Show me the way, brother [open, WindClanners]

He arrives, his stature rivaling those of his Clanmates based on prestige alone - if there was prestige among kittypets. Blazestar. Bunnywhisker is far from enamored by him, especially as he details their worth being no better than the worms frozen in the ground. But it is odd, she thinks. Sootstar is a leader, a formidable beast in her own right, and all the young tabby has known for her life. And this tomcat, this kittypet king as they all think of him, is meant to be her equal in a way? Bunnywhisker wants to laugh. He stands tall, spits on the ground in their name, and perhaps provides immensely for his clanmates. But he's no Sootstar - he's far from it (for better, or for worst.)

She hardly acknowledges the call to action, her short tail twitching as she observes Blazestar and stalls near Gravelpaw still. The apprentice is shivering and she chooses it to be a product of the cold rather than fear. Still, Badgermoon launches, Firepaw dashes - Smokepaw, Speckleclaw, Tigerfrost. They all dart from their stationary positions to rattle the SkyClanners freely, and the kittypet lovers move to do the same. She can't blame them for being protective, she supposes.

Bunnywhisker is stalled for too long - blood splashes on pristine snow and most of the SkyClanners are occupied as is. Amber eyes narrow as she searches for an empty opponent, maybe someone just as stunned as her, when she notices Sharpeye launching towards Spiderbloom. She pulls her lips back into a thin frown as she pulls away from Gravelpaw, finally launching into action with the rest of them. Fairness was discarded the moment Blazestar damned them to die, but that didn't mean that Spiderbloom should face off two musky cats at once.

Perhaps too late to stop his initial hit on her fellow WindClanner, Bunnywhisker aims to bulldoze directly into the tom's side. She hopes the snow and her quickness will be to her benefit, however given her small stature she doubts he'll even tumble over. Regardless, she makes the attempt, knowing that standing by is a worse death sentence.

[ attacking @Sharpeye ! ]​

Daisyflight sensed as her silver son came alongside her, the barest crook of her tail acknowledging him. Having him in her shadow was a reassurance and a worry, but with tensions mounting, she was forced to trust in whatever training his mentor had given him.

Blazestar’s arrival rolled a silence through the clearing, snow falling thick as cloth as he spoke to the Windclan intruder. Her lids pinched briefly in surprise, hidden beneath heady snowflakes, at the ragdoll’s ferocity. He had laughed, an act she thought impossible from the tom in such circumstances. Proof of the weight on his shoulders.

The moth-bitten calm was pulled taut and snapped- unravelled by the moor’s talker latching onto Orangeblossom. Yowls descended and suddenly it was hot, violence spooling across the snow as bodies cracked against each other. Daisyfight lurched forward, thoughts of protecting her leader, her son-

A shape shot through the smog. The calico’s breath was snared from her lungs as heaviness smashed along her tail and pain needled through her thick fur. An oak-smoke cat was latched along it, the scent of the moors tight to their pelt. The lead warrior allowed, with little option, the force to pull her into the white banks. Fur was loosed in the tumble, clear by the burn down her spine. The insult- damage to her beautiful pelt- fed her fury.

Used to such tactics, Daisyflight tucked her paws in before using the momentum to scrabble forth. It was an untidy manoeuvre, the leaf-grit below the icy surface already coating her chin, but she managed to shoot forwards towards the windclanner. Hooking low she tried to lance a chalk glove up across their muzzle, as much a distraction technique as it was a genuine attempt at drawing blood. In the possible opening, the now screeching molly tried to ram herself into the enemy, aiming to rend whatever flesh fell beneath her claws.

/ striking back at @SHREWTUFT >:)
Deep satisfaction rippled through the ink-splashed tomcat's body as he watched blood blossom from Orangeblossom's muzzle, and he was incapable of holding back a ragged cackle. He ignored his enemy's comment, much preferring to use what breath he had for the fight (besides, he wasn't exactly the best at jabs or witty remarks), and instead braced himself as she leapt forward. To his surprise, though, she did not strike him head-on but twisted at the last minute, jaws-first, and a throbbing cry of pain contributed to the chorus of battle noises as her teeth sunk deep into the tender flesh of his jowls; he could feel the flesh ripping as he wrested himself free of her grip. Badgermoon gave a hiss that was half-pain and half-outrage and attempted to ram one broad shoulder into the SkyClan deputy's chest, hoping she would be propelled backwards by a few paces or perhaps that he would bruise or break something internally. If successful, he'd spring ahead and try to slam her against a nearby tree trunk, holding her in place. Blood flowed sluggishly from the deep gash she had left on his cheeks as his dark tail lashed incessantly behind him.

