storage deja's testing


  • k2Ev5z2.png

    any applicable tws

    "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."

  • currentname, nickname, nickname. formernames
    reason for naming
    — prefix definition, symbolism.
    — suffix definition, symbolism.
    ✧ "quote." —AUTHOR.

    — ♀/♂/⚥ gender - a(m/f)ab, pro/nouns, what titles do they favor - any other gender info
    — 00 ☾s ; 00 y/m - born 00/00 (season), created 00.00.0000 - ages every 00
    — general info written out, or a short summarizing paragraph.

    penned by @/username
  • uNXc7ZN.png
    — any design notes?
    loose (!) summary of their general appearance. feel free to get more metaphorical. what do they look like, generally? what first impression do they give? what is their posture and general vibe like? what kind of atmosphere do they give off? any notable features?
    — shortened but still descriptive appearance.

    • — 00 inches in height - 00 lbs in weight
      summary of their build. how tall are they, how well proportioned? are any particular features long, or short? what do their neck, legs, tail look like? physically, how are they built? athletic, skinny, plump? what do their claws look like? do they have any notable features to their build?

      slight ——————○—————— broad
      muscular ——————○—————— scrawny

      towering ——————○—————— tiny
      skinny ——————○—————— plump

    • — who or what do they resemble, facially?
      summary of their features. how is their face shaped, is their bone structure sharper or softer? how long is their muzzle, how broad their nose bridge? what color is their nose leather? how sharp is their jaw, is there anything notable about their teeth? are their eyes deeper-set or hooded? are they rounder or more sharpened, how long are their eyelashes? are their ears small or large, pointed or rounded? do they have any notable features to their face?

      sharp-faced ——————○—————— round-faced
      long muzzle ——————○—————— short muzzle

      round eyes ——————○—————— sharp eyes
      small-eared ——————○—————— large-eared

    • — fur texture and length
      summary of their fur. how long is it, does it have any particular spots where it's longer or shorter? what is their tail fur like? their facial fur, do they have any 'bangs'? what is the texture of their fur? is it curly, feathery, thick, ragged? how well kempt is it? do they have any notable features to their fur?

      longfurred ——————○—————— shortfurred
      thicker fur ——————○—————— thinner fur

      tufted ——————○—————— even-textured
      ragged ——————○—————— well-kempt

    • — fur color / pattern, eye color
      summary of their colors. what would they be classified as genetically? what tones are their colors, how saturated? what patterns adorn their fur, do they resemble anything particularly? are they often compared to anything in color? what color are their eyes, what tone? do they have any form of heterochromia? do they have any notable features to their colors or patterns?

      saturated ——————○—————— faded
      warm tones ——————○—————— cool tones

      simple pattern ——————○—————— busy pattern
      darker ——————○—————— lighter

    • — genetic info (carrying, breed if any)
      summary of their hard information. what are they genetically? are they any breed, do they show any breed traits? what is their health, physically? do they have any conditions, disabilities, birth defects, genetic mutations, or serious injuries? what are their scars, if any? do they have any notable features health-wise?

      sickly ——————○—————— well
      purebred ——————○—————— moggy

    • — book / census appearance
      summary of their miscellaneous information. do they have any accessories with which they adorn their pelt? do they have anything in their 'inventory'? what is their general vibe? do they have an open or guarded vibe? list any inspirations for their physical appearance. do they have any notable features not otherwise covered?

      adorned ——————○—————— plain
      good vibe ——————○—————— bad vibe

  • — short description.
    loose (!) summary of their general personality and mentality. feel free to get more metaphorical. how do they behave? what are they like interacting with other cats, and when by themselves? how do they think and speak? what general "vibe" do they have? do they have any strongly held beliefs or ideas? do they have any notable features mentally?

    • 38ekP6T.png
      ✧ zodiac (☼, ☾, ↑) — 👁 mbti — 🀧 tarot — ⟡ birthstone

      reserved —————————○————————— social
      playful —————————○————————— serious

      timid —————————○————————— brave
      sincere —————————○————————— manipulative

      sensitive —————————○————————— stoic
      lazy —————————○————————— diligent

      (+) trait, trait, trait — (=) trait, trait, trait — (-) trait, trait, trait
      (?) trait, trait, trait

      POSITIVE: trait, trait, trait
      describe their positive traits, going over each of them individually. how do these traits manifest in their behavior and thoughts? what are the benefits of having these positive traits? in what ways do they display these traits, and how do they affect their ideology and beliefs? how does having these traits show in their interactions with others?

      NEUTRAL: trait, trait, trait
      describe their neutral traits, going over each of them individually. how do these traits manifest in their behavior and thoughts? what are the effects of having these neutral traits? in what ways do they display these traits, and how do they affect their ideology and beliefs? how does having these traits show in their interactions with others?

      NEGATIVE: trait, trait, trait
      describe their negative traits, going over each of them individually. how do these traits manifest in their behavior and thoughts? what are the downsides of having these negative traits? in what ways do they display these traits, and how do they affect their ideology and beliefs? how does having these traits show in their interactions with others?

      HIDDEN: trait, trait, trait
      describe their hidden traits; those that aren't immediately evident, by deliberate concealment or unconsciously. how do these traits manifest in their behavior and thoughts? how do these traits affect their surface-level traits? how do these traits show their ideology and beliefs? how does having these traits show in their interactions with others?
    • ❤︎ like — reasoning or little description.
      ❤︎ like — reasoning or little description.
      ❤︎ like — reasoning or little description.

      ✘ dislike — reasoning or little description.
      ✘ dislike — reasoning or little description.
      ✘ dislike — reasoning or little description.
      ✦ favorites
      — list the character's favorites in different categories!
      — such as: food, smell, places to be, cats, sounds, pelt/eye colors, general colors, textures.

      physical mannerisms
      — describe in bullet points any physical mannerisms the character has!
      — how do they walk? how do they express their emotions, are they more or less expressive? do their ears or eyes show what they're thinking or feeling, or their body language?
      — what is their general posture? slumped or confident, how do they hold their head?
      — what is their resting expression? how do they feel about physical contact? is there a particular way they behave physically when speaking to someone they're interested in, or hate?
      — how do they speak? do they use buffer words, stammer, lisp? do they speak slow or fast, quiet or loud? prone to interrupting or more the quiet type? do they speak a particular way when nervous, or in times of high emotion?
      — how do they behave physically when interested in someone, unhappy, or nervous? how about when thinking, under pressure, angry?
      — how expressive are their eyes? do they avoid eye contact or pursue it, where does their gaze tend to rest? do they blink often when feeling a certain way, or wink? do they roll their eyes, or stare into space?
      — do they do anything with their paws when not otherwise busy? picking at them, shuffling, flexing their claws? how about their tail, do they keep it on the ground or off it; nest it about their paws?

      mental mannerisms
      — describe in bullet points any mental mannerisms the character has!
      — do they experience dreams? are they lucid, or not? how often and how intensely? do they experience nightmares? if so, what causes and/or features in them?
      — do they have any soft spots? for particular cats, locations, or types of cat? similarly, are there any sore spots that will cause an instinctive reaction in them?
      — do they have any phobias, or tangible fears? such as spiders, drowning, or monsters?
      — how vulnerable or expressive are they of their emotions? how do they feel about expressions of emotion, in themself or others? are they prone to tears, or do they prefer to bottle things up? do they prefer to take their emotions out in expressions of anger, physically or mentally?
      — do they use nicknames for others? which ones, and are they personal or general? positive or negative?
      — do they have any thought loops, or frequent themes of thought?
      — do they often get caught in memories? are they prone to nostalgia, or reminiscing?
      — how attentive are they? are they easily distracted, and by what, or focused? do they have good or bad memory? how easily do they memorize things?
      — how visual are they? do they have good mental pictures? is their mind more visual, logical, emotional, sensory, narrative?
      — are they a perfectionist, or more laid-back?

    • morality
      benign —— malign
      (lawful/neutral/chaotic) (good/neutral/evil)​

      describe their morality. where do they lie, from benign to malign? are their intentions largely good or bad? how easy is it to see their true intentions? do they tend to obey law and order, or are they more chaotic? where does their moral compass align, themself, others? where do their loyalties lie?

      goals & fears
      describe their goals. what do they aim for, in the long-term? when they think of their ideal future, what is it? how do they work towards this goal, or not? how lofty are their aspirations usually, or how down-to-earth? do they plan for these goals, or not? how specific are they? are they conscious of these goals, or are they more subonscious?

      then, describe their fears. these should be deep-seated intangible fears, more vague, as opposed to tangible phobias. when they think of their worst nightmare, what is it? do they worry about these fears, or not? how large are they? how personal, or are they more general? do they behave in any way to avoid this reality? how specific are they? are they conscious of these fears, or are they more subonscious?

      faith, beliefs, & principles
      describe their faith and beliefs. do they believe in an organized belief system? is it starclan, or another one? are they agnostic, or atheistic instead? if they know of starclan, what are their opinions on them? do they participate in faith-based traditions or ceremonies? how open are they about their religious beliefs? do they tend to preach, or to take action on behalf of their faith?

      then, describe their principles. what do they live by? are they willing to compromise on their principles, or do they stay steadfast? are these principles solid as bedrock, or fluid? do their principles change with their situation, or adapt to fit it? what comprises these principles? are they based in faith, or something else? do they operate by any kind of code, moral or legal? is it the warrior code, and if not, what else? how strictly do they operate by it? what are their priorities?

      describe their perception of things. how do they perceive the world, how is their worldview different from the 'average' (or not)? how do they perceive themself, and how do they perceive others? are they self-important, or self-conscious, how is their ego? are they a pessimist, optimist, realist? do they hold any strong philosophies?

    • mental health
      good —— poor

      egotistical —————————○————————— insecure
      unhappy —————————○————————— happy

      volatile —————————○————————— stable
      apathy —————————○————————— empathy

      mental wellness
      describe their mental state, listing any mental illnesses or conditions they have. are they egotistical, or insecure? how fragile are they, mentally? are they generally unhappy, or happy? are they volatile and impulsive, or stable? do they tend to be more apathetic about the world and others, or more empathetic?

      describe their general vibe in mentality. what impression do they give off with their mannerisms and traits? do they resemble anything particularly? list any inspirations for their personality. do they have any notable mental features not otherwise covered?

  • quick stats.
    strength ●●●●●○○○○○
    stamina ●●●●●○○○○○
    agility ●●●●●○○○○○
    hunting ●●●●●○○○○○
    swimming ●●●●●○○○○○
    climbing ●●●●●○○○○○
    grace ●●●●●○○○○○
    —advanced stats
    the statistics below are a more advanced way of tracking and measuring my characters' abilities in various skillsets! the broad categories are quantified by a 1-10 number ranking, with 1 being no skill and 10 being prodigy-level. each category also includes a slider showing the character's capacity fulfillment, which is how close to their full ability in this skill they have reached, through training or natural ability. the broad categories each have 3 to 4 'subskills', which are more specific and quantified by a system of low skill (〇), medium skill (◐), and high skill (⬤). see the 'quick stats' for a more basic overview. generally, however, these indicate more a character's ability to consistently do well in the skill than their 'successfulness' in it.

    note: these may be subject to change, especially for cats who are untrained or not finished with their training!

    • + strengths
      FANCY TITLEsimple title
      ↳ describe the nature of the strength. how does having this strength affect the character, and in what situations is it useful?
      ↳ list the skills or stats the strength is affiliated with.
      FANCY TITLEsimple title
      ↳ describe the nature of the strength. how does having this strength affect the character, and in what situations is it useful?
      ↳ list the skills or stats the strength is affiliated with.
      FANCY TITLEsimple title
      ↳ describe the nature of the strength. how does having this strength affect the character, and in what situations is it useful?
      ↳ list the skills or stats the strength is affiliated with.

      -- weaknesses
      FANCY TITLEsimple title
      ↳ describe the nature of the weakness. how does having this weakness affect the character, and in what situations is it unhelpful?
      ↳ list the skills or stats the weakness is affiliated with.
      FANCY TITLEsimple title
      ↳ describe the nature of the weakness. how does having this weakness affect the character, and in what situations is it unhelpful?
      ↳ list the skills or stats the weakness is affiliated with.
      FANCY TITLEsimple title
      ↳ describe the nature of the weakness. how does having this weakness affect the character, and in what situations is it unhelpful?
      ↳ list the skills or stats the weakness is affiliated with.

    • — basic survival skills ✦ 00.
      0% —— 100%

      the 'survival' statistic measures a character's proficiency and consistent skill level in basic cat survival skills; it comprises hunting, scavenging, and tracking & navigation. it shows how skilled a character is at basic methods of acquiring necessities, such as prey and water, and tracking & avoiding predators.

      hunting — 〇/◐/⬤
      ↳ the 'hunting' skill is a subset of the 'survival' statistic. it measures a character's proficiency in actively hunting for live prey, and shows how skilled a character is at stalking and catching prey for consumption. it applies primarily to aboveground, land-based prey, and is separate from fishing and underground or sky work.

      scavenging — 〇/◐/⬤
      ↳ the 'scavenging' skill is a subset of the 'survival' statistic. it measures a character's proficiency in scavenging for or locating sustenance in ways besides hunting, and shows how skilled a character is at foraging or scavenging for food. in some cases, this includes the strength of a character's stomach in what they are willing to eat.

      tracking & navigation — 〇/◐/⬤
      ↳ the 'tracking & navigation' skill is a subset of the 'survival' statistic. it measures a character's proficiency in marking, locating, and pursuing scent trails, and shows how skilled a character is at navigating a region or following a scent trail. this generally includes following the trails of prey, other cats, and predators; it may include decoding overlapping scent trails.

