Jun 6, 2022



  • THEIR STORY: Their story begins in ShadowClan, a moon after the Great Battle. Starlingkit was born to Briarstar, ShadowClan's first leader. Gentle and shy by nature due to her speech impediment, she did her best not to stand out. Starlingkit became even quieter when Briarstar lost all nine lives on the Thunderpath, leaving her an orphan.

    Granitekit was born to Sandra, the scorned lover of Flint. Granitekit was born angry at the world, and once his sickly littermate died, he only became worse. Granitekit held a fierce grudge against Starlingkit's family for the death of his sibling, but one day, the gray kit showed her a small kindness by offering to remove a thorn from her pad. From there, an unhealthy and obsessive bond formed on his part, and from hers, a blind, devoted dependency.

    Granitepaw and Starlingpaw were apprentices together under Pitchstar. They patrolled together, fought a possum together, and spent all of their free time together. Slowly, Granitepaw became more possessive of the black and white she-cat, whereas Starlingpaw found herself becoming more dependent on her friend. When Starlingpaw was named medicine cat apprentice and then medicine cat after Bonejaw's abandonment, Granitepaw reveled in her success. Starlingpaw became Starlingheart, and Granitepaw moved into the medicine cat's den with her.

    Granitepelt holds secrets from Starlingheart—that he murdered her brother, Pitchstar, her friend, Ghostpaw, and another Clanmate, Poppypaw—but in his eyes, it was all for her protection. Granitepelt refuses to let other cats get close to Starlingheart, his intense fear of abandonment securing him to her side like a burr. Meanwhile, Starlingheart has dedicated her life to healing her Clanmates and becoming closer to StarClan.

    What will Granitepelt do to keep Starlingheart his, and what lengths will he continue to go to to ensure she never finds out about what he has done in her name? Will the existence of their kits strengthen their bond, or will they present yet another obstacle for him to destroy?

    — open

    — open
  • — Choosing date is July 12th; kits will be born July 14th, 2023.
    — Kits will age realistically. They will age up once to 2 moons and will not be permitted to age up again.
    — Kits will be born and raised in ShadowClan. Their loyalties could change depending on plot events, but they will initially be raised to be loyal to ShadowClan only.
    — This is not first come, first serve. There are two slots.
    — This litter follows realistic genetics. Please use the genetics provided.
    — Please only submit one application per user!
    — Birth defects and disabilities are permitted as long as they are played respectfully and realistically.
    — There is no set activity requirement; however, Starlingheart and Granitepelt are active characters. Starlingheart is the ShadowClan medicine cat. We will expect to see these kits on the board pretty often! Continuous bouts of inactivity will result in rehoming your slot.
    — Granitepelt will view these kits as tools binding him to Starlingheart. He will not be a loving father, but as long as he is with Starlingheart, he will not be outwardly cruel to her kits. Please keep this in mind when brainstorming plot ideas!
    — That being said, there is massive potential for angst further down the line with this litter. Please keep in mind Granitepelt and Starlingheart have a very toxic relationship, and Granitepelt has killed three ShadowClan cats. If you are not comfortable with this narrative, please do not apply. There is potential Granitepelt will not like your kit specifically, however… see naming list. :)
    — Starlingheart is very loving and family-focused; plots involving having a distant mother are discouraged.
  • SIRE: SH blue w/ low white (carrying cinnamon)
    DAM: SH black w/ low white (carrying longhair, cinnamon, dilute)

    ✧ Kits can be black, blue, cinnamon, or fawn
    ✧ Kits will be shorthaired
    ✧ Kits can have no white, low white, or high white
    ✧ Kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
    ✧ Kits may or may not carry longhair; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; black-based kits may or may not carry cinnamon
    Thank you to Blitz Krieg for the genetics!

    — nieces and nephews to Siltcloud; Spark-kit; Sootspot; Cloudedsky; Chittertongue; Pitchstar
    — cousins to Sablepaw; Stalkingpaw
    — grandchildren to Flint; Sandra; Briarstar; Amber
    — grandnieces and grandnephews to Boneripple

  • You do not have to use names from the naming list; however, it is encouraged to pick from one of these lists or a related/similar name. Please read the notice at the bottom. :)

    Flintkit, Spark-kit, Firekit, Flamekit ; after his father and deceased sibling
    Dustkit, Claykit, Gravelkit, Marblekit, Stonekit, Earthkit ; after himself and his sister
    Dovekit, Wrenkit, Whisperkit, Mumblekit, Gentlekit, Softkit, Featherkit ; after Starlingheart
    Mirekit, Cedarkit, Pinekit, Needlekit, Marshkit, Bogkit, Mink-kit ; ShadowClan names
    — any basic descriptive name, ie Tawnykit, Black-kit, Whitekit, Dark-kit, Lightkit, Bluekit, Stripedkit, Speckledkit
    Do not use list: names related to Bone; Pitch; Briar; names similar to Ghost; names similar to Poppy; Sand/Sandy

    Briarkit, Amberkit, Pitchkit, Ghostkit ; after her deceased family members and friends
— Spiritkit, Whirlkit, Houndkit, Shadekit, Smokekit ; after friends and Clanmates