Everything happened so quickly. First it was something about herbs and needing them, then it was spitting and hissing harsh words back and forth. It all happened in such a flash that she had barely any time to process it before there was a flurry of claws and teeth, yowling and screaming cats all around her. Bananapaw could feel her body tense up in anticipation of the fight and then stand there as cats around her started to throw themselves into the thick of it. The cream she-cat backed up slightly into a dead bramble bush and flattened her ears to the back of her head, should she go get help? No Greenpaw was doing that- what could she do though? There wasn't enough battle training to actually know what to do here, and it petrified her.

Bananapaw though swallowed her anxiety and moved across the ground for the nearest cat; @GRAVELPAW. She lifted her paw and aimed to swat at him with an unsheathed paw but there was little force behind the attack. She also backed up right away afterwards and crouched low to to the ground; she hoped this was right.


[penned by wolf - ]

The fight begun and Sunsetbreeze would lunge himself into the battle alongside the rest of his clanmates to fight for what he believed in. He finds himself an opponent, jumping himself forward to attack a npc skyclan warrior. The two bite and clawed at each other, blood getting spilled on the ground to taint the beautiful snow. They tossed and tackled each other, and Sunsetbreeze fought with everything he had. Eventually he found a opening to pin the other warrior to the ground to have them at his mercy. However, he had no intention to kill them not wishing to take another cats life unless it was absolutely necessary. " Think twice before crossing me next time." he would hiss at them before stepping off doubting they would be of any threat with these injuries. He picked his gaze up to take a look around the battlefield to see if anyone needed his aid. It was then he spoted movements in the trees...

Sunsetbreeze spoted a shadow, a figure, a cat and they had their eyes locked on someone. He narrowed his eyes as he tried to see who the cat was looking at was then he saw who the target was. Galeforce. To his horror the tom didn't even seem to notice the threat in the trees!. Sunsetbreeze moved before he even could think, rushing over there as quick like the wind. " Galeforce watch out!." he would call out to his friend, heart racing with a fear he never had thought was possible for him to experience. Without thinking he would jump himself out right in front of the brown tabby as the cat from above came flying out from the trees, and his eyes stared right into the others eyes.

// please dont interfere until @Mountainheart has posted!
also tagging @Galeforce >:) [/color]

  • Crying
Reactions: Galeforce
unable to move out the way quick enough, talons have dug into an umber muzzle before they are ripping across tender flesh causing the smaller point to jerk back in pain with a high-pitched yelp falling from her maw. shrewtuft shakes her head in a brisk motion as if to ebb away the stinging pain before focusing up again, one lousy scratch isn't enough to send her fleeing yet!

"that all ya got?!"

words are spoken in a sneer before she's darting out of the way of the oncoming skyclanner and hoping to grasp an opprotunity, shrewtuft lunges forwards and aims to land a sharp blow upon the she-cat's shoulder

// @Daisyflight
  • Wow
Reactions: Daisyflight

The time to strike was now. The call to war had been made, and the ex mercenary was suddenly tossed back into his element. He readied himself on his branch and scanned the battlefield for an opponent.

He could easily take out one of the smaller windclanners- well. They were all small. But still.

He locked his sights on Galeforce, he was a sizeable tom. Wouldn't get crushed under his weight too easily. So he bunched up his muscles, and from his lofty perch he sprung, descending upon-

His eyes met that of anothers. Mild surprise graced his features, but war was war, and an enemy was an enemy. He collided with him all the same, the other tom taking the brunt of his attack. With the other tom now squished under his weight as he dug his claws in, he would make it quick. One so young did not deserve to suffer.

He bit into his throat, hard as he could.

When he lifted his head, his mouth coated in blood, he looked down at Sunsetbreeze. There was no malice in his eyes. Only acceptance.

