Show me the way, brother [open, WindClanners]

The freezing part of fight or flight started to kick in as this shape caught her attention out of the corner of her eye. She looked quickly and tried to scramble backwards, away from the other as he charged towards her and then pounced. Bananapaw had no time to move out of the way or react as her muscles felt like they were frozen in their place. Everything felt so stiff and the world started to blurr around her as the panic attack started to settle in just slightly. Like it was busy making its nest in her chest cavity and she gave an outcry as claws raked down her shoulders.

The cream tabby she-cat attempted to roll away from @GRAVELPAW and felt her tail bristle to twice its size as her claws slide out. Bananapaw didn't have a mentor yet, didn't have any type of battle knowledge, but didn't she was going to go down without a fight! Trying to shove down the impending aniexty attack in her throat, the cream tabby then lunged for the tomcat. She attempted to rear up on her back legs and dig her claws into either side of Gravelpaws' head. Not to roll him over or anything, but just some sort of strike on him before she push off of him and skittered backwards.

If she failed then it would surely result in something different.


[penned by wolf - ]
Tags and Information

Oh, does he revel in it. How the blood splashes against the pristine white of snow, how his talons coil and pierce into the flesh. The sensation of his opponent's fur between his toes and the thrill of a victory he could taste within the bitter air. Eyes like fire flicker and glow as Tigerfrost lurches back to his paws just as the SkyClanner sends a spray of frost toward guarded vision. The cold sensation slaps against his muzzle as Tigerfrost closes those hellish hues for a mere blink of time, and he ducks downward and to the side just in time to avoid the battering paw that now slithered through the air above his head.

With just as much brutality as before, Tigerfrost wastes no time moving from where he now crouches in the shadow of Thistleback's powerful form. He lunges upward with teeth snapping, aiming to wrap those vice gripping jaws around the sides of Thistleback's muzzle, and should he succeed, his momentum would carry him into a powerful downward slam, back toward the snow, in the hopes of sending Thistleback crashing roughly to the cold ground beneath him.

Successful or not, the brute misses no chance in his wicked jabbing, "Wretched thing. See how you thrash for your life! Has the blood loss dimmed your vision yet?" Poisonous words that seep from his maw, "Pray that the stars have mercy, for I have none to spare." Tigerfrost's words ring with a cold finality, as his fiery eyes gleam with the chill of ice. He wonders how the herb thieves were doing. Had they secured the catmint? How much longer would this battle last? He does not care how many of his opponents die, but the death of his own clan-mate is a grim reminder that there was more here at stake.

This had all better not have been a waste of life and time. Cats were relying on that catmint. If the other patrol failed, this ruthless struggle would have all been for nothing.

Tigerfrost rolled a 2 for the following dice roll chart:
1- hit
3- hit
4- miss
Orangeblossom's fatal mistake in this turn of combat is thus: she does not check how high of a clearance she has when she sends herself sailing over Badgermoon's head. She doesn't see the movement of the tom beneath her vantage point, but she's suddenly acutely aware of a flash of burning pain in her right hindleg which drags her prematurely into the snow. Something goes pop-click but she barely notices the internal sound in the throes of battle. Orangeblossom rolls into a standing position - or tries to, her injured leg buckling underneath her from the strain of standing with nothing to support itself with. Aghast, the SkyClan deputy fixes her counterpart with a feral snarl.

"What did you DO!?" She screeches, spittle flying as she advances on her opponent with a heavy limp. He's stunned, close enough that while it takes all of her effort to loom over him like a bloodied spectre Orangeblossom manages it. Her sides heave with exertion and there's dark spots in her vision that she blinks away frantically - is that just the snow? The blizzard continues to rage around them, after all.

"How come all you WindClanners have that same scar?" She mutters, half to herself. Between her heartbeat pounding in her ears and the frenzy of battle, she barely notices she's spoken the words aloud. With a haphazard swipe she swipes a clawed paw down Badgermoon's chest, hoping to add some more clawmarks to his collection. Whether or not she's successful, Orangeblossom would wheeze: "Go home before one of you die, scum of the moors. Your leader can't save you in our pines. Surely some catmint isn't worth your deaths."

