RiverClan Winter Prompt Event ['23] (CLOSED)

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Character Name: @bitekit - -
Link to Tags: tags
List of Aesthetics: black, red and white, night time, rampant, looming, fire, bully, inevitability, family.
List of SIGNIFICANT threads you feel defines your character:
- clashing heads while taking refuge in shadowclan
- escape attempt
- talk in the nursery
- claret violet, "contempt", Velvetpaw
- Bitekit does not seem fond of rules, restriction, and law. He chooses to bother one of the warriors to complain of his impatience to be free and they explain a time without the clans, without order... Is the cost of 'freedom' still worth it when the price is laid out plainly?
- It is no secret he butts heads with his den-mates, often resulting in expulsion from the nursery to 'cool off'. He takes this suggestion literally and jumps into a pile of snow only to realize it is much colder than anticipated.
- Playing at what section of the river nears the camp's edges, he comes into contact with ice for the first time. Reckless and delighted by the way it shatters under-foot, he finds out quickly it is just as sharp as his claws at its fractured edges-- yeeowch!!

Character Name: @Moonpaw
Link to Tags: tags
List of Aesthetics: blues, oranges, purples, flowers (peonies), quiet, calm, impatient, the sound of rain on a roof, petrichor
List of SIGNIFICANT threads you feel defines your character:
-- one
-- two
-- three
- pigeon blue, "ritual", Nightfish
- Moonpaw has been known to deliver flowers as symbols of her affections, her good will and hopeful nature. A clan-mate decides to return the favor but the meaning of their flower implies something far deeper than idle friendship! Does she tell them they've accidentally professed their love in the chosen petals or is she too embarrassed to correct them?
- Undertaking new duties is daunting enough but with RiverClan's history for medicine cats and their untimely demises, it's no small wonder the elders gossip nervously about her 'cursed' promotion, unawares of her ears listening nearby.
- Courage does not come easily- time and again Moonpaw has found strength in others to build her up but not this time. She encounters something frightening and is forced to muster up bravery all on her own.

Character Name: @LILYBLOOM.
Link to Tags: Here!
List of Aesthetics: Spring, yellows, greens, leaves, waterlilies, buttercups, daisies, sunlight, quiet, calm, reflective, warmth
List of SIGNIFICANT threads you feel defines your character: Some personal faves of mine x, x, x, x
- antique pink, "plead", Salmonshade
- In times such as these it grows harder and harder for Lilybloom to maintain her normally cheerful, friendly nature. Resentment grows uncomfortably in her chest and it goes as far back as the battle for Sunningrocks when she'd been sure she was to die. She is not a coward... but does she fear coming that close again, knowing WindClan to be far more ruthless?
- Swanpaw is a new experience for Lilybloom! Mentoring is not easy but it is at least sociable work- she easily passes the time chatting away about more hopeful things, no point lingering on all the bad!
- The Pine Colony had been her home for quite some time before the founding of the clans, familiar with the tall trees despite her lack of skills climbing them. How did it feel to be back underneath them when RiverClan sheltered in SkyClan's territory?

Character Name: @carawaypaw
Link to Tags: here!
List of Aesthetics: ivory and green, rough water, swords with delicate design, candlelight, armor, smoke, stormy beaches // PINTEREST
- pearl mouse grey, "trance", Feathergaze
- Carawaypaw may be the spitting image of her mother but it is a heavy coat to wear- can she live up to her mother's reputation?
- With no understanding of the threats that come with leaf-bare, Carawaypaw is made more and more impatient with the growing restrictions on exploring the territory alone.
- In a fit of stubborn impatience, Carawaypaw tramples through the undergrowth and scares off prey another RiverClanner was hunting!​
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Character Name: @willowroot
Link to Tags: tags
List of Aesthetics: pinterest, playlist, pale green, pale blue. rusty red, water, greenery, earth tones, warmth, family, bows and arrows, sailing ships, swords, knives
List of SIGNIFICANT threads you feel defines your character:
- willow defends the nursery from rogues
- buck and willow moments
- spiderfall exile with angry willow moments
- olive drab, "carve", Crashingtide
- Willowroot's gentler nature is most known by RiverClan's youngest generations- but when they openly defy her, risk themselves foolishly, her patience is worn too thin.
- In a winter past Willowroot suffered unfortunate luck with a leaf-bare litter. How does she feel, knowing someone else is traveling that same, dangerous path?
- Not everyone has the soft tongue needed for nurturing children- one warrior's words are particularly harsh and she jumps to remind them of their own fool-hardy youth.