"Go with honor, lad."



His jaws snap air, luckily for the integrity of the moorlanders leg. Frustration dilvulges his briefest distraction. Stinging radiates his maw with bruising force, his gums wet with the taste of iron.

Fat on kibble he says, the stereotype earns a wet snort and shake of a massive skull " jealousy, is unbecoming "

First blood, goes to the Windclanner. Glacial hues tear at the yapping jaw, words carved into an arrowhead, a bow strung with intention to either anger or distract. A loosened arrow, pierces an icy heart.

" you're right. You couldve stayed in your damn tunnels. Dealt with your own damn problems. The audacity of your kind "

" abandoned? ABANDONED you delusional git . Your clan stole him from me " he roars with a cackle, dumbfounded and lacking humor.

Thistleback pushes his paws forward, aiming to drive his claws deep into the upper chest of the warrior with a shove. If sucessful, he would butterfly his limbs to flay the warrior's chest

  • — cursed mobile post lol sorry if this sucks
    Roll 2 ( Tigerfrost - success)

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
  • bVBPWus.png

Tags and Information

Oh, had he struck a blow to the heart? To the mind, perhaps? Thistleback's cackling roar is akin to grim thunder as he lashes out in brutal reprisal. Talons reach for Tigerfrost's chest, and the WindClan warrior knows just how vicious such a blow would be should it land. With his hellish eyes blazing, he lurches backwards, the talons of his foe nearly missing him by a breath. The tips of the other warrior's nails graze through flesh, enough to draw blood, but little else. Tigerfrost continues his motion, until his back lands squarly against the snow with a wintry crunch, and his two back legs kick up with claws outstretched. Aiming to finish this fight and strike a critical blow, Tigerfrost kicks upward as he attempts to send those sharp nails crashing into Thistleback's throat.

"Matters not, hare-brained fool. He is WindClan now, and he will cough himself to death. I shall gladly inform him of just how happy you were to let him die." Venom spun from bitter jaws, as Tigerfrost delights in the thought of causing grief to his spiky furred opponent. He does notice a body fall, out of the corner of his eye. For a moment, his heart soars with glee. But it is not a SkyClanner that lies in the throes of death, but Sunsetbreeze, a WindClan warrior struck down by a foe. Though the tabby is unwilling to divide his attention enough to get a better look, he still can't help the fury that bubbles within his eyes as he stares with gruesome intensity upon Thistleback.

@ThistleBack and also reacting to @SUNSETBREEZE fatality.
Tigerfrost rolled a 2 for the following dice roll chart:
1- hit
3- hit
4- miss

They are fighting and he's quietly overwhelmed for a moment as he watches the cat who had seemingly been in charge lunge forward at Orangeblossom with teeth barred; for a moment they are not at the border facing out across to the river but the one against the treeline, they are at ThunderClan's side and he sees the flash of a red squirrel and the yowls of angry cats rising up in unison. Snowpaw stands in silent horror, at any time before what happened he would have been all too eager for this, too eager to sink claws into WindClanners who had wronged them in so many ways; he would have enjoyed the senseless violence and picked an opponent the second the battle began. But now he...he's frozen as his name and stands there rigid as cats clash around him. His mother is brawling with a dark, chestnut colored molly with long fur and he sees a flash of black and white as Thistleback defends against a massive brown tabby with a white face. Chrysalispaw is there, the only other SkyClan apprentice on the battlefrield and he watches his peer engage in locking claws with a cat that looks almost branded from fire; a parallel to his own pale and spotted appearance.
Snowpaw might have stood there forever, golden eyes wide like twin suns and fur prickling as blood his his nostrils and he feels like its all over his chest and paws again, he feels like he's caught in some lucid nightmare repeating the same event over and over again. When a body, a WindClanner, hits the floor with an eerie silence and a blood stained throat he does not realize he's screaming a yowl of confusion and outrage until it warps into one of pain.

