have been handled, the journey cats returned, Yellowcough has been cured and the clans return back to their respective territories but RiverClan has undergone a shift in leadership in the interim. Smokestar only recently recieved his lives after having had to fight his way through WindClan to obtain them and subsequently lost one in the process. As a result he is looking to fill RiverClan's ranks more thoroughly as a show of force and that means a new deputy needs to be assigned soon....

Please make sure to read everything below before applying!
Everyone is welcome to apply including new members & staff.
You must not have a deputy or leader already in another clan.

Required Reading:

  • Your character must make sense in the position. While some IC-reasoning can be adjusted to fit, they must primarily fit the bill of what Smokestar would most look for in a deputy. As he's new to this his requirements are currently very minimal:
    • This character must be Warrior Aged (12+)
    • This character must have existed and been active prior to this interest check.
      • I will not look at posts past this point and will only reference previous activity.
    • They must be able to swim. (Drypaws in RiverClan are generally looked down on, there is no reasonable reason he would promote a drypaw to Deputy.)
    • While not 100% required, he is unlikely to humor the idea of a pacifist/non-combative deputy. They must be willing to fight for their clan.
    I am willing to entertain temporary deputy plots for cats who might not seem ICly realistic to be chosen! However you must state in your application that you are either applying for short term or long term - I hopefully intend to be sticking it out for a while so it would be realistic to go through more than one deputy, hence why I'd be fine with a short term plot. Do keep in mind that in the event something happens and I must step down you should be prepared to step up!

  • While you will be promoted based on IC reasons primarily, OOC plays a huge part as well. Your activity in posting is not the only requirement nor is it the most important one! Below are the guidelines that are expected of RiverClan HPs:

    Friendliness in the discord is a must, socializing in other channels and interacting with the community is required. You will have to be in the discord to assist in moderating it! (Upon being picked you’ll be taught how to help in the discord, it’s very simple!)

    Reminder to review the Roleplay Etiquette Guide as a lot of things I look for regarding your posts and behavior are there! (Such as not skimming, being inclusive, ability to separate ic/ooc properly etc…)

    I’m chill, I promise, but you have to be willing to communicate with me! If you need a break, had something come up (etc) then that’s fine! I do not need the details, but it is your duty to reach out to inform me when you will not be present/need space etc-if I have to chase you down for information then that becomes a big issue!

    Discussions in the HP-Chat are another key point of communication.
    For team cohesion I’d like most clan oriented discussions to be in the HP-Chat and not in DMs anywhere, just so everyone is able to be involved and up to date!
    I will ping for feedback on plot, events, etc discussions for the clan! Sometimes you’ll miss it and that’s fine, but please try to get back to us in the chat when you’re able to for anything you might like to add.
    Participating in these discussions is part of your duty as a HP and if you feel you might not be able to keep up with that then please seriously consider that before applying!

    Posting Requirements are as follows:
    • 15 posts at the minimum a month (although more is encouraged/preferred as this is the bare minimum of what’s expected!)
    • This includes private threads but please make sure you spread them out and don’t exclusively post in private threads (also please try and reach out to different people for private threads and not just the same few to better build relationships with people ICly/Oocly!)
    • While 15 is the minimum I ask you make sure to spread them out, please do not rush to hit quota the last few days of a month.
    • Short Post/One-Liner & AU Threads will not count to your quota, but feel free to participate in them for fun!

  • Character Name: @/please
    Character Tags: If applicable, not having them isn't a deal breaker.
    Why you think they would fit the position:
    Do you meet the IC/OOC Requirements?
    Are you interested in a short term run or long term: Short/Long/Either
    [b]Character Name:[/b] @/please
    [b]Character Tags:[/b] If applicable, not having them isn't a deal breaker.
    [b]Why you think they would fit the position:
    Do you meet the IC/OOC Requirements?[/b] (Y/N)
    [b]Are you interested in a short term run or long term:[/b] Short/Long/Either

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Character Name: @lichentail

Character Tags: they're so ugly and out of date please look away (you can look) tags