Character Name: @coyotecreek
Link to Tags: tags
List of Aesthetics: pinterest, playlist, sandy brown, blue, earth, loneliness, the desert, leather, wide spaces, vastness, cowboys, tall grasses, empty roads
List of SIGNIFICANT threads you feel defines your character:
- watching geese
- hunting with apprentices
- coyosnake bonding
- green beige, "justify", Carppaw
- Sitting by his lonesome to recharge and destress, Coyotecreek reflects on his friendships and finds most of them lacking- who comes to mind most prominently? Is there anyone he wishes to be closer with?
- Days on the farm give Coyotecreek some important background on how to avoid getting trampled by bovine creatures- when a deer wanders into RiverClan territory, it's lucky he's there to help!
- It's not easy being this silly- someone catches Coyotecreek testing out some new dad jokes and boy are they lame!

Character Name: @BEEPAW.
Link to Tags: HERE
List of Aesthetics: Blues, oranges, pinks, thorns, ocean during a storm, sunrises, dewdrops after a rainstorm, thunderstorm, fierce, merciless, family, greek gods/godesses, loss
List of SIGNIFICANT threads you feel defines your character: Beekit having her first fish
Beekit and Cicadakit watching fireflies
Spar gone wrong
Beepaw's first kill
- basalt gray, "tendency", Apricotflower
- Beepaw is still a fairly young apprentice, despite the traumas that age her- she manages to catch a pretty impressively sized fish and decides to share it with one of her youngers the same way Cicadastar once did. A bite with a scale...
- While trying to bring a gift to a friend, Beepaw slips in the snow and loses sight of her prize!
- Having a taste for battle, Beepaw is maybe a little overzealous with some border patrol banter.

Character Name: @Lakemoon .
Link to Tags: here
List of Aesthetics: violets & blueish purples, early winter mornings, deep blue lakes, waves, rain storms, wolves, lightning
List of SIGNIFICANT threads you feel defines your character: [ ☾ ] [ ☾ ] [ ☾ ] [ ☾ ]
- pearl black berry, "repeat", Dawnstorm
- Lakemoon chose not to stay behind on the journey, further dividing herself from her roots in ThunderClan. What sort of conflict comes from that, after having promised Howlingstar moons ago she wouldn't forget her ties there?
- With the river growing colder, Lakemoon notices the ice growing thicker even across the deeper parts of the river. She isn't RiverClan's strongest swimmer, this may be a good chance to explore further out.
- Her cool exterior makes her an unlikely source for emotional support but when an apprentice comes to her sniffling and crying, Lakemoon realizes she's meant to make them feel better.... good luck.

Character Name: @Petalstep .
Link to Tags: here
List of Aesthetics: snow, hydrangeas, dusk, mountains, soft pinks, swords, archery, arctic foxes // pinterest board
List of SIGNIFICANT threads you feel defines your character: [ ☾ ] [ ☾ ]
- heather violet, "instinct", Pikesplash
- A new warrior just before leaf-bare, Petalstep's got a lot to prove. In her haste to catch some prey, she stumbles over a branch and there is a witness to her failure! UGH!
- Kittens never seem to leave her alone and with the nursery emptying, she finally thinks she gets some peace! Except... those same kits that pestered her are apprentices now and their mischievous streak has not ended.
- Petalstep has experienced a lot of change but RiverClan finally seems to be returning to normalcy... how does she take advantage of this time to relax?

Character Name: @hazecloud
Link to Tags: tags!
List of Aesthetics: purples and pinks. early foggy mornings and whispers from a breeze. associated with songbirds and blue jays (beautiful but vicious) the scent of morning dew and violets, the princess with a sword
List of SIGNIFICANT threads you feel defines your character: link
- patina green, "demand", Goldenkit
- Hazecloud is known for the care she puts into her appearance but when someone thinks to compliment her for the scars she earned on the journey, it is not quite the kindness they think it is- even if they are a testament to her new-found strength.
- It's clear she has no trouble flaunting what makes her happiest but she's been suspiciously quiet about her recent courtship! Someone confronts her to ask directly what's going on between her and the RiverClan deputy.
- Being cooped up in camp has its perks! Hazecloud gets her pick of the day on who to pester with idle gossip and wistful reminiscence.​
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Character Name: @Redpath
Link to Tags: UE
List of Aesthetics: The color orange, Autumn, Citrus smells, oranges, rocks, fishing, warm fireplaces in the winter, bloody pawprints, sunsets, crabs,
List of SIGNIFICANT threads you feel defines your character: The start of her war against crabs, Her rock collecting addiction, Her ability to switch from stupid ding dong to vicious bloodthirsty beast in like 2 seconds flat,​
- A dark maroon red, "ominous", Ferngill
- Redpath overhears the apprentices joking her name should be Crabscar given her penchant for getting into trouble with the crustaceans.
- Path is often a suffix given to a cat for guidance, to assure them they are on the correct path in life, to accentuate they are moving forward as needed - but what does the name mean for Redpath herself? How does she view the title bestowed upon her by Cicadastar.
- A rock is missing from her treasured collection, it's up to her genius detective skills to track down and find the culprit who robbed her.

