Main Account: @Nazali
Character Account: @Coyotecrest
Link to tags: tags
Aesthetics: golden sunrises, broken hero, lone wolf, delicate new beginnings
Anything you want specifically avoided?: nope!

1. Coyotecrest has outgrown the boldness of his younger years, instead opting to watch before he acts. However, a face-off with a predator would take that luxury away from him: Coyotecrest encounters an aggressive fox while on patrol! What does he do?

2. Returning to SkyClan has afforded Coyotecrest a new beginning, a tentative second chance that has allowed him to flourish as a promising young warrior. But that might not have been the case if Blazestar and his council had made a different decision ... does he ever think about what his life would be like if he hadn't been accepted?

3. Life has shifted stability from under Coyotecrest's paws again and again, but he's still standing. In a moment of quiet, let his ambitions have the spotlight. Is he comfortable just being a SkyClan warrior, or does he want more from his fate? Authority, a family of his own- and what would he do to achieve it?
Main Account: @AnemoVictorious
Character Account: @CINDERKIT.
Link to tags: here!
Aesthetics: fireworks and sparklers, comfy blankets and stuffed animals, toys, reds, oranges, yellows, and grays.
Anything you want specifically avoided?: nope!

1) Cinderkit is eager to become an apprentice, but an older apprentice does not seem so keen to share their den with her for whatever reason. How does Cinderkit react to this minor conflict? Does she try and remedy the broken bond and how, or would she keep her distance from the apprentice?

2) Loud bangs coming from the Twolegplace fill the night sky with a myriad of colours. Does she find herself more curious or fearful of these strange Twoleg things (fireworks)? If it scares her, who does she go to for comfort?

3) A Daylight Warrior brings new toys in one day for the kittens to play with: the problem is, there aren't enough of them to go around! How would Cinderkit navigate this situation? Would she look out for herself? Would she ensure that there is fairness among her peers? Or would she do something else?
Main Account: @Tasmagoric
Character Account: @Dog
Link to tags: TAGS
Aesthetics: Lava lamps, dark heavy eyes, cedarwood, neon lights, black sheets/blankets, sharp teeth, and the smell of rain.
Anything you want specifically avoided?: Snuggly things - he isn't the very affectionate type. However, anything pertaining to him showing his worth to the clan/making an impression would be amazing!
Main Account: @tieirlys
Character Account: @edenpaw ?!
Link to Tags:
Aesthetics: Babbling brooks, buzzy bees, fairies, saplings, baby cows, greens and golds, maximalism
Anything you want specifically avoided?: nope !​

1. Have Edenpaw host a fun game/competition for the apprentices! Maybe something that encourages bonding and teamwork... there's been too much bickering lately!

2. Edenpaw has been a member of SkyClan for over a moon now! Make them reflect upon their time here thus far — is adjusting to clan life easy, or more challenging than anticipated? Is there an instance that discourages Edenpaw and gives them a moment of doubt? And/or is there perhaps something that really inspires Edenpaw to want to do better and contribute even more to their new clan?

3. Edenpaw comes into camp with some sort of twoleg item/substance/accessory stuck onto them! Have them recruit another character to help get it off. Or, conversely, show it off with pride! Maybe they try convincing their clanmates to decorate themselves too?