storage storage hhh

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. "Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like)."

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation by H. Rackham.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. "Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like)."

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation by H. Rackham.

✦ face down in the boulevard, yet i couldn't face you ——— tags

[HEIGHT=20PX][OUTLINE=BLACK][FONT=arial][color=#aca6b3]✦ face down in the boulevard, yet i couldn't face you[/color][/FONT][color=#CCC1C9][/color][/OUTLINE][color=COLORHERE] ——— [url=][COLOR=#d77405][I]tags[/I][/COLOR][/URL][/color][/height][/RIGHT][/BOX][/center]

  • slatechibi.png

    —— he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles


  • 67742787_tPGcdYVUNzWpIz9.png
    —— he/him; warrior ( moor runner ) of windclan
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— long-limbed black tom with green eyes, a small white chest patch, and a notable bite mark on his right foreleg
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles

  • z6MDp9Y.png

    SLATE ; a name that is simple yet strong
    a gruff, no-nonsense former rogue who can bark as well as bite, with an intimidating hulking dark form to boot. he is very opinionated and butts heads even with his own clanmates, unafraid of putting up a fight for what he believes in. hidden underneath this aloof and fiery exterior is a moral conflict, torn between the law and order of living as a clan cat and the lawlessness and freedoms of living as a rogue. while he rarely exhibits a side of himself that is softer and tame, he should not be mistaken to be something that he is not. slate still clings to roguish tendencies and would commit selfish and brutal acts in the name of survival.
    ⤷ named after his dark-colored fur. his family all had naturistic-themed names.
    — cis male; he/him; bisexual
    — lead warrior of skyclan, opinion of clan / other clans if u want; former rogue
    — 31 moons / created 4.27.21, brought to tt 11.26.22 / ages on the 1st
    — penned by beatles; HEARTCHART ; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST
  • z6MDp9Y.png

    Slate is a purebred Maine Coon and is hefty, weighing approximately 20 lbs and standing 15 inches at the shoulder. He has long charcoal-black fur with a rusted underbelly and wisps of tan on the tips of his belly fur. He has amber-colored eyes that are comparable to the flicker of a steady flame. He possesses many scars scattered across his body, namely two across the bridge of his nose, a torn right ear, and a long scar along his right eye. Slate also has a folded left ear due to an ear mite infestation, which has since been treated by twolegs. Descended from show cat parents, his features are quite handsome and sharp.
  • z6MDp9Y.png

    Once a street cat living with no sense of honor or integrity, clan life is truly forging Slate's character and unearthing traits that he previously thought himself incapable of. He is finding himself a bit of a strategist, someone who won't back down and wants to succeed at everything he does. He is driven to work and complete tasks and missions and doesn't enjoy messing around on the job or wasting time.

    Socially, he is pretty reserved and offers little words to most, keeping others at arm's length. Rarely does he loosen up, especially around those he doesn't know well. Since he tends to be so focused on his job, he comes off as distant and usually takes some time to truly warm up to others. However, he is quick to unleash sarcasm onto just about anybody. Straight to the point, as he doesn't prefer to sugarcoat things or beat around the bush, which makes him come off as blunt.

    Morally ambiguous. He is unopposed to siding with "good" or "bad"; ultimately he will support whatever benefits/appeals to him. Although he supports individuals and their agendas rather than specific alignments, he is more likely to agree with more strong-willed and iron-fisted leaders. However, distrust and wariness of authority figures have arisen within him for personal reasons. It is rare for him to wholeheartedly pledge his loyalty to anyone.

    Slate has a short fuse and will lash out if provoked (which doesn't take much). He is often quick to argue and even violence in order to solve his problems. He is rarely apologetic and is incredibly stubborn, though when he is sincere he tends to be uncomfortable simply because he's not used to acknowledging his emotions or making amends. He is not used to being shown patience or gentleness and reacts awkwardly when done so.

    Due to feeling manipulated/not feeling in control during his youth, Slate can be incredibly controlling over other people. He is very adamant about ultimately being his own boss and, although he may work under a leader, he will only obey orders if they suit him. Slate may have the capacity to be very ambitious and power-hungry as well if given the opportunity.

    He is a hypocrite, holding others to a standard that he doesn't hold himself to; will be quick to judge others but will turn around and do the exact same thing, except he'll find a way to justify his actions. Wants to believe that he's always in the right and gets ruffled when he's called out on it.

    Slate is very loyal to those whom he forms bonds with and would perhaps even sacrifice his life for them, though such individuals are few and far between. Somewhere in his heart, he has the potential to be a loving and genuine man, though rarely shows such qualities as he is lonesome and detached from other people.

    mannerisms blah blah blah
  • z6MDp9Y.png

    does not trust nor make friends easily
    SOUNDS LIKE: matthew daddario
    SMELLS LIKE: fresh pine needles and bark
    speech is #768a94

    ROCKY xx BROOK sibling to cloverjaw | mentoring cherrypaw
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: orangeblossom
    TOLERATES: blazestar, auburnflame
    DISLIKES: bobbie, sweetybee, silversmoke, thunderclan, windclan, kittypets
    NOTABLE ENEMIES: cygnetstare, twolegs
  • z6MDp9Y.png

    ► SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist

  • z6MDp9Y.png

    [ KITHOOD ] Born to two purebred Maine Coon parents named Rocky and Brook alongside his littermate named Clover. Pampered and doted upon, Slate and his sibling were always told that they were highly desired by twolegs and were born to be pets who were admired for their looks. Wanting a more fulfilling life for himself, Slate ran away from his adopted twolegs to live the life of a "wild cat".