Someone had hit him, he whirls around with eyes slit and wild, teeth visible from his crying out from before that clench into jagged rows; the black tabby that had darted around him with swift paws and swifter claws looks only a little older than him but much younger than Morningpaw had been when she-he's in combat. He should be fighting, he should raise his claws to defend his clan but he finds he can't force them out of their sheathes; just the act of drawing the blades twists his stomach into a knot. They cut, they killed, he was too afraid, he didn't know if he could ever swing his claws again without knowing if they would strike where he intended. So with a growl he lets them remain tucked into his paws, he would use his force and batter, bruise...
A white paw swung upward and then sharply to the side to try and slam against the side of @SMOKEPAW's face in retaliation but with his claws sheathed it would not leave as lasting a reminder as what just happened to his own flank.

  • Crying
Reactions: Daisyflight

It's a scene he's witnessed before. Cats striking one another, senseless bloodshed coating the battlefield. Cosmospaw has seen it before.

This time, however, he is in the trenches to fight, rather hidden in foliage on the edge of a battleground - a small kit watching in horror as faces he'd once memorized turn into monsters, as others take their last, crimson-filled breaths. If only younger him had known what was coming. If only younger him knew it was only more terrifying to be in the midst of battle, rather than on its outskirts.

He stays located near Blazestar, an effort to create a wall of defense for his mentor. It's not like him, to fight. Not like either of them, really. But it's a matter of life or death right now, and refusing to fight, of hiding away - younger Cosmos would have been able to keep hidden better, within the snow. What would have happened then, if he were to stay hidden? - is only going to risk a loss for SkyClan, is only going to diminish their chances of surviving this war.

His wall of defense is broken, as a dark-furred WindClanner strikes at Blazestar. The white tom whips around quickly, eyes wide as he watches the two's fight. He feels frozen, unable to move for a moment, as another SkyClanner comes to Blazestar's aid. Cosmospaw needs to act quickly. He needs to help keep Blazestar safe.

Without further thinking, the white tom lunges forward from the opposite side of Blazestar's helper, claws aiming to dig into the side of the WindClanner between them. He isn't able to dwell on the results of his attack for long before another WindClanner arrives to attack the SkyClanner helping defend Cosmospaw's mentor. Once more, the apprentice springs forward, hoping to knock the younger looking moor-dweller off balance.

// attacking @Spiderbloom and @bunnywhisker , helping @Sharpeye defend @BLAZESTAR

The roaring static continued to build and build within his ears and he feared that it would claim him at that moment. It was overwhelming! Why... why had he allowed himself to be brought out here to face potential war, a war he had never asked for! His lower lip quivered as he remained poised on the brink of letting his feelings consume him. But there... right in the middle of it all there came a voice that seemed to rouse nothing but feelings of comfort. The young warrior turned his head and he gazed into those gorgeous eyes that made his heart flip every time. Sunsetbreeze. The smile they wore brought him such peace of mind and he wished he could just sink into the other's pelt, to spend the day cuddling rather than spilling blood. "Th-thank you... yeah, we can do anything."

Unfortunately before he could grant himself any further time to stabilise his emotions the fight broke out. Never before had he seen something so violent or bloody, yet it reminded him of the tales that had been told to him by those who had been there during the great war. Hopelessly he twirled around, swatting at anyone who he didn't recognise to be a clanmate, yet not fully committing himself to the fight. In truth he didn't want to hurt any of the SkyClanners, this wasn't their fault! Things... things could have been negotiated better! There had probably been a better way!

In his state of distraction, and due to his unfamiliarity with SkyClan's methods of utilising the trees, he never once paused or considered the idea of looking up. He never saw Mountainheart coming. But Sunsetbreeze did. The warning came and it prompted him to whip his head round in time to see his best friend, the one cat who had stolen his heart, taking the strike meant for him!

I won't let anything bad happen to you, I promise...

The brown tabby screamed out Sunsetbreeze's name, his voice heavy with anguish as the tears came flooding forth as his screams split the air. The blood stained the snow... Sunsetbreeze's blood!

Galeforce lost it.

The screech that tore forth from his throat was like that of a banshee as he locked his tear-drenched sights on the SkyClanner before him, a lust for revenge burning so brightly within him that it was as clear as day across every inch of him. He lunged at Mountainheart with all his strength, aiming to lock his jaws down on the bastard's face, intending to grasp onto the tom's shoulders with his forepaws whilst hauling his hind paws up and aiming to kick out at the other's chest with his claws. He wanted him dead! DEAD!

