Dec 30, 2022


Silversmoke and Johnnyflame were never friends.

Their journey together began tumultuously, with the spotted tabby's distrust and dislike of Daylight Warriors and the calico's desire to prove himself. Where Johnnyflame excelled in SkyClan, saving cats from the shelter and becoming Lead Warrior for the heroic deed, Silversmoke grew resentful, calling him a half-warrior and feeling bitter that he had not been able to do more to help SkyClan himself. For a long time, it was a one-sided hatred, that turned sour when Johnnyflame decided he had little to prove to the grumpy warrior.

However, instead of fighting Silversmoke, Johnnyflame chose the age-old strategy of irritating him into acceptance instead. Each interaction became ripe with teasing from Johnnyflame, from cuddling up to him to playing up the 'weaknesses' of Daylight Warriors. It was a dance that could've lasted for years, until one day, its crescendo was reached and new understandings were reached. Johnnyflame began to learn the motivations behind Silversmoke's distrust and, in turn, Silversmoke grew more trusting of Daylight Warriors, befriending them and Johnnyflame.

When Silversmoke apologised for his behaviour, a friendship was struck between them and soon after, mutual crushes were formed. Neither wanted to be the first to say anything, perhaps mindful of ruining the genuine friendship that had begun to form between them. Everyone but them could see the signs of romance blossoming, but it threatened to end with the awkward game of skirting around the topic when Twolegs captured Silversmoke. Unspoken adorations and regrets began to linger over both of them and motivated by things left unsaid, when he returned, he confessed his love for Johnnyflame, now all too aware of how finite his time could be. Johnnyflame accepted the proposal and, sometime later, Johnnyflame found out he was pregnant.

With Leafbare lurking around the corner, there is a heavy choice to be made - will these kittens be born in SkyClan, risking the cold and starvation so that they may be closer with their father and home? Or will the safety of a Twolegplace home be their place of birth, with the looming possibility of rehoming ever present?

There are a lot of choice for these new parents, ones that may change the path their kittens walk forever.

  • These kittens will be chosen on December 1st, with their age liquid-timed to 3 moons at the start of roleplay!
  • Though both parents are inexperienced, these kittens will be loved! Please try to avoid names with negative connotations where possible.
  • Disabilities and birth defects are permitted but please do your research!
  • Though there's no official posting quota, both parents are very active in SkyClan and me and Dizzy are super eager for parent-child interactions! Inactivity is understandable but please communicate it with us if it's going to be long-term.
  • There is no set form so feel free to go ham with detail! It's recommended to put alternate names for any chosen kittens in the event that multiple with the same name are chosen.
  • Rules are subject to change!

Sire: LH blue silver tabby w/ low white (carrying solid, cinnamon, non-silver)
Dam: SH torbie w/ low white, bobbed tail (carrying longhair, solid, dilute)
Toms can be black, black tabby, blue, blue tabby, black smoke, silver tabby, blue smoke, blue silver tabby, red tabby, cream tabby, red cameo, or cream cameo
She-cats can be black, black tabby, blue, blue tabby, black smoke, silver tabby, blue smoke, blue silver tabby, tortoiseshell, torbie, blue tortoiseshell, blue torbie, tortoiseshell smoke, silver torbie, blue tortoiseshell smoke, or blue silver torbie

• kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
• kits can have no white, low white, or high white
• kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
• kits can have a bobbed tail or normal tail
• red-based kits will mask black or black tabby
• shorthaired kits will carry longhair; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; silver/smoke kits will carry non-silver; tabbies may or may not carry solid; kits may or may not carry cinnamon

Silversmoke is gen 1 | Johnnyflame is gen 1 | Kits will be gen 2

Unlike most cats who draw inspiration from the cats around them who have inspired them in some way, Johnnys favorite names are derived from words he simply likes. As you can see, he's got a soft spot for names that exude high-energy or chaos. (Extra brownie points for the two people ambitious enough to make Dash and Crash the most chaotic twins the clan has seen XD)

