SO FINALLY, I'M ON MY WAY \ meeting 5.28.23

Blazestar leaps onto the Highbranch, his voice ringing out to the Clan: “All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highbranch for a Clan meeting!” He’s pondered long and hard about the purpose of today’s meeting, and there is much to announce and more to discuss.

The Ragdoll clears his throat, securing his grip on the branch beneath his paws. “Our first order of business today—we have apprentices who need mentors, including some young joiners who will need a mentor to guide them.” He first finds the bright hazel eyes of his daughter, so close to warriorhood now. He wants her to be prepared.

@Howlpaw , from this day on, your mentor will be Slate.” A former rogue, but one who will pass his battle skills to his daughter. He turns to the dark-pelted warrior and dips his head to him. “ @SLATE , you have proven yourself to be a loyal and fierce SkyClan warrior. I expect you to pass all you know to Howlpaw.” He will wait for them to touch noses before continuing.

@pocket , from this day on, your mentor will be @Sweetybee . I expect you to pass on all you know to Pocket.” A shelter kit, young and impressionable. He has faith Sweetybee will be a fair and kind mentor.

@SNAPPLE , from this day forward, you will be known as Snappaw. Your mentor will be @flowercloud. ” He will wait for the great thick-furred she-cat to step forward and brush noses with the former shelter cat. Another apprentice, but one who has worked hard to learn their ways. “Flowercloud, I trust you to pass on all you know to young Snappaw.

There is a cat, too, in need of reassignment. Blazestar finds Scorchedpaw’s burned face in the audience below, and he speaks to him. “ @>Scorchedpaw , your mentor, Laikafur, has chosen to return to their kittypet life full time. Your new mentor will be @Johnny .” His blue eyes settle on the torbie daylight warrior, and he nods. “I trust you to pass on all you’ve learned to Scorchedpaw for the remainder of his apprenticeship.

@HAWK. , from this day forward, your name will be Hawkpaw. Your mentor will be @Dandelionwish . ” This is Blazestar’s first big display of trust in the pointed tom. He is giving him an apprentice, albeit a skittish and quiet shelter she-cat. He hopes his friendliness and warmth can bring her out of her shell. “I expect you to teach Hawkpaw all you know.

@Bumble! , from this day forward, your name will be Bumblepaw. Your mentor will be Oaktail.” The NPC will step forward to touch noses with his new apprentice.

@SWORD ART ONLINE , from this day forward, your name will be Swordpaw.” Blazestar had taken the short, less confusing first part of the shivering young tom’s lengthy name. “Your mentor will be Barkfang. Barkfang, you are a seasoned warrior; I expect you to show Swordpaw all you know.

A snowy-white pelt and a ribbon-bedecked daylight warrior step forward as he calls, “ @angelina , your mentor will be @TALLULAHWING . Tallulahwing, you did an excellent job mentoring Figfeather; I expect you to pass those same skills onto Angelina.” Figfeather is an asset to SkyClan, just as her mother had been, albeit in other ways. He has faith in the torbie to make similar progress with the shelter cat.

Blazestar will wave his tail to silence any chatter that has arisen. He has thought long and hard on who to add to his council after Sheepcurl’s capture and Daisyflight’s death, and he believes his choices will likely be met with some shock—and maybe even some outrage—from some of their Clanmates.

Alas, when he speaks, it’s with confidence and even some fervor. Blazestar first calls, “Johnny, please step forward.” His gaze is warm. “SkyClan will need your courage going forward. I would like to invite you to join my council as a lead warrior.” He will allow the daylight warrior to make his choice, and then he will turn to another warrior, bigger and darker in all senses of the word. Johnny’s status as a daylight warrior could prove to be controversial, but more than ever, Blazestar will listen to none of the nonsense some of his more traditional Clan members may object with. Johnny has more than earned his place on Blazestar’s council.

Slate, please step forward.” All who knows Blazestar and his prejudice against rogues may be surprised, but Blazestar seems unconcerned with the Maine Coon’s past. He says, “Once, you were a rogue who fought for yourself, but time and time again you have used your claws to defend SkyClan. You have made this Clan your home, and you are a valued member of this Clan.” Blazestar stares intently at Slate. “I would like you, too, to join my council to become a lead warrior.