    • — athletic skills ✦ 00.
      0% —— 100%

      the 'strength' statistic measures a character's proficiency and consistent skill level in skills relating to athleticism and physical power; it comprises combat, brute strength, and athletics. it shows how skilled a character is at activities requiring physical strength, primarily combat/fighting, raw physical power, and athleticism.

      combat — 〇/◐/⬤
      ↳ the 'combat' skill is a subset of the 'strength' statistic. it measures a character's proficiency in physical combat and battle with other cats, and shows how skilled a character is at inflicting damage in semi-organized or organized combat. it applies primarily to fighting or sparring, and can include the character's style of fighting and refinement of battle moves (ex. fighting "dirty" vs "clean", level of sophistication).

      brute strength — 〇/◐/⬤
      ↳ the 'brute strength' skill is a subset of the 'strength' statistic. it measures a character's proficiency in raw, unrefined physical power, and shows how skilled a character is at tasks requiring brute force. it applies primarily to lifting, carrying, or throwing, and includes tasks such as carrying heavy loads, grappling, and anything requiring raw power.

      athleticism — 〇/◐/⬤
      ↳ the 'athleticism' skill is a subset of the 'strength' statistic. it measures a character's proficiency in disciplined or sophisticated physical activity, as opposed to brute force, and shows how skilled a character is at controlled physical power. it applies primarily to construction, more precise physical work, and athletic games.

    • — movement skills ✦ 00.
      0% —— 100%

      the 'agility' statistic measures a character's proficiency and consistent skill level in skills relating to nimble movement and dexterity; it comprises grace, speed, and stealth. it shows how skilled a character is at activities requiring quiet movement, precise movement & fine motor skills, speed, and subterfuge.

      grace — 〇/◐/⬤
      ↳ the 'grace' skill is a subset of the 'agility' statistic. it measures a character's proficiency in moving with grace and elegance, and shows how skilled a character is at posture and effortless, refined movement. it applies primarily to posture, traversing steep or slick surfaces, and balancing on narrow areas.

      speed — 〇/◐/⬤
      ↳ the 'speed' skill is a subset of the 'agility' statistic. it measures a character's proficiency in moving quickly but without failure, and shows how skilled a character is at sprinting and sheer speed. it applies primarily to traversing short distances, pursuit of things, and fast motion.

      stealth — 〇/◐/⬤
      ↳ the 'stealth' skill is a subset of the 'agility' statistic. it measures a character's proficiency in moving quietly and travelling undetected, and shows how skilled a character is at stealthy movement and physical spying or subterfuge. it applies primarily to traversing enemy territory, hiding from enemies, and moving about without being detected.

    • — mental skills ✦ 00.
      0% —— 100%

      the 'agility' statistic measures a character's proficiency and consistent skill level in skills relating to mental ability and intelligence-aligned skills; it comprises insight, memory, and investigation. it shows how skilled a character is at activities requiring memorization and retaining of information, ability to read cats and situations, and problem-solving, investigation, or logic.

      insight — 〇/◐/⬤
      ↳ the 'insight' skill is a subset of the 'intelligence' statistic. it measures a character's proficiency in 'reading' cats' intentions, motivations, and moods, as well as situations,, and shows how skilled a character is at emotional intelligence and perception of interpersonal information. it applies primarily to determining the best course of action, de-escalating or mediating situations, and detecting lies or manipulation.

      memory — 〇/◐/⬤
      ↳ the 'memory' skill is a subset of the 'intelligence' statistic. it measures a character's proficiency in memorizing, retaining, and regurgitating information in large amounts, and shows how skilled a character is at information recall and learning or study.. it applies primarily to teaching or learning, remembering important information, and storytelling & nostalgia.

      investigation — 〇/◐/⬤
      the 'investigation' skill is a subset of the 'intelligence' statistic. it measures a character's proficiency in logical thinking and problem-solving, and shows how skilled a character is at pursuing leads or information and applying logical thinking. it applies primarily to investigation of crimes or information, solving problems or dilemmas, and using logic to devise solutions.

    • — communication skills ✦ 00.
      0% —— 100%

      the 'social' statistic measures a character's proficiency and consistent skill level in skills aligned with interpersonal relationships and social interaction; it comprises leadership, charisma & manipulation, and empathy. it shows how skilled a character is at activities requiring charm, persuasion, or manipulation, taking a leadership role, and empathizing with other cats to provide comfort.

      leadership — 〇/◐/⬤
      ↳ the 'leadership' skill is a subset of the 'social' statistic. it measures a character's proficiency in commandeering a situation and being a leader, and shows how skilled a character is at managing other cats and commanding with their words. it applies primarily to managing chaotic situations, handling times of crisis, and leading patrols or groups.

      charisma & manipulation — 〇/◐/⬤
      ↳ the 'charisma & manipulation' skill is a subset of the 'social' statistic. it measures a character's proficiency in using charm and a way with words to accomplish their goals, and shows how skilled a character is at flirting, charming, persuading, manipulating, or otherwise uitlizing interpersonal communication to further their agenda. it applies primarily to flirtation or romantic pursuits, manipulating situations and cats, and presenting in a charming manner.

      empathy — 〇/◐/⬤
      ↳ the 'empathy' skill is a subset of the 'social' statistic. it measures a character's proficiency in empathizing with other cats and assuming their point of view, and shows how skilled a character is at visualizing other worldviews and understanding emotions. it applies primarily to comforting or giving advice, describing situations, and understanding emotional motivations.

    • — specialized skills ✦ 00.
      0% —— 100%

      the 'specialty' statistic measures a character's proficiency and consistent skill level in skills that are specialized or training-intensive, often unique to certain clans; it comprises 4 skillsets: sky, aquatic, underground, and medicine. it shows how skilled a character is at activities requiring intensive training or expertise, including climbing and tree-hunting; fishing, swimming, and diving; tunnel-hunting, digging, and underground navigation; and medical treatment & herbal knowledge (the last only applying to medicine cats).

      sky — 〇/◐/⬤
      ↳ the 'sky' skillset is a subset of the 'specialty' statistic. it measures a character's proficiency in sky-specific skills including climbing and hunting in trees, and shows how skilled a character is at scaling and moving adeptly & stealthily through treetops and hunting sky-based prey, such as birds. it applies primarily to skyclan cats, utilized in hunting birds, attacking from trees, and air reconnaissance.

      aquatic — 〇/◐/⬤
      ↳ the 'aquatic' skillset is a subset of the 'specialty' statistic. it measures a character's proficiency in water-specific skills including swimming, diving, and fishing, and shows how skilled a character is at swimming as well as they run, diving below the surface, and hunting aquatic prey, such as fish. it applies primarily to riverclan cats, utilized in fishing, attacking within or from the water, and aquatic travel.

      underground — 〇/◐/⬤
      ↳ the 'underground' skillset is a subset of the 'specialty' statistic. it measures a character's proficiency in underground-specific skills, such as hunting and fighting underground, digging tunnels & holes, and navigating in dark underground spaces, and shows how skilled a character is at performing regular duties in darkness and digging & navigating tunnel systems. it applies primarily to windclan tunnelers, utilized in hunting and fighting underground, navigating tunnel systems, and underground travel.

      medicine — 〇/◐/⬤
      ↳ the 'medicine' skillset is a subset of the 'specialty' statistic. it measures a character's proficiency in herbology and diagnosing & treating injuries and illnesses, and shows how skilled a character is at identifying and locating herbs, successfully treating ailments, and providing medical diagnoses. it applies only to medicine cats, utilized to diagnose and treat ailments using identified and memorized herbs.

    • — five-sense skills ✦ 00.
      0% —— 100%

      the 'sensory' statistic measures a character's proficiency and consistent skill level in skills aligned with the five senses and taking in & utilizing sensory information; it comprises perception, sight & hearing, and smell, taste & touch. it shows how skilled a character is at activities requiring information gathering through their senses, perception of small things, and intake and usage of sensory data.

      perception — 〇/◐/⬤
      ↳ the 'perception' skill is a subset of the 'sensory' statistic. it measures a character's proficiency in general sensory information gathering, and shows how skilled a character is at noticing and 'filing away' small things or details. it applies primarily to observation of situations or areas, retention of sensory info, and detail orientation.

      sight & hearing — 〇/◐/⬤
      ↳ the 'sight & hearing' skill is a subset of the 'sensory' statistic. it measures a character's proficiency in collecting, pursuing, and recalling information relating to the visual and auditory senses, and shows how skilled a character is at vision and hearing, specifically how sensitive they are in these senses and how well they gather info this way. it applies primarily to long-distance vision, hearing low or overlapping tones, and subterfuge.

      smell, taste, & touch — 〇/◐/⬤
      ↳ the 'smell, taste, & touch' skill is a subset of the 'sensory' statistic. it measures a character's proficiency in collecting, pursuing, and recalling information relating to the senses of taste, smell, and touch, and shows how skilled a character is at smell, tase, and touch, specifically how sensitive they are in these senses and how well they gather info this way. it applies primarily to tracking and pinpointing animal locations, navigating without sight and/or sound, and hunting.

    • — endurance skills ✦ 00.
      0% —— 100%

      the 'vitality' statistic measures a character's proficiency and consistent skill level in skills aligned with hardiness of health and endurance; it comprises health resistance, endurance, and discipline. it shows how skilled a character is at activities requiring self-discipline and faith, long-term endurance and ability to take hits, and their natural ability to resist disease and/or heal. in some cases, it also includes a cat's ability to exercise cruelty and ignore morals and their capacity for inflicting pain.

      health resistance — 〇/◐/⬤
      ↳ the 'health resistance' skill is a subset of the 'vitality' statistic. it measures a character's natural ability to resist disease and heal well, and shows how able a character is to resist contagious disease or infection and heal from existing ailments and injuries. it applies primarily to avoiding outbreaks, healing from serious injuries, and surviving contagion times.

      endurance — 〇/◐/⬤
      ↳ the 'endurance' skill is a subset of the 'vitality' statistic. it measures a character's proficiency in longer-term endurance in running and effort, as well as their ability to take hits, and shows how skilled a character is at resisting pain and pushing through with endurance. it applies primarily to long-distance running, consistent strenuous exercise, and taking hits in battle.

      discipline — 〇/◐/⬤
      ↳ the 'discipline' skill is a subset of the 'vitality' statistic. it measures a character's proficiency in maintaining self-discipline, and shows how skilled a character is at delaying gratification, remaining disciplined without outside force, and in some cases their capacity for cruelty. it applies primarily to pushing through emotional turmoil, consistently putting in effort, and sometimes ignoring natural moral urges.

  • physical health
    good —— poor

    smells like word, word, word ✦ sounds like word, word, word ✦ vc: text

    — crushing on / in a relationship with who?
    previous crushes on or relationships with who?
    — how easily do they trust?
    — how easily do they make friends?
    — how easily do they fall in love?
    — how hard do they take heartbreak?
    — how hard do they take betrayal?
    — how easily do they forgive?
    — will / won’t start fights ; will / won’t flee ; will / won’t show mercy
    — pain tolerance?
    ↳ do they ignore wounds or work through the pain?
    — powerplay permissions
    — speech in #000000
    — thoughts in #000000
    — attack/contact in UNDERLINE
    — text in #000000

  • ❤︎ KANYESTAR xx KIMRUMP — parents​

    — raised by who? | sibling to who? | other biological relations?
    — mentored by who? | mentoring who? | graduates?
    ♡ courting who? crushing on who? partners with who?
    ✘ used to court who? used to crush on who? ex-partners with who?
    ↳ parent to who? grandparent to who?
    ↳ adoptive parent to who

    — close friends with who?
    — friends with who?
    — trusts who?
    — likes who?
    — indifferent with who?
    — dislikes who?
    — distrusts who?
    — loathes who?

    ✧ note
    ✦ note
    ✧ note
    ✦ note

    any applicable tws

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam feugiat varius mi, a laoreet magna semper ut. Morbi ullamcorper, est in vestibulum ornare, neque justo sollicitudin nibh, at blandit nunc nisl at lectus.

    • KITHOOD ᨒ
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam feugiat varius mi, a laoreet magna semper ut. Morbi ullamcorper, est in vestibulum ornare, neque justo sollicitudin nibh, at blandit nunc nisl at lectus. Integer enim justo, auctor quis metus vel, euismod gravida neque. Mauris viverra metus nec commodo feugiat. Pellentesque semper laoreet neque. Sed ut condimentum sem.

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam feugiat varius mi, a laoreet magna semper ut. Morbi ullamcorper, est in vestibulum ornare, neque justo sollicitudin nibh, at blandit nunc nisl at lectus. Integer enim justo, auctor quis metus vel, euismod gravida neque. Mauris viverra metus nec commodo feugiat. Pellentesque semper laoreet neque. Sed ut condimentum sem.

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam feugiat varius mi, a laoreet magna semper ut. Morbi ullamcorper, est in vestibulum ornare, neque justo sollicitudin nibh, at blandit nunc nisl at lectus. Integer enim justo, auctor quis metus vel, euismod gravida neque. Mauris viverra metus nec commodo feugiat. Pellentesque semper laoreet neque. Sed ut condimentum sem.

