Jun 7, 2022


  • THEIR STORY: Sootspritespark has always been a rather selfish feline - proudly taking what she wants, when she wants, and letting very little stop her. Her actions and choices over the moons often end up backfiring - as is the case currently. Heartbroken through no fault but her own, and left crying after a one-night-stand with her ex, she searches for a rebound for one purpose only - to start the family she's always dreamed of having.

    She finds what she's looking for in a loner named Mason - no stranger to heartbreak and family troubles himself. Except things don't quite go as planned, for when the time comes, two of the kit's aren't quite like the others. She's now faced with the fact she's given birth to the kits of not one tom, but two - and one of them is from a rival clan.


    litter one.
    @Thistlekit. played by kitty-kat-
    — open

    litter two.
    — open
    — open
    — open
  • — these kits will be raised solely by sootspritespark, with no knowledge of their parentage nor relatives outside of sootsprites direct kin. both fathers will know about these kits (or at least of the possibility of them) but have nothing to do with them. there are no current plans for sootsprite to change her mind on this fact, nor for either father to seek these kits out in any way.
    — while sootsprite truly loves and cherishes these kits, she is not going to be the worlds greatest mom. not only is she a first time mother, inexperienced and raising her brood on her own, her personality is not the best for raising kits. she is free-spirited, selfish, childish, and indulgent - honestly, she sets very few rules for them while having absurdly high expectations of these children's future 'greatness'. not only this, but she has refused to give up her daylight warrior position - leaving these kits wholly in the other queens care between dusk and dawn. you can expect her to do very little parenting nor any sort of strictness from her - she hardly follows the rules herself, why would she enforce such things upon her flesh and blood? she will not, however, neglect these kits, nor will they be lacking in love - she spoils these children rotten, drowning them in motherly love and words of praise (even when they've done nothing to truly earn it).
    — this litter is actually very important to me, so unlike most of my adopts there is an activity requirement. five posts a month will be expected to be maintained unless notice is given beforehand. kits must stay within skyclan until at least nine moons old unless for plot reasons. these kits are also not cannon fodder, so kits may not be killed off before nine moons old unless for plot reasons. if any of these rules are broken we reserve the right to rehome the slot.
    — the choosing date for this litter will be august fourth, with the birthing thread and intro on august tenth. from that point on, kits will begin at two months of age, and age realtime on the 10th.
  • litter one.
    Sire: SH blue w/ low white & manx tail (carrying longhaired, cinnamon)
    Dam: LH black w/ low white, curly rex hair (carrying dilute, cinnamon, normal hair)

    Kits can be black, blue, cinnamon, or fawn
    – Kits may be longhaired or shorthaired
    – kits may have no white, low white, or high white
    – kits without white may have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white may have any realistic eye color
    – kits may or may not have shortened tails; kits with shortened tails will be prone to arthritis & manx syndrome
    – kits may or may not have curly rex hair
    – kits may or may not have polydactyly
    – non-dilute kits will carry dilute; shorthaired kits will carry longhaired; curly - haired kits will carry normal hair; black-based kits may or may not carry cinnamon​

    litter two.
    Sire: LH black norwegian forest cat w/ low white
    Dam: LH black w/ low white, curly rex hair (carrying dilute, cinnamon, normal hair)

    Kits will be black
    – kits will be longhaired
    – kits may have no white, low white, or high white
    – kits without white may have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white may have any realistic eye color
    – kits may or may not have curly rex hair
    – kits may or may not carry cinnamon; curly haired kits will carry normal hair
    - kits are 50% norwegian forest cat, and may show breed traits​

    — stylized appearances are more than welcome
    — non-genetic mutations and disabilities are fine as long as they are portrayed respectfully and responsibly
    — it is highly preferred that the litter one kit is not longhaired black, to make it a bit more obvious that they have a different father from litter two
    — since sootpritespark is giving birth within her twolegs home, you have the option to have your kit be given a kittypet accessory. just keep in mind unless they choose to become a daylight apprentice/warrior that at some point they will have to lose the accessory due to growing too big for it.