    [ THE STREETS / ADOLESCENCE-YOUNG ADULTHOOD ] Overwhelmed by the outside world and after nearly being run over by a monster, Slate joined up with a pair of rogues and learned street survival skills from them, including how to hunt rats, fight other cats, and outwit predators. They were apart of a rogue group called The Blackguards, which Slate was a part of by association.

    One day his "mentors", out of selfish desperation, literally threw Slate to the hounds as bait. Only eight months old, he managed to escape with a few scars and lived on his own from then on. He met a Pine Colony cat named Orange Blossom a few months later and began a casual situationship with her, though he stopped seeing her when they began to grow too close.

    Slate met another rogue named Silver and scrapped with him over a mouse, which ended in him nearly taking Silver's right eye.

    [ WARRIORHOOD - YOUNG ADULTHOOD (2023) ] After living in the twolegplace as an aggressive rogue for years, he shows up on SkyClan's borders and is vouched for by his brother, Cloverjaw. He reunited with Silversmoke, refueling a long-standing rivalry from before the creation of the clans. Not long after Slate joins, he participates in a battle against WindClan and witnesses Blazestar lose a life.

    Slate aids a small patrol in driving out a fox from SkyClan's territory, though the tip of his right ear is torn off. A murderous rogue named Kuiper is put on trial, where Slate and several others speak out against his heinous crimes.

    Weeks after multiple cats have been taken from SkyClan's territory by twolegs, Silversmoke and Slate get into a heated argument and near-altercation before being interrupted by a stray dog. Not long after, Slate himself is trapped by twolegs and taken away to the shelter.

    After a moon spent in the shelter, Slate and the other SkyClanners are freed and return to camp. In the following meeting, Blazestar apprentices Howlpaw to Slate and promotes him to Lead Warrior.

    An attack from WindClan occurs at random, and Slate battles a warrior named Cygnetstare. They engage in a proper scuffle, and although WindClan technically wins the fight, Slate has nearly torn her throat out.

    Slate gets into an argument with Bobbie and Sweetybee when Fantastream brings toy mice into camp. He voices his concerns about the way that SkyClan handles joiners, especially kittypet joiners, in a council meeting. Unexpectedly, and begrudgingly, Slate takes on Cherrypaw as his new apprentice.

    Yellowcough plagues the clans, and when Blazestar makes a call for volunteers to embark on a dangerous journey to find the cure, Slate offers himself in a perhaps surprising turn of events.

    Through all of the dangerous and treacherous events that face the journeying cats, Slate perseveres. However, he finds himself truly feeling hopeless during the cave-in event, where he has a panic attack and is talked through it by the ShadowClan medicine cat apprentice, Magpiepaw.

    Slate saves a WindClan apprentice from a badger attack. He also happens upon the scene of Little Wolf's death, where he promptly scolds his apprentice Cherrypaw for venturing off on her own in the first place.
  • Code:
    [tab=INFO][font=verdana][size=3][fleft][img][/img][/fleft][quote]✰ [color=#768a94][b]SLATE[/b][/color]
    [font=arial]——[/font] he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    [font=arial]——[/font] bisexual; single; not looking
    [font=arial]——[/font] hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    [font=arial]——[/font] [color=#768a94][b]"speech"[/b][/color], [color=#768a94][i]thoughts[/i][/color], [u]attack[/u]
    [font=arial]——[/font] [url='']link to full tags[/url]; @ on discord for plots.
    [font=arial]——[/font] penned by beatles[/quote][/size][quote][/quote][/font][quote][/quote]
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  • THEIR STORY: One would probably not use the term "true love" to describe the relationship between Snakehiss and Berrysnap. In fact, there is nothing romantic between them at all, aside from hidden agendas and motivations. How they came to be is a combination of possibilities — Berrysnap perhaps wanting the status of being the newly-named deputy's mate, Snakehiss wanting a new partner to show off after he had been so humiliatingly dumped by Cottonfang ( WindClan's medicine cat apprentice and who he had been promised to become mates with when the time came ). Plus, Snakehiss had wanted to meet the familial expectations of taking a mate and raising a family as soon as he possibly could. However, neither Snakehiss nor Berrysnap had anticipated kits so soon after they had made their relationship official.

    Snakehiss, expecting to raise his children in the new era of loyalist WindClan under Sootstar's iron rule with a mate he did not even love, will soon have his entire world flipped upside down as the WindClan rebels plan their retaliation and eventually drive Sootstar's followers out of the moors — including pregnant Berrysnap. Although Snakehiss will choose to remain loyal to his home at the last moment, he will continue to think about Berrysnap and the kits he never got to meet... or so he believes.

