- Nov 28, 2022
- 174
- 167
- 43

—Long before the Clans are formed, a Twolegplace rogue named Slate and a Pine Colony member named Orange Blossom meet at the edge of the forest. They form an unlikely friendship, often meeting up at the fringes of Twolegplace to stargaze and swap the occasional stories. After the Clans were formed, Orangeblossom starts to visit less; a habit broken fully when Slate starts to fall for her, and he vanishes without a trace.
At the end of 2022 Slate joins SkyClan, and reunites with its now-deputy Orangeblossom. Things are a little tense between them for a while, but eventually they start being amicable again.
Unaware of his continued feelings Orangeblossom moves on with her life, settling down with Ashenclaw and rearing five kits. As moons pass the two split amicably, and when Yellowcough threatens the Clans both Slate and Orangeblossom volunteer to join the SkyClan delegation to retrieve the lungwort cure. This Journey rekindles a proper friendship between Orangeblossom and Slate when he apologises for ghosting her, platonic in nature but implicitly trusting. Within a moon, Slate's feelings rear their head once more, though he will not do anything about them.
Fast forward several moons. Being leader, Orangestar thinks little of Slate's half-joking request to sleep in her den as a guard and accepts it in earnest. In a discussion about potential mates, Owlheart (Orangestar's youngest daughter) asks her mother how to know if you're in love with someone. Orangestar, thinking on it, realises that her long-gone feelings for Slate still linger. She proceeds not to do anything about it, though lingers more closely at her den-guard's side.
Once Orangestar returns with one less life to her name, Slate decides that he will not wait any longer, and confesses his feelings. It doesn't take long for kits to come into the picture: but, with her duty calling as leader, Orangestar will not be able to stick around and nurse them.
At the end of 2022 Slate joins SkyClan, and reunites with its now-deputy Orangeblossom. Things are a little tense between them for a while, but eventually they start being amicable again.
Unaware of his continued feelings Orangeblossom moves on with her life, settling down with Ashenclaw and rearing five kits. As moons pass the two split amicably, and when Yellowcough threatens the Clans both Slate and Orangeblossom volunteer to join the SkyClan delegation to retrieve the lungwort cure. This Journey rekindles a proper friendship between Orangeblossom and Slate when he apologises for ghosting her, platonic in nature but implicitly trusting. Within a moon, Slate's feelings rear their head once more, though he will not do anything about them.
Fast forward several moons. Being leader, Orangestar thinks little of Slate's half-joking request to sleep in her den as a guard and accepts it in earnest. In a discussion about potential mates, Owlheart (Orangestar's youngest daughter) asks her mother how to know if you're in love with someone. Orangestar, thinking on it, realises that her long-gone feelings for Slate still linger. She proceeds not to do anything about it, though lingers more closely at her den-guard's side.
Once Orangestar returns with one less life to her name, Slate decides that he will not wait any longer, and confesses his feelings. It doesn't take long for kits to come into the picture: but, with her duty calling as leader, Orangestar will not be able to stick around and nurse them.

— DATES: Choosing date is the 5th of October. Kits will be born on 12th of October.
— STARTING AGE: These babies will age in real-time beginning from their birth. Worm litter alert!
— QUOTA: These kits come with a quota of minimum 5 posts a month. We reserve the right to rehome the slot after two months of this quota not being met.
— SLOTS: There will be two slots available. It is unlikely to increase with interest.
— Because Orangestar will be required to take on her duties once more, these kits will be given to Butterflytuft to nurse. Orangestar and Slate will both take on more sire-like roles to these kits, which opens up some fun plots with regards to parental confusion and conflicts of closeness. However, unless worked out in detail otherwise with us, these kits will be loved dearly by all three parents.
— By sheer coincidence, this litter will be born close in tandem with Owlheart's kits. We encourage you to go check them out too, as they will be close peers in the nursery!
NAMES: use of a listed name
APPEARANCES: cryptic torties (minimal red), use of/based on a hypokit design, clear parental resemblances
MISC: medieval tale motifs (king/knight/seer/bard/etc), allusions to a sin, strong future plots
Orangestar (G2) x Slate (G1) — kits will be gen 3.
— half-siblings to cherryblossom, glimmersun, eggbounce, tawnyclaw & owlheart.
— niblings to apricotflower,applefrost, honeysplash, cloudberrythorn, blueberrybounce (via orangestar) / cloverjaw, primrose (via slate)
— extended family tree here -
XY: red tabby, cream tabby
XX: tortoiseshell, blue tortie
— kits will be longhaired
— tabbies/tabby patches may be classic or mackerel tabby
— kits will have low (less than 50%) white
— kits may have any realistic eye colour.
— kits will be 50% maine coon and may show breed traits.
— red kits will mask black; kits will carry chocolate. non-dilute kits may carry dilute. kits may or may not carry point
— red: amber, ginger, squirrel, russet
— cream: light, sand, lamb
— point (born white): raccoon, fire, lamb
— tortie: dark, fire, dapple
— dilute tortie: dragonfly, rain, flower
— distinctive white: web, flurry
— descriptive: spike, sleek
Slate's naming list is more general.
— appearance based: boulder, stone, dark, black, onyx, mud, cinder, gray, bristle, spike
— misc names he likes: cougar, stag, buck, adder, bear, thorn, tiger, bone, fang, night, shade, bracken, roaring, growl/growling, thrash/thrasher, strong, claw, jagged, hornet, blade, crescent, moon, jasper, jackdaw, lynx, gravel, oak, alder, hawthorn, willow, holly, lightning, mink, swift, raven
KITS WILL NOT BE NAMED: Fox, Dog/Hound, Rock/Rocky, Brook ; directly after a notable figure (such as Blazekit for Blazestar) ; names currently used by a census'd character ; names that invoke another Clan.
— beats has kindly made a couple of hypokits for inspiration, and i have filled some lines with designs. to find the hypos i've done, click here! (i may add more)

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