Nov 28, 2022

Long before the Clans are formed, a Twolegplace rogue named Slate and a Pine Colony member named Orange Blossom meet at the edge of the forest. They form an unlikely friendship, often meeting up at the fringes of Twolegplace to stargaze and swap the occasional stories. After the Clans were formed, Orangeblossom starts to visit less; a habit broken fully when Slate starts to fall for her, and he vanishes without a trace.

At the end of 2022 Slate joins SkyClan, and reunites with its now-deputy Orangeblossom. Things are a little tense between them for a while, but eventually they start being amicable again.

Unaware of his continued feelings Orangeblossom moves on with her life, settling down with Ashenclaw and rearing five kits. As moons pass the two split amicably, and when Yellowcough threatens the Clans both Slate and Orangeblossom volunteer to join the SkyClan delegation to retrieve the lungwort cure. This Journey rekindles a proper friendship between Orangeblossom and Slate when he apologises for ghosting her, platonic in nature but implicitly trusting. Within a moon, Slate's feelings rear their head once more, though he will not do anything about them.

Fast forward several moons. Being leader, Orangestar thinks little of Slate's half-joking request to sleep in her den as a guard and accepts it in earnest. In a discussion about potential mates, Owlheart (Orangestar's youngest daughter) asks her mother how to know if you're in love with someone. Orangestar, thinking on it, realises that her long-gone feelings for Slate still linger. She proceeds not to do anything about it, though lingers more closely at her den-guard's side.

Once Orangestar returns with one less life to her name, Slate decides that he will not wait any longer, and confesses his feelings. It doesn't take long for kits to come into the picture: but, with her duty calling as leader, Orangestar will not be able to stick around and nurse them.


  • — DATES: Choosing date is the 5th of October. Kits will be born on 12th of October.
    — STARTING AGE: These babies will age in real-time beginning from their birth. Worm litter alert!
    — QUOTA: These kits come with a quota of minimum 5 posts a month. We reserve the right to rehome the slot after two months of this quota not being met.
    — SLOTS: There will be two slots available. It is unlikely to increase with interest.

    — Because Orangestar will be required to take on her duties once more, these kits will be given to Butterflytuft to nurse. Orangestar and Slate will both take on more sire-like roles to these kits, which opens up some fun plots with regards to parental confusion and conflicts of closeness. However, unless worked out in detail otherwise with us, these kits will be loved dearly by all three parents.
    — By sheer coincidence, this litter will be born close in tandem with Owlheart's kits. We encourage you to go check them out too, as they will be close peers in the nursery!

    NAMES: use of a listed name
    APPEARANCES: cryptic torties (minimal red), use of/based on a hypokit design, clear parental resemblances
    MISC: medieval tale motifs (king/knight/seer/bard/etc), allusions to a sin, strong future plots

    Orangestar (G2) x Slate (G1) — kits will be gen 3.

    — half-siblings to cherryblossom, glimmersun, eggbounce, tawnyclaw & owlheart.
    — niblings to apricotflower, applefrost, honeysplash, cloudberrythorn, blueberrybounce (via orangestar) / cloverjaw, primrose (via slate)

    — extended family tree here
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    lh red tabby w/ high white (masking chocolate; carry point, dilute) x lh black solid maine coon (carry dilute)

    XY: red tabby, cream tabby
    XX: tortoiseshell, blue tortie

    — kits will be longhaired
    — tabbies/tabby patches may be classic or mackerel tabby
    — kits will have low (less than 50%) white
    — kits may have any realistic eye colour.
    — kits will be 50% maine coon and may show breed traits.
    — red kits will mask black; kits will carry chocolate. non-dilute kits may carry dilute. kits may or may not carry point

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    Orangestar's naming list will be based on appearances. Some names have the potential to honour one of her nine lives. Please specify if you are doing so if choosing that name for your application!
    red: amber, ginger, squirrel, russet
    cream: light, sand, lamb
    point (born white): raccoon, fire, lamb
    tortie: dark, fire, dapple
    dilute tortie: dragonfly, rain, flower
    distinctive white: web, flurry
    descriptive: spike, sleek


    Slate's naming list is more general.
    appearance based: boulder, stone, dark, black, onyx, mud, cinder, gray, bristle, spike
    misc names he likes: cougar, stag, buck, adder, bear, thorn, tiger, bone, fang, night, shade, bracken, roaring, growl/growling, thrash/thrasher, strong, claw, jagged, hornet, blade, crescent, moon, jasper, jackdaw, lynx, gravel, oak, alder, hawthorn, willow, holly, lightning, mink, swift, raven

    KITS WILL NOT BE NAMED: Fox, Dog/Hound, Rock/Rocky, Brook ; directly after a notable figure (such as Blazekit for Blazestar) ; names currently used by a census'd character ; names that invoke another Clan.

  • — beats has kindly made a couple of hypokits for inspiration, and i have filled some lines with designs. to find the hypos i've done, click here! (i may add more)


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CINDER Given by Slate for the black-veiled, fiery tones of her pelt.
BURN Given by Orangestar for her explosive way of going about life.​


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    Cinderkit, by appearance, is rather colorful and unique — her sleek pelt in particular can give her varying outlooks, based on where another's eyes land on her. A black layer unwraps itself to reveal streaks of white all over and a burst of orange that starts from the middle. Pleasant stripes coil around her flank and hindlegs; don't get too dizzy if you follow them with your eyes!

    Speaking of eyes: Cinderkit's own pair is duller in coloring when compared to Orangestar's warm browns and Slate's fiery oranges. Often narrowed and down-turned in a sheepish manner, the pale yellows are nothing to scoff at however.

    Obtained Orangestar's average height and molded it into a shorter stature... against Cinderkit's wishes. Her muscles are rather prominent thanks to both of her parents' stronger builds, although it has yet to develop into proper SkyClan attire.

    ⚔︎ Struggles with keeping her long fur off the ground and clean; often doesn't notice if something gets stuck.
    ⚔︎ Already her limbs suggest an affinity for tree climbing.
    ⚔︎ Will strive to have a rather limited amount of expressiveness to her, especially her face, but it will be difficult to contain anger or surprise.