EVERYONE PLEASE congratulate @beatles and @Dizzy for their promotions!!! these are well-earned both from an ooc friendliness standpoint and an activity standpoint! we are super excited to have them and slate and johnny on the hp team :) <3

if you received an NPC mentor and you'd like to receive a played one, either fill out a form onsite or in the discord to receive a played mentor! i don't mind editing this post and backwriting it into the meeting. :)

HUGE SHOUTOUT to @orangeblossom @DAWNGLARE @Fireflypaw @ThistleBack @SILVERSMOKE @SLATE @QUILLSTRIKE @TWITCHBOLT @Dandelionwish @Pigeonsong @FIGFEATHER @GREENEYES @MALLOWLARK @flowercloud. @Bunny @Talon @Toffee Mocha @DAMSEL @Johnny @Bananasplash @Snowpaw @eveningpaw @Howlpaw @sparrowpaw! @spiderpaw @bobbie @YUKIO @Las Plagas !!! we really popped off this month, and even if you didn't quite make the list because your character is too new to have the required number of posts, everything you've contributed does not go unseen! you guys make this clan fun and i appreciate you all <3
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Prowling out of the Warrior's den with a yawn, Silversmoke made his way towards Highbranch and sat among the front of the crowd, his gaze tired but stoic as the Ragdoll began the meeting. A twitch of an eye was offered at the first announcement, Slate mentoring Howlpaw, a huge sign of trust in a cat who hadn't completely earned it. He'd returned to SkyClan, a point in the smoke's favour, but could that truly be enough to prove his loyalty? The other assignments were less controversial, even if the majority of them were Daylight Warriors. It was rare for an apprentice to require nighttime training and if they did, it was more than likely that SkyClan's real Warriors could pick up the slack at little hassle. Silversmoke nodded along, any acknowledgments drowned out in the sea of chatter around him. That was, until, Blazestar called for silence and announced something that caused his blood to run cold.

The tabby's brows raised as Johnny was declared to now be a part of Blazestar's council, an acrid taste developing in his maw even with his begrudging respect for the chimera blossoming. A Lead Warrior who could only be in his clan half of the time and trapped by Twolegs the other half? He looked quizzically in Blazestar's direction. Surely beyond one's ability to kill snakes or open cages, the most important trait of a Lead Warrior was loyalty, who knew where Johnny's would lie if forced to choose between a comfortable life or a proud one? Perhaps it was tolerable, authority did tend to give weaker cats incentive to stick around, but even that could not excuse the next name to be announced. Slate was asked to step forwards and the Lead Warrior went slack-jawed. "What—" No, there was no way Blazestar was saying what he thought he was saying. 'Fought for SkyClan time and time again?' The unsightly tom had been stuck in a cage for a moon! What on earth could he have that other SkyClanners didn't? Silversmoke realised his fur was bristling and let his gaze settle on the floor below. They needed more Lead Warriors after Sheepcurl and Daisyflight's tragedies, but were their truly no cats better suited? Silversmoke didn't know.

Wordlessly, with their claws out and a budding frustration, they silently turned away from the meeting, stalking straight to the camp's entrance. It was clear they needed to train more.

/ outties!
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She gathered with the rest of the clan, sitting all lady like with her fur well groomed and tail curled around her paws. She looked up and listened to Blaze intently. Whenever she questioned the other, she kept quiet about it. He was the leader for a reason, and she didn't have enough confidence in her own opinions to go against him.

Such was the case when she heard her name called to mentor Pocket. Her? Was she good enough? She blinked in surprise. Anxiety prickled at the thought of having someone's life in her paws. She quickly shoved it down, she knew how to fight, climb, hunt, she wasn't useless like some cats would say.

She approached Pocket with a warm smile and reached down to touch noses with them. "We're going to have so much fun!" She said. Despite her worries, she felt excited to teach a younger cat what she knows, just as Mountainheart had done for her and her siblings.

After the ceremonial nose touch, she was treated with news of new lead warriors. Johnny and Slate, one of which left a bitter taste in her mouth. She did not like Slate. She also did not like Silversmoke. But seeing Silversmoke's reaction to the two being made lead warriors lit her up with the pettiest form of delight she'd ever felt in her life. She kept her composure, didn't laugh or make any comments to him, just enjoyed his slackjawed reaction.

But make no mistake, she was laughing inside. A daylight warrior and his nemesis, serving as leads alongside him! Oh, he must be dying inside.

She would watch their interactions with interest.
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Dawn brought with it a slew of daylight warriors returning to camp, and among them -as always- was Johnny. The bobtail was a bit earlier these days, no longer needing the extra time in the mornings to jog around the block to build up the callouses on his paws. He paused to stretch just inside the entryway, anjoying the pull of taut muscle along his stocky frame before straightening up and shaking out his coat, ready to begin another day.

Pointed ears would swivel toward the Highbranch as the sound of claws on bark caught his attention, and not a moment later Blazestar was calling out for them all. The bobtail made his way over with swift steps, nodding a silent greeting to the tomcat before taking his place among the gathering crowd, amber eyes momentarily searching for spiked fur and silver eyes before shifting to land on their Leader.

To be completely honest, there was more than Johnny could realistically keep track of, names being paired off to one another - though he took note of Slate and Howlpaw. It was only when he heard his own among the others that he started truly paying attention again, and to his surprise, found he was being made a mentor.