Top Contenders: dash, crash, pounce, roaring, rumble, copper, hiss, spike
SkyClan themed:
pine, maple, tawny, leaf, root, jump, bounce, rowan, nettle, needle, poppy, cloud, tree, frond, twig, pheasant, dove, bark, sparrow, quail, robin, buzzard, bracken, bird, beetle, lark, grouse, partridge,

bold, brave, quick, friendly, dream, sharp, shining, strike, bright

Inspired names:
fire and scorch (johnnyflame, blazestar, emberfall), raven and rook (crowsight), hen, rooster and hatch (chickbloom) flower (flora), gray and ash (ashenclaw), adder, boa and snake (johnnyflame), earth and mud (earthsoul)

mist/misty, red, tangle, hazel, sleek, curl/curly, cloud, blossom, amber, little, long, tiger, feather, leopard, patch, dust, yellow, ice, frost

puddle, pounce, rain, dew, fidget, stoat, alder, parsley, petal, squirrel, shrew, berry, grebe, moorhen, wigeon, pimpernel

any current SkyClanner names, any names of current and previous windclan exiles (mallow, dandelion, etc.), any names related too much to the other clans (rabbit, oak, fish, etc.)
Unlike most cats who draw inspiration from the cats around them who have inspired them in some way, Johnnys favorite names are derived from words he simply likes. As you can see, he's got a soft spot for names that exude high-energy or chaos. (Extra brownie points for the two people ambitious enough to make Dash and Crash the most chaotic twins the clan has seen XD)

Top Contenders: dash, crash, pounce, roaring, rumble, copper, hiss, spike
SkyClan themed:
pine, maple, tawny, leaf, root, jump, bounce, rowan, nettle, needle, poppy, cloud, tree, frond, twig, pheasant, dove, bark, sparrow, quail, robin, buzzard, bracken, bird, beetle, lark, grouse, partridge,

bold, brave, quick, friendly, dream, sharp, shining, strike, bright

Inspired names:
fire and scorch (johnnyflame, blazestar, emberfall), raven and rook (crowsight), hen, rooster and hatch (chickbloom) flower (flora), gray and ash (ashenclaw), adder, boa and snake (johnnyflame), earth and mud (earthsoul)

mist/misty, red, tangle, hazel, sleek, curl/curly, cloud, blossom, amber, little, long, tiger, feather, leopard, patch, dust, yellow, ice, frost

puddle, pounce, rain, dew, fidget, stoat, alder, parsley, petal, squirrel, shrew, berry, grebe, moorhen, wigeon, pimpernel

any current SkyClanner names, any names of current and previous windclan exiles (mallow, dandelion, etc.), any names related too much to the other clans (rabbit, oak, fish, etc.)
slot one​

slot two​

slot three​

slot four​

slot five​


Shorthaired silver tabby tom with low white and amber eyes.
> (Carries longhair, dilute, non-silver, cinnamon)
A large kit, TBDkit has short fur and silvery fur, decorate with black stripes. His amber eyes are full of energy, always glancing around from the next bit of fun to have. His muzzle is white, and so is the chest fur just under his chin. A ring of white is around the middle of his tail as well. Oftentimes, he can be seen trembling with energy and excitement, readying to 'attack' his favorite people and play with them.

As a kit, TBDkit is excitable and enerrgetic. He's loud and feisty, and will always tell you how he feels. He runs around camp shouting and making sure everyone knows he is there and ready to have fun! As he grows older, he becomes brave and bold in the face of anything, still loud and energetic, a bit more aggressive and ready to taunt and fight should he need to. His excessive playing rough as a kit gives him a head start with his skills, and he's always eager to learn more. As a warrior, he likely mellows out, though still retains his high energy and loud demeanor, and can still be aggressive. More level headed and less reckless.
  • Named IC! Personal favorites are Dash-, Rumble-, and Earth- but I'm also okay with Rook-, Nettle-, Quail-, Ice-, Frost-, Rain-, and Parsley-!
  • Theme color is Equator #E1BC64
  • I kinda want him to get a scar during his apprenticeship, which he'll take big pride in 'I'm a real warrior now!' (I had a character named Dashscar once. Dashscar could be real.)
  • Wouldn't want to be a daylight warrior, he finds the twoleg den to be too stuffy! He wants to climb and run and and be free! If he's born in one, he might feel guilty about leaving his owners.
  • Potential suffixes: -flame, -fire, -leap, -pounce, -scar, -dash, -ash, -smoke, -blaze, -breeze, -claw, -fang, -runner, -spirit, -spring, -storm, -strike, -stripe, -talon, -thorn, -streak
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sighs dramatically. if you know this character no you dont (this is not a serious application, just getting some brainworms out da way)