Character Name: @FERNGILL
Link to Tags: here
List of Aesthetics: rainbows refracting from prisms, silvery glimmer of fish scales, bright sunsets, starlit river waters, the bright greens of plantlife, seaglass
List of SIGNIFICANT threads you feel defines your character: (picked development heavy threads, def lmk if you want more!!)
- fernpaw sees his damaged eye for the first time
- learning of steepsnout’s death
-showcasing still remaining insecurities into warrior-hood
- Seaglass green, "abandoned", Lakemoon
- Named for his skills in swimming, an honor for a cat of the waterborn clan, but how does Ferngill handle the river at its worse - freezing and rushing rapids that threaten to sweep away even the strongest of swimmers.
- Though the same age as his sister, Ferngill was held back while she achieved new heights - does he have any similars goals in mind for himself or is he content getting by and doing his best? Does Ferngill aspire to lead one day, does Ferngill consider medicine a possible path? What are his life goals?
- The cats he journeyed with had never given him worry they might turn, but to find out WindClan is back to its usual violence and entitlement makes him wonder - are the cats he traveled with for so long in agreement with their clan or just as baffled as the rest of the forest? Maybe he should find out.

Character Name: @brookpaw
Link to Tags: click, a little outdated but the basics are still there !
List of Aesthetics: a quickly made pinterest, drowning, disassociation, isolation, clear waters but also tearing rapids. "i am my mother's savage daughter" vibes
List of SIGNIFICANT threads you feel defines your character:
buckgait's disappearance
meadowheart's death
lightningstone's sacrifice
- The silver blue of the moon, "resonance", Redpath
- The snow has built up significantly around the territory and while out hunting Brookpaw slips and is dropped into a small pit and buried.
- If things had not changed as they had, her mother would be leader now and her father most likely deputy - does she feel any particular way about this, does she feel a throne usurped or a path she would not have known how to adapt to.
- Meadowheart was named for his bravery upon his death, what name does Brookpaw wish for herself, what does she think she deserves? Does she trust she will recieve one that suits her or will she protest one she hates vehemently?

Character Name: @robinpaw.
Link to Tags: tags!
List of Aesthetics: pinterest board made by lavs , autumnal colors, the albums unreal unearth by hozier and folklore by taylor swift, cinders, robins (lol)
List of SIGNIFICANT threads you feel defines your character:
being returned to riverclan by blazestar
helping willowroot get the kits to safety during the rogue invasion
trying to do something nice for her rival
- A rich burgundy, "respire" ,Brookpaw
- Robinpaw still wears her kittypet collar, but not for lack of trying - several attempts have been made to remove it and all failed. She can hear the murmurs, kittypet said like a curse, she has to do something about this thing until she can remove. Maybe there's a way to make it less noticable?
- Someone plays a cruel prank on her and she awakens to find several dead robin in her nest, the warriors look for the perpetrator to punish but she wonders who could have done this and why?
- Robinpaw watches the last leaf fall from a tree she has passed many times during her excursions outside of camp, it lands at her paws and tells her leafbare is here - how does she feel knowing the clan's struggles have only just begun, does she worry, does she wish she had remained a kittypet where it is warm and she is well fed, does she feel confident going forward?

- Iridescent opal, "familial", Hazecloud
- There are a few codes the clans follow dutifully, many more to be made in the future, Bounceheart has a strong moral compass - what is the code her heart follows? What are the rule she lives her life by?
- A lighthearted prank/joke goes terrible wrong and Bounceheart finds herself having genuinely upset a clanmate - does she work to make it right or withdraw to give them space? How does she fix this?
- Her favorite fishing spot has frozen over finally, leaving her to have to relocate along the river to find a new one, the change in her routine is small but frustrating and the final straw to an already stressful day.
Character Name: @lichentail
Link to Tags: https://tabbytales.net/threads/up-and-down-lichentail.5981/
List of Aesthetics: trapped birds, twin shadows, bloody noses, cracked lips, purple-blues,"the orphan" archetype, pinterest, playlist
List of SIGNIFICANT threads you feel defines your character:
loss after loss is brought to it's breaking point, leaving lichentail permanently wary of windclan
ascent to authority, only to be immediately followed with punishment and guilt from failure
finding her peace in the heart of another and seeing her goals fully realized but not without another mistake to damn her reputation
[there's really too many for me to go over but basically, her evolution from someone who doesn't interact much and only works into someone seeking to learn communication, to be more upfront and honest, to be more confident but still stumbling over her own feet the whole way there]

- smoke gray, "rabbit," Petalnose
answer: she thinks on WindClan, Sootstar, and tries to encourage petalnose that the two of them could TOTALLY catch a rabbit...

