Main Account: @Rai
Character Account: @Dandelionwish
Link to tags: [LINK]
Aesthetics: Spring, dandelions, rainbows, sunshine, fresh cut grass scent, golden fields, hawk shadows, roses...
Anything you want specifically avoided?:
If you give me a single flowercrown prompt I will find you, I will destroy you, I will bite the heads off your animal crackers and leave the rest in the bag.

Main Account: @Rai
Character Account: @Abysskit
Link to tags: [LINK]
Aesthetics: Fall colors/leaves/season, marigolds, monarch butterflies, honor/devotion, the scent of cinnamon, the constellation orion
Anything you want specifically avoided?:
If you give me a single flowercrown prompt I will find you, I will destroy you, I will bite the heads off your animal crackers and leave the rest in the bag.

I will post my third kitty later when I have him back on the census uwu


1. Dandelionwish stumbles upon something that makes him think of his new mate. What is it? Does he show her or bring it back for her? Why does it remind him of her?

2. Dandelionwish has a different relationship with his loyalty to SkyClan than any other cat in the Clan. Reflect on what being a SkyClan warrior means to him after all he's been through.

3. Dandelionwish was a medicine cat once. Write about him observing Dawnglare and Fireflypaw performing duties he once performed for WindClan. How does this make him feel? Does he talk about his old path with SkyClan's healers at all? Does he miss it?
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Reactions: Rai

Main Account: @waluigipinball
Character Account: @TWITCHBOLT
Link to tags: here!
Aesthetics: extreme weather, typically storms. wild, loud winds and infernos. royal purples. eyes on your back, eyeballs where they shouldn't be...
Anything you want specifically avoided?: in the flower crown club

Main Account: @waluigipinball
Character Account: @MALLOWLARK
Link to tags: here
Aesthetics: blood, bones, all types of ichor. viscera-red, bright blood moon. raven feathers. eyes and eye-teeth. plants curled around bones.
Anything you want specifically avoided?: in the flower crown club
Main Account: @Rai
Character Account: @Dandelionwish
Link to tags: [LINK]
Aesthetics: Spring, dandelions, rainbows, sunshine, fresh cut grass scent, golden fields, hawk shadows, roses...
Anything you want specifically avoided?:
If you give me a single flowercrown prompt I will find you, I will destroy you, I will bite the heads off your animal crackers and leave the rest in the bag.

Main Account: @Rai
Character Account: @Abysskit
Link to tags: [LINK]
Aesthetics: Fall colors/leaves/season, marigolds, monarch butterflies, honor/devotion, the scent of cinnamon, the constellation orion
Anything you want specifically avoided?:
If you give me a single flowercrown prompt I will find you, I will destroy you, I will bite the heads off your animal crackers and leave the rest in the bag.

I will post my third kitty later when I have him back on the census uwu

1. Abysskit finds himself idolizing (or at least being inspired by) another clanmate. Write a thread about embodying them in some form- does he style his fur a certain way, speak a certain way, carry himself in a similar manner, etc?

2. How does Abysskit's life in SkyClan compare to the life he was born into? Are there any aspects of his former life that he thinks about and/or misses? Does he have any key memories from his early kithood?

3. Abysskit's brother, who he is usually attached at the hip with, is bothering him for whatever reason today. Maybe Doomkit's too focused on someone/thing else, maybe they got into an argument, or maybe he's just not finding the same comfort in his company like he used to. Who else can he turn to for company? Has he made any connections with fellow kits in the nursery or perhaps an older cat? If not, why doesn't he try?
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Reactions: Rai
Main Account: @Kitty-Kat-
Character Account: @Sootspritespark.
Link to tags:
Aesthetics: MARINA, gaslight gatekeep girlboss, bright yellows, narcissus flowers, ink stains and watercolors
Anything you want specifically avoided?: any romantic contemplations, if only because she's always thinking about her chaotic choices; also i'd prefer any prompts to be doable post-kitting for her if they require interaction with others.

Character Account: @Eggbounce.
Link to tags:—-closed-chosen.5585/post-35012 (still working on an updated version)
Aesthetics: butterflies, vibrant colors, come along + the moss by cosmo shelldrake, childhood innocence, fairytales and myths, endless questions
Anything you want specifically avoided?: nothing too angsty please

1. An obscure twoleg object is found on skyclan territory! have Sootspritespark explain what it is (or at least what she thinks it is)

2. Explore Sootspritespark's dynamic with her twolegs. Why is she so loyal to them? What significance do they hold to her?