      ELDERSHIP 𓇢𓆸
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam feugiat varius mi, a laoreet magna semper ut. Morbi ullamcorper, est in vestibulum ornare, neque justo sollicitudin nibh, at blandit nunc nisl at lectus. Integer enim justo, auctor quis metus vel, euismod gravida neque. Mauris viverra metus nec commodo feugiat. Pellentesque semper laoreet neque. Sed ut condimentum sem.
    • fancy title

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis dictum felis sed augue pretium porttitor. Cras consectetur bibendum bibendum. Vestibulum tempus condimentum mi, in suscipit risus tincidunt quis. Mauris ut maximus nulla. Mauris venenatis nisi sapien, quis euismod erat lacinia luctus. Aliquam sed vestibulum dolor, non cursus quam. Sed imperdiet massa vitae tellus consequat malesuada. Pellentesque eu blandit ligula. Maecenas imperdiet congue dui, vel dignissim ipsum tempor eu. Donec feugiat vehicula magna. Proin sed egestas lectus.

      Suspendisse lectus magna, volutpat bibendum ante id, mollis sollicitudin dui. Phasellus sed nulla sed sem molestie lacinia vel sed lectus. Sed accumsan lacus turpis, eu suscipit ante tempor ut. Suspendisse et semper est. Integer ultrices nisl velit. Nam eget varius turpis. Mauris vitae malesuada est. Maecenas eget nisi ut arcu ornare iaculis. Mauris bibendum eros non interdum auctor. In commodo sem sed diam luctus, a vehicula tellus tincidunt. Curabitur fringilla finibus turpis sit amet efficitur. Proin in augue auctor, suscipit nisl ut, varius neque. Nulla facilisi. Donec porta lacus in risus eleifend, a blandit turpis suscipit. Fusce ut ornare nulla. Sed fermentum erat ut diam viverra ultricies.


      Nam dignissim, odio eu fringilla dignissim, nisl nulla eleifend turpis, interdum pharetra velit ligula quis diam. Donec suscipit ipsum sit amet ipsum elementum elementum. Mauris placerat ultrices metus et elementum. Aliquam feugiat dictum ante vitae luctus. Nulla fringilla commodo nibh, quis rhoncus erat dignissim id. Nam auctor erat sed porttitor elementum. Vivamus ut magna dignissim, commodo sapien ac, auctor augue. Morbi ut ornare augue. Pellentesque eu convallis enim, nec lobortis felis. Curabitur eget libero ligula. Mauris in finibus ipsum, quis eleifend lorem. Vivamus volutpat dictum urna ac accumsan.

      Integer ac fringilla lacus. Curabitur a tristique ante. Cras semper non leo condimentum convallis. Morbi sed lacinia justo. Phasellus ac tempus massa, eget posuere neque. Integer lobortis a mi nec mattis. Duis consectetur porta libero vel sagittis.


      Etiam sed lectus arcu. Aliquam finibus scelerisque nisi, sit amet porttitor massa varius et. Etiam vel consequat nisl. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aliquam vitae congue erat. Quisque mattis dolor quis laoreet imperdiet. Vestibulum luctus, orci nec eleifend vehicula, massa orci faucibus nisi, at tincidunt leo metus sit amet massa. Donec at dolor non quam facilisis sollicitudin at non sapien. Quisque et ante feugiat tellus sollicitudin varius. Vestibulum ultricies eleifend dui, vitae egestas orci placerat in. Suspendisse nibh lacus, porta at libero eu, malesuada commodo augue. Maecenas id tellus dignissim turpis fringilla efficitur ac et sem. Sed arcu magna, sollicitudin ut dui ut, pellentesque ultrices turpis. Curabitur fringilla suscipit felis id pharetra. Mauris ut augue ante.

      In placerat id enim et cursus. Sed elementum vulputate finibus. Praesent erat ipsum, viverra sit amet porttitor eget, tincidunt non purus. Pellentesque et nisl tincidunt, malesuada nulla ut, rhoncus urna. Nullam tellus tortor, rhoncus sed est nec, suscipit vestibulum justo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur iaculis lacinia mi maximus aliquet. Nam feugiat lorem a bibendum tincidunt. Cras a mauris eget dolor malesuada posuere. Integer sed nulla in nulla sagittis molestie quis vestibulum ligula. Vivamus molestie placerat cursus. Duis leo turpis, fringilla at nibh vitae, ullamcorper volutpat justo. Mauris tincidunt, risus et elementum vulputate, eros nisl bibendum massa, id interdum leo risus sit amet purus. Sed neque ligula, gravida at aliquet id, consectetur ac enim. Suspendisse commodo commodo augue et blandit.


      Donec quis nunc nec risus aliquet blandit. Cras porttitor consectetur sem, non faucibus purus convallis a. Integer consequat nec nunc in molestie. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Curabitur tristique justo velit, eu eleifend ex tincidunt id. Praesent consectetur dui arcu, eu viverra purus ullamcorper sit amet. Pellentesque at risus quis nisl lacinia porttitor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur facilisis neque odio, vitae iaculis metus faucibus at. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis ac feugiat lorem.

      Maecenas non tortor et nisi ullamcorper tempus. In a consequat sem, in semper sapien. Etiam rutrum pulvinar magna, sed rutrum quam volutpat a. Sed sed nisi metus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Etiam congue, tortor a hendrerit efficitur, nisi libero tincidunt dui, non eleifend quam sapien quis ligula. Nulla facilisi. Etiam vitae erat fringilla, vehicula augue sed, aliquam lorem. Cras cursus libero ultricies lacus tristique, et accumsan dolor aliquet. Etiam sollicitudin in dui vitae tempus.
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    • tKs7RJS.png
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam feugiat varius mi, a laoreet magna semper ut. Morbi ullamcorper, est in vestibulum ornare, neque justo sollicitudin nibh, at blandit nunc nisl at lectus. Integer enim justo, auctor quis metus vel, euismod gravida neque. Mauris viverra metus nec commodo feugiat. Pellentesque semper laoreet neque. Sed ut condimentum sem.

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam feugiat varius mi, a laoreet magna semper ut. Morbi ullamcorper, est in vestibulum ornare, neque justo sollicitudin nibh, at blandit nunc nisl at lectus. Integer enim justo, auctor quis metus vel, euismod gravida neque. Mauris viverra metus nec commodo feugiat. Pellentesque semper laoreet neque. Sed ut condimentum sem.

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam feugiat varius mi, a laoreet magna semper ut. Morbi ullamcorper, est in vestibulum ornare, neque justo sollicitudin nibh, at blandit nunc nisl at lectus. Integer enim justo, auctor quis metus vel, euismod gravida neque. Mauris viverra metus nec commodo feugiat. Pellentesque semper laoreet neque. Sed ut condimentum sem.

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❤ litter application
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟

REASONING: named after his father, to continue a legacy, and for his distinct resemblance to cicadastar.
MEANING: a large insect with transparent wings which it rubs together to produce a high, continuous sound.
FUTURE NAMES: cicadapaw, cicada???
RANK: kit
AFFILIATION: riverclan
GENDER: ♂ ✦ amab cisgender male ✦ favors masculine or neutral titles
PRONOUNS: he/him


  • 6vwUrbh.png
    — SH black / black smoke chimera w. low white & vitiligo ; will breed as black smoke (carrying longhair, straight fur, albino, & nonsilver) / hypothetical vitiligo chart
    Cicadakit truly takes after his namesake; colored in shades of midnight, with all the curly fur and blunt muzzle of his father's breed traits, he looks mostly like Cicadastar. One could trace the lines of his parentage in the angles of his face; a long, blunted muzzle and high-reaching monochrome ears, almond-shaped eyes in dual tones. His cheekbones are sharp, highly set on a long face, appearing gaunt at times in his adulthood—in some lighting he can appear almost skeletal in his face. Luckily, with this he's inherited his father's impressive looks—a rougher-around-the-edges handsomeness perhaps thanks in part to Smokethroat, growing into an unkempt allure that's rougher hewn than Cicadastar's. His appearance is as regal as his mentality fails to be. Despite this, he gives little thought to his looks, nor does he see himself as handsome; he cares little about how others perceive him—physically, at least.

    He inherits his sire's short, curly fur—though it's poorly kept, it's thick and quite dense despite this. A heavy coat, especially when wet, and even more so given how little he grooms it; the primary difference between the fur of Cicadakit and that of his father. As opposed to Cicadastar's silky ringlets of fur, his own appearance is poorly kempt, often disheveled—fur that's often tangled or dirty, as he doesn't take good care of it. From kithood, he won't groom it much himself, and he rarely permits the physical touch required for another cat to do it for him. Cicadakit has thicker bangs of fur that often fall in his eyes, which he'll happily encourage to avoid eye contact with other cats; thicker neck fur, although he doesn't bear the impressive ruff his father does. His fur grows thickest around his haunches and lengthy tail—with his overlong limbs and thick curls, he can appear almost deerish.

    Also like his father, Cicadakit will grow up with almost freakishly long limbs and tail—tall, but not quite as tall as Cicadastar, though he'll get close. He lacks Smokethroat's muscular build and broad shoulders but has inherited his long, well-balanced tail—one of the few traces of his solid-coated father. He'll never be densely muscled, appearing almost skinny, although that will hide lean and dangerous sinew once he begins to approach adulthood. Physically, he can appear nondescript and blend into larger groups—unlikely to catch the eye, he can be captivating once directly looked at. His posture is poor at best and at time he'll hunch to make himself appear less tall.

    Cicadakit's pelt is a patchwork mix of monochrome colors—a dark base that fades into lighter tones around his extremities, belly, and head. Across the black-smoke base of his fur ripple long waves of pure midnight black in broken, curving lines tracing round shapes across his pelt. Pure white barely disrupts the black expanse of fur in scarce few places—for now. Glacial ice touches his fur on the tip of a single paw and a blaze shaped like a distant star on his chest. However, this will soon expand—one of the few traits inherited from Smokethroat, vitiligo will freckle Cicadakit's pelt as he approaches adulthood. His eyes are split tones; the right carries the ghostly salt-blue tones of Cicadastar at first glance. His left eye is perhaps one of the only spots of Smokethroat gracing his looks; a molten orange tone reminiscent of his father's blazing eyes.
  • + intelligent, empathetic, thoughtful, loyal
    / introspective, cold, quiet, withdrawn
    - difficult, self-destructive, obsessive, violent
    Cicadakit's mentality can be described as .... complicated, at best. Some might say it's the madness other Clans whisper that Cicadastar possesses; others might say that the fire and ice pairing of the leader and his mate could only be destructive. Cicadakit himself feels, whether it is true or not, that he is the worst of both his fathers and neither of their bests—even his name is an unfortunate reminder that he thinks himself the worst of Cicadastar. It's also a reminder that he doesn't exactly honor the impressive legacy thrust upon him by his parentage. He does not wear the crown of the river prince either comfortably or well.

    He lacks Cicadastar's innate charisma, inclined more towards Smokethroat's absence of basic social etiquette. He struggles socially, with none of the charisma he feels is required of him—tending to misunderstand or miss entirely basic social cues and mannerisms, Cicadakit struggles to understand tones and tends to over or underreact in social situations. He can come across alternately as awkward, cold, or strange—at times he can be perceived as blunt, abrasive, or difficult socially. He struggles to conform to normal social behavior, lending to the perception of him as odd at best, rude at worst thanks to his social difficulties—Cicadakit is strongly aware of this but doesn't know how to change it.

    Hypocritically, he knows Smokethroat also lacks social ability but doesn't blame his father for it as he does himself—he feels he simply doesn't possess the skills his father has to make up for it. He has trouble forming close relationships or making friends and in his adult life will struggle to form genuine romantic bonds as well. Cicadakit tends to avoid eye contact; forced direct eye contact makes him intensely uncomfortable, and to offer it voluntary is a sign of comfort and trust, rarely given. The same rings true for physical touch; he has a strong adverse reaction when touched by cats he isn't close with in situations other than those necessary for Clan life, especially when not prepared for it. He often doesn't control his expression and dislikes being looked at for this reason, not liking to have a face aimed at him all the time.

    Cicadakit is highly intelligent, although he doesn't perceive himself as such. He has a strong strategic mind and, in adulthood, might propose clever battle tactics others don't think of—he often has good ideas, but lacks the social skills to implement them. His memory, both visual and auditory, is incredible; he's generally able to recall things after seeing or hearing them once and tends to notice minute differences in his surroundings. Cicadakit has a surprisingly rich inner world but lacks the abilities to express this; he has a way with words and an excellent vocabulary, like Cicadastar. He has the potential to be eloquent, perhaps in another life he could captivate a Clan the way his father can, but here he lacks the social abilities to be well-spoken. He may ramble to those he's close with; tortured by intellect he cannot express.

    He's quiet, bordering on silent as a kit, preferring not to speak excessively unless it is an absolute must given his lack of social skills. Cicadakit struggles to make idle conversation or small talk and tends to be a very abrupt & direct speaker, something that can make other cats uncomfortable. He does tend to be more verbal around his family and cats he's similarly comfortable with; thinking and working best in silence, he won't mesh well with cats who prefer to fill that silence and might snap at them. He tends to find silences others feel are awkward more comfortable than speaking. Cicadakit has also inherited Smokethroat's dry sense of humor and may be sarcastic, although he's more likely to keep this internal rather than say it out loud.