    + x ──────── x -

    + x ─────── x -

    + x ──────── x -

    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

    It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

    ⚔︎ . . .
    ⚔︎ . . .

    ⚔︎ Keeps mostly to herself and her littermates.
    ⚔︎ Finds comfort in Butterflytuft's constant presence. Although she will not view Orangestar or Slate differently due to their duties upholding most of their attention, Cinderkit will bond with the nursing queen faster.
    ⚔︎ Owlheart will also get the privilege of being amongst the large family tree that Cinderkit is willing to interact with more often. For this reason, Owlheart will likely stay as a sibling figure that she seeks out in the future, too.

    ⚔︎ Throws herself headfirst into training and abandons fun and games that she deems "immature". Will want to grow up as fast as possible.
    ⚔︎ . . .
    ⚔︎ . . .

    ⚔︎ Flighty when it comes to any and all interactions with her peers, but makes up for it via a reckless amount of desire to jump into battle. She finds it miles easier to navigate; when you fight, there is no need to open yourself wide open in a vulnerable display... getting hurt comes with the job, and the ability to expect as much is, ironically enough, comforting.
    ⚔︎ . . .
    ⚔︎ . . .

  • ⚔︎
    Explain here.
    Explain here.

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THORN for his spiky pelt and slate's appreciation for the name.
KIT for his rank.


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    long haired tortoiseshell with low white, rusting, and olive eyes. DESIGN BY WREN

    hefty and overbearing in frame, thornkit enters the world with the big paws and angular ears of a maine-coon cat. he takes after his father in all things including physical, evident in the way he learns to carry his body - low, with broad shoulders and heavy gait.

    pitch in hue, with rusting along his belly and neck, he could be slate's twin if it weren't for the flecks of ginger flame streaking along his tail and face, or the snowy tufts of fur along his tail and chest. a true mixture of both his parents' genetics, hues practically color-picked from their own pelts.

    he observes the world with a stern gaze, olive-green eyes narrowed in thought. his jaw is often set, tall ears angled forward, tufts of orange fur making them appear bigger than they truly are. long fur pools off of his body, curling and spiking about him, prompting his name. he is of the forest, a tangle of brambles and briars, wild-furred.


    + x ──────── x -

    + x ──────── x -

    + x ──────── x -

    KITHOOD - enraptured by the idea of warriorhood, it is thornkit's greatest ambition to serve his queen mother with everything he has. in kithood, one could call him almost a fanboy of his favorite warriors, idolizing particularly his father and his mother's lead warriors. there is a glint in his eye every time he speaks of fighting in battle, and he will often be found practicing his battle moves. there is a naive spark to this boy, the golden child of orangestar and slate. his kit moons are relatively carefree, the idyllic childhood of a princeling, protected and encouraged by his subjects.

    APPRENTICEHOOD - something shifts when thornpaw is apprenticed. perhaps the reality of his situation is expressed to him, or he experiences something no young cat should, but he changes. still a boy with few wants more than to serve, he becomes more of a soldier than a knight. diligent, gruff and often bored seeming, he will prefer solitude to company and will get annoyed quite easily. (remains to be seen.)

    WARRIORHOOD - as a young warrior, perhaps he gets his spark back. he will never be the same little boy, but there is something there, a kind, honorable knight returning. (remains to be seen.)

    . . .
    . . .

    BROTHER TO tbdkit
    HALF BROTHER TO owlheart, tawnyclaw, eggbounce, glimmersun, cherryblossom
    NEPHEW TO apricotflower, applefrost, honeysplash, cloudberrythorn, blueberrybounce, cloverjaw, primrose
    MATE TO n/a
    CRUSHING ON none

    ↪ the sin of envy permeates thornkit, gripping him with the misunderstanding of a prividged child. jealousy stews within him, causing him to lash out unfairly. jealousy of his older siblings who were loved by his mother first, and in his opinion, best. jealousy at his littermate when they receive more attention from orangestar or slate than him. there is even jealousy toward his parents' apprentices, and towards the cats they visit in the medicine den. he has this overwhelming desire to be special, not in skill, but in how much he is loved. butterflytuft's presence in his life calms him, but he is even possessive of her. the fact that she is not his mother, but treats him like a son is not lost on him.
    ↪ medieval tropes abound, lots of use of old royalty words in both his speech and writing. he is a knight through and through, lawfully good and honor bound to serve his realm. chivalrous, he practices honor and self control, these aspects of him mostly contained to his kithood and warriorhood. in the middle, his apprenticehood, he is changed, more of a soldier than a knight. violent, unpredictable, bitter, he grasps on to his sin of envy and runs with it.
    ↪ inspired by jaime lannister
    ↪ smells like oak leaves, wet stone
    ↪ nobody's soldier by hozier
    ↪ the reason for his temperament change in apprenticehood could come about many ways. something happens, be it his fault or not, that turns his mind cold. perhaps thornpaw must kill or maim early on into his learning, or watches someone he loves die. this thing tears thornpaw in two, shatters his dreams of noble knighthood, and hardens his heart.
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using hypokit design

firekit - for the streaks of 'fire' upon an ashen pelt
alt: dapple, onyx, bristle

"the bard" + sin of pride. chaotic neutral
kithood: dramatic, storyteller, grandeur visions of apprentice/warriorhood, free-spirited
apprenticehood: take chaotic neutral to the next level. rebel-like, troublemaker, bad influence - frequently spinning lies into stories, especially about themself. pride is at its highest during apprenticehood. possibly some troubling plot to kick it down a notch
warriorhood: tba :)

  • 4egpTNu.jpeg

    LAMBKIT ; the little prince, bow down ˎˊ-
    A plush-coated tom with soft golden hued tabby fur. His size, a source of insecurity from an early age, contrasts with his fierce, competitive spirit. Though quick to judge others and often hypocritical, he is driven by an unyielding loyalty to his clan and to his family, desperate to prove himself worthy of his lineage. His temper is as unruly as his fur, a tempest that cannot be quelled and prone to flare-ups. Beneath it all is a cat who is just desperate to be respected, even if his pride oftentimes stands in his way.
    ⤷ named for his cream tabby pelt, his mother's friend Sheepcurl
    AMAB; he / him; sexuality undetermined
    unborn kitten of SkyClan
    created x.x.xxxx at 0 moons / ages every tbd
    the prince archetype, representative of pride
    penned by Jay ; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST
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    A longhaired, cream tabby tom with bright blue eyes / TOYHOUSE
    AS A KIT Lambkit is born nothing more than a small drop of cream colored fur tucked into his mothers side, his soft golden hued pelt and smaller frame earning him his name. As he grows, his baby blue eyes will open to a world that is not ready to mold itself around him, a fact that he will not be thrilled to find out. In the early days, before speech, he will be loud, demanding and bleating. Eventually, when he stands, when he grows, it will become apparent that he has inherited his mother's stature. If any of his siblings are meant to take after their father then they will easily dwarf him, a fact that he will remain self-conscious about. If any of them are meant to be on the smaller end, however, he will tease them for their stature, unknowing that he will eventually come to stand only just barely above his mother's height.