Why you think they would fit the position: gonna be so real with u i never know what is helpful to say and what isnt for this part. gomen
In character, Lichentail has been a lead warrior for a good handful of moons now... and while she had a bit of a rocky start by overstepping with her opinion with Cicadastar, she has always operated with RiverClan's best interest in mind. Her dedication to work is her first priority and she has fought time and again in defense of her clan; she takes pride in the fact she mentors two apprentices, considering it a compliment that she can be trusted to train more of RiverClan's next great warriors than others! Emotionally, she struggles to make herself available and can stumble over her words or articulate them poorly but under a less reactive leader I think she'll find better success in learning to navigate his boundaries and how to communicate with him, especially as one of the few Smoke had already had the chance to work with. She is an unorthodox RiverClanner in how she accomplishes the tasks given to her (hunting birds rather than fish, preferring to be a decoy than to land finishing blows, etc) and I think that'll provide a unique perspective.
Out of character, my activity record has been WELL above the minimum-- i always meet my quota and in fact, over shoot it! I make sure to be available on the board as well as in private so that the clan can really get to know my cringefail woman <3 and me, by extension!! I try my best to be involved with everyone in the discord (my jokes are bad but you guys love me!!) and always jump at the chance to help out or pass along information :) I've communicated my moments of inactivity clearly and in advance when applicable and have the #strength to face Rai in dms and in the public sector (she bites). I like to think im punctual when necessary, eager to do SOMETHING to help even if rai likes to do everything themself /lh i think there's a lot of potential for future development as well, as lichen can be incredibly uncompromising politically and her general awkward charisma might be a source of misunderstanding later. i feel like she has a lot of potential to grow in this position as well as the out of character expectation that i ALSO need to help riverclan grow

Do you meet the IC/OOC Requirements? [ YES ]

Are you interested in a short term run or long term: preferably long term but if you have a particularly delicious idea for why short term is better... i am all ears​
Character Name: @hazecloud
Character Tags: dances to distract you from how old/out of date they are tags
Why you think they would fit the position:
my activity with hazecloud had been pretty steady and consistent. disregarding the journey board inflating my post count for october (A WHOPPING 42 good lord) i kept pretty even at 15+ posts every month! im very heavy on communication and take transparency very seriously. whenever anything happened that would have an impact on my activity occurred while on the hp team in shadowclan i always mentioned it in an activity notice, most of the time down to the very date if it was applicable! i like to be involved to help wherever i can, and i take instructions pretty well and get tasks done in a (mostly) timely manner.

i do see a lot of potential in haze taking the spot of a temporary deputy for a few reasons. perhaps her abilities on the journey were overestimated and her inexperience with genuine leadership shows that it needs more refinement before taking on such a role? she hasn't ever trained an apprentice either, but she had lots of babysitting under her belt which is a start but not quite enough to delegate a clan... the fact that she didnt have the foresight to understand how horrible of a struggle it will be to raise a litter in the beginnings of leafbare could cause even more tensions! a lot on the plate of possibility here.
as a warrior hazeclouds been mostly known as a pretty face, tending to linger and but have the charm of a socialite. she used her wits and charisma to her strengths to gain allies and information, networking connections but she didn't particularly use them to advance her position in the clan. more or less she just liked having the attention. with so much development occurring within her character for the journey i feel she's had a lot of growth that the folks back home has yet to see! her confidence is BEAMING, she shows no hesitation and she utilizes her skills in a more diplomatic position than just for her own vain. hazecloud has always lived proudly and honorably beside the code and as a riverclanner. though she still floundered when so many looked to her so often for support (and she will again when she realizes its more than just 5 pairs of eyes when youre deputy), she took to adapting well and fast to ensure they all survived where she could help, for all of them to come back home.
Do you meet the IC/OOC Requirements? yes !
Are you interested in a short term run or long term: short-term
Character Name: @Petalnose
Character Tags: Need to update them lmao but here
Do you meet the IC/OOC Requirements? Yes!
Why you think they would fit the position:
No matter what my presence has always been friendly. I heavily try to include as many people as I can towards newcomers and even current characters, I plan to continue that in for however long I'm here. Even if I make a clumsy mistake, I make up to it the best of my abilities. I deeply care about this community and I have some fun plots relating to her leadership in the future and developing her character quite deeply. My activity has always went above the quota, my presence in Riverclan and the general discord is active as I check it all the time. Normally on my downtimes I am typing up or drafting something and thinking about plots as I work or do something else. Even if I'm on vacation or I'm sick I generally am typing up a draft/(s) atleast. I also let y'all know even the minorities of inactivity like eye strain for a day. People that know me know that I put my determination and work ethic into almost anything and I always think about how I can approve and be better. If I find flaws within myself I try to discover how to improve it. In my regular life I also have loads of patience, even if you're yelling straight in my face. I want to make Riverclan a fun and inclusive space and I already try to do that now! I have experience in leading from another form, even at a young age then I made it inclusive and did events to raise activity from others. (Only stepped down then due to a gigantic loss in my family.) I absolutely adore everyone in this community and I would love to be an impacting addition to it Ic and occ.

