RiverClan Winter Prompt Event ['23] (CLOSED)

just applied to be re-added to census :)!!

Character Name: @WASPRATTLE.
Link to Tags: HERE SORRY THEYRE NOT SUPER FINISHED he has some notes pinned in my discord channel if it helps at all..... scruffs the river hp team
List of Aesthetics: wasps (who saw this coming), the color gold & warm, earthy tones, heat and humidty, prosperity, travel, worldliness, storyteller, adages & sayings, daffodils, coziness, earthen scents, stone and earth, stability . . . )
List of SIGNIFICANT threads you feel defines your character: Just a few ... Ice collapse & smokestar priv (in progress)
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Reactions: tieirlys
Character Name: @ROOKFANG
Link to Tags: LINK
List of Aesthetics: dark stormy greys/blacks/browns with intense snow-white/lightning yellow, winding tree roots and gaping caves, eclipses, sleepless nights, losing track of time, aviary predators, wolves, foxes, foggy nights and piercing dusk, the hermit or tower tarot card, stalking wolves on a hunt, a lone wolf's howl, relentless obsession, forgotten treasure
List of SIGNIFICANT threads you feel defines your character: ONE | TWO | THREE

- luminous yellow, "glow", Shellkit
- Rookfang's sight isn't what it used to be... he sees something at a distance and thinks it's something far different than what it actually is...
- Ever the protector archetype, Rookfang decides to pick a clan-mate to follow around as a body-guard for a day.
- With a new resurgence of "outsider" mindset in RiverClan, what simple act of kindness does Rookfang commit to in an effort to show his devotion?

just applied to be re-added to census :)!!

Character Name: @WASPRATTLE.
Link to Tags: HERE SORRY THEYRE NOT SUPER FINISHED he has some notes pinned in my discord channel if it helps at all..... scruffs the river hp team
List of Aesthetics: wasps (who saw this coming), the color gold & warm, earthy tones, heat and humidty, prosperity, travel, worldliness, storyteller, adages & sayings, daffodils, coziness, earthen scents, stone and earth, stability . . . )
List of SIGNIFICANT threads you feel defines your character: Just a few ... Ice collapse & smokestar priv (in progress)

- sunset orange, "shatter", Rookfang
- Wasprattle zones out while on route to a hunting spot and finds that he's passed the same rock three times... has he been walking in circles?
- Does Wasprattle fall into the conventional 'uncle' role? How does he feel about his younger kin, his last connection to his brother?
- After finding comfort in the stability of the clan lifestyle, Wasprattle tries to take advantage of some 'forced' social interaction!​
Character Name: @Wavepaw
Link to Tags: Tags
List of Aesthetics: Blue, grey, cool tones, crashing waves, ocean, bubbles, forget-me-nots, innocent, dreamer, optimism
List of SIGNIFICANT threads you feel defines your character: He's very new but I think these two represent him pretty well <3 one two

- arctic blue, "swell", Moonpaw
- While he's out on patrol a tree dumps a heavy clump of snow right on top of him by surprise- Uh... little help here?
- Wavepaw is finding it harder than ever to feel integrated and welcome in RiverClan- trying to self soothe, he finds an unlikely companion in someone with a similar ritual for calming!
- Most of the grown-ups in RiverClan are pretty... uhm... boring. All they wanna do is work! Wavepaw makes it his goal to get one of the busy-bodies to play a game with him today.​
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Reactions: WAVEPAW
As today is the last day for prompts we will sadly not be assigning any further ones going forward! Ty for understanding!