    AS AN APPRENTICE Lambpaw has filled out considerably. His messy kitten fluff will have settled into the plush coat of both his mother and his father. Around his neck is a mane suited for a lion, his tail equally as fluffy. As he grows out of the nursery, his long coat will often become a point of frustration for him, his neck aching from the long grooming sessions required to keep such fur under control. As a result, his pelt is often tangled, messy unless he actually puts in the effort or someone else grooms it for him.

  • 4egpTNu.jpeg


    Lambkit's character lies the embodiment of virtues and vices that either frustrate his clanmates to no end or endear him to them depending on which side of them they get. To his kin and to his milk-mother, he is a loyal and prideful creature, fiercely protective for those he cares for and even going as far as being willing to place himself in harms way in defense of them or the warrior code. To them, his dedication is as unwavering as a wild-fire. This trait is only matched by his legendary stubbornness. Once he's set his mind to something, whether it's holding on to a particular opinion or refusing to admit when he's wrong, no cat can sway him. He digs his claws in deep. This unyielding nature can sometimes be a strength, but more often it makes him aggravatingly resistant to advice or change.

    Eager to be the best at everything, one will find that he is incredibly competitive whether it's hunting, fighting or even simple tasks like patrolling. His bloodline begets perfection and he has this to thank for his drive to excel in all things that he sets out to do. But it also makes him difficult to get along with, at times. He thrives on rivalry, and often feels the need to outdo clanmates in even small tasks and he doesn't handle loosing well. In the early days, this will look like tantrums thrown though as he gets older it is possible he will develop to learn to accept losses more graciously, but it is also possible he gets worse. This pettinesscan cause a strain on many of his relationships, as he tends to hold grudges even over the most minor slights. Additionally, his hot-headed makes him even harder to deal with, at times, as he is quick to anger when he feels he or someone he cares for has been disrespected. He's known to lash out both verbally and physically when his temper flares, making him often times unpredictable in moments of conflict. His fiery demeanor can be an asset in battle, fueling his aggression, but it does him little to no favors in his personal life.

    His resourcefulness is possibly his strongest trait and one that will present early on. Even from a young age, he's quick to think on his paws, finding clever solutions to problems that would leave many others stumped, using whatever is at his disposal. However, this often also means that he cuts corners or bends the rules, justifying it to himself as being for the greater good. Anything for his clan, his family right? Ironically though, he tends to be hypocritical , holding others to high standards and often criticizing them for faults that he himself possesses. While he might be quick to dismiss the rules when it suits him, he has no problem calling other cats out for doing the same, a double standard he rarely acknowledges. These high standards of others also cause him to be extremely judgmental. Often, he forms strong opinions of others based on first impressions and rarely does he ever give second chances. If a cat fails to meet his high expectations then he is quick to dismiss them, sometimes unfairly. These harsh assessments make it difficult for him to connect with just anyone, as he often tends to overlook strengths in favor of nitpicking at flaws.

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    does not open up or trust very easily
    SOUNDS LIKE:Bellamy Blake
    SMELLS LIKE: pine and fresh snow
    speech is #EB6462

    SLATE xx ORANGESTAR sibling to tbd
    mentoring none , mentored by none
    Mate to none | Parent to none
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    ► IMMORTALS - Fall Out Boy
    CYNICAL SKIN - Get Scared
    EVERYBODY LOVES ME - One Republic
    TIGHTROPE - Awaken I Am
    JENNY - Nothing More

  • 4egpTNu.jpeg
    I don't want to reveal all my plans just yet but I will put a couple of loose outlines of things I want to happen here

    Being a SkyClannner and meeting strangers all the time starts out fun and exciting, but quickly takes a turn when REDACTED because of this event, Lamb will have a hard time trusting strangers and will not be welcoming towards outsiders looking to join the clan. If he is the one to find them upon the border, he will almost always argue that they should chase them out, and I can see him butting heads with his mother over her open border policy, especially as he gets older. Morally, he thinks he is in the right and that he is just doing what any good warrior would do, protecting his clan from cats who think to make a mockery of it.

    The spoiled princeling of skyclan. Son of Orangestar and renowned former lead warrior Slate. Having such a hefty lineage is not all it's cracked up to be you know? On his shoulders he struggles to bare the weight of his parents reputations and being raised by Butterflytuft rather than his birth mother will lead to him sometimes feeling a sense of abandonment or inadequacy, but also will cause him to develop a belief that his unique position entitles him to special treatment, especially if he is doted on at a young age, fueling his sense of privilege.

    Growing up, he will harbor a mix of admiration and resentment to his birth mother. He sees leadership as something he is destined to inherit, since in his mind none of his other siblings are nearly as fit for it as he is, yet he oftentimes feels overlooked by her dedication to her clan. Especially so if she were to ever do something that would cement this in his young mind. Meanwhile his father Slate, known for his prowess in battle, looms as another figure he feels pressured to live up to. In being raised by Butterflytuft, she may try to protect him from this pressure but regardless Lambkit will develop an inflated sense of entitlement, believing his parentage alone makes him exceptional.