COPPERKIT, she/her, cis female
SH torbie with low white
lawful and dutiful to an extent, always works to improve herself, peppy and kind at first though turns cynical around warriorhood
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you have no idea how long i've waited for this day

(alt names: Fidget, Hiccup(?), Root, Flower, Leaf, Tiny >:3c but honestly prefer the parents pick!
By your side until the end ill always be your friend

Shorthaired cream tabby tom with light green eyes and a bob tail

A child woven of dawn's tepid glow, Tiny is a creature of pastels through and through. A ghostly cream interrupted by spotted stripes similar to his sire's, very nearly a carbon copy of Silversmoke's design. That's where the comparison end, but the traits he shares with Johnny continue: a bobbed tail and short fur, Tiny is a loving mix of both his parents' affectionate! The boy seems to radiate from the love between them, as you'll never see the child without a glowing smile and a sparkle in his eyes.

Unfortunately, Tiny will be born unnaturally small and thin. Hopefully made runt by a fleeting childhood sickness, until he's older Tiny will never quite grow into his ears or paws, which hang comically heavy on his head and drag him into clumsy tumbles below. The only white Tiny will possess will be on his paws, neck and muzzle.

  • A good boy who seeks to do good and only good!


    Full of heart doesn't begin to describe Tiny. The boy is fated to come into the world as determined as a ray of sunshine to bring light and joy into all those around him. He's a sweetheart who sees beauty in everything, big or small, fierce or friendly. Optimistic, eager, vibrant are the first few words that will spring to mind when you see him. His joy to learn anything and everything is infectious, especially when community quickly becomes one of his core values. He loves everything and everyone so deeply that it occasionally runs the risk of hurting him, as he can't always seem to control his tears or frustrations when emotional.

    [will add more in a minute <3 ]

    — He cares very deeply about those around him, from the tiniest ant to his biggest bullies. He's the kind of kid who could get smacked around and tormented for years but as soon as his aggressor apologies all is immediately forgiven and forgotten!
    — Because he cares so much, Valentin tends to be extremely hard on himself whenever he hurts another, even if he's forgiven or it was on accident. He'll sometimes become very pushy trying to fix his mistakes.
    — Very adaptable and independent! Because he's used to traveling between homes he'll have no fear about new experiences or meeting new faces. Tends to be a bit too trusting with anyone and everyone he meets.
    — Tiny has a bad habit about becoming obsessed with something and then constantly talking about it! He's not very good at committing to any one interest though, especially since he wants to do EVERYTHING!
    — He doesn't?? Get mad??? He'll sooner apologize than demand someone else does first, and most likely sob during a fight than scream back. It's not so much that he's weak or hates confrontation, he just..doesn't like being mad? Whenever he begins to feel upset or frustrated, the feeling just quickly shifts to sadness and then he's crying that he doesn't want to be mad and yeah he baby
    — He will believe anything he's told, especially by someone he likes or trusts. If he discovers they lied, he'll chalk it up to maybe it all having just been a misunderstanding
    — You cannot convince him, however, that bad people exist. How can they exist when both his dads are such heroes- they'd NEVER let that happen!

    Tiny is incapable of holding grudges - like, it's almost physically impossible. Although that doesn't mean he doesn't feel upset, if someone comes to him with an apology, he'll forgive them! There's a lesson to be had on how safe of an approach his stance is, however, especially when he's still too young to understand sarcasm or false apologies. Sometimes, it takes breaking a heart to help protect it.

    [more research will be done on this] Tiny will be born with Atrial septal defect (ASD) which will be the major cause behind his childhood illness and fatigue. While this illness won't stop him from being exuberant for life, it will slow him down in his childhood and threaten his impression on his clanmates for the likelihood of his future. Will his dads be able to keep their positivity as their son struggles to grow? Can they protect him from the doubts of his clanmates - from the doubt creeping into their own boy?

