shapeless place // icebreath


i will do as i'm told
Dec 25, 2022
  • 5rEOmri.png
    icekit; icepaw; icebreath
    named for her pale coloration and quiet voice/demeanor
    — apprentice of windclan; training to be a tunneler
    — nonbinary girl, she/they; lesbian
    — ten moons old; ages on the seventh
    ↳ penned by @mercurial
  • very small blue lynx point with light blue eyes / toyhouse
    icebreath is rather unimpressive in appearance. with a small, fragile-looking build, they seem as though a particularly strong gust of wind might knock them over. short white fur coats their figure, darkening on their face, legs, large ears, and tail; these points look as though they were dipped in blue-gray murk, and are adorned with darker stripes. her eyes — a light shade of sky blue — are large and almost perpetually wide, which often gives her a startled or nervous look
    ↳ genetics stuff. gen / carrying / whatever​
  • lawful good, 1w2, whatever
    intelligence ●●●●●●●○○○
    confidence ●●●●○○○○○○
    charisma ●●●○○○○○○○
    creativity ●●●●●○○○○○
    empathy ●●●●●●●○○○
    humor ●●●●●○○○○○

    (+) dedicated, hardworking, obedient (/) serious, restless, workaholic, prideful (-) awkward, submissive, self-conscious. above all else, icebreath is a devoted windclanner; their duties always come first. leisure and entertainment thoughtlessly fall to the wayside, although this has never been an issue to her (at least on a conscious level) — she takes a great amount of pride in her esteemed work and grows restless in her free time. she almost always has to be moving, doing something useful until she's too exhausted to do anything other than sleep, lest she think too hard about why exactly she feels such a pressing, almost desperate need to push herself past her limits in order to prove herself. windclan is a harsh, strict environment [wip]
    ↳ mannerisms fidgety, shuffles her paws a lot when nervous or self-conscious, typically squints in sunlight
  • STORMTAIL x CLOUDFANG littermate to rainpaw
    mentoring cottonpaw | previously mentored by nightmareface
    — admires sootstar, weaselclaw, sunstride, badgermoon, wolfsong
    — fearfully respects tigerfrost, juniperfrost, lynxtooth
    — close friends with rainpaw, smokestep
    — friends with strawmoon, gravelsnap
    — likes snailpaw, firefang
    — dislikes silverpaw, azaleapaw, periwinklepaw, dazzlepaw
    — loathes skyclan, riverclan, windclan exiles
  • strength ●●●○○○○○○○
    stamina ●●●●●●○○○○
    agility ●●●●●●●●○○
    hunting ●●●●●●○○○○
    swimming ○○○○○○○○○○
    climbing ●○○○○○○○○○
    grace ●●●●●●●○○○
    single | lesbian | gradually & reluctantly developing feelings for firefang
    only trusts her own clanmates | hesitant to open up but really values close ties
    — physical health [ 96% ] | mental health [ 65% ]
    — very hesitant to start fights | will flee | will show mercy
    excels at stealth (in snow), agility
    poor at combat
    sounds like fuckin uhh / voice claim if applicable
    smells like dirt and mud, usually
    — healing & peaceful powerplay allowed
    — all opinions are strictly ic
  • ain't no crying - derivakat
  • backstory / simplified history
    icebreath and her sister, rainpaw, were born to stormtail and cloudfang, two marsh cats before the clan's formation; they were only a few moons old when the great battle occurred, so life in windclan is all she's ever really known. her parents were (and still are) loving, although they've grown much more hands off (or perhaps a tad neglectful) since the beginning of the mollies' apprenticeship.

    important threads
    ( ☆ ) interaction ( ★ ) development

    senses erased intro; plays in the snow until she's approached by lynxtooth. butts heads with firepaw.
    i'm so happy without your noise observes strawpaw until sootstar invites them on a tunneling patrol.
    immortal flame firepaw's intro; inadvertently contributes to her embarrassment over a failed hunt.
    into the dark fascinated by sunstride and wolfsong's fantastical stories.
    bend the knee rampaw harasses yewberry and when the warriors discuss discipline, juniperfrost responds to icepaw's discomfort by making her suggest a punishment.
    you actin' kinda shady trains in the tunnels with nightmareface.
    the devil's pass first border patrol (thunderclan border).
    out of touch, out of time goes tunneling with strawpaw.
    model buses clears snow with rainpaw; firepaw inadvertently asks her out on a date.
    let the breeze blow heavy has a snowball fight with her clanmates.
    god if i have to diewindclan devises a plan to steal catmint from skyclan to heal their many sick members; an apprehensive icepaw suggests a non-confrontational approach and is shot down in favor of war.
    give me a sign, sister assigned to the stealth (herb-stealing) patrol, much to her horror.
    off to war the patrol is forced to battle once they reach skyclan's camp. icepaw hesitates, but ultimately manages to snag a dose of catmint.
    strings of fate both patrols return; everyone learns that sunsetbreeze was killed in battle; yewberry and galeforce are exiled for speaking against sootstar
    is fortnite overrated some of the apprentice discuss the current political situation
    towards the fire while being assigned to a patrol, icepaw's ecstatic over being smiled at by sootstar
    mocking bird cuddles with some clanmates for warmth, including sootstar and firepaw
    fake it til you make it the clan realizes coyotepaw ran away to join skyclan
    sweet hibiscus tea listens to sootstar's story about the great battle; excited over being invited to have a bite over her meal
    gossip girl has a chat with snailpaw, who checks in on her
    blue feather stargazes with firepaw
    o lost lamb observes apathetically as azaleapaw gets targeted by sootstar and firepaw
    another way out dandelionwish and a handful of traitors escape; icepaw freezes up during the skirmish
    my materials in pyre checks on scorchstreak after she killed her son in the skirmish
    fortification helps repair the camp's wall, which was damaged during the escape
    swan upon leda reluctantly attends her first gathering; very nervous the whole time
    tell me to feel cottonkit asks icepaw and other apprentices what they do in the clan, so she, firepaw, and kingletpaw try to impress her (and some other kits) by advertising their roles
    through the cold checks out the gorge and chats about riverclan with some clanmates
    go up in flames stumbles across a lost kit named sparrow on the border
    beneath the stars accompanies badgermoon when he brings sparrow back to camp
    crowns and thorns watches gravelpaw and adderkit smack each other
    sour times reluctantly gives silverpaw a tour; joined/interrupted by smokepaw, firepaw, badgermoon, and sunstride
    adventure is out there catches cottonkit, burnetkit, and moorkit in the tunnels
    black nail polish gossips with some other apprentices about the recently delivered prophecy
    heavy heart learns about strawpaw's worm lore
    fleeting feathers watches an owl with clanmates
    let's get down to business text

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