    ( If chosen, there is further development / plots involving this that I would like to discuss in dms! )

    His deep insecurities about his stature, his competitive nature, and his judgmental attitude, his hypocrisy all point to a character who is overly concerned with his image and standing. He will often struggle with feelings of inadequacy but will compensate for those feelings by holding others to impossible standards, often being critical and dismissive. His pride prevents him from acknowledging his own faults at the cost of pushing away others.
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  • ・༓☾ unknown name at this time
    ・༓☾ afab, she/her; potential to change icly
    ・༓☾ 00 moons; october 12, 2024
    ・༓☾ skyclan, extremely devoted and loyal. would not consider any other clan.

    "a striped faux point with foggy blue-grey eyes"
  • ・༓☾ lh tortoiseshell w/ low white. carries chocolate, dilute. 50% maine coon.
    [ link to concept ] [ link to modified art ]

    as a kitten, she is nothing more than a muddied ball of fur. white and red intermingle near seamlessly, whilst her tortoiseshell's black seems to favor a harsher approach - it cuts jagged lines into her feathered tail, mocks tabby markings on her haunch and face. unique she may look, this kitten does well to resemble neither of her parents properly at first. one can point out how she's stolen colors from each, but ultimately as an infant, she looks no different from any other tortoiseshell litter.

    it's when she grows, getting her black capped paws beneath her, that she begins to show the more brooding traits of her parents. when caught off guard, her features appear too round - forever childlike, even, as her dazed look affords her nothing more than kitten's daydreaming glances. but purposeful is she, and intense she may be - her eyes narrow to slits when she seeks out another, her rounded nose guided to the air to follow a scent. when not lost in her mind, she looks as if she is constantly seeking another out, or even criticizing a fellow clanmate in her silence.

    her stature mimics a shorter visage of slate - broad shoulder and thick furred, yet when she stands she only hardly taller than orangestar. her limbs are sturdy and her claws grow to be gnarled, only groomed by the trees she stubbornly climbs. despite her disability, she proves to be a well maintained and strongly capable warrior in adulthood.
  • ・༓☾ outgoing, friendly, brave, selfless, callous, suffocating, self sacrificing.
    enjoys the brutality in brutal honesty. would sooner die on the blade than consider herself valuable. seeks approval and attention at every corner.

    this personality space is purposefully left blank, as her personality will largely be made icly as well as formed by the life bestowed upon her. she has the same core traits through all three realities however with each name, a different trait becomes the base of her future personality. roleplay is largely collaborative however and i would love to further showcase that by leaving her in a somewhat blank slate beyond this, as surely she will be molded by her surroundings unintentionally or intentionally.
  • orangestar x slate, fruitfam, slatefam (?)

    littermates with x
    siblings with owlheart, tawnyclaw, cherryblossom, eggbounce, glimmersun

    nursemaid butterflytuft
    nestmate budkit
    first friends oddbirds litter
  • ・༓☾ damaged goods

    born with eyes closed, no ailment seems immediately apparent to any who looks upon her soft, rounded features. even as she grows, she appears apt with the world, quick to notice change and adapt to it - but careful, scrutinizing eyes catch that she cannot always discern distant shapes. cats that stand mere meters from her fade to blurred obscurity, which creates trouble once she's older and able to train. she is bound to acclimate well, given this her natural state of being - starclan wouldn't be so cruel as to damn her to an unfulfilled life, right?
    - added: perhaps born with a fevercoat as an added side effect of orangestar's stress during pregnancy?

    ・༓☾ nothing to fit - legacy to create

    due to circumstances beyond her, this child stays nameless for days after her birth - and perhaps weeks longer. monikers are offered by friends, by family. maybe she is gifted raccoon, for the stripes coursing through her red tabby fur? or perhaps bone for the chunk of color missing, replaced by a whitened cream instead? ultimately weeks hold out where she is unnamed, all until something sticks. the lives orangestar was once gifted are in subservience to her clanmates, and thus her children. she bestows the honor of one to this child, and all at once, it makes sense. she is loyalty incarnated, compassion to be. she is hope, she is bravery. she is endless in her life of possibilities, but she is forever bound to the notion of this life.
    - name and life are ultimately up to the parents! i have no preference :)
    - would have the life become the major backbone of her personality. check last slide !

    ・༓☾ seer by chance

    dmed plot leads to stories and tales - what ifs and what nows? a child cursed, maybe, or perhaps blessed by circumstance? as she grows, clouds form in her gaze. is this repentance from the stars, an apology for what has happened - but misplaced and now tearing more from the new life? she sees the distance in a mirage of shapes and colors. is there a world where signs would be gifted to her in all that cannot be seen?

    ・༓☾ the world shifts

    being formally raised by butterflytuft would make this child feel awkward about her parentage. it is her personal normal, but watching butterflytuft and other queens raise their kittens firsthand and without any obtuse meddling will make her wonder why orangestar isn't doing the same. in apprenticehood she will seek the approval of both of her parents and though she will mature by warriorhood, she will still have that core need to be seen by them.
  • ・༓☾ firekit, for the blaze of warmth evident in her pelt. the raging flames only restrained by the shackles of coal striking through her fur. for blazestar, who's benevolent nature rose him above his own, yet modesty was becoming of him, as he never abused the power handed to him. compassion with grace, intense as her burning pelt, a want to connect and relate. a want to correct, to fix, to make better by any means possible.
    - to be named firekit would mean that this child would grow to be boisterous, loud and outgoing - while she has no knack for being sneaky, she does well with intruding on the problems of others and attempting to rectify them. she will hold all those she cares for suffocatingly close and brandish a sword against the evils that torment them.

    ・༓☾ lambkit for the softer undersides of her fur. for the way that her kitten blues swirl and cloud her vision, or the way her round features provide innocence to her image. for sheepcurl, who's boundless kindness expands beyond her soul - who's soft, curled fur permeated a place of warmth and confidence. for bravery without fear, the need to protect brutally, to gnarl sharp claws and soft paws into any coat that suggests danger.
    - to be named lambkit would exemplify her dreamy nature as well as her peckish want for justice. she would rely on her grace and perceived childishness to lure foul temptations to their doom, as her combat skills would lie fiercely beneath a coat of downy wool. a wolf in sheep's clothing she would become, cunning with her tongue and deadly by her strike.