3. Sootspritespark is going to be resuming her daylight warrior duties soon after she gives birth, something uncommon for a queen. When a clanmate (NPC or played) approaches her and criticizes her for her decision, how does she defend herself?
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Reactions: Kitty-Kat-

Main Account: @ABRI
Character Account: @GREENEYES
Link to tags: here!
Aesthetics: green, bright colors, shiny things, clovers, feathers / birds, luck
Anything you want specifically avoided?: nothing i can think of rn!​

1. Greeneyes finds another shiny trinket to add to his collection and brings it back to camp. What do he and his clanmates make of it?

2. Greeneyes has endured so much change over the past several moons, such as the deaths and disappearances of his family and friends. However, he's also explored the first moons of warriorhood, has bravely fought for his clan, and is now training his first apprentice. As it stands now, does he still think of himself as a curse? Is there something/someone that could potentially change his perspective? Does this way of thinking affect him in his new role as a mentor?

3. Greeneyes is a part of the oldest litter born to SkyClan! He's been around for quite some time. A kit comes up to Greeneyes and asks him to tell them stories about SkyClan back when it was new. Maybe dig up some old threads and use this as an opportunity to OOCly and ICly reminiscence!
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Reactions: ABRI
@Sweetybee Here are your prompts!!

- Sweetybee wears a pretty pink ribbon around her neck every day- but what happenens when it gets snagged on a branch and won't easily come free? Will Sweety part with the accessory, or fight to get it free in one piece?

- everyone knows Sweetybee to be exactly that; a sweet and caring shecat. But every rose has it's thorns, and hers are called jealousy. When Sweetybee sees one of her close friends suddenly spending more time with another cat, what happens? And how does it affect her going forward?

- it's time to lead the way! Sweetybee may not like finding herself in positions where she's relied on to lead the way, but it's time for her to step out of her comfort zone and do exactly that after an HP asks her to go an handle something with a few other cats (can be a hunt, making nests, whatever you want)! How does being put in the spotlight make her feel, and is she able to overcome her own anxieties to get the job done?

@Eggbounce. here are your prompts!

- Eggs clumsiness has gotten them into a sticky situation this time- literally!! After climbing around on the fallen tree that now makes the nursery, Egg finds himself slipping in the sticky treesap leaking from one of its sides. How wil he react, and will anything else end up sticking to him?

- When a particularly strange and pretty butterfly makes it's way into camp and lands on Eggs nose, how does he react to it?

- Show off that tenacity! Egg finds themselves faced with a particularly difficult task or activity- one he isn't able to suceed at easily. Will this eventually frustrate him into quitting? What's his attitude toward facing down a challenge?

Main Account: @dejavu
Character Account: @bobbie
Link to tags: here
Aesthetics: ethereal fairy girls, road signs with kind words, gold & pale green & red, winter berries, sun-soaked days, childhood sweethearts, raspberries, flowers, bees and honey, long wavy hair, deer; pinterest!
Anything you want specifically avoided?: nope! agreeing with everyone else i have done. Too many flower crown threads. no more pls

here's Bobbie's; these can reasonably be set either side of her ceremony!

1. As a queen of SkyClan, Bobbie's motherhood is a large part of her duty; but with the apprenticeship of her kits close at hand and her own training as a warrior about to begin, how does she feel about this new, inevitable beginning?

2. An unseasonably cool day reminds Bobbie that the languid days of greenleaf are drawing to a close. Having lived through a few already, what memories stand out to her the most about the season?

3. When Bobbie moves dens, what will she take with her? Are there any trinkets kept in her nest that hold sentimental value? Host a thread where Bobbie sorts though the nest she shares with her kits so she can decide.
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Reactions: dejavu
Main Account: @Marquette
Character Account: @BLAZESTAR
Link to tags: here
Aesthetics: sunflowers, rainbows after a storm, a crescent moon, golden colors
Anything you want specifically avoided?: Flower crown threads please lmao

1. Two of Blazestar's children are warriors now, but only one of those two is a SkyClanner. Explore his thoughts and feelings towards his kits as they stand now, and maybe his hopes for their futures; to what extent does he see himself in them?

2. A day-long thunderstorm breaks, finally revealing the golden rays of sunset. Where has Blazestar hidden from the rain today? Does he glimpse the rainbow behind the trees?

3. To become skyclan's leader, Blazestar left behind his kittypet life. More than a year on, does he regret this decision? Is there anything about kittypet life that he misses, or is there something that would tempt him back to his owners if given the opportunity?
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Reactions: Marquette
Main Account: @Blitz Krieg
Character Account: @butterflytuft
Link to tags: Tags
Aesthetics: pastel pinks, yellows, and a sprinkle of green/earthy tones, butterflies, downward-facing/drooping flowers, gardens, wildlife, tea
Anything you want specifically avoided?: nope!