    SLOTS: may change based on interest!
    — open
    — open
    — open ( will be staying in duskclan )
  • — The application is FFA and is expected to provide basic information, including realistic genetics provided in this post. Please note if you'd like your application to be considered for a WindClan slot, DuskClan slot, or either!
    — Although the number of slots may fluctuate based on interest, one kit will remain behind in the Sootstar loyalist-founded DuskClan. This is a great opportunity for roleplayers who may want a very casual character + there will be chances for future interactions between DuskClan and WindClan as well ( meaning... Snakehiss may end up meeting them! )
    — All activity levels are welcome for this litter as long as the character is active enough to remain on WindClan's census ( activity expectations may differ for the DuskClan kit but they will at least be expected to participate in DuskClan plots ). Slots may be rehomed after a month of inactivity without prior notice. Please communicate with either Beatles or Halimede if you are going to be inactive or if you are no longer interested in your slot.
    — Despite Snakehiss' inexperience and flaws, the WindClan kits should generally feel cared for by their clan. The DuskClan kit may have a different experience depending on the environment of the group and it should be noted that Berrysnap is also inexperienced and flawed as a parent.
    — Any disabilities and birth defects must be played realistically and respectfully.
    — Kits are expected to stay in WindClan until adulthood unless a plot calls for otherwise. The DuskClan kit may be able to leave DuskClan if discussed/plotted out. Please do not kill them off without warning and prior discussion.
    — Application will close on 02/14 and slots will be chosen on 02/16. Kittens will be born and ICly brought to WindClan shortly after!
  • Sire: SH black w/ low white (carrying longhair)
    Dam: SH tortoiseshell w/ low white

    — Toms can be black or red tabby
    — She-cats can be black or tortoiseshell
    — kits will be shorthaired
    — kits can have no white, low white, or high white
    — kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
    — red-based kits will mask black
    — kits may or may not carry longhair

    — cousins (1x removed) to whitepaw
  • — Having multiple name options is preferred. Feel free to DM us if you have a name idea that is not on the list, although we would prefer a list name overall!
    — More than likely, the DuskClan kit will have a rogue/singular name rather than a name with a suffix (i.e. instead of being examplekit, they will just be example)

    SNAKEHISS' NAMING LIST: — In honor of: Snake, Venom, Viper ( his grandfather/himself ), Shade, Dark ( his father ), Rose, Puddle, Flower, Bloom, Blossom ( his mother )
    — After the moors: Plover, Gale, Zephyr, Mist, Misty, Dew, Osprey, Privet, Hare, Gorse, Fleet, Swift, Running, Lavender, Furze, Grouse
    — Appearance-based: Black, Night, Crow, Raven, Patch, Russet, Ginger, Rowan, Dapple, Dappled, Long, Tall, Sorrel
    — Misc: Dawn, Evening, Wasp, Hornet, Rook, Valerian, Wisteria, Violet, Ivy, Sharp, Lily
    — No-nos: any prefixes already in use in WindClan, Soot, Badger, connotations relating to other clans ( with the exception of Shade, Dark )

    BERRYSNAP'S NAMING LIST: — Ash, Ashen, Bat, Bear, Blizzard, Boulder, Bracken, Bramble, Breeze, Bristle, Brook, Buck, Burdock, Buzzard, Claw, Cliff, Cougar, Crescent, Crow, Dawn, Falcon, Fallow, Fire, Flame, Flint, Fox, Frost, Gale, Ginger, Hail, Hare, Hart, Hawk, Hemlock, Hickory, Holly, Hornet, Hound, Iris, Ivy, Jackdaw, Jagged, Jay, Juniper, Kestrel, Laurel, Leech, Lichen, Lion, Lynx, Needle, Nettle, Night, Osprey, Quill, Raven, Rock, Rook, Rowan, Scar, Sharp, Shred, Sleet, Smoke, Sorrel, Spider, Spike, Stag, Starling, Stone, Storm, Strike, Talon, Thistle, Thorn, Tiger, Valerian, Venom, Violet, Wasp, Willow, Wolf, Wren, Zephyr
Last edited:

Lead Warrior
He / Him
31 Moons
  • longhaired black maine coon with amber eyes. Slate is a purebred Maine Coon and is hefty, weighing approximately 20 lbs and standing 15 inches at the shoulder. He has long charcoal-black fur with a rusted underbelly and wisps of tan on the tips of his belly fur. He has amber-colored eyes that are comparable to the flicker of a steady flame. He possesses many scars scattered across his body, though namely two across the bridge of his nose, a torn right ear, and a long scar along his right eye. Slate also has a folded left ear due to an ear mite infestation, which has since been treated by twolegs. Descended from show cat parents, his features are quite handsome and sharp.
    ⤷ genetically LH black maine coon. toyhouse.

    resourceful / driven / competitive / reserved / aloof / awkward / sarcastic / stubborn / aggressive / hypocritical / domineering / distrustful. Once a street cat living with no sense of honor or integrity, clan life is truly forging Slate's character and unearthing traits that he previously thought himself incapable of. He is finding himself a bit of a strategist, someone who won't back down and wants to succeed at everything he does. He is driven to work and complete tasks and missions and doesn't enjoy messing around on the job.