    ・༓☾ flurrykit for the blustering white that challenges the world of color within her coat. for the season she must live through in her youthful months, survive and conquer in her weaker capabilities. for snowpath, who's selflessness and guilt saved the lives of many others whilst his own fell. for a tom who grieved so intently for a life he took and promised to never let his claws score again. for forgiveness is a hard won skill, as without it, the world would burn sooner than it would thrive.
    - to be named flurrykit would mean that her soft, casual demeanor would be at the forefront - yet beneath it lies a want to be seen and treasured. that her skills would be marveled and that her disability would never hold her back. to be designated with forgiveness would mean that despite all blood spilled and transgressions held, she would offer a chance of redemption, all before exemption from life.

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tracking !! using a hypokit design (#1) w/credit to beats for the design <3





duchesskit is a long haired tortishell kitten, with minimal traces of white patches. a large black patch covers her chest and head, making a stripe down her back and into her tail. this pattern almost divides her into a black front patch, and an orange hind patch which gives her a unique and stunning appearance. minimal traces of white can be found around her soft, warm yellow eyes, in her ears, as well as on her chest and a small tuft at the end of her tail. her nose and front paw pads are dark in color, while her hind paw pads have a lighter tone to them, almost matching her orange fur. another unique feature is the almost mask like pattern that is created on her head by the combination of the orange and black fur. this mask like pattern almost mirrors her body's fur color pattern, separating her head into an upper (black) and lower (orange) section.

- positive personality traits
- negative personality traits

detail about kithood personality

detail about apprentice personality

detail about warrior personality

detail about elder personality

  • credit again to beats for the hypokit design!!
  • backup prefixes: baroness, dapple, lynx, jackdaw, dark
  • "speech" / hexcode: #D0E1D4
  • perhaps the oldest of the litter, and in turn also struggles with feeling a strong sense of responsibility to help care for and take care of her sibling
  • highly likely to gravitate towards butterflytuft due to orangestar returning to her duties! would love to have a long term plot where she struggles with viewing orangestar as a mother as a result, and would attempt to resolve this throughout her apprenticeship once she reaches a "mature" age. will understand that she is loved, but would love to explore both sides of plot potential
  • maybe tie in the sin of wrath? while she wouldn't outright hate her parents, she may come to resent them during her younger years for not being as present or involved in her life as she things they should have been. as she grows older she will come to understand why they weren't as present, she may still resent them in some form regardless of how close she has grown to them.
  • i would love to develop a major long term plot that involves her growing closer to her parents! perhaps even a period of time where a discussion is had towards the end, and they have a heart to heart, resulting in a better relationship between her and her biological parents.
  • likely to be secretly envious of her nurserymate's relationships with their mothers as she learns to accept having a bonus mother rather than her own mother
  • will always be proud of the fact that she's the leader's daughter, and this may lead to her feeling the need to prove herself too often ; may struggle to feel like she isn't making her mother (and father) proud of her, or that she's performing well enough to live up to her family ties.
  • will add more plot ideas as i come up with them while working on the application <3
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Expand upon it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vitae nibh eu diam condimentum fringilla. Etiam mollis laoreet lorem, quis sagittis est lacinia quis. Mauris a ligula enim. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam sem est, pellentesque vulputate volutpat sit amet, pulvinar vel augue. Ut nisl diam, feugiat at risus sed, consequat dignissim odio. Nunc consequat lorem id efficitur faucibus. Vestibulum consectetur tristique vulputate. Maecenas convallis feugiat est sit amet mattis. Pellentesque purus dui, vehicula non lectus nec, convallis suscipit lacus. Vestibulum est ex, porta sit amet gravida nec, lobortis vel nisi. Maecenas eu tellus sapien.

Personality. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vitae nibh eu diam condimentum fringilla. Etiam mollis laoreet lorem, quis sagittis est lacinia quis. Mauris a ligula enim. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam sem est, pellentesque vulputate volutpat sit amet, pulvinar vel augue. Ut nisl diam, feugiat at risus sed, consequat dignissim odio. Nunc consequat lorem id efficitur faucibus. Vestibulum consectetur tristique vulputate. Maecenas convallis feugiat est sit amet mattis. Pellentesque purus dui, vehicula non lectus nec, convallis suscipit lacus. Vestibulum est ex, porta sit amet gravida nec, lobortis vel nisi. Maecenas eu tellus sapien.
  • Runt/smallest of the litter & has Maine Coon characteristics, a late bloomer so she will likely be dwarfed by her sibling for several moons (0-5 moons) & later have a sudden growth sprout around (6-12 moons) but that's as big as she gets, she's still smaller than her littermate & father but barely dwarfs her foster mother & mother
  • The king (from a "royal" bloodline) / The archer (precision/swift) / The seer (futurist/always looking to the future and doesn't focus on the present)
  • She'll have lots of confusion and mixed feelings when its made clear that Butterflytuft isn't her mother despite how the queen takes care of her alongside her littermate, a part of her will feel hurt that her mother doesn't have enough time to spare for her or had to "give her up" for her duties
  • Perhaps one potential plot point, where Dragonfly sustains an injury & Butterfly frets over her only for Dragonfly to shout at her to stop/she isn't her real daughter & Butterflytuft isn't her real mother. Why do you care so much? Why do you care about a kitten that isn't even your own?
  • She regrets it so, so much but at the moment, she removes herself from the situation to either go to her littermate or anyone else that isn't the nursery. She'll later on seek out Butterflytuft to apologize due to the shame and guilt that eats away from her
  • She feels as though she has big paws to fill with her mother being leader of the clan & her father being a former lead warrior, she has high expectations for herself & if she doesn't succeed the first time she grows frustrated with herself (or even those near her). It may lead to her overworking herself and pushing beyond her limits despite how it may hurt her. It could potentially lead to a plot where she ends up getting injured during training or sparring with another apprentice
  • She'll be keen in practicing as much as possible wanting to be successful in most things. Her strongest skills going from climbing -> hunting/tracking and with fighting/combat being her weak point despite her large size. Despite this, whenever she does land a blow towards an opponent... Her hits are based more on swiftness/precision & accuracy, she's quickwitted and likely use her surroundings around her to momentarily stun an enemy (ie: dirt, sand, pebbles thrown at the face/eyes) before striking.
  • Gradually as she gets older, she'll grow envious of the strong connection and notable familial bond Butterflytuft has with her kittens, a part of her feeling that she lacks that same bond with her parents (mostly her mother) given their duties. It could potentially lead to small resentment to grow towards either of them and give them the cold shoulder for a few moons until she decides that she shouldn't let that drag her down & pushes herself further into her training.
  • She definitely has the more hotheadedness and stubborn from both of her parents & this could potentially lead to her being an unruly kitten under the care of Butterflytuft, she'll bite, hiss, and playrough on accident that make result in a denmate sustaining a small injury (scratch/very minor).
  • If Slate voices that he wants his kits to be the best, she will do everything in her power to prove herself thus forming a very bad sport/competitive side of her. Dragonfly will be upset for next few hours or even days, her voice growing slightly high pitched with angry squeaks if anyone tries to comfort her or reassure her that she'll get it next time.
  • Her voiceclaim is Marcille from Dungeon Meshi
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(alt names: growlkit, clawkit, crescentkit)