    Stonekit, Gravelkit, Slatekit, Sleetkit, Possumkit ; after Granitepelt
— Sycamorekit, Pinekit, Cypresskit, Elmkit, Toadkit, Frogkit, Marshkit, Mirekit ; after ShadowClan
    Birdkit, Hootkit, Jackdawkit, Lark-kit, Owlkit, Pigeonkit, Quailkit, Sparrowkit, Wrenkit, Thrushkit, Nightingalekit, Chirpkit / Chirpingkit ; bird-themed names she likes and would use
    Cloverkit, Hollykit, Gingerkit, Laurelkit, Nettlekit ; herb names she likes and would use

    Ashkit / Ashenkit, Bravekit, Cricketkit, Fidgetkit, Gentlekit, Graykit, Spiderkit ; names she likes and would consider
— Do not use list: Bone; similar names to Bone or Chilled; similar names to Chilled

    NOTICE — You may have noticed Granitepelt has some names on his "do not use list" that are on Starlingheart's naming list! You may still use those names. However, be prepared for Granitepelt to dislike your kit, aka this action will have consequences :)
  • HYPO KITS ✧ These are hypo kits generated by Blitz Krieg and drawn by Jay! You can use any of these as bases for your kits, or just to spark an idea, if you'd like. :) Feel free to pick a design and swap personalities, or to not use them at all; these are really just hypotheticals!

    AMBERKIT ✧ SH cinnamon tom w/ low white (carries dilute, longhair) — intelligent, prideful, willful​
    FEATHERKIT ✧ SH fawn she-cat w/ no white (carries longhair) — shy, gentle, weak-willed​

    MARSHKIT ✧ SH blue tom w/ no white (carries cinnamon, longhair) — brave, curious, fierce​

    CHIRPINGKIT ✧ SH black tom w/ high white (carries dilute, cinnamon) — amicable, outgoing, strange​
    MARBLEKIT ✧ SH blue she-cat with low white (carries cinnamon) — cunning, secretive, passionate​

    Art by Jay, genetics by Blitz Krieg!

He / They
    blue kitten with low white and blue/green eyes built strong and sturdy with his mother's plush fur and tufted tail. stares as if to cut through you; his sharp gaze is often trained upon cats he deems imperfect and wishes to chisel into shape. he carries his head between his shoulders, a hunching gait reminiscent of preying big cats he has never seen but embodies well. generally well-groomed, though forgoes this in fits of anxiety. smells like wet leaf-litter and stones after rain.
    ⤷ sh blue with low white, carries cinnamon and lh reference.


    loyal / observant / reserved / ambitious / unyielding / irritable / shy / spiteful.
    - sturdy kit worthy of his sturdy name. inherits his father's temper, a thing fueled by granitepelt's seeming detachment from his litter. flintkit will probably strive to make him proud in what ways they know how before finding themselves exhausted by that chase and becoming bitter or jaded by it. his personality will lean heavily towards granitepelt's but his morals will align strongly with starlingheart's.
    - ALTERNATIVELY, since he looks like granitepelt and shares a familial name, i could see flintkit being easily poised to be his father's favorite. in this case he may become snide towards his siblings that they cannot seem to impress his father like he can. not sure if granite would give him any attention though so either option is good with me, although i wrote most of this app with the above point in mind!
    - extremely loyal to shadowclan and his mother specifically. definitely a momma's boy and will protect her at any costs (albeit with perhaps purer intentions than his father's)
    - very down to earth to the point that he often ridicules stupid tales or games his siblings might come up with. generally predisposed to being an asshole about things unless starlingheart catches him in it, in which case he will back off (only if she instructs him so). will listen to her word over anyone else's. may challenge granitepelt at times, or members of shadowclan's council. however, once he finds other shadowclan warriors he respects he will latch onto them and become extremely loyal to them as well.
    - generally antisocial / shy; prefers his own company to the company of anyone else. he's not incapable of making friends but he's prickly and very set in his own ways which makes it harder. he is particularly unyielding when it comes to his beliefs about the makings of a good warrior, which include being skillful at shadowclan's particular sneaking abilities, as well as having a strong belief in starclan.
    - believes in second chances to an extent. starlingheart's ability to see the best in cats inspires him to do something similar: give them a second chance when they mess up. flint holds his clanmates to a high standard and may go out of his way to correct them when he thinks they're doing something wrong-- for the sake of his clan, of course.
    - doesn't have a short fuse as much as a festering anger that can explode at inopportune times. flint is generally shier, and tends towards the quiet side of his litter, but once he is set off he becomes brash and impulsive. small things can irk him and he may be more obvious about that, but his real rage is often simmering below his surface for weeks at a time, waiting for a moment to burst.
    - generally abrasive or cold with others; he is as abrasive and willing to cut as his namesake. he is unyielding in his beliefs and will often be stubborn about them. tends to be reserved and tries to think before he acts, but can be impulsive with his speech especially. difficult to befriend.
    - in his friendships, he values loyalty over most other things. he likes to keep his friends close, and largely dependent if he can help it- a remnant of granitepelt's obsessiveness.
    - the easiest way to get on flintkit's bad side is to insult him. he takes himself very seriously and resents any cat who speaks down to him or suggests that he is doing something imprefectly.