"Sunset... I'm so sorry! If... if only I had been stronger! If only... if only..."

//Launching a feral assault on @Mountainheart
crying my guts out, SUNSET!!!!
She can feel the skin give way beneath her claws, tension pulls around them even as they glide through the other apprentices skin leaving welts that wouldn't soon be forgotten. She can feel his breathing the way his muscles tense, it's an exhilarating feeling she's almost lost in it. It different then fighting her peers, there were no adults to pull them off each other this was as real as it got . She can smell blood on the wind, can hear the howls and snarls of enemy and ally alike all around her it's overwhelming almost beautiful in a way, she can't possibly know just foxlenghts away a clanmates lays dying can't fathom that there would be no winners no great victory. She only focuses on the feeling of exhilaration and the warmth of the blood of her opponent who's yowl reaches her ears. She laughs loud and giddy ❝Make me you kittypet tail sniffe- WOAH FOXDUNG!❞ she can feel his body buckle her balance thrown off as he throws them to the ground and she doesn't quite have to to get away her body twisting before she's pushes beneath him on the ground one arm and half her chest stuck beneath his weight and she squirms like a fox caught in a trap trying to wrench free.

❝I'll make crowfood of you if you don't move your fat butt!❞ she yowls and no matter how hard she pulls she can't put any distance between them she's tuck and unless she wishes to dislocate her arm there was nothing she could do but try to force him off. Their situations have changed and he's made one fatal mistake, it was much harder for him to do more then hold her there and try to suffocate her but she was not muzzled. From where she lay she moves her face closer to the side of his neck and if he didn't wrench away she'd attempt to clamp down and bite as hard as she could down on the sensitive flesh.

Badgermoon breaks free, and his shove sends Orangebossom shuffling a few steps backwards in the snow. Something clicks in her shoulder and while Orangeblossom can already feel the bruising that will come of it, it doesn't hurt as much as she fears it might. Surely the impact hadn't been useful, had it? Whatever, she could still move, and it pales in comparison to the sting of cold air on her muzzle left behind by the black-and-white tomcat's twist out of her grip only moments earlier.

She's too wrapped up in her battle that she doesn't see the chocolate point fall, doesn't notice Mountainheart's dispatch of one of their aggressors. Later, when she found out, she would tell him he did a good job. That's one less enemy for their medicine cat to waste herbs on ... WindClan should be grateful.

Her tail brushes a trunk behind her and she tenses - not with fear, but with excitement. His mistake. Had WindClan forgotten that a SkyClanner was at their best in the trees, or had he not been taught? Orangeblossom turns tail and jumps upwards, claws gripping the bark of the same tree that Badgermoon had wanted to corner her against. It creaks unceremoniously as she claws her way up the trunk about a fox-length before she shoves off it, hopefully sending her sailing clear over the top of his head.​

  • @Badgermoon

  • orangeblossom, deputy of skyclan
    — no apprentice.
    ✦ 25 moons, she/her
    ✦ fluffy white and ginger cat with brown eyes. torn left ear, scar on right foreleg.
    ✦ bi, single. @ on discord for plots.

TAGS — He hears Sunsetbreeze go down; he hears the crunch of crushing jaws. Don't look don't look don't look, he tells himself. StarClan above, don't you fucking look. The smell of blood had already been in the air, but it grows heavier with weight- his target screams before Smokepaw's claws even reach him, staring off at the scene that he can't risk examining for himself. If he looks, sees what warrior had been foolish enough to let themselves be bested on this battlefield, then he risks distraction. No distractions. He can't afford it, not when his skills aren't as sharp as the claws he fights with, not when Snowpaw could be much more experienced than he is.