    Socially, he is pretty reserved and offers little words to most, keeping others at arm's length. Rarely does he loosen up, especially around those he doesn't know well. Since he tends to be so focused on his job, he comes off as distant and usually takes some time to truly warm up to others. However, he is quick to unleash sarcasm onto just about anybody. Straight to the point, as he doesn't prefer to sugarcoat things or beat around the bush, which makes him come off as blunt.

    Morally ambiguous. He is unopposed to siding with "good" or "bad"; ultimately he will support whatever benefits/appeals to him. Although he supports individuals and their agendas rather than specific alignments, he is more likely to agree with more strong-willed and iron-fisted leaders. However, distrust and wariness of authority figures have arisen within him for personal reasons. It is rare for him to wholeheartedly pledge his loyalty to anyone.

    Slate has a short fuse and will lash out if provoked (which doesn't take much). He is often quick to argue and even violence in order to solve his problems. He is rarely apologetic and is incredibly stubborn, though when he is sincere he tends to be uncomfortable simply because he's not used to acknowledging his emotions or making amends. He is not used to being shown patience or gentleness and reacts awkwardly when done so.

    Due to feeling manipulated/not feeling in control during his youth, Slate can be incredibly controlling over other people. He is very adamant about ultimately being his own boss and, although he may work under a leader, he will only obey orders if they suit him. Slate may have the capacity to be very ambitious and power-hungry as well if given the opportunity.

    He is a hypocrite, holding others to a standard that he doesn't hold himself to; will be quick to judge others but will turn around and do the exact same thing, except he'll find a way to justify his actions. Wants to believe that he's always in the right and gets ruffled when he's called out on it.

    Slate is very loyal to those who he forms bonds with and would perhaps even sacrifice his life for them, though such individuals are few and far between. Somewhere in his heart, he has the potential to be a loving and genuine man, though rarely shows such qualities as he is lonesome and detached from other people.


    MENTORING Cherrypaw
    ADMIRES Orangeblossom, Blazestar
    DISLIKES Bobbie, Sweetybee, Silversmoke
    NOTABLE ENEMIES Cygnetstare


    Incredibly difficult to gain his trust and does not fall in love easily
    SMELLS OF Pine needles and bark
    SOUNDS LIKE Matthew Daddario
    speech is #d77405

  • [ KITHOOD ] Born to two purebred Maine Coon parents named Rocky and Brook alongside his littermate named Clover. Pampered and doted upon, Slate and his sibling were always told that they were highly desired by twolegs and were born to be pets who were admired for their looks. Wanting a more fulfilling life for himself, Slate ran away from his adopted twolegs to live the life of a "wild cat".

    [ THE STREETS / ADOLESCENCE-YOUNG ADULTHOOD ] Overwhelmed by the outside world and after nearly being run over by a monster, Slate joined up with a pair of rogues and learned street survival skills from them, including how to hunt rats, fight other cats, and outwit predators. They were apart of a rogue group called The Blackguards, which Slate was a part of by association.

    One day his "mentors", out of selfish desperation, literally threw Slate to the hounds as bait. Only eight months old, he managed to escape with a few scars and lived on his own from then on. He met a Pine Colony cat named Orange Blossom a few months later and began a casual situationship with her, though he stopped seeing her when they began to grow too close.

    Slate met another rogue named Silver and scrapped with him over a mouse, which ended in him nearly taking Silver's right eye.

    [ WARRIORHOOD - YOUNG ADULTHOOD ] After living in the twolegplace as an aggressive rogue for years, he shows up on SkyClan's borders and is vouched for by his brother, Cloverjaw. He reunited with Silversmoke, refueling a long-standing rivalry from before the creation of the clans. Not long after Slate joins, he participates in a battle against WindClan and witnesses Blazestar lose a life.

    Slate aids a small patrol in driving out a fox from SkyClan's territory, though the tip of his right ear is torn off. A murderous rogue named Kuiper is put on trial, where Slate and several others speak out against his heinous crimes.

    Weeks after multiple cats have been taken from SkyClan's territory by twolegs, Silversmoke and Slate get into a heated argument and near-altercation before being interrupted by a stray dog. Not long after, Slate himself is trapped by twolegs and taken away to the shelter.

    After a moon spent in the shelter, Slate and the other SkyClanners are freed and return to camp. In the following meeting, Blazestar apprentices Howlpaw to Slate and promotes him to Lead Warrior.

    An attack from WindClan occurs at random, and Slate battles a warrior named Cygnetstare. They engage in a proper scuffle, and although WindClan technically wins the fight, Slate has nearly torn her throat out.

    Slate gets into an argument with Bobbie and Sweetybee when Fantastream brings toy mice into camp. He voices his concerns about the way that SkyClan handles joiners, especially kittypet joiners, in a council meeting. Unexpectedly, and begrudgingly, Slate takes on Cherrypaw as his new apprentice.