    Unsurprisingly, he is stoic like both of his fathers, though strongly empathetic and feels things deeply but confusingly. He prefers not to either display his emotions to others or try to delve into them internally—he easily perceives and interprets the feelings and motivations of others, but still struggles to understand them in a way he can express. In actuality, he does feel emotions, both his own and those of others he perceives, so deeply he fails to present them in a way he can express to other cats. Cicadakit is often confused or disgusted by the associations his mind makes; lacking an ability to compartmentalize, he tends to let the worst of his thoughts touch everything he sees. He views this mentality as disturbing, but occasionally useful, though he wishes he didn't see things this way.

    Cicadakit is, oddly, simultaneously empathetic and struggles to feel for others. A strong natural empathy allows him to understand and interpret the feelings and motives of other cats, but he struggles to know how to handle this knowledge and what to do about it. A vivid imagination means the worst things he encounters in both his own mind and others' may haunt him both sleeping and waking, the price of such an imagination paid in fear. He is strongly empathetic but often internally lacks remorse for his actions, something which he knows isn't right or normal, but not how to change. In thought, he knows how he should behave and does have a basic understanding of what morals are, but doesn't always obey this in practice. The level of this empathy and the darkness that comes with it often depend on the circumstances he is in and those he is with—Cicadakit is surprisingly influenced by those around him, especially expert manipulators.

    This has the potential to be deeply problematic if he grows close to a more manipulative cats with darker mindsets and motivations; while not inherently malevolent or power-hungry, Cicadakit carries an internal darkness within his mind. He does his best to ignore this, which is a constant struggle—his lack of mental walls means he tends to poison the better things with the worst. He will discover a somewhat disturbing taste for violence when he encounters the battlefield and may be excessive to the point of overkill when training; like Cicadastar, he will lack much actual battle skill, which he will make up for by being a rather savage fighter. He will have an odd, at best, relationship with StarClan—something that will be mostly defined by IC events, but will never be overwhelmingly good. He will be strongly loyal to RiverClan, as his fathers will raise him to be.

    Like his namesake father, Cicadakit can be obsessive to the point of danger. He loves rarely but entirely, to the point of obsession, highly possessive of what he perceives as "his" despite knowing it might be wrong to see another cat as something he can possess. He tends to become obsessed with things, events, or ideas to the point that he wears himself thin thinking about—this mindset is something he frequently struggles with. He can be extremely self-destructive and often frames it as something else; he will likely fight with a wild, animalistic lack of care, and similar to Smokethroat will be reckless with his own health and life. He tends to destroy or chip away at the relationships he does manage to form and can be extremely difficult to sustain a long-term relationship with, both friendly and in adulthood romantic. He will be likely to form mutually destructive bonds with cats who may bring out the worst parts of him.

    Not surprising given his parentage, Cicadakit has a violent temper which he intensely represses and refuses to admit exists. He can be irritated by those who don't immediately understand what he tries to express, but will make a strong effort to shove down angers both large and small, holding this rage internally for extended periods of time until it bursts. Often he will not express this at all until something occurs that triggers this anger to violently rise to the surface—this rarely emerges, but when it does it is extremely destructive; it will manifest in intense outbursts of both mental and physical violence, uncontrollable and directed towards both himself and others. ​
    — nephew to wasprattle
    — potential half-nephew to unknown cats ....
    — grandson to moth, unknown, river, unknown
    — sibling to tbd
  • potential plots:
    — i'm pretty loose with plotting before a character's established, so really open to anything! the below are just ideas i've had for what could be explored as his character develops.
    — given how his empathy means he's highly influenced by those around him, especially when he's younger and hasn't learned to put up walls as much, what mentor he's assigned will have a good deal of influence on him. if he has a more manipulative or typically "evil" mentor, it's likely that will steer him towards the darker side of his mentality, a strict mentor might make him repress things more, etc.
    — optionally, i wouldn't mind any kind of plot that explores his relationship with cicadastar! while his parents are 100% loving, this is something cicadakit would have a lot of internal struggles and unsaid feelings about. unfortunately, he tends to see the worst in people, and that applies to cicada; he also sort of sees the worst of cicada in himself.
    — also optionally, given how influenced he is, forming a bond young with a cat who is not good for him to be friends with (manipulative or power-hungry especially). should he have a sibling with that type of personality, that'd also be a plotting option!
    extra info:
    — childhood vc tbd ; adult vc will graham (nbc hannibal)
    — as an older cat, will smell like woodsmoke, metal, and dirty water.
    — will excel at: intelligence, fishing, and swimming ✦ will be poor at: combat, social skills, and land hunting
    ✦ Naturally gifted swimmer and diver, finds the river cools his constantly-burning mind. Loves to dive underwater and enjoys the silence below the surface. A skillful fish hunter by nature and moves silently in the water. Has no idea how to hunt land prey, though, and his gawky frame doesn't suit it.
    ✦ Good battle strategy but poor practical application. Like Cicadastar, makes up for a lack of genuine skill by fighting violently and dirtily, with an animalistic hunger and violence—has a taste for blood and battle despite his lack of skills, self-destructive fighter. Extremely intelligent to the point of genius, though he struggles to express it, and has an incredible memory—but terrible social skills.​


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❤ litter application
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟

REASONING: named after his father, to continue a legacy, and for his distinct resemblance to cicadastar.
MEANING: a large insect with transparent wings which it rubs together to produce a high, continuous sound.
FUTURE NAMES: cicadapaw, cicada???
RANK: kit
AFFILIATION: riverclan
GENDER: ♂ ✦ amab cisgender male ✦ favors masculine or neutral titles
PRONOUNS: he/him


  • zU42PDB.png
    — a tall, thin black / black smoke chimera splashed with odd white patterns ; captivating amber eyes / REFERENCE
    gifted the name of the river king, it's a surprise to no one that cicadakit looks like him; softly curled fur stretched over bony limbs from birth, he will scarcely carry enough kitten-fat in his first moons to warm his overlong body. he will be an awkward child, a gangly apprentice; all overlarge almond eyes and drooping ears and sprawling limbs, he will not grow up in the comfort of being a handsome kitten. no, for the first moons of his life, cicadakit will be strange—like some eldritch being dredged up from the riverbeds, he will stand out amongst his clanmates. too skinny with an appetite that will never catch up to his height, towering above nearly everyone except his own father. will he be a captivatingly handsome cat in adulthood, as his father is? certainly, but that will offer little comfort to a child who never fits into the spaces he occupies.

    his fur is settled into heavy layers of something between a wave and curl; though you wouldn't know it, for he doesn't have the silken, softened pelt of his namesake. no, cicadakit's fur will be a perpetual mess of rumpled, unkempt curls, for the most part so short that his waves are barely evident. at the joints of each leg spring forth long strands, naturally grown antenna of fur that do nothing but collect dust from the earth; looser waves spill over his forehead and his ears. much of his fur is short, given a slight velvet texture by virtue of its waviness, though he rarely lets anyone close enough to notice that; his overlong tail is sleek and eel-like, only breaking its smooth veneer at a tufted tip.

    one could trace cicadakit's family lineage even without knowing his name, simply by the angles of his face; a long blunted muzzle, barely indented, deeply set almond eyes with lashes so long it's a wonder they don't tangle with every sunlit blink. despite this he does not appear friendly—perhaps it's smokethroat's resting expression of intimidation or just the shape of his face, but a first glance at cicadakit can be startling. his eyes, especially as a kitten, are huge, almost appearing to stare into the soul until they shut in a flutter of amber and moth-wings, high cheekbones carving his face into merciless angles. in adulthood, it will be a captivating gaze, a betrayal whenever he manages to meet another's eyes; drooping and maddened stories in russet-brown. oversized ears sit, almost droopy in shape, upon the crown of his head; huge as a kitten, awkward in their appearance, thickly feathered with rumpled curls.

    dressed in the colors of both of his fathers, cicadakit's patchwork pelt is perhaps the only bright spot of his appearance during his awkward youth. the deepest black tones settle themselves on the tips of his batlike ears, draping themselves over his back like a cloak, leading into a gradient tail. jagged borders like overgrown lichen mark the overlapping layers of his colors, fading from the midnight hues twining around his spine into a paler gray at his outermost points; like his father, there is an almost greenish tint to his colors, a natural sign of the territory he calls home. certainly the most prominent color on cicadakit, though, the one that draws the eye, is white—or rather, an off-white, touched with a grayish blue that draws it just away from being pure snow. it splashes his paws, his tail, most of all his face, in strange layered shapes; the marking that draws itself over the right side of his face is akin to his sire's. one day, they might begin to expand with freckles of white just like his father. here his namesake is nearly imprinted on him; strange webs draw themselves out from the solid patches in unspooled patterns of wings—cicada wings.

    genetics: SH curly-furred black / black smoke chimera w. low white & vitiligo ; will breed as black smoke (carrying longhair, straight fur, albino, & nonsilver)
    physical mannerisms: rarely, if ever, makes eye contact ; refuses most physical touch (excluding his family) ; walks with a stilted, overly controlled lurch, somewhere between a deer and a snake in the grass ; rarely grooms his fur and doesn't permit others to do it often ; tends to stay frighteningly still when idle, doesn't often fidget
    visual vibes: appalachia cryptid vibes, poor quality video footage, those creepy deer photoshops people make, antlered animals in general, wings (especially insect), the moon, wolves, dark caves, 80s slashers, summer camp, old newspapers, deep water, ghost towns
  • + intelligent, imaginative, devoted, empathetic
    / quiet, asocial, secretive, sarcastic, conflicted
    - obsessive, violent, animalistic, dark-minded
    a story spun in contradictions; a mix of fire and ice, never truly meant to be, is what cicadakit is. the darkest parts of riverclan royalty cut deep into the hollows of his psyche, a crown shielding darkness gathered in the deepest crevasses of his mind. gifted with his sire's madness and none of his charm, with his second father's silence but none of his sense—cicadakit is a wild thing, dredged up from the rivers' darkest bends and set to dry in the light of his clan's attention. all bloody eyes and bruised bones, an animal in the word's truest sense, a shark that cannot stop swimming for fear of drowning; the ugliest pieces of his fathers stitched together like some unholy experiment. he does not wear the crown of the river prince comfortably, nor does he wear it well.

    silence follows him like a trail of blood; quiet, awkward even, a glass surface hiding the depths within. words are rare, they do not come naturally as they do for his namesake father, and when they do they carry the sharp bite of one not ready to blunt his speech. dry in humor like smokethroat, without the sense to hold back the sarcastic words that occasionally fall from between clenched teeth—occasionally funny, more often insolent, blessedly rare. he shies from contact in all its forms; wolfish eyes always quick to twist from another's gaze, white-tipped paws drawing away from touch, emotions twisting solitary between the bars of his ribs in unspoken words. where his siblings might catch the gift of charisma or loyalty in outreached paws, exchanged for curses of madness or rage, cicadakit will have no such luck; he is all the worst of his parents writhing under an unwanted spotlight.

    far from the sun-touched charm one might expect from the child of two cats with the reputations of kings, he shies from community, from the warm bonfire of his clan. still, he catches his own flame held close to the chest, candle-dim and small as a spark; a love shielded from others, for he'll only know how to love with bruises and teeth. asocial, quiet at his best, abrasive at his worst, a lone wolf in every sense of the word—the few connections he manages to make will be obsessive, clutching at them with bared claws. cicadakit offers no honey, only the vinegar of words made rough by disuse, by the lack of understanding; he will never truly get social cues, always half a step behind in the conversation.

    beneath this strange outer shell writhes layer upon layer of dark unseen shapes; his silence is almost scary when set against what it hides. in a perpetual state of inner turmoil, cicadakit is never quite sure who he is, what he is in life, what he means to be—he makes no plans, never looking before he leaps. perhaps his parents, his clans, have expectations of him, but he does not; how can he know what he wants to be when who he is seems to change every moment? his feelings cut bone deep, felt so vividly he could never hope to understand them or unravel their tangles if given time eternal to do so; nor does he know how to show these things, how to explain them in words he can understand, and so he never lets them spill over—except once in a blue moon. overspills of emotion erupt from him in great violent gouts when circumstances align, uncontrollable outbursts of blind destructive emotion that hurt both himself and those around him.

    a darkness grasps at the corners of cicadakit's mind; perhaps born of his father's rumored madness, or the destructive courtship of fire and ice, or something drawn from deep within himself. he's graced with an intense darkness he does not want, always pressing down into the dank caverns of his mind until it spills out. the moment he's old enough to train with unsheathed claws, he'll discover a hunger for violence, a taste for the beauty of it, that makes him terrified of himself. he will battle to the point of overkill when training, a destructive flurry of claws and teeth likely to hurt himself as much as his opponent, a physical manifestation of the self-destruction that infests his mind like rot. cicadakit is disgusted by these uncontrollable rabid thoughts, disgusted by himself at times, but unable to stop them.

    he has no ability to quarantine these parts of his mind away from the good, to cut off the rotted branch to save the tree—cicadakit will never be able to compartmentalize, to place these terrible parts of himself in a neat sealed box. he will only let the worst parts of himself colour everything he sees; his parents, his siblings, his clan, are all touched by the pieces of himself he doesn't want to let the light see. he holds them inside himself instead, a perpetual inner dialogue of conflicting thoughts, often seeming to converse with himself in the confines of his own mind until he cannot stand his own thoughts. intensely imaginative, nights tainted by nightmares so vivid and intensely realistic the lines may one day begin to blur between the waking and the dreaming. these products of his frenzied mind might bleed into the light of day; daydreaming of the worst things his mind offers him, haunting the edges of his daily life in smears of darkness that could one day cause a problem. cicadakit is perpetually tormented by a mind doomed to fight with himself; a veneer of dry silence that covers the thrashing animal brutality below, tortured by feverish deliriums of emotion.