- Lichentail overhears a cat denouncing the value of birds, saying that no true RiverClan cat would choose to hunt them over other prey. Does she respond?
answer: she responds and suggests anyone that complains just uses it as an excuse for being a bad hunter

- In her own eyes, Lichentail has gone from a lead warrior scorned by her leader to the deputy of her Clan. Have her reflect upon her rise to power—what does she believe changed, if anything?
answer: her social skills have improved.. and self-reflection has become more important

- Lichentail is a socially reserved cat, but part of a Clan deputy's job is to be involved in the daily affairs of their Clanmates' lives. It is now up to them to know who despises who so they know who works well together. How does Lichentail acclimate to this part of her position?
here or here but the second wasn't intentional
answer: she chose a little bit of petty violence as a treat, generally tries to be more empathetic​
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Character Name: Bubblepaw @bubblepaw
Link to Tags: Required
List of Aesthetics: pastel blue to cyan- kinda periwinkle sometimes? clear water, bubbles, winter skies, silver, aquatic birds, fish scales, warm christmas morning, and crisp/clear winter days- here's her pinterest if it helps!
List of SIGNIFICANT threads you feel defines your character: She doesn't have many, but I think these do a good job of showcasing her personality!
- Searching out fish scales with Starlightpaw
- Being friendly with the gruff/disfavored Velvetpaw and talking about the Otterpaw situation
- Being GARBAGE at fishing but still having fun; her debut!

Tracker for prompts as they're done:
1. mosspool and bubblepaw beat up windclan symbolically
2. pls help i saw my friend commit a crime :/
3. here fishy fishy!
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Character Name: @Snakeblink
Link to Tags: tags
List of Aesthetics: snakes & reptiles, scales, shed skin, shadows, rain, sharp-smelling plants, matchmaking, green + playlist
List of SIGNIFICANT threads you feel defines your character: link / link / link

Character Name: @Hazewish
Link to Tags: tags
List of Aesthetics: grey, white, pale/greyish blue, mist, smoke, the moon, travel, teenage rebellion, summer dusk, the weird kid in highschool + playlist
List of SIGNIFICANT threads you feel defines your character: link / link / link

Character Name: @Nightfish
Link to Tags: tags
List of Aesthetics: the milky way, koi carps, dark purple, cold air, blackberries, pounding blood + playlist
List of SIGNIFICANT threads you feel defines your character: link / link / link
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Character Name: @SMOKESTAR
Link to Tags: LINK
List of Aesthetics: Sunset over the river, pale orange and deep blue, smoke, fog, visible breath on a cold day, suffocation, drowning, scars and spots, fire but in the way a candle burns, loyalty above all else...
List of SIGNIFICANT threads you feel defines your character:
Choosing RiverClan over Cicadastar / Choosing RiverClan over Cicadastar
- flaxen, "confess", Foxtail
- Smokestar has shown time and time again that he always chooses RiverClan above all else, loyal to the end. With the new position of leader he finds himself overly stressed/overwhelmed, and picks one or two clanmates to focus on for the day to do something more fun.
- Heading to his nest early on a particularly cold night, he wakes up to find himself surrounded by various objects. What does he do?
- After a fresh blanket of snow Smokestar finds odd tracks left in the territory leading towards the river, does he follow them and try to find the animal that left them or head back home?

Character Name: @iciclefang
Link to Tags: https://tabbytales.net/threads/nothing-burns-like-the-cold-iciclefang.927/
List of Aesthetics: ice-blue; frigid water; the feeling of being submerged; swimming against a current; a shield, armor; cracks in the ice
List of SIGNIFICANT threads you feel defines your character: 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4
- powder blue, "impulse", Starlightpaw
- While out on a patrol, Iciclefang notices a seemingly abandoned birds nest filled with shiny things that obviously belonged to twolegs at some point.
- She's been known to be very good at being a RiverClanner, but for some reason there is a day where when she tries to do typical RiverClan things something happens and she fails.
- Something happens where she has to tell a clanmate how to properly do something, but finds that her usual approach isn't working and she has to go out of her comfort zone to explain it.
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Character Name: @FOXTAIL
Link to Tags: tags
List of Aesthetics: pinterest board, earthy gold/orange colors, hufflepuff, sunlight
- daffodil yellow, "dignity", Nettlepaw
- The ice harbors a terror for Foxtail... he spots someone else testing their weight on it and panics! Don't stand on that!
- RiverClan has been recovering but tensions between clan-mates are evidently still high- the apprentices have been bickering more than usual and Foxtail tries his best to teach them the value of life, to honor each other just like we honor our prey!
- Trying to help some shivering bodies warm up, Foxtail suggests a group of RiverClanners race to the beech copse! Does he bribe participants with a prize?