There were a number of things he felt in that moment; surprise, definitely, but also a strange mixture of pride and apprehension. He felt privelleged to be told he as trustworthy enough to be responsible for training one of the clans youth, but there was also the underlaying factor of 'was he truly ready'? Even after all the time he'd been there, Johnny still had a habit of seeing himself as new to their world and inexperienced among their warriors. His hunting, for example, still left a lot to be desired.

But if Blazestar was willing to bet on him, then Johnny would be a damn fool not to back that bet up.

"Thank you, sir. I'll teach them everything I know." he vowed, unsure if it would be enough but knowing he'd pour every ounce of himself into it as his gaze sought to find Scorchedpaws in the crowd. The young toms burns reminded him of Las Plagas, and he made another, silent, promise, to do his best to look out for them.

The meeting continued, and Johnny sat listening even though his paws were eager to begin the day with his new apprentice. He would have to find out how far their last mentor had taken them in their training of course, and then-

"Johnny, please step forward."


He stood almost automatically, though there was a clear look of confusion on his face as he did so, glancing at the cats around him as if they might have an answer before his leaders voice snapped his attention back to them.

“SkyClan will need your courage going forward. I would like to invite you to join my council as a lead warrior.”

Silversmokes jaw isn't the only one to go slack during the meeting, because Johnny, too, found his maw falling open at the ragdolls words.

"You-" Blazestar wanted him on his council, as a lead warrior of Skyclan? He had to have moss in his ears, or be back at home sleeping on the foot of his twolegs bed still, because surely this wasn't happening?

Whatever he'd felt at being given an apprentice hit him tenfold in that moment, but he set his jaw and stood tall, nodding sharply as he grinned up at the larger tom. "I accept. I won't let you down, Blazestar."

Even if he had to work twenty times harder, he'd come through.

Slate was asked next, and Johnnys couldn't help but notice when Silversmoke made for the camps entrance. That probably wasn't good, and he wondered if it would be worth tracking the other down later to try and get to the bottom of it.

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He sits just beside Silversmoke as the clan gathers, moving to brush shoulders with the larger tom as he reclines backwards on his haunches. Blazestar quickly gets to business with his meeting and the warrior listens with a small smile upon his speckled face. Apprentices were assigned and reassigned, to one which causes the warrior to perk in light surprise. Slate being assigned as a mentor? Crimson brows raise slightly, paws kneading the forest floor below him as a minty gaze flits towards the dark warrior somewhere within the crowd. That was a surprise, but unlike his counterpart beside him, Auburnflame nods in approval. Good. It's good to see Slate have a win and further prove himself. Silversmoke was every bit of suspicious and concerned, but he remained quiet on the matter.
What was next, however, had the calico's placid smile dropping immediately. Johnny's name was called once again, but not for a mentorship or ceremony—something greater than that. Wide eyes flash to his friend, expression shocked and mouth slack jawed. A lead warrior? So soon? He had not been here for too long but his unwavering loyalty and courage from the rescue was certainly something to be noticed for. He was ready to shout his name, but the blazing leader wasn't done yet. He calls another name, and Auburnflame feels Silversmoke visibly tense beside him. Slate. As a lead warrior. His mouth dries and that happiness dies on his tongue. He can see Silversmoke seething out of his peripheral and apart of him wants to comfort him, albeit it'd do no good. Blazestar had made his decision and it was his choice at the end of it. He wanted to be happy for the two toms, but a poison bubbles in his abdomen that he just can't seem to shake. A green envy fills his veins and calico ears pin back slightly.
Why does he feel this way? Auburnflame had never craved to move through the ranks before, but this struck him differently. A pricking thorn stabs at the back of his mind, whispering self doubt into his subconscious. It's because you're not good enough. You're slack, you're nothing. You blend in with the crowd while they stand out. He gulps and attempts to pull moisture back onto his tongue but to no avail. He remains still and now distant, hardly noticing that Silversmoke had turned and left the camp.
❪ TAGS ❫ — Well, Blazestar wasted no time in making things eventful, didn't he? The Ragdoll's first announcements fell upon unsuspecting ears; him, a new mentor for Howlpaw? Slate felt an uneasiness churn in the pit of his stomach. Was he even qualified to train a younger cat, let alone the leader's daughter?

The Maine Coon had gotten so caught up in his thoughts that he nearly missed the whispering from an NPC, "Psst, go touch noses with her." "Oh." Slate grunted, having forgotten the tradition. Getting to his paws, he met Howlpaw in the crowd, looking down upon the she-cat who he had hunted with just recently. "Guess I'm trainin' you now." The male says, making the rather intimate gesture of touching noses quick and not much longer than he was comfortable with.