carrying chocolate, point

bonekit stands out like a ghost among his peers, with his tall, spindly form casting a shadow far beyond his age. his body is stretched and wiry, almost unnaturally thin, with legs that seem too long for his still-growing frame. he moves with an eerie grace, his steps light and deliberate, as if each one is calculated to avoid disrupting the ground beneath him. despite his appearance, there's a hidden strength in his bones, a wiry toughness that defies his fragile look. his limbs may look like they could snap with the slightest force, but there's a subtle, quiet power in the way his muscles coil under his fur, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice.

the color of his fur only adds to his spectral presence. a pale, silvery blue washes over the majority of his body, as if the moon itself had cast its glow upon him permanently. this ghostly shade shifts in the light, sometimes appearing almost metallic, giving him an otherworldly gleam. his long fur is thin and wavy, curling at the ends like strands of mist caught in a breeze, flowing and rippling with each of his movements. it clings to his lean form in places and billows out in others, giving him an ethereal, almost untouchable air. the blue fades into a pale cream on his face, paws, and belly, softening his appearance but still keeping with the muted, almost faded tones that define him. darker cream stripes mark these areas, curling and twisting through the lighter fur like shadows, adding depth to his palette.

up close, the texture of his fur is soft but thin, almost feather-light. the wispy curls catch the wind easily, giving the impression that he might dissolve into the air like smoke. when bonekit moves, it's with a fluidity that makes him seem as if he's gliding rather than walking. he carries himself with an odd poise, as if he is always aware of the space around him, his movements precise and deliberate, giving the sense that a visitor passing through a world that is not his own. his long, delicate tail often trails behind him like a whisper, almost as though it too might vanish at any moment.

his eyes, though, are the most striking feature of all. they burn with a vivid intensity, a warm, near-vermilion shade of orange that seems almost too bright for his otherwise muted appearance. there is a sharpness to them, a keen intelligence lurking behind the fiery color, giving him an unsettling air of awareness far beyond his moons. his gaze is direct and unwavering, capable of boring into the hearts of those who meet it, leaving a sense of discomfort or curiosity in his wake. the contrast between his ghostly fur and the blazing warmth of his eyes gives him a strange duality—at once cold and distant, yet alive with a hidden fire.

  • bonekit is a tall, spindly kit with pale, ghostly fur that seems fragile but hides surprising strength. its long, wispy coat is a blend of pale cream and near-silver blue, with darker mackerel stripes swirling through the cream of its face, paws, and underside. its vivid orange eyes, nearing vermilion, give it an intense, almost unsettling stare. it has an eerie, otherworldly presence, often lurking silently at the edges of gatherings, observing with quiet detachment. Fascinated by death and the macabre, it collects odd objects like bones and beetle shells and asks unsettling questions about life, death, and everything in between. its dark, cryptic humor and calm, detached demeanor make it both unnerving and intriguing, as if it is always half in another world, pondering mysteries others shy away from.

    CON ●●●●●●●●○○
    DEX ●●●●●●●○○○
    INT ●●●●●●●●○○
    WIS ●●●●○○○○○○
    CHA ●○○○○○○○○○

    bonekit is the type of kit that others avoid without really knowing why. from an early age, their fascination with death, decay, and the darker aspects of life sets them apart from their peers. while most kits are chasing moths or play-fighting, bonekit can often be found examining a bird's skeleton or watching the slow crawl of ants as they devour a forgotten scrap of prey. they seem to have a unique connection to the morbid and the eerie, which manifests not only in their interests but in the way they move and speak.

    bonekit speaks in a soft, almost hypnotic voice, always measured and deliberate. when they ask questions, they often catch others off-guard—'what do you think it's like, being eaten by a fox?' or 'do you think the stars are made of bones?' their questions make even the most hardened warriors uneasy, but bonekit doesn't seem to notice—or maybe they do, and just don't care. there's an underlying detachment to their interactions, as if they're observing the world from a distance rather than living in it.

    their appearance contributes to the strange aura that surrounds them. bonekit's fur has an almost ghostly pallor, their eyes sharp and unblinking. they often move silently, startling others by simply appearing at their side without warning. they are curious about how things work, but their curiosity is laser-focused on the grotesque or strange. they might be caught dissecting a mouse, not out of hunger, but to see what's inside, their little paws delicately handling the remains in a way that's unnervingly skilled for a kit.

    despite their strange tendencies, bonekit is highly intelligent and observant. they pick up on the emotions and unspoken tensions around them, though they may process them in an unusual way. for instance, they might comfort an upset littermate by offering them a particularly interesting beetle shell rather than any words of reassurance, or they might awkwardly pat a grieving cat's paw and comment on how "the bones will rest soon."

    bonekit's humor is dark and offbeat, often leaving others more confused than amused. they might joke about a warrior's battle scars, comparing them to the scratches a hawk leaves on its prey. they seem to find beauty in things others find horrifying, and they can wax poetic about a pile of bones or the spiraling patterns made by a vulture in the sky.

    what makes bonekit truly unsettling, however, is their uncanny ability to predict things. some cats whisper that bonekit's dreams show glimpses of the future, though no one dares to ask them directly. bonekit occasionally makes offhand comments like 'i saw a shadow over your nest' or 'the wind says someone is leaving soon,' and more often than not, these predictions come true in one way or another, usually in an unexpected. whether it's coincidence or something more, the habit in and of itself tends to unsettle those who bonekit speaks to.
  • in the room where you sleep – dead man's bones

    haunted – evanescence

    ghosting – mother mother

    bury a friend – billie eilish

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im done yappin for now... i am so sorry in advance.
There is no name selected yet! Will be chosen by parents, and instead, using an alias of 'Paladin' for their archetype during the application process!