Petalnose is rather talented in leading, she makes it look easy with not a ounce of anxiety seen through her. She knows how to make her clan look strong and a force to be reckoned with, keeping her exterior confident and calculated. Her promise was to serve Riverclan til she breathed her last breath and she does that well. During her early lead days she may have seemed bloodthirsty, only pushing through any threat with claws and teeth. However, after the beaver confrontation she realized that fighting isn't the best approach to some situations. She is capable of using strategy and things around confrontation, especially if she had to learn the hard way. Petalnose doesnt put up with any disrespect or word against her clan, normally strong words followed and a punishment at times. Even if she hasn't had many close interactions with Smoke, she definitely cares about him and she isn't afriad to show it and definitely willing to grow in relationship. She has followed every task served to her from him without a word or look of complaint. She may seem cold at times but underneath she can be soft if she feels she can. Petalnose plans to make Riverclan stronger and not bow down to threats if deemed it wouldn't bring her clan to doom. This will be really fun to put into action in the future if destiny approves.

Are you interested in a short term run or long term:
I am open minded to either but long term may make more sense! Feel free to dm me anytime, if you think she is for short-term better I'd love to hear the plan!
character name: willowroot
character tags: link!
do you meet the IC/OOC requirements? generally yes
why you think they would fit the position:
willowroot has been apart of riverclan since its beginning, and although she was at first outwardly distrustful of the group, she has grown to love and appreciate the things the clan has provided for her. she has always been a very motherly cat, originally joining riverclan in order to put her adopted child first, and thus has shown she cares about the safety of those who might not be able to speak for themselves. she and smoke have grown close, with them being the original lead warriors of the clan together, and i believe they work well together. she is a more soothing voice of reason within the group, and i think it could balance smokestar's personality to have someone more peaceful backing him up. while she is an advocate for negotiation, she is not hesitant to fight for her clan. she has shown it over and over again, with attacks against windclan, thunderclan, and the rogues. when she stepped down from lead warrior, it was due to her mental health, but now she has healed and is more confident and very dedicated to serving her clan. over all, i believe she has proven herself to be dependable in stressful situations. she is prone to emotion when dealing with personal situations, but it is something she has worked on successfully, and something that could provide a fun plot. she is never fearful to speak up in disagreement and holds her clan in high regard. she would be a just and loyal deputy, and would be mainly concerned with making sure things are moral and doing the right thing. willowroot is also very invested in the young life of riverclan. due to her time in the nursery and generally motherly disposition, she takes a great interest in keeping up with the training of apprentices and the learning of kits. should she be promoted to deputy, she would continue to do this.

whether willowroot is short term or long term will remain to be seen, although i'd prefer long term. i can see her being an excellent deputy and eventual leader, but it also depends a lot on eventual clan politics and ic decisions. if you have a plot about why she would be better short term, feel free to let me know! i am totally willing to consider fun plots!
while i have been a bit spotty in terms of activity in the past, these most recent months have shown consistency. willowroot's activity has and will increase throughout the months. i make sure willowroot interacts in crucial threads, and while i don't often do privates, i try to keep them going longer than a few posts. i am quite active in the discord, and enjoy speaking with folks both about ic and ooc things. i aid in plotting for both hps and non, and have fun doing so. riverclan is my only currently super active clan, and as such i have a lot of time on my hands for plotting and chatting. i think i'd be a good fit as i believe i am friendly and welcoming, and could provide good ideas to the plotting team. i believe i am punctual and active in current plots, and encourage character development and interaction. i have experience being deputy and leader before on feralfront, and was deputy for half a year and leader for a full year. i was a lead warrior on calicocorners and tabbytales. i also have plenty of experience moderating a discord, on feralfront, calicocorner, and tabbytales. i am experienced and ready to help!
thanks for your consideration <33

p.s - i know willow stepped down from lead warrior causing tensions, and if that's a reason she might not be considered, let me know! i believe her activity has improved since then.
are you interested in a short term run or long term: either, but long term preferred.
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