    UNLABELED SEXUALITY; will find out he is gay later in life
    difficult to trust; finds it very difficult to trust anyone outside of his family. this will only be made worse if he ever finds out that granitepelt is the one to have killed so many of starlingheart's family.
    SMELLS OF cut foliage and wet stone
    SOUNDS LIKE voice description
    speech is Color Here

    - i would like a big falling out someday between granitepelt and this kit... i think a sort of mirror of granitepelt would be very cool to play especially as the kit grows and finds himself (perhaps) staunchly opposed to granitepelt's ideals, whether he realizes it or not. someone who wants to protect starlingheart not to keep her close and reliant but to protect her from that toxic fate... but someone who could be easily swayed to follow granitepelt's path of destruction, albeit with different intentions.
    - perhaps better poised to be one of granite's favorites (if he has any) just due to his coloring & name taking after granite's side so much. i think this could be interesting considering i would still love a falling out between them!
    - im very interested in a villain route for this kit. his morals may be more aligned with starlingheart's but i think due to his personality, in particular his stubbornness and views on what makes a good warrior, as well as his intense (perhaps spiteful) desire to make granitepelt proud, he could easily fall down a villainous path. a true neutral personality who acts according to what he believes may be best for others, but in reality doesn't consider their feelings or needs. he is the fire and he is the forest and he is the woman watching it.......
    - whether he is a villain or not ^ i do definitely see him killing a cat in the future, either on purpose or on accident. his violent temper and disregard for training etiquette could be a good segue into this plot.

    motifs and themes:
    - hounds, cliff faces, stinging nettles, cracked earth, mirrors, deep water
  • sz0DlLj.png
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──── named for pitchstar in relation to the markings on his tail, and carrying with him the weight of such a name with a mixture of pride and confusion. his father's mind with his mother's heart.
small quote here

  • 00 moons old. born july fourteenth, ages realistically on the fourteenth. brother to character tbd.
    ──── amab male. uses he - him - his pronouns ; will find the use of others to be quite confusing.
    ──── kitten of shadowclan. not necessarily loyal but likely to remain there aside from huge plots.

    intended as a character who stands in opposition to granitepelt while also embodying many of his characteristics. observant, clever, and vindictive with a deeply curious streak that is intended to try and push through his father's barriers. or at the very least, his buttons.

    my activity is by no means fantastic, but i would be aiming for about eight posts a month with this character. though i cannot always promise stellar activity, i can be consistent if nothing else.
  • shorthair black solid w/ low white and dark green eyes. carries dilute, cinnamon, and longhair.
    ──── white underbelly, back socks, and tail striping. on his face, a small diamond and one cheek.

    there is little to distinguish pitchkit from any other at the time of his birth. a squirming bundle of gangly black, stumpy-tailed and small-eared– his pelt does not shine or glimmer; he is not large or small, or particularly noteworthy in how he acts. no. like any other, he squirms and he mewls and he curls peacefully to his mother's belly, a spot of dark contrast to her white underbelly. there is only one thing to see in him at birth– the shattered white marking along the tip of his tail, shaped much like the very end of pitchstar's. maybe it is that which earns him his name. maybe his mother is simply missing her family at the time of these additions.

    whatever it is, that name will shape him nearly as much as his genes.

    he grows into it with time. apprenticeship bestows upon him long legs, though he is still small in stature, and training leaves him compact and lean. his eyes, which changed early on to a terrible match of granitepelt's, are keenly fixed on the world before him. the undergrowth is a king's castle, and pitchkit carries himself knowing so. not even his mother's coloration can hide the sharpness he has inherited from his father. in time, it may grow to be an unpleasant reminder. or maybe, just maybe, he will carry granite's features like a legacy.
  • focused, clever, adaptable, earnest, observant.
    ambitious, curious, proud, impressionable, dry.
    selfish, jealous, inconsiderate, petty, superstitious.

    — ambitious, focused, selfish, but charismatic and warm as well. a genuine curiosity tends to get him into trouble, especially considering his curiosity is often about other cats. the fact that older cats have lived a life that he can never experience is fascinating to him, and he will try and dig into everyone's histories all the time.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vestibulum enim leo, sed euismod magna pretium at. Praesent aliquam id odio quis imperdiet. Praesent eget blandit magna. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In non arcu et ligula fringilla gravida. Praesent placerat placerat neque, lacinia congue felis interdum ut. Ut tristique maximus euismod. Vestibulum interdum at elit sed varius. Proin condimentum, massa at malesuada posuere, erat velit ultrices purus, at suscipit nibh felis vitae orci. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent aliquam posuere tellus in eleifend. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam sodales diam dolor, quis vehicula nisi rutrum at. Vestibulum sem leo, malesuada ac sem vitae, lobortis varius quam.