He found his place back in the crowd, a torn ear honing in as Blazestar continued on with many, many new mentor assignments. An eyebrow cocks as Blazestar calls Johnny forward, and it was soon clear why. A daylight warrior as a lead warrior didn't necessarily sit right with Slate. They had helped free him and the others from the shelter, so he couldn't claim that daylight warriors were completely useless, but it still felt odd for a clan to put their trust in someone who couldn't even make a decision on whether his loyalty lied with cats or twolegs. Ah well; there was no use getting worked up over it. Silversmoke, on the other paw, likely wouldn't be pleased whatsoever.

"Slate, please step forward."

The blood in his veins runs cold like an icy river — Blazestar wanted him to join the council of lead warriors. "I..." He wants to outright ask if Blazestar is crazy, if the leader is even thinking straight. Slate was nothing more than a former rogue who had no real business living amongst the clans. Thistleback and Silversmoke were formerly rogues as well but they demonstrated a strong sense of responsibility and dutifulness to SkyClan, as if they had never even lived outside of a clan. Slate felt like a duckling who was just learning to swim on his own after months of adapting to living in the wilds and learning the laws and politics of the land. The Maine Coon felt a great debt to SkyClan—to Blazestar—for saving his life, but this... This was a whole other level.

Well, was he going to just stand there slack-jawed all day? The whole clan had eyes on him right now; such an announcement had definitely raised some eyebrows, other expressions were painted as utterly shocked or displeased. He's never cared about what others thought of him, and yet... Slate can feel the apprehension and judgment glaring at him from all around. A mental tug-of-war ensues, wondering if Slate should even bother accepting the position. The others were likely expecting him to turn it down, to continue living out his reputation as the standoffish and gruff former street cat.

But... what if he didn't? What if Slate defied everybody's expectations and proved them all wrong? The Maine Coon had arrived in SkyClan with nothing to prove and nobody to impress, but now he was presented with an opportunity to change the course of his life in SkyClan. A lead warrior was highly respected and trusted. If Silversmoke and Thistleback could do it, then why couldn't he? "Then prove to me you're not a lowlife!" Silversmoke's voice rings in his ears once more, a final push toward a decision—

"It would be an honor." Slate finally announces as he tries as hard as he possibly could to prevent his voice from faltering. His paws itched nervously; his first apprentice and now he was a lead warrior... so much was happening all at once.

He manages to glance back soon enough to catch Silversmoke swiftly exiting camp. The lead warrior hadn't given him much trouble upon his return to the clan, but he was sure that the silver-colored tabby isn't thrilled about Blazestar promoting him. They'd have to actually work together now. Slate twitches an ear at the very prospect of doing so.
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At the sound of her father's call, Howlpaw quickly gathers down below the Highbranch, mingling with her fellow clanmates. She looks up with interest, curious about what her father would announce today. His first call of business is that of new mentor and apprenticeship pairings. A small part of Howlpaw wonders if she might be assigned a new mentor, though she does not expect it to actually happen today. The surprise was evident on her face when she was the very first cat called forward and was promptly given Slate as her new mentor. It takes her a moment or two to stir into movement, but eventually, she rises and walks over to Slate to touch noses with him. Thankfully, the acknowledgement between them is brief. Howlpaw gives a curt nod at his statement, before uttering her own brief response in turn. "I look forward to training with you properly," She says, giving a short smile before taking a seat again.

More mentors and apprentices are assigned before Blazestar announces new lead warriors - Johnny and Slate! They would perhaps be controversial choices but Howlpaw had no doubt they would serve her father well.
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After lesson after lesson, Snapple finds himself amidst a crowd once more. Another meeting, though this time the pine forest's rain doesn't cascade down upon him.

And while he misses home, he doesn't know what dangers will lie ahead for him on his trek back. He doesn't know if he'll find himself in the grasp of twolegs once more, if he'll have to resort to calling his former confines 'home' once again. Snapple knows he'll be defenseless if he takes this trek now, so this is the choice he makes - to stay in SkyClan and learn their ways. He'll learn how to be a strong warrior, and maybe one day, he'll be able to find his family again.

Oh, how proud his mother will be, when she finds out how well he's listened to SkyClan's lessons, when the day he becomes a warrior finally arrives!

Snapple knows this is moons away though, from the parts that he remembers from the SkyClanner's many lessons. Unfortunately for him, more lessons are inevitable, as he is to become an apprentice first.

And when Blazestar calls his name, teal eyes look up at the leader in anticipation, one that only turns into confusion at his new name. Snap... paw?

Not Snapplepaw? Not Snapdragonpaw?

His name has been shortened again, and Snappaw can't help the twinge of sadness he feels in shedding the nickname he'd received in the shelter. Maybe it's for the best though - to rid himself of the last thing from that place.