He dashes past his opponent, successfully scoring the other tom's flank. He doesn't expect the subtle thrill that runs through him, the blood that roars in his ears. Cherry red drips off his claws- Smokepaw can't risk the contemplation, though. He whips around, fire-forged gaze locked on the mist-hued tom, and struggles to find his footing in the deepening snow. He thinks he's ready for a counterattack- but then Galeforce lets out a screech that would shatter the sun if it could. He can't abate his shock this time. For a split-second, Smokepaw's focus moves to the warrior, and he can see Mountainheart's teeth in Sunsetbreeze's throat, red ichor seeping out of the latter into the white snow around him. His jaws gape but he has little time to gawk before Snowpaw's blow connects, stunning him. He stumbles a step or two, muzzle wrinkled into a snarl. But he does know one thing- he's not been cut. It had hurt, but it lacked the sting of torn flesh, the heat of seeping blood.

"Of course a kittypet can't use its claws," Smokepaw snarls, spitting into the snow as he re-trains his gaze on the enemy apprentice. His expression is nothing but cool contempt. "Don't expect me to hold anything back just because you're scared." They had claws for a reason, after all.

Adrenaline pumping, the apprentice makes a few split-second judgements. He's too large for me to pin. Don't want to try the same move right away. Maybe... Yeah, that's it. Finally, Smokepaw launches himself forward, curving his path so as to approach @Snowpaw 's side, and attempts to leap onto the back of the SkyClanner. Should he be successful, he'll aim to sink his teeth into the apprentice's scruff and use his claws to rake whatever flesh he can reach.

And so he continues to turn the wheel, the cycle of hatred and bloodshed. He does not take joy in the blood In his mouth. At one time, it may have invigorated him. Now, it was just another flavor.

He looks to Galeforce. He understands his pain, and he understands how dangerous someone can be when in that pain. He braced himself as he was bit into, claws gripping at his shoulders. He found himself being kicked back, the fangs latches onto his face ripped through his skin, as did the claws in his shoulders.

Even understanding the pain and grief he had caused Galeforce, he would not go easy on him.

This was the reality of war.

He sprung forward in an attempt to ram the other and sink his claws into his shoulders and bite his neck as well.

If he had to send him to join his friend so soon, then so be it.

In the midst of raised voices and sudden violence, Gravelpaw’s eyes go wide. They look around frantically, unable to focus on any single thing. They’re confused, thrown off balance by the battle that’s being fought all around them. Don’t just stand here, they snap at themself, kicking their paws into motion. They rush toward a SkyClan warrior much larger than themself, only to be shouldered out of the way by a WindClanner—presumably because Gravelpaw is an apprentice, not fully trained, not ready to take on a fully grown cat. But they hiss and snap and lash their tail, seeking out an opening to jump into a fight.

Their opportunity strikes them first, though; in Gravelpaw’s hesitation, a young cat rushes forth and swipes for them with sharp claws. The attack lands, claws catching across their shoulder, and the black and white apprentice glares after their new enemy.

She’s not full-grown, from what he can tell. And she’s not very smart, either; instead of pummeling him while he’s caught off guard, the SkyClan cat has retreated into a crouch. "Idiot," he snarls, advancing on the tabby with pinned ears. He’s not well-trained in battle, but the extra lessons he’s received from Lynxtooth serve him well now. A deep breath, and the trembling in his paws stills. He’s clear-headed for the first time since they first reached SkyClan’s border, his focus narrowed solely to the cat in front of him.

He doesn’t wait for her to make the first move; Gravelpaw pounces at @Bananapaw, aiming to claw quickly at her front legs. Gravelpaw isn’t extremely skilled in battle, but he knows enough to understand that he won’t get anywhere if he shows hesitation. But he knows what his father would say if he saw this. Lynxtooth would narrow his eyes and say it’s not good enough. So the apprentice takes the stance that Lynxtooth showed him; hind legs apart for balance, bracing himself for a counterattack. Steady.

Prowess matched, blades fly and bodies shift with expert speed. This was a match perhaps designed by the stars themselves. Avoiding Thistleback's dangerous shove, his opponent's back hits the snow in a very well timed escape. Windclanner's were fast, no doubt.

A weaponized kick to the throat sends him backwards, muscled limbs stumble as they lumber a coughing beast. The blizzard dulled his ears, stings his eyes but he sees and hears the teary screech of Galestorm. Sunsetbreeze, a thud and Mountainheart looming over a fallen Windclanner. Returning his gaze to Tigerfrost, he weilds a bloodied smirk but he is coughing too hard to speak.

