SPA DAY // basking at the pool


The Broken Youth
Dec 30, 2022


Finally, a little wiggle room when it came to coming and going from camp. Silverthorn decided early that day that he was going to head out to explore the territory at his own damned leisure. No being dragged along by a mentor, or by some boring patrol, or being made to race across the moors as part of some embarrassing dare. It actually gave him the rare opportunity to actually see the Sun-Warmed Pool, which was a welcome sight given the heat of the day.

When the former kittypet reached the inviting pool he wasted no time before wading into the water. The cool pool offered an instant relief from the rocketing temperatures and he could barely contain the sigh of relief from escaping past his lips. "I could get used to this." He purred as he laid himself down fully with his chin resting on the edge with his eyes closed. Maybe with luck he could sleep the entire day away.
──⇌•〘 INFO Wolfsong is here often for Sunflowerpaw. Apprenticehood is a busy period of life; at that age, he was often preoccupied with training and youthful shenanigans with Sunstride, which he remembers fondly. It's put him in a melancholy sort of mood despite the fair weather— for all that he has made bonds with WindClan, he feels more than ever that he has to share Sunstride with the clan. It feels like an eternity since their jaunt on the backs of the twoleg beasts, when he tricked his dear friend so thoroughly.

He settles at the pool in a contemplative state, though he does send Silverpaw— Silverthorn an amused glance when he overhears him. Another warrior might believe such a comment to be a desire to shirk responsibility. Especially from a former kittypet. Wolfsong does not share their prejudices, however. Not entirely. "Little is better than a soak for relaxation. Does your new name feel strange?"
The days are growing warmer and warmer, and the black and white warrior practically wilts beneath the press of hot air, the sun beating down upon their back. They only thank their lucky stars that they are not fully black, like Mintshade or Venomthroat. The two pitch-black warriors must be truly miserable under the heat of the sun. The pool of water that they come to rest in is a nice contrast against the oppressive heat everywhere else on the moor, and Gravelsnap is grateful as they slip into the water.

Wolfsong asks whether the blue and white tom's new name feels strange, and Gravelsnap shoots a sidelong glance at both of them. The younger tom will likely always be Silverpaw to them, a troublesome apprentice who doesn't deserve the name he's been given. Their lip curls at the new warrior's words, but the pool is comfortably cool against their pelt, and the warrior relaxes back into the water. There's no point in starting an argument or altercation when instead they could take advantage of the relaxation.
[ you put the fun into dysfunction ]

Vulturemask had never thought he actually would have cheered a kittypet on to become a warrior. Such lowlifes vermins...his loath for them were still strong but perhaps not as strong like they once had been. Now he let starclan decide if they where worthy or not just like he let all of the decisions up to them. He was nothing but a subject, their tool to use whoever they pleased. The fact that Silverthorn had made it into warriorhood proved everything he needed to know. " Looks to me he is enjoying his new gained freedom." The medicine cat would say as he took a side beside Wolfsong while only acknowledging Gravelsnap with a twitch of his ear. No need to waste his voice...unecesserily.

periwinklebreeze | 10 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically medium (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff
The tom is of a similar mindset to his medicine cat friend - there is no need to speak unnecessarily. The smoke furred feline is more than content to pass the time basking at the waters edge, the tips of his toes and tail dipped in and nothing more. It has been a long time since e's been here - since he's actually sat here. Not to far from here is where it'd happened after all, so he usually goes out of his way to avoid this area for the nightmares it bring. But... as he is now, a fully fledged warrior laid side by side with the cats he cares about - well, memories of his childhood don't seem so scary anymore.

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"Still getting used to it. Though I suppose it outta be lucky number three, right?" Silverthorn still didn't understand the need for all the name changes, but so be it if it satisfied the strange culture of the clans. He was still Silver and always would be, and at least his names reflected that aspect of himself. As he continued to soak he couldn't stop a brief moment of tension fill him as he became aware of Gravelsnap's presence. Instinctively he waited for some comment or back-handed remark, but when he was only met with silence he somewhat settled himself.

Though he was graced with the pleasant surprise of Vulturemask's presence. It was enough to warrant him to open both eyes so he could look at the medicine cat with a small smile. "I am, I really am. I'm very much enjoying the opportunity to see parts of the territory that my mentor failed to show me." He wouldn't hesitate to speak ill of his former mentor, it wasn't like Runninghare(NPC) had wanted much to do with him in the first place. All work and no fun. He idly twitched an ear before he let his attention drift towards that of Periwinklebreeze and he offered a lazy wave of his tail in greeting to the other.

He was surprised by the knowledge that Silverthorn still was not familliar with the moors and everything it had to explore. Vulturemask was bemused that Silverthorns mentor had not properly done their responsibility as their mentor to teach them about everything this clan had to offer. It was a sign of disrespect in his mind towards Sootstar herself who had accepted this former kittypet into their ranks didn't matter what sort of personal opinion they had. If Vulturemask would have allowed himself to sink that low he was sure the majority of his clanmates would have been dealt with by now...or at least some few of them who he was anything but fond over. " You should come with me some time then. A warrior should know the territory like the back of their own tail. "A rare case to offer his company but at the same time Silverthorn was one of the few who always had shown respect to him and actually treated him like a valued member in this clan and not like a enemy.



It did surprise him to hear Vulturemask making such an offer, and it wasn't one he would shun either. Out of all the cats in the clan he would only really want to spend time with the medicine cat, and his younger kin of course. He didn't mind Sunflowerpaw, Goldenpaw, or Shadowpaw. The silver tabby blinked slowly as he lifted his head off of the perch so he could fix the dark pelted tom with an appreciative stare. "Thanks, I would like that. Let me know when you're next searching for herbs, I'll go with you to help gather them." It seemed like a fair trade, right? Sightseeing mixed with a spot of honest work.