    Sed sodales malesuada dui. Sed et purus scelerisque, sollicitudin leo a, convallis tortor. Quisque id elit ut nisi mollis gravida in in neque. Etiam quis nunc sit amet lectus auctor hendrerit. Nam porta euismod massa, et aliquam ligula feugiat et. Aliquam sed tortor dictum, laoreet libero et, faucibus sapien. Vivamus id tortor neque. Suspendisse iaculis sed dui vitae rhoncus. Donec quis augue facilisis, hendrerit tortor porta, aliquet nulla. Fusce nec ullamcorper ipsum. Sed urna odio, mattis sit amet massa ac, pellentesque ultrices tellus. Fusce porttitor, risus in feugiat finibus, dolor nibh consectetur est, eu placerat nunc mauris et orci. Sed tincidunt, urna laoreet finibus tincidunt, neque mi hendrerit mi, id consectetur dui sem tempor ligula. Fusce at erat eget dolor condimentum mollis. Nullam nec finibus tellus. Mauris sed lacus ipsum. Praesent semper nisl et tincidunt vehicula. Fusce massa elit, gravida porttitor dignissim a, feugiat non erat. Maecenas sit amet augue facilisis, commodo turpis et, lobortis sem.
  • x
  • ──── desperate for granite's affection almost solely because it is withheld. his apathy towards pitch is met with confusion, then indignation, and finally with frustration. should the timing align, he would beg chilledstar to be apprenticed to granite. (whether or not that happens offers awesome plot opportunities.)
    ──── should granite take to his siblings more than himself, their relationship would quickly turn competitive. regardless of whether or not it's genuine or wanted, he would be quite jealous; it would further his confusion and indignation.
  • x
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marblekit . marblepaw . marblestripe, marbleswirl ... heart & pelt

↳ named after their father & their aunt, as well as potentially being named for their pelt
— kit of shadowclan, loyal to their cause
— nonbinary, uses they/them for themselves, doesn't mind other pronouns; undecided sexuality
starlingheart x granitepelt, sibling to ???

tiny blue & black chimera with low white and dull green eyes at first glance, marblekit is tiny, moreso compared to the other kits of the clan. though it might be a cause for concern, theres a stocky and muscle-y build that shines so very clearly when they’re born. what they lack in height they make up for in strength, growing to be about nine inches tall at their max height, with a potential to be smaller. they tend to hold themselves very regally, with their chin tipped upwards and posture perfectly set. their fur is always, always well-groomed aside from when they rough-house with a parent, fellow kit or sibling.

with a base coat of their fathers, a granite-coat of blue and starling-splashes of their mother, marble makes quite an interesting cat to look at. theres marble white veins that run through pelt, cutting through both gray and black- and perhaps theres a crude symbolism there, but they’re just proud to carry colors of both of their parents. along with the odd white coloring lined across their body, they have one white paw while the rest are black, and white freckles that dot their face. they also have white ear-tips that are kept by a ring of black around them. their green eyes tend to lack the lively shine other kits have and there seems to be just a hint of growing eye bags under their eyes- what could possibly make a kit look so tired?
↳ genetically blue, carries longhair


secretive and quiet, fearful and rough marblekit is quiet, opting to not speak much unless spoken to, or unless its with their family. because of this, they’re an observer, and often finds out things they would rather not know. they hate to tell more than necessary about themselves or about their family, and will often change the subject if its brushed upon. they love more than usual, and would do anything asked of them for their parents and sibling. this could potentially branch out to their friends as well, or to their clan depending on how much they are taught about shadowclan. they do, however, find it hard to empathize with anyone that has gone through something that they haven’t- often times when comforting someone they will just pull random words from Stars know where to make a somewhat coherent sentence.

below their chill exterior lies an amalgamation of various fears, some trivial while some scare them so bad it impacts their daily life. you have the common kit fear of thunderstorms, the fear of badgers, foxes, dogs and so on and so on- they go away after a little bit, but with marble it seems to stick around longer than it needs to. their deeper fears lay with the intense anxiety of being seen as weak, often pushing down the other trivial fears until they have the luxury of being alone. this leads to marble smushing down their emotions later on in life, creating a cat thats emotionally akin to the very stone they’re named after.

they also tend to care too much about what others think to the point where it makes them sick to their stomach to even think of someone disliking them. but oddly enough marble seems to give off the air that they just do not care, not even going to the length of fixing it. outwardly its a flaw that makes them appear aloof and indifferent, but inwardly they freeze up so much over it that they begin to just isolate the problem and pretend it doesn’t exist. a blessing and a curse for them if they can eliminate the problem at the source.
mannerisms: holds their head high, looks down their nose, subtle eye twitches when their mood shifts. when playing with others, they tend not to realize their own strength and goes overboard
— (will) excel at fighting & stealth


— leaned slightly in to hypokit marble personality wise
— ic reactive character, so while they have the base personality above (and set stonewalling in the future), they will change in the environment they grow up in
— marble holds an interest in their mothers job, but thinks being a warrior is cooler because you get to beat other cats up. probably idolizes their dad even if he isnt the best father. neither parent can do no wrong in their eyes.
— loves their immediate family dearly, but would probably find starlings older siblings scary. aunt silt would also be scary in their eyes.
blindly trusts their parents words over anyone elses, including smogs or chilleds. if they say something is safe, or something isn’t safe, they will heed to it like it were the word of starclan.
— probably has a very, VERY small circle that consists of one or two cats that they truly trust when they grow older
— because of their fears, they probably beg and beg mom & dad to let them sleep with them even when they become an apprentice
— doesn’t strike me as a cat to settle down, but may change. may try to subconsciously search for a love like their parents.
— the world is a very scary place. (Probably) often won’t appear in a lot of threads without one of their siblings or parents/extended family for the first two weeks, their appearances without them will be full of anxiety and a few questions about things
— thinking that they receive one of their parents suffixes depending on how their apprenticeship goes, though undecided on this
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2 moons | born 07.14.23. | created xx.xx.xx.
kitten of shadowclan
pitchpaw > pitchpelt ? pitchfeather ? pitchhowl ? pitchbelly ? pitchblaze ?
— while looking nearly identical to their father, the near-perfect star on their forehead made starlingheart think fondly of her brother
— a stubby grey-and-white cat with green eyes
— will be quick to trust others
— will be quick to form relationships, platonic and romantic. he wears his heart on his sleeve
— doesn't understand malicious intent yet