    Yellowcough plagues the clans, and when Blazestar makes a call for volunteers to embark on a dangerous journey to find the cure, Slate offers himself in a perhaps surprising turn of events.
  • 67445575_Soy4ojBd3SyciIt.png

    [tab=INFO][font=verdana][size=3][fleft][img][/img][/fleft][quote]✰ [color=#d77405][b]SLATE[/b][/color]
    [font=arial]——[/font] he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    [font=arial]——[/font] bisexual; single; not looking
    [font=arial]——[/font] hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    [font=arial]——[/font] [color=#d77405][b]"speech"[/b][/color], [color=#d77405][i]thoughts[/i][/color], [u]attack[/u]
    [font=arial]——[/font] [url='']link to full tags[/url]; @ on discord for plots.
    [font=arial]——[/font] penned by beatles[/size][/font][/quote][/tab]

  • rXFCH3a.png

    SNAKEKIT SNAKEPAW SNAKEHISS ; a family name that he bears proudly
    description here
    ⤷ named after his grandfather, snake.
    — cis male; he/him
    — warrior ( moor runner ) of windclan, loyal to the moors and his kin
    — 13 moons / created 2.20.23 / ages on the 1st
    — penned by beatles; HEARTCHART ; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST
  • rXFCH3a.png

    A void of a cat with emerald green eyes that can appear to pierce right through your soul. Snakehiss has short, black fur with only one white splotch across his chest. A sneer is ever-present on his sharp and defined features. He has a thin-legged and slender stature, though not overly scrawny. He is about average height. Snakehiss has healed bite marks from a fox on his right front leg.
  • rXFCH3a.png

    — Snakehiss is widely known for being a bully, plain and simple. With prejudice and self-importance hammered into his brain starting at a young age, he thinks himself above many of his clanmates and of course those from other clans. He is not afraid to call others out on their flaws to try and make them feel bad about themselves (which, in turn, only makes him feel better about himself). Snakehiss relishes the feeling of hovering near the top of the social ladder, so to speak, so he does not take any attempts to besmirch his reputation lightly.

    — Often overlooked by others is Snakehiss' brilliance and intelligence. He has a knack for problem-solving, offering solutions that seem reasonable and logical through his eyes all while avoiding letting emotion cloud his judgment. He may not be the most brutal fighter but he knows where his strengths lie and uses them to his advantage. This also applies on a mental level as well, as Snakehiss will utilize manipulation and deceit in order to persuade others and get what he wants. He makes mental notes about others, including weaknesses and rumors and secrets, to use against them at a later date if need be.

    — Cunning and ambition make for an almost dangerous determination to succeed. Pressured to bring glory to his bloodline and make his parents proud, Snakehiss grasps at all opportunities to prove his worth and rise above his clanmates (even if it means putting others down). With his ultimate goal of becoming an infamous and feared WindClan leader, Snakehiss is quick to make a grab for leadership roles in group settings if only to catch the eyes of his superiors. He also enjoys the thrill of competition, arrogant and egotistical when he is in a position of winning, and peeved and sulky when he doesn't get his way.

    — Hidden beneath his spiky exterior is a coward, a scared kit forced to mature far too quickly and abandon any childlike curiosities. Having witnessed plenty of violence and bloodshed as a kit and young apprentice, the concept of death and dying and the afterlife weigh on him almost daily. He fears anything to do with death — how it's going to feel, life's essence draining from his earthly vessel, being forgotten by the living and disregarded as just another pawn (thus his goal to forge a legacy for himself and his family).

    mannerisms blah blah blah
  • rXFCH3a.png

    SOUNDS LIKE: draco malfoy
    SMELLS LIKE: petrichor and wild grass
    speech is #427f56

    SHADOWSIGHT xx ROSEPOOL paternal cousin to whitepaw | mentored by badgermoon
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: heatherpaw, cottonpaw
    TOLERATES: bluepool, mintshade
    DISLIKES: other clans, wolfsong, azaleafrost, foxglare, addervenom, milkpaw, goldenstrike
    NOTABLE ENEMIES: everyone
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    ► SONG NAME - artist
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    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist

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    [ KITHOOD ] Born to two proud doting parents, Shadowsight and Rosepool. Snakekit was raised to be prejudiced against those with outsider blood, though mostly rogues and kittypets. His lineage also consists of moor cats who roamed the hills long before WindClan, which he is very proud of.

    [ APPRENTICESHIP ] Not too long into his apprenticeship, Snakepaw was reassigned to Badgermoon. He participated in his first battle against RiverClan following the murder of Juniperfrost. After saying mean comments toward Sunflowerpaw, he was punished by Wolfsong, thus creating resentment toward the Lead Warrior. His father was not pleased.

    After months of practice, Snakepaw finally catches his first rabbit. Another milestone is visiting the Moonstone and baring witness to StarClan's presence with his bare eyes. However, his training progress is interrupted when a fox injures his arm while he's out with Sedgepaw.

    Snakepaw heals in time and is discharged from the medicine den with only a moon left to complete his training. He harbors a growing resentment toward his mentor, Badgermoon, for focusing on his new family and gives him the cold shoulder with a vow to keep the deputy at a distance. Feeling isolated from most cats, Snakepaw turns to like-minded apprentice Heatherpaw in hopes of an alliance.