Ears twitch as he learns who he's assigned to. His mentor - the one to be giving him the rest of his lessons - is Flowercloud. As he follows in the apprentices before him's actions, Snappaw steps forward to touch noses with the warrior. He hasn't really interacted with her before, but Snappaw hopes he can learn what he needs to from her.

As apprentice assignments come to an end, Blazestar continues to speak. The child does his best to keep listening as new lead warriors are named. Slate, one of the cats who'd been in the shelter too, and.. oh! Johnny, the one who saved him! Johnny's to be a lead warrior too! Teal eyes brighten as he looks for the spotted warrior in the crowd. Snappaw isn't too sure if Slate deserves this promotion, but he knows for sure that Johnny does! And if Johnny does, surely Slate must too, right?

Greeneyes is brought forth to sit beneath the Highbranch for yet another meeting.

The young warrior tunes out most of the apprentice ceremonies. They're mostly the new faces among the clan anyways, those rescued in place of his mother and his mentor. He's bound to become a mentor himself sooner or later, he's sure, but for now, Greeneyes can revel in the luxury of getting to overlook the long list of paw-given names.

Unfortunately, he tunes right back in at the sound of Johnny being told to step forward. The words that come out of Blazestar's words after that feel like sharp claws in his chest, sinking deeper and deeper, a sting only furthered by Slate being called forward for the same purpose.

To become lead warriors.

To replace Daisyflight and Sheepcurl.

Johnny, who failed to bring either of them back. Johnny, who brought extra cats back instead. And Slate, who was trapped among the shelter cats in that time. Greeneyes doesn't think it's fair that they get to sit among Blazestar's council, where both his mother and his mentor once sat. In just one swoop, both of them are swept away, just like that. As if they were never lead warriors to begin with. His heart twists, aching at the memory of celebrating Sheepcurl's promotion, not too long ago.

Greeneyes doesn't know if anyone could adequately fill Daisyflight and Sheepcurl's place among Blazestar's council, but his grief-stricken mind wants to believe that these two can't.

Hawkpaw. It granted her a sense of relief. It was strange how something so trivial could awaken such warmth within her. This new name meant safety, it meant she could finally have something to hold onto. As she received it, she couldn't help but sit a little straighter. It had only been a little under a moon since Skyclan had taken in the shelter cats, yet her life as a rogue felt like seasons ago. Hard metal had turned to soft foliage bedding, unfamiliar faces had grown familiar. She'd be hard pressed to find anywhere better to stick around, that's for sure.

Of course, this meeting wasn't all about her. Olive-hued eyes blinked cordially at the promotions. She'd seen how much they'd done for their clanmates firsthand, and even if her own thoughts on their actions were still undecided, she wasn't one to claim their reward was undeserved. Next, she began to look around for Dandelionwish. Her head was still spinning with all there was to learn about their world - her world now, too, she supposed. She'd learn to hunt and fight like them, and maybe one day she'd finally be one of them. This was only the start.




♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Figfeather had come to settle beside Greeneyes, her brother and other siblings were all she had left in this world, she seemed closer to them all now more than ever before. The red tabby’s grief was still immense, teetering on the verge of swallowing her whole, but she kept going. She was a warrior of SkyClan now and she had a duty to uphold to her clan, she would not let them down, and she’d not tarnish Daisyflight’s name.

Idly she listens to the kittypets and loners that joined get their clan names and mentors. Angelina is called forward, paired with the name Tallulahwing. Her fur bristles in shock and alarm, Tallulahwing is getting a new apprentice? So soon? Even in the heat of the moment, the marmalade tabby feels silly… this wasn’t something to be upset over. Tallulahwing was a great teacher and any apprentice she was given would be shaped into a fine warrior, no doubts. Still, the sense of feeling replaces feels like a burr stuck between her toes. She looks envious at Angelina, wondering if she would replace the close bond Figfeather and Tallulahwing had. She forces a smile and nod to her old mentor, knowing it was the right thing to do, but internally she was relenting this moment with every fiber of her being.

It wasn’t long until she was given something else to be mad about. Johnny and Slate were invited to be lead warriors of SkyClan, to replace Sheepcurl and Daisyflight. Her thoughts are in unison with her brother’s, she has to refrain digging her claws into the earth. Neither of them would ever be able to outlive the work Daisyflight had done in their position. This meeting was full of replacements.

Leaning into Greeneyes she whispers, ”Does Snowpaw get his name this meeting?”