LH TORTIE W/ LOW WHITE // reference (click)
(Pronouns here and in other spots will be she/her, as it is descriptive of her before her transition. I also MUST give some credit to both of the creators of the hypokits, as much of her coloration was based off of those designs.)

Paladin is a taller-standing kit- she will be born large, displaying the maine coon and thick fur inherited from both parents. Dappled blacks are interrupted with striped orange and white. Her fur will be difficult to groom at a young aged, thick and easily tangled, but with a steady diet of fresh prey, it becomes easier to manage. Paladin will quickly acquire muscle mass, the bigger out of the litter, and thanks to both parents it seems to come genetically easy.

Paladin's shape will mirror Slate's most personally- standing tall, even amongst her kin, with handsome and sharp features making it clear where her heritage lays- but she carries herself like her mother, with her head held high. Deserving of her station, or something like that, is why she does so- prideful steps and an attempt at being graceful will follow her through kithood.

Perhaps the most curious thing about Paladin when you first look at her is the shape of her first and foremost- through much of kithood, it will be unkempt, but heading into apprenticeship and the rest of her life will it be cared for- is the tufting of hair along the spine of her head, heading down the back of her neck that blends into the mane she inherits from either parent. It looks akin to the pluming upon a medieval helmet, or roaching on a horse's mane.

Her body is a blend of either parent's coloration, seemingly at war in a number of ways. Slate's coloration is the most her body, the inky dark unrusting in sunlight and sure to be hot during greenleaf. Orange and white cascade over the top of her body mostly, a triangular shape of white settling over her left eye. On the left side of her neck a 'cloak' of white starts, coming down her shoulder and over her back to dip down her right side, ending before it reaches her belly fur, imagery relating to that specifically of a shoulder-cape or cloak worn asymmetrical. The tortie coloration over her legs just above her paws is reminiscent of 'grieves', both white and tortie patterning together giving the illusion of armor.

KIT - STRICT, SERIOUS, LISTENER, FORMATION OF OATH, INTENTIONAL. It will be clear from a young age that Paladin is not all play before apprenticeship. It seems from the moment that she can listen and move, she's drawn more to teachings of the code, watching apprentices spar in camp, and hearing tales from elders- she's on the slower side, not all rambunctious and movement, but find joy in figuring out why a cat did something in a story the elders find amusement in repeating- she finds joy in the why and how, rather then the what.

Despite this, at a young age, she'll want to be near Orangestar or Slate as much as she can- almost... crestfallen, when they go back to work and she is delegated to her nurse-queen's attention. Paladin will start to form their oath here. She believes that if she can demonstrate greatness, following the code and her oath to a T, she'll become the prize kit. This isn't to say she's competitive for the attention, but rather just recognition of her to-be-talents.

APPRENTICE - STRICT, SERIOUS, FOLLOWER, LISTENER, OATHFUL, INTENTIONAL, WRATHFUL, JUST. Much is the same as she becomes an apprentice- a lack of her 'sire'-esque attention means she leans into what she knows. A code, a moral compass, of things to do- and in order to protect the sick and weak, she must become strong, right? She follows orders, listens more then she speaks. Her 'blade', so to speak, is put to metal, training-focused and intent on learning all she can. She frowns upon other apprentice's antics, will tattle on others, finding their lack of faith and attention in their training disheartening.

WARRIOR - SERIOUS, OATHFUL, INTENTIONAL, WRATHFUL, JUST?, LOSS OF PATH. As she becomes a warrior, she will also become a he, 'TRANSITION' in plots begins to happen. A loss of identity will also stack with 'THAT NOT OF A PALADIN,' and he loses his ways. I'm leaving much of this up to ear still, due to not having cemented plots, but a lot of it will incur a major personality change- however, Paladin won't lose his skills or talents, and may still be revered for inheriting his sire's battle and ground strength.

NOTE // I may change pronouns personality up while I roleplay. I tend to find grooves for characters, and find it more enjoyable to roleplay them in a certain manner. This is loose, but I will be following it to a point.