    Perhaps a crumb of angst here could be Tiny begging and pleading to be allowed to be with both his fathers, even though his illness runs a heavy risk of damaging his chance at life if he stays too long with Silversmoke. Perhaps he succeeds and nothing comes to pass as the family huddles together...maybe the worst happens and only the intervention of twolegs can right the wrong that happens next? Can the loving fathers forgive themselves for their mistake? Can Tiny forgive himself for hurting his dads so badly?
    Or will Johnny never allow this event to happen in the first place and instead sow a seed of powerful possessiveness in Tiny at any potential prospect of being pulled away again from his clan-residing father?
    Perhaps it's no one but Tiny who makes the decision, running away one cold, bitter night to meet with his father, only for Silversmoke to stumble across a half-dead puff ball in the snow?

    Maybe, maybe not, but it'd be fun to mirror some of his predecessor's old plots >:3c We'll see how his future goes but maaaaaaaaybe a major injury or two here and there [big emphasis on maybe, ofc!]

    There's no denying at this point that Tiny is a sweetie, but that doesn't necessarily mean he isn't incapable of sin. When it comes to his family, this boy will do anything and everything for them - including anything from covering for petty crimes to assisting in murder. Now, is murder necessarily on the table anytime soon? Doubtful, but the boy won't hesitate to do anything and everything in his power to keep his family safe and together.

    Perhaps after a traumatic visit to twoleg doctors/the medicine den, Tiny will become absolutely obsessed with fate and Starclan's will. He'll follow Starclan's law like gospel, the medicine cat's authority proceeding the leader's will if it comes to that. While Tiny won't necessarily wish to become a healer himself, he'll worship the very ground any and all medicine cats walk on. Hopefully it's just a childhood obsession, a phase if you will. H...hopefully...


    - He's going to have a cape or ill scream, it's an old dream of mine and it's gonna happen!!

    - So i reeeeeeally want his dads to decide on a name for him, but no matter what is picked "tiny" would be a fun nickname for him to keep :3c Im just cackling at the idea that he's given the name Crashkit - Crashlightning or something and he manages to finally grow big and tall but he'll always have the nickname "tiny" heehee

I don't know if I'll actually apply (I legally should not have four skyclanners) but mmm blue smoke

* mistystrike, mistytail, mistyfang. snake imagery.
* alternatively rook-kit, hissingkit
* afab, she/her
* lh blue smoke w/ low white, bobtail, ghost tabby markings like johnny's. c nonsilver & cinnamon. heavily lidded amber eyes. built like silversmoke but stands to his chin.
* keen, clever, silver-tongued. a natural climber. adventurous. quick to make friends, just as quick to discard them. surface level relationships. grows increasingly surly as she grows up.
* prodigy kit, expectant eyes on her early progress -> others catch up and she grows defensive of not meeting her parents' standards -> eventual realisation of "you don't have to be the best to be worth something" and healing arc
* close relationship with her mentor mimicks that of silver + crow. this will not discount the love her parents have for her, but will feed into the teenage angst arc.
* uninterested in becoming a daylight warrior, respects them because of johnny's origins. ultimately views them the same as fulltimers.
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CRASHKIT — Crash/Bounce is for an exuberant exciteable personality.

⤹ afab ( she/her )
— tbd sexuality ⋆ tbd mono or poly ⋆ she's so young she still has a lot to explore for her sexuality
⤹ from skyclan, kitten
— previous affiliations none
⤹ 3 moons ⋆ ages every 1st (to be changed to birthday) ⋆ creation date
⪼ penned by deidre

APPEARANCE — blue Torbie with high white and deep brown eyes
⤹ carrying cinnamon, solid ⋆ masking what ⋆ ref

a very bulky formed molly with high white that coats over a mixture of black and blue- she looks like a hurricane of colours with normally a messy coat as she just can't sit still. Clumsy from disproportionate body type, and a short stubbed tail that wrangles not only short hair but long fur that flows down her chest and from her back. She has large ears, as well, like satellites atop her small body. warning: she will use puppy dog eyes on you, meanwhile putting large paws together in a pleading manner.