loyal to their mother, shadowclan, and starclan
— close with
— friends with
— rivals with
— enemies with


the prodigal son | berserk button | well done, dad
— humble, honest, kind, forgiving, social
— stubborn, independent, reserved, curious, watchful
— insensitive, overconfident, boastful, greedy, explosive
pitchkit is a very kind individual, mostly in the face of his clanmates. though some may be strangers to him or nothing more than a patrol buddy, he will do his best to be cordial and polite. he enjoys working together, and understands that trust goes quite a long way in shadowclan. he is dutiful to his work and his reputation, wanting to do his very best to make his parents proud and earn the approval of starclan. due to granitepelt's distance, he will seek out his father's attention more than the rest. a key characteristic to their personality is how purely honest he is. pitchkit doesn't understand the need or benefit to lying, avoiding it by any means. though this may cause for some issues later when his honesty proves to be too much for his clanmates to bear.

spending enough time with pitchkit will reveal he has a streak over believing he can do things by himself just fine. he doesn't like needing help, but enjoys helping others. or does he like when they need him?. while pitchkit loves to talk and be around his peers, he doesn't say much about himself in particular. they enjoy conversations that build up knowing more information on his clanmates, so he feels a better connection with them. when not in the mood to talk, he settles with just watching.

an unfortunate common occurrence that pitchkit lacks a filter. just as he enjoys being around his peers, he especially enjoys asking them all sorts of questions that may not exactly be appropriate. this will of course later extend to outsiders like in gathering settings. being the curious cat he is, these questions will stem from lack of information and seeking more in regards to starclan, clan dynamics, social dynamics, and so on. his crave for knowledge is seemingly insatiable, though he doesn't appear to apply it toward anything useful at the moment. in the face of his achievements pitchkit will loudly tote it around for as long as he feels its relevant, reminding those around him just how good he is at being a warrior. digs at his skill, family, or even from outsiders toward his clan will be gifted with fiery rage. an immediate trigger, pitchkit is quick to defend his loved ones with claws and teeth.


for now pitchkit has the round, healthy appearance of a kitten that has some growing to do. as he gets older, learning and working to become a warrior, his talents will be found in his core strength. a frame built more closely to flint's with endurance and bursts of strength, he will use these skill sets for quick dodges and surprise blows. quick enough to throw their opponents of guard.
— shorthair, blue-grey with white stretching between his eyes, connecting down his neck and underbelly
— eyes of glimmering emerald shade
— 10in shoulder height | 9lbs
— voice claim
— accessories may include pine nettles
visual ref
the similarity between pitchkit and his father will be undeniably staggering. they share the same wide set of ears and unusually long tail. blue-toned fur is short with a glossy sheen, velour in texture but dense to keep them warm. pallid white fur stretches down between his eyes and connect a wide strip down his muzzle, neck, and to his underbelly. their eyes strike piercing green, but do not burn with the distaste and anger of his father. though narrowed and glimmering with mischief, they are more often soft and joyful when looking to his clanmates. overall his posture and the way he carries himself is more welcoming and confident.


training style — battle dynamics

starts fightswill not end fights

— strength [3/10]
— speed [4/10]
— agility [5/10]
— intelligence [3/10]
— endurance [5/10]
— perception [2/10]

— nonviolent/peaceful actions can be powerplayed

— potential plots
  • angst regarding granitepelt's avoidance, not understanding why and being super persistent about it
  • manipulated by siltcloud? becomes closer to their aunt than any of their other family which can lead to. problems :)
  • becomes jealous of their sibling(s) if they receive any attention from granitepelt. may turn into something more malicious down the line, as they struggle to stay loyal and loving while angry
  • lots of hard and complicated dialogue between him and starling bc he is constantly questioning starclan and why things are this way and that. has a hard time accepting things just as they are
  • issues from being overwhelmingly honest turn him to become a compulsive liar as an adult

— application notes
  • i am comfortable changing the kittens name to another dni name! and making minor design changes to fit if necessary
  • pitchkit has splotches of freckles/spots on his lips. he sometimes calls these 'star kisses'
  • despite his bold questions, pitchkit is a firm and devoted believer in starclan and tries his best to honor them both for himself and his mother
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NETTLEKIT, named for his mother's healing herbs:
cisgender male ; he / him, undiscovered sexuality

✦ shorthaired cinnamon tom w/ low white
─ resembling his mother, nettlekit has rather rounded features even in his youth. he will never be a large cat, but his slight stature will serve him well when it comes to one of shadowclan's main skills- stealth. the majority of his fur is a deep cinnamon, well-groomed and presented. his paws wear a stark-white shade, as does his head and neck; his snowy markings cradle an upside-down heart shape, that peters into a point at his throat. his eyes are a shock of sky-blue, bright and often crescent-curved with humour. he brandishes smiles regularly, and does not appear to hold his emotions back- however, the air of bravado and extroversion that gleams from his expression does not reach quite as deep as it seems.

