Character's Name: @BATCHASER
Activity Level: semi-active (10 posts per month, aiming for active!)
What kind of mentor are you: batchaser will try to make friends with his apprentice then anything. laidback, he will go at the apprentice's pace and take everything in stride while still being a bit strict, when it comes down to training. skill-wise, he would largely focus on stealth and tracking for his apprentice. he will likely teach through practice rather then talking.
Traits you intend to pass down: hunting and tracking skills, stealth, grace

Character's Name: hazepaw / @HAZEPAW !
Activity Level: casual/active
What kind of mentor are you after: someone who can balance out his abrasive personality. an ideal mentor would ideally be kinder and more open, however, i'm open to any type of mentor!

Seeing as a lot of time has passed since this thread's last update, please repost if your requests are still relevant!
Character's Name: @FERNDANCE
Activity Level: Active (Average 10+ posts a month)
What kind of mentor are you: Ferndance is a mentor who will try and make friends with her apprentice, oftentimes putting them up to things solely for the entertainment value and seeming somewhat absent-minded when it comes to remembering actual training. However, Ferndance is a very aggressive fighter who aims for the kill but is more notorious for her ability to track scents through ShadowClan and hunt confidently despite the drawbacks of their territory. When she is actually in a training session, she is likely to teach through practice instead of talking.
Traits you intend to pass down: Keen hunting & tracking, confidence
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MENTORING STYLE: Salamandersnap will be a strict mentor, and will push her apprentices to their full potential. She will not allow them to give up easily, or to quit when things get to be too difficult. As they gain her trust, they will receive more privileges and opportunities to do things on their own. Should they get into trouble she will ensure they're held accountable and receive a punishment that fits the crime. Depending on her dynamic with her apprentices, she is likely to form a closer bond with them and become highly protective over them. She will value her apprentices knowing the warrior code, as well as ensuring their loyalties to Shadowclan. Other areas she will heavily train are battle skills, and ensuring they know how to hunt to provide for the clan.
OTHER: none !! <3
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Character's Name: @Hawkstride
Activity Level: - active
What kind of mentor are you: - He'll be a calm but stern mentor, offering his apprentice a lot of patience in the beginning stages of their training, but expecting a lot of growth and improvement throughout. He'll be a very hands-on teacher and will likely develop a close bond with his charge. He believes in pushing his apprentice hard, but never putting them down or being harsh with them. He excels at hunting and fighting, but is still adjusting to shadowclan's darkness and is lacking in stealth and tracking.
Traits you intend to pass down: - Observation, determination, and level-headedness.
Putting hawk back up as a mentor <3
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ACTIVITY LEVEL: casual to active
MENTORING STYLE: while they may be a little odd their mentoring style will heavily delve in the importance is stealth and how to manipulate others in battle. they are not above dirty tricks during fighting so they will use such a thing to their advantage and will pass this on to their apprentice. they will make sure they know how to observe the world around them and take heed that shadowclan should be the only clan they hold any loyalty to. they will not be a lax mentor but somewhere in between
OTHER: passing on resilience and devotion
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NAME: @Swansong
ACTIVITY LEVEL: Active (15+)
MENTORING STYLE: A patient and understanding mentor with a gentle touch. Will work closely with their apprentice, montioring their progress and going at their own pace. Will impart a strong loyalty and sense of faith in StarClan. Likely to focus heavily on stealth, despite her own struggles with it. Combat training will focus on strategy and ambush techniques rather than strength.
PAIRS WELL WITH: anxious apprentices, overworkers, disabled apprentices, weird kids​
STRUGGLES WITH: apathetic/lazy/unmovitated apprentices (feel free to pair her with one tho it'd be fun <3)​
TRAITS TO PASS DOWN: patience, faith, grace, cunning​
OTHER: no backwritten apprentices pls!! new apprentices are slightly preferred, but she'd also work well for reassigned apprentices who need a patient mentor (ie. troublemakers or cats whose previous mentor died)