  • @Badgermoon benji how does it feel to be the funniest person on tabbytales today with that first line 👑 im absolutely weeping dude

  • orangeblossom, deputy of skyclan
    — no apprentice.
    ✦ 25 moons, she/her
    ✦ fluffy white and ginger cat with brown eyes. torn left ear, scar on right foreleg.
    ✦ bi, single. @ on discord for plots.

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The other feline rolls away with ease, and their uncle’s disapproving scowl pops into Gravelpaw’s head—their uncle would probably lecture them if he could see them now. Their opponent doesn’t seem strong, so why are they taking so long to defeat her? As though there isn’t a blizzard raging around them, and a dead WindClanner only a couple fox-lengths away.

Claws meet the sides of their head, and the black-patched cat hisses, shaking their head furiously before taking off after her when she moves away again. She’s quick—just as fast as Gravelpaw—and is making it hard to hit her, since she keeps backing away from them. They don’t let her go far, though; Gravelpaw reaches out for @Bananapaw, swiping at her face. If they’re lucky, they’ll catch an eye, but Gravelpaw doesn’t trust in their abilities that much. They’re not suited for this kind of fighting, and especially not while snow swirls around them—they’re built for silent sneak attacks that give them the upper hand, which this confrontation definitely is not.

The Windclan apprentice's strident squawk of a laugh was cut short by Chrys' maneuver, as though he aimed to shut her up rather than to win a battle, as though the petty battle proved more important than the war. The chimaera felt Foxpaw's legs buckle and rear underneath his weight, as underneath him raged a great fire, but he would not allow it to expunge his own spirit. He let out his own triumphant cry, for he would not go down so easily, as the forest rose from the cinders of the wildfire. Life was just that, after all - a competition of flame, a show that singed the feet and lapped at the heart. He was happy to play along on this stage, if only to be the protagonist. "Take that, you dung-eating, fox-hearted, mange-ridden Windclanner!"

A searing, electric pain rushed through his neck, like sharpened knives upon his skin, no longer straddling but sinking into the body. He yowled as thorny teeth clasped on the flesh of his nape, through feathery fur and prudent plume did the arrow hit its target. He attempted to buck away, roll over, and strike at Firepaw with an unsheathed claw. Of course, he was still but a fledgling in need of true wings, and such a move would be hard to pull off at his expertise. Still, he tried. One-winged birds had a wing withal, and he still had nails.


The taste of another cat's blood was unfamiliar to him, but it would live him until his dying. It carried with it a tang of metal, stronger than that in the blood from prey. It almost reminded him of what the weasel had been like. Was that what predators tasted like?

He didn't get time to dwell on it for too long as he was drawn back to the horror of his current reality. The young tom stumbled with an uneasy landing and it left him unprepared for the retaliation that came, and with a howl he found himself slammed back by the other tom. It was only in the nick of time that he managed to jolt of head off to the side in order to evade the bite to his throat. He wouldn't become a casualty today, he'd make sure of it!

A snarl broke from him as he swung his head forward with all the force he could muster with the intentions of bashing his skull right into Mountainheart's nose. More tears streaked his face as he bared his teeth, the emotional agony still greatly outweighing any of his physical ones. He would attempt to push back against Mountainheart, trying to rear up with his own claws aiming to sink into the other tom's shoulders for purchase. He wanted to look his enemy in the eye, to show him that he was far from being done. If he got that far he would then aim to throw the SkyClanner down towards the snow covered ground.

// @Mountainheart
Blood oozed from the slashes on her shoulders and she took in heavy breaths of crisp, cold air that burned her lungs only slightly. Her gaze was hyper fixated on that of the battle around her, spotting a dead body laying nearby, Orangeblossom in a tussel with that of another Windclanner and the surge of cats. She let her mind be distracted for one moment and then felt claws across her face, causing her to rear back in pain and cry out. Warmth trailed down her cheek and her vision on her right gaze was blurry with blood.

This Windclanner was fast and more expierenced in fighting than she was, and it was terrifying to face. What could she do? None of her attacks seem to even deter him slightly and she was quick to look around for a moment- spotting Chrysalispaw not too far away from her. He was fighting another Windclanner with a dark striped pelt. Scrambling, she bolted from @GRAVELPAW for @CHRYSALISPAW, maybe in numbers would be better than just fight on her own.