The sky is clear and the day is young; ripe for taking advantage of. What's her and Dandelionwish's favorite way to spend their time together?

As timid as Butterflytuft is, what's something intimidating to her that may otherwise be considered a typical aspect of warriorhood?

Does Butterflytuft ever reflect on times when her nature has earned the ire of others? Has she come to terms with her fears and demeanor, or does she ever find herself embarrassed by her own skittishness?
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Reactions: Blitz Krieg
Main Account: @CASERDILLA
Character Account: @Auburnflame
Link to tags:
Aesthetics: Golden, sunshine, sunsets, twilight, etc ❤️
Anything you want specifically avoided?: None!

1. Auburnflame has successfully trained his first apprentice! Now that he doesn’t have one, how does he fill his extra time? Does he add more to his workload or does he take a moment to himself?

2. There was a moment when Slate became a lead warrior that had Auburnflame experiencing some envy. Does he have greater ambitions? Write about what he wants in life and how he plans to get there.

3. Auburnflame cares deeply for Silversmoke, but he’s lost so many friends and family. How does he cope with his feelings when Silversmoke goes to war or gets injured?
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Reactions: Auburnflame
Main Account: @beatles
Character Account: @SLATE
Link to tags: link
Aesthetics: black and white, dark clothing, dark alleyways, dobermans, chains, grunge, a glass of whiskey, bandage-wrapped knuckles, dried blood, fire
Anything you want specifically avoided?: i'm not totally against more lighthearted prompts as long as he's not like... willingly participating in flower crowns or a cuddle session or smth
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Reactions: Marquette
Main Account: @blueblossomtea
Character Account: @YUKIO
Link to tags: here
Aesthetics: flowers, cottagecore, peaches, whites, sweets, books, yellows, butterflies, mushrooms, sweaters [ pinterest | spotify ]
Anything you want specifically avoided?: probably flower crowns ! yukio's done enough of 'em to last him a life time lol

Main Account: @blueblossomtea
Character Account: @DUSKPOOL
Link to tags: here
Aesthetics: purple, blacks, mafia, guns, smoking, cities, death, skulls, fallen angels, graveyards, crosses, ravens, coffee, crime scenes, bruise core, bats, dark forests [ pinterest | spotify ]
Anything you want specifically avoided?: none !

1. Duskpool finds something (a flower? a trinket? maybe even a smell or sound?) that reminds him of his youth. How does he react to it?

2. While Duskpool isn't known for being very expressive, he still has emotions underneath that tough exterior. Explore a situation that causes that exterior to crack - does something funny make him smile or even chuckle? What about outright anger or annoyance at a clanmate?

3. Duskpool is an independent soul who doesn't like to feel like he's burdening others by asking for help. However, what if he gets into a situation that requires the assistance and cooperation of his clanmates? Could be something like getting stuck in a (non-dangerous) twoleg trap or getting tree sap on his back and being unable to groom it out.
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Reactions: blueblossomtea
Main Account: @buzz
Character Account: @PIPITKIT
Link to tags:🌱-character-garden-☆゚.3330/post-50162
Aesthetics: birds, wildlife sketches, angels, teacups, morning skies, coffee/cafes, butterflies in stomach, pink/brown/gold any morning colour!!
Anything you want specifically avoided?: no :3

1. Greenleaf brings beautiful butterflies to the forest! A vibrant butterfly cannot stop fluttering around Pipitkit today and, eventually, lands right on top of her. What does she do?

2. One of Pipitkit's personality traits is jealousy. Explore what causes her to feel jealous and how she processes this emotion, especially at her young age.

3. Pipitkit and her siblings are playing with a mossball and it gets tossed away, rolling right up against an older cat that she doesn't know so well. She's closest, so she has to fetch it- that's the rule! What is her first impression of this clanmate when she goes to get her mossball- are they intimidating? Does she try and speak to them at all?
Main Account: @Nazali
Character Account: @Coyotecrest
Link to tags: tags
Aesthetics: golden sunrises, broken hero, lone wolf, delicate new beginnings
Anything you want specifically avoided?: nope!

Main Account: @Nazali
Character Account: @Plaguepaw
Link to tags: tags
Aesthetics: darkness, looming shadows, thick fog, half eaten flesh, blood, mutations, cryptid
Anything you want specifically avoided?: nope!