Dandelionwish arrives to the meeting in time to hear the new apprentices being assigned their mentors and smiles, he'd almost missed out on getting to see them all joyously greet their new teachers, whether kits or slightly older shelter cats or even being reassigned; it was always nice to see.
He hears his name, involuntarily flinches as he recalls the sharp and dismissive way Quillstrike had glanced at him the other day, expecting to hear some chiding that perhaps he ought to hunt like a SkyClanner instead; but Dandelionwish is surprise by something else entirely. Warmth floods his limbs from his chest, he almost can't believe what he's hearing but Blazestar was not the sort to joke or pull cruel pranks; an apprentice. He had an apprentice. A long time ago he might've picked his own, burdened still by his life in WindClan under Sootstar's oppressive rule but here he was not given the freedom of his own choice but instead bestowed an honor. Mismatched eyes dart wildly through the crowd, he remembers seeing the tortiseshell brought in with the other shelter cats with an expression either one indicating uncertainty or disinterested; it was hard to tell but all the same the fact he was being asked to help train one of their new clanmates was something he could not help but cling onto fast and with upmost delight. Blazestar trusted him enough for such a delicate task as integrating a cat into clan life, teaching an apprentice and pushing them forward to be a proper SkyClan warrior. The chocolate-masked tom could not withold his smile as he finally spots his new apprentice and catches her olive green stare. On swift steps he approached, almost instinctly leaning in to touch her nose before catching himself, she was new to clan customs-he didn't want to startle her so he'd hold off.
"Howdy, Hawkpaw! I'm looking forward to our training, I hope ye are too!"
As he finally lifts his head to tune into the rest of the announcements he hears a startled "What-" from Silversmoke before the tom is leaving briskly and he blinks in bewilderment as he catches onto the murmured crowd what he'd missed in his excitement to see his new apprentice. Slate and Johnny were lead warriors now! His tail raises along with his voice, gleefully adding his own congratulations to the already joyous crowd but he can't help but stare briefly at the spot Silversmoke had once been standing in. That did not bode well...he knew he and Slate were, well, not exactly friendly but...
Perhaps it would be alright.
Blazestar’s smile widens, and he nods slowly—first to Slate, and then to Johnny. “Then we welcome you both.” He does not miss Silversmoke’s bristling pelt and stiff-legged stalk out of camp, but he chooses to remain silent. He also does not miss the lack of applause, the lack of cheer, from the two toms’ Clanmates. Blazestar sees Figfeather and Greeneyes sitting together, anger burning in their eyes. It’s not hard for him to guess why—Daisyflight’s position has been filled, as has Sheepcurl’s.

Blazestar flicks an ear, hoping SkyClan will come around. He still has no doubts about Slate or Johnny’s capabilities.

Next, we have an apprentice ready to receive their warrior name, and many cats who have chosen to take Clan names.” He straightens, dark blue gaze searching for the mottled black and ginger pelt of Chrysalispaw. His mentor isn’t here, but Blazestar will not wait for Silversmoke to return. “Chrysalispaw, please step forward.

He'll wait, watching intently. Chrysalispaw is not popular with his Clanmates, but he’s earned his spot in the warrior’s den. “I, Blazestar, leader of SkyClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn.” He lifts his chin. “Chrysalispaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?

After the young tom’s response, Blazestar will continue. “Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Chrysalispaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Chrysaliswing. StarClan honors your honesty and your intelligence, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SkyClan.

He will leap from the Highbranch to rest his muzzle on Chrysaliswing’s head, but the meeting is far from over. After, he re-ascends, preparing for a lengthy ceremony.

Blazestar says, “There are some cats among us who have chosen to take a daylight warrior name.” His eyes rest on Johnny, the cat he’s just promoted. “Spirits of StarClan, you know every cat by name. I ask you now to take away the name cat you see before you, for it no longer stands for what he is. By my authority as a Clan leader, and with the approval of our warrior ancestors, I give this cat a new name. From this moment on, he will be known as Johnnyflame, for his courage and dedication to his Clan.” His eyes glow as he names the lead warrior—he’s proud as ever of the torbie tom.

The other two cats are being renamed for other reasons. “Bananasplash, as you are no longer a daylight warrior, the kittypet portion of your name no longer represents who you are. From this moment on, you will be known as Honeysplash.” There is sympathy in the look he gives the golden she-cat, but he does not linger, moving to a new joiner.

Markiplier, from this day on, you will be known as Markiplierbite.” The strange tom had elected to become a daylight warrior; Blazestar finds the name oddly fitting, though he can’t explain why.

Sootsprite, from this day forward, you will be known as Sootspritespark.” A long name, but he finds the suffix suits the outgoing young she-cat well.

Finally, the tabby and white she-cat who’d known Figfeather. “Fanta, from this day forward, you will be known as Fantastream.

Next, Blazestar addresses the rest of the Clan. “A moon ago, I promised a place in SkyClan to all those rescued from the shelter if you learned our ways. There are many cats here who have shown interest in receiving a Clan name. Today, officially, I welcome you as warriors, apprentices, queens, elders, and kits of SkyClan, whether you’ve chosen to change your name or not. You belong with us now.” He flicks his tail tip and steadies his breath.