( + ) cheerful, creative, intelligent, charismatic, sociable
( / ) convincing, breezy, ambitious
( - ) disruptive, insecure, false, reticent, defensive
nettlekit, in youth, will spend a lot of time asking questions. he certainly enjoys games and levity, but equally does he enjoy listening to the wisdom of those older than he. this habit will serve him with a good memory and an eventual vast vocabulary, though he does not particularly use his arsenal for snark- no, rather he enjoys keeping the spirits of his peers high with overly descriptive and ridiculous jokes. as a consequence, however, as he grows he will never quite seem as if he is taking anything seriously. he has enough social awareness to know when seriousness is appropriate, but in times where perhaps he should be focusing on other matters, much of his energy is spent on keeping his peers happy and engaged.

he values likability and believes it is the best way to both progress far in life and be respected, and thus does everything in his power to seem like a good friend. much of nettlekit's kindness is genuine, however beneath his skin does lay a need to be liked, completely counteracted by a plague of self-doubt and a fear of being hurt. this fear will eventually form into a requirement to keep friendship at an arm's length, despite his charisma and apparent approachability. he noticeably does not open up about or even mention his emotions, but he is a good liar and actor, and keeps up his shield of charisma rather well. this fear of rejection, scorn and harm may exacerbate if he is to ever discover his father's crimes, a cat he likely admires simply for being a good warrior, and responsible in that he appears to provide well for his family.
enjoys the make-believe, and will eventually be the type to make up tales- sometimes quite elaborate ones. collects stones like action figures, representing 'characters'.
is capable, but doubt and humour often hold him back from full potential. he doesn't want to remove enjoyment from his life simply for success- rather, he wants to find a way to both reach great heights and enjoy every step of the journey.
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——✝ named for starlingheart's deceased friend, ghostpaw
— female ; she/her ; confused by but not opposed to others
— will sound like vc tba ; will smell like iron, dry smoke, and mud

✝ —— shorthaired black shecat with high white
——✝ carrying longhair, dilute, & cinnamon
Physically, Ghostkit resembles both parents with her own strange and otherwordly additions. She will be quite beautiful even from kithood, but it will be a creepy beauty; foxlike and serpentine, Ghostkit resembles everything but a normal cat. Though she has her mother's colors, she has inherited much of Granitepelt's facial features, with long narrow eyes like a fox's and much sharper bones in her face than Starlingheart's rounded features. She will grow to be tiny in stature like her mother, though far from delicate; perhaps inheriting some of Flint's agile and compact build, she'll possess long legs and a lengthy tail despite her height. Her build will grow to be compact but slender, much more inclined to lean sinew than bulky muscle.

Ghostkit's fur is short, sleek, and has an almost feathery quality, especially where it grows thicker around her joints. Her long tail is skinny and snakelike, with a feathery tufted end; her fur will curl sleek down her neck into a feathery mane at its base, reminiscent of her grandmother Briarstar's spiky neck fur. Her fur is a deep midnight black, broken up by strange spectral white markings. A pure white mask covers her face, interrupted only by dark crescents of black fur under her eyes that only add to their hypnotic appearance. Her back half is also white, marked by a border of scalloped patterns, covering her hind legs and tail as well; almost reminiscent of her namesake's pure ivory fur. Ghostkit's eyes are a vivid blue so dark they can appear almost nonexistent in the night, something that combined with her dark eye markings makes them both creepy and mesmerizing.

✝ —— a disturbing mindset with an off-kilter worldview
+ adaptable, discreet, obedient
= stealthy, indifferent, sycophantic
- two-faced, immoral, artificial, self-serving

On a basic level, from her birth, Ghostkit simply will not understand that other cats are important and that their feelings and lives matter. To her, she is the only cat that matters in her own worldview, and other cats are merely things that exist around her but do not truly matter; no amount of explanation will sway this belief. She does not understand the basic morals many cats hold, nor does she know empathy; Ghostkit will not understand why she has to obey the rules and what is stopping her from doing as she likes besides intangible "morals". Other cats' feelings, lives, and reputations are completely disposable to her and she does not feel sorry for any pain or suffering other cats may have to endure for her to succeed, as they simply do not matter. The she-kit holds a strong "survival" mindset that hinges on her receiving the maximum benefit from situations; to her, morals and motivations are merely pretenses that she frequently changes to suit the situations around her.

Ghostkit does not hold a strong hunger for direct, personal power; she would very much prefer to hold influence and a "behind the throne" sort of power. Nor does she have a strong desire to personally commit violence and in fact finds it distasteful. Should she in the future have to do something violent or truly incriminating, it would not only be a last resort, she would much prefer to use a catspaw to carry it out. She will be an eavesdropper and absorb information around her like Starlingheart does, though her use of it will be much more malicious. Ghostkit will intentionally seek out and set up situations where she learns embarrassing or incriminating information about Clanmates. She is extremely two-faced and will change her allegiance or beliefs at the drop of a hat to "win" or benefit, depending on who will come out on top. She has no remorse for her actions and no moral upset about it; she simply dislikes discomfort or receiving consequences for her actions.