    Speaking of seeking connections with his peers, Snakepaw also kindles a friendly relationship with Cottonpaw during the last few weeks of his apprenticehood.

    [ WARRIORHOOD - YOUNG ADULTHOOD ] Snakepaw is given his warrior name, Snakehiss.

    Yellowcough falls upon the clans. When it is time to recruit volunteers for the StarClan-sponsored journey to find lungwort, Snakehiss volunteers himself immediately in order to look good in front of the clan. Sootstar turns him down, claiming that he needs to stay behind to defend the camp, which disappoints and frustrates him.

    Not too long after, Badgermoon and Curlewnose flee the clan after Sootstar claims they attacked her. In utter disbelief, shaken to his core, Snakehiss gives himself little time to process these developments and instead offers to pursue the traitors.

    His mother, Rosepool, shows symptoms of Yellowcough and is taken to quarantine. She quickly succumbs to her illness and dies, leaving Snakehiss feeling distraught and helpless. He looks to StarClan, pleading for answers.
  • Code:
    [tab=INFO][font=verdana][size=3][fleft][img height=160px][/img][/fleft][quote]✰ [color=#427f56][b]SNAKEHISS[/b][/color]
    [font=arial]——[/font] he/him; warrior ( moor runner ) of windclan
    [font=arial]——[/font] bisexual; single; not looking
    [font=arial]——[/font] long-limbed black tom with green eyes, a small white chest patch, and a notable bite mark on his right foreleg
    [font=arial]——[/font] [color=#427f56][b]"speech"[/b][/color], [color=#427f56][i]thoughts[/i][/color], [u]attack[/u]
    [font=arial]——[/font] [url='']link to full tags[/url]; @ on discord for plots.
    [font=arial]——[/font] penned by beatles[/size][/font][/quote][/tab]

He / Him
12 Moons
    shorthaired black cat with white chest patch and with green eyes.
    ⤷ SH black tom with low white; carries longhair / toyhouse.

    A void of a cat with emerald green eyes that can appear to pierce right through your soul. Snakehiss has short, black fur with only one white splotch across his chest. A sneer is ever-present on his sharp and defined features. He has a thin-legged and slender stature, though not overly scrawny. He is about average height. Snakehiss has healed bite marks from a fox on his right front leg.

    alert, dramatic, intelligent, ambitious, calculating, proud, judgmental, cowardly, arrogant, self-important, cunning
    ISTJ-A "the logistician" / jerkass / big bad wannabe / the bully

    — Snakehiss is widely known for being a bully, plain and simple. With prejudice and self-importance hammered into his brain starting at a young age, he thinks himself above many of his clanmates and of course those from other clans. He is not afraid to call others out on their flaws to try and make them feel bad about themselves (which, in turn, only makes him feel better about himself). Snakehiss relishes the feeling of hovering near the top of the social ladder, so to speak, so he does not take any attempts to besmirch his reputation lightly.

    — Often overlooked by others is Snakehiss' brilliance and intelligence. He has a knack for problem-solving, offering solutions that seem reasonable and logical through his eyes all while avoiding letting emotion cloud his judgment. He may not be the most brutal fighter but he knows where his strengths lie and uses them to his advantage. This also applies on a mental level as well, as Snakehiss will utilize manipulation and deceit in order to persuade others and get what he wants. He makes mental notes about others, including weaknesses and rumors and secrets, to use against them at a later date if need be.

    — Cunning and ambition make for an almost dangerous determination to succeed. Pressured to bring glory to his bloodline and make his parents proud, Snakehiss grasps at all opportunities to prove his worth and rise above his clanmates (even if it means putting others down). With his ultimate goal of becoming an infamous and feared WindClan leader, Snakehiss is quick to make a grab for leadership roles in group settings if only to catch the eyes of his superiors. He also enjoys the thrill of competition, arrogant and egotistical when he is in a position of winning, and peeved and sulky when he doesn't get his way.

    — Hidden beneath his spiky exterior is a coward, a scared kit forced to mature far too quickly and abandon any childlike curiosities. Having witnessed plenty of violence and bloodshed as a kit and young apprentice, the concept of death and dying and the afterlife weigh on him almost daily. He fears anything to do with death — how it's going to feel, life's essence draining from his earthly vessel, being forgotten by the living and disregarded as just another pawn (thus his goal to forge a legacy for himself and his family).

    MENTORED BY Badgermoon
    ADMIRES Shadowsight, Sootstar (to an extent)
    NOTABLE FRIENDSHIPS Heatherpaw, Cottonpaw
    DISLIKES Other clans, Wolfsong, Azaleafrost, Foxglare, Addervenom, Milkpaw, Goldenstrike


    Does not trust easily, may crush somewhat easily but likely won't flaunt it
    SMELLS OF Petrichor and wild grass
    SOUNDS LIKE Draco Malfoy
    speech is #427f56

    [ KITHOOD ] Born to two proud doting parents, Shadowsight and Rosepool. Snakekit was raised to be prejudiced against those with outsider blood, though mostly rogues and kittypets. His lineage also consists of moor cats who roamed the hills long before WindClan, which he is very proud of.