Talon, from this day forward, you will be known as Talonflame. Jinn, from this day forward, you will be known as Moondance. Blue, you will be known as Blueflame.” These cats had not come from the shelter, but they’d chosen to take traditional warrior names and were still relatively new to the Clan.

Bunny, from this day forward, you will be known as Bunnyhop. Toffee Mocha, you will be known as Tawnystripe. Damsel, you will be known as Brambleheart. Wolf, you will be known as Wolfthorn, and Rush will be Rushwind. Wobbledog, you will be known as Dogskip. Ivy, you will be known as Ivytongue. Chiara, you will be Mottledove.

He finds Orangeblossom and Bobbie, in charge of the shelter kits taken in. “As Clan leader, I am electing to change the names of the kits in your care. They will now be known as Doomkit, Abysskit, and Plaguekit.” He finds all of the names oddly … harsh, to be given to a kit, but they stem logically from their names, so he allows it despite his feelings.

// @CHRYSALISPAW @Johnny @Bananasplash @Talon @BLUE @Bunny @Toffee Mocha @Wolfthorn @Rushwind @Wobbledog @DAMSEL @ivy @Mottledove. @JINN @MARKIPLIER @Fanta ! @Sootsprite. @Artorias Abysswalker @DOOMGUY @Las Plagas

A new name. He was no longer the atrocious name twolegs had given him. He was now Dogskip. He repeats the name in his mind.... It would take some wearing in, but he could get used to it. Atlease it wasnt Wobbledog anymore. And if he dares hear anyone call him that anymore he was going to bite them. Possibly.

He closes his eyes. Today marked a new chapter in his life with a new name. He sat a little taller now, opening his eyes and looking up at the sky. It was one step on a long journey to move forward. For the moment though, he felt free. He was free, and that is all that mattered.​
જ➶ The whole meeting he has silent. Keeping to himself and the background of the massive gathering of cats. Though he has never been one for crowds at least he feels like he is a part of them in some way. Despite feeling like he is on the verge of belonging and not. Releasing a breath he tries his own paw at memorizing the names of others. Trying to understand who is who. Though he has a good idea certainly. Some are given positions called lead warriors and he understands that thanks to Orangeblossom. Tapping a paw against the ground be dips his head in silent acknowledgement before the leader begins changing the names of cats. For some reason it shocks him a little. Not having thought that this might be plausible. Yet maybe he should have thought so. A clan is different and has certain rules. But it still shocks him when his own name is called and them subsequently.

His maw clenches, relaxes and he isn't sure what to think. His name has always been Damsel. His mother named him as such and though she pushed him from the nest to find a tom who he still has sore feelings about it is still the name of his birth. "Brambleheart...." The name feels so odd on his tongue and he looks down at his paws before deciding to make a small exit.
This is only Toffee Mocha’s second clan meeting, and the one he’s the most anxious about. It’s a good anxious, but anxious nonetheless. He’ll finally have a real name, and he’s looking forward to seeing what his new leader has come up with for him. Hopefully it’s one he can take pride in.

He patiently awaits as the new names are being announced, and then it comes to him. And his name is now to be Tawnystripe. Tawnystripe…hmm…it’s cute! He thinks that it fits him really well, and tries it in his mouth silently as the rest of the meeting goes on.

Tawnystripe gives a happy smile and nod to Blazestar, as he basks in the glow of his new home, a sense of community forming inside him for the first time in his life. Yes…this is where he’s meant to be.
"Snappaw! Hawkpaw! Bumblepaw! Swordpaw!" Orangeblossom, sat with her kits by the nursery instead of her usual place beneath Highbranch, cheers along with the newly-named apprentices of SkyClan. She adds murmurs of approval and thought to the newly-paired training duos who had elected to keep, or not needed a new name.

But she knows what comes next, too. In an ideal world, their council would now number six. In that version of SkyClan Daisyflight sits among them, green eyes filled with pride over her kittens, maybe comforting Snowpaw about his delayed ceremony, but alive. With them. Sheepcurl would be there too, curled close to Redstorm and cheering loudly for their new additions ... but they aren't. Johnny, at least, she knows deserves this. He had all but led the efforts to get in and out of Twolegplace with Tallulahwing and Momowhisker. As for Slate, Orangeblossom finds herself fillet with ambivalent. He'd been among the first to offer his help when Howlpaw and Ashenclaw had gone missing, but his conflict with Silversmoke would no doubt cause problems for them in a council setting ... They'd have to wait and see, it would seem.