    — nieces / nephews to four unnamed npcs
    — half-siblings to foxpaw

    — nieces / nephews to yuhwa, yukio, aoi, four unnamed npcs
    — grandchildren to duskpool

    These kits will not know they have separate fathers, and will all be assumed to be masons. They will also not know they are related to any of the aforementioned character except for sootsprite and her npc siblings.
    peony-, bark-, bay-, thistle-; violet-, bluebell-, pansy-, borage-, etc.
    after 'plants' and in quiet reference to this litters sire; flower names in general

    — bright-, brave-, bold-, quiet-, loud-, little-, small-, big-, curly-, black-, dark-, chirping-, etc.
    adjectives she aspires these kits to be, or that describe them at birth

I do what I want when I feel like it all I wanna do is lose control

thistlekit | thistlepaw | thistlebloom? thistletail? thistle-?
reasoning: 'thistle' after the plant and in honor of her sire; 'suffix' for


trans fem. nonbinary [amab]
uses feminine/gender-neutral pronouns (they/she)

panromantic | demisexual | polyamorous
to young for love; as an adult will have no interest in serious relationships; flirts with anyone/anything

skyclan | kit | future daylight apprentice
born and raised as a skyclanner

longhaired fawn solid with low white + rex curls + manx tail; carries normal hair
with a grey coat that gleams a purplish-pink in the light, thistlekit's namesake comes to mind easily enough. white splashes and splatters across their frame in a haphazard manner, most notably encircling one eye and part of their upper jaw beneath it. Their tail is not much more than a short nub, and their pelt is a riotous tangle of curls that puts even their mothers coat to shame. their eyes are a striking shade of springtime green - like fresh grass or new growth upon a tree.
smells like honey and lavender

design by kitty-kat- | visual reference
accessories: wears a mauve collar around her neck and a thistle flower by their ear

chaotic | energetic | bumbling | manic
positive: friendly, outgoing, upbeat, positive, vibrant
neutral: petulant, rebellious, impulsive, guileless, blunt
negative: dense, naive, clumsy, inattentive, scatter brained

as though a hurricane brought to life, thistle is the living embodiment of chaos. hyperactive and full of energy, there is never a moment when they are not on the move - always ready to go go go. flitting about like hummingbird, they rarely stay focused on any one task, instead easily getting drawn into whatever flight of fancy they have in the moment. outgoing and social to an extreme, they surround themselves with others easily making friends everywhere they go. open and honest to a fault, they say things without any thought as to how it may come across to others, and seem to have little to no brain-to-mouth filter to speak of. due to their own upfront nature, they often miss out on subtler social cues and thing such as sarcasm or innuendos, and they aren't really the brightest of the bunch to begin with.

mentally stable | has adhd

hrgh tracking for a houndspark kitto ..... haven't had a cinnamon in a while. manx + curly, deals with joint issues. bark, splinter, juniper, more likely a subtle reference to hound than to a flowery theme. white spotting tba, warm coloured eyes.
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name littlekit | littlepaw | littlemoon
— because of his small stature, he was given the prefix " little " while his suffix means " secretive, mysterious, gentle, motherly, sneaky " for his secretive nature when he's older.​
age two months
— ages realistically on the 10th​
sex male
— masculine pronouns​
romantic homosexual | demiromantic
— prefers to have a deep and meaningful relationship with someone​
position kit | daylight apprentice | daylight warrior

thoughts speech


description longhaired black with high white and blue eyes | visual reference
— considerably the runt of the litter, littlekit drowns in his father's shaggy semi-long ebony-colored fur that's thick, soft, and warm, taking on his father's norwegian forest cat traits more than his dam, but even so, he won't ever take after his father's large stature, appearing meek in nature. surrounding his left eye, there seem to be white freckles like splattered paint on a black-painted canvas compared to his right eye which surrounds itself in black speckled paint. his optics a sharp blue, an uncanny resemblance to his father's gaze. his chest is coated in dense, thick white fur like the majority of his face, covering his cheeks and neck until it pools, coating his entire underside and down his right hind leg.​
distinguished feature monochrome freckles surrounding his sharp, blue optics, appearing circular in motion almost like the phases of the moon.
prominent feature sharp, deadpan optics of sapphire blue.

scent saltwater taffy.

accessories a peacock blue velvet collar with a fake pearl hanging from a gold loop.