    [ APPRENTICESHIP ] Not too long into his apprenticeship, Snakepaw was reassigned to Badgermoon. He participated in his first battle against RiverClan following the murder of Juniperfrost. After saying mean comments toward Sunflowerpaw, he was punished by Wolfsong, thus creating resentment toward the Lead Warrior. His father was not pleased.

    After months of practice, Snakepaw finally catches his first rabbit. Another milestone is visiting the Moonstone and baring witness to StarClan's presence with his bare eyes. However, his training progress is interrupted when a fox injures his arm while he's out with Sedgepaw.

    Snakepaw heals in time and is discharged from the medicine den with only a moon left to complete his training. He harbors a growing resentment toward his mentor, Badgermoon, for focusing on his new family and gives him the cold shoulder with a vow to keep the deputy at a distance. Feeling isolated from most cats, Snakepaw turns to like-minded apprentice Heatherpaw in hopes of an alliance.

    Speaking of seeking connections with his peers, Snakepaw also kindles a friendly relationship with Cottonpaw during the last few weeks of his apprenticehood.

    Snakepaw is given his warrior name, Snakehiss.

    Yellowcough falls upon the clans. When it is time to recruit volunteers for the StarClan-sponsored journey to find lungwort, Snakehiss volunteers himself immediately in order to look good in front of the clan. Sootstar turns him down, claiming that he needs to stay behind to defend the camp, which disappoints and frustrates him.

    Not too long after, Badgermoon and Curlewnose flee the clan after Sootstar claims they attacked her. In utter disbelief, shaken to his core, Snakehiss gives himself little time to process these developments and instead offers to pursue the traitors.

    His mother, Rosepool, shows symptoms of Yellowcough and is taken to quarantine. She quickly succumbs to her illness and dies, leaving Snakehiss feeling distraught and helpless. He looks to StarClan, pleading for answers.
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    [tab=INFO][font=verdana][size=3][fleft][img height=160px][/img][/fleft][quote]✰ [color=#427f56][b]SNAKEHISS[/b][/color]
    [font=arial]——[/font] he/him; warrior ( moor runner ) of windclan
    [font=arial]——[/font] bisexual; single; not looking
    [font=arial]——[/font] long-limbed black tom with green eyes, a small white chest patch, and a notable bite mark on his right foreleg
    [font=arial]——[/font] [color=#427f56][b]"speech"[/b][/color], [color=#427f56][i]thoughts[/i][/color], [u]attack[/u]
    [font=arial]——[/font] [url='']link to full tags[/url]; @ on discord for plots.
    [font=arial]——[/font] penned by beatles[/size][/font][/quote][/tab]

He / Him
25 Moons
    longhaired red tabby tom with pale green eyes. An orange tabby tom, standing at a height slightly above average. He has pale green eyes. Dark orange stripes grace his pelt while white-cream colors highlight his underside, muzzle, and eyes. His fur is long and wispy, and his tail in particular is extremely fluffy akin to a rooster's feathers.
    ⤷ genetically LH red tabby tom. toyhouse.

    loyal / dutiful / friendly / fun-loving / empathetic / charming / introverted / distracted / competitive / cautious / emotional / insecure / overthinking / resentful. Loyal and dedicated to his clan but will ultimately stand up for what is morally correct. Not the definition of a "typical ShadowClanner" - he does not hunger for battle nor is he arrogant or overly proud. A talented fighter, although he hesitates to spar with unsheathed claws or go through with any risky maneuvers. Was often teased and called "Chicken" growing up because of his cowardice but has been working on pushing himself more and facing his fears.

    Can become unfocused and carried away by personal emotions which occasionally affects his duties as a warrior. Tends to overthink things especially while under pressure. In order to distract from personal troubles, he converses and spends a lot of time with friends. He likes games, friendly competitions, and leisurely outings and is definitely known to be one of the more fun-loving clanmates. Roosterstrut does have a strong sense of duty though and doesn't slack off.

    Although he is technically an introvert and needs his time to reflect and recharge, Roosterstrut enjoys making friends and being in good company. A bit of a charmer though doesn't push others past their limits. A really loyal and genuine person to have on your side.
    GEN 1. GOOSE xx SWAN. LITTERMATE TO Quailsong. COUSIN TO Honeypaw.

    ADMIRES Sabletuft, Rainecho, Ferndance
    NOTABLE FRIENDSHIPS Ferndance, Rainecho, Betonyfrost (it's complicated), Comfreypaw


    Easy to gain trust and catches feelings somewhat easily
    SMELLS OF Pine needles and dried mud
    SOUNDS LIKE Miles Teller
    speech is #92a47d

    [ KITHOOD ] Born into the Marsh Colony to two former loners, Goose and Swan, with his littermate Quail. When Rooster was around four moons old, his father Goose was slain by a fox while out on patrol with two other cats - Smogmaw and Heavybranch. His death traumatized young Rooster and it took him a while to grieve and cope with this loss. He also bonds with another kitten, Betony, around this time and sticks close to her.

    [ADOLESCENCE] Had a generally normal upbringing after Goose's death and was raised by Swan alone, though found another older figure to look up to, Fern. Had a friendly rivalry with a fellow Marsh Grouper around his age, Rain.

