- Dec 30, 2022
- 117
- 112
- 43

Silversmoke and Johnnyflame were never friends.
Their journey together began tumultuously, with the spotted tabby's distrust and dislike of Daylight Warriors and the calico's desire to prove himself. Where Johnnyflame excelled in SkyClan, saving cats from the shelter and becoming Lead Warrior for the heroic deed, Silversmoke grew resentful, calling him a half-warrior and feeling bitter that he had not been able to do more to help SkyClan himself. For a long time, it was a one-sided hatred, that turned sour when Johnnyflame decided he had little to prove to the grumpy warrior.
However, instead of fighting Silversmoke, Johnnyflame chose the age-old strategy of irritating him into acceptance instead. Each interaction became ripe with teasing from Johnnyflame, from cuddling up to him to playing up the 'weaknesses' of Daylight Warriors. It was a dance that could've lasted for years, until one day, its crescendo was reached and new understandings were reached. Johnnyflame began to learn the motivations behind Silversmoke's distrust and, in turn, Silversmoke grew more trusting of Daylight Warriors, befriending them and Johnnyflame.
When Silversmoke apologised for his behaviour, a friendship was struck between them and soon after, mutual crushes were formed. Neither wanted to be the first to say anything, perhaps mindful of ruining the genuine friendship that had begun to form between them. Everyone but them could see the signs of romance blossoming, but it threatened to end with the awkward game of skirting around the topic when Twolegs captured Silversmoke. Unspoken adorations and regrets began to linger over both of them and motivated by things left unsaid, when he returned, he confessed his love for Johnnyflame, now all too aware of how finite his time could be. Johnnyflame accepted the proposal and, sometime later, Johnnyflame found out he was pregnant.
With Leafbare lurking around the corner, there is a heavy choice to be made - will these kittens be born in SkyClan, risking the cold and starvation so that they may be closer with their father and home? Or will the safety of a Twolegplace home be their place of birth, with the looming possibility of rehoming ever present?
There are a lot of choice for these new parents, ones that may change the path their kittens walk forever.

Toms can be black, black tabby, blue, blue tabby, black smoke, silver tabby, blue smoke, blue silver tabby, red tabby, cream tabby, red cameo, or cream cameoSire: LH blue silver tabby w/ low white (carrying solid, cinnamon, non-silver)
Dam: SH torbie w/ low white, bobbed tail (carrying longhair, solid, dilute)
She-cats can be black, black tabby, blue, blue tabby, black smoke, silver tabby, blue smoke, blue silver tabby, tortoiseshell, torbie, blue tortoiseshell, blue torbie, tortoiseshell smoke, silver torbie, blue tortoiseshell smoke, or blue silver torbie
• kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
• kits can have no white, low white, or high white
• kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
• kits can have a bobbed tail or normal tail
• red-based kits will mask black or black tabby
• shorthaired kits will carry longhair; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; silver/smoke kits will carry non-silver; tabbies may or may not carry solid; kits may or may not carry cinnamon
• kits can have no white, low white, or high white
• kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
• kits can have a bobbed tail or normal tail
• red-based kits will mask black or black tabby
• shorthaired kits will carry longhair; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; silver/smoke kits will carry non-silver; tabbies may or may not carry solid; kits may or may not carry cinnamon
Silversmoke is gen 1 | Johnnyflame is gen 1 | Kits will be gen 2