Bananapaw didn't think the chimera tomcat couldn't handle this Windclanner on his own, but more so that she wouldn't be able to take on Gravelpaw on her own. Coming to a skiddering halt, she stood by the black and tortie tom and lashed out at Gravelpaw with an extended claw- aiming to swipe at her face or chest or whatever she could to make purchase. Then turned to leap at @Firepaw with her claws out stretched aiming to claw at any part of her body that she could reach. Dirty fighting but she didn't have any other sort of skills to help in their situation.

"Don't back down, don't back down," She kept uttering softly to both herself and the tom beside her. Protect the clan at the cost of ones life.


[penned by wolf - ]

See, he knew the young cat he faced off against wasn't to be underestimated. Of all the injuries and battles he had been in, he had never actually been bashed in the face. Usually he was the one bashing skulls into the ground.

He grunted in pain, but he didn't waver. He couldn't. It was life or death, and if he had to send two windclanners to the stars tonight, then so be it.

He grappled with Galeforce, fighting to stay upright against him trying to pin him. There was no fear in his eyes, only a simmering anger and strong determination. He met his gaze evenly, unintimidated. When finally he was pushed to the ground, he wasted no time in curling his body to start clawing at Galeforce's underside, as well as removing his front claws from his shoulders and digging them into the other toms neck.

He knew this song and dance. If he didn't get Galeforce off, he would be in trouble.


Spotted! Sharpeye lets slip a wheeze as something slams into him. On a good day he might have remained on his paws, but this wasn't one of the good days and a yowl split from him as his weakened leg buckled under the force. Maybe it hadn't fully healed after all. The tom ends up fumbling his way back onto his paws and he takes a swipe at Bunnywhisker's face with his outstretched claws. Help comes in the form of Cosmospaw soon after and it gives Sharpeye encouragement to keep going. He lets forth a hiss before he lunges at Bunnywhisker, now aiming to barrel her down into the snow.

//Attacking @bunnywhisker


A gargled splutter breaks past Galeforce's lips as claws find purchase on his throat. Even the thick fur around his neck could only spare him from so much, and at that moment it was starting to stain red. He feared that he was about to be gutted as he felt the claws raking mercilessly down his belly. Galeforce was scared. He was honestly scared that he would die there. If he ran he feared that the tom would give chase, if he stayed he feared he would be torn apart. It felt as though death's noose was closing in on him, sitting tight around his throat.

Sootstar... Dandelionwish...
You condemned us to death!

In that moment his mind was a whirlwind, but then a plan came to mind. He needed to force his opponent into a state of retreat, to force them to disengage. Rearing himself back he detached himself from the claws that had him by the throat, before he attempted to swoop down to seize one paw in his jaws. If successful he would collapse down to the side before rolling over with both force and speed away from Mountainheart, intending to wrench the held limb at a brutal angle. He wanted it to hurt, to either bust up the muscle, dislocate, or even break.

// @Mountainheart

Galeforce was right to act when he did, because Mountainhearts next plan of action was to keep applying pressure to his throat, to crush his windpipe.

So when Galeforce freed himself, he would have to plot another method of murder. Except it seemed Galeforce had a plan.

Mountainheart didn't move quick enough. Galeforce gripped his paw....

And the next thing he knew, there was a loud pop. He couldn't stop the pained yowl that escaped him as he rushed back to his feet.

His shoulder was dislocated. He was down a limb.

This wasn't good.

Now the young tom was earning his ire.

But he would not retreat. If Galeforce ran, he would not follow, but Mountainheart was resolved to hold the line.

He glowered at Galeforce, debating his next move and also giving the other a chance to decide important Life Choices.

Because if this continued, he was about to get very nasty.

Or so Mountainheart hoped. Down a limb, he was at a disadvantage and he had to admit, his confidence in his ability to fight was waning because of it.

I am so sick of chasing this rat-pelt around. They can already see it when they manage to catch her, though: their own paws stained with blood, bits of gore and grime beneath sharp claws. Lynxtooth would be so proud of them, and perhaps even Juniperfrost would be. If they kill this SkyClanner, maybe Sootstar will promote them to a warrior early—no more baby tasks, no more helping out grouchy elders with their disgusting ticks. They could be seen as a true fighter, a winner.