    and so, once he is of the age, he might steal away from his nest, from the camp; a space full of cats, of sounds, of thoughts. perhaps it's just to swim, or perhaps it's something more. either way, he'll refuse to explain why he was gone, even to his parents, something that might cause friction with the often-paranoid cicadastar ....

    mental mannerisms: does not speak unnecessarily; prone to sarcasm; occasional violent outbursts; unable to compartmentalize; tends to converse with himself and run his thoughts in circles; vivid dreams, nightmares, and daydreams; might flee camp occasionally
    feelings about cicadastar: cicadakit's feelings about his namesake father are ... complicated, in a word. often he feels that he doesn't do enough to honor the name he's been given, the legacy he carries, especially when compared to his siblings—but given his nature, he's unlikely to communicate this. he loves his father, but he feels that he perpetually disappoints him; for cicadakit this might manifest as anger or avoidance instead of honest communcation, and he will have a complex relationship with cicadastar. he often feels that he's inherited the worst parts of his father, and none of the best—and cicadakit's eventual habit of disappearing from camp could cause some serious conflict with his often-paranoid father.
    feelings about smokethroat: similarly to cicadastar, he struggles with his relationship with his other father; here, he also feels that he embodies smokethroat's worst traits, though he loves him. he feels he disappoints smokethroat, not living up to the standards set by him and cicadastar, his siblings, or even smokethroat's former apprentice. he also generally feels he'll never be able to make a genuine connection to another cat as his parents have, and that nobody understands him—not them, not even himself.
    feelings about siblings: cicadakit's feelings about his siblings will depend on their individual personalities, but broadly, he'll often feel he's failing to live up to the legacy he carries as they are. it's quite possible he'll argue with his siblings about this sort of thing, or refuse to tell them when he's having trouble. if he has a sibling who is very successful or one who puts pressure on him to be succesful, he is even more likely to lash out against them. he loves his siblings deeply, as he does all his family, but he struggles to maintain a normal relationship with them in the face of the way he is and the way he sees himself.
    feelings about riverclan: riverclan is his home, and he loves the environment itself—tethered to the rivers, the only thing that seems able to cool the endless blaze of his mind. it's his heritage, but it can also feel like a poison; sometimes, cicadakit traitorously wishes he had been born to a nobody warrior, without the glaring spotlight of his parents' legacy. he feels that while it is his home, he won't ever be able to honor it the way those around him do, or partake in the community with the ease other cats do.
    feelings about faith: this will depend heavily on IC events, but cicadakit's relationship with starclan will always be complicated, especially if/when cicadastar loses his lives and smokethroat begins to. sometimes his family legacy in the eyes of the stars will seem like a curse instead of a blessing. he'll be prone to wondering why starclan made him the way that he is, why his parents are doomed to lose life over and over again .... always asking a few too many questions to be truly comfortable in his faith.
    — nephew to wasprattle
    — potential half-nephew to unknown cats ....
    — grandson to moth, unknown, river, unknown
    — sibling to tbd
  • ✦ i do understand that all of these plots are very dependent on IC and i try to be pretty loose and go-with-the-flow in plotting for characters with established families/backstories, so these are really just ideas for themes/plots i could explore with his character.

    — especially given his name, cicadakit simultaneously would feel a strong responsibility to honor his family's history and legacy, but also struggle to actually do so. this is less a specific plot and more a general theme i'd want to explore with him, potentially focusing on his relationship with cicadastar specifically. while his parents are 100% loving, this is something cicadakit would have a lot of internal struggles and unsaid feelings about. unfortunately, he tends to see the worst in everything, and that applies to cicada; he also sort of sees the worst of cicada in himself.
    — i'd also really like to explore how he struggles with public perception of him. as the son of the leader and the deputy, i could imagine him feeling pressured to set a good example and also being unable to really do that. he's not very social, almost feral at times, and he has these wild outbursts of emotions that would be publicly embarassing for him and likely his parents as well.
    — if he has siblings who are wildly successful or put a lot of pressure on him, that's a plot i also wouldn't mind exploring! it could cause a rift between him and that sibling or those siblings.

    — this is something i am fully prepared for there to be IC consequences for! once he's an apprentice, cicadakit might disappear unexcused and unexplained from his nest/camp for periods of time (not long ones). this is something i feel could cause some real friction with him, the clan (he could be seen as flaunting his privileges), and especially his parents! extra for cicadastar given that he's known to be a bit paranoid, especially about cats leaving riverclan/the camp.
    — i'm actually hoping for there to be some IC consequences for this!

    — this is a theme i would really want to explore with him further in the future, specifically if / when cicada and smoke start dying / losing lives. he's written for a very, very vivid imagination and i'm entertaining the idea of the lines between his frequent nightmares and the waking world blurring in times of stress, especially parent death(s).
    — especially if at some point (entirely optional) he suffers a serious injury or sickness, to the point he might experience some really frightening dreams and fuzziness of the lines between reality and imagination (i'm on my will graham shit, can you tell).

    — i'd definitely want him to have a played mentor and really explore how who they are influences him and the way he proceeds throughout life! he'd be influenced by them at a young age and i'd really like to see him with either a mentor who learns to harness the darker parts of him (lighter route) or one who forces him to repress it, which could potentially lead to a darker sort of timeline for him >:D
    — either of these or any other personality could be really interesting for him! i'd also be interested to see him mentored by someone who knows his parents well, though this is entirely optional.

    — a big part of cicadakit's psyche is that he's sort of hiding this very brutal, animalistic side. this is something i'd want to touch on in kithood and apprenticeship especially, before he really learns to control it! as a child he might take kitten games way too far, and as an apprentice he would go for overkill when training. i wouldn't mind a plot point where he seriously injures either a clanmate or himself due to this.
    — & i imagine he's inherited smokethroat's recklessness with his own health, something that could be neat to touch on in battle, especially since i imagine him being quite close with his family despite their issues.

    — something i would hope to write in with him is an almost instant connection to and natural talent for water skills! he would be a good swimmer, but especially a very good diver. i'd love to explore how he would integrate that into fighting and hunting in an atypical but skillful way, as well as how being in the water sort of cools his mind.
  • OOC
    — i think OOCly i would be able to manage the activity requirement quite well, not to brag lol. i have an upper limit of five to six characters set for myself—cicada jr would be my sixth, soon to reduce back to five as i have something planned for another one of my characters! with cicadakit, i think i would be filling out my roster to my personal satisfaction of characters i expect to play for a long time.
    — i particularly appreciate a HP litter like this because it promises a lot of activity for all involved—i usually (health issues aside) tend to be very active with my characters and i find that, through no fault of their own, not everyone can match that; i think a litter with high activity like this is just the kind of environment i look for to set my characters in!
    — additionally, i tend to average 30 to 50 posts (including privs) per month for my active established characters, so i feel confident i would be able to handle the activity requirement.

    — will excel at: swimming / diving, offensive combat, intelligence ✦ will be poor at: social skills, self-control, land hunting, defensive combat
    ✦ a naturally gifted swimmer and especially diver, a mixture of intelligence and water skills will allow cicadakit to potentially integrate swimming and diving into his combat style. he will find that swimming and, especially, the silence below the waves is the only thing that quiets and soothes his rabid thoughts; a skilled diver with an impressive set of lungs thanks to his height. silence and brutality conceal a surprising intelligence, and a frightening willingness to disregard his own safety will allows him to be a brutal offensive fighter
    ✦ surprising given his parentage and legacy, cicadakit will have absolutely no charisma, much more given to lurking at the edges of gatherings than inspiring cats with his words; making connections with him is difficult, and he can be obsessive once you do. he lacks self-control and a regard for his own safety, making him both a terrible defensive fighter and likely to land in hot water with his clan and parents—all of smokethroat's temper and none of his sense. he'll be a skilled fisher, practically a given with how good he is in the water, but fails to comprehend most land hunting and his gangly frame won't exactly lend itself to the skill.​

    — as a kit, will smell like milk, dust, and faintly of smoke
    — as an older cat, will smell like woodsmoke, standing water, and old copper
    — as a kit, will sound like tbd
    — as an older cat, will sound like will graham (nbc hannibal)


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doesn't know (yet)
wants to know better
unsure of / confused by
nervous / shy around
intimidated by
feels grateful to
complicated feelings about
concerned / worries about
annoyed by
jealous of
rivals with
suspicious of
creeped out by
scared of
entertained by
comfortable with
feels safe around
protective of
friends with
close friends with
like family
platonic love
puppy love
crushing on
head-over-heels for
romantic love
s u b t i t l e
  • ▢ character name — hearts here
    ↳ short relationship description
    "speech of their IC opinions on whoever." text of their behaviors.
    OOC: write objectively OOC about their opinions on whoever.


    ▢ character name — hearts here
    ↳ short relationship description
    "speech of their IC opinions on whoever." text of their behaviors.
    OOC: write objectively OOC about their opinions on whoever.


    ▢ character name — hearts here
    ↳ short relationship description
    "speech of their IC opinions on whoever." text of their behaviors.
    OOC: write objectively OOC about their opinions on whoever.
  • ▢ character name — hearts here
    ↳ short relationship description
    "speech of their IC opinions on whoever." text of their behaviors.
    OOC: write objectively OOC about their opinions on whoever.


    ▢ character name — hearts here
    ↳ short relationship description
    "speech of their IC opinions on whoever." text of their behaviors.
    OOC: write objectively OOC about their opinions on whoever.


    ▢ character name — hearts here
    ↳ short relationship description
    "speech of their IC opinions on whoever." text of their behaviors.
    OOC: write objectively OOC about their opinions on whoever.
  • add slides as needed

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literature / character name

★ ❝a shortish quote. maybe from your character, or maybe it just reminds you of them!❞ — source.

here, you can write a good long summary of your character's story, or of them as a cat! or maybe go on about some random shit, you do you. either way, this is what traditionally functions as a "summary" area on tvtropes. usually it covers what the piece of media is, summarizes its plot, and lists any fun facts or adaptations.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non nunc purus. Vivamus nec quam fringilla, dignissim lacus in, egestas massa. Proin eu vulputate velit. Sed euismod, tellus in efficitur ultrices, quam lectus condimentum sapien, vitae tincidunt nulla est et augue. Nullam nec odio leo. Quisque aliquam ornare dui, a aliquam velit ullamcorper sed. Nam vel urna sit amet dui rutrum placerat sit amet feugiat arcu. Phasellus orci ante, cursus eget ultrices at, vehicula et magna. Vivamus ut urna quis nibh pharetra ullamcorper vel id nunc. Aliquam vitae velit eu nibh efficitur semper. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum quis imperdiet purus, eu pulvinar dui.

Praesent lacinia sed sem id scelerisque. Aenean interdum ex ac turpis tempus, at malesuada turpis consectetur. Fusce gravida nibh odio, quis mattis nisi aliquet eu. Cras faucibus efficitur justo, vitae lacinia nisi tincidunt non.

this book / movie / character provides examples of:
title of the trope: here, you can write a short summary of what exactly this trope means (especially if you made it up), although if you linked an actual trope it'll be explained there! then add when and how this trope applies to your character. do whatever!
title of the trope: here, you can write a short summary of what exactly this trope means (especially if you made it up), although if you linked an actual trope it'll be explained there! then add when and how this trope applies to your character. bonus: if you wanna get extra realistic points, you can put part of the character's story here as though it's a spoiler!
title of the trope: here, you can write a short summary of what exactly this trope means (especially if you made it up), although if you linked an actual trope it'll be explained there! then add when and how this trope applies to your character. do whatever!
◦ if this happens to be a recurring theme for your character, put the multiple examples in bullet points.
◦ like this!
◦ "maybe it's even a quote."​
title of the trope: here, you can write a short summary of what exactly this trope means (especially if you made it up), although if you linked an actual trope it'll be explained there! then add when and how this trope applies to your character. do whatever!

★ ❝another shortish quote. maybe from your character, or maybe it just reminds you of them!❞ — source.

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✧——subtitle subtitle
  • fff.png

    any applicable tws

    "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."
  • NAMEformername, formername
    definition of name part(s), literary symbolism, reason for naming, etc. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

    ✧ allegiancerankage
    — ♀/♂/⚥ ; a(m/f)ab gender identity ; pro/nouns, favored titles
    — 00 ☾s ; 00 years/months ; born 00/00 (season), created 00.00.0000 ; ages every 00
    — sounds like description ; smells like description
    — a short, more poetic summary of their character.

    "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."
  • fff.png
    short appearance description REFERENCE
    genetic information, carry/mask, etc.
    — 00 inches in height ; 00 lbs in weight
    — any design notes
    — any design notes
    — any design notes

    long appearance description here. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. fusce sapien mauris, elementum at nibh eget, euismod egestas nibh. cras posuere elit at orci feugiat porttitor et eget nisi. fusce eu blandit mi. sed id metus maximus, posuere leo et, rhoncus felis. cras et auctor ante. nunc a est ac quam tempor tincidunt. integer hendrerit pellentesque risus eget sagittis. aenean posuere at velit eu eleifend. aenean consectetur nibh sed aliquet pharetra. cras quis felis imperdiet, pulvinar erat consequat, tincidunt justo. Integer in bibendum mauris. cras bibendum egestas consectetur. nullam molestie in mi at lobortis. etiam tortor lacus, malesuada in fermentum non, ultricies non mauris. nullam interdum mollis nisi, et tempus est lobortis sed. Integer orci ligula, aliquam eu porta eu, euismod ut arcu.

    curabitur pellentesque quam vel augue lacinia molestie. cras faucibus volutpat imperdiet. In ut pretium urna, nec accumsan ex. sed feugiat ligula vitae interdum varius. ut gravida lacus ante, vel pulvinar nulla tempor eget. donec bibendum egestas efficitur. suspendisse elementum fermentum lobortis. nulla condimentum volutpat laoreet. morbi id commodo dolor, et rhoncus nunc. duis vulputate, enim rhoncus viverra feugiat, enim risus fringilla lacus, at tristique velit ipsum a velit. suspendisse eu lobortis sapien, non tincidunt velit.