Another snarl toward the daring words of the other. " I don't doubt it. Liars and thieves. I expect nothing less " he coughs more, aims to spray a paw of snow toward Tigerfrost's eyes and use it to batter the other's temple with open talons, knuckles like a hammer.

His wound aches at the bottom of his throat. The warmth of his own blood is brief and turns to ice as it traces rivers under his ebony and white fur.

  • — success roll for @TIGERFROST

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
  • bVBPWus.png

Did Slate have the capacity to be loyal?

That was yet to be seen. Maybe someday Slate would fully surrender his independence—his street cat mentality—and dedicate his loyalty and dying breath to a clan. For now, however, he was simply trying to make sure he didn't get his throat slit by angry WindClanners. He was caught in the crossfire of a political conflict he knew little of, whether he liked it or not. "Long story." Not really; it was more of a medium-length tale if anything, but Slate wasn't interested in recalling his entire life story right in the midst of a bloody battle. In short, Slate had accidentally stumbled upon clan borders but had miraculously reunited with his littermate. Otherwise, there was no chance in hell that he'd willingly join one of these groups. If he hadn't chased that mouse beyond the city's fenceline, he wouldn't have run into Duskmane.

He hadn't acted fast enough. Speckleclaw had twisted himself and begun kicking Slate off of him, which the dark tom probably could have withstood had the claws not gotten involved. He hissed sharply as they cut into him; thankfully, like all cats, thick skin had provided ample protection. None of these scratches were fatal. Sloppy! Slate thought to himself still.

For a moment, amidst all the action happening around him, Slate hoped that his brother was safe back in camp. Unbeknownst to him, however, that couldn't be further from the truth. "You picked the wrong clan." Breathed Slate, gritting his teeth as he took a split second to catch his breath. Not that Slate could genuinely speak for the strength of any of the clans. He was a newcomer to these lands, after all. What if WindClan was stronger than SkyClan? Then again, it wouldn't matter. He was willing to stay in whichever clan as long as it meant he would never be separated from Duskmane again... even if the said clan was known as a kittypet haven.

It was time to stop going so easy. Speckleclaw wasn't a clanmate. He wasn't even a friend. What would it matter if he killed him right here and now? Has clan life made you soft already? Letting out a frustrated snarl, Slate would charge forward and aim to dig his teeth into Speckeclaw's scruff. If successful, he'd muster his strength and yank him upward before slamming him down into the snow. Being a larger tom, scruff-holds were a signature of Slate's and often followed by ground attacks. He had to think quickly about what move to make next.

  • @speckleclaw.

    —— amab, uses he/him pronouns. twenty-nine moons old. warrior of skyclan; former rogue.
    —— unrefined, rough and tumble rogue who is not accustomed to clan life. only trustful of his littermate, duskmane.
    —— link to tags. @ on discord for plots.

    quite the hulk of a cat, slate stands above the average clanmate with an arrogant gait. he has a dark gray ( bordering on black ) colored pelt with a pale-brown-tinged underbelly and whisps of tan at the tips of his chest hairs. amber-colored eyes contrast against his dark palette. notable features include a jagged scar across his right eye and two small scratches across the bridge of his nose.

Curse these SkyClanners and their weird tree fetish! Badgermoon hadn't even thought about the risks associated with throwing Orangeblossom against a tree, and the bicolor tom snapped fruitlessly at her heels as she scampered up above his head. Utterly consumed in his own fight, the world had narrowed to Orangeblossom and her movements, the pain in his body, the sight and scent of her blood: that he had lost a warrior would later bring him immense grief and anger, but now it didn't even register. He had just enough time to whirl around as the thick-coated SkyClanner sprang nimbly over his head; the tiniest voice in his mind, the only remaining corner not blood-soaked and ever-hungry, was impressed by her agility and strength. In a blind fury at his mistake and at the prospect of his opponent escaping, Badgermoon threw himself forward and attempted to slice her right hind leg with as much force as he could possibly muster; if successful, the sheer force of his claws could slice through vital muscles as if through mouseflesh. Unfortunately, this process would also unbalance him and send him crashing head-over-tail into the bloodied snow, exposing his chest and throat to Orangeblossom's retaliation, if she was able to make use of the opportunity.