But first, this SkyClan cat needs to stop running away! And she not only runs, but moves toward where Firepaw and another nameless SkyClanner are brawling. Gravelpaw sets their jaw, eyes narrowed—they aren’t paying attention to the SkyClanner who the tabby has run to, they only care about sinking their claws, teeth, anything into the pelt of the enemy they’ve locked onto. The enemy takes a swing on Firepaw, and the black-splashed feline charges forth. Before they reach her, though, she finally turns around and swipes him straight across the nose. Blood dribbles down his muzzle, into his mouth. He tastes iron, flinches, and his lip curls hatefully.

They snarl, striking out with more claws aimed at @Bananapaw ‘s shoulder. If they manage to catch any part of her, they’ll try to drag her closer to smack at her head again with their other paw. Completely tunnel-visioned, Gravelpaw isn’t paying attention to anything except for their target now. Even the cold, almost numb feeling in their paws doesn’t deter them from their attacks. No matter what happens, they can’t disappoint their father.
Bunnywhisker feels triumphant, if only for a moment. The older feline topples over, to both of their surprise, and before the brown tabby can make a move, Sharpeye is flailing his claws towards her. Eyes widen as she attempts a sloppy dodge, the tips of his claws gouging the bridge of her nose. Now her scarlet is staining the snow, and it's not as thrilling as it sounds. Her snarl deepens, however she's caught off guard by Cosmospaw, who collides into her side and knocks her over. These fools really can't fight on their own, can they?

The moor runner wheezes out a single breath, the wind knocked from her by the apprentice. Sharpeye takes the opportunity to keep her on the ground, and Bunnywhisker finds fear unwinding in her chest once again. She had half the mind prior to chase the primarily white apprentice around until he couldn't breathe, but now... she's stuck. She grits her teeth and decides that the end will never come so swiftly for her, even if she was ready for it.

Having her belly up is a dangerous position to be in, however she tries to use it to her advantage. Bunnywhisker heaves her back legs up, kicking them first towards Sharpeye's stomach with her claws unsheathed. In the same moment she tries to heave her paws into his chest, hopefully destabilizing him enough for her to sneak out from beneath him. There's always the risk of staying put or running into another's claws, but she will by no means be caught as sitting prey.

[ fighting @Sharpeye & attacked by @COSMOSPAW ]
Being the hero sounded so nice, to be respected and have renown to her name is all she ever wanted if she could do something great enough to warrant her being basked in the glorious of praise then maybe her mother would give her the time of day and the Tunnelers wouldn't look at her like she was some kinda failure. This tom she's entangled with isn't worth all this effort he's no older then her he had no prestige no worth but it still feels good to hear the caterwaul of pain that splits his jaws it makes the ichor that dribbles into her mouth taste almost sweet. She holds as long as she can wanting to find what really hurt wanting him to sing to the skies wiht pain telling the stars if her victory over him but she feels him begin to stir and she can't hold on forever she tries to hold on until she no longer couldn't attempting to rip off the fur and flesh in the grasp of her jaws as he rolled using his own movement to hurt him furthermore, but regardless she would not hang on to him for long. He's fast for a Skyclanner striking her as he uses his momentum from rolling to put distance between them, she feels the claws rake the side of her cheek and she'd wince. She makes a show of swallowing whatever blood filled her mouth it's obvious however she almost gags on it it's rank and nasty nothing ;like the blood of prey but she perseveres the idea of intimidating the other apprentice just too good to give up on, her tongue would swipe over her muzzle. ❝Why don'tcha try that again, i'll carve ya up like a hare and spit ya right back out❞ she snaps her jaws stalking forward about to get another go at him not caring for the stinging pain on her cheek before another burst of pain interrupts her as claws rake into her side and she whips around swiftly to face the perpetrator, blood still dribbling from her chin.

❝You mousehearted tree weasel! Can't handle a fair fight fine I'll just rip ya apart too come get it fleabag!❞ she yowls in the she-cats face and she can faintly make out the visage of Gravelpaw this ones assumed former opponent coming to her aid but to her it doesn't matter much. She'd get back at him for letting this brat slip away in the first place later but right now she wanted to teach this gutsy she-cat a lesson. she moves as quick as she can jutting forward attempting to use both her paws to wrap around the others neck and if she was successful her fangs would find purchase on the delicate thin flesh of one of the mollies ears nah she didn't just want to win she wanted to be remembered. She would be remembered she was sure of it.