Almost like her father's kithood, Ghostkit will be exceptionally clear about this worldview initially before she learns she will receive consequences for her behavior from other cats. She'll quickly learn that she dislikes consequences and, again like Granitepelt, will realize one can modify and falsify their behavior to avoid consequences—after all, honey catches more flies than vinegar. From this, she will further learn she can modify herself to receive positive reactions and benefits; she'll also learn she can become the one who inflicts "consequences" and will revel in this knowledge. Though she may be a little difficult as a kit, she will not act out too violently and therefore her misbehavior may be noticed less, giving it time to grow and blossom. She will not initially move towards death as a solution to "problem cats" like Granitepelt has and will prefer to covertly drag the reputations of those she dislikes through the mud.

Noticing Starlingheart's high rank within the Clan and how her more shy and thoughtful personality earns her more favor than her father, Ghostkit may begin to build a careful "false personality". This front is likely to be one of a humble, obsequious, and fawning cat who is an obedient warrior, making her an easy apprentice to have. She may do her best to be obedient and discreet, adapting to situations and attempting to smooth the path in front of her by behaving flatteringly to cats who hold power. This front may be betrayed by the fact that once a cat loses their access to power, they will mean nothing to Ghostkit.

✝ —— relationships
— niece to Siltcloud, Sparkkit, Sootspot, Cloudedsky, Chittertongue and Pitchstar
— cousin to Sablepaw and Stalkingpaw
— granddaughter to Flint, Sandra, Briarstar and Amber
— grandniece to Boneripple

✝ —— potential plots
— granite's dislike for her (name)
— getting in trouble in early kithood for manifestations of her self-serving mindset
— could include quietly harassing other kits or spreading rumors
— may but is not likely to include physical attacks​
— forming a "false personality" in later kithood and/or early apprenticeship
— i'm pretty loose with my plots but open to working with any plots from starling, granite, other kit(s), or really anyone!


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DOVEKIT━ ◦ ❖ ◦━
named after starlingheart
afab, she/her, undetermined sexuality
gen 3, starlingheart x granitepelt, sibling to tba

━ ◦ SH BLUE W/ LOW WHITE small framed, dovekit takes after her mother's size. she is thinly built, slender and below average height wise. as a kitten she is rather plump, dressed in feather-soft fur. it is short in length, hanging closely to her frame in all places besides the top of her neck and lengthy tail where it grows in longer tufts. atop her neck sits a narrowed head, she has a defined jawline and cheekbones that flow into a tapered muzzle. dovekit has a small dusty pink nose that is decorated with long white whiskers. slightly above that is where her eyes sit, wide yet angled sharply up to her pointed ears. they are a muted greyish green color, the same found in the sky before a strong storm. her flank is covered in a solid grey, nearly identical to her father's. a snowy white dips her front toes, hind legs, tail, chest and throat. on her face she has a white blaze that leads upwards to a pointed shape on her forehead. her eyelids and ear tips are also painted with this pale shade.

━ ◦ adventurous / curious / shy / determined / inhibited / insecure ◦━
like most kittens, dovekit harbors a deep curiosity about nearly everything around her. she likes to spend time talking to older clanmates to figure out all of the why's of the world that surrounds her. she will bother starlingheart about her life as a medicine cat and try to bother granitepelt about his achievements as a warrior. she wants to see and know everything, even if it means breaking a few rules to obtain that knowledge.

she tends to hold herself back to allow her littermate to get ahead out of her love for them. because of this, she often feels insecure about her abilities when in reality she is just as, if not more capable.

a quiet little bird, dovekit is much more keen to observe conversation than join. she can be rather timid and aloof when interacting with those who are not cats she sees every day. with her family (excluding granitepelt), she shows less restraint. affectionate and caring, she speaks freely about anything she pleases with a tendency to ramble once she gets going.

despite a rather softspoken demeanor, something about granitepelt's emotional absence lights a fire within her. she is determined to obtain his approval by any means. even as her resentment towards her father grows with her age, this will always be an underlying factor within her decisions.

━ ◦ possible plot points ◦━
she will want to be as close as possible to starlingheart, looking up to her mother and wanting the influence and knowledge she has for herself one day. much of her free time would likely be spent hanging out with her and it is unlikely that any secrets would be kept on dovekit's part.

initially, she will struggle with apprenticeship. moving out of the nursery an beginning to work for her keep, although she wants to do well it will be a rough adjustment period. starkly behind her peers, she will try not to mind but cannot ignore the whispers that will surely arise following each failure. if word that either parent harbored any disappointment or pity for her were to reach her, she would likely have a full on breakdown resulting in a few traits being flipped. would become more of a workaholic, looking for training wherever she can find it. less soft-spoken and more sharp-tongued and ambitious. she also would have the capacity to become more reckless with possible violent tendencies in order to prove her worth to shadowclan and her family.