MENTALITY — esfp, ❝ the Knight of Wands❞ ⋆ hufflepuff
⤹ ESFP: "The party don't start till I walk in"
⤹ Knight of Wands: Adventurous, Warm, Free Spirit
⤹ Hufflepuff: Tbd kit is extraverted and curious about the world around her. She'll later be a hard worker, patient, and dedicated to the clan around her.
positive traits: Optimist, Dedicated,
neutral traits: Energetic, Curious, Brave
negative traits: Distractibility , Messy/Unorganized

Tbd kit is extraverted. She wants to meet everyone there is to meet and ask a million questions. She just, can't stop talking. And just the same, she finds herself unable to stop moving either. A clumsy and energetic kitten she wants to be everywhere at once. Things will get rather boring rather quickly with her. The good side to this is she does learn quickly. She learned to speak quickly,to move quickly , to love quickly, but maybe a bit too quickly. She has issues finding the bad in people, with a positive and adventurous outlook. If someone has a question, she'll figure it out or at least try to- though, curiosity did kill the cat. She'll eventually have to learn not everything can be touched and manipulated to explore the questions that ponder her mind.

Tbd kit cannot stay on one topic to save her life. She's too curious, she's too naive, and she is quite distractible. Will Johnny and Silver be able to keep her eyes centered on the prize, or will she end up getting hurt? This follows a long with her innocence and naivety of the world around her, not believing she can get hurt. That she's adventurous and she simply wants to explore. And because of this, she is very unorganized in her thoughts process, sometimes slurring her words as her brain thinks faster then they can escape her little mouth.

Besides slight trouble making, and putting her nose in where it doesn't belong, crashkit isn't a terribly hard to deal with kit. she doesn't act spoiled or entitled. She just wants to play in some mud or learn something new, or even curl up to her dad's and soak in the warmth.

RELATIONS & INTERACTIONS — Johnnyflame x silversmoke
⤹ littermate to tbd
— other kin
⤹ friends with tbd
— admires her parents ! ⋆ likes nb
⤹ enemies with nb
— dislikes nb ⋆ loathes nb

interaction information here: she's easy to get along with ⋆ she's easy to get to trust
⤹ physical health [ 100% ] | mental health [ 100% ]
— will not start fights | will flee | will show mercy
excels at climbing, fighting, hunting ⋆ poor at focus, tracking, running
— sounds like thd ⋆ smells like dew in the early mornings and fresh dug soil

⤹ Braver than most
— at some point is going to be a time someone doesn't believe she's brave. the only way to prove it is by doing it. she will not die. but she will prove her worth to Skyclan and her friends by showing off in some way or another at any point in time. whether it's to climb the owl tree, or balance on a fence. if she's triple dog dared, she's doing it.
⤹ Innocence of a freshly blooming flower
— someone will tell her something one day, and she doesn't see the lies in their words. Rather, she sees that an adult has spoken, so it must be true. unfortunately, she doesn't understand why she can't trust others so young in her life and unmarred from those feelings …
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Gonna have to withdraw </3

(Littlekit, Dreamkit)



  • l38wlh.webp

    "Let all on whom my light falls be welcome if they desire to be so. As the silver moon waxes and wanes, so too does all life. Trust in my radiance, and know that all love alive under my light shall know my blessing. Turn to the moon, and I will be your true guide."

    — Selûne, the Moonmaiden​
  • 89885494_WQPg9a5BtOrBKLa.png
    lh black smoke with low white. carries dilute, non-silver.

    Shiningkit is a notably small kit with a rounded body, only made more round by the thick coat of fluff that covers her form. Her pelt is a smoky black, darker at her spine and paler at her underbelly. White markings dot her tail and shoulders in constellations and moonlike shapes. Her cheeks are freckled with white in small dots and dashes. Her face, round as the moon, is marked by a circle of white that frames wide, silver eyes.

    Shiningkit is afraid of a lot of things, and her fears frequently affect how she conducts herself around others. She avoids large crowds, quickly becoming anxious and ready to bolt if one begins to form near her. She hates nighttime and fears the dark, and refuses to set foot outside of whatever home she is born in (whether that be a twoleg house or SkyClan's nursery). Coaxing her to face the unknown will take a great deal of patience and reassurance; gentle encouragement will go a long way with building her confidence. She is an extremely cautious kitten, and does not often stray far from her father's side. When outside, she can frequently be found tucked under the bulk of a parent's body, or shoulder-to-shoulder with one of her littermates. Eye contact is avoided, and she can be expected to shuffle anxiously when forced to look others in the eye.