    "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."
  • ☼ sign ☾ sign ↑ sign👁 mbti🀧 tarot

    positive: trait, trait, trait, trait
    curabitur pellentesque quam vel augue lacinia molestie. cras faucibus volutpat imperdiet. In ut pretium urna, nec accumsan ex. sed feugiat ligula vitae interdum varius. ut gravida lacus ante, vel pulvinar nulla tempor eget. donec bibendum egestas efficitur. suspendisse elementum fermentum lobortis. nulla condimentum volutpat laoreet. morbi id commodo dolor, et rhoncus nunc. duis vulputate, enim rhoncus viverra feugiat, enim risus fringilla lacus, at tristique velit ipsum a velit. suspendisse eu lobortis sapien, non tincidunt velit.

    neutral: trait, trait, trait, trait
    curabitur pellentesque quam vel augue lacinia molestie. cras faucibus volutpat imperdiet. In ut pretium urna, nec accumsan ex. sed feugiat ligula vitae interdum varius. ut gravida lacus ante, vel pulvinar nulla tempor eget. donec bibendum egestas efficitur. suspendisse elementum fermentum lobortis. nulla condimentum volutpat laoreet. morbi id commodo dolor, et rhoncus nunc. duis vulputate, enim rhoncus viverra feugiat, enim risus fringilla lacus, at tristique velit ipsum a velit. suspendisse eu lobortis sapien, non tincidunt velit.

    negative: trait, trait, trait, trait

    curabitur pellentesque quam vel augue lacinia molestie. cras faucibus volutpat imperdiet. In ut pretium urna, nec accumsan ex. sed feugiat ligula vitae interdum varius. ut gravida lacus ante, vel pulvinar nulla tempor eget. donec bibendum egestas efficitur. suspendisse elementum fermentum lobortis. nulla condimentum volutpat laoreet. morbi id commodo dolor, et rhoncus nunc. duis vulputate, enim rhoncus viverra feugiat, enim risus fringilla lacus, at tristique velit ipsum a velit. suspendisse eu lobortis sapien, non tincidunt velit.

    "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."
  • quick stats.
    fighting ●●●●●○○○○○
    hunting ●●●●●○○○○○
    speed ●●●●●○○○○○
    strength ●●●●●○○○○○
    stamina ●●●●●○○○○○
    agility ●●●●●○○○○○
    swimming ●●●●●○○○○○
    climbing ●●●●●○○○○○
    intelligence ●●●●●○○○○○
    — smells like description ✧ sounds like description
    — will / won’t start fights ; will / won’t flee ; will / won’t show mercy ; will / won't kill or maim
    + skilled in text, text, text
    - poor at text, text, text
    • crushing on / in a relationship with who?
    • previous crushes on or relationships with who?
    • powerplay permissions
    • speech in #FFFFFF ; thoughts in #FFFFFF ; attacks/contact in UNDERLINE
    • physical health: 000% ; mental health: 000%

    description of combat and engagement. mostly easiness, calculations, injury perms, etc.
    current injuries:
    — text
    — text
    — text
  • ❤︎ NAMENAME xx NAMENAME — parents​

    — raised by who? | sibling to who? | other biological relations?
    — mentored by who? | mentoring who? | graduates?
    ♡ courting who? crushing on who? partners with who?
    ✘ used to court who? used to crush on who? ex-partners with who?
    ↳ parent to who? grandparent to who?
    ↳ adoptive parent to who

    close friends with name, name, name
    friends with name, name, name
    trusts name, name, name
    likes name, name, name
    dislikes name, name, name
    distrusts name, name, name
    loathes name, name, name
    any applicable tws

    TITLE 00-00 ☾s
    — short summary
    longer, but still brief and objective description. curabitur pellentesque quam vel augue lacinia molestie. cras faucibus volutpat imperdiet. In ut pretium urna, nec accumsan ex. sed feugiat ligula vitae interdum varius. ut gravida lacus ante.

    TITLE 00-00 ☾s
    — short summary
    longer, but still brief and objective description. curabitur pellentesque quam vel augue lacinia molestie. cras faucibus volutpat imperdiet. In ut pretium urna, nec accumsan ex. sed feugiat ligula vitae interdum varius. ut gravida lacus ante.

    TITLE 00-00 ☾s
    — short summary
    longer, but still brief and objective description. curabitur pellentesque quam vel augue lacinia molestie. cras faucibus volutpat imperdiet. In ut pretium urna, nec accumsan ex. sed feugiat ligula vitae interdum varius. ut gravida lacus ante.

    "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."

  • playlist code here when i make it stop being so janky
  • fff.png

    "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."
    posting code here

Last edited:

    ✧ the title's telling

    any applicable tws: notes on tws

    a long, extended history. this one is told as though you're conversing with the character and they're telling you; if your character is an unreliable narrator, this will be where you write the story inaccurately as opposed to the objective brief history. will include little comic strips if i ever get the time lol. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. fusce sapien mauris, elementum at nibh eget, euismod egestas nibh. cras posuere elit at orci feugiat porttitor et eget nisi. fusce eu blandit mi. sed id metus maximus, posuere leo et, rhoncus felis. cras et auctor ante. nunc a est ac quam tempor tincidunt. integer hendrerit pellentesque risus eget sagittis. aenean posuere at velit eu eleifend. aenean consectetur nibh sed aliquet pharetra. cras quis felis imperdiet, pulvinar erat consequat, tincidunt justo. Integer in bibendum mauris. cras bibendum egestas consectetur. nullam molestie in mi at lobortis. etiam tortor lacus, malesuada in fermentum non, ultricies non mauris. nullam interdum mollis nisi, et tempus est lobortis sed. Integer orci ligula, aliquam eu porta eu, euismod ut arcu.

    curabitur pellentesque quam vel augue lacinia molestie. cras faucibus volutpat imperdiet. In ut pretium urna, nec accumsan ex. sed feugiat ligula vitae interdum varius. ut gravida lacus ante, vel pulvinar nulla tempor eget. donec bibendum egestas efficitur. suspendisse elementum fermentum lobortis. nulla condimentum volutpat laoreet. morbi id commodo dolor, et rhoncus nunc. duis vulputate, enim rhoncus viverra feugiat, enim risus fringilla lacus, at tristique velit ipsum a velit. suspendisse eu lobortis sapien, non tincidunt velit.

    "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."
  • THREAD HISTORY ——(✧) interaction / (✦) development
    ✦ i like to track all my threads, so the important ones have a solid diamond!

    TITLE 00-00 ☾s
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.

    TITLE 00-00 ☾s
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.

    TITLE 00-00 ☾s
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.

    TITLE 00-00 ☾s
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.

    add as needed
  • quick stats.
    fighting ●●●●●○○○○○
    hunting ●●●●●○○○○○
    speed ●●●●●○○○○○
    strength ●●●●●○○○○○
    stamina ●●●●●○○○○○
    agility ●●●●●○○○○○
    swimming ●●●●●○○○○○
    climbing ●●●●●○○○○○
    intelligence ●●●●●○○○○○
    —advanced stats
    the statistics below are a more advanced way of tracking and measuring my characters' abilities in various skillsets! the broad categories are quantified by a 1-10 number ranking, with 1 being no skill and 10 being extremely high skill. the broad categories each have 3 to 4 'subskills', which are more specific and quantified by a system of low skill (〇), medium skill (◐), and high skill (⬤). see the 'quick stats' for a more basic overview. generally, however, these indicate more a character's ability to consistently do well in the skill than their 'successfulness' in it.

    note: these may be subject to change, especially for cats who are untrained or not finished with their training!

    • + strengths
      FANCY TITLEsimple title
      ↳ describe the nature of the strength. how does having this strength affect the character, and in what situations is it useful?
      ↳ list the skills or stats the strength is affiliated with.
      FANCY TITLEsimple title
      ↳ describe the nature of the strength. how does having this strength affect the character, and in what situations is it useful?
      ↳ list the skills or stats the strength is affiliated with.
      FANCY TITLEsimple title
      ↳ describe the nature of the strength. how does having this strength affect the character, and in what situations is it useful?
      ↳ list the skills or stats the strength is affiliated with.

      -- weaknesses
      FANCY TITLEsimple title
      ↳ describe the nature of the weakness. how does having this weakness affect the character, and in what situations is it unhelpful?
      ↳ list the skills or stats the weakness is affiliated with.
      FANCY TITLEsimple title
      ↳ describe the nature of the weakness. how does having this weakness affect the character, and in what situations is it unhelpful?
      ↳ list the skills or stats the weakness is affiliated with.
      FANCY TITLEsimple title
      ↳ describe the nature of the weakness. how does having this weakness affect the character, and in what situations is it unhelpful?
      ↳ list the skills or stats the weakness is affiliated with.
    • — basic survival skills ✦ 00.
      hunting — 〇/◐/⬤
      scavenging — 〇/◐/⬤
      tracking & navigation — 〇/◐/⬤
      the 'survival' statistic measures a character's proficiency and consistent skill level in basic cat survival skills; it comprises hunting, scavenging, and tracking & navigation. it shows how skilled a character is at basic methods of acquiring necessities, such as prey and water, and tracking & avoiding predators.
    • — athletic skills ✦ 00.
      combat — 〇/◐/⬤
      brute strength — 〇/◐/⬤
      athleticism — 〇/◐/⬤
      the 'strength' statistic measures a character's proficiency and consistent skill level in skills relating to athleticism and physical power; it comprises combat, brute strength, and athletics. it shows how skilled a character is at activities requiring physical strength, primarily combat/fighting, raw physical power, and athleticism.
    • — movement skills ✦ 00.
      grace — 〇/◐/⬤
      speed — 〇/◐/⬤
      stealth — 〇/◐/⬤
      the 'agility' statistic measures a character's proficiency and consistent skill level in skills relating to nimble movement and dexterity; it comprises grace, speed, and stealth. it shows how skilled a character is at activities requiring quiet movement, precise movement & fine motor skills, speed, and subterfuge.
    • — mental skills ✦ 00.
      insight — 〇/◐/⬤
      memory — 〇/◐/⬤
      investigation — 〇/◐/⬤
      the 'agility' statistic measures a character's proficiency and consistent skill level in skills relating to mental ability and intelligence-aligned skills; it comprises insight, memory, and investigation. it shows how skilled a character is at activities requiring memorization and retaining of information, ability to read cats and situations, and problem-solving, investigation, or logic.
    • — communication skills ✦ 00.
      leadership — 〇/◐/⬤
      charisma & manipulation — 〇/◐/⬤
      empathy — 〇/◐/⬤
      the 'social' statistic measures a character's proficiency and consistent skill level in skills aligned with interpersonal relationships and social interaction; it comprises leadership, charisma & manipulation, and empathy. it shows how skilled a character is at activities requiring charm, persuasion, or manipulation, taking a leadership role, and empathizing with other cats to provide comfort.
    • — specialized skills ✦ 00.
      sky — 〇/◐/⬤
      aquatic — 〇/◐/⬤
      underground — 〇/◐/⬤
      medicine — 〇/◐/⬤
      the 'specialty' statistic measures a character's proficiency and consistent skill level in skills that are specialized or training-intensive, often unique to certain clans; it comprises 4 skillsets: sky, aquatic, underground, and medicine. it shows how skilled a character is at activities requiring intensive training or expertise, including climbing and tree-hunting; fishing, swimming, and diving; tunnel-hunting, digging, and underground navigation; and medical treatment & herbal knowledge (the last only applying to medicine cats).
    • — five-sense skills ✦ 00.
      perception — 〇/◐/⬤
      sight & hearing — 〇/◐/⬤
      smell, taste, & touch — 〇/◐/⬤
      the 'sensory' statistic measures a character's proficiency and consistent skill level in skills aligned with the five senses and taking in & utilizing sensory information; it comprises perception, sight & hearing, and smell, taste & touch. it shows how skilled a character is at activities requiring information gathering through their senses, perception of small things, and intake and usage of sensory data.
    • — endurance skills ✦ 00.
      health resistance — 〇/◐/⬤
      endurance — 〇/◐/⬤
      discipline — 〇/◐/⬤
      the 'vitality' statistic measures a character's proficiency and consistent skill level in skills aligned with hardiness of health and endurance; it comprises health resistance, endurance, and discipline. it shows how skilled a character is at activities requiring self-discipline and faith, long-term endurance and ability to take hits, and their natural ability to resist disease and/or heal. in some cases, it also includes a cat's ability to exercise cruelty and ignore morals and their capacity for inflicting pain.

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fiddling ....