    At around eleven moons of age, the Great Battle descends upon the forest and he participates, coming out of the fight alive and having witnessed StarClan's presence with his own eyes. From then on, Rooster becomes a strong believer in the starry ancestors.

    His sister, Quail, decides to join ThunderClan once the clans are formed. Saddened, Rooster remains supportive of his sibling and pledges to catch up with her whenever he can.

    [ WARRIORHOOD - YOUNG ADULTHOOD ] Out of desperation, Pitchstar sends hunting patrols to ThunderClan's territory in order to secure food for starving ShadowClanners. On one of these secret patrols, which Roosterstrut himself is leading, they are caught and he calls for a retreat soon after the fighting begins.

    Newleaf descends upon the forest and melts the snow away, allowing for prey to flourish in the marshes again. Chilledstar has taken the reigns and approaches Roosterstrut not long after their nine lives ceremony, revealing to him that Goose had given them a life and spoke with them.

    Once bears ravage camp and drive the cats to the tunnels, plans to get their camp back begin to formulate between the desperate and misplaced ShadowClanners. What begins as a productive discussion quickly spirals into a physical altercation between Smogmaw and Roosterstrut as the deputy antagonizes him, especially striking a nerve by bringing up his late father.

    Roosterstrut is chosen to be on the patrol that drives the bears out of camp once and for all, which is successful and leads to ShadowClan returning home to rebuild.

    When Yellowcough sweeps over the clans, Roosterstrut falls victim to it and is unable to be treated due to the lack of lungwort supply.
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    [tab=INFO][font=verdana][size=3][fleft][img height=160px][/img][/fleft][quote]✰ [color=#92a47d][b]ROOSTERSTRUT[/b][/color]
    [font=arial]——[/font] he/him; warrior of shadowclan
    [font=arial]——[/font] heteroflexible; single
    [font=arial]——[/font] red tabby tom with long hair and pale green eyes
    [font=arial]——[/font] [color=#92a47d][b]"speech"[/b][/color], [color=#92a47d][i]thoughts[/i][/color], [u]attack[/u]
    [font=arial]——[/font] [url='']link to full tags[/url]; @ on discord for plots.
    [font=arial]——[/font] penned by beatles[/quote][/size][quote][/quote][/font][quote][/quote][/tab]
Last edited:
〕Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum commodo bibendum orci vitae ornare. Maecenas commodo orci ac elementum facilisis. Donec mattis lacus quis dignissim consectetur. Nam congue lacus non dignissim semper. Vestibulum erat mi, congue non maximus a, tristique non orci. Nullam imperdiet metus sed turpis convallis sodales. "Donec in ligula id arcu dapibus ultrices vulputate sit amet ipsum. In quis mi et purus tempus pretium. Curabitur magna ligula, interdum quis mauris nec, lacinia aliquet dolor. " Fusce et facilisis augue. Sed consectetur elit vel dignissim semper. Nam consequat ex nec turpis posuere, vel feugiat nibh scelerisque. Vivamus vehicula eget nisi quis ullamcorper. Donec in ligula id arcu dapibus ultrices vulputate sit amet ipsum. In quis mi et purus tempus pretium. Curabitur magna ligula, interdum quis mauris nec, lacinia aliquet dolor. Sed ornare suscipit elit sed lacinia. Fusce vestibulum interdum massa, varius vehicula diam consectetur non. Donec tincidunt magna id augue sodales, ac ultricies enim gravida.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum commodo bibendum orci vitae ornare. Maecenas commodo orci ac elementum facilisis. Donec mattis lacus quis dignissim consectetur. Nam congue lacus non dignissim semper. Vestibulum erat mi, congue non maximus a, tristique non orci. Nullam imperdiet metus sed turpis convallis sodales. "Donec in ligula id arcu dapibus ultrices vulputate sit amet ipsum. In quis mi et purus tempus pretium. Curabitur magna ligula, interdum quis mauris nec, lacinia aliquet dolor." Fusce et facilisis augue. Sed consectetur elit vel dignissim semper. Nam consequat ex nec turpis posuere, vel feugiat nibh scelerisque. Vivamus vehicula eget nisi quis ullamcorper. Donec in ligula id arcu dapibus ultrices vulputate sit amet ipsum. In quis mi et purus tempus pretium. Curabitur magna ligula, interdum quis mauris nec, lacinia aliquet dolor. Sed ornare suscipit elit sed lacinia. Fusce vestibulum interdum massa, varius vehicula diam consectetur non. Donec tincidunt magna id augue sodales, ac ultricies enim gravida.

  • ooc.
  • SLATE —— lead warrior of skyclan , mentoring coffeepaw ✦ penned by beatles
    cismale / he/him pronouns / 39 moons & ages every 1st
    single / bisexual & monogamous / closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— hard combat difficulty & weak to agile, quick fighters / will start fights, will kill if necessary

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are ic
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 81989570_qOt9GUlhGgQcrtn.png

    a scarred longhaired maine coon with amber eyes. a large, 20lb tom with thick locks of fur. his chest and underbelly is ruddy from sun exposure. notable scars decorate his face and his ears are both torn with one being folded over.