  • FEAR // LOSS OF ANY FAMILY - It may just destroy her. Orangestar's lives being lost will be difficult, but she has faith that Starclan will bring her back until after her last life... but the others? Her sibling(s), Slate, and at length, Butterflytuft?
  • FEAR // LOSS OF MORAL COMPASS - This is tied into a lot of plots, but the reasoning will mean a loss of the rules she's lived her entire life by.
  • FEAR // HEIGHTS - Why? I just thought it'd be funny for Paladin to be afraid of heights. It'll lend to a lack of strength climbing, mirroring that of her father.
  • INSPRIATION // HER MOTHER - Orangestar's station is something that Paladin will find a need to live up to- not as a stressor, but as a goal. She wishes to be as great as her.
  • INSPRIATION // HER CLAN - Skyclan is open to most- which creates a kind of tenderness in her soul for those in need of help, lending into her oath- and on top of that, a wish to protect Kittypet or Kittypet-born from other clans. (Perhaps... a stigma towards them, unknowing that it's harmful to think them weaker then forest-born?)
  • INSPRIATION // HER OWN STRENGTHS - As she comes into apprenticeship, she'll realize she has advantages- taller, stronger. Ahead of the curve in terms of her mental age. She will play to these strengths, and it may make her a hint cocky, tango-ing with 'PALADIN' in terms of being humble through the oath.
  • PALADIN // Oath / Moral code / Devotion to Starclan / General application of 'WRATH' and 'JUSTICE'.
  • VISUALS OF ARMOR // Much of what will be in her pinterest will be armored or masked individuals, a callback to their hidden plot and who they'll turn into.
  • CURSES - THE CRANE WIVES // 'There's still cobwebs in the corners, and the backyard's full of bones,'
  • ARSONIST'S LULLABYE - HOZIER // 'I learned the voices died with me / Don't you ever, tame your demon, but always keep 'em on a leash' A head-nod to their virtue of justice keeping their sin of wrath on a leash.
  • WHEEL OF TIME - BLIND GUARDIAN // 'Twice I'll be marked and, Twice I shall die,' Once for a life as a paladin, once for life as a thiscomeslater
  • THE GOD I DESERVE - LIGHT THE TORCH // 'We are forsaken, Can you hear me? I've been calling' Loss of Starclan's touch after breaking their Oath
  • 'PALADIN' // As a paladin archetype character, she will have a moral code she applies to herself, her actions, and her words. This will be better detailed in her tags, but it is essentially, 'Never kill another cat ; Do no undue harm ; Help all those you can ; Place all faith in Starclan ; Do not turn your back on those in need.' It is good to note here that she WILL be a devote Starclan-follower... for now.
  • SIN OF WRATH // The sin of wrath is something that Paladin will carry with them in their soul. This has a specific plot that will end in a major change of archetype, where their oath will be broken. They are wrathful to those who deserve, in fights with enemies. slate
  • VIRTUE OF JUSTICE // The virtue of justice balances out with the sin of wrath, and keeps Paladin from doing undue harm- there will be instances of her pulling away from torturing or killing enemies because of this virtue. This will be lost when their oath is broken. orange
  • THAT NOT OF A PALADIN // This is what comes after their oath being broken. There will be a major personality shift, one where their identity will be lost and require a total rebuild. I am toying with the idea of bringing the Dark Forest into the means of the fall, but we'll see how that pans out/who's available to a long-run plot there.
  • TRANSITION // Laced in with all of these issues will be a transition from cisgender to transgender- she will become he, and I intend to play this out with this character. She/her in her kithood/apprenticeship, figuring out she as he later in apprenticeship into warriorhood. 'Starclan created me as a she-cat... why do I feel wrong about that? Shouldn't they know best?
  • BUTTERFLYTUFT // Very similar to Mizu and Swordfather in this regard (from Blue Eyed Samurai), she'll have a deep respect and family-type love for Butterflytuft and the life she had been given through her.
  • NAMES // In regards to naming, having an opposing name to her sibling is a fun concept, or one that pairs with the sibling! This doesn't have to happen if chosen otherwise.
  • SIBLING RELATIONSHIP // I plan to interweave the 'PALADIN' in with the other character's archetype- a knight, they would butt heads with. A poet, they'd seem at odds with but is actually close to them. A prince or princess, they'd be destined to protect, and so on and so forth.
  • SPECIFIC PAIRINGS // I would actually enjoy not being selected for genetic application, but being brought in as a worm-found-on-the-border! This specifically applies to a pairing that I have started to toy with, Percy and Paladin! If you're fighting between three of our applications and cannot choose, please let me have the opportunity of bringing Paladin as a loner or rogue's kit!
  • LINKS // toyhouse ; playlist ; pinterest
Here I'll denote most of her moral code. It's subject to change as time goes on before she swears her oath.​
  • ONE // Respect legitimate authority and elders.
  • TWO // Act with honor. (Not lying, not cheating, not using poison, and so forth.)
  • THREE // Help those in need.
  • FOUR // Punish those who harm of threaten innocents.
  • FIVE // Never kill.
  • SIX // Stay true to Starclan, and believe in them. Never stray.
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Dad track + for any potential applicants - we made a genetics oopsie! These babies genetically cannot be points BUT they may be able to be a false point via chimerism! If you're unsure, staff can always clear your design in the discord server. Please keep this in mind as you create designs :3 Excited to see what y'all come up with!


A chance at life.
Nightkit Nightpaw Nightcrawler

↳ for his pitch-black pelt, -crawler for his ability to slip in and out of the shadows
— Kit of SkyClan
— AFAB, he/him, bisexual, monogamous
Slate x Orangestar, sibling to ?

LH CRYPTIC TORTOISESHELL W/ LOW WHITE. A cryptic tortoiseshell that is largely black in coloration, resembling his father, with hints of red on his chest and near his paws His pelt is so black that it appears to gleam blue when wet or well-groomed, and the ends of his fur curl up. He has white paws. His ears are tall and pointed. His eyes are a striking yellow. Overall he is a relatively average-sized cat, if a bit small-looking, like his mother. He will grow into a slim, muscular tom.
↳ carrying chocolate, dilute, point


dashing / religious / soft-hearted
mannerisms: x
— will not start fights | will end fights | will not flee | will show mercy
excels at


Prince Charming born to the acting leader of SkyClan and her consort, Nightkit is born into greatness. He is the prince of the trees that raise themselves above the earth, just as he will one day, too. A charismatic from the moment he can properly talk his way in and out of situations, Nightkit knows that he needs to use that same charisma to elevate himself to his parents' expectations. So he charms his way to the top, flustering she-cats and toms alike and entertaining mentors and warriors that offer footholds to the upper echelons.
Sin a highly religious tom who often looks to StarClan for their guidance in tough times, Nightkit is not immune to struggling with worldly comforts and the sins they materialize in. A possible long-term, multiple point plot where Nightkit faces and overcomes each of the seven deadly sins could be laid out for his future that also strengthens his belief in StarClan. For example, anger at a Clanmate that turns into a hatred that can only be understood as wrathful, only to come to terms with that same Clanmate through what he deems as "StarClan's will".
— Butterflytuft will be taken in as a mother almost immediately. Nightkit understands that Orangestar has duties to tend to, so he allows himself attachment to his nurse, caring for her as if she were his own mother. In fact, he might take so well to Butterflytuft that he spends more time with her than he does with his "real" mother. Although he loves all three of his parents, it will be Butterflytuft who he goes to when he needs advice or to share achievements. In a similar fashion, Nightkit takes to Butterflytuft's own kits as his siblings.


Bonus Information:
— Voice claim would be Adrian Hough as Nightcrawler
— Human AU name would be Nigel [Fruitfam surname]
— Inspirations: Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner, pirates

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