    Shiningkit avoids the medicine den at all costs, not wanting to risk catching any illness that a cat in there may have, and not wanting to see any injuries. She hates being touched by anyone outside of her trusted family, and takes great care to remain well-groomed at all times. She is very trusting of the adults close to her, and will quickly pick up on her parents' beliefs and viewpoints. She tends to make quick judgments of others upon first being them, but her mind can be changed given good reason. She is also capable of behaving in a relatively natural way and making friends, ever-patient as she is.
  • INFLUENCES: Her course may be changed based on IC experiences and interactions, but for the most part she will take after Silversmoke more than Johnnyflame, no matter their closeness or distance.

    AESTHETIC: The moon's phases, constellations, shooting stars, pink skies at dawn, lavender and black. Ursa Minor, the little bear. Selûne, the Moonmaiden. Pinterest
    █ #4a233f
    █ #9a6b77
    █ #c8a6b9
    █ #c3b9c8
    █ #a4a5ad
    █ #7d7f91

    ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good

    TAROT: Strength. Symbolizes discipline and resilience, as well as courage.

    GRACE, YOU ARE SO LOVED: As she grows, Shiningkit will depend heavily on her siblings to push through her apprenticeship and warriorhood. She will love them deeply, but she will always struggle with intimacy, and this will extend to them as well. She doesn't say anything in simple words, can't just say "I love you and appreciate you". She only really knows how to deal with her emotions by beating around the bush.

    SONGS: Breath of Life — Florence + the Machine
    Driver's Seat — Madds Buckley
    Grace — Florence + the Machine

    DND CLASS: Divination Wizard.
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'sighs' my demons are winning
TENT notes below

- Name given with the hope he would grow strong by Silversmoke
(alt names: Rainkit, Dewkit, or Cloudkit)
- A blend of both fathers appearance wise. Inherited Johnny's short fur/bobbed tail but Silversmoke's blue-silver colouring)
- Very sweet and innocent as a kit, turning into something of a little (playful) terror as an apprentice/young warrior. A near death experience as a warrior would shake him, spurring him to be better and do better. Would likely become very reverent towards StarClan after such.
- Big inspiration from Sebastian Vael from DA!
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little... little tentative track for a potential return to site character
TBDKIT, named after skyclan's themes or her appearance.
NAME SUGGESTIONS; quail- , lark- , hail- , ice-

carrying non-silver, solid, and cinnamon.
a long-haired, silver torbie that ideally blends the features of both of her fathers. she has silversmoke's long fur and coloring, with a bobbed tail and patches of Johnnyflame's red torbie markings. her round-angular face, proportional build, and tall, pointy, tufted ears all blend together flawlessly. compared to Johnny's brilliant yellow eyes, TBDkit's are pastel in tone and have a softer yellow hue. she has a lanky build, but as she gets older, she fills out; age and training have solidly fine-tuned her body. her parents, who fight the mess every day, have meticulously combed her long coat, which has soft waves that caress her shape.
as she is engaging in and forming relationships with other characters, her personality will either change for the better or worse. It will make it more engaging for others around her and offer her a sense of growth rather than a fixed personality. this girl will play a significant role in character development, which is influenced by her relationships with other characters. she may also represent the challenges of parenthood, since nothing is simple or ideal.

she has a slight irritable demeanor and is often seen frowning, scowling, or displaying some other unhappy facial expression. despite having a large heart for her family and everyone who can warm her up, her interior is frigid. when another tries to mock someone close to her, she readily defends them since she doesn't tolerate it. she prefers to go aggressive before attempting to reason with others; thus, she usually doesn't think before getting into physical altercations. more often than not, teeth and claws speak louder than words.

as she gets older, TBD will require a lot of punishment, whether it takes the form of a reprimand, a pop, or more. she would be rotten fruit in the basket of good if she were not managed. nevertheless, as she gets older, her personality will broaden beyond her clichés and grumpiness through situations, parenting approaches, and other factors. TBD is a difficult child who exhibits early behavioral issues including biting, kicking, hissing, and other territorially aggressive language. TBD is probably the most mischievous or boisterous of their children. she dislikes sharing her friends and family, and because she struggles to communicate herself, she frequently lashes out by saying hurtful things before acting as an apology.

her gremlin behavior will keep johnnyflame and silversmoke busy, but she is a devoted guardian of her family and those near her. family members, strangers, and others will have a significant impact on her growth. her resentful nature should be largely suppressed at this age as she transitions to an apprentice and aspires to be a devoted skyclanner like her parents. she feels inspired to follow in their footsteps after hearing about their lead warrior days, the journey, and other experiences.
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SkyClan's (future) resident short king and avid spitfire, Roosterkit has taken his sire's sense of unyielding justice and tempered it with his dam's militaristic courage. Roosterkit seizes life by the throat — carpe diem, baby.


▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||။‌‌‌‌‌၊|• 0:00 | melissa " even still, i won't say that i desire wings " ♪


roosterkit roosterpaw, rooster?
✹ . + ˚ ·
· ˚ * * . ✧
✵ · * *
✫ ✵ · ✵ ˚
· amab, he/him | ? sexuality
· kit of skyclan
· 00 ☾'s, | created 00/00/00
· @/Marquette, ic opinions | discord

pos. curious, courageous, decisive
neu. excitable, hyperactive, impulsive
neg. hotheaded, brash, easily offended
genetics. short, lithe ginger tabby with amber eyes and a bobbed tail + smells like pine and worn linen

  • Roosterkit has a sharp, curious mind, even from kithood; he'll be the first to question why something is and remain unsatisfied with the answer he gets. He is fearless, perhaps to a detriment; even when exposed to things that hurt, Roosterkit will put on a brave, stoic face and tempt the fates that be. He makes his mind up easily, based on the facts at hand and the innate logic he considers himself blessed with. Even when the answer seems unclear, Roosterkit will make a steadfast decision to avoid dwelling in any spaces of uncertainty.

    From the moment he learns to walk, Roosterkit is flush with adrenaline. He wants to be the first out of the nursery, the first to traverse the forest, and the first to make his fathers proud. Tall tales and myth become his floorboard as a kit, though he will put them aside later for logic and truth. And really, Roosterkit makes his own truth out of the experiences he lives through; in this way, he can be black-and-white in his thinking. He struggles to sit still; fidgeting will be something he uses to cope with hyperactivity. And, even armed with all the facts and truth he can carry, Roosterkit is impulsive. Even in his most logical moment, he can be hotheaded and goaded into doing things without forethought.

    Roosterkit has pride in where he comes from. His fathers served on both Blazestar's and Orangestar's councils for many moons, and they are still loyal and trusted warriors today. He has no patience for emulation, however; Roosterkit was born to forge his own path, and in moments of weakness, the right insult will elicit the wrong reaction. Roosterkit will likely be sensitive about insults regarding kittypets and daylight warriors until well past his adulthood, considering SkyClan's unorthodox culture. Despite the logic he prides himself on adhering too, Roosterkit is easily offended, and he can be accused oftentimes of wearing his heart on his sleeve.
  • Roosterkit, no matter his birth order, will be small for the rest of his life. His legs are short and somewhat stubby, and his belly is close to the ground as a squat and well-fed kitten. His stature is only accentuated by the fluffy bob of his tail, inherited directly from Johnnyflame. His pelt is close-cropped and fiery; the red tabby patches could have been plucked from his dam's torbie fur pattern.

    He wears some similarities to Silversmoke in his face, mostly the shape of his eyes and his stern features. Though smiles come easily to Roosterkit, it won't take much for his expression to settle naturally into a thoughtful, considering frown. Roosterkit's shoulders will broaden somewhat as he grows, but he will never be described as brawny or burly. What he lacks in brute strength, however, he more than makes up for in strategy and cunning.

    Roosterkit's eyes are round and searing gold; when he's in direct sunlight, his gaze will be almost indistinguishable from his red tabby coat.
  • silversmoke x johnnyflame, older brother to 00 others
    · loves: his Clan, his family
    · likes: being the center of attention, others thinking he is cool or smart
    · dislikes: being compared to a kittypet, derogatory remarks about daylight warriors
    · loathes: being called short or small
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  • Previous name(s)? Scorchkit, Ravenkit, Snakekit, Copperkit, Dashkit; Named ICly, chosen as these are the names I like the most
    ─ Kit of SkyClan; no previous allegiences
    ─ demigirl, she/they; bisexual biromantic, monogamist
    ─ created 12.01.24 at 3 moons / ages every date
    ↳ penned by @tristitia