"Johnny! Slate!" She cheers for the two toms, either unaware or completely ignoring Silversmoke's abrupt exit. It's proven the latter as Blazestar continues with ceremonies, as the deputy stifles a snort when it's revealed that Silversmoke had left just before the warrior ceremony of his own (former) apprentice. Chrysaliswing, among the local menaces, now a warrior ... StarClan help them all, she thinks with a small twinge of amusement. She'd take dealing with her kits over sharing a den with his barbed tongue and acidic wit any day; Orangeblossom can only hope that he mellows out a bit in the time before she rejoins the warriors.

However, his is not the only name change of the Clan's new adults:

"Johnnyflame! Sootspritespark! Fantastream! Markiplierbite! Honeysplash!" These are cats she knows, or, at least in Fantastream's case, knows of. Orangeblossom seeks her sister in the crowd, hoping to catch green eyes or at least the bashful tuck of a cream-furred head. "We'll congratulate your auntie Honeysplash in a bit, alright?" She murmurs down to her children, whiskers twitching fondly.

"Talonflame! Moondance! Blueflame! Bunnyhop! Tawnystripe! Brambleheart! Wolfthorn! Rushwind!" She's forced to take a breath there, realising that there might not be room for her to return to the warriors' den when it's time. "Dogskip! Ivytongue! Mottledove!"

Blazestar seeks her eye, and Orangeblossom twitches her torn ear as he makes eye contact. I'm here. Oh, the scraps of fur needed new names. She raises a feline brow, curious over his choices: Doomkit, Abysskit, and Plaguekit? Sure, why not. What could possibly go wrong, she thinks, laden with sarcasm. Her cheer is quieter for the trio, with them closer than the other SkyClanners. Would that be it, then, for this meeting?
The tan-pointed warrior hasn’t gotten used to the clan’s meetings yet, and doesn’t think he ever will. The leader can just interrupt everybody whenever they want… what an odd tradition. Nearly everything about SkyClan seems to be odd traditions, though, and while Markiplier likes learning about the clan of feral cats that live in the forest, he’s constantly reminded that they’re just that—a pack of wild cats in the forest, fighting over territory and food like they aren’t living in the best place on earth. All this land for exploration, and these cats choose to fight over it instead.

Buuuuut anyway, the meeting. The tom has been wandering back and forth from here to his house every day or two, and so he doesn’t expect to be called forth for any reason or another. He’s told Blazestar that he’d like to become a full-fledged member of the clan, even if he’s only here some days of the week. But he didn’t expect for his inauguration to be this soon. After a couple other cats, his name is called, and he smiles up at the leader as he’s renamed.

Markiplierbite. It’s a bit of a mouthful, really, but it suits him. The tom runs his tongue across his teeth—what urged the leader to name him such a thing? "Markiplierbite…" he muses, tipping his head to lick at his chest. It’s a good name, he decides, and he’ll wear it with pride. With honor. He’s a SkyClanner now, for real. In the crowd he searches for Bunny—Bunnyhop, now—and will grin if he spots the other tom, tail flicking happily. From shelter cats to warriors, look how far they’ve come.
[ space was so cool… ]
Blazestar waits for the cats to taste their new names on their tongues, roll them around in their mouths. He knows it will take getting used to—he remembers going from Blaise to Blazestar once, after all. But he’s pleased by the general reactions of the newly-named warriors. They all look determined. He doesn’t miss the snort Orangeblossom gives at the new kits’ names, and he only gives her a sheepish look, as if to say, Better than the old names, at least!

I have one final announcement,” he says. “Coyotepaw, Dandelionwish, and…” His nose wrinkles. “Mallowlark.” He pauses. He’d long ago made the decision to keep the WindClan refugees away from Clan borders and Gatherings, but with Coyotepaw becoming a warrior this moon and Dandelionwish receiving his own apprentice, he knows it will be an impossible expectation to uphold. “The three of you will have no more restrictions on where you can go within our territory. You may also be selected to attend Gatherings in the future.

His eyes narrow. “Be prepared. Not just them, but all of you. Sootstar has seemed more docile than usual, but we should not let our guards down. If any of you hear something about WindClan I need to know about, you report it to me immediately.

Finally, Blazestar flicks the tip of a burnished tail, declaring, “This meeting is over.” He flows from the Highbranch, padding to his den to think.

@Dandelionwish @Coyotepaw @MALLOWLARK

  • Wow
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sootspritespark | 36 months | demi-girl | she/they | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold #ffff99
The woman all but preens when she's called forwards, accepting her new name with a smirk that seems out of place where there is normally a sunny smile. No longer is she sootsprite, a simple kittypet, but sootspritespark, a warrior. It feels good - elation and pride rushing through her veins. She's finally gotten what she's always wanted - her freedom to roam the forest, without giving up the twolegs she loves so much. She hums absently and cheers along with the rest when the others names are called, but there is only one thing on her mind - her success.