ailments littlekit will be susceptible to nature's elements, considering to be the runt of the litter and understanding that he might not have a long lifespan as his siblings, becoming mentally unstable as he grows older paired with anxiety and anorexia.
— during his apprentice hood, littlekit may be susceptible to contracting feline immunodeficiency virus, otherwise known as fiv, from another feline while out training with his mentor, susceptible to reoccurring infections and stunted growth and lack of appetite ( coming from someone who owns a fiv cat ).​
— during his apprentice hood, littlekit is susceptible to losing half if not most of his tail in an accident, taken to the vet where they amputate it, but littlekit will learn to compensate for the loss of his tail.​
— during his warriorship, littlekit will attract poor circulation which can be indicative of heart disease, life expectancy after it's been diagnosed is between 6 to 18 months, and up to 3 years with the proper medication.​

positive kind, loyal, adaptable, empathetic, friendly, humble, open-minded, flexible, tolerant, resilient, trustworthy.
neutral blunt, selfless, quiet, curious, emotional, imaginative, charming, passionate, artistic, protective.
negative forgetful, secretive, hot-headed, reckless, self-critical, independent, self-sacrificing, unpredictable, competitive.

— a tendency to rush into things without thinking, borderline reckless​
— speaks softly, barely known to raise his voice unless provoked or angered​
— is rather talkative around people he knows, but becomes more withdrawn around strangers​
— a soft, hot-headed loner kind of vibe.​
— doesn't express much, often deadpan, hiding behind a mask, including his voice​
— driven by his moral compass, he'll flat out refuse to do something ( regardless if they're the leader ), rebellious era that never went away​
— a strong desire to create social / emotional bonds with others​
— action-oriented​
— does what feels right to him, craving a flexible, adaptable approach to life compared to those who thrive on routine​
— loves hearing people's opinions, no matter how different they differ from his own, much like how his own aren't set in stone, changing his mind or rethinking​
— believes in second chances​
— doesn't enjoy leaning on others, becoming independent, and with that mentality believes he shouldn't ask for any help regardless of the situation​
— listens with his heart, and rarely with his head​
— can become explosive depending on how emotional the situation is, lacking all calmness / deadpanned he often emits when dealing with something difficult, especially if its something that goes against his morals / emotions or his family / friends​
— can become easily stressed​
— massive self-esteem issues​
— cloud watching / stargazing​
— loves to draw silly little things in the dirt​
— vicious thing when he's borderline feral​
— sensitive to others ( in tune with emotions more than others )​
— isn't a fan of the cold, gravitating towards those with warmer body temperatures​

— sadly, one trait he got from his father is his uncanny recklessness and willingness to go through anything to protect someone they care for. it's a concerning trait, but littlekit is a reckless, self-sacrificing idiot with strong morals​

mbti isfp

hogwarts gryffindor
faction dauntless / abnegation
element water

love language words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch

litter sootspritespark x mason
— sibling to tba, tba, tba​

faceclaim yuliy jirov.
khoi dao

aesthetic soft blue, blue-grey, blacks, moon motifs, wolves, wings, nature, mist, adventure, jewelry
color palette #b1b5b8 | #091829 | #3b5d84 |#5181aa | #729ab9 | #173356

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  • Love
Reactions: Kitty-Kat-
at the appropriate age fennel will be adopted and loved by taylor berkley, she / her. twenty four year old vet tech who's former rescue had passed shortly before sootspritespark had fallen pregnant, a friend and neighbor of his mothers twoleg. absolutely spoils him, the type of twoleg to bring him to get starbucks for a pupcup before work every day ( surprise his meds are in there ).


& . KITTENHOOD / positive development, aiming to explore and learn about warriors once his mother introduces them. . fennelkit is born into skyclan with a visible spinal deformity. no one seems to know what it is, and it doesn't impede him, and so he lives his blind, deaf days with another queen — until he begins to move, and that, in itself, is difficult. he hops, not unlike the prey his true father chases over the moors. ≠. either when the time comes to meet his mothers twoleg or when his condition has progressed enough for sootsprite to considerrr taking him to them for care, fennelkit will be given to a nearby neighbor with ties to a local veterinary clinic. +. adored instantly, he is named milkshake — though his twoleg calls him by so many cutesy names it never quite sticks in his head. he is spoiled and it will show in delicately groomed curls, milky rivulets of shining waves settling neat and thick against his stocky figure.