Unlike most cats who draw inspiration from the cats around them who have inspired them in some way, Johnnys favorite names are derived from words he simply likes. As you can see, he's got a soft spot for names that exude high-energy or chaos. (Extra brownie points for the two people ambitious enough to make Dash and Crash the most chaotic twins the clan has seen XD)
Top Contenders: dash, crash, pounce, roaring, rumble, copper, hiss, spike
Unlike most cats who draw inspiration from the cats around them who have inspired them in some way, Johnnys favorite names are derived from words he simply likes. As you can see, he's got a soft spot for names that exude high-energy or chaos. (Extra brownie points for the two people ambitious enough to make Dash and Crash the most chaotic twins the clan has seen XD)
Top Contenders: dash, crash, pounce, roaring, rumble, copper, hiss, spike
SkyClan themed:
pine, maple, tawny, leaf, root, jump, bounce, rowan, nettle, needle, poppy, cloud, tree, frond, twig, pheasant, dove, bark, sparrow, quail, robin, buzzard, bracken, bird, beetle, lark, grouse, partridge,
bold, brave, quick, friendly, dream, sharp, shining, strike, bright
Inspired names:
fire and scorch (johnnyflame, blazestar, emberfall), raven and rook (crowsight), hen, rooster and hatch (chickbloom) flower (flora), gray and ash (ashenclaw), adder, boa and snake (johnnyflame), earth and mud (earthsoul)
mist/misty, red, tangle, hazel, sleek, curl/curly, cloud, blossom, amber, little, long, tiger, feather, leopard, patch, dust, yellow, ice, frost
puddle, pounce, rain, dew, fidget, stoat, alder, parsley, petal, squirrel, shrew, berry, grebe, moorhen, wigeon, pimpernel
any current SkyClanner names, any names of current and previous windclan exiles (mallow, dandelion, etc.), any names related too much to the other clans (rabbit, oak, fish, etc.)
SkyClan themed:
pine, maple, tawny, leaf, root, jump, bounce, rowan, nettle, needle, poppy, cloud, tree, frond, twig, pheasant, dove, bark, sparrow, quail, robin, buzzard, bracken, bird, beetle, lark, grouse, partridge,
bold, brave, quick, friendly, dream, sharp, shining, strike, bright
Inspired names:
fire and scorch (johnnyflame, blazestar, emberfall), raven and rook (crowsight), hen, rooster and hatch (chickbloom) flower (flora), gray and ash (ashenclaw), adder, boa and snake (johnnyflame), earth and mud (earthsoul)
mist/misty, red, tangle, hazel, sleek, curl/curly, cloud, blossom, amber, little, long, tiger, feather, leopard, patch, dust, yellow, ice, frost
puddle, pounce, rain, dew, fidget, stoat, alder, parsley, petal, squirrel, shrew, berry, grebe, moorhen, wigeon, pimpernel
any current SkyClanner names, any names of current and previous windclan exiles (mallow, dandelion, etc.), any names related too much to the other clans (rabbit, oak, fish, etc.)
Unlike most cats who draw inspiration from the cats around them who have inspired them in some way, Johnnys favorite names are derived from words he simply likes. As you can see, he's got a soft spot for names that exude high-energy or chaos. (Extra brownie points for the two people ambitious enough to make Dash and Crash the most chaotic twins the clan has seen XD)
Top Contenders: dash, crash, pounce, roaring, rumble, copper, hiss, spike
Unlike most cats who draw inspiration from the cats around them who have inspired them in some way, Johnnys favorite names are derived from words he simply likes. As you can see, he's got a soft spot for names that exude high-energy or chaos. (Extra brownie points for the two people ambitious enough to make Dash and Crash the most chaotic twins the clan has seen XD)
Top Contenders: dash, crash, pounce, roaring, rumble, copper, hiss, spike
SkyClan themed:
pine, maple, tawny, leaf, root, jump, bounce, rowan, nettle, needle, poppy, cloud, tree, frond, twig, pheasant, dove, bark, sparrow, quail, robin, buzzard, bracken, bird, beetle, lark, grouse, partridge,
bold, brave, quick, friendly, dream, sharp, shining, strike, bright
Inspired names:
fire and scorch (johnnyflame, blazestar, emberfall), raven and rook (crowsight), hen, rooster and hatch (chickbloom) flower (flora), gray and ash (ashenclaw), adder, boa and snake (johnnyflame), earth and mud (earthsoul)
mist/misty, red, tangle, hazel, sleek, curl/curly, cloud, blossom, amber, little, long, tiger, feather, leopard, patch, dust, yellow, ice, frost
puddle, pounce, rain, dew, fidget, stoat, alder, parsley, petal, squirrel, shrew, berry, grebe, moorhen, wigeon, pimpernel
any current SkyClanner names, any names of current and previous windclan exiles (mallow, dandelion, etc.), any names related too much to the other clans (rabbit, oak, fish, etc.)
SkyClan themed:
pine, maple, tawny, leaf, root, jump, bounce, rowan, nettle, needle, poppy, cloud, tree, frond, twig, pheasant, dove, bark, sparrow, quail, robin, buzzard, bracken, bird, beetle, lark, grouse, partridge,
bold, brave, quick, friendly, dream, sharp, shining, strike, bright
Inspired names:
fire and scorch (johnnyflame, blazestar, emberfall), raven and rook (crowsight), hen, rooster and hatch (chickbloom) flower (flora), gray and ash (ashenclaw), adder, boa and snake (johnnyflame), earth and mud (earthsoul)
mist/misty, red, tangle, hazel, sleek, curl/curly, cloud, blossom, amber, little, long, tiger, feather, leopard, patch, dust, yellow, ice, frost
puddle, pounce, rain, dew, fidget, stoat, alder, parsley, petal, squirrel, shrew, berry, grebe, moorhen, wigeon, pimpernel
any current SkyClanner names, any names of current and previous windclan exiles (mallow, dandelion, etc.), any names related too much to the other clans (rabbit, oak, fish, etc.)
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