    ↳ ( Appearance ) ╭──╯ . . . .
    sh blue silver torbie with low white and gold eyes / reference
    The kitten appears to have a blow base, with patches of orange-cream and white along with tabby markings. Akin to Silversmoke, she has ear tufts and a longer tail. She appears as someone who is slightly small yet lean. Across her face is a stripe of the orange-cream color that almost appears as a mask, and she has gold eyes, like Johnnyflame.
    ↳ carrying longhair, non-silver, solid, and cinnamon / carrying / whatever​

    ↳ ( Mentality ) ╭──╯ . . . .
    Intelligence ●●●●●●●○○○
    Confidence ●●●○○○○○○○
    Charisma ●●●●●●○○○○
    Creativity ●●●●●●●●○○
    Empathy ●●●●●●○○○○
    Humor ●●●●○○○○○○
    chaotic good, infj ❝ the advocate❞
    (+) empathetic, adaptable, kind (/) pessimistic, reserved, punctual (-) envious, bitter, competitive. This little kitten is someone who feels as though she doesn't belong, though this is not the fault of her parents. She sees the way other kits play, or how others act and tries to emulate them, akin to a mirror. She doesn't speak unless she feels there is a need, and due to her wanting everyone to be pleased, she often pushes herself down to make others look bigger and brighter, much to her own detestment. She believes that everyone is playing parts, akin to a play, and so she must change her personality to fit different parts of what others want her to be.
    ↳ mannerisms elaborate

    ↳ ( Relationships ) ╭──╯ . . . .
    SILVERSMOKE x JOHNNYFLAME | gen 2 | sibling to whoever | mentoring no one, mentored by no one
    Mate to whoever | Parent to whoever | Other kin
    — Admires
    — Friends with
    — Likes
    — Dislikes
    — Loathes

    ↳ ( Interaction ) ╭──╯ . . . .
    strength ●○○○○○○○○○○
    stamina ●●●●●○○○○○
    agility ●●●●●○○○○○
    hunting ●●●●●○○○○○
    swimming ●●●●●○○○○○
    climbing ●●●●●○○○○○
    grace ●●●●●○○○○○
    single; bisexual biromantic, monogamist / crushing on who, not looking
    blah blah how easy do they trust or something
    — physical health: [ 100% ] | mental health: [ 100% ]
    — (will not) start fights | (will) end fights | (will) flee | (will) show mercy
    excels at
    poor at skill
    sounds like blah blah / voice claim if applicable
    smells like
    — healing allowed, powerplay not allowed
    — speech is #hexcode
  • ( Backstory / simplified history )
    This kitten was born to Silversmoke and Johnnyflame.

    ( Important Threads )
    ( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development
    Thread Name ──── brief description.
    Thread Name ──── brief description.
AAAAAND after a small extension and a lot of discussing, this litter is now closed!! I just want to give a massive thank you to everyone that applied. It ended up being an awkward number of applicants in the end (6 completed ones meant 1 person was gonna get left behind which I feel super guilty for).

Because of that and a few rolls to determine our choices, if anything happens in the future and a kitten needs to be rehomed for whatever reason, we will contact the person who didn't get it first to see if they still want the slot before making a new readoption!

With that being said... drumroll please for...

@Antiigone with Fidgetkit!
@Marquette with Roosterkit!
@yeomna with Quailkit!
@Deidre with Crashkit!
@tristitia with Dashkit!

Thank you all so much for applying! The birth thread and subsequent camp thread will be made over the coming days by Dizzy! Due to SkyClan's poor blizzard results, it'll be expected that the kittens will be born in the Twolegplace and spend most of their evenings there while using the daytime to be in SkyClan's camp to play and learn more about clanlife! Daytimes might not be as fun as staying warm in a Twoleg home, but it's the only time to see dad! How they grow and change because of these circumstances is up to you guys now! :))
Popping in to give a congrats to those chosen and a big THANK YOU to everyone who applied or considered applying. Me and Punk are so excited for this family to finally become a thing, and I'll be contacting those chosen shortly about the birthing thread and such!! <3
Congratulations to all those that won, but all the applications seem amazing!! Thank you so much!