& . APPRENTICEHOOD / initial negative development. split route, can be positive or negative. -. agitated over his kittypet life, after facing troubles lupine will decide to fully move into skyclan and leave his twoleg behind. unfortunately, he needs human intervention to lessen his condition to functional means. -. someone in passing will tell him that there is no shame in accepting help, and lupine will be enraged. despite his worsening pain and increasingly snapping attitude, he refuses to go back to his twoleg. ≠. gets increasingly dirty and feral as a result of his pain, until someone he cares for or an authority figure takes him aside and tells him to go home. +. defeated and upset, he goes home at last — but his twoleg is so thrilled to see him it takes him by surprise. ( learn to accept help? or develop a bigger disdain for kittypet life? )


• smells like playdough because his owner takes them out for stress and he eats them when she isn't looking.
• probably has a cute little doll - like curl right over his little forehead. seems almost too neat at times.
general tw for aesthetic eye strain, religious imagery, canon - realistic gore, psychological horror, chronic pain & illness. all other triggers will be tagged if applicable. the roleplayer deals with chronic pain daily, and intends to write his disability appropriately and to my own experience.

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get up, puppet boy, you've got a job to do ; even so you're free to go where your master tells you to. listen, puppet boy, before you d̵i̷s̴o̷b̸e̴y̷ consider THAT THE STRINGS ATTACHED COULD MAKE A BIG CHANGE IN YOUR WAYS.
devo, puppet boy .
FENNEL, n. herb taken from a flowering root with tall, spindly juts of deeply divided petals. occasionally bears delicate yellow blooms.

FENNELKIT ; milkshake / cisgender male ; he & him pronouns only
named fennel- for the spike - petaled wildflower that grows jutting from nearby meadowlands, as well as a subtle nod to his windclan father, houndthistle. dubbed milkshake by his twoleg, for his cream tones.
— sootspritespark x houndthistle + mason / sibling to thistlekit, tbd, tbd
— kittypet kit, future daylight warrior ; three months old
vc. speaks in a coyly slow and monotonous, nasally tone. short and simple wording, as if speaking to a live audience at all times ; responses will always be notably delayed.​
— once old enough, will wear a rainbow - striped collar with a large red bow at the back of his neck.
heartchart / pinterest / toyhouse —————— LETS SEE A SMILE, FRIEND.

born with semi - severe manx syndrome. completely tailless and missing the lowest notch of spinal vertebrae, fennelkit will experience chronic pain and progressive weakness in his hind limbs. due to this he will forever walk with a ' bunny hop ' gait.
consistant symptoms: joint pain, hip pain, poor jumping and running ability inconsistent symptoms: inflamed joints, stiffness
— will roll for pain & severity —​
† . charmingly curled fawn mitted longhair with pale blue eyes 𖤣 𖥧 smells like playdough and bitter iron. strings unravel ; marionetted boy, all placated smiles and heavy, bashful eyes. at birth he is of downy, dove - colored fur — color tauntingly similar to the rustling overgrowth of tall grass rippling lazily through the moors. each cream brown strand curls sleek into glossy, well kept rings of shaded almost - mocha flowing loose and wispy around cherubically rounded cheeks. almond luminaries settle into a dreamy powder blue as he ages, baby pink lids heavy with fur. towering, tufted ears settle neatly atop the curve of his skull, pink bunny nose framed handsomely by long, curling whiskers.

much like sootspritespark, he will never quite lose his baby fat ; hidden beneath his thick ruff of curls he is built of his fathers long, stocky frame and his mothers heft. at mid apprenticeship he will be something akin to a lamb : wide - eyed and wooly - furred, tufted alabaster paws curling thick claws from all six of his thick toes. the coils around his chest and neck are particularly thick, a near pseudo - mane nerve wrackingly similar to his crossclan father. as if to add insult to cosmic injury, a single, forth - sitting tooth settles visible on his rubbery lip — a true saving grace that no one should suspect them.

his hips sit at an awkward angle beneath the thick of his pelt, rounded short at the spine where his tail would have nestled. as a result of his condition, lupine will often favor a single hind limb to keep himself balanced — without a tail, this proves difficult more often than not. clumsy and poor on his paws, he tends to walk with a slow, sure, almost prancing hop ; despite this, he holds himself tall and with confidence, hazy beneath his ever smug expression.