Character Name: Bubblepaw @bubblepaw
Link to Tags: Required
List of Aesthetics: pastel blue to cyan- kinda periwinkle sometimes? clear water, bubbles, winter skies, silver, aquatic birds, fish scales, warm christmas morning, and crisp/clear winter days- here's her pinterest if it helps!
List of SIGNIFICANT threads you feel defines your character: She doesn't have many, but I think these do a good job of showcasing her personality!
- Searching out fish scales with Starlightpaw
- Being friendly with the gruff/disfavored Velvetpaw and talking about the Otterpaw situation
- Being GARBAGE at fishing but still having fun; her debut!

Tracker for prompts as they're done:
- red lilac, "pursuit", Mosspool
- Otterpaw gave a pretty convincing explanation for the incident at the border with SkyClan but after talking with Velvetpaw, she's still unsure she believes him. She decides to talk to an adult about what she saw, someone with more experience!
- With the fish moving to deeper waters, it's getting harder for Bubblepaw to catch anything- does she worry she'll have to wait until spring for another chance to get her first?
- Bubblepaw gets chased by a goose that forgot to travel south for the winter! Did you know they have TEETH? AH!

Character Name: @Snakeblink
Link to Tags: tags
List of Aesthetics: snakes & reptiles, scales, shed skin, shadows, rain, sharp-smelling plants, matchmaking, green + playlist
List of SIGNIFICANT threads you feel defines your character: link / link / link

Character Name: @Hazewish
Link to Tags: tags
List of Aesthetics: grey, white, pale/greyish blue, mist, smoke, the moon, travel, teenage rebellion, summer dusk, the weird kid in highschool + playlist
List of SIGNIFICANT threads you feel defines your character: link / link / link

Character Name: @Nightfish
Link to Tags: tags
List of Aesthetics: the milky way, koi carps, dark purple, cold air, blackberries, pounding blood + playlist
List of SIGNIFICANT threads you feel defines your character: link / link / link
- cream, "fleeting", Aspenhaze
- Snakeblink is known for meddling in romantic affairs but he is not prepared to have that energy redirected back to him.
- Exhaustion cannot be avoided with work forever... while waiting for a fish to catch, he accidentally falls asleep sitting up.
- It isn't intentional this time but Snakeblink manages to scare the pelt off of a clan-mate who was busy daydreaming. Maybe learn to announce yourself better?

- flame red, "steal", Robinpaw
- Not one for many words, Hazewish grows frustrated when someone else cannot decipher their meaning from simplicity. Do they drag someone else to come translate?
- Asked to keep a very odd promise, they are one of the few willing to take these things seriously. No good deed goes unrewarded after all.
- In a reckless attempt to show off their skills, Hazewish gets their claws stuck and is forced to ask for help instead...

- periwinkle, "priority", Bubblepaw
- Nightfish has had many opportunities to show off his nature as a spitfire temper- he fails to control his temper towards one of his own den-mates and finds their bark much fiercer than his.
- One of the younger cats in the clan tries to talk with him but he spends the whole conversation struggling to even remember this kid's name...
- Nightfish wakes up to find a fish head in his nest and no one seems to know who put it there.​
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Character Name: @Asphodelpaw
Link to Tags: Tags, still under construction but mostly all there!
List of Aesthetics: white, ice blue, books, maps, rules, ivory flowers, stars, uncertainty, stubbornness, self-sabotage, really just teenage angst
List of SIGNIFICANT threads you feel define your character:
His irritability and parent issues
blunt but people-pleasing
well intentioned but awkward as hell
Traumatized oops

Character Name: @Silverbreath
Link to Tags: Tags, also a wip
List of Aesthetics: silver, princely, water, ripples, chill vibes and summer skies, silver linings, black tabby markings, [Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass] vibes, fatherhood, dawn light
List of SIGNIFICANT threads you feel define your character:
Early riser, poetry reading mofo
father to all
rolls with the punches and makes a game out of it
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