🌏︎/🗝 — P L A Y L I S T
title title
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
eiusmod tempor incididunt.

created by username • 000 songs, 00 hr 00 min

🔍 search & filter ...

song titlesong artistsong album00:00
song titlesong artistsong album00:00
song titlesong artistsong album00:00
song titlesong artistsong album00:00
song titlesong artistsong album00:00

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✿—— lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. fusce sapien mauris, elementum at nibh eget, euismod egestas nibh. cras posuere elit at orci feugiat porttitor et eget nisi. fusce eu blandit mi. sed id metus maximus, posuere leo et, rhoncus felis. cras et auctor ante. nunc a est ac quam tempor tincidunt. integer hendrerit pellentesque risus eget sagittis. aenean posuere at velit eu eleifend. aenean consectetur nibh sed aliquet pharetra. cras quis felis imperdiet, pulvinar erat consequat, tincidunt justo. Integer in bibendum mauris. cras bibendum egestas consectetur. nullam molestie in mi at lobortis. etiam tortor lacus, malesuada in fermentum non, ultricies non mauris. nullam interdum mollis nisi, et tempus est lobortis sed. Integer orci ligula, aliquam eu porta eu, euismod ut arcu.

curabitur pellentesque quam vel augue lacinia molestie. cras faucibus volutpat imperdiet. In ut pretium urna, nec accumsan ex. sed feugiat ligula vitae interdum varius. ut gravida lacus ante, vel pulvinar nulla tempor eget. donec bibendum egestas efficitur. suspendisse elementum fermentum lobortis. nulla condimentum volutpat laoreet. morbi id commodo dolor, et rhoncus nunc. duis vulputate, enim rhoncus viverra feugiat, enim risus fringilla lacus, at tristique velit ipsum a velit. suspendisse eu lobortis sapien, non tincidunt velit.

  • ooc: text text
  • put ref here lol
  • ❀ name — meaning/reasoning of name
    pro/nouns ; gender — allegiance — rank — 00 ☾s
    —— short summarizing blurb. duis vulputate, enim rhoncus viverra feugiat, enim risus fringilla lacus, at tristique velit ipsum a velit. suspendisse eu lobortis sapien, non tincidunt velit.
    —— smells like scent scent, scent, scent ; sounds like voice ; speech in #D64933, thoughts in #B1C797
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; will/won’t start fights ; will/won’t flee ; will/won’t show mercy ; will/won't kill or maim
    —— orientation(s), status, looking? ; open to text, text, text ; not open to text, text, text
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • filler but might put battle stuff here?

Last edited:


——✧ named for reason
— gender ; pro/nouns ; will identify as
— will sound like xx ; will smell like xx
✧—— short description
——✧ carrying/masking info
long appearance description here. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. fusce sapien mauris, elementum at nibh eget, euismod egestas nibh. cras posuere elit at orci feugiat porttitor et eget nisi. fusce eu blandit mi. sed id metus maximus, posuere leo et, rhoncus felis. cras et auctor ante. nunc a est ac quam tempor tincidunt. integer hendrerit pellentesque risus eget sagittis. aenean posuere at velit eu eleifend. aenean consectetur nibh sed aliquet pharetra. cras quis felis imperdiet, pulvinar erat consequat, tincidunt justo. Integer in bibendum mauris. cras bibendum egestas consectetur. nullam molestie in mi at lobortis. etiam tortor lacus, malesuada in fermentum non, ultricies non mauris. nullam interdum mollis nisi, et tempus est lobortis sed. Integer orci ligula, aliquam eu porta eu, euismod ut arcu.
✧—— short description
—— ✧ | + trait, trait, trait | = trait, trait, trait | - trait, trait, trait
long personality description here. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. fusce sapien mauris, elementum at nibh eget, euismod egestas nibh. cras posuere elit at orci feugiat porttitor et eget nisi. fusce eu blandit mi. sed id metus maximus, posuere leo et, rhoncus felis. cras et auctor ante. nunc a est ac quam tempor tincidunt. integer hendrerit pellentesque risus eget sagittis. aenean posuere at velit eu eleifend. aenean consectetur nibh sed aliquet pharetra. cras quis felis imperdiet, pulvinar erat consequat, tincidunt justo. Integer in bibendum mauris. cras bibendum egestas consectetur. nullam molestie in mi at lobortis. etiam tortor lacus, malesuada in fermentum non, ultricies non mauris. nullam interdum mollis nisi, et tempus est lobortis sed. Integer orci ligula, aliquam eu porta eu, euismod ut arcu.
✧—— relationships
— other relations
✧—— potential plots
——✧ big one here
— little one
— little one
— little one


Last edited:


✧—— title title (also gradient)
⚠︎ any applicable tws
⊹˚. ♡˚୨୧⋆。˚<𝟑˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。 ˚ put a thematic border here lol

REASONING: write the reasoning for their name(s) here.
MEANING: write the meaning or symbolism of their name(s) here.
FORMER NAMES: name, name, name
RANK: rank
AFFILIATION: affiliation
GENDER: ♀/♂/⚥ ✧ a(m/f)ab gender identity ✧ favored titles
PRONOUNS: pro/nouns
ORIENTATION: orientation ✧ poly/mono
AGE: 000 ☾s ✧ 00 years ✧ ages every 00th
BIRTHDATE: born 00/00 (season) ✧ created 00.00.0000


  • 4d5460.png
    short appearance description REFERENCE
    genetic information, carry/mask, etc.
    — 00 inches in height ; 00 lbs in weight
    — any design notes
    — any design notes
    — any design notes

    long appearance description here. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. fusce sapien mauris, elementum at nibh eget, euismod egestas nibh. cras posuere elit at orci feugiat porttitor et eget nisi. fusce eu blandit mi. sed id metus maximus, posuere leo et, rhoncus felis. cras et auctor ante. nunc a est ac quam tempor tincidunt. integer hendrerit pellentesque risus eget sagittis. aenean posuere at velit eu eleifend. aenean consectetur nibh sed aliquet pharetra. cras quis felis imperdiet, pulvinar erat consequat, tincidunt justo. Integer in bibendum mauris. cras bibendum egestas consectetur. nullam molestie in mi at lobortis. etiam tortor lacus, malesuada in fermentum non, ultricies non mauris. nullam interdum mollis nisi, et tempus est lobortis sed. Integer orci ligula, aliquam eu porta eu, euismod ut arcu.

    curabitur pellentesque quam vel augue lacinia molestie. cras faucibus volutpat imperdiet. In ut pretium urna, nec accumsan ex. sed feugiat ligula vitae interdum varius. ut gravida lacus ante, vel pulvinar nulla tempor eget. donec bibendum egestas efficitur. suspendisse elementum fermentum lobortis. nulla condimentum volutpat laoreet. morbi id commodo dolor, et rhoncus nunc. duis vulputate, enim rhoncus viverra feugiat, enim risus fringilla lacus, at tristique velit ipsum a velit. suspendisse eu lobortis sapien, non tincidunt velit.
  • ☼ sign ☾ sign ↑ sign✦ mbti🀧 tarot

    positive: trait, trait, trait, trait
    curabitur pellentesque quam vel augue lacinia molestie. cras faucibus volutpat imperdiet. In ut pretium urna, nec accumsan ex. sed feugiat ligula vitae interdum varius. ut gravida lacus ante, vel pulvinar nulla tempor eget. donec bibendum egestas efficitur. suspendisse elementum fermentum lobortis. nulla condimentum volutpat laoreet. morbi id commodo dolor, et rhoncus nunc. duis vulputate, enim rhoncus viverra feugiat, enim risus fringilla lacus, at tristique velit ipsum a velit. suspendisse eu lobortis sapien, non tincidunt velit.

    neutral: trait, trait, trait, trait
    curabitur pellentesque quam vel augue lacinia molestie. cras faucibus volutpat imperdiet. In ut pretium urna, nec accumsan ex. sed feugiat ligula vitae interdum varius. ut gravida lacus ante, vel pulvinar nulla tempor eget. donec bibendum egestas efficitur. suspendisse elementum fermentum lobortis. nulla condimentum volutpat laoreet. morbi id commodo dolor, et rhoncus nunc. duis vulputate, enim rhoncus viverra feugiat, enim risus fringilla lacus, at tristique velit ipsum a velit. suspendisse eu lobortis sapien, non tincidunt velit.

    negative: trait, trait, trait, trait

    curabitur pellentesque quam vel augue lacinia molestie. cras faucibus volutpat imperdiet. In ut pretium urna, nec accumsan ex. sed feugiat ligula vitae interdum varius. ut gravida lacus ante, vel pulvinar nulla tempor eget. donec bibendum egestas efficitur. suspendisse elementum fermentum lobortis. nulla condimentum volutpat laoreet. morbi id commodo dolor, et rhoncus nunc. duis vulputate, enim rhoncus viverra feugiat, enim risus fringilla lacus, at tristique velit ipsum a velit. suspendisse eu lobortis sapien, non tincidunt velit.
  • quick stats.
    fighting ●●●●●○○○○○
    hunting ●●●●●○○○○○
    speed ●●●●●○○○○○
    strength ●●●●●○○○○○
    stamina ●●●●●○○○○○
    agility ●●●●●○○○○○
    swimming ●●●●●○○○○○
    climbing ●●●●●○○○○○
    intelligence ●●●●●○○○○○
    — smells like description ✧ sounds like description
    — will / won’t start fights ; will / won’t flee ; will / won’t show mercy ; will / won't kill or maim

    + skilled in text, text, text
    - poor at text, text, text
    • crushing on / in a relationship with who?
    • previous crushes on or relationships with who?
    • powerplay permissions
    • speech in #FFFFFF ; thoughts in #FFFFFF ; attacks/contact in UNDERLINE
    • physical health: 000% ; mental health: 000%

    description of combat and engagement. mostly easiness, calculations, injury perms, etc.
    current injuries:
    — text
    — text
    — text
  • ❤︎ NAMENAME xx NAMENAME — parents​

    — raised by who? | sibling to who? | other biological relations?
    — mentored by who? | mentoring who? | graduates?
    ♡ courting who? crushing on who? partners with who?
    ✘ used to court who? used to crush on who? ex-partners with who?
    ↳ parent to who? grandparent to who?
    ↳ adoptive parent to who

    close friends with name, name, name
    friends with name, name, name
    trusts name, name, name
    likes name, name, name
    dislikes name, name, name
    distrusts name, name, name
    loathes name, name, name
    any applicable tws
    ✧ note: some times are rounded for ease of reading and may not be 100% accurate!​

    TITLE 00-00 ☾s
    — short summary

    longer, but still brief and objective description. curabitur pellentesque quam vel augue lacinia molestie. cras faucibus volutpat imperdiet. In ut pretium urna, nec accumsan ex. sed feugiat ligula vitae interdum varius. ut gravida lacus ante.

    TITLE 00-00 ☾s
    — short summary

    longer, but still brief and objective description. curabitur pellentesque quam vel augue lacinia molestie. cras faucibus volutpat imperdiet. In ut pretium urna, nec accumsan ex. sed feugiat ligula vitae interdum varius. ut gravida lacus ante.

    TITLE 00-00 ☾s
    — short summary

    longer, but still brief and objective description. curabitur pellentesque quam vel augue lacinia molestie. cras faucibus volutpat imperdiet. In ut pretium urna, nec accumsan ex. sed feugiat ligula vitae interdum varius. ut gravida lacus ante.

    TITLE 00-00 ☾s
    — short summary

    longer, but still brief and objective description. curabitur pellentesque quam vel augue lacinia molestie. cras faucibus volutpat imperdiet. In ut pretium urna, nec accumsan ex. sed feugiat ligula vitae interdum varius. ut gravida lacus ante.
    ✧ the title's telling
    any applicable tws

    a long, extended history. this one is told as though you're conversing with the character and they're telling you; if your character is an unreliable narrator, this will be where you write the story inaccurately as opposed to the objective brief history. will include little comic strips if i ever get the time lol. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. fusce sapien mauris, elementum at nibh eget, euismod egestas nibh. cras posuere elit at orci feugiat porttitor et eget nisi. fusce eu blandit mi. sed id metus maximus, posuere leo et, rhoncus felis. cras et auctor ante. nunc a est ac quam tempor tincidunt. integer hendrerit pellentesque risus eget sagittis. aenean posuere at velit eu eleifend. aenean consectetur nibh sed aliquet pharetra. cras quis felis imperdiet, pulvinar erat consequat, tincidunt justo. Integer in bibendum mauris. cras bibendum egestas consectetur. nullam molestie in mi at lobortis. etiam tortor lacus, malesuada in fermentum non, ultricies non mauris. nullam interdum mollis nisi, et tempus est lobortis sed. Integer orci ligula, aliquam eu porta eu, euismod ut arcu.

    curabitur pellentesque quam vel augue lacinia molestie. cras faucibus volutpat imperdiet. In ut pretium urna, nec accumsan ex. sed feugiat ligula vitae interdum varius. ut gravida lacus ante, vel pulvinar nulla tempor eget. donec bibendum egestas efficitur. suspendisse elementum fermentum lobortis. nulla condimentum volutpat laoreet. morbi id commodo dolor, et rhoncus nunc. duis vulputate, enim rhoncus viverra feugiat, enim risus fringilla lacus, at tristique velit ipsum a velit. suspendisse eu lobortis sapien, non tincidunt velit.​
  • THREAD HISTORY —— (✧) interaction / (✦) development
    ✦ i like to track all my threads, so the important ones have a solid diamond!

    TITLE 00-00 ☾s
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.

    TITLE 00-00 ☾s
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.

    TITLE 00-00 ☾s
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.