↳ generation two ; sterile, would carry dilute, normal hair, manx tail. mothers traits. fathers traits.
NOTABLE INFO | completely tailless! artistically to be shown favoring one hind limb, stylized to make primary colors pop. eyelids and accents are red.
deceptively bright colors, dreamscapes, unnerving nostalgia, kidcore, rolling clouds.​
pos: warm, creative, overtly friendly neu: dreamy eyed, try hard, unemotional, flamboyant neg: stilted, judgmental, backhanded, manipulative

loosely takes inspiration from wally darling and don't hug me im scared as a whole.
MOTIFS | censored childrens television, the perceived removal of free will. imagery: tv tropes: ambiguous innocence subverted, perpetual smiler, ping pong naivety.
SINGLE ; too young for orientation & attraction / ½ none

prose is meant to instill the image of a children's show — forcefully tampering dark, swirling emotions behind a serene smile and bright, blinding colors. as a result, fennelkit is morbidly idealistic and self interested. instilled with a strong sense of connection to starclan and believes everything is predetermined, as if their ancestors were playing with their lives. gives himself fully to religion and subsequent near worship of the land around him ( describes nature with excess zeal ; oversaturated color descriptions, dream - like wording ), finds warriors fascinating and his own kittypet heritage to be just what it is — outside of starclan. shuns the weak - willed with a distinct distaste for the more timid kittypets ( internalized hatred ), that may evolve into full disdain for any house pet. too in tune with what others feel and despite instinctual attempts to help, he tends to become incredibly disgusted, uncomfortable and avoidant at any expression of negative emotion shown in his presence, like seeing someone else throw up in public.

speaks with slooow. abrupt. changes in inflection and tooone?[/i] vocally will stay g rated, but prose is a free for all — portrays most expression through his eyes and brow, as his features tend to stay set in a gentle, close - lipped smile. however, his eyes tend to narrow, widen excessively, squint, etc. his pupils are always dilated. punctuates his words with " friend, pal, any flowery nicknames theyll allow. "
self description: dreamy, flamboyant, serene, hazy, downy, curled, heavy - eyed, blown pupils.
preferred words, positive: splendid, bright, sunny,
preferred words, negative: wide - eyed, staring, heavy breathing, bristled, oozing, reeking, dull, rotting.
canonically blows kisses to say goodbye. might throw a wink in there every now and then.
at the appropriate age fennel will be adopted and loved by taylor berkley, she / her. twenty four year old vet tech who's former rescue had passed shortly before sootspritespark had fallen pregnant, a friend and neighbor of his mothers twoleg. absolutely spoils him, the type of twoleg to bring him to get starbucks for a pupcup before work every day ( surprise his meds are in there ).


& . KITTENHOOD / positive development, aiming to explore and learn about warriors once his mother introduces them. . fennelkit is born into skyclan with a visible spinal deformity. no one seems to know what it is, and it doesn't impede him, and so he lives his blind, deaf days with another queen — until he begins to move, and that, in itself, is difficult. he hops, not unlike the prey his true father chases over the moors. ≠. either when the time comes to meet his mothers twoleg or when his condition has progressed enough for sootsprite to considerrr taking him to them for care, fennelkit will be given to a nearby neighbor with ties to a local veterinary clinic. +. adored instantly, he is named milkshake — though his twoleg calls him by so many cutesy names it never quite sticks in his head. he is spoiled and it will show in delicately groomed curls, milky rivulets of shining waves settling neat and thick against his stocky figure.

& . APPRENTICEHOOD / initial negative development. split route, can be positive or negative. -. agitated over his kittypet life, after facing troubles lupine will decide to fully move into skyclan and leave his twoleg behind. unfortunately, he needs human intervention to lessen his condition to functional means. -. someone in passing will tell him that there is no shame in accepting help, and lupine will be enraged. despite his worsening pain and increasingly snapping attitude, he refuses to go back to his twoleg. ≠. gets increasingly dirty and feral as a result of his pain, until someone he cares for or an authority figure takes him aside and tells him to go home. +. defeated and upset, he goes home at last — but his twoleg is so thrilled to see him it takes him by surprise. ( learn to accept help? or develop a bigger disdain for kittypet life? )


• smells like playdough because his owner takes them out for stress and he eats them when she isn't looking.
• probably has a cute little doll - like curl right over his little forehead. seems almost too neat at times.
general tw for aesthetic eye strain, religious imagery, canon - realistic gore, psychological horror, chronic pain & illness. all other triggers will be tagged if applicable. the roleplayer deals with chronic pain daily, and intends to write his disability appropriately and to my own experience.

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get up, puppet boy, you've got a job to do ; even so you're free to go where your master tells you to. listen, puppet boy, before you d̵i̷s̴o̷b̸e̴y̷ consider THAT THE STRINGS ATTACHED COULD MAKE A BIG CHANGE IN YOUR WAYS.
devo, puppet boy .

not done but throwing He in
  • Love
Reactions: Kitty-Kat-
YAYY !! thank you so much and huge congrats to the other winners —

tracking on sub < 3