willing to wait for a good pairing! no rush on assigning her another apprentice, just wanted to put her up o7
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NAME: @scalejaw
ACTIVITY LEVEL: Active!! shooting for 15+ a month
MENTORING STYLE: Scalejaw is a firm and strict teacher- while she'll develop a deep bond near akin to maternal, she isn't afraid to get down to business. She does not allow for laziness- can and will whip somecat into shape. Her strengths lay in battle prowess and negotiations, as she's known for a level but cold head in the face of their bordering-clans, and has no mercy when it comes to fighting enemies.
OTHER: Will likely pass down battle prowess and intelligence!
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NAME: @shalestorm
ACTIVITY LEVEL: active (15+/month)
MENTORING STYLE: Shalestorm is very much of the idea that training should be fun and that the less fun you make it, the less likely an apprentice is to want to learn, so she'll lean more on the side of making things games and praising even small things - positive reinforcement is the best tool for teaching in her opinion
OTHER: Will likely pass down skilled hunting techniques and whimsy
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NAME: @Snowlark.
EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Still new! Has yet to have an apprentice <3
ACTIVITY LEVEL: Active (15+)
MENTORING STYLE: Snowlark is on the more sterner side of things and will make sure his apprentice stays dutiful while also teaching them respect and hunting as well as ambushing skills
OTHER: Snowlark is okay with doubling up!! And I think thats it <33
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NAME: @scalejaw
EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Expierenced. (Mentored at least two played cats, and more npcs)
ACTIVITY LEVEL: Active (15+)
MENTORING STYLE: Strict and stern, but maternal. She rules with an iron fist, expects them to follow her orders, and is a punisher if she isn't listened to. However, she's warm in the way a long-term master would be- advancements are rewarded with praise, and a swift step up in skill level. She passes on specifically very well-rounded battle skills at the least, if not better, and is known for her level-headedness and unwavering faith and loyalty, so these are things she'll instill in her apprentice as well. (Battle skills, negotiation skills, cold in the face of enemies and warm to her clanmates.)
OTHER: I'm fine with doubling up, and with being a plot-mentor!
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EXPERIENCE LEVEL: nope! this will be their first apprentice
MENTORING STYLE: Lividsmoke is gonna be a strict mentor who will make sure they know the warrior code and won't tolerate bad behaviors. They will have high expectations of thier apprentice and train them to become a 'proper' warrior after thier own standards. Lividsmoke is gonna take thier role as a mentor very seriously and train them properly and pretend to care about them emotionally but is gonna secretly have a distaste for thier apprentice if they not take thier training seriously. Their training style will mostly be focused on stealthy hunting methods and how to best deal with encounters from other predators. (they do not have much battle experience with other warriors)
OTHER: i'm fine with doubling up if necessery!
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EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Inexperienced, have not mentored before
ACTIVITY LEVEL: Active (10-15 per month)
MENTORING STYLE: Pinefang is someone who believes in the Socratic method. Instead of there being one set answer, he wants his apprentices to think and come up with multiple ideas. He will ask them guiding questions, and will show them how he may do an action, though he is fine with others doing them differently. He is generally very calm and well-mannered, though his bitterness may bubble up and cause him to snap.
OTHER: He is fine doubling up!
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NAME: Sneezeduck @sneezeduck
EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Inexperienced; has not mentored before.
ACTIVITY LEVEL: Generally ACTIVE (10-20 per month); see OTHER.
MENTORING STYLE: A careful and calculated mentor, struggling to strike a balance between empathy and tough-love. Like his mentor before him, he will emphasize survival as a priority, using it as a motivation for his apprentice to learn to hunt and fight. Views the relationship between mentor-apprentice as something deep and valuable that nothing else comes close to, and will seek to form a bond with his apprentice, though his love is ultimately conditional; if the apprentice doesn't meet his standards, reminds him a little too much of himself, or behaves irresponsibly, they will quickly earn his ire and a cold shoulder.
OTHER: Currently going to be lacking a little in activity until mid-late January as I'm going through a big move. If apprentice is okay with a casual start, I'm okay with being assigned an apprentice during this period, and will 100% pick up once I have access to my PC again!
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EXPERIENCE LEVEL: inexperienced; has not mentored before.
ACTIVITY LEVEL: semi-active (aiming for right around 15+)
MENTORING STYLE: Batchaser will take on more of a "big brother" role with his apprentice than anything. Laidback, will go at the apprentice's pace and take everything in stride while still being a bit strict when it comes down to training. However... he will refuse to teach if his apprentice shows disrespect or is in no mood to train, he doesn't see the point of wasting his time. Either way, he is a mentor who'll try his best to guide his apprentice, rather than jumping straight into battle training- just one step at a time. He will use more of a hands-on technique than a verbal one, and will likely bond closely with his charge.
TRAITS TO PASS DOWN: grace, stealth, tracking & hunting techniques
OTHER: not fine with doubling up, he would want to focus on his current apprentice than a second one. new apprentices are preferred!! willing to wait for a good pairing! no rush in assigning him an apprentice, just wanted to put him up with updated stuff (•⩊•)​
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EXPERIENCE LEVEL: somewhat experienced, is currently mentoring cherrypaw
MENTORING STYLE: He'll be a calm but stern mentor, offering his apprentice a lot of patience in the beginning stages of their training, but expecting a lot of growth and improvement throughout. He'll be a very hands-on teacher and will likely develop a close bond with his charge. He believes in pushing his apprentice hard, but never putting them down or being harsh with them. He excels at fighting, but is still adjusting to shadowclan's darkness and is lacking in stealth and tracking.
OTHER: fine with doubling up!
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EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Fairly Experienced ( Formerly mentored Halfsun & Sneezeduck )
ACTIVITY LEVEL: High ( 15 + )
MENTORING STYLE: Her first mentor instilled her with a lot of high-pressure, high-expectation trad skewing beliefs that she hasn't shaken off to this day. At times they're a bit at odds with what she'd like to believe, but generally, Shadowclan's environment has reinforced many of these for her over the years. Prioritizes giving his apprentices the tools to survive in what he essentially sees as a death trap of a territory. Makes some amount of effort to be emotionally available to mostly middling levels of success. Expresses his care through actions more than he ever will words.
OTHER: Prefer not to double up though will if necessary. If assigned an apprentice, I'd like them to graduate to warriorhood on or before June 2025 for the sake of a future plotted mentorship!
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