    TITLE 00-00 ☾s
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.

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      open posts:
      — 00 / 00
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      — 00 / 00
      total posts:
      — 00 / 00

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      — 00
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  • to01db6.png
    🌏︎/🗝 — P L A Y L I S T
    title title
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
    eiusmod tempor incididunt.

    created by username • 000 songs, 00 hr 00 min
    ▶ PLAY — FOLLOWING •••

    🔍 search & filter ...

    song titlesong artistsong album00:00
    song titlesong artistsong album00:00
    song titlesong artistsong album00:00
    song titlesong artistsong album00:00
    song titlesong artistsong album00:00
  • Code:
    post code goes here


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the gravedigger
⚠︎ tw: disturbing/frightening imagery, descriptions of rot and mild gore, bones, death, religious imagery, mental instability, morally incorrect character
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆☄. *. ⋆♱・゚:

REASONING: named for her downy kitten-fur and perceptiveness (or uncanny gaze), respectively
MEANING: a young swan; in literature, the soul, the enigma of death - a vacant wide look; in literature, the gateway to the soul
FORMER NAMES: name, name, name
RANK: tunneler warrior
GENDER: ⚥ ♱ afab gender apathetic ♱ feminine or gender-neutral titles preferred, any gendered terms okay
PRONOUNS: she/they preference; answers to any
ORIENTATION: pansexual panromantic
AGE: 16 ☾s ♱ 1.3 years ♱ ages every 24th
BIRTHDATE: born 01/24 (leafbare) ♱ created 05.24.2023


  • 4d5460.png
    a tiny black smoke / albino chimera with creepy pink eyes REFERENCE
    SH black smoke with vitiligo (carrying chocolate, longhair, nonsilver, albino)
    — 7 inches in height ; 5 lbs in weight
    — ⚠︎ IMPORTANT - cygnetstare has a large throat scar that is not pictured
    — long fur is only on albino portions; smoke is shortfurred
    — large zigzag scar on lower back; tattered ears; 2 swan feathers worn above tail

    long appearance description here. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. fusce sapien mauris, elementum at nibh eget, euismod egestas nibh. cras posuere elit at orci feugiat porttitor et eget nisi. fusce eu blandit mi. sed id metus maximus, posuere leo et, rhoncus felis. cras et auctor ante. nunc a est ac quam tempor tincidunt. integer hendrerit pellentesque risus eget sagittis. aenean posuere at velit eu eleifend. aenean consectetur nibh sed aliquet pharetra. cras quis felis imperdiet, pulvinar erat consequat, tincidunt justo. Integer in bibendum mauris. cras bibendum egestas consectetur. nullam molestie in mi at lobortis. etiam tortor lacus, malesuada in fermentum non, ultricies non mauris. nullam interdum mollis nisi, et tempus est lobortis sed. Integer orci ligula, aliquam eu porta eu, euismod ut arcu.

    curabitur pellentesque quam vel augue lacinia molestie. cras faucibus volutpat imperdiet. In ut pretium urna, nec accumsan ex. sed feugiat ligula vitae interdum varius. ut gravida lacus ante, vel pulvinar nulla tempor eget. donec bibendum egestas efficitur. suspendisse elementum fermentum lobortis. nulla condimentum volutpat laoreet. morbi id commodo dolor, et rhoncus nunc. duis vulputate, enim rhoncus viverra feugiat, enim risus fringilla lacus, at tristique velit ipsum a velit. suspendisse eu lobortis sapien, non tincidunt velit.
  • ☼ capricorn ☾ leo ↑ scorpio✦ intj🀧 death

    positive: trait, trait, trait, trait
    curabitur pellentesque quam vel augue lacinia molestie. cras faucibus volutpat imperdiet. In ut pretium urna, nec accumsan ex. sed feugiat ligula vitae interdum varius. ut gravida lacus ante, vel pulvinar nulla tempor eget. donec bibendum egestas efficitur. suspendisse elementum fermentum lobortis. nulla condimentum volutpat laoreet. morbi id commodo dolor, et rhoncus nunc. duis vulputate, enim rhoncus viverra feugiat, enim risus fringilla lacus, at tristique velit ipsum a velit. suspendisse eu lobortis sapien, non tincidunt velit.

    neutral: trait, trait, trait, trait
    curabitur pellentesque quam vel augue lacinia molestie. cras faucibus volutpat imperdiet. In ut pretium urna, nec accumsan ex. sed feugiat ligula vitae interdum varius. ut gravida lacus ante, vel pulvinar nulla tempor eget. donec bibendum egestas efficitur. suspendisse elementum fermentum lobortis. nulla condimentum volutpat laoreet. morbi id commodo dolor, et rhoncus nunc. duis vulputate, enim rhoncus viverra feugiat, enim risus fringilla lacus, at tristique velit ipsum a velit. suspendisse eu lobortis sapien, non tincidunt velit.

    negative: trait, trait, trait, trait

    curabitur pellentesque quam vel augue lacinia molestie. cras faucibus volutpat imperdiet. In ut pretium urna, nec accumsan ex. sed feugiat ligula vitae interdum varius. ut gravida lacus ante, vel pulvinar nulla tempor eget. donec bibendum egestas efficitur. suspendisse elementum fermentum lobortis. nulla condimentum volutpat laoreet. morbi id commodo dolor, et rhoncus nunc. duis vulputate, enim rhoncus viverra feugiat, enim risus fringilla lacus, at tristique velit ipsum a velit. suspendisse eu lobortis sapien, non tincidunt velit.
  • quick stats.
    fighting ●●●●●●●●●○
    hunting ●●●○○○○○○○
    speed ●●●●●●●●●○○
    strength ●●●○○○○○○○
    stamina ●●○○○○○○○○
    agility ●●●●●●●●○○
    swimming ○○○○○○○○○○
    climbing ○○○○○○○○○○
    intelligence ●●●●●●●●○○
    — smells like grave-dirt, rot, & blood ♱ sounds like vc tba
    — will start fights ; won’t flee ; won’t show mercy ; will kill or maim

    + skilled in offensive fighting, tunneling, agility
    - poor at defensive fighting, hunting, brute strength
    • romantically interested in no one (?) ; curious about bunnypounce
    • previous relationships with no one
    • peaceful / healing powerplay permitted
    • speech in #ACBDBA ; thoughts in #000000 ; attacks/contact in UNDERLINE
    • physical health: 35% ; mental health: ???%

    difficult both physically and mentally, with an obsessive loyalty to windclan; skilled offensive fighter, poor defensive fighter. combat will not be rolled for unless the other roleplayer requests it, but i play realistically. peaceful or healing powerplay is always permitted, violent powerplay is not! not currently open to any combat as she is severely injured & incapacitated. if you're interested in a conflict with her at a later date, please contact me on discord—i am willing to use dicemaiden at your request as well.
    current injuries:
    — bruised chest & shoulder
    — bruised ribs
    — claw marks on torso
    — very severe but nonfatal throat wound
  • ❤︎ SWAMP BELLY xx GRAVESTONE — parents​

    — raised by swamp belly & gravestone | sibling to primrose
    — mentored by stag | mentoring n/a | no graduates
    ♡ romantically interested in no one (?)
    ✘ previous relationships with no one

    close friends with sunnymask
    friends with n/a
    trusts n/a
    likes scorchstreak, sunnymask, bunnypounce, periwinklebreeze, houndthistle
    dislikes n/a
    distrusts n/a
    loathes slate, all other clans
    any applicable tws
    ♱ note: some times are rounded for ease of reading and may not be 100% accurate!​

    TITLE 00-00 ☾s
    — short summary

    longer, but still brief and objective description. curabitur pellentesque quam vel augue lacinia molestie. cras faucibus volutpat imperdiet. In ut pretium urna, nec accumsan ex. sed feugiat ligula vitae interdum varius. ut gravida lacus ante.

    TITLE 00-00 ☾s
    — short summary

    longer, but still brief and objective description. curabitur pellentesque quam vel augue lacinia molestie. cras faucibus volutpat imperdiet. In ut pretium urna, nec accumsan ex. sed feugiat ligula vitae interdum varius. ut gravida lacus ante.

    TITLE 00-00 ☾s
    — short summary

    longer, but still brief and objective description. curabitur pellentesque quam vel augue lacinia molestie. cras faucibus volutpat imperdiet. In ut pretium urna, nec accumsan ex. sed feugiat ligula vitae interdum varius. ut gravida lacus ante.

    TITLE 00-00 ☾s
    — short summary

    longer, but still brief and objective description. curabitur pellentesque quam vel augue lacinia molestie. cras faucibus volutpat imperdiet. In ut pretium urna, nec accumsan ex. sed feugiat ligula vitae interdum varius. ut gravida lacus ante.
    ♱ the undead's telling
    any applicable tws

    a long, extended history. this one is told as though you're conversing with the character and they're telling you; if your character is an unreliable narrator, this will be where you write the story inaccurately as opposed to the objective brief history. will include little comic strips if i ever get the time lol. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. fusce sapien mauris, elementum at nibh eget, euismod egestas nibh. cras posuere elit at orci feugiat porttitor et eget nisi. fusce eu blandit mi. sed id metus maximus, posuere leo et, rhoncus felis. cras et auctor ante. nunc a est ac quam tempor tincidunt. integer hendrerit pellentesque risus eget sagittis. aenean posuere at velit eu eleifend. aenean consectetur nibh sed aliquet pharetra. cras quis felis imperdiet, pulvinar erat consequat, tincidunt justo. Integer in bibendum mauris. cras bibendum egestas consectetur. nullam molestie in mi at lobortis. etiam tortor lacus, malesuada in fermentum non, ultricies non mauris. nullam interdum mollis nisi, et tempus est lobortis sed. Integer orci ligula, aliquam eu porta eu, euismod ut arcu.

    curabitur pellentesque quam vel augue lacinia molestie. cras faucibus volutpat imperdiet. In ut pretium urna, nec accumsan ex. sed feugiat ligula vitae interdum varius. ut gravida lacus ante, vel pulvinar nulla tempor eget. donec bibendum egestas efficitur. suspendisse elementum fermentum lobortis. nulla condimentum volutpat laoreet. morbi id commodo dolor, et rhoncus nunc. duis vulputate, enim rhoncus viverra feugiat, enim risus fringilla lacus, at tristique velit ipsum a velit. suspendisse eu lobortis sapien, non tincidunt velit.​
  • THREAD HISTORY ——(✧) interaction / (✦) development
    ✦ i like to track all my threads, so the important ones have a solid diamond!

    TITLE 00-00 ☾s
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.

    TITLE 00-00 ☾s
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.

    TITLE 00-00 ☾s
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.

    TITLE 00-00 ☾s
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.
    00.00.0000 / THREAD TITLE —— brief explanation of what happened in thread.

    • posting:
      open posts:
      — 00 / 00
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      — 00 / 00
      total posts:
      — 00 / 00

      opens made:
      — 00
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      — 00
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  • to01db6.png
    🌏︎/🗝 — P L A Y L I S T
    title title
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
    eiusmod tempor incididunt.

    created by username • 000 songs, 00 hr 00 min
    ▶ PLAY — FOLLOWING •••

    🔍 search & filter ...

    song titlesong artistsong album00:00
    song titlesong artistsong album00:00
    song titlesong artistsong album00:00
    song titlesong artistsong album00:00
    song titlesong artistsong album00:00
  • Code:
    post code goes here


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    — 1
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    — 11 / 5
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    — 31 / 15

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    — 3
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    — 5
    — 1
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    — -- / 5
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    — 3 / 20

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[color=#fc919b]⭑——[/color] [size=12px]text here. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. fusce sapien mauris, elementum at nibh eget, euismod egestas nibh. cras posuere elit at orci feugiat porttitor et eget nisi.
[slide=╭┈ • ┈ ୨ OOC][color=#fc919b][b][i]ooc:[/i][/b][/color] text text
[slide=-༺☆༻][quote][center][img height=400px][/img][/center][/quote]
[slide=INFORMATION ୧ ┈ • ┈╮][TABLE][TR][TD][b][i][color=#fc919b][size=14px]⭑ dollface[/size][/color][/i][color=#fc919b][/color][/b][color=#fc919b][/color] — named for her now-scarred beauty
 [color=black]she/her[/color][color=#28fcfd] ; afab cisgender female — skyclan — warrior — tbd ☾s[/color]
[size=11px]—— dollface is an f3 savannah—a kittypet, turned rogue, turned warrior of skyclan. her once-effortless beauty is somewhat marred by deep glasgow smile scars cutting across her face; perhaps they are from one of the many enemies and broken hearts left in her wake, but she's never said.
—— smells like [b]cheap perfume, gunpowder, and pine[/b] ; sounds like [url=][color=#DBD9D0][b]maxine minx[/b][/color][/url] ; speech in [color=#fc919b]#fc919b[/color], thoughts in [color=black]#000000[/color]
—— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in [u]underline[/u] ; may start fights ; may flee ; may show mercy ; will kill or maim
—— bisexual biromantic, single with a lot of exes, not really looking ; open to [b]casual interactions, friendship, planned romances, plotting[/b] ; not open to [b]unplanned romances or unplanned battles[/b]
penned by [color=#fc919b][b]dejavu[/b][/color]— [color=black][b]desklamp9[/b][/color] on discord for plots[/size][/TD][/TR][/TABLE]
[slide=‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎   ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎‎‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎   ‎ ‎  ‎‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎  ][/slide]
[slide=︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑]shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)[/slide][/TABS]
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