her loyalty to shadowclan is rather shallow, but as long as her family is there it is unlikely that she would even think of leaving. would possibly have a few cross-clan friendships and/or relationships.
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I am not applying but I am tracking to observe Magpie's new little roommates under a microscope >:3c
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0 moons


She / they
A vast, short-furred expanse of pitch black coats the aptly named Pitchkit's figure; she is truly the embodiment of a phantom, named for her uncle and almost identical in appearance to her grandmother, with dark features almost difficult to distinguish in poor lighting. She hardly stands out in a crowd, easily blending into the background both for her coloration and small frame — she takes after Starlingheart in this sense, with a slim build and unimpressive lack of stature throughout her childhood. Though as she ages she'll grow into herself and gain some height, becoming more graceful and willowy rather than fragile. Her eyes match her mother's as well, a light leaf-green in hue.

In line with her shadowy presentation, Pitchkit is a relatively subtle presence, easily slinking around without detection and typically preferring to observe rather than engage, sometimes to the point of eavesdropping. This is largely because she struggles to smoothly partake in conversation and finds herself easily overwhelmed in the midst of large groups, with all of this culminating into the impression of a rather asocial personality. However, she has an ever-present and almost desperate desire to form connections with others all the same. It's a lack of confidence that holds her back more than anything else, which is exacerbated by Granitepelt's attitude toward her. This dynamic is the primary driving force behind her need for the attachments she so often grasps vainly at; it's hard not to doubt herself and her worth when her father hardly cares to acknowledge her existence. Consequently, she leans heavily into her bond with the rest of her family and, frankly, anyone who gives her the time of day, fixating easily and fervently. Deeply craving affection and validation, she'll latch onto any source of it she can find to a clingy and sometimes even possessive degree, though she isn't a bold enough cat to make the latter known outside of guilt-tripping and quiet seething during bouts of jealousy; something she isn't entirely aware of when she does it. She'll do anything that's asked of her by someone she cares about in her eagerness to keep them around, Granitepelt included — she wants nothing more than to win him over.

**Plot idea: I can see her maybe developing a really bad habit of chronic eavesdropping, as a way to live vicariously through her clanmates who are more socially adept/have close friendships that she's envious of. She comes to know a lot of gossip and such that she shouldn't, and starts thinking more about her clanmates' lives than her own. Maybe this could even lead to her overhearing or seeing Granitepelt get up to something villainous and really not knowing what on earth to do about it, because she desperately wants to earn his affection and tattling would... not achieve that. Maybe he'd catch her or at least suspect she saw something if she started acting differently/nervous around him, and some plots could ensue from there :3c I don't know if he would physically threaten or harm her to keep her quiet, but she probably wouldn't say anything if he did and would make up some reason for any injuries.

*i was gonna use briar- and initially posted the app with that name, but then i quickly saw there's another shc kit with black fur and green eyes named briarkit so i changed it to pitchkit for the similar significance !! :') but im happy to change it back to briar if you dont mind the double, or to spirit or phantom if these would hold similar significance/disdain to granite (or any other suitable granite dni name) in the event that you want to pick the other pitchkit application!!
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kindly withdrawing ! love this litter gl everyone !
- eye-ing the hypo design for Featherkit...
- Gentlekit -> Gentlepaw -> Gentlefrost/fang/bite...
- she/they
- wants to be the favorite SO BAD, tries rlly hard to get in fathers good graces, overachieving and actually naturally talented in some areas, bubbly, fawning, loves being loved, impulsive, overbearing, envious, rlly nasty when pushed, guilt-trippy, obsessive (crazy ex gf trope)
- gets too excited/antsy during a playfight with a sibling/another kit and bites a hole in their ear (or otherwise gives them a permanent scar)
- certain events lead her to accidentally/on purpose killing someone? or perhaps someone else pressures her to harm them and oops theyre dead. and she runs to a loved one to help her cover it up
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No Former Alliances

Female / AFAB
She / Her
Too Young
★ PROFILE An almost even clash of storm gray and ivory, Cloverkit’s pelt is every bit of her father, while her eyes reflect both of her parents with their own twist of dark emerald green. As a child, her build leans more towards the smaller side, her round facial features and wide, down-turned eyes reflecting the gentle spirit she is born with.
⤷ SH blue she-kit w/ high white link

An idolizer, Cloverkit is extremely impressionable. She looks up towards authority figures the most, and whilst extremely close with her mother, will strive to want to be like her father- more often than not attempting to follow on his heel.
Cloverkit adopts her mothers family-oriented trait from a young age, liking to keep her siblings close by and be the first to stand up for them when need be. As she grows, however, her world will expand further than she ever could have imagined, and she will take on a habit of wanting to know every thing about anything, going out to find out on her own if need be. While Cloverkits heart is always good-intentioned, her personality seems to land her in trouble almost by nature.

PARENT TO no one
—— ADMIRES Starlingheart, Granitepelt
UNKNOWN SEXUALITY ♡ MONO ; oblivious to all romantic matters / trusts easily
SMELLS OF honey & her mothers herbs

1957 - Milo Greene
► MR.RAGER Kid Cudi
CREATED 07.08.2023 AT x MOONS. Ages every 1st.
—— penned by Noor
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