// @Bananapaw and @CHRYSALISPAW
The philosophies and intricacies of loyalty were ultimately lost on a cat like Speckleclaw. Witnessing a cat revive from certain death... now, that was some type of supernatural force he didn't want to cross. And so, Speckleclaw agreed to join the life of a clan cat, to change his name to a compound symbolic whatever, and to keep his head down and do as he was told. One could argue that it wasn't exactly turning out to be worth it, but he was too far lost now. A sense of belonging can easily fool a strong-willed cat, luring them to jump on bandwagons and the like until they end up in the middle of a bloodied snowfield, fighting against strangers for strangers.

His eyes narrowed, trying to anticipate Slate's next movement. In his peripheral vision, a body was crushed beneath another, collapsing and painting the snow a deep shade of red. It was too distant to tell who it was, though his chest was gripped with the fifty-fifty chance that it was a familiar face. Abruptly, his scruff was seized ― the time for snippets of pleasantries was over. A grunt of adrenaline-muddled pain escaped him, trying to reorient himself. Though difficult when surrounded by sleet and icy powder, Speckleclaw flipped himself upright even with the air knocked from his chest. Slate may have had his bulk to his advantage, but all that size was a burden as well. Teeth gritted, the red tabby darted behind Slate and tried to snap his jaws closed around the skinny part of a hind leg, seeking to crush its fragile thinness and wrench the limb out from beneath the brute with a violent jerk. The bigger they are, the harder they fall, as everyone knew.


The pop made Galeforce shudder as the realisation of what he had just done sank in. But it signalled opportunity, one that he couldn't afford to miss taking. The tom released his hold on the limb, offering no resistance against the offer when they sprang to their feet. Instead he focused on rolling further away before getting up onto his own paws and trying to put more distance between the SkyClanner and himself.

Galeforce was weary and in pain, and his body screamed for him to cease. It was a difficult choice but he ultimately turned to run, that is... until he remembered about Sunsetbreeze's listless form. He couldn't bring himself to leave them behind. He wouldn't! The moor runner made a sharp turn and he hurried back to his fallen comrade's side, and when he beheld the sight of the broken form he found himself struggling to choke back a sob. "Sunset... I'm so sorry! I wasn't strong enough to protect you!" The longing to sit there and grieve was strong, but he was still on a battlefield with his enemy nearby. Staying there would be a death sentence. All he could do was aim to grab hold of Sunsetbreeze's scruff and attempt to pull him further away from the fray.

I'll get you home, if it's the last thing I do!

However, every step saw him shed droplets of blood and betrayed the fact that he was wounded. Weaker now. If he was attacked further he simply wasn't sure if he would be capable of surviving the further onslaught.

//Disengaging from @Mountainheart , attempting to move @SUNSETBREEZE further from the fight
  • Crying

He tries not to look again, tries not to think about the dead cat in the snow and the wails of grief he hears rising in the distance; otherwise he would shatter and go back to that time where he was the source of such misery. Somehow he didn't care it was WindClanner, somehow it still hurt. Why? He didn't care about these rabbit chasing bastards, they were attacking them but still...lost life. It wasn't his place to decide who was worthy to keep theirs and who wasn't. He'd learned that hadn't he?
He'd never been called kittypet before, then again his entire clan knew he and his siblings were born in the camp and never once had a two-leg owner or even been approached by one.
"I'm not kittypet, I'm SkyClan born...." But even then, "...but it looks like WindClan could learn a thing or two about manners from us kittypets."
The blue tabby wondered what had caused all of this, their desperation had come to this border and not another and he became very aware there was so much he didn't know and especially things regarding medicine and health.
Snowpaw dropped to avoid the attempt to spring onto his back, rolled away with his paws tucked to his chest and belly to avoid any following claw swings at the soft spots before he was able to flip back upward to his feet.
"My claws are sheathed as a kindness, I don't need them to send you running." A kindness....and fear. Smokepaw was not far from the truth, but his apprehensions were not terror at the risk of his own life but the idea he could take anothers if he was not careful. The clans may be divided now, but he would uphold Morningpaw's final declaration to heart for the rest of his life. He'd never kill another cat when he could simply chase them off. Snowpaw would never spill blood again.
This WindClanner was wiry as the others, smaller than him and he could abuse that to his advantage, with a burst of speed and lunge forward; trained from having hunted alone in the snow for so long, he attempts to send them rolling so he can batter the other with his heavy paws into the ground; each attempted swing calculated but meant to hurt.

-Still fighting @SMOKEPAW
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Her claws were greeted with blood and a satisfied hiss fell from her, keen until her opponent slipped from beneath her. The windclanner was quicker than anticipated, owed to their small frame, and Daisyflight found herself bundling past them. The warrior pumped her legs fiercely but couldn’t turn about quick enough.

A wretched strike to her shoulder had her spitting, the pale russet of her shoulder immediately smothered with blood. It dribbled like oil through her ruffled pelt, burning along snow-fever skin. That wasn’t ideal- at all. The molly writhed from their grip, thrusting her maw around to get in the mink-ish cat’s face. Her teeth were too far to grasp at their cheek or ears, but Daisyflight used the proximity to yowl out a reply.

“Is that all I've got? You need to keep your muzzle shut, child!” Disgust lashed like acid, the heat of it all rasping her words. “I've got more than claws, more than words. I've my family and clan to defend, one that’s worth my effort!” She was incensed, fury at the other clan's audacity. Sootstar did not deserve her followers, her ’branding’ enough proof of that.

Spying the blunt edge of a boulder, mottled surface uncovered in the scuffle- theirs or another’s- the calico plotted her next manoeuvre. She twisted from their bout, tattered tail flaring as she disengaged. Daisyflight then attempted to spear herself onto the windclanner’s flank, and if successful, crack them along the half-hidden rock.

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TAGS — With his and the rest of the patrol's arrival, RiverClan has finally entered the fray.

Cranecatcher's bicolored gaze tears across the battlefield. He's not been to war like this before, not really- but in these cats he can see the same desperation that Greenpaw had worn when he'd come running for aid, wailing about family and protection. And he can see why the apprentice had been so desperate now. The WindClanners wear a ferocity that only Sootstar could ingrain into them, he thinks- but he can be fierce, too, especially against the foxhearts that were wiling to kill a cat over lost prey.

With the rest of the patrol behind him, Cranecatcher dives into the fray, trying to weed out a viable opponent. The SkyClanners are holding their own for now, but support surely wouldn't kill them. The broad-shouldered tom fixes his gaze on the limping, wheezing @orangeblossom . "Here to help!" the young tom chirps as he shoots past her and towards @Badgermoon , blue-gold eyes glinting intensely. Cranecatcher skirts behind Badgermoon, hoping to corner the tom towards Orangeblossom's strike, and rears up in an attempt to sink his own claws into the WindClanner's haunches, hoping to prevent him from darting forward to retaliate against the molly. She looked like she was going to be nursing some nasty injuries after this fight- he'd hate to allow any more to fall upon her pelt, though he does find himself a touch more sincere about his desire to take down these moor-running scum once and for all.

/ helping defend @orangeblossom ; attacking @Badgermoon !​
──⇌•〘 INFO They have lost a WindClanner. If the clan of starry pelts truly exists, then Wolfsong hopes that Sunsetbreeze has gone to walk with them— but they have no time to mourn. Not only is theirs the first casualty, but their momentary advantages of surprise and numbers are nearing their end. In the squall of tooth and claw and snow, his nose is not so cold to miss the scent of fish and water-logged stone. RiverClan. One of the SkyClanners must have slipped away and begged their help.

"WINDCLAN!" He bellows, fighting against the force of the storm. "SkyClan has gone crawling to the river rats for help! We should wait for the snow to melt so they can paddle menacingly at us!" His laughter is loud enough to rival the blizzard's howl, but there is worry in his heart for Sunstride. Was it a SkyClanner who saw them stealing herbs? If that is true, then the smaller group might be in greater danger than before. We will hunt together again whatever happens, whatever fate wills. Until then, he is certain their retreat will be sounded soon, but his blood is up and he is not yet ready to turn tail.

Searching for Badgermoon, he finds the deputy soon to be set on by a RiverClanner. Baring his teeth in feral delight, Wolfsong carves a path through the snow, fully intending to tackle the warrior's reared side in hopes of throwing him off balance. "I've missed fish," he rasps throatily, attempting to shove a pawful of snow into Cranecatcher's face. "If I eat